THE FAITH THAT WORKS | by Prophet Lovy L. Elias

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god bless everybody and welcome to this amazing edition of being in the presence of god and i thank the lord jesus for the opportunity that he's given me to be with you and my entire family here and those who are watching from home i welcome you also i welcome everybody from around the world may the lord jesus bless you may the lord jesus increase you and i'm excited to speak to you about the faith that works the faith that works so i want you to share this and i believe that it's going to be extremely powerful and it will make you understand what faith is it will also remove the myths and the and the ideas of faith that you thought existed that don't exist amen it will remove everything that you thought faith was and what made you think faith was difficult it will become the simplest thing that is actually in your control and not god so i want you to be ready i want you to share this as many times as you can uh what is chickens he saying she cuz he's always a troublemaker oh my gosh she's married calm down say papa only pretty people she's beautiful jesus christ this is bishop please come stand next to your wife just one second before people start going to the mountain yeah just show your face he's a big guy he's ex-military watch out watch out he might capture you you'll be like what is he called uh what is that a movie called no no no no no what is it called no no no no no rainbow no rainbow we don't need that right now everything is happening no no there's one that is deeper than that but you know uh what is it called um ah it will come to mean uh no not wanted not uh uh this means war no no taken that's right thank you there we go i will find you i will find you so please remember social media can be tracked some of you don't even know what vpn is you just look at your comments here knock fedex you open did i not tell you i'll find you [Laughter] so so i'm just be pleased she gets he needs delivery she's extra deep you knock they don't you say hello did i not tell you i'll find you [Laughter] so i want you to share this as many times as you can and the lord jesus will bless you and he will increase you tremendously please share share share because i promise you it's not something that you want to miss amen in terms of the lessons and what you're going to learn i i just want you to message somebody let somebody know this will be life-changing those on youtube and facebook i want you to hit the thumbs up and something will shift to the glory of god uh share this as many times as you can and and god will see us through amen amen now watch this let's go to first timothy chapter four and verse one do you wanna read for me yeah yeah okay let's you have you have uh the most inspired version the king james the most inspired version absolutely yeah first timothy the person said the husband handsome too calm down he's a beautiful man first timothy first timothy chapter 4 verse 1. but before you read it let's see uh let's see let's see uh facebook hallelujah remember we are coming live so many times because this is an urgent thing i want to teach you inspire you so that we don't miss what god has said before us amen people on facebook i want you to share this as many times as you can then we'll proceed i'm waiting for you to share as many times as you can if you have shared just type i have shared i have shared i have shared and then i will proceed glory be to the lord glory be to god now i want you i want you to hear this i want you to hear this are you ready to read i'm ready okay let's hear it timothy 4 1. now the spirit speaketh expressly now stop right there you're saying now meaning before that the spirit never emphasized this fact but now the spirit of god is emphasizing this i read again now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils one more time read it again now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith stop right there what faith are they departing from and why are they adapting doctrines of devils you have to understand what the bible is saying here what is the difference between faith belief and a doctrine a doctrine is the ways that a system is run an example you have a doctrine in your home maybe uh you guys eat dinner together at the table everybody no cell phone that's the doctrine of your house some people's doctrine is that it's okay you can eat anywhere but breakfast we all have to be together or we pray everyone every evening we all come together and pray that is your doctrine you've built up your own culture yes so doctrine is a culture okay now faith on the other hand is not because there is that faith and there is faith so the bible is saying now the spirit is speaking expressly that many in the late in the last days will depart from their faith now it's not saying they will stop being christians you're saying what makes them function in faith they will depart from it and they will adopt other doctrines okay it's not saying that we'll stop being christians he's not saying they will become devil worshipers they will not know that they are being given doctrines by seducing spirits yeah yeah yeah wow meaning there will be demonic spirits that will be suggesting things that seem to sound scriptural that seem to sound like they are from god that seem to sound like they will cause you to walk closer to god but they are doctrines of devils wow wow why does it not say that they will receive doctrines of devils from satan why seducing spirits seducing spirits bait you they pull you in they bring you in they feed you something to see how you react they bring you things that are almost truth not really truth but almost truth to see how you react and they get you like that if they can even get you one percent off you have already entered into doctrines of devils wow that is why you can find a believer that believes in abortion but they are saying i'm a christian too you know that the doctrines of devils are in them and they have already departed from the faith but they don't know there may be people that say ah you know what it's okay to to fornicate i mean it's just these desires but i still love god they have already departed from the faith the doctrine of devils has already entered them but they don't know that the doctrines of devils have entered them wow i hope i was speaking to somebody they will insult authority not understanding that all authority comes from above you insult your president you insulted god oh that's dangerous this is because doctrines of devils have come in but you don't know that the doctrines of devils have entered you jesus so there are people that are lukewarm but they don't even know that they're lucom you become lukewarm because the doctrines of devils has found a way into you wow so what is the faith [Music] i wish more people would share this we are about to go somewhere when you don't believe in prosperity the doctrine of devils has entered you because now you have adopted the doctrine of poverty which came from satan god never made anybody poor this is a state of a fallen world that you have adopted and think that it's okay so if you like poverty thinking that that's what makes you a christian doctrines of devils have entered you know jesus when you believe women should not preach doctrines of devils has entered you dangerous when you think other people are beneath you if you treasure one race over another doctrines of devils are in you my god i've been telling you when did we start talking about all the things that are happening i don't even want to mention and highlight those things do we not tell you that they're demonic look at what is happening has it not really revealed them who they really are when everybody was passionate emotional everybody wanted to be an activist hey how could you then now you're seeing that the people now it's not even about what they pretended to fight about now they're really exposed come on help us the ones that run the organizations are telling you that they believe in in ancestral spirits when they tell you say their name they're invoking people's spirits you didn't know that go look at the interview they were practicing at the the the leaders of the group were practicing yoruba religion from africa whereby they invoke spirits the way you would invoke ancestral spirits is by saying that and they said that we we we've been doing this we knew that it's more than just a social justice thing we knew that for us to carry it out we need the spirits of the people in order for them to carry out what they need to carry out that's why it's violent they're invoking demons so and you're sitting there saying say her name say his name you don't know what they're making you do you think it's a cool thing but you don't know that you're invoking something and the person was confessing did we not tell you this is demonic you just need to go and look at somebody's mission statement you will know who they really are about jesus but many of you didn't listen now it's coming out you are seeing it that their interest is not even for you is there one to carry something else that is called what doctrines of devils some churches have even gone as far let me tell you let's just settle it once and for all come on jesus settled it on the cross all lives matter yes yes all eyes jesus settled it on the cross yes hey the lord settled it on the cross it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight for those who are less privileged but we should not the moment you supre you make somebody else more superior that you hurt another person you have entered a lane of demonic wow fighting for the less privilege should not hurt the privilege that haven't done anything to you when you start burning things hurting people these are doctrines of devils and some christians have dove head first because they are emotional we are not saying that black people white people green people blue people to be discriminated is right no we should defend right but not in the way it's being done you know something demonic always crashes wow i'm just being honest god will look at their interviews they are telling you we are trained marxists if you know who the the the person who that or even marxism is named after he was a satanist oh wow he was a satanist go research about they are telling you we are trained in organizing and marxism wow he's telling you that i'm gonna fight for you somebody that believes in satanic values read it one more time now the spirit speaketh expressly yes that in the latter times yes some shall depart from the faith yes giving heed to seducing spirits giving heed they will start to pay attention to seducing spirits what does it mean to seduce you we know a woman or a man can be jealously jezebelish to try to lower you lure you in in order for you to fall right yeah that is a seducing spirit meaning they are pretending to not do anything but they are sending signals to you to cause you to do things and like how you would want to do them then you find yourself like why am i so attracted you don't know that you have been set up you think you're in love i know men when i was when i was growing up that left their families because of somebody prospects promiscuous seduced them they went and then they dumped them and took everything from them so seducing spirits their job is to remove you from their faith and to cause you to get to a place where everything that you prayed for everything that you used to desire was taken from you and you're empty wow wow so many of you right now if you are asked what is faith you quote uh hebrews 11 verse one but you don't even know what it really means let me tell you what the lord the bible says the apostle said something whatever is started by god you can't stop it but whatever is of man will die i just said something without saying something are you listening to me yes some of you because of seducing spirits you don't even know what faith is [Music] that's scary so many people that are watching right now the reason why prayers are not working you don't know what faith is is somebody got catching me hebrews 11 11 hebrews 11 verse one verse one ready yes hebrews 11 verse one yes now faith is the