Bulk Create Digital Products In MINTUES with ChatGPT and Canva AI

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creating digital products or content can be tedious and time consuming but what if I tell you that with the latest advancements in AI there's a faster way to do it what I call Design automation so in this video I will show you how to Leverage The Power of chargept4 and canva AI to bulk rate stunning designs in matter of minutes so let's Dive Right In And by the way if you are new to the channel my name is zinni and welcome to the new studio so coming to a tube looking at two specific digital products we could create using automation one would be creating a canva template or you could say a motivational quote canva template as you can see from this store that's what they do specifically and let's click into one of them and one of the designs from what we could see these are very simple to create and they can be automated and looking at the store history you'd see that they have made by the number of sales by just selling this canva templates and they are basically quotes the second one I want to show you are like inspirational um cards as well so this can be offered in two ways you can offer them as a printable or you could offer them as a digital template I will show you both ways in this particular video so now that we have a bit of an idea a couple of digital products we could automate then let's move over into chat GPT so we could generate the data that we use to create B designs so coming into child GPT will be creating two sets of data one would be motivational quotes about finance and they'll be using to create a canva templates and the second will be fed based inspirational quotes that will be using to create um the print tables so I've created up from so just typed it in and I'll say to chargpt give me 25 motivational quotes about finance and put organized in a table column one should be quotes and column two should be the name of the author of the quote and would hit enter and it's going to produce the 25 in a cable and once it's done generating the 25 we'll be opening a Google sheet or you could also open Excel and copy it into the sheet or the Excel spreadsheet we'll be using that in doing our book creation so let it finish and please be sure to breathe through this before you said it if you don't like any of it you could regenerate your response so I've opened a blank spreadsheet here Google Sheets I'll be copying this into it so let's copy so copy this control C if you're using Windows or Community for mac and I'm going to right click I'm going to paste special because I don't want it to take in the colors from charging because I'll just say value only and you could see that it puts it in um the right columns this is a squad and this is order let's expand this a bit so you'll see okay so this is good so after you have created this what you would do is you go to file and you click on download kindly download this as a comma separated value because in canva it needs a CSV or us for it to create you know to use the bulk create so save this as CSV so now on the second one we want to create will be that for the fade basis rational quotes so I'll just put in the prompt again and enter and watch it do the same thing once it's done it has a quote that the Bible verse once it's done we'll still copy it as well into the spreadsheet okay so let's copy this so copy this and I have an another blank spreadsheet here so I'll right click and I'm gonna paste Special Value only and this is what we have okay so let's download this guy so we'll call this Financial code I wish I would download it as a CSV so we go to file go to download and for my separated value and he's going to download it for us then this would leave it the way it is I'll show you how we're gonna use this so the next step would be to move into canva so we could start making these designs coming into canva will be creating the first product which is a motivational quotes for about Finance for canva template so we'll be doing that for Instagram which has a dimension of about 1080 by 1080 so we say customize the sign let's just use it you could choose a template but this time around I just want to create something from scratch and say create it's going to open a blank um page okay so here you could you know get inspiration for the design but I want to create one myself so that the first thing I would do is let me put in the background there's a background already that I like so let's get that back around and let's just set as background okay and the next thing is I want to use the Box because I want to make something that has a bit of a shadow or transparency this is where the quotes would be so let's do this let's change the color to white let's say yeah this is better I want to make it a bit white so we could see what we have here then I'm gonna be using ports so let's use the sky so I'll put it up here make it black and then I'll double click on this and I'm going to flip it so you come here delete and I reduce this a bit as well so this is where my quotes would be and we would have something here so let's add a text box so I'll put in a text box here and we would use let's just use the sub um title body and we're gonna win resets as we wanted to fill up so what you need to do is just arrange it the way you want before you start creating this is just the first one so I want to use in terms of the font I'm going to change it to response I'll move this up and then I'm gonna create one more box that I'll put in here which will be the author so change this so I don't move one I want it to be a little bit because safe reduce it a bit let's see okay so now we have this set next thing is to do the book read because we remember we created 25 quotes and we want to create it that way first first of all let's go to the left the same ball create so there are two options one will be edit data manually and one will be upload CSV so we are looking at the upload CSV option first before I I will show you about the entire data manually so we click upload if you remember that file that we downloaded so we go to downloads click on this and open now you could see that the fields is picked up automatically so this is the code and this is the author so we're going to connect this and this to the to the quote and to the other so once you come in here okay you click on these three