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god bless you all this is dr lovey elias and i am so happy and excited i am joined by the most amazing daughter in the universe ruthie ruth she's she's one of the most intelligent human beings i know and we are going to have such an amazing time in the presence of the lord so i want you to share this let somebody know that we'll let somebody know and remember this is the last week we are streaming on facebook so thursday will be the last time we are streaming on facebook after prophetic service no more streams on facebook if you want to hear my teaching if you want to know what we are doing go to youtube or to rumble and subscribe there and you will see videos and you'll be able to follow up with what we are doing by beginning thursday it will be the last time we are streaming on facebook and don't forget there will be a powerful prophetic service this thursday it's going to be such a wonderful time in the presence of god you do not want to miss it hallelujah so tonight it's all about or should i say on today it's going to be about intimacy i want you to share this as many times as you can let somebody know that we'll let somebody know so that uh we can really dig into this so that you can benefit from your relationship with god so that you can you can really grow with god you know the misconception is that when you pray you receive but the truth is it's intimacy that gives you everything from god not just from god but even in life amen hallelujah so i want you to share this as many times as you can as many times as you can and i believe that god is going to take us to a whole deep dimension and i believe that your lives will change and it will change forever amen glory be to jesus glory be to jesus the lord is so good well are you ready for this yes i feel like this is going to be fun i'm going to take off my glasses like you have years off okay you just say okay introduce yourself rude tell that just introduce yourself they are all watching you say something greet people before we start uh my name is i don't know which camera my name is ruth hi everybody privilege to be here so glad to be with you all i don't know i grew up in the bay area down here ucla grad hi everybody [Music] [Applause] i feel the spirit of boaz is looking for you but amen i received so listen to me children of god understanding intimacy understanding intimacy it is so bad because believers have been taught something completely different concerning intimacy intimacy with god i promise you 98 of believers don't know what intimacy with god is being born again doesn't mean you're intimate with god i'll say that again being born again doesn't mean you're intimate with god being filled with the holy spirit doesn't mean you're intimate with god spending time in fasting doesn't mean you're intimate with god spending time in giving doesn't mean you're intimate with god none of these things are intimacy with god i'll say it again none of these things are intimacy with god zero that's deep help us because if you don't know what intimacy is it means that you are with god but you are acquaintances but you are not intimate that's good again let me push a little deeper before i say that again when a man goes on the street and finds a prostitute and lays with her they are intimate but there is no intimacy they have seen each other beyond the clothes they have laid together but there is no intimacy so you can have sex without intimacy i feel like i'm talking to myself or maybe this is not a topic for right now relevant teaching you're teaching here for today for sure you can have sex and not be intimate right like especially unfortunately women experience this more than men whereby somebody can be pursuing you pursuing you pursuing you but they are not trying to really know you they are just trying to know how to get to you so christians are like that guy who is trying to find a way to take advantage of god but not to know god many of you are trying to rape god oh wow [Music] maybe i'm saying too much i should stop no no teaching good i'm being honest with you can i be honest you see i am not a rapist but i'm going to try to explain this a little bit if you look at every rape case the rapist is not caring about how the victim is going to feel they are just seeking to satisfy themselves right yeah true so if you're somebody who is seeking to satisfy yourself and you don't know what satisfies god you're not intimate you're trying to rape god that's not good jesus majority of christians i'm telling you before do you realize that the bib god called the children of israel prostitutes yes yes this is true god called them prostitutes he said you're like prostitutes you're like carlots you're sleeping with that person sleeping with that person sleeping with that person and then you're trying to sleep with me jesus this is god speaking and he's using an example of a harlot yes yes guys are you listening to me we're catching the lord god almighty is using an example of a harlot to describe believers not unbelievers believers he's saying you are like prostitutes you are not faithful to me because if you notice if you read the ten commandments immediately you understand that god is treating this you see when we talk about our relationship with god we don't understand the way god set up the relationship to look like he set it up to look like a relationship between a man and a woman yeah that's good he began to say by saying know this your god is a jealous god i am extremely jealous i'm gonna tell you right now you wanna be in a relationship with me i am completely unrepentantly jealous it means i am always watching if you are checking other people out i am always watching if you really love me with everything that you have noticed what god is saying love me with all your heart with all your strength with all your might with all your mind god is demanding because he knows what intimacy is if i am going to love ruth with all my heart with all my strength with all my mind it means that i am using every single aspect of my being to know you so i can please you you see you cannot have intimacy unless you know how to please if you don't know how to please you are rapists you are forcing yourself on god so that you can get something but you are not trying to do something so that you can satisfy god so that god can give you what he wants to give you do you know why so many people don't know what god is thinking concerning them do you know why so many people cannot know the secrets that the mind the desires that god wants to do for them is because of one thing they're not intimate they've been trying to rape god so god is looking at them like gold diggers you want to be with me so you can benefit from me but you're not trying to satisfy me there is no relationship that is a one-way street all right i think i'm gonna go offline because because people are not sharing people or not i don't know if people are here anymore you see like the guy yesterday was talking about fasting is intimacy with god let me ask you a question when you fast who's benefiting you oh god you are fasting has nothing to do with god do you realize that every every not nothing to do with god in in the sense of it doesn't benefit god fasting doesn't benefit god fasting doesn't change god fasting doesn't even draw god close to you fasting is i am forsaking my flesh in order to receive what is spiritual when you fast you are it's like you're taking off clothes so that your spirit can come forward the reason why people have spiritual experiences when they fast it's because they are taking off the flesh and they are migrating all their senses and everything about them in their spirit so whenever you