substance of things hoped for hold on right there faith is not the word of god hold up the word the word of god is not faith so you can depart from the faith because the faith is not the word of god the word of god is the doctrine of god it is not faith i wish more people would share it so that i can reveal to you what faith releases youtube are you there haven't you ever noticed something that somebody can be a baby christian will manifest things of the spirit without knowing the word of god but people who know the word of god can't manifest them because the word of god is not faith the word of god gives you the doctrine of heaven so that you know what faith is wow faith is not the word of god wow okay i feel like people are asleep maybe you should go offline and just and just relax wow some of you have been reading the word over and over and over and over again which is good nothing wrong with that so the bible tells you uh somebody even quoted it romans 10 17 says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so the word of god is not faith faith comes by the word of god when you hear the doctrine then you know what faith is so it comes to you what does it mean to come to you the same way and the word of the lord came unto jeremiah the word of the lord came to samuel how did it come as inspiration the bible tells you and the prophets wrote the scriptures as they were inspired by the word of god it was just one of them like if you're a creative person you know when ideas or scripts come to you music comes to you design comes to you it just happens and this thing triggers creativity and you start working on it amen faith is not the word of god the word of god brings faith amen wow so when the devil removes you from the doctrine of heaven he has robbed you of the ability to receive faith because faith is not the word of god i feel like i'm talking to myself so when people say i have faith i'm just holding on to the promise of god the promise of god is not faith i'm just holding on to the word of god i'm just waiting 50 years later i'm just waiting a hundred years later i'm just waiting it's not the word of god that is faith yes wow i wish somebody was spiritual enough to capture what i'm saying oh yes yes yes so once when you hear the word of god the word of god how does it build your faith because the more you know something you get better at it it's good yes so it is not that the word of god you take it to make faith the more you hear good counsel you make better decisions yes when you get good advice you produce good good results yes so the word of god teaches you to know what is what in order for you to know what faith is i feel like i'm talking to myself is somebody listening to me that is why you find people who memorize scripture which is a very very good thing it's an important thing amen they can quote scriptures 24 7 zero manifestation of anything true i remember this one lady and i've said this story before the woman came prophet could you pray for me i have this sickness when i was about to say father let this thing she says yes lord according to matthew this this this i told the woman of god do you want me to pray for you yes that's why i'm here then let me pray if you knew that scripture you would not need me to pray for you come on so some of you actually hinder men of god from releasing the grace on you because you want to help them to pray when you have been praying and it did not work you have to let somebody else help you yes wow oh according to to hebrews this and this and this i'm standing on this scripture the scripture is not doing anything i'm going to show you i'm going to show you by the i'm showing you what faith is read it again my dear yes verse 1 again hebrews 11 1. now faith is a substance stop right there faith is substance faith is not words faith is substance let me explain to you my god you will never be hungry unless there is food you get hungry because there is food so your ability to be hungry testifies that there is food that you can eat [Applause] so faith is not your hunger your hunger makes you pay attention to food so the word of god is substance amen amen poverty tells you that there is money sickness tells you that there is healing confusion tells you that there is direction problems testified that there is divine intervention these things are the ones that testify of faith because faith is substance amen i feel like i'm speaking to myself amen the house you want you are not going to build it it was already built you're just copy pasting it and bringing it in time these things already exist wow yes genesis chapter one verse genesis chapter two verse one son just you can grab it from oh ellen you can read this genesis chapter two verse one genesis faith is a car faith is a house faith faith is your house [Music] faith is nice clothes yes yes faith is your mention faith is your help faith is substance yes faith is not words i'm gonna help you with something read here now listen to this chapter two verse one yes thus the heavens and the earth actually hold on go to genesis chapter one verse one listen to this okay genesis chapter one verse one genesis chapter one first verse one yes in the beginning god created yeah let her come in literally the heaven and the earth now let's do it again in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth please pay attention read it again in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth amen and the earth was without form and void and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and darkness was upon the face on the come in mama i miss you coming no no no don't be sorry sit mama please sit sit sit oh my gosh oh my gosh it's you oh my gosh it's you please sit mama you're welcome you're welcome and darkness was upon the face of the deep listen to this i want you to read it as loud as you can my daughter one more time pay attention and the earth was without form and void start from the beginning please sorry genesis chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light stop one hold on right there what you're missing the point is this read verse one again in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth so when god was saying let there be light it was because it was already created it was calling substance that already existed wow that is why he's not creating the earth water is already there he was just calling things that already existed that were already created yeah yeah yeah but they were not made animated because they were not framed we'll come to that amen so and god is saying let there be light yes and light was it's because it's calling substance then he said let the stars appear not he's saying he's not saying let the stars be formed he's saying let the stars appear meaning they were invisible he's calling things that are substance but they are not where you think they are [Applause] so god was not calling something that was not there the reason why you cannot get your mention is you are praying for an apartment yet your faith in the doctrine of god is a mention you're calling an apartment so you're contradicting your language is contradicting with faith but you think faith is you will have anything that you want faith is specific come on there you go okay let's go offline i feel like this is good this is good i need more people to share this so faith is not faith is not uh our words no wow faith is substance do you understand that you will never think of something that doesn't exist wow wow every thought that you have is because something already exists this is why when even you get an idea that you think it's unique to you a few months you see somebody else created it yes it means that this substance was available you tapped into it but somebody tapped into it and bring it to brought it to the physical world before you because you are slow wow somebody type faith is substance faith is substance not words not words say it one more time faith is substance one one more time faded substance not words so anybody that thinks faith is is his words i declare this word declare it why yeah yeah that is why many of you declarations never work [Music] because you think the word is making it happen no the word is a response to something that already exists jesus i feel like i'm [Music] the word is a response to something that already exists amen amen wow i wish more people will more people will share this this is why when people say notice this first corinthians chapter two verse one uh aileen can go to it you you maintain this one i need you to just stay on hebrews 11. [Music] chapter 2 listen to this second first korean says ah okay this is gonna show you listen first corinthians two verse one and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom not is he saying i did not come to you with any fancy hebrew words greek words to try to make you think of the word of god like it's deep keep going declaring unto you the testimony testimony of god he said i didn't come to you with fancy words to declare the testimony of god you see the problem we have today is people just i want a bible believing church i don't need miracle i don't need it's because you don't know what faith is wow because the presence of the word of god is their response to those things that already are amen wow so paul is declaring now you have to remember paul was a part of what is it the son he was the sanhindran meaning that there was scholar he was a real scholar that understood scripture more than all the apostles they were not even close to him in the level of understanding scripture wow but he's telling you i don't have fancy fancy words meaning that he consolidated everything that he ever knew about the word of god keep going listen to this for i determine not not to know anything among you i determine not to know anything among you save jesus christ and him crucify save jesus christ and him what crucified uh and i was with you in weakness i was with you in weakness and in fear in fear and in much trembling and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with and enticing words he's saying his preaching was nothing enticing of man's wisdom of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power hold on but in what demonstration of the spirit and of power read that that that verse again where it says and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom have you ever noticed people that have very enticing words never produce power wow because they make you think that the words that they speak is power but it is not the words paul is telling you it is not the words not the word read it again wow and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom this is why god can use moses who never read the scriptures on the mountain and moses comes down performing miracles he could not speak well and god had no problem he said no i can't speak he said lord please use aaron he said no no no moses i want you to go he said no no no please lord use use aaron then god got angry and said okay use aaron because it did not matter that moses could not speak because moses had already seen the substance he already had access to substance so he did not need words to perform any of the miracles he did not even need to be a good speaker to perform anything come on oh wow do you realize peter could heal the sick by his shadow without saying anything [Music] wow keep reading watch this but in demonstration of the spirit and of power he came to demonstrate the spirit and power without words that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man but but in the power of god your faith should be in the power of who god not in the word of god [Music] your faith should be in god's ability not his words because his words bring faith his words expose you to his ability when you read that god parted the red sea it introduces you to god's ability to pass sins so your faith should be in god's ability not in general in the book of exodus no the book of exodus teaches you god's ability so you're wasting your time thinking that the book of exodus is the power yet the book of exodus is exposing you to god's ability because faith is substance jesus hey i know religious people will not like this but they have to consolidate it through