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air has changed the business landscape forever and it's insane what you could do with it in matter of minutes [Music] from creating your own products to building a full branded website to creating insane AI product videos they said incredible AI tools will transform the way you do business let me show you how the very first step in creating a business is to determine what to sell and for us to tell me what to sell you have to do a product research and what better way to do a product research by than to start by asking one of my favorite tools child GPT so you come to openai.com and you could sign up if you don't have an account but if you have an account you could just log in and it's going to open up a page asking you which of the tools do you want to use I will choose charge GPT it's going to open up to the chatbot page and we'll be typing into the chat box We'll be asking it in what digital products that we could sell and give us possible niches for Etsy and it's going to give us 10 possible digital products we could sell on Etsy and then we could look and see the ones that we want to do so the ones that come attention would be digital ad prints and we could ask it to expand on number two and it's going to give us more in-depth in terms of the niches what you could do to format the different ways you can present it and possibly what type of digital ad prints that you could sell within this category but to help us understand properly if we want to create this product at all we need to understand demand competition and how much is being sold for but before we hop over to Etsy to determine all of that the next tool I'll be talking about will be Google bad Google bad will help us narrow down which of the ads we should be focusing on so we could ask Google bard popular wall arts on Etsy and it's going to give us some couple of wall art so we could narrow down base off of that based off of what it has generated you could say Mountain Lake War art looks to be popular on Etsy Bob cardboard are things like War Arts prints seems to be popular as well so we know that things like watercolor landscape these are the kind of things that are popular on Etsy so once we hop over to etsy.com we could just double check and say landscape wall art so what you would do in land on Etsy is to look at the different products go into each of the products try to understand why they are selling so much for those who are best sellers what are people saying in terms of the reviews and how aesthetically pleasing this wall art look like so now that we've been able to establish that we want to create a product for the landscape wall art specifically watercolor the next thing would be to create these products so to create a watercolor wall what we will be using another AI tool called me Jenny which is one of my favorites as well and once you come to me journey.com you could click to join the better if you already have an account it takes you to the Discord server but if you don't it takes you to a page where you could sign up for your Discord account so me journey is not free so for me Journey you have three plans it can have the basic plan for ten dollars per month Standard Bank for 30 per month and Pro Plan for sixty dollars per month depending on what you want to use it for or how many images you want to generate so we come into mid journey and you can click on join the better so once you click on join the better it's going to open up to a page that it's going to ask you to accept the invite from me Journey so you accept the invite if you already have a Discord account and once you accept the invite it's going to open the Discord app and you would see the mid training plan so once you come into me big Journey you see what other people are creating you could also use any of the rooms to create or you could create your own private server where you could create your own images so I have a private server and I'll just click on that and choose on one of the channels I have created and we'll be creating a watercolor wall art so who will be asking me journey we'll be giving it some couple of prompts and we'll be waiting for it to generate that image for us so what I'll be generating is we'll come here and click on the Slash and type in my then Google paste this and we'll say pirate ship watercolor technique 8K detail digital ad bright color um soft lightning shape clear Focus detailed on white background and this is the dimension that I wanted you could also choose to have it in different aspect ratios depending on what you're trying to create so once we hit that it would start generating those images and we'll just wait for it to finish up and it's done generating so we could just click and see you could see how stunning some of these images are if you don't like any of the image just click on the reroll button this button and it generates another set of four images or if you like any of the image you could choose to upscale any of these or if you want to make variations of any of the images you could just click on the variations according to their numbers and make the appropriate variation so I like the number three so just click on upscale and it up skills the image and once the image is upscaled we will be saving this image so we'll just open this and open in in browser once it opens in browser we will right click and save the image to your computer the next thing would be to upskill these images because you can use these images the way they are you have to upskill them for higher quality but before I show you the AI tool that you could use to upskill this as you can see the image is a little bit bored when you zoom in it's not as clear as it should be so the next thing would be to obscale but before we upskill it let me mention what that AI tool that you could explore if you're interested in creating what other businesses as well would be Leonardo the AI so this is another generative AI tool that generates very stunning wall art images that is very close to Mid Journey so you could check that out as well so once we are done generating our image the next AI tool we'll be talking about will be deep image so deep image is an AI obscaler and enhancer as well the other ones I've talked about on this channel but I found this to have more control in terms of how the picture looks like so once you come into dot AI it opens up to this page AI tool you could use it for to try out to see how it looks like but the images will have Watermark so you have to pay for it if you want to use it for your wall art so once you sign in or you have paid for it you could say deep AI image use the app so you could click on this and it opens up and then you could click to upload an image so let's upload the image that we just downloaded so we'll just upload that image and the good thing is it you could choose the number of upscale you want two times three times depending on the size you want if it has to do with face faces you could