enter into the spirit you will have an encounter not because you are close to god but because you have separated from the flesh if you go to every spiritual tradition they all fast go to hindus they fast go to muslims they fast go to to even the occult they everybody fasts because they understand fasting is simply putting off the flesh for spiritual reasons but fasting doesn't say it's pleasing to god remember the children of israel were trying to fast and god came to them and told them is this the fast that i ordained for you it means there is an ordained fast for believers it is not just abstaining from food but if you fast you ought to do something to please god so that you are doing what he has ordained but if you fast he doesn't benefit god he doesn't change god's mind he doesn't do anything fasting does not change god it changes you you are the one who is changing not him he's the same forever i feel like people cannot hear me are you sure you can hear me fasting is simply putting away food so that you can okay let me let me say it this way fasting is about eating it's not about abstaining from food let me see it and say it in this way so that you can understand fasting is about what are you eating when you're not eating food so if i abstain from physical food am i eating spiritual food but even eating even eating that spiritual food doesn't do anything for god it does everything for you when you pray to god you are not benefiting god you are the one who is asking for stuff 90 of prayer is focused on you not even on god help us father protect me father bless me father make me to know you better why many of you won't be able to answer it because i just want to know you why because the intimate thing is that you have your version of thinking you're close to god yet you're not there are some people god turned his back on them because they thought they were pleasing god yet they were not wow if you go to genesis chapter 3 genesis chapter 3 you see the first person who failed in being intimate with god hallelujah no actually uh chapter 4 genesis chapter 4 genesis chapter 4 from verse 1. genesis chapter 4 verse 1 and adam knew eve his wife and she conceived and bear cain and said i have gotten a man from the lord and she again bear his brother abel and abel was a keeper of sheep yes but cain was a tiller of the ground and in the process of time it came to pass that cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the lord and abel he also brought of the firstling of his flock and of the fat thereof and the lord hath respect on abel unto abel and to his offering but unto cain and to his offering he had not respect and cain was very roth and his countenance fell and the lord said unto cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted stop right there notice they both brought the first links of whatever they were doing one was a farmer one was a herdsmen or one was a shepherd can i explain this spiritually let me decode this cain is a shepherd no who was the shepherd abel o'cain abel abel was the shepherd okay and cain was the one working in the fields abel brought one of his fastlane he brought even the fat of the me of the whatever of the of the of the sheep and burnt it before god and god was extremely pleased cain also brought the first of his crops brought whatever he had and he brought it before god and he was rejected but notice all of them have a relationship with god but one knows what god likes and the other one knows not what god likes [Music] listen carefully let it put let's put it in today's terms one is looking after the flock one is an evangelist a farmer is always compared to an evangelist because he's spreading seeds [Music] a shepherd is one that has already been established with flocks so remember jesus said i will give you shepherds after my own heart and then also he gave another another analogy there are people who are working in god's vineyard they're like farmers their job is not only to harvest but to plant so we are seeing two kinds of ministers here one that have graduated to look after the people of god and another one that is planting seeds to harvest the people of god the shepherd is trusted by god by giving him people because he understands what god likes but the evangelist the farmer in this case is bringing things that he likes but he does not know if it is something that god likes if you notice every time people sacrifice in the scriptures there is a consistent pattern of what god likes god appreciated burnt offerings yeah a lamb without blemish with the fat thereof when you burnt it before god god was going crazy there is also grain offerings that people gave but it was a specific thing it wasn't a general thing it was a specific thing it wasn't a general thing even if you bring a lamb before god if it has blemish and you sacrifice it god will reject it why would god reject it because it's not what he likes yeah the problem is you guys are trained to give god what you like and not what god likes [Music] so therefore you have robbed yourself of intimacy because god is looking at you and he's like you don't even know what i like [Music] powerful powerful why didn't god just send any human being to die why did god himself take the form of a man to die because god likes a certain quality of offering there is a certain level of of of things that please him that he will only accept those things he will not take anything less and in order for you to please him you have to know him if you don't know him you cannot please him so many of you are trying to draw close to god you are trying to be intimate with god but you don't know this god you are trying to please god according to what you are told but you have not discovered him you have not studied him you have not examined him to understand what god likes i'll give you an example if you go to the store right now okay and by me let me get let me take an example uh this is just me myself i am not god i'm just giving you an example you buy me a casio watch i will appreciate it i will appreciate it i will be grateful but it will show that you don't know what i like yeah unless if you bring that cursor in the name of if i could get you this because i know you like this i would have but because i can't i just got something to tell you the day that i get that i will get you exactly what you want then god looks at you and says this one knows what i love yeah amen but if you just bring me something that you think i would like but you have not studied to know what i like and you bring me that and when you don't see me wearing it you get offended i accepted it thank you but it's not my thing but i accept it because you gave it to me amen but god is worse because god would just say i don't want it it means there will be no reaction spiritually me i will receive it is somebody getting what i'm trying to say yes are you are you guys there yes the reason why so many relationships are dying is you don't know what each other likes you notice couples when they argue or something you hear then some of them say you don't even know me what you've been together 15 10 years 20 years but you still say to each other once an hour you don't even if you don't even you don't even know me it means that your partner failed to understand how you think for them to even assume that you would do something you don't even know me what it means at that moment you are out of sync with your partner like uh there's something me and and my daughter ruth were discussing with others and it has been like a recurring kind of uh theme and we were talking about relationships i was even talk we were talking about like and i was saying this why you guys were here i was saying that you see even our society has been taught