10 Game-Changing Canva Tips in under 15 Minutes! ⏰ | Canva Tutorial 2023

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Ready to up your design game? Check out  these awesome Canva tips and tricks that   will make designing super efficient and  smooth! I’ve got some pretty fresh ones   this time too so even if you're a seasoned  Canva user, they may be completely new to you. Ready? Let's do this! Hi my lovely people, it’s Natalia and welcome  back to my channel where I help you create   better content and grow on social media! Do you  know how to resize designs without Canva Pro?   How about instantly finding the perfect elements  for your graphic? Even if you already know Canva,   I’m sharing some nifty tricks to eliminate some  pesky little issues and make designing a joy!   In this video, I’m showing you 10 new Canva tips  and tricks that you probably didn't know about. If I helped you to find a tip that you liked,   hit that like button and let me know in  the comments what it is! And of course,   don’t forget to subscribe to get even better  at Canva and create more engaging content! Let's start off with Tip no. 1... **TIP 1: Move Freely with CTRL** Do you know how sometimes, when you have  plenty of different elements on a design,   Canva tries to help you position your  element correctly and it keeps snapping   to the different boundary lines to align with  them? You often end up frustrated because you   can’t get it into place just the way  you like. Well, here comes this tip! TO DO THIS: Select your element, and instead  of just dragging it as is, hold CTRL and   you’re gonna be able to freely move around the  Canvas with no interruptions. Problem solved! **TIP 2: Find the Perfect Elements** It’s not always easy to find the right graphics,  photos, or other elements to fit your design   well. The good news is that we now have a  personal assistant to help us massively! Click on our new Magic Assistant here in the  bottom right corner, scroll all the way down,   and discover all the suggestions for  graphics or photos to match your design   perfectly! You can also tap See All to expand  this selection and view this in the left panel,   where you can also use Magic  Recommendations even further. **TIP 3: Resize without Canva Pro** The Resize button in Canva Pro is  definitely a godsend and speeds up   the content creation workflow a lot.  But what to do if you’re a free user   and still want to resize your designs  quickly and efficiently? I got you! The first method is to create a new design  with the dimensions you want to end up with,   go to the left tab for Projects, look  up the design you want to resize,   and just click on it. That’s going to  transpose it onto the new canvas at   which point you’d need to slightly adjust  the elements to fit the new dimensions. Another option is to select and copy everything  from the first design and just paste it onto   the new one, then again, adjust which should  be easy since everything is still selected.   For this method, you’ll also have to change the  background yourself because it doesn’t usually   copy unless it’s a photo or a graphic that’s  been previously detached from the background. Both are effective depending on the difference  in dimensions that you’re working with! **TIP 4: Import Instagram Posts** Have you ever wanted to just grab a post  you’ve already published on Instagram and use   it within your new Canva design? In the second  installment of my Canva Tips & Tricks video,   I’ve shared a hack where you can embed your  social media posts in your designs but how   about just grabbing that image right  into the editor? That’s possible too! Go to Apps in the left panel, scroll down  for Instagram, or just search for it. Then,   connect your account, and you’ll see your entire  feed right here. The cool part is that you can   also import your videos with sound which not only  land in the editor but are also automatically   uploaded to your files, meaning you can reuse  them in the future. Of course, that goes for   the graphics or photos from IG too. This is such  a neat trick if you want to reference an old post,   reuse a photo or a graphic in other ways, or  are planning out your feed visually in Canva.   The only downside is that it only recognizes  the cover image for carousels and you won’t be   able to access the other slides from here. That  being said, it’s still a pretty cool feature and   reusing parts of old content (like clips from  my published Reels) is definitely a time saver. **TIP 5: Generate Backgrounds** AI has quickly become ubiquitous and it’s  no different here in Canva. I’ve recently   shared two videos about the new Canva features  which are full of incredible possibilities for   us created by AI and Text to Image has  just gotten much better for us. I want to   share a little tip on how you can use it to  generate fun backgrounds for your graphics. Go to Apps, Text to Image should be the first  thing you see in the panel, and start describing   what you’re after. I like to use certain keywords  to get these backdrop-worthy images and these   include words like “pattern”, “collage”, “texture”  and of course “background” so let’s try something   like “abstract light blue background”. You can  then choose a specific style as well. I’ve gotten   great results both with 3D and with watercolor  of all things so definitely experiment here. Ok, we’re halfway through the video, I hope you’re  enjoying yourself - if so, leave me a thumbs up,   it really makes me smile and also helps a ton! -  but if you want to become super confident in Canva   and use it to accelerate your business and social  media, make sure you sign up on the waitlist for   my upcoming Canva course! The link is in the  description box! And let’s move on to tip no. 6 **TIP 6: Blur Photo Background** We