UNLOCKING THE FORGOTTEN! :: Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ [Booster Pack 5]

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hallo everybody welcome on back to the binding of issac afterbirth plus we are doing the unlocking of the Forgotten today which is the new character in afterbirth plus booster pack numero Cinco booster pack number five he's an exciting new character that has a unique way of unlocking him and that is why we were going to do it today in the way of doing a full-on run here what a fantastic experimental treatment all stats up except for uh except for our luck which goes down but that is okay honestly I don't need luck I'm the luckiest man ever I was born in the US of A baby creed bratton but uh hello welcome to the channel if you haven't feeling that this video might show up and recommended odd just because well then that runs over we can't get hit on the first floor as part of the problem here so I will reroll until we get ourselves an item room here infestation to is awesome so we're gonna rock that uh we can't get hit on the first floor that's part of the thing we also have to beat the first floor in a minute which is another thing but those of you that don't know me hello i'm tyler and do gameplay videos of various games including The Binding of Isaac and I am not your ordinary youtuber guy I'm not gonna sit here and give you the boring walkthrough tutorial of how to be and unlock this enemy I'm also not gonna give you the walkthrough edited tutorial of how to get this guy unlocked I'm going to show you throughout the course of the run process by example of how you unlock this character if you don't like watching the entire video go find in another dudes video of this I'm guarantee there's one out there already by the time I post this of how to unlock this guy go watch his I'm here to entertain you which I'm going to do over the course of this run so why am I going back we beat the boss in under a minute we have a bomb you see this weird shadow it's the shadow of a shovel up in the sky we need to grab said shovel so I'm gonna bomb and grab this you may be wondering Tyler what what does the broken shovel do it does freaking nothing as a broken shovel if you think you can do anything with a broken shovel you're just honestly highly highly mistaken try to take the handle of a shovel and then dig a hole to China it ain't gonna work okay because it's a broken shovel but the one thing that the broken shell does do is upon picking it up we've got mom's feet fallen from the sky on top of us it's highly annoying they can harm us it does a significant amount of damage it does a full heart advantage ah and it sucks that's that's really the main gist of taking broken shovel and I know you're like Tyler why would you take it then I mean obviously you realize why we have to take it it's how we unlock this character but uh that'll happen later on this is a normal run basically now until I say it isn't give me crickets head oh he spoke it into existence it's a one run now baby speak that into existence my sweet sweet princess okay I mean that's amazing it's not often that I can just say give me an item and that item appears I am one with the game obi-wan khatai ler which is actually my favorite board game Tyler okay don't do this right now why we take curse of the tower you asked because Chris's tower is actually relatively okay as an item you might not believe me but ask the dishes because they can sing they can dance and after all miss this is France but the the dishes here are never second your best I curse the tower is a pretty good item it can clear out a room really really quickly I'm that's the benefit of it I will take dark bum that's a new item right there and I would have loved to take it but sadly it's a space bar item oh and we have to hold on to the shovel but it's satanic ritual you can sacrifice your familiars and get yourself extension cord is actually okay here you can sacrifice your familiars and get yourself a an item in return it's pretty good it's literally a sacrificial ritual where we sacrifice our our blood friends we can re-roll items on this floor I am interested to be fair if our items suck do you see how many spiders we have right now we got a whole damn army I love it give me a yeah you know what in orbital that's exactly what I want because I want to reroll it into something better we are gonna go to the item room first though before we do that we need to move fast that's why we're playing as Azazel it is imperative that we move fast on this run to unlock this character a little bit of speed runnin to get the adrenaline pumpin on a beautiful Wednesday when you're seeing this it won't be ones then when you see this little B Tuesday when you see it I have no idea what I'm talking about it's late night with Tyler those of you that are frequent viewers of the channel you know what late night with Tyler means it means my brain goes in locations that are just unbeknownst to human history we will pick this up and put it back down you can't leave the shovel alone in a room though or else it will disappear just a little tidbit fun fact it's not actually that fun because it ruins our chances of winning the run and unlocking the character if that happens but we will not leave it on the ground and thus life will be fine so come in here then yeah I mean spider bites actually pretty okay and I believe we're maybe one item away from spider baby I don't know what items contribute to spider baby because most of them are not actually spiders which is really annoying but didn't reroll bad I kind of thought it did that's okay we'll head on out of here we'll grab ourselves a beautiful hopefully big stat upgrades such as pinky and then we will head on bound it's a good tears up I can't even be