the wrong way yeah in terms of thinking women at the catch talk about it talk about it okay let me let me give it a try let me let me say it in this way let me say it in this way the bible says that we are the bride of christ it means christ has many options if you don't accept him you will get another one but there is only one of christ so a lot of women they have missed their husbands because they were aiming much higher thinking they would get something better but they don't know somebody that was supposed to be there their husband the love of their life they miss them because they gave their energy to the wrong thing and usually they think their beauty and things like that is what will get them intimacy will make a man commit and that's not you find that many times it is attracting the wrong people it's attracting not men but boys who just want a good time and then they will move on so in their youth instead of praying and being savvy about who they are supposed to be with they're saying when i'm 30 then i will settle by the time you're 30 35 it becomes much harder to get a spouse it's just the truth truth wow it's not impossible but it's much harder but do you know why these things are happening it's because people are not self-aware i may have poked some people that's okay i'm just being honest pokemon i'm just being honest many of you are deceived and you don't even know that you're deceived instagram facebook all these things have i've lied to people because you get a lot of likes because you are posing one way or another you think that's what is going to bring your husband notice those people they never get married [Music] and the women that get married usually usually not always but usually most of them they're not even super models they're not they're just regular girls but they know something that you don't know because they have understood intimacy they know what to bring somebody that will marry them that's what the bible says he who finds a wife not you finds a beautiful girlfriend who finds an instagram model who finds the most attractive no he who finds a wife but all these things is because we don't understand intimacy we don't get it everything is so external but not internal nothing wrong with looking good look at me i always dress nice that's right but i look better inside than i do outside [Music] some of you you missed your husband because you your girlfriends were telling you let's go and party instead of being home knowing your husband husband knowing your wife you spent much time with your girlfriends telling you to go out and those girlfriends now they're not married right you're hanging out with unmarried people yet you had a relationship then your relationship fell apart you don't understand the teammates the blind leading the blind so the reason why so many people are suffering right now you're asking god for things god cannot give you because there are certain privileges that are only given to intimate people you are a girlfriend but you want husband privileges or you are a boyfriend trying to get wife privileges doesn't work that's right that is why the bible says god cannot be deceived god cannot be mocked so if you're trying to play god the problem is unfortunately is this my daughter the unfortunate part is this some people don't even know that they are subconsciously trying to take advantage of god this is true many a times it's not even intentional like able yeah and cain cain wasn't trying to actually not do right that's why he was hurt he was hurt because he was like why are you rejecting me i gave you my best you're right your best you didn't ask me what i like yeah what i liked probably was much simpler than what you tried to do so you came with your best but you did not ask me what i want so that you can do your best many of you you worship god with songs you like does god like that song wow i know who i am oh shanna i know god is looking at her you are singing to yourself you're not singing to me not good what are those words got to do with me you're claiming you're worshiping me yeah yeah yeah you are claiming that you are adoring me no you're not it's a good song it's a prophetic declaration but does it do anything for jesus nothing you go in the psalms or you go to songs of solomon you notice that these guys who are romancing god yeah ah you know that these guys who are taking time they did not think of god as a spirit they thought of god if i was with my wife how would i see god you hear solomon saying your eyes are like over there your your chest is like even god is saying shandala but give him everything he wants because he has learned to tickle the heart of god amen some of you notice david is like you are like the lilies of the valley you are so natural you are just you you are not planted your beauty is just so natural they had lyrics because they sat down to observe who is this god so they knew how to love him when the bible is saying love me with all your heart it means it's an effort love is a verb it means i have to put in work to understand who i am trying to love my heart beats for you desires you like a deer desires water what even god is grabbing his head he's like shandala baba god is speaking in tongues what these guys they spent time in nature because they didn't have instagram they spent time in nature thinking about god he's so idea this their heart punting for water he said wow that is exactly how i feel about you love letter to jesus the way my heart beats for you ah i was glad when i was told let us go to the house of the lord i thought of my love ah you going to church is a chore but you're saying i love jesus while church was so good everything is about you but it has nothing to do with him but you claim to be intimate with him are you guys listening to me are you there are you not there are you can you guys hear me you see the reason why most preachers actually think of songs of solomon as vulgar as and it's not like they can't say it's sinful because it's in the bible but they can't understand it because they don't understand the level of romance solomon kicked it up to yeah that whole book is about his intimacy with god describing the the the chest of god how it he's using natural means because remember you cannot adore god beyond your ability to to know him that's right so some of you have gone into the spirit before you are even in the spirit and trying to worship god in the spirit yet you have not even maximized the flesh yet if you look at that book you understand why solomon had 900 wives and concubines the guy was deep [Laughter] ah the guy was extra deep [Laughter] many of you have failed listen to me you have failed to know what to give god when god gave us jesus when the lord gave us jesus it cost him yeah when you give god something does it cost you are you guys there yeah hold on let me show you something ii samuel 24 24 second samuel 24 24 this is king david speaking second samuel 2014 can you read that let's root this read this one uh-huh sure and the king said to arana nay but i will surely buy it of thee at a price neither will i offer burnt offerings unto the lord my god of that which doth cost me nothing so david bought the threshing floor and the oxen for 50 shekels of silver do you know how much 50 shekels were those days that was a lot of money a lot of money but listen to what david is saying because he went to the man and he asked him can i have this land to offer something to god the guy said no no you can have it for free david said no no no no no i will surely bite from you and i will never give god anything that does not cost me so you understand why god is so in love with david david kills a man god is saying david is a man after my heart david is doing