their own words they have to go in the scripture and make peace with it jesus this is why i always say this anybody that preaches the word of god without demonstration of power you are an illegal representative of christ you are illegal because there is nobody that god ever sent without power let me prove what i'm telling you in the gospels jesus sends his disciples two by two he tells them don't take any money don't take anything go there and heal the sick and deliver people and and don't take anything for you because it will be provided this man couldn't even read most of them were not educated few of them were luke was educated he was a doctor matthew was educated peter we are not so sure he was a fisherman are you getting what i'm saying some were someone not that's why when the holy spirit came upon them they said these men are not even educated remember when stephen was speaking by the spirit of god they said how can this man know so much scripture and he's unlearned he's not somebody that has studied so the disciples of jesus went two by two they did not have the holy spirit but they cast out so many demons that when they came back they said jesus you will not believe even demons obeyed us and jesus said calm down that's a small thing that's obvious be happy that you're going to heaven i saw satan fall from heaven like lightning that's a small thing jesus notice what the line jesus is saying they are like shocked that the devil is obeying them but jesus is telling them something that happened before the time of men he's saying don't be impressed by by casting out devils i saw satan fall from heaven like lightning he's telling them that this you what you're doing is a response to something that already happened he already fell it's obvious for you to cast him it is obvious for you to do it because it already happened you already felt jesus so when you're saying come out it is because you know the truth of his falling so somebody that cast out devils it casts out devil because they know and they have the substance and the evidence of the fall of satan so they know satan has no power over them so they can say come out and the demons will live even if you don't have the holy spirit wow hey somebody didn't hear me i know christians wouldn't like this wow but i'm telling you somebody that is saved never received the baptism of the holy spirit can cast out a devil the greatest in the kingdom of the list in the kingdom of god can put the devil under your feet why because it's already been placed there you will trample over serpents and scorpions it is already a done deal so whoever knows this truth satan immediately goes under his feet so when they were surprised that demons were being cast out jesus said it's obvious i saw him falling why are you impressed about being pressed you're going to heaven i feel like i'm talking to myself faith is a response to substance it is substance if your words don't match up with substance then you have a problem nothing manifests [Music] okay my god okay wow many of you believe scripture but you don't believe the power of god yet scripture comes to show you the power of god yeah yeah yeah i remember a few years ago there was a there was a man this is before i started ministering there was a man that i knew that i knew his sister and i knew their family their father is actually a pastor and and and the friend that i knew the sister to the man that i'm talking about actually she's late she passed away a few years ago like maybe seven eight years ago but uh the brother was uh uh was uh was driving and he was in the wrong neighborhood and some people pulled up to him and they said hey do you bang do you bang and they shot him and when they shot him he didn't die they rushed him to the hospital he survived but he was in so much pain and they were in a christian hospital he was in so much pain he was in so much pain and they were giving him medication they already did the surgery but the man was suffering and when i went to visit him and the family was in the room i felt sorry for him because of how much pain he had i said who in here believes in miracles they are like the family one or two people said yes i do i do then the nurse who was preaching and speaking scriptures uh uh speaking the word of god said this this was a response i believe in the power of prayer but i don't believe in miracles i was like how does that make any kind of sense wow i believe in prayer but i don't believe in miracles something is wrong with you it's like saying wow potatoes are french fries believe in potatoes not french fries yeah i mean that's obvious yeah wow or french fries cannot be potatoes because they are french it's it's really foolishness i didn't even end up praying i told him within 24 hours they're going to discharge you oh wow and i left the moment i left the guy's pain started elevating the next day in the morning they discharged him he went home amen wow people who operate in the realm of power they know something you don't know amen they know faith yes yes wow this is why jesus said this he said he said this he said it like this he said the things i speak to you meaning words were things they were revealing things they're things yeah that i'm saying to you right so when jesus was saying you are blessed it was a thing that he was labeling and showing you that exists so you think a blessing is something that is manufactured produced when you do something it already exists wow your words are response to that yes wow keep reading watch this no no you keep reading now so he's saying your faith should be in the power of god do you remember that okay now read listen to this start from one yes hebrews 11 1 now faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen naha so remember when you have a need it is evidence that faith exists [Music] if there was no need faith doesn't exist did you all get that wow i wish more people would share this wow wow i'm about to throw my phone out you see no i can't the scripture's on it you know the the reality is this is this is that when you know why we now you're understanding why they call us revelation church it's not because just it's a label yes of course it's not anything like that it's spiritual we know something that we have seen that you might have not seen amen now keep reading for by it the elders obtained a good report stop right there read it again buy it for by it the elders obtained a good report hold on there so you don't obtain a good report from god from god because you are good you have a good report from god because you tapped into something that exists [Music] the elders received mercy and grace before grace existed to you so when people say we are in the dispensation of grace it's a lie grace always existed that is why moses said lord i will not go unless your grace and mercy goes with me wow it's because grace already existed mercy already existed but people did not know so moses could demand it because he saw it so moses became a holy man not because he was good but because by faith he accessed mercy by faith he accessed grace yes wow so when people ask you how did the people in the old testament get faith get saved they accessed things because they knew things that they didn't want to tell you it was a secret if you know you know if you don't know you don't know wow you're in it you're right notice enoch by faith he was translated yes he was not translated because he was a good man he discovered there was a rapture that was coming he entered into the door of the rapture before the rapture happened because rapture already exists do you understand that the number of people that are going to be in heaven is already there no one is going to heaven that is a surprise wow this is why i always say if you go to heaven and you don't find me there you're in hell amen i wish somebody could hear me yes yes wow somebody type if you go to heaven and you don't find me you're in hell [Laughter] it's true remember jesus when when the when the man when the jesus was on the cross with the two thieves one of them said lord when you enter your kingdom please don't forget me jesus said tonight you have dinner with me so the dinner already happened jesus already knows the location of dinner yet he has never died you're not listening to me you're not understanding this event i will prove it to you go to revelations revelations chapter what revelations 4 or is it 12. and the lamb that was laying before the foundation of the is it 12 11 let's see revelation 12. is it 12 11 what is it 11 and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb no no no no no and the lamb that was slain i think it's verse chapter four if i'm not wrong it's it speaks about and yet fullness uh seven horse horns seven eyes revelation in revelation 5 12 12. revelation 5 12. saying without with a loud voice worthy is a lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as our and the sea and all that are in them heard by saying blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that set it upon the throne and onto the lamb forever and ever no it's not the part that he says that he was slain from the foundation of the earth standing at the center of the throne what does he say revelation 5 6 what does it say um it says then i saw lamb looking as if it had been slain standing at the center of the throne encircled by four living creatures one more time read it then i saw a lamb looking as if it had been slain standing in the center of the throne encircled by four living creatures and the elders no that's not thirteen eight okay revelation i just want to show you so that you don't think i'm making this up okay revelation 13 8. don't hold okay read it one more time read it and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world now read that read that again and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation so the lamb was laying from the foundation of the earth all right remember that we'll come back to that okay keep reading i'm gonna show you something be patient one second i'll show you something keep reading though through faith we understand that the world stop right there read it again through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god stop right there read it again through faith we understand stop right there faith gives you an understanding that is not of this world wow that's true there's an understanding that is produced by faith because faith is substance that is not of this world yes yes whoever begins to walk in faith activates the knowledge of the realm of faith let me give you a practical example jesus is standing before 5000 people there's 5 000 men not counting the women and the children so if we put the totals together we are saying about 20 000 people the disciples come to jesus they say lord send the people away and then uh jesus jesus said why should we send them away he said because there is no food let them go and find for themselves food then jesus said no you give them food they said we don't how can we get them all food a young boy brought five loaves and two fish or two fish and five loaves what is it five loaves and two fish the boy brought five loaves and two fish he said here jesus feed them why did the boy bring five loaves and two fish the boy entered into the realm of faith knowing that this bread can feed everybody but the disciples did not know what this boy was doing the boy had tapped into something that jesus understood the language that the young boy was speaking the older people did not know they were like send them away let them go and figure out some things but the young boy who had his lunch he looked at his lunch and said jesus this can fit them you know what i mean yes jesus said young man you are deep he blessed it said feed the people so the young boy accessed knowledge of the realm of faith that is not given to people who don't function in the realm of faith why because children know nothing is impossible yes that's true hey yes i feel like i'm talking to myself this is why jesus loved the children yes because they comprehended the realm of faith easily if you tell a child you are superman they will believe it with all their heart yes and if a child finds out something they will milk it the