all love a bit of an artistic bokeh in  photos but it’s not always possible to get it,   especially when you’re using existing  photos from the library. Well, you can   blur your background ever so slightly  to get this kind of effect in Canva. First, select an image with a clear subject  like a person or an animal, or just something   that stands out distinctly in the foreground and  is at some distance from the background. Then,   go to Edit Photo at the top, switch to  the new editor if you haven’t already,   and select the second tab, Adjust. From  the drop-down menu, choose Background,   wait a second for it to process, and then  scroll all the way down to the Texture section   and reduce the Sharpness on the slider. Make  sure to work gently for a more natural effect,   but there are photos where you’ll  be able to go all the way down. Now, if it’s not enough of a blur for  you, you can duplicate the photo, drop   the transparency and align it perfectly to the  previous one, then return the transparency to   100%. Next, click Edit Photo again, remove the  background, and select the photo underneath with   the background remaining. Go to Edit Photo,  this time choose Blur and move the slider   EVER SO SLIGHTLY. I wouldn’t go above 10 because  the subject then blurs too much outside of the   boundaries that are covered by our cutout so for a  more natural effect, just stick to the lower end. This should give you a nice  enough blur in the background! **TIP 7: Bulk Edit Product Photos** Displaying your products online  just got so much easier! Now,   you can bulk upload your product photos  and Canva will AUTOMATICALLY prepare them   for you so that you can use them  on your website or anywhere else. TO DO THIS: Go to the Canva Homepage,  click Apps from the left panel,   and then choose Product Photos. Then click Choose  Photos, upload up to 10 images of your products,   and hit Next. Here, you can choose the style  you want, I’ll go for this one. Let Canva do   its thing and in a moment, you have a pack  ready to use on your website or your designs. Random side note, you can also choose automotive  styles from this tab right here which works for   cars I suppose so if you’re a used car  dealer, Canva got you covered apparently! **TIP 8: Change Colors with Duotone** Duotone is such a slept-on feature of Canva as  it really allows you to get some interesting   effects with it. I want to show you how you  can change the color of your backgrounds or   textures to match the style of your  design or just go with your branding. I’ve got this background here and it’s  definitely… clashing. I can just select it,   go to Edit Photo, and select Duotone. From  here, we’ve got plenty of presets already,   I’m going to scroll down and maybe go for the  classic BUT that’s not the end, I can change   the color of the highlight and the shadow to my  brand colors so that I keep it consistent. It’s   a great tip for those moments when the image  is perfect but the colors are just not giving. **TIP 9: Fix Your Frames** Frames are so helpful when you design especially  when you’re trying to add more visual interest to   your graphics. However, when they’re rotated  like this tablet frame right here or this   abstract frame there, the images pop are facing  the wrong direction. This is how you fix it! Instead of dragging your image into the frame,  first, add it to your canvas by simply clicking   on it, and then rotate it in the opposite  direction. Then, drag it into the frame,   and voila, it’s sitting there correctly. You may  need to rotate your image in different directions   depending on how the frame was rotated,  but it’s definitely a very simple trick! **TIP 10: Replace Text** If you ever had to change something on multiple  pages of your design, you know it can be a pain,   especially with those really big designs.  It can be things like your name, website,   a date for an event or on a presentation,  or an Instagram handle like here on these   30 designs I generated with Canva Bulk  Create. By the way, check out this video   next to learn how to automatically create  multiple designs in just a few clicks! Well, there’s a simple trick that  will help you change text super fast! Go to File and then Find and Replace Text or  simply hit CTRL + F, type what you want to   swap in Find, and what you want to replace it  within the second box, and simply hit Replace   All. Now all my IG handles are sorted and I don't  have to do it manually for each and every one! Have you been aware of these tips already?  Drop me a comment down below and if you’ve   discovered something new today, I’d love  to hear which one of these tricks you’ll   be trying on first! Now, that’s just 10  Canva tips I’ve shared with you today,   but I have many many more in my previous  videos so check them out in the description   box or just watch this playlist right here  to learn a ton of useful skills in Canva! If you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure to give  it a thumbs up and subscribe because there’s   so much I have in store for you! Thank you so  much for watching and I’ll see you… next time.
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 9,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva, how to use canva, canva tutorial, canva tips and tricks, canva tips, canva tips beginners, canva app tutorial, canva basics, canva design tips, canva design tutorial, canva editing, canva for beginners, canva tricks, canva tutorial for beginners, canva.com tutorial, tips for canva, easy canva tutorial, how to use canva app, how to use canva for beginners, how to use canva tutorial, tutorial canva, canva design, natalia kalinska, canva tutorial for beginners 2023
Id: MEoCCKu6Klo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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