upset about that there's no upset e spaghetti for me today I will just continue on as if life is great and I have no fear of death on this run we can't have these guys open up it's not the Seagram you kidding me we can have the feet open up the secret room for us but it simply is just not a good idea to do so infested and range up I love a range up I am Azazel range ups are a beautiful creation on this planet and if you would like to give me more I would not necessarily be angry I love this army of spiders I hate the fact that we are incredibly close to death I mean like actually incredibly close to death ah we're very very close to death like a large ridiculously close amount to death you have to kill him quickly no I do not want a potatoe away this runs run is way too good to be potatoes I thought maybe mad as mush would come out of there but I this dream has now gone wrong you're dead squeezy just give me the HP right now right now thank you that'll deal contains dead cat take it immediately and sanely good I hate that you come down but also you come down get the hell out of this floor that was a bit of a ride for a second there I felt like I was on Splash Mountain at Disney World and we just went over the big old hill and now we're just smoothly calmly sailing on to our next miniature Hill that will just hurt even more but now there shouldn't be any more Hills for us should be an easy run obviously we have a bit of a small problem which is we need to beat boss rush don't tell anyone I told you but we have to be boss rush and doing that with one heart is hard so we need to start stackin up HP and getting ourselves yeah this is so good dude so good curse to the tower plus safety scissors is it infinite bombs we actually kind of want um cursor tower to deal damage to enemies though at least in boss rush I do also new enemies in this room now those guys all turn into just happy bombs yeah you will be a happy bomb I'm not worried about you damage is not the problem on this run is HP that is HP plus damage probably the best variety and we get the benefit when we call the right bag in that's actually a little bit cheaty but I will accept it 14 damage right now is stupidly good for this run those are nightmare enemies did you see that you see that guy charging me because I did not like him those are going to be mean mean enemies that I do not yeah you suck dude you are a bad enemy and I don't want to deal with you what are you get a gel Fria has a new back to it you also destroyed my home and by home I mean you know what I'm gonna buy the heart you destroyed my donation machine I hate you would you not please that's right turn them all the bombs I'm gonna collect these bombs thank you you never know when you're gonna need a bomb so take your bombs look at all the bombs I am going to get rid of get rid of this trinket why don't we go into boss rush probably just because realistically uh clearing out enemies when we get hit is really really good so that's the plan Stan this is the floor where we will be fighting the boss of rush which is actually its Knightly name the boss of rush but I want to make sure we have HP dude it's a small primer in our HP I don't like being in this position where we can just bite the dust and die and lose our two hearts that we have and go back down to one you know it's just not a good situation of being I will pop to a spades when we get another card that is actually worth me taking over two of spades I'd rather just save this and get an optimal amount of keys in the near future keys are not a necessity on a run after this floor but we're not through this floor yet so while I uh have the ability to maintain a healthy key economy I'm going to hello friends you've hit me Anders me but I understand it thus I happily move on those will all turn into bombs we don't need bombs if there's one thing that I do not need is freaking bombs okay I understand funny joke here I'm felony bombs though I did say this numerous times bombs are not a concern of mine in fact one thing that would be awesome is not tech - tech - is detrimental II bad but one thing that would be awesome would be bomb immunity you want to give me that because it would make these stomps a hell of a lot better for me right now I need you to pop up thank you bloob around camp more like no cap please die we can't even get a red heart to pop out right now and I would really like it to I will probably have to buy one in this shop which is so annoying that I have to buy HP at this stage of the game thank you I am going to reroll this shop a significant amount of times to collect spirit hearts essentially re-roll that for me thank you I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna pop this I'm gonna take suicide King s an oddball to be fair I honestly don't really feel the need to have suicide King but that's okay I respect it and that's all that matters I understand we should have popped two of Spades before but this is a good amount of HP to fight boss rush I slowly just potato it away some of it but it's a fine amount of HP as fast mom that's okay I can handle a red mom here we get the negative and we can't go down we have to fight la boss a rush and that is okay we get mom's knife Oh Bob's knife or rotten baby y'all mom's knife or annihilating enemies you may be like Tyler is boring as hell you're right it is boring but it is boring as hell and will win us this run and that is all I freaking care about dude is winning this run brimstone ain't exciting either Azazel and exciting either ah we're going to enjoy the fact one that we have Virgo invincibility but we're going to enjoy the fact that we can get through this run quick and easy click the quickest run you'll ever go through the frail is bed the Fallen is also dead mom's feet are common down in