more even if it's spiritual if it is good if it is bad physical whatever they will run with it so a young boy entered into faith and understood that five loaves and two fish can feed wow over 20 000 people yes and he was right he was right so now when you're listening to what paul is saying read it again through faith we understand that now we know that there is an understanding that is produced by faith listen what does it say now we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god now notice this read it again through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god now read that revelation 13 8 now listen to this and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so did jesus die 2 000 years ago or did he already die and the event was simply framed to appear in 2000 years ago wow because if he was slain from the foundation of the earth it means that when god was telling job do you know where the foundations of the earth have been fastened god was telling him that you don't understand that the foundation of the world was built upon me myself as a man because the foundation of the earth is literally the cross the earth does not hang on nothing it ends on the cross of christ that is why it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word became flesh is telling you that this word that existed in the beginning was framed and put in time as flesh [Music] wow that is why jesus would say things like father restore unto me the glory that i shared with you before the world began so people are confused saying how can jesus speak like this you're only 30 years old man are you older than abraham he said before abraham i am they said you abomination how could you speak like this they did not know that the man existed but for them because they lived in the physical world they measured him for 30 years but anyone who walked in the realm of faith knew that this was god framed in flesh wow wow so because you don't know what faith is you have no ability to frame what you don't know [Music] so the bible is saying we call those things that are not is not saying that we call things that are not he said we call those things that are not that's a very contradicting statement think about it i call an iphone that doesn't exist i already said iphone it means it i am telling you they are not in your world but the iphone already existed this iphone you see made it already existed somebody just typed tapped into it and created it right right right so anything we call those things that are not my god as if they were how can you already call them things it means they're material yes yes yes yes yes it means they're already substance but nobody can see it so they are not yes let me show it to you uh go back to first corinthians chapter two and you're going to read this amen hold this undone jesus first corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 okay amen now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us that you may know what that we now read okay that we might know the things that are freely given to you that we may know things that are already given to us for free you try to gain things that are already yours for free but because you have no revelation you cannot frame it that's good wow jesus no is it not in your bible it's right there please read it again now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god one more time now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god one more time now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god one more time now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are fully freely given to us of god one more time now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god so the holy spirit comes to show you what is already been given to you the things we call those things those things that are not the holy spirit comes to reveal to you that those things are called car they are called house they are called this they are called this and this is yours so the problem is you call things that are not yours and you don't know that they are yours wow you are contradicting yourself you can't frame them because you don't know them that's right and you don't even know that which is yours so you pick it back off people because god did it for him he would surely do it for me that's the wrong doctrine what you should be saying is that because god can do it for them he can do it for me not what he gave them he would give me also no mind is different mind should be better because my ability now in god has increased amen yes yes amen hey i feel like i'm talking to myself wow facebook are you there facebook are you there i wish more people would share this these are treasures but religious people won't be able to take it because they're not spiritual yeah lord jesus somebody shot fire i can't hear you somebody shout fire fire one more time fire fire hmm read it again my daughter you read it now listen listen to this through faith we understand that please give let the pregnant lady sit there come on come on actually my daughter got it there's room for a lot of people that if you guys push the couch together it's gonna split up a little bit if you just stand and push push push oh my gosh ashley's here [Laughter] oh my gosh ashley oh my god it's you eyes what's good come say hi come shake my hand come here come come on don't be scared come here come on you know you want to come come on come on you know you wanna come so check this out understand this understand this with all your heart read it again through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so and i'm telling you genesis chapter 1 verse 1 when god is saying let there be light he was framing what he already had made what does it mean to frame when you take a picture a picture you are capturing a time correct that you can revisit 50 years from now you can look at you remember in that place where we went the trees and everything you can capture at place in a time [Music] so words are picture that frames a time that is before time and you can bring it into your time yes okay let me let me let me slow down if you don't understand me it's not that i'm speaking first you're just listening slow capture this read it one more time through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so we know by faith that the worlds everything that god ever created was simply framed by his word yes wow so the word what did not create them in a sense the words not is the same by the words of god okay by the word of god or the words of god what does that mean it tells you in the beginning god created and then the gospels tells you again that nothing what first john uh john chapter one tells you that nothing was created except through him and by him everything was created through him and by him everything was created through him and by him and he's talking about the lord jesus who is god everything was created through him and by him amen amen but to frame it he had to speak because he had to bring them in time that is why you see the spirit of god is hovering into the physical world yes so god had to enter into the physical world flowing on water and begin to speak let there be light because unless he comes over he cannot bring what is on the other side so when he comes into this dimension he calls that car to follow the sun come stars appear so he's making is not making things manifest you see the reason why i don't like people saying we are just waiting for the manifestation that is a lack of faith because faith is manifestation [Music] that is what the bible never said wait for manifestation he said if you believe it you have it it doesn't say when you pray wait for manifestation you say when you pray believe and you have it amen so believing and having faith is the fact that you are framing something that you know you have the problem is you pray hoping through your prayer you have faith to capture it but faith should be the reason you pray because you already know now all you're doing is framing it that's why the bible says in everything when you pray do it with thanksgiving why do you give thanks because you already have it yes so when you begin to pray you say father i thank you that what i'm asking for you already knowing you have already given it to me that car that wife that husband that child that this that that father i thank you again that it is done thank you god so your prayer attests to the evidence of what you want amen amen wow so many people say now let's sister pray for let's believe god now let's believe god now let's now you gotta use your faith now you gotta use it hey nonsense wow they didn't teach us this in bible school i'm sorry no that's because let me not say it i'm sorry but many times bible schools are symmetry yes this is where dead spirits go oh my god because the people who are teaching you they are not even spiritual themselves they are teaching you theology yes which is not bad but has nothing to do with spirituality that's why it's not effective that's why i can teach scriptures better than somebody that knows theology and i will manifest the god of the bible more than somebody that has theology they may know where things were the original meaning but i know the spiritual meaning let's put an altar let's see who's god will answer are you getting it now yes jesus [Applause] is somebody capturing now are you getting it yeah so the spirit of god the bible make sure that you know that the spirit is flowing amen that is why in first corinthians chapter 2 12 he says now the spirit reveals to us what god has freely given unto us in the beginning you're seeing the spirit of god hovering and then god is saying let there be yeah so the revelation and who carries the words of those things that are on the other side is the spirit so faith teaches you the ability of god so that you know what is on the other side wow maluku go and preach this message and kill people i'm your father so my message is yours i know there are pastors that just wait he's not live today what will i teach to my church what will i do [Laughter] he's he's not life what what are we gonna do with ourselves just a worship service then you wonder why is the pastor killing it this week next week he's not killing it the week after it's coming oh my god they should just come and submit we impart them amen what has killed the body of christ is pride people are not humble to desire something more than what they have wow if i don't have something trust me that's why i have fathers yes amen it's a simple principle it will make you go so fast and so far thank you god read it one more time yes through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so we know by faith through faith so when you tap into faith faith number one you understand that faith is substance first point yes yeah number two you understand that your need is evidence that faith exists amen amen number three faith reveals to you or gives you knowledge that does not exist in the natural world but exists in the realm of faith amen that is why the bible says through faith we understand amen amen that is why you cannot receive anything from god without what faith not because god cannot give it to you because the only means of transaction with god is through a realm called what faith is like wanting to light up a light bulb in your house without electricity it will never work what will empower the light is the electricity that will go to the light amen so faith is the electrical wire that carries the power of god through to you amen amen faith is the channel it's like it's like it's like a highway yes that permits that the blessing of god will exit at your house wow um i feel like i'm talking to myself that's why i always say faith is not blind or blind faith just just do it like a rhino blind thing yeah it doesn't [Music] that's exist just jump into it by faith so they make faith sound like it's something you take by chance you attempt to see what will happen maybe it will come through maybe will not correct it could cause something but it's just like come on people amen that's not what faith is hello hello hello i say hello hello hello this is why i always say this revelation is the most important thing you can have as a child of god