ellipses and you click on connect data and you have those two columns so you choose quotes and then for the second one the same thing comes through three ellipses connect data and choose author right you could see these cursive brackets beside it this should show you that we have um data connected to each of them so the next thing we're going to do is to come here and say continue and you could see all of the quotes is going to create so it has 26 so let me just deselect one we were just 125 and once you are done click on generate 25 images it's going to open up a new canva window and create the 25 for you just like that let's see so you can see this is kind of name so you could see that some of them are out of shape so you need to go in and do some editing let's see that's creative with a different text so let's go up okay and then we could just start adjusting just to make it look proper this looks just okay without even for that eight it did send so this moved down a bit so we move it up so this is what you're going to do so let's go to the one that looks very weird so we could adjust that so these are the things you do just adjusted make sure it looks okay and just a matter of seconds or minutes you have your design well cut out good so another tip that I could also give you as well is let's go back to the original one where we are creating sometimes from what we saw in Etsy people will like to have two different types of design back to back so what you could do is you could you know make a copy of this and add additional page when you create this it's gonna generate about like 50 pages so you will now remove the ones you want and have those alternating designs so you could try that out and see how that goes so now that we have created the motivational quotes for finance I'm gonna show you the second option that we're going to be creating for the printable cards using the faith-based inspirational quotes So the next thing we're going to do is we're going to leave this as a test come back to home based on the dimension I saw people were using four by four inches so I'll just change this to inch and say four by four so I'll just say four by four and click on create design a new Blanca verse is going to open up and once you open remember you could always use a template so let's see um I'm going to use like Easter template that's so very interesting designs there I'll be using some of it for the next design so I found this so this is the one I'm going to use I like it so I'll just click on it any load so let's get rid of these elements I don't need this so um I'm gonna get rid of these I'll use these later so let me just get rid of the ones I don't need okay now use this I'll just double click on this and I'm gonna flip it and put it here then this I'm gonna move it to the middle a bit because I want to make the design so here I'm going to show you that double design that I mentioned about but this looks okay and good so here I'm gonna say baked oats and I'll be using a different font for this okay so I changed this to another phone Brittany made you be bold so here we would be having the text so let's change this one two eight in the right format so I'll just expand it a bit put it in the middle then next thing is to put in where the verse would be so put it here and make it a bit small okay so we have this all arranged this looks okay then another thing that we're going to do is we're going to put in image so imagine if you want to use images so just to show as an example so just go to elements and I'm gonna pick some so I'm going to use this so I'll put in the image down here just to show you what is possible but if you don't want the images you can always remove it but let me just show you so remember you can always send this back forward so you just right click and say send backward so I don't want this on top of this okay so this looks okay and um let me make a second one just to show you so we have made a second one so I'll change the color background so I'll just make it this let's make it dark of this color and then for this I'll make it this color okay so now we have two let's both create so we go back to the sidebar and then we click on ball create and then this time around we're doing entire data manually so we will click on enter data and we would go back to the spreadsheet we had before if you remember so we have this and then we'll be copying this and come back to convert and once you just right click and paste it's gonna paste it for you which is good then we will change this to the type and here we would say Bible verse okay so the next thing is remember we have um image space so click here and say add image so I've gone ahead to save him an image in folder so I'll just put those image for you to see so you click on plus and I'll look for that folder that I saved the images I want to use and I would say code designs and I'll pick the images I want so I could just put this so let me just go ahead and put in some of these sceneries I wanted to use okay I just put in just few just to Showcase and once you're done filling in all the images you want to use you just click on done okay and once it's done these three fields are appear as well so let's connect so we click on this click on the three ellipses as well go to connect data and connect both then come in here through your ellipses connect data Bible verse then for the image you click on the image click on the Ellipsis connect data and you would see image and once you're done you could see the ticks beside it to show that it's all connected so we could do the same thing for the second design so we're having oats and then we're having Bible verse then for the image would connect the image as well right so we have these two like I said if you want to use this method it's going to create a double so if you have 25 it's going to make it 50 so you you could choose the um designs you want for which pipe practical output so I'll just click on continue and you could see the 20 um quotes that we have so we'll click on generate pages and it's going to open up a new page entirely and generate what we asked it to do and you could see it generated 40 pages like I mentioned and it put in the different images she could see so you of course you need to go in and edit this make it look better if we just said let's just reduce this for the sake of the tutorial yeah and you see how this