crazy stuff god is saying ah david who is like this guy david he said your throne will be before me forever i every moses came other other other other kings came nobody thought of building me a palace but you i already chose somebody that was going to build me a palace but you it entered your spirit because you are thinking of me the bible says david was just minding his own business in the middle of the night he woke up he said wait a minute god has given me a palace god has given me victory he turned me from a shepherd boy and to a king i am sleeping in a in a palace and my god's house is in a tent now tomorrow i'm going to gather people i'm going to build god a temple not knowing that god has already done a provision for himself in the future you see many of you the reason why god is speaking people outside of your generation is because you have already failed him so god is preparing people that will serve him because the people who are around don't think of him to find something to do for him so god is preparing his own people that were created just to serve him wow powerful wow that is why there was only one elijah there was only one moses there was only one abraham there was only one paul there is only one dr elias why because god set these people apart for a specific work because in their time and the time before many already failed him so god to cover himself so that he doesn't get hurt god has become an independent god that makes sense god has become like an independent woman taking care of himself because there is no one who is going to take care of him there is no one who is going to take care of what his desires are so god rather do it by himself because there is nobody thinking outside of themselves to do something for him do you know why jesus was surprised when he saw the centurion he saw uh uh the the the the what's he called the roman guy what was the centurion this i believe it was the centurion the one of them that told him you don't need to come i am a man under a centurion the centurion and he said you don't need to come i know who you are i am a man under authority i said to my servant come and he comes and i tell him go and he goes and he said you don't need to come just send your word jesus was shocked jesus said i have not seen such faith in all of israel it means that centurion man had a better picture of who jesus was more than the people who were jews that's intense because notice and this guy wasn't a christian yeah so you don't need to be saved 50 years to be to be intimate with god amen you just need to know him so a man who has never held the bible he was just good to the jews the jews are begging jesus to go and jesus is going because they are telling him he has built temples for us he has helped our people you gotta come and do something for him so because they compelled him jesus was going to go but when he heard that jesus was coming said lord notice what he's saying i am a man under authority he did not say i am a man of authority yeah this means that he understood who jesus was he understood that jesus was sent from above not only was he god in the flesh but he was also sent by god so he understood the people who have power are people who are under power somebody that is not under power cannot understand power because they want power without submission but power comes only by submission so he shocked jesus because he understood one of the greatest spiritual principles mm-hmm yet he had never i feel like teaching you he already was intimate with jesus that jesus was shocked this is good jesus is shocked he's like how does this man have more faith the biggest faith this man has more faith than i have seen in the whole of israel now remember the guy's problem remember the measure of faith you are asking me about faith let me throw faith in here mr boyd come sit in the front we need your face up here amen amen you see the issue is this the issue is this your size of faith has nothing to do with prayer your size of faith has nothing to do with uh fasting has nothing to do with the scriptures because the bible did not say you will receive faith by reading the word he said faith comes by hearing not by reading so you can read the bible and not have faith how many people do you know quote the bible and they have no faith how do we know they have no faith because nothing manifests when they pray do you get what i'm saying nothing manifests when they what when they pray so how is it that the centurion man who is not a prayful man can tap into the greatest faith that jesus had seen in his time i have not seen such faith in the whole of israel it means even john the baptist did not have the faith this man had well that's right because john the baptist was not sure of who jesus was yet he saw visions yet he was sent by god to prepare the way of the lord but there was a time when he was in trouble he doubted but the centurion man who doesn't know much about jesus he has decoded jesus just in a short time and was able to display greater faith than anybody in his time as long as jesus lived before his death and resurrection there was no such faith bigger than him this man jesus attests to it wow but notice what the lord jesus said he said there is no greater man born of a woman than john but even the list of the kingdom will be greater than him so why is the list of the kingdom being greater than him if they can know god intimately more they will be better than john because john's greatness was not because he was intimate it was because of the grace given to him when he was born let me help a little more amen you think about you see in the physical we are used to accumulating stuff i am rich because i have so and so amount in the bank i am blessed because this and this is working i have homes i have cars i have this i have that so accumulation of stuff or accumulation of hard work because i work hard this is why i have this everything about you is about what you can gather what you can put together but faith is not like that teach us faith is not about how many scriptures you know faith is about when i know god intimately then i can get anything i want from him that is what the bible tells you this it is impossible to please god without what faith so what is faith faith is not only believing in what is not seen faith is in knowing god remember what the bible says he that comes to god must know that he is and he is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him so we receive things because we know he is not because he can do it him creating giving you blessing is obvious but knowing that he is is the highest level of faith because when you know him then you understand his ability then you know getting that stuff is easy some of you are working it backwardly i want this so bad so i am going to believe god for this break it down so you are seeing god from the perspective of what you want deep i think that went over some people's face did he make sense uncle jt yeah you guys want things from you you want to believe god from the place of your need so what you are believing in is not really him you are believing in the need being met but not believing that he is and what you want he will be added on you when you find him seek first the kingdom of god and all its righteousness and everything else will be added so when you already know that he is parting the red sea is obvious receiving mana is obvious getting your needs met is obvious having the silver and the gold that you want is obvious because you know who has it you are asking him to make it happen lord if you can open that door for me father there are so many people opposing me father i pray do something so you are begging him to open a door because you have opposition but