amen amen is key amen and a specific revelation because that revelation is where faith is found first corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 let me tell you when the angel of the lord taught me the book this book changed my whole life amen that's why i refer to first corinthians chapter two too much wow first corinthians chapter two verse six how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world now you have to understand that wisdom is the application of knowledge how can i tell you where to go if where you want to go doesn't exist yeah you didn't hear what i just tell you what i just told you did you catch it how can i tell you where to go if where you want to go doesn't exist yet so if i am giving you knowledge wisdom it means the knowledge of what i'm speaking about already exists right keep reading nor of the princes of this world that come to naught but we speak the wisdom of god and a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world so there is a hidden wisdom that god ordained before the world and to our glory amen amen even the hidden wisdom which god ordained from the beginning for our glory i always say this god cannot be glorified until you are glorified hey wow that is why jesus said glorify the son so that the son may glorify you for god to be known for god to be known as a powerful god for god to be known as a deliverer as a healer until it happens to you no one will see it amen because god is dealing with carnal people hey yeah you know god can partner see because of moses not because of god so god had to make a man appear powerful mighty then through that you knew the ability of god wow so there is a hidden wisdom that glorifies you why do you not need to know the hidden wisdom from the beginning because god created the bible says and god rested from all his works so god is not working he's not making you a house he's not creating for you a house he's not bringing you healing he's not manufacturing healing he's not bringing you a husband he's not bringing you a wife you already made them in the beginning it's up to you now to know what he has given without the spirit of revelation you'll never know wow yes i feel like i'm talking to myself you are talking to us you are talking to us keep reading keep reading through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear one more time the things that are seen so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear one more time so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear people misunderstand what this verse is saying yes read it one more time so that things which are seen so that the things that you see these clothes this chair you're sitting on this live stream this camera were not made of things which do appear we're not made of things that do appear what does that mean it means that the material that these things were created of are not of this world remember the plastic we have everything we use to create things on this earth where did they come from god created them what did he use to create them but that doesn't mean they don't exist so your problem is you're waiting for them to become material of this world wow so if you don't have something that you can hold you don't believe that it is real oh my god when i met prophet elijah he told me something he told me something that is spiritual doesn't mean it's not substance i will never forget that lesson wow say it again say it again [Laughter] something that is spiritual does not mean it's not substance wow let me ask you a question ask me do you feel emotions all the time all the time all the time are emotions material no how do they have an effect on material substance um they come from inside out it's an invisible thing wow but when you feel sad it makes you sad you even look like sad you are happy you look like you're happy but these things that you're feeling they're immaterial nobody can see it but you know it yes you are experiencing it what people can see is your mood yes you're not catching me that part so anyone to tell you that an immaterial thing does not have an effect on a material world is alive wow when the spirit of a man leaves the body we call that person what the deceased or the cops of here lays the body of meaning there was something that was invisible that was making the body inanimate that's right but that invisible thing in the naked eye what was it made of wow does it mean that that person never existed oh my god does it mean that the emotions don't exist wow i'm not able to sleep tonight no no we're gonna re-watch this slow motion i'm just trying to help somebody to capture something wow somebody shot glory sorry okay read again i'm coming i'm about to i'm gonna finish in a little bit keep going so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear so as long as i know it that's what matters i don't need to see it because these things are made of things you can't see anyway wow that's why you need revelation yes wow i love jesus why did you make me deep like this thank you god it shocks me myself you know it shocks me thank you lord be sharply go deeper i i'm always touched when when when the miracle babies come and things like that because the parent is convinced that it will take a miracle yes but when we are in the realm of faith in the realm of the prophetic we see those things as if they already happened because we saw them now the key is to convince the person that is waiting for it to know that you don't have to wait it's already there act on this thing in order to produce it is somebody capturing this yeah yes this is why for faith to work you have to remove everything that people told you yes that's why the bible tells you whose report shall you believe the problem is it this has turned people against doctors well the doctor said i would die not the doctor your health the doctor is just revealing what your health is saying it's not him he's doing the best that he can amen but you have another report which report will you use because the report of god can override why is it a report it means it is reporting concerning something a reporter testifies of something that is on the other side yes wow a reporter is not the source so i would be i believe in the report of god but what is the report of god if you don't know it you can't access it that's right this is why isaiah said something interesting okay isaiah said it in in isaiah 64 he said and by his stripes we are healed how is he talking about jesus in the present yes over 500 years before jesus comes oh my goodness yes so when people are saying by his stripes you are healed it's old news yes there are people in the old testament before jesus came that were already benefiting from the stripes amen isaiah already had seen it wow so the key was known for jesus to die is whoever is has access to this information benefits the only thing is that now god made the information public yes it became public records anybody can know about it but it is also public records but not everybody can access it wow wow i feel like i'm talking to myself yes read it one more time dear so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear again continue it read it again yeah read it one more time and continue okay so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain one more time read it by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain the problem why you don't receive what you saw in it's because your faith does not accompany your giving wow cain you know in movies when you watch the bible they make you see like cain was about to give to god then he removed some potions and put some potions he wasn't decided on what he was giving god the problem was he did not have faith in what he was giving god that's right wow because remember god is a spirit so when you give him a hundred thousand god wants to see the faith that is pushing the hundred thousand that's what god is interested in wow not the hundred thousand that's good that is why when people are giving in the temple jesus was looking at the offering basket and said this old woman has given more than all of you because jesus was measuring the faith that was producing the money not the money that was producing faith because money cannot produce faith but it takes faith to give money yes [Music] so cain was rejected by god yeah because his faith did not match what he was giving okay what does that mean cain could have pushed himself to a place where it required faith for him to give to believe god can multiply it quadruple what i'm about to give and it will produce the results that i want it means that his faith was falling was short of what he wanted yeah so god could not accept it wow remember faith is the means of transaction of the spirit yes in america we use dollar yes in heaven they use faith [Music] in kenya they use shillings in zimbabwe they use them dollars or do they steal now dollars which one is it bonds [Laughter] in south africa they use runs in india i think they use rupees that's right in heaven they use faith yes that's the currency of heaven because faith is the means of transaction to be honest with you the bible doesn't say have faith like a mustard seed you know the bible doesn't say have faith like a mustard seed some people are trying to have a mastered in faith that's not what god wants god is actually condemning a mustard seed faith he's saying even if you have faith like a mustard seed you can move mountains he's not saying have faith like a master see isn't even if you had that degree of faith but he's saying have bigger faith he's not saying have a mastered seed faith so when people read it they say just have faith like a master's degree jesus is condemning it yes wow it can move a mountain but it cannot bring things from the spiritual world okay you didn't catch that you didn't catch that read it one more time i'm about to close by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice excellent sacrifice than can keep going by which he obtained witness that he was righteous so what you give your faith testifies to god this one is righteous that is why righteousness is a gift yes you cannot prove that you are righteous you only prove it by your giving oh jesus and by the use of your faith oh jesus wow because we receive righteousness through christ who gave himself yes so how do you have a testimony that says you are righteous you can receive the righteousness of christ which is good but what are tests of your righteousness is the deeds that you do for god yeah amen wow that is why the bible says that and and and and and and noah was the most righteous man in his day it means that god is comparing him to his time meaning if noah was in today's world i would be better than him you didn't catch it yes thank god noah was good compared to his people right not compared to this time wow wow enoch was good compared to his people not to our time that is why jesus said as great as john the baptist is in these people that are coming you will be like the least wow your works must testify of your righteousness amen wow listen to what uh susanna tara says i can testify to that i gave 1200 yesterday towards the building project and today i received 10 times what i gave wow that's a deep testimony now read read read read again continue continue by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts god can testify of your gifts so he gave god something number one it was excellent yes because the gift testified and then what does the bible say and by it he being dead yet speaketh the reason why what you give don't speak for you is because it was not excellent accompanying faith wow and when it gets to god your gift must be speaking so even though we bought the building with the money the money will still be speaking remember i told you that whenever you cry to god yes god will hear you because something is also speaking for you yes amen yes read it again read that verse again from the top yes by faith abel offered unto god a more excellent sacrifice so now we are offering to god our sacrifice we are sacrificing for the sake of god keep going cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous by giving you're saying that you are righteous you're obtaining a testimony that your