looks this looks really good looks nice yeah so this I just did for the first two designs so you could go in and edit and you could see the different pictures appeared here so for example if you don't like the position of the picture you could just double click on it and do a bit of a rotation okay so this is z for written the book rate in the two different methods using CSV using manual and with pictures and without picture so the next thing is we're gonna I'm gonna show you how to package this for sale so we are done making our decorations now it's time to package it for sale so let's look at this first design that we made and because this is a canva template and people will be editing it you'll be offering it um as a template so how do you package this so you'll be giving the customer a link but before then let me just duplicate this the first page to show you how you would design it so I will get rid of this and get rid of the quotes and this I would say download template then I'll duplicate this and here I will see click here so let's just make this look okay I'm gonna put the butter at the background so let's go to elements and get our shape let's just get this shape so we can make this black and make the text white just for purpose of this so make you white okay we could make this bold then we get a hand like a click hand so we get this if you change this to a different color depending on what you want okay so this is what should be downloading as a PDF so what do we do next is we're going to be copying the link so you go to share and come to collaboration link change this to anyone with this link then copy link right so once you're done copying the link we're going to be assigning the link to this this whole space in case the customer clicks anywhere they could access that link right so you click on the click here the ellipses go to link then come in here and paste and enter the 3D linked you could see that it has a line on like an underlined line underneath it then let's also link it to this because we don't want good customers clicking anywhere and they don't get access to their link then I'm gonna link it to the box as well so I would say link and peace okay so now we are done linking this so let's test this out before we download as a PDF so we'll put this as a presentation so to know that is it as a link you could see that it changes to a hand when I hover around it so once I click on it it automatically opens the design for me okay as you could see so this is how to link it so let's go back to what we were working on so let's see it so the next thing is to download this as a PNG so you could go to share so download remember this is just page one we are going to be sharing so ideally you might need to design this on a separate um page so it doesn't so that the customers don't get confused when they open it and see this and this together okay so you change this to just page one or current page done and change this to PDF standard because it's just for documents it's not for printing and then you could click on download I need to download it as a PDF let's see it's going to download it as a PDF and that's what should be uploading to your eating listings to um that will be delivered when the customers make a purchase so that is for this design now what if we want to offer the other design so let's open the other design which is the fade base so this is it we want to offer this as a printable so people can print it themselves and cut it out so what you need to do is you could come in here let's change this back to okay let's use that inches we will be using 8.5 by 11 so and then you click on create design and it's going to open almost like an A4 sized paper and what you would do is to download all the images you created that's this download it as a PNG so you come to here share download download it as a PNG and re-upload it into canva just to help you arrange it so you could decide to offer this the way it is as a link as well like I showed you previously or you could decide to arrange this for printing so let's go into the printing so I've uploaded some of them already so let's go to the images and then what you need to do is you could click on any of let's not use this one that is blank so we could click on any of them and then arrange it this way it the designs don't move so you arrange it in a way that the customers when they print it they can cut it out so we reduce it like this and you could also decide to put it like a broken line to show that you could cut it out so let's go and find like a broken line okay so we go to dash line so we could rotate this okay you could use something that is thinner this is quite big so you could use something nice thinner just to showcase that they need to cut it out so this is just an example right okay so once you're done arranging everything and it looks well looks okay the way you want it you would just click on share download this time around it will be a PDF but it has to be a PDF for printing that's for printing qualities so you could put this as a PDF and then um download so you could see best for RGB best for digital use then if you want for professional printing so depending on what you want to offer so you could choose this and then download so your customers would get exactly what they are seeing on your screen then you could click on download and it will download as a PDF so you would upload this also on Etsy so when a customer makes a purchase this will be delivered to them and they could download it and go and print by themselves yeah yeah so this is how to ball create and it's how to package your product and sell on Etsy if you need like a more in-depth tutorial on how to you know list your products and Etsy I've linked a video in the card above you could check it out that is it for this tutorial so if you like my content be sure to like subscribe and put on the Belt notification it helps me out out a lot and thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 13,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva bulk create, canva bulk create tutorial, canva tutorial, chat gpt, chatgpt, digital products to sell online, digital products to sell on etsy, etsy, etsy digital products, how to use chatgpt, make money with chatgpt, make money online
Id: yo4h5VUKb_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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