you are not talking to him because he owns every door and if he says yes nobody can say no and if he says no nobody can say yes so you don't know that he is but you want great faith yet you don't know great faith in his in knowing him because when you know him you please him because faith has to do with the information faith is information hey this is deep faith is information when you see me telling people rise up your sins have been forgiven you rise up and walk people think it's witchcraft because they don't know what i know they don't know where i am with jesus that the lord jesus is going to back up everything that i do that's right because of our relationship that's right mark chapter 16 verse 17 and this sign shall follow them that believe in my name they would do this they would do that and the bible says now i believe verse 18 and says the lord went with them confirming every word by the signs the lord went with them god doesn't go with you if you have no intimacy why is he going right you don't know him yeah are you all listening to me yes catching are you sure you're listening yes sir yes are you sure you're listening let me let me behave let me button my teaching you see the problem is we have so many people shouting we have so many people screaming but people who don't know god to be honest with you the people who know god that i have met that actually know him are very few to be anointed doesn't mean you know him to be anointed is grace it has nothing to do with you it has everything to do with him the gifts of god god has given you gifts he knows what you need he gives you gifts what gift do you give him do you realize god has needs deep teaching god has needs god has needs have you discovered what the god the needs of god are because whoever meets your needs you open your heart to them amen amen whoever knows what you're going through it is easily for you to open your heart and tell them things do you know why god snitches about everybody when i pray for them it's because god can't hide anything from me because of where we are he knows my heart and he knows that i know him that i am meeting his need by telling them what he wants to tell them i am speaking a language that they can understand because god has been speaking to them because they have no intimacy they don't understand god's language they have never studied god's language so they don't know him so in order for god to touch them he raised prophets who will decode the language of the spirit and speak it in the most basic language on amen is this helping somebody yes so good this is good too much is this really helping you guys yes so if you have no understanding of these things listen to me children of god and i'm saying this with all due respect with so much love amen with as much love as i can master amen as much love as i can accumulate with all honesty before the king of glory amen you realize already many of you you realize you don't even know him you know of him some of you are going to be hurt it's good yeah truth some of you are going to restructure your whole prayer life some of you are going to change your whole approach and remember what i'm talking about is just introduction i haven't actually even told you how to get intimate with him i'm just challenging you to show you how much you're off with him are you getting what i'm saying yeah yes an example is this who made uh um who closed sarah's womb who actually made sarah not conceive was it the devil no it was god don't you guys realize some of the situations you're going through it's because god wants you to wake up [Music] that's conflicting that's good when jacob his wife that he loved the most it offended god because he was not just god shut the womb of the woman that he loved the most you see the problem is so many of you are so demon minded everything is take authority fire fire fire yet some things has nothing to do with that it's god that is doing it that's why you've been shouting fire and nothing is happening you see it's only you know what insanity is doing the same thing hoping for a different result there's a lot a lot a lot of christians who are insane they're going around the same mountain saying we're going to the promised land did the devil send the children of israel to egypt or was it god that allowed them to be enslaved when they went to babylon was it the doing of the devil or is it the doing of god why was god allowing them to go through all these things he wanted these people to change you guys don't know me that's true every time you i take you to the place of promise you join other nations you start doing what they're doing you forget your god who delivered you i take you to the land of milk and you abandon what i taught you you abandon your god you forsake your god you don't understand your god jesus is walking around israel blind baramus is crying jesus jesus ignores him he says son of david jesus stops jesus stops and says bring him to me why did jesus stop jesus stopped because him calling him son of david he knows that he's the messiah you see some of you you think it is the mention of the name but it is not the mention of the name simply it is in the understanding of the name that there is power you see when the bible says it like this listen to this listen to this carefully amen listen to this and listen to this with a with with spiritual ears mark chapter 16 verse 17 mark 16 verse 17. yes and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils so what is in my name in my name the word name there for some people who don't know or have never actually done bible study the word name is a noma anoma doesn't mean name the english translation is wrong and norma doesn't mean name anoma means character [Music] anoma doesn't mean in you see when people say some people even think if you don't say in jesus name it means you didn't pray to god that's not what the bible is saying how are the people in the old testament doing miracles without saying in jesus name right amen amen you guys still didn't get it the signs and wonders that happened in the old testament even when john the baptist came when he was performing the signs and the wonders they were doing did you hear them saying in jesus name because they had an understanding of what that meant so the problem is that now in the in the in the in the new covenant because remember the new testament is not actually matthew technically the new testament is actually acts because the new covenant began when jesus was crucified and resurrected that's when the new covenant actually begins the book of matthew we call it the new testament because it is where it happened but the book of acts actually is the beginning of that testament when jesus ascended is when the new testament began wow are you getting what i'm saying yes so and now you read at the beautiful gate when the two men were asking silver and gold siva and gold and peter and john were going to the temple when they arrived at the temple silva and gold silver and gold he looked at them it says silver and gold he said peter said silver and gold i don't have but what i have in the name of jesus rise up and walk it is actually not saying in the name of jesus if you read it in greek it says completely different he says silver and gold i don't have but in the same way jesus would do it rise up and walk he grabbed him and said in the way jesus would do it that's what a norma means but you see when you're not intimate with god even words don't have meaning you see words have meaning their values attached to words that's why words mean something that is why we have good words bad words the way you transfer how do you how do you communicate the power of god through words it means words carry power there is