enhance the face but we are not doing faces we will reduce noise and sharpen it then if you want to remove the background you could do the same but we don't want to remove the background so these settings are okay for us and you just click on enhance so it's done processing it's going to show up here so you click on it and it will show you um the difference between your previous image and the current image and you could see if you go this way this is our current image that is not that clear and when you go this way you could see how clear this image is it looks really stunning and then you could click on download and it is going to download it to your computer so you could see how clean this looks like now and how big it is and it looks really stunning after you're done downloading and up scaling your images you could package this to sell on the Etsy but some people will prefer to sell some of these items on their own website and this will take me to the next set of AI tools before we dive into the next set of AI tools to create our business and to make sure it's well branded um it's important to mention that sometimes people decide to sell this wall art not just as digital downloads but as printables as well and you could use platforms like printful or printify to help people provide this service so let's look quickly into the catalog of printify so once you click into the catalog we'll be looking at their home and living and this is where we would have things like canvases posters where you could put in this digital wall art so we'll click on home and leave in and we could just go to posters you could choose canvas but let me just show you example with posters and once she opens up to questions it's going to give you different type of posters and you could choose the one that you want to offer and how you want to offer it so just choose the one that is the best seller and this gives you the opportunity to choose multiple sizes and you click on start designing so once you click on start designing here you could upload so let's upload the image that we just downloaded from the image.ai that we have upscaled I will just upscale it and once it loads it's gonna give you it's gonna put the image here and it will preview it to see how it looks like so once this is done this can be synchronized with your Etsy store as well as your own there's no website which is what we'll be doing in the next couple of minutes and this way you will be able to synchronize it that if a customer purchases these items um printify it's going to um print it package it and ship it to the customers so this is 24 by 24 inches so you could always choose of the size that you want so assuming we want to offer something lower so we could choose this so this looks okay then you could look at the preview just see how it looks so you could see how this looks as a poster and Leslie how it looks in the front the second option and this is how it looks in a given context okay so this is just an example just to show you how to use printify so now we've made established this now we'll be moving over to the next set of AI tools that will help us create our branded website the festival I'll be talking about will be weeks or weeks ADI so Wix also has its own artificial design intelligence tool that you could use to create your own website in matter of minutes so once you come into wix.com you could just log in if you already have an account but if you don't just sign up with your Gmail account or even your email address is that simple so I'll just click on login and I'll log into my account so once you log into your account it's going to open up your website if you already have some that you're already playing with if not it's going to be blank so at the very top here you just click on create a new website and once you click on create new website it's going to open up a page and on this page it's going to ask you what kind of website are you trying to create so I would say we want to create an online store and it asks you what kind of online so we still we want to create online at store and we'll click on next so once we click on next it's going to access what's the name of the store obviously we're going to say Zenith Studio video and click on next then it's gonna access these are some of the pages that is going to ask and choose which one that is necessary so I'll just leave in the built-in and the chat on the form I don't need that for now so you could always add the form if you want and you could just click on next now this is where AI comes in so once you click on next either you choose to customize based off of the Wix ADI or you could use an existing template if you choose for this video we'll just be using the ADI which is to get a custom um website built by Wix itself I will also show you quickly in terms of the templates you could use to create very stunning websites as well so just click on get a custom site built so it opens up to a page it's gonna access next review and edit your info and then it's going to ask you to choose what style or theme that you want so let me just choose something like this and say next so once we say next is to start saying preparing your homepage designs and is trying to create the website for us so once it's it's done it could give you several options which you could choose from and this looks nice so you could make it black and white I think we'll choose this option and then we will say next and then it will ask us to add couple of things and say edit site and this would open up to the full site that will give you the ability to edit it to your taste but as you could see it has generated a website that you could customize fully to how you want it to look like but before we start customizing it or show you how to use the template to customize this let's just preview it and see how it looks so we could go to preview so you could see how this looks this this website looks really stunning just right from the back okay so let me just quickly show you some of the templates that I found are also very interesting that you could use so when you apply one of the template section you could see Home and Decor and you could see different interesting templates so this is one I found that would be very good for your wall art and as you open it you could see that this looks very stunning and it's been edited properly so the next thing you could do is to just click on edit this site and once you edit the site you could now edit the elements of each of the website to suit um your branding and your images so let me just open I will show you and then I'll show you the one that I've already created so you could see how stunning this looks okay so it has opened up so you could go to the individual elements of the site to edit it to your text so just to mention this is entirely free but when you want to um launch it to be public you would have to pay for a domain and then that's where you could pay for whisper to design it is entirely free so let me just show