bunches I'll tell you that but they will die as well this is the ideal situation I'm happy I took mom's knife any other time I'm probably taking rotten baby out of that bunch Ron babies no joke it's a fantastic item one of my favorites oh and one of the best deviled eel items that you can even get it is arguably the best familiar in the game and is fantastic my mom's knife is guaranteed victory people and when we're trying to do some unlocks mom's knife is exactly for me it's a great item you do have to continue moving while in this fight because the feet are coming it's like a bad foot fetish that your coworker keeps telling you about and keeps on walking by your desk and whispering in your ear the feet are coming and you're like Jeremy please stop this is getting really creepy but Jeremy won't stop because he can't stop and he won't stop because your coworker Jeremy is Miley Cyrus okay too many plot twists for my liking bed also bed monstro to your next on the list in terms of dead people walking thank you you're dead I think we have like an angel to go no we got the we got the item and look at that it's the shovel head so what does the full shovel do you may ask that's a really interesting question I will answer it momentarily it allows us to go down we're really really the one time I actually want this to give me I'll take it down to the next floor and you give me PhD I mean to be fair PhD is not that bad but I also the PhD give me an HP upgrade I don't think it did but it might have also that's a new room definitely a strange one there's new one there's new map icons as well look at this uh look at that closet and it's not actually an icon it just has the chest in it but I don't believe it did that before there is legitimately new map icons you don't have to not believe me on that one also what the hell is this room I like it but what the hell is this room mom's feet no longer come down enough so apparently when you get the shovel that is no longer a thing I'm just gonna skip this floor and head down to the womb which is good and we are going to obviously go through the womb on this one I'm tempted to pop our uh suicide King I think it's actually in our best interest to pop it get ourselves a couple extra items out of it I mean now I'm absolutely gonna pop it right now die we get ex placebo Xmas Eve oh you're looking at my ex placebo we're gonna watch it go bomb Beano not to be confused with Gambino Donald Glover okay this is one of the outer ones I've done lockup and while you're at it lockup and also if you don't mind lockup what it's time to be alive make it through here we only have 36 percent chance of a devil Biel it's okay you know if we don't get a devil deal we don't get a battle deal I am suppose I'm still running around as if mom is chasing me mom is not chasing you Tyler she left you alone now because we have stuff to do for the rest of this run this shovel will come and hand you later I'll tell you that right now and it will come in handy and skipping the seal and you know what by skipping Sheol I mean skipping the womb I don't want to do the womb I'd rather do all of Sheol and frankly I can't remember if you need to do all of Sheol or if it's all the dark room I'm pretty sure it's all the dark room ah to find what I am looking for which is not a reference to Caroline a liar head on down to Sheol here I can't remember if it's she loved the dark room we're gonna probably fully clear both of these floors just to make sure that we do get the things that we need to get on this floor on this floor but I thought that though what do you got for me two bombs that will turn into my own bombs but not currently so don't bother messing with you boy oh you do the brimstone any things I'm still not used to those enemies that came a long time ago I'm still not used to though I don't come to the dark room often because frankly they still haven't given me a good reason to so besides a challenge every five runs in my Eden streaking series we don't weed on through the dark room shameless plugged in the Eden streaked series I suppose it's a fun series another nine lives just in case they were certain that we wouldn't die on this run just had to be super sure and give me another nine lives would you like to give me I don't even know what I want cricket said I guess and by cricket side I mean guppy side we have cricket said we do right yeah we have Creed's head I thought we did I remember picking that up earlier I appreciate the HP it's a fast room obviously when you have a fourteen damaged mom's knife things are gonna go relatively okay for you on probably the ideal run I could ask where obviously it was not the first run we did uh today in this video but at least we got the good one that's all that matters and right am i right we don't really want child's leash am I too lazy to go back and actually pick up the item I do want kind of like I know that that's super pathetic we do have to pass through the room now so I will pick it up but it was a little pathetic that I was gonna leave without picking up the one that's legitimately like really good for us but my laziness prevails these new enemies also suck they're new come in here please I will place down two bombs I place them on top of me so that that's fun don't know why figured that two bombs I've been playing this game for four years always placed down a bomb on the Satan fight today was the day that I decided all these people are obviously doing it wrong oh we can just place two on there and see what it does no you dumbass you can play place 1 or else they push each other away ok clear the rest of the floor because I still can't remember if it's dark River Sheol where I have something to do and you know what it artificially extends the length of the video because right now it's 20 