anointing attached to words there can also be evil attached to words it means the conduit of the spirit is words so if words have no meaning if words have no meaning you have lost the ability to touch god because when god is saying love me okay an example is this let me give you a simple example if somebody gives you a fake hug you can tell yeah if somebody just gives you a fake handshake you can you can tell even if somebody is trying to pretend that they're giving you a good handshake you can tell because it is dry there is no affection that is tied to it even if they pretend you will tell if you're a discerning person or a sensitive person even a person with reason you will know but when it is genuine somebody looks at you and says how are you doing wow you know yesterday i was you will feel something inside even though you are trying to close your heart something inside you begins to move you get touched can you today i wouldn't entertain this foolish person can you go down can you go down go down don't delete him here just go down you know i i get there are people who are completely foolish there are more comments he did i was ignoring it but i just want to bring this one up read what he's saying read what he said what this guy is teaching is biblical be careful check with the word of god okay show us verses that says that what i said is wrong i know you see the problem with people who think they know christians jesus hey help us jesus your honest opinion is foolish you're a foolish man delete him he's foolish what are you doing on my page take him off look look at what he's saying you're very judgmental elias i am judgmental because if you are saying something that is not true the bible says judge righteously yeah you are full take him off he's not catching not capable right is is foolish no actually that shows that you know let me tell you something about demons let me tell you something about demons you see when somebody has a demon inside of them they will fight something but they are still there their soul wants deliverance but the demon cannot remove them from that place so they will fight what what what are you doing there okay i'm a force teacher what are you still doing there yeah get off who is forcing you you are not you are not invited you are not asked to come but that shows you that it is a spirit working in somebody he is the one who is saying that what i'm saying is foolish is is not true i am the one who is judgmental because i told him that take him off show me one scripture that says what i'm saying is wrong but i am the one who is judgmental you see how people can see themselves today we will not entertain fools take take him off we are too deep i want people to grow today people don't want to grow go somewhere else amen we have no time for you that's right you know there are people there people that uh is actually spirit of destruction so we won't entertain it amen this is not true show us one verse i can show you hundreds show me one you see the problem with a lot of believers is this they think we are prophets by title jesus that's true when a whole school comes and gives somebody an honorary doctorate i didn't go to school for theology but a theologian is coming and saying listen we would love to be associated with you because of the way you teach ah you know the word of god yet didn't go to school that's right i didn't go to school for scriptures never but a scholar is telling you now man how are you doing this do you know how many pastors have sat down with me and tell me okay what books do you read tell them no i don't read any books jesus how are you doing this they don't understand that revelation is a spirit amen amen talk about it true are you getting are you getting what i'm saying some of you think your intimacy is because of how long you've been with somebody haven't you ever met people who are happily married and happily married 50 years of frustration 40 years of frustration yet they are married but they are not happy at all they are together because of convenience they are together because of convenience not because of actual desire to be in a relationship with somebody they just listen you know what this is what it is so convenience or the fear of not of being by themselves or financial reasons 50 years of frustration yet you can find people who have nothing living in a in a in a shed somewhere so happy with their children with their because they are like this amen we received so understand this by the spirit of god remember today is just introduction the gifts that the three wise men brought to jesus when he was a baby they brought him gifts worthy of a king they know if he is a priest king he will be pleased with these things because jesus was a priest they brought him incense because he was a king they brought him gold because he represented the beauty and the love of god they brought him perfume wow so when all these things were put together it testified of who jesus was wow when you give to god do you give things to god that testify who is when you are taking out okay i'm gonna give god this today i'm gonna give god that today i'm gonna do this today i'm gonna do the does it actually do you give something worthy of a king according to your level one thing that i always do with my sons and daughters is this when they have a need i will shock them with how bless them so that they can be impacted in that way that they know that if you're ever going to do something for somebody do it the best that you have amen if you give something that you don't love you're giving leftovers is god are left over as god if you worship god only in your spare time it means he's a spare god yeah it's not good don't do that don't do that some of you have a spare god you see why so many people will be left when the rapture comes is because of this you see the foolish virgins were still virgins you didn't get it the foolish virgins were still virgins they were not defiled but they were foolish because they wasted their oil so they were foolish virgins they were not prostitutes they were not out here in these streets they are just foolish so we have a lot of christians that are pure virgins in the sight of god but they are foolish auntie betty are you listening to this they are pure they are holy they are not sinning against god remember you can live a life that is not sinful before god but it doesn't mean you're intimate with god talk about it lay it out even though purity will help you in your intimacy but you realize that it is not a big overdeal as you may think because god will always be holier than thou so your holiness means nothing really moses who was a mother was closer to god than some of you cain killed his brother god is talking to him and he can hear him yeah god is punishing him but god is also protecting me if anybody touches you they'll have a problem with me a male hallowed in them streets but is the anointed one of god set apart by god are you guys understanding what i'm saying yeah so now the question is this earnestly and honestly earnestly and honestly are you listening to me honestly and honestly what are you offering god that's a great question so god showing you mercy god giving you grace doesn't mean you're intimate it's just a gift that's why it's called a good god it means we don't deserve what he gives us if we deserve it then he's only paying us what is due us jesus said it like this jesus said it like this give caesar what he sees us and give what is due to god to god we don't know what is due to god that is the issue yes help us that is the biggest issue somebody just wrote oh you know i just came a little bit and i saw how somebody was attacking people attacking somebody because of not agreeing that's