righteous keep going god testifying of his gifts god now is the one testifying this one is a gift deep giver not prophet lovey can god look and say um helene killed the offering today hey can god testify that can god look and say my look maluk maluk you're deep you see the testimony the gift of abraham made god say oh hold up now i know that you love me it testified the sacrifice the act spoke wow keep going and by it he being dead by it him being dead yet what speaketh so even though you have died you have gone a hundred years from now 200 years from now your descendants will still be blessed because you are still speaking and you have a voice because you did something [Applause] okay wow this is why the bible tells you that uh when when the rich man wanted to come he said father abraham sent me back he said i can't send you back because if they cannot believe moses and the prophets they will never believe you yeah meaning that moses and the prophets are still here they are still talking you're not catching me wow yeah wow wow so there are people that made heaven but they don't have a voice oh that is why a family can have servants of god but nobody prospers yes struggle upon struggle upon struggle because to serve god does not mean you sacrifice to god some of the most stingy people are men of god i know it yes in fact many times when i don't usually go and preach for people the only people i preach for are the fathers and my spiritual children and opposed to omar that's it i don't like to travel to preach for people because it doesn't make sense for me but ask any one of them if i went and took something from them or did i leave something to them [Music] the only one who has ever given me something and i had to take was my father that's it wow when i will go and preach to people for people they will raise money and people will give money and i will be one of the people that will give and i would give everybody it is there if you if you want call apostle omar if you want call call uh uh karen who's there my daughter tyrone will tell you yeah yeah even todd and cavalina are here they will tell you i do that because i disassociate myself with the culture of what men of god do amen i want my doings to testify before god so that my children my children's children children children's children even before the coming of the lord yes when i am gone i'm in heaven i still have a say on earth not everybody that has not everybody has a say on earth no wow wow this is why some people from heaven they just watch oh they cheer for you but they cannot intervene or do anything because their voice is not speaking to this day the children of israel can go to the wailing wall and god will hear them not because of them because of solomon when blood barometers was in the streets jesus is passing he said jesus jesus ignored him jesus jesus ignored him son of david jesus said stop bring him to me why did jesus stop when he called son of david because david has a say in heaven [Music] yes when he invoked david jesus had to do it he had no choice yes may your children be able to say yes may your family be able to say may you be able to say my god any answer may your children say the god of my mother the god of my father amen and may god respond thank you jesus yes thank you jesus yes i feel like i'm talking to myself oh lord may you become that yes amen that the same way they say the god of moses they can say god of of maluk god of god of john god of elijah god of god of uh uh the god of lovi god of may people may you be in the conversation yes right because their voice means something to god that's why their name is associated with god yes yes yes don't be somebody that when you said god of my father they are looking in the files they are saying angel saying oh no who is your father again what is your last name no no no no no maybe it's me is it with an with an n or an a now we don't know this one i'm sorry wow [Laughter] [Applause] oh lord help us yes help us lord this is why solomon was preserved because of the god of his father amen you said the god of my father david the god of my father david he knew that god was giving him favors because of david yes not because of him what will your giving do for your children's children amen it's a question what will it do what will your sacrifice do for your children's children wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what will your giving do for your children's children what will it do for your community what will it do for your children [Music] wow listen i've met prophets of the bible physically they've appeared to me yes amen and i came to understand that those that have the ability to do that that god can send are people that their work is still continuing because they still have a say they still have attachments on earth that they can make things happen yes yes yes elijah and moses could appear to jesus because their work was also going to be fulfilled through jesus jesus when your children listen to what the bible says i have never seen the righteous forsaken know their children beg for bread what you do will determine if your children's children's children will be in poverty some of you you are suffering because your fathers and your mothers never did anything for god that's right so when it came time that you needed bread in your life oh my goodness god could not attend to you quickly remember abel is testified that he's righteous cain is righteous no no abel is righteous noah is righteous abraham is righteous isaac is righteous joseph is righteous everything that they did convert their children to their children never beg for bread even in the middle of the wilderness wow they said we want bread heaven was opened and bread came what will your giving ever testify for you what will your children's children benefit from god what will they benefit from what you have done thank you jesus i am always grateful because my father and mother one thing that they were very good at in fact i learnt giving and helping from my mother and my father when i was growing up in nairobi kenya my family had a big home and we had a back house what my parents used to do was that anyone from our country that had nowhere to live until they get on their feet they lived in the back house they were fed they were mentored and when they were able they moved on i remember when i moved to the states and i went to to to one of my father's friend's concert and i went there just to see him and to say i when i got a backstage to see him and to speak to him a man called my name and i was like i was i was i was 16 17 then he said lovey i said yeah he said you don't remember me i said no i can't remember because then i was like six or seven oh wow he was like you don't remember me i said no no i don't he said your mother if it was not for your mother i would have never gone to the uk if it was not for your mother i would have never gone to school if it was not for your mother i would have never escaped war i would have never had it is because of your mother oh i wish you knew i called my mom and then my mother was alive i called my mom he said please let me talk to zaina let me talk to zaina let me speak to zaina let me speak to zaina i called my mom and and she was like my mom was like hello she said mama it is your son my mom couldn't even remember because she had done that for so many people after she got off the phone she said i don't even know who that is in my life i have always seen the goodness of god because of what my parents did amen amen amen i have never struggled because of what my parents did amen this is the truth i can speak before god amen what will your children benefit from when i moved here i came here by myself i thrived still thriving still growing amen so many people have started churches it failed why are we succeeding not only because we have a true mandate from god but my needs as a man was covered because of my mother yes and my father my mom used to be known like the mother of the church there was nothing you did that my mother was not involved in amen amen i feel like i'm talking to myself there are benefits to doing something for god amen amen this is why it's important for you to understand the opportunities that god presents when he has a need yes maybe tomorrow i'll continue with the part two of the faith that work are you seeing how simple faith is yes yes it's too simple it's not a big deal the way you think it's not what you think you look at how do i have to memorize all this it's not that that just reveals who god is amen this is your chance this is your chance i want all the tears of giving to be there this is your chance this is your chance this is your chance to give towards the work of god something that will always speak for you thank you jesus the more people are getting saved the more the voice is increasing yes the more people are getting delivered the more the voice will increase yes the more there will always be a need that voice will always intercede remember what the bible says he says the blood of jesus speaks better things not jesus his sacrifice is speaking yeah will your sacrifice speak for your children will your sacrifice speak on your behalf yeah on the behalf of your children's children listen to me if we have sixteen hundred people one thousand six hundred people that will give five thousand dollars the building is done we'll never owe anything we'll never do anything and we'll be able to get this thing and be done with it amen if 10 000 people will give 800 will be done with it amen if somebody will give millions we'll be done with it amen i received no it's very impossible yes yeah so when god is saying have faith yeah he's telling you take from the reserve of the spirit that you have amen so when jesus will ask do you have faith it's like going to a mechanic saying i need my tire changed do you have a tire spare tire yes i do okay you fix your own car yeah are you getting it yeah so listen to me we haven't put an offer yet but the access to this property is there i believe we have the favor for it amen but we are doing good in terms of how people are giving but we are still so far from the goal we are still far from the goal i want you i want god to speak to you there are people that god spoke to they gave a hundred thousand amen amen amen there are people that god spoke to they gave 50 000. amen there are people that have given 25 there are people that have given 10 000 the people who have given 5 000 the people who have given a thousand and and in between those numbers this is your opportunity to bless god and to do something for your children's children's children amen amen amen today some of the people that i blessed called me they said oh we saw what you are doing man of god uh uh uh i am going to send you this and i sat down and i was like wow what i put in is coming at the time that i needed yes everyone that will give in this range and we have record of everybody that is giving within this range you there will be a wall of founders and according to the tear that they have given unto the work of god this world will have a plaque with the family name or your name whatever name you want there that represents your people this world will be a memorial before men and before god yes amen there is no day you will ever cry to god that you will never hear god respond to you there is no time your children will ever cry to god that god will not respond thank you jesus it will be impossible if you give with your faith your giving will start to speak for you amen thank you it doesn't say when you have children immediately yes i want you to master your heart and do and to prepare yourself to deliver something in the hand of god to give something to god legacy founders those who give a hundred thousand and above you have a reserved parking at the church you always have parking you even have your parking number for where you'll be parking every time you come amen you will have a a a seat always in the house of god amen you have access to an impartation service that i will have with those people that will give their 100 000 and above i'll really pour myself to them like nobody because they're answering something that god needs and this is what god