you the one that I've already put in all the images that we downloaded using Ai and you could see how stunning the store looks like okay so this is it in preview it looks really stunning and very clean and let me show you in the shop so when you click on shop and it loads all the products as you can see I've used um the shutter printify sites to create all of these and even also given it a price so Wix has an integration with Shopify so when people come into your store and make a purchase weeks will handle all of that for you and you can see how stunning and this looks like so now that we're able to create our own website with Wix now the next thing would be to add a bit of branding and this takes me to the next AI tool which is called luca.com so luca.com will help you create things like your logo your branding kits your business cards and the lights if you don't want to generate it yourself in platforms like mid Journey or canva so what you could do when you come to luca.com is to go to um the page here and type in your company name so we say zinni studio and we will just click get started so the next thing is it's going to ask us which industry so we could just say e-commerce so just choose e-commerce and click on continue so it's going to tracks which of the type of logos do you like so you could just scroll down and choose some so let's choose some of these the ones that we like just choose some so he's going to use this to generate some of the logos for us so we have these I will just click on continue and it's going to ask you what color so we could just use still and say continue if that's the color of your brand then you could say company any logo slogan no we don't have just say continue and it's going to access um pick some symbol type so we say continue then it's going to generate different logos and then we would choose the one that we like and the one good thing about Luca as well is that it's going to generate a whole brand kit for you not just your logos so let's see the ones that you generated and see the one with light so just right off the path this stands out to me this one so once you like this just click on this and it's going to load and show you the different branding it has done and if you're okay and satisfied with this then you could pay for it to download it so you could see you generate local files for you 16 types your social media profiles as well your business cards if it even generates um your website templates if you want it generates your brand guide your letterhead your email signature this is really cool so you can see how this looks it even generate things like advertisements you can see here for digital marketing your social stories it generates things like even PowerPoints templates for you you could see it generates invoices posters Flyers presentations brochures so this is like a One-Stop shop for all the things your brand it generates even your business cards and once you're satisfied with everything that you see you could just click on download and once you click on download this is where it's going to ask you um to pay so if you want this so in terms of the year it gives it charges about 96 dollars per year um so these are this is one time this is one time and you know different plans depending on what you want to look um uc4 so just to show you that um there's an AI website that could help you generate your brand kit just a matter of minutes now that regenerated our website we've generated our brand kit what if you want to generate videos that would help us Market our brand now this takes me to the next set of tools to create a marketing video we would need to create an ad copy which you could do on chat GPT which I have done and after we have done creating the marketing script the next thing would be for us to generate a voice or our business you come to this website called 11 Labs so 11 Labs is a text to speech website that generates very realistic voice I find their voice is very realistic to other tools that I have tried out so far so once you come to the website this tool you has a free plan which you could just try to see how it sounds but you can't use it commercially and even if you want to use it you have to give something of attribution but if you want to use it commercially it has a plan of like 10 dollars per month or 20 per month depending on your needs so what you need to do is go to the top and right corner and sign up if you don't have an account or sign in so let me just quickly sign in so I'm letting you sign in you come to speech synthesis at the very top here and it's going to open up the speech synthesis so your are going to choose in terms of the settings The Voice you want to use I find pre-made Bella very realistic in terms of the voice and this is the script that I have generated from chat GPT and I've pasted it here and you just click on generate and once it's done generating we're gonna play the voice so you could see how realistic it sounds so it's done generating and let's play and see how it sounds get ready to transform your walls with zinni Studio your destination for Extraordinary wall art elevate your space with stunning Landscapes vibrant abstracts and personalized signs that tell your unique story handcrafted with passion are quality pieces bring inspiration and conversation to your daily life find the perfect statement piece for your home or a memorable gift for a loved one visit zinistudio.com or our gallery and let our dedicated team help you discover the art that speaks to you zinni Studio elevate your walls elevate your life you could see how this sounds sounds really realistic and really stunning so once you are satisfied with this you could just click hit on the download button and straight up it downloads it as an MP3 which you could use so now that we have our Voice next would be to generate the music that we need that will be playing on our ad and this takes me to the next AI tool called mobet.com so mobile.com allows you to generate your own music that's never been heard anywhere before so in terms of mobile.com you could come into the website at the very top here you could click on generated track and once you click on it you could type in what you want so I could just say art advert or you could choose the January or the moods or the activity it's going to create something for you so we'll just leave at advert and click on generate track so for this particular website it's free to play around with the tool generation of music but if you want to use it commercially you would need to pay for it as well but let's see what it's going to generate for us okay so it's done generating the music and let's see the body generator see how this sounds sounds really cool so you could use this to generate endless music not just for your business ads but you could use this as well so for your YouTube videos as well so now that we have our voice now we have our music the next thing would be to generate the marketing video and this takes me to the next AI