not the point you see you have to understand this right when jesus was teaching and he's saving souls you have to understand this is a serious thing anybody who came with something different he called them out not because he did not love them because he was so serious about the souls that need to be saved when you come in and out you're causing distractions you're not building okay if nobody is perfect but if i say something that is not right correct me with scripture don't tell me your feelings that's right it's true amen then you're not building yeah we are not here to make each other feel good that's right we are here to save souls amen paul said it like this some people you need to remove them from the circle of brothers because they are more of a corruption than salvation they came out of us because they were never part of us they are people that need to go they don't need to stay because their desire is not to learn because somebody wants to learn even if they don't understand what you're saying they will listen because they have come to listen they didn't come to preach and if they sit down to listen they will go in their scriptures and search what is being said that's right if it is not true to morocco hey brother you know what what you said i don't truly understand but the scripture says it this way can you look into it that is maturity but when you come don't follow this person don't listen to this person don't you are demon possessed [Music] whether they are pastor a bishop or prophet that demon possessed that's the work of satan and there are too many people that have taken their time some it's in the morning some at night you know some are in different parts they are sacrificing their time to learn amen amen and i always say it like this i always say it like this and i always say it like this if you cannot do what somebody is doing keep quiet and listen if they are 99 percent wrong then there is one percent that is working you don't have because they're obviously doing better than you and god is allowing them to be in front of people more than you that's right amen it means they are doing something right that is pleasing to god that is trusting them with souls and not trusting you amen when you see people saying oh i'm preaching the truth and nobody's following me that's not true if the lord sent you people who listen amen the king did not like john the baptist but he listened to him the pharisees were shocked of what he was saying but they were lining up on the jordan to be baptized by him so the truth is not what drives people away it is are you endorsed by god for people to come to you if you're not endorsed by god nobody will come to you because the one who is sending the flock is god not man my preaching cannot attract anybody my looks don't attract anybody there are other people who look good there are other people who teach better yeah but why is god choosing a certain people to go to a certain person because he knows what he's doing amen so spiritual maturity you see there's something called spiritual maturity spiritual maturity where your common sense becomes spiritual not canoe you start understanding well this is my place that is my place this is my place that is my place this is my place that is my place you know nobody can really say anything that offends me i know who sent me i know who called me i know where i came from i know where i'm going i know how long i am here for i understand those things i have seen the one who sent me amen i know the one who sent me i've known him since i was six i've seen him and i see him so for me what people say doesn't matter but when you try to tamper with the work of god we have a problem personally it doesn't matter but if you're trying to distract people with a word that will bring them to god if you look at jeremiah and this is why and i'm trying to show you this because this all these things have to do with the intimacy jeremiah is speaking to the prophets one of the prophet comes and pulls the yoke of jeremiah's uh a chain of jeremiah's neck and says just the same way this has been pulled down so shall the king of babylon and jeremiah looked at him and said our forefathers the prophets before us they said differently why is it that you you you you are saying this he said well the lord has said he said okay when he was walking home god spoke to him he said go and tell that prophet that he will not live past this year i'm gonna take him out of this world why because it tampered with the souls do you realize jeremiah's mission was to save them from going to babylon yeah was to save them from babylon you have to understand this then somebody is trying to make the king feel good like no we are going to overcome them yet god never said that that's right it becomes dangerous because now if they end up in babylon and jeremiah did not do his part he's in trouble with god [Music] do you realize shadrach meshach abednego and and eliezer which is uh daniel all these guys belshezza sorry it's belshazza all these four guys were eunuchs do you know what they did to them they castrated them daniel never had children he could never have a wife the other the other three hebrew boys they couldn't do that because of the king not listening yet he was these who are the prophets of the next generation they lived in slavery in bondage because of one person not listening you see the reason why the next generation of the of the church instead of going higher it has gone down because the ones before did not play their part very few areas played their parts so the ones that are coming cannot bear fruits because they are castrated it's powerful you who are watching me you are supposed to be 10 billion times better than me in the next few months in the next few weeks in the next few years people should see you and not even remember me because of how great god has elevated you because of what has been put inside of you that is the goal that is the goal the goal is not to come and for me to be great i don't care about myself i am actually listen i'm grammy nominated i'm a businessman i don't need to sit here but i do this because i have been commissioned by heaven so if i'm doing this it's because i know you are better than me you just don't know it yet if the lord jesus comes and says you shall do greater it means anybody that is sent to you is come to make you greater so if somebody is trying to mess with the greatness that the lord has endowed you the lord has given you the lord has called you to be in and somebody is interfering in that no i will not allow that because it's demonic so now ask yourself this what shall i give to god amen how will i give it before i even give anything what does he like yes what does he want what is he looking for in 2021 what does god want in 2022 what does god want what is god looking for what is it that he pleases him break it down if you don't know that if you don't know that you're in trouble you have just sentenced yourself to go around in circles some of you will get to heaven and you get there and you realize that man i wasted so much time you look at yourself and say wow how could i have been so foolish how could i have missed it how did i not see it when god was saying god left how how was it possible that i missed it you'll be in heaven but you realize how many times and opportunities you missed to please god to fulfill something that god wanted and you missed it i want you to grab something that means something to you before we pray and if god permits tomorrow i'll come part two and i'll give you steps i will not only give you scriptures but i will reveal to you how i got intimate with god and now i continue to practice to go even more intimate with god i'm going to show you