spoke to me to do wow amen and they will also have access to the banquets to celebrate the opening yes amen of the church with the founders amen that gave towards this project the platinum uh uh uh the the the platinum the platinum let me look at my notes before i forget the platinum founders who would have given 50 000 and above yes will be at the owner's banquet and they will be honored in that backpack like everybody else that has done this they will have reserved parking and they will have reserved seating gold founders will be at the honors banquet who will give 25 000 and above they will have they will be at the honors banquet and they will also have reserves sitting in church every time they're in church wow why are we doing this because to be honest with you it will be too packed there will be nowhere to sit people yes people will be in the overflow of overflows i'm just telling you the truth yes amen if you came to one four five four five victory believe at our old address you will know that there was nowhere to sit on a thursday night what do you think sunday will be like hey oh hallelujah yes sunday now let's go put the other other other uh cabradabaya so for everybody that was sending a wire many of you the wire was returned or didn't go through because there was a number that was uh was incorrect and the account didn't exist because the number was was done the wrong way but now the number has been corrected so you can cancel that transaction and resend and even if you send it should cancel it because that account doesn't exist because the number was incorrect so you can do your wire again and there are some people that we sent out an email and so many uh so many uh um what is it called already corrected the wires and sent the wires and that kind of thing i want you right now to go to venmo go to paypal partners at prophet please send something that will speak for you and your family yes let us honor god listen to me let us honor god yes let us when you use the paper please send it as friends and family so that it doesn't deduct what you're giving to god amen yes this is your opportunity to do it i want you to go and do it now he's gonna play uh two songs and i want you to do it and then i'll go through the people who have given and then god will bless us amen go for it now amen amen you are the same god now and forever you are the same god on how you reign oh lord you gave me beats like a river you are the same god you never changed and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid from the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never change [Music] [Music] again yeah [Music] in times of trouble [Music] you are my father and my friend so here's a million hallelujah [Music] you'll never change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] changed [Music] no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace show me your way i'm seeking after you show me your face but you always up to something if you said it didn't i know it every time i [Music] prayed [Music] [Music] i know my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all i can say he made jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] he hears you sees your tears too fights your fears too time after time he has spoken [Music] in the prophets today for the sinners and saints he answers his children by fire god bless you and we are back and i thank the lord jesus that we are back now a lot of people are giving but i want to encourage you to give more now there's a few people that are here i'm going to mention them because mama ann had to leave but uh mama anne mama ann came to drop off a check of uh uh she a thousand dollars her and her daughter both brought a thousand uh and they both gave a thousand each so uh that the family gave two thousand dollars and we thank the lord jesus for that because it means something to god it means something to god and i know uh i know uh bishop lee came with his wife and his babies you wanna come ashley because you're the one not carrying anybody ish that's why i say ish you want to give them and then you come back with your husband come come come oh my gosh ashley when's the last time you sat that's the last one what you sat next to me and it's been a while you've been carrying a lot of things lately i love you i love you mom you've been carrying like a lot of things not on your heart though not on your heart in your stomach so bishop lee called me with his wife my son lee and his wife prophetess ashley they called me they say papa i may be carrying something in my belly but it will not stop me from doing something from god their babies are supposed to sleep one is supposed to go to school and they still made it happen to come hallelujah okay you have anything you wanted to say women we meant of god on behalf of lee and i um and our family we are so lee and i are um going to be blessing you with ten thousand dollars it's actually not ten thousand it's ten thousand two hundred yes because one hundred each from sayla and isaac that's d they're all accounts from their own accounts i have a hundred more coming from this one oh that's the please give them a clap you know because this is what it means to have spiritual children that understand the mission that god has given to their father because it's also their mission amen amen i want you to be encouraged online because they they literally drove they say papa we have to come can we come at this i said come and they came and i and they said we have something to give god and look at what they delivered amen i pray that god will touch you wherever you are be touched wherever you are to do such a sacrifice that this time we don't need to pray for people amen yeah yeah i don't need to entice you with anything i have educated you on the reason why you need to do it whether it is now there are people who don't have a thousand but if you have a hundred five hundred you know give it give the best that you can push yourself to leave something that will speak for you amen amen i honor you guys so much and thank you so much for doing such a such a great sacrifice in the name of jesus oh also we uh uh we saw you know brother will and todd give the bricks we saw sister yeah clean give the give the key yes which is pretty that was that was nice but since since i uh i meet you outside yes i am actually in the process right now of getting a specialized parking reserve reserve parking for you right now that is somebody got the key somebody got the reserved parking thing we're already in there in jesus name amen yeah that's true that's true and you know bishop lee is there is a is the one that usually like i don't want to use the ama bearer because is is joshua was more than that joshua walked with moses fought with moses stood with moses he's truly a joshua i've never needed anything when he's around everything is always on point he will ask me like 10 million papa you need something you already do it before i even think of it papa do you need something i'm like major you're already a super what is he called a jedi you already know what i need but you still ask that is the love of god and i thank god for you thank you so much may god honor you in jesus name you and the children are extra blessed love you more please watch your step we don't want we don't want water to break here we don't want waters to hover ah thank you thank you so much i honor you guys thank you so much thank you so much uh uh let me get other because you you you you you are you are my guest today let's uh let's get let's get you bishop taught or do you want to come first okay let let her come first amen friends of revelation come hey don't don't fall now the anointing is a lot but don't call her here here's a mic now look at ellen is here saying papa she gave more than friends of revelation of course she did i mean i'm poking at her okay gabby let's hear you remember you have a microphone oh um so i did give earlier and then i have 2 000 more for you okay god bless you so she has left the friends of revelation that's good i honor god for you you know gabby used to always always always always this has her her brother and their whole family you know they're very close to my heart and they've been really special to with me to me and they have stood with me from the beginning from the beginning from the beginning actually a lot of the things that are there she's one of the first people that started actually actively working on things and i honor god for you and i thank you for not being friends of revelation for being more it's a joke people if you have a thousand it's fine i'm just make poking at her but i thank you so much thank you so much for such a great act and laying a brick that means something to heaven glory be to god so more more people are doing it and i thank god for you i thank god for you please don't fall the anointing is too much thought thought come come bishop taught ash this baby is too up beautiful yeah i don't want to like okay bishop you can sit okay i'm so tired i didn't want to just be over you saying [Music] moving more inward it's still behind him okay right there okay that's perfect this this is uh obviously from our family yeah and i don't even like to i don't even like to uh i'm giving this yes that's why we sent the bank the wire but since it didn't go through we said we'll come um but this is just to say that we love you amen um we're believing and standing with you that this is going to be our new home amen you've not only been a blessing to all of us but you've been a blessing to our family directly um so we wanted to so the first half of ten thousand this is five and then five is coming uh hopefully within the next week probably but this is the first half amen and uh yeah we're believing and then we also this is our brick but this is also the welcome mat it's to show you we're in there yeah so at least he transcended the brick will please deliver people from bricks but this is it's extra prophetic and i thank god because you know you know that your spiritual children are being blessed when they can do things like this may you receive that earlier spirit that will cause you to prosper that your sacrificial giving will push you into higher dimensions of working with god i honor you i love you both thank you for always being there and thank you for oh my gosh look how beautiful she is hey shh look at the eyes oh tacky taking one together oh taiki come here this is all right come come on taiki it's not much but it is much it's always much it's 20. look taiki is about to be 13 right and he can come and give and see that my parents are doing it i'm gonna do it with my own man you're extra deep may god remember you and my god throughout your life may you never know what struggle and suffering is at this tender age what you have done for god and his work may god remember you and honor you in jesus name amen amen extra deep amen we love you that we're the youth ministry is also preparing a major seed okay okay that's deep that's the amen we thank god because you know todd and cavalina are youth pastors uh uh the prophetess and the apostle they're our youth pastors and i thank god they're doing such a phenomenal job and i honor god for them and thank you for showing such an a great example and to be a great example for those who are mentoring and teaching amen i honor you and i bless you thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much this is a deep visit this is a really good visit okay let's see who else before before anybody else come friends of revelation no no i'm messing no no no i i know okay so i think bishop derry come bishop derek is my assistant bishop derek what is god saying to you uh papalo i have the first half of 2000 wow i um first of all i honor you i love you you have changed my life and so many lives and i get to see the fruits of it all day every day and as i told you in private um this month i made more money than i ever have in my entire life and i already gave what i felt you know in my heart just privately and then this happened and i really prayed about it and i was like lord i have to i have to still give like what i gave is not this i want to give to this yes yes so um i moved some things around and