tool called pictory dot AI so picture.ai would generate a video based off of the text you have given to it so once you come to victory.ai you would sign into your account or create a new account if you don't have and you could see here at the very front of the page you could give it a script and it's going to produce a video or you could give it an article just paste the link it will produce a video from it or you could edit videos using text as well or you could do visuals to video so I'll be doing scripts to video just to show you the AI component of it and it will be modifying it based off of our images from our watercolor foreign so we'll just click on proceed and we'll be typing in the scripts that we use to generate our voiceover here so once we paste the script I will at the very top here we'll click on proceed but before I click on proceed you could just make sure that it has Auto highlight key Auto visual settings and create new scenes you could choose both and you click click on proceed so once you click on proceed it's going to open up to their template library that asks you to choose which of the templates you want to use to create the video so let's look at the template that we want to use that is a little bit artsy edges since 1880 so I like how the subtitle is gray so you choose stats and choose the as per ratio since we're doing it for YouTube Just choose 16 16 by nine and we'll wait for it okay as you can see generated a video for us with um different scenes based off of the text that give it and then you could go ahead to make some changes if you don't like any of these in terms of the videos that they have you could just click on it and make some changes so at the left hand side you have visuals that would help you change the images you have you have elements you have audio which you could change as well and you have text as well which you could put in more text if you want I'll just quickly change some of these images we have here upload the voice as well as the music that we have and I will show you how it looks like in terms of the finished product so I've changed all the images to replace with the images we generated with our wall art and then let's preview it and see how it looks like let's play the video and see how it sounds so it's going to something to mention is it's going to have the pictory.ai watermark or else you pay for it and download the video and then it goes away but if you choose to download the way it is it's going to have that watermark if you don't pay for it but let's just play it quickly and see how it sounds get ready to transform your walls with zinni Studio your destination for Extraordinary wall art elevate your space with stunning Landscapes vibrant abstracts and personalized signs that tell your unique story handcrafted with passion our quality pieces bring inspiration and conversation to your daily life find the perfect statement piece for your home or a memorable gift for a loved one visit zinistudio.com or our gallery and let our dedicated team help you discover the art that speaks to you zinni Studio elevate your walls elevate your life okay so this really sounds really cool and we could download this and use it if you like I said before to remove the watermark you have to pay for this to remove the water mat and this would be you know the majority of the tools I wanted to cover but there will be the last one that I find very stunning that you could use to create very cool product videos as well and the last tool I'll be talking about in this video would be kyber dot AI so kaipa.ai used to be free but currently is not free as well because it got so popular you could use it to create very cool animated images so let me show you how so once you come to kaiber.ai you could um create your account and sign in and wash your sign in at the very top here you could click click on create video so once you click on create video it gives you three options begin with an initial image transform an existing video add songs and audio so what we'll be doing an initial image so we'll click on this and it asks us to upload an image so upload that image that we upscaled and we will click on continue to prompt so once we click on continue to prompt at the very top here it will ask us what you want to create so we could say we want to create a futuristic cyber let's say pirate shape pirate ship on C and what is the style so we could say we want to make it watercolor you could make it cinematic depending on what you want and then you click on video settings and then here it will ask you select video duration so you could choose to make this longer or you could choose to make this shorter so just make it eight seconds just for the sake of the video then in terms of camera movement you could say zoom in zoom out just choose what you want so you could zoom in let's just have zoom in then in terms of evolve how dramatic do you want it to evolve so let's leave it at eight and then it's going to take your credit I have a bit of a credit so it's going to take a credit while creating that so we'll go to go to preview frame it's going to show us um the keyframe of the video the best image you want so let it load okay so you could see how this looks very futuristic so let's choose one that is really stuck in so we'll choose this and then we'll say create video it's going to take couple of minutes it takes couple of minutes to create this and I'll be back when it's done creating the image so we'll see okay so the video is done generating you could see how cool this transformation is is really stunning you could add it to your website and it's definitely going to grab attention this looks so cool and then you could upskill it so if you want you could choose to obscale it to 1080p because of scale it to 4K if you want so let's just upscale it to 1080P and download it so the image is downloaded and let's just play it and you could see how it transforms this looks insane okay so yeah now that we have directed this so you could add a couple of these to your store so let me show you the one that I added to the big store so this is the one that I added to the wig store this is really really stunning even if you don't want to add it to your store you could also add it to your Etsy store if that's what you want to do but you could see how interesting this looks and it could be playing on your website so yeah this is it for the AI tools that I wanted to cover today if you're interested in seeing more cool businesses you could start and create with the help of AI be sure to like And subscribe because things are really gonna get interesting from here on bye and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 3,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, best ai tools, ai tools for business, chatgpt tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney, kaiber ai, pictory ai, leonardo ai
Id: 3zvWcomxEes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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