how i did it amen amen because god called me i did not choose him he chose me but when he chose me what did i learn about him quickly that built me up that is what i want to show you amen thank you that is what i want to bring to you so when i come back in intimacy part 2 i'm going to give you these keys amen right now grab something remember what david said i will not give god what does not cost me get something that means something to you that costs you go to prophet and just say lord jesus i honor you and i'm let this be a representation of my heart and what you mean to me go quickly and then we'll be back and then we'll be praying and then i'll tell you what we're going to do tomorrow god bless you we'll be right back um [Music] i can't run away from your embrace i may fall but your love stays the same [Music] you're the only one for me [Music] you are my king [Music] my everything [Music] my everything will kind of [Music] breath of life the light that never [Music] are fails only way when i am weak you are strong [Music] your prayers [Music] you're the only one for me you are my king [Music] my everything [Music] [Music] what kind of [Music] what kind of love is this [Music] [Music] us [Music] every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Applause] [Music] cause without you god i [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] so [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] come am you [Music] every day [Music] foreign [Music] you're the answer that i need you're the only remedy you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] wherever you want me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] me [Music] he hears you [Music] sees your tears too fights your fears too time after time he has spoken to the lost and the broken [Music] he answers his children by fire fire all the prayers that you pray not a one goes to waste he has [Music] [Applause] [Music] our godspeed [Music] after time [Music] [Applause] [Music] he answers his children [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] speaks [Music] god bless you all and we are back if you want me to teach about this um part two let me know so that we can we can do it again and i can show you how how i came to do it and others how they also taught me so that you can build and grow and um remember if you're on facebook you need to move on to youtube because beginning after thursday we shall no longer be on facebook the page will be there we'll be posting other things but streaming no will not be on facebook anymore amen amen so the lord jesus loves you greatly i hope you learned something watch this over and over again share it with some people so that other people's lives can be blessed also can you believe that whole time was just introduction it wasn't even the whole thing you're a fire papa this is true it was just opening your mind to actually see how far off we are because what it does is it humbles you and it brings you to a place of actually thinking thank you you get what i'm saying and also remember there are people who are making fake accounts and commenting on youtube on instagram listen i will never tell you send a prayer request and if we ever do that it will be on our website it will be an official website thing it will not be some person pretending to be me telling you to call them if i was to put my number online trust me i will never have a break so by that you should already know that it's not real so uh be ready tomorrow will be such a fantastic time and remember thursday we have our um powerful destiny restoration prophetic service amen it's going to be extremely scary not to you but to the kingdom of darkness amen amen so prepare yourself by the grace of god i believe that is going to be amazing hallelujah so i am going to ask our faithful ruth ruth the faithful amen to close us out in prayer go ahead ruthie amen dear dear daddy and heaven thank you so much for this time for us to be together thank you so much for papa lovey that you a man that is your mouthpiece that works so powerfully and never that channeling from the holy spirit just never stops god just being in that during this filming has just has been totally amazing and how powerfully you have worked through this gift from god he is a prophet of the nations god i pray for people to respect and understand and to have spiritual discernment and wisdom about the truth from god and all the teachings that he comes because he comes as a huge illuminator of light that shines like a beacon everywhere like a lighthouse a place for safety and for people to come in harbor as as a safe haven but also to shed light on so many problems that people have them to be a solution from god you know we stand in all of prophet lovey as a prophet but also of the god that shines through him god please i pray for people's minds to be opened for their eyes to be opened for the the cotton to come out of their ears for them to level up to receive the healing and the solutions i pray so much for people to have a humble heart and to be teachable for them to grab as much as they can to be capable of of the spiritual truth and to execute on the prophetic instructions that they receive not to people to be sitting there and feeding and feeding spiritually but never executing actually putting into practice the things that god has asked i pray for people to increase their faith in god by increasing their intimacy with christ and not but people who are giving lip service or trying to look good in front of other christians or to try to look good or to front but to actually really really fall deeply in love with god and to find what you know to to spend time in prayer to ask god what is it that i need to change what is it that you love god that i can do more of or i need to start doing because i just was clueless and i didn't even know until i heard this thing and my mind was open and saying okay i need to learn these things god i pray for these people of fire to be built up for elevation i pray for these people to be strengthened for their provision and for protection for god's people i pray for more harvest workers each of them to multiply to help other harvest workers to send out and seek and save the lost it says that there's not enough harvest workers god yes so i pray that these people of fire as they're built up that yes it's good for us to have and glean fruits for ourselves but to think about what god's goals are and what his assignments are and what his dreams are and if we're really going to be a people of fire to find out what those things are and to actually manifest those things because each one of you guys has all these specialty talents and strengths that god put in you these special bundles of strengths why because when he releases you onto the world is for you to execute yes your own dreams goals and assignments but especially god's right they're bound together so god we glorify you we are humbled and we love you so so much thank you so much for jesus thank you so much for putting up with us with so much grace and patience we love you so much in jesus name i pray amen amen amen listen god is so good i love you all and we will see you tomorrow that was a powerful prayer i was so deep yeah it felt like a hug right uncle jt was just god is good well hopefully when we we come again you'll be here okay i know you're busy but we'll try and hijack you to be amen so i love you guys and see you tomorrow shalom amen you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,707
Rating: 4.9952607 out of 5
Id: dcaeb6zsx9Y
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Length: 98min 0sec (5880 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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