i found this and it's just a token of my appreciation for you and the work amen amen i thank god that you are beyond friends of revelation i'm joking bishop derek is a good he's a good son and he assists me very well and he works with me very well and in when i need him he's there and he does what needs to be done to make sure that the prophet can be live with you and even beyond even he helps christian and you know and i thank god for you and this this this is just the beginning you will never have to give something like this again amen i increase your level of giving in jesus name the same way god increased me may you be increased i will say it is done in jesus name extra deep xd brazilian fire and your husband please come husband come remind them i will find you [Laughter] and then i'll go online and and honor those who are giving online also okay oh she's like oh please please see oh no no no no see yes well we um we know that you are some of the most fertile soil to sell into correct when i put the mic closer yeah i don't know if i was heard but yeah we believe that you are some of the most you are the most fertile soil to sow into amen we know that this is an instant ability for us to immediately be associated with numeral numerous unmeasurable amounts of lives for generations so we kind of trespassed and we kind of stole today but i say kind of because it's the soil from our church oh wow so extra deep we have green bricks keys we brought them we brought the soil [Laughter] i just really want to encourage people that you know this teaching today i mean it shook me it really did just because i've come to realize i've been doing this so wrong and to be called righteous of god i have not stretched myself beyond measure i have not i we've give i mean we give all the time i think we all can say that but have we given to a point where it's going to speak beyond us no and that is you know when you when you ask that question i'm like it's a question because no we we haven't and um i know there's so many so many reasons that you could take your money and you could put it in the bank or you could put it in stocks or you can pay your bills but that's just so temporary and we were having this conversation today and i said you know i want my bank to be god like i want my stocks to be god that's what i want and so um we are so stretching ourselves and i just don't want people to think you know oh it just comes out of abundance no this is stretch yes so we want to be legacy founders with revelation church and we are giving a hundred thousands hey that's [Applause] one thing that i can say maybe people think that you're faking it they took the soil yeah and they took a hundred thousand yes a hundred thousand you see what you don't understand that wow this is just an opportunity for god to give you more yes if you never show god that god can trust you with this much that what is remember i taught you about stewardship if you cannot take a hundred thousand and say lord you gave me this i'm giving it back to you and uh and i know that this is the beginning of more than i will ever have why won't god give you more amen you see the reason why people don't i i spoke to you privately you didn't even tell me what you're going to give i won't even say what i was going to give you heard the number of what i was going to give and you're like prophet i wish people knew what you do in the background yeah yes yes yeah or i'm giving too yeah and i will reveal what i will give amen but i'm not going to reveal it now amen but my duty is to make sure i outdo everybody oh me and my family will do it too yes but just somebody to come and say papa we have to come see papa we have to come see they didn't even say we want to come see you because you have a hundred thousand because you know i don't respond like that you tell me what you have i'll never answer you in fact that will make me not never bring you close but when you can say that i want to come see you to honor god with what you're doing i will open my heart for you to come amen because it's about god because i'm not after anybody's money this this is not even going to my account or even the church account this is going to to the project of the vision yes of the ministry that our husband and wife will say you know what i we really saved the best for last you know and there may this cause men and women to be touched and they're probably one of the they're one of the few that have done this number may god touch you to be among those people that will do this i receive i receive i receive i honor you and let me tell you god will show you that he is god amen by reason of what you have done because you have done this the lord jesus himself will show you that he is god hallelujah no wonder this message resonated with you because you and your family because you pushed beyond may the lord jesus honor you this evening in jesus name for somebody to say i want to be a legacy partner hey that's good it's extra deep may the lord honor you i love you and i bless you thank you for doing such a strong act and i understand why you went and got the soil now i understand why this one even myself i will keep this soil amen i'll pray tonight with this amen amen hallelujah our god is extra deep okay let's look online let's look online let me give people online one more chance i want you to go online i want you to go online and i want you to give those who are doing wire the information is there those who are doing venmo you have 10 50 100 500 1000 1 billion do it desire to lay a brick that will speak volumes in the spirit amen that will speak volumes in the presence of god amen i don't know if somebody can hear me can you play can you play a uh never change one more time and then i'll go through those who are giving online may this push you those who are online to do more may this push you in the name of jesus amen may this push you you are the same god now and forever [Music] you are the same god you'll never change and when the whole world is lost in darkness i have your comfort i'm not afraid i will be singing the mountains cause you're the same god you'll never change [Music] you'll never [Music] [Music] [Music] you are my savior you are my father and my friend so here's a million hallelujah you'll never you'll never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] no matter what the problem is i know you [Music] show me your face [Music] mercy [Music] jesus [Music] i've been riding [Music] [Music] that's why i'm true to this i had to put a moment i had to bring the crew in it ain't no way to ruin it just keep on renewing me [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] god bless you and and i thank you for giving i'm going to go through the names of people who i've given today just to honor you can i have the charges sir the portable charger okay thank you i see he was already in the future that's good i'll start with venmo can you push the button so that it starts thank you that's us bang perfect uh ousa you did it that's good i will start with venmo uh imbra in irma gonzalez gave a hundred dollars aubry jones aubry oh my god it's you aubry gave thirty dollars my daughter meg maggie gage gave 50 dollars charnese gave 75 dollars aisha johnson gave seven dollars more is coming abba i receive in jesus name maggie kageti gave 30 dollars again aisha johnson said mo is coming papa gave nine dollars lisa longo is extra deep she gave 87 brianna gave 320 my daughter thank you taryn gave 200 again plus the 10 000 she gave is just too much arthur uh gave 220 just now tia peterson gave or peterson gave one hundred dollars china gave thirty dollars um miss norris gave 30 dollars sekina akrei gave a hundred dollars that is so blessed and we thank god for you we thank god for you and more people just gave again just now let me look at that um lisa longo gave again 87 dollars jasmine shrugs my daughter gave 50 and uh uh god honor you god honor you and bless you i'm gonna look at people right now and then uh may god may god may god increase you may god touch you may god push you to a deeper dimension uh the i don't even know how to say it angol gave 126. and uh um sheila guerra gave 48 dollars my daughter kim johnson gave 10. my daughter chantel i'll call you right after i go live and we'll talk about what you message me she gave a hundred dollars christina marie gave 200 tori alexander gave a hundred dollars gerard frederick gave fourteen dollars fortune real fashion gave 96 dollars tiffany lewis gave a hundred dollars mwanza gave ten dollars chris kennedy gave ten dollars berlin bacca gave 250 pharrell my daughter gave 25 alisa rangel gave 34 dollars bertollian industries gave 970 dollars uh uh crystal brown gave 55. lisa olingo gave 20 dollars alezia rangel gave a hundred dollars again sheridan the nephilim gave twenty-five dollars deborah long is everywhere she gave another fifty dollars here glennis lawrence gave 97 alissa rangel gave a hundred dollars again sarah devaport gave a hundred dollars economic commodity gave 33 dollars linda ikero gave fifty dollars phil filona gave 955 dollars ruth gave 1941. new farm gave 3500. my son josiah rosen gave seventeen dollars katina brozard gave 85 dollars rambao gave 99 brelon gave 485 dollars saucy gave 970 dollars saucy it's you alexandra jones alexandra jones gave 15 dollars jordan hemmings gave 59 dollars dindi armandi gave 970 dollars mia cox gave 75 dollars pharrell gave a thousand dollars god bless you my daughter and master class oh no that's uh emily she gave 485 dollars alissa carter gave one thousand dollars marcus allen gave 48 dollars confidence gear gave 29 the training expo gave 96 charlotte lucky gave 19 dollars tammy gave 100 quincy golf gave a hundred samantha gave 19. charmin chamene williams gave 25 kelly martin gave 38 to mary's oh miss guerrero tia gave fifty dollars christina gaspar gave 117. new farm gave 300 chantal gave 50 again and queen finna gave 111.11 who already gave 5 000 before god bless you my daughter lorenzo gave a thousand henry ogica gave 50. esther mungai gave 14 nish nishka gave 485 i hope i didn't butcher your name alpha gave 150. trinita gave 25. la cynthia gave four dollars ashoni gave williams gave 400. deborah long gave 50. leticia gave another 100 and uh giron gave 53 and uh fabian gave 9 22. may god increase you all those who are giving now and have continued to give may god just surprise you and show you that you are doing the you see when a man of god you know i don't come and ever tell you oh you need to do this you need to do that you have to know that i know what i'm saying uh john ban said papa i'm thankful the wire did not go through the first time was one thousand it gave me a chance to give the correct sacrifice amount i just gave five thousand extra deep bronze partner exodus i want to to go to legacy partner may the lord make it possible for you in jesus name children of god i honor you i bless you some people just did right now on um on kasha on on venmo sorry we don't have kasha for this uh a gale gave ten dollars irma gave one hundred dollars and uh uh i bless you i increase you listen let us work for god let's push for god amen miss peggy just sent five thousand dollars detroit moore gave one thousand dollars god bless you my son the apostle jean jean gave five thousand dollars [Music] hallelujah wow wow wow this is this is deep this is extra deep this is extra deep let me see more people oh saucy said papa we sent 1 000. i think it's because i think it's because maybe you did not send it as friends and family but she said we are sending 1 000 more extra deep hallelujah listen children of god i honor you i bless you and tomorrow we will continue please please let your neighbor know let your friends know let your enemy know let your mother-in-law that you don't like very much no let everybody know that the house of god is being built let us join hands and make it possible i honor you i bless you in the name of jesus and i will see you tomorrow shalom [Music] you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 6,609
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 1sec (8521 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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