minutes and usually they're supposed to be thirty minutes long for my channel cuz you guys enjoy 30 minute video so I will artificially extend it by doing the rest of this floor in the hopes of not totally botching what we have to actually do do complete things on this run hello you say yes I say no I say spirit heart you say go go go hello hello I'm gonna go to the cursed room it's one of those like I'm a baby if I don't it's a button buttons now lock the room if they spawn enemies which is super annoying and it makes those tiny rooms that spawn like 700 monstros a living nightmare cuz now you gotta beat that room we do have double Steam sale which literally I want to emphasize does not come in handy at all in no way shape or form does that benefit our run whatsoever but it is cute this is not the floor we need to be on it needs to be on the darkroom so we will head on down to there I was pretty sure it was but uh better to be safe than sorry head on down we can bomb those and get stuff but who cares we're trying to unlock the forgotten I have a shovel that I need to use in a location on the dark room and that is what I will do brother Bobby look I'm a simple man brother Bobby's not on my to-do list of things that I need to accomplish I hate the fact that it's dark on this floor I'm trying to do happy things in the light please it's gonna make it more difficult for my delicious viewers you guys are truly delicious to see what's going on here I'm not taking brother Bobby I know this joker card wants me to it wants me to go and it wants me to throw my hard-earned HP into brother Bobby's face you know what fine you all want me to - I will take brother Bobby he will serve on this beautiful Council of binding of issac nightmare and it will do good things for us I believe in you brother Bobby I'm the only one that does so you better appreciate that chub nobody believes in you you dislike smoke and that's all you go for okay I will tell you what we're looking for we're looking for a hole in the ground for us to dig and when we do it a dig we're gonna unlock a beautiful man and that beautiful man is the Forsaken is it this room it is not this room I believe no enemies spawn in the room but I'm not 100% positive so we will see but somewhere on this floor will be a beautiful room for us and that will allow us to unlock the Forgotten and the Forgotten is a good guy he's a fun character and we'll be playing as him tomorrow on the channel so if you are interested in seeing how he plays be sure to come on back tomorrow same time as this video comes out and you will be able to see the world in new eyes which basically in simpler terms means by watching me play as a new binding of issac character it's really not that exciting in the grand scheme of things while you're gonna go nuts over and that's all it matters you're probably wondering Tyler are you ever gonna pick up these chests that you left behind I will actually we get depression sums up my life oh look it's a mysterious hole in the ground I used the shovel and I unlocked the forgotten and bone heart hey buddy how you doing down there feeling a little bit down in the dumps cuz you're literally down in the dumps buddy so we have unlocked the Forgotten which is pretty exciting when we finish up this run I will take the time to listen to you whine about nothing and everything all at once but I will take the time to go on back to the main menu show you the character and kind of explain a little bit how we work so that you're all ready for tomorrow's video but let's fight the lamb first should be probably the easiest lamb fight of our lives I'm just gonna get hit we have we don't have invincibility because we felt had the polaroid that's a bit of a potato moment so you said damn poor it you forget what the hell negative does you are very very dangerous I am then holy crab dude we gotta play a little bit careful err and this fight have a bomb very annoying boss fight he is slowed down I still died this is the anime battle you've never expected tyler vs lamb versus binding of issac immunity vs okay we are done with this fight ah thanks for the memories even if they weren't so great get the hell out of here beautiful ending to the game as we have seen many times no need to do that again but here he is the forgotten look at how cute he is he starts with great damage negative HP and two speed and I'll show you kind of what goes on with this guy he has melee damage which is dope as hell he has new hearts which are buon hearts also incredibly interesting and intriguing but the main awesome thing about this guy he's two characters in one that Tennant then he has the blue little ghost man that you get by pressing control and he comes on out and he has HP as well so you have to do a little bit of here and there and everywhere with this character switching between your melee and your not melee ah to maximize your run and make it a make it a good one so that's what we're gonna do tomorrow thank you guys so much for watch and that's how to unlock the bony guy as you do all the things that I just did including the eighty song references thanks so much for watching I'll see you guys next time bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 153,492
Rating: 4.6792188 out of 5
Keywords: the binding of isaac, isaac, the binding of isaac: rebirth (video game), the forgotten, the binding of isaac (video game), the, the binding of isaac rebirth soundtrack, binding of isaac, the binding of isaac forgotten, the binding of isaac (rebirth) ost - the forgotten [secret room], booster pack 5, booster, pack, new character, how to unlock the forgotten, how to unlock new character isaac, isaac new character
Id: rk8wmu1gs7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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