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hello there everybody welcome on back to some more potion craft the shop is open we're ready for business hey before we get started just wanted to give a massive thank you to everybody that has gone and bought potioncraft from my nexus store um i actually was able to look at some stats we're in like the top five for highest amount of uh potion craft keys sold on nexus as a whole um which is crazy so thank you guys very much uh for for going and using my store to buy yourself potion craft if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about uh you can look in the description for nexus.gg alexa my game store you can pick up a key for potioncraft on there um and and help support me a little bit as well let's get going today we got we got potions to make things to sell places to go um we were in the middle of a day last time so we still got these two kind people and maybe more sitting behind them to to figure out where life is going alchemist hello i need another healing potion yesterday i was protecting some peasants from bandits i almost had them but one of them crept up behind me and knocked me out luckily the peasants managed to flee but none were hurt but i got a bad concussion my head won't stop pounding dude concussions are no joke i will help this guy i have been fortunate enough in my life to never have a concussion but i have been not fortunate enough in my life um to not experience people who were concussed um and it's is no joke man it's no joke the concussions are a nasty nasty thing um i played basketball for i was like five years um back in high school and dude concussions are one of the most like common injuries in in that sport because you constantly got bodies colliding and things like that anywho hello alchemist i'm a healer and i need a potion to restore my magical powers can you help me see this is this is a trick this is a trick because in my eyes you want mana right so i'm gonna give it to you and and that you you want okay i guess that's that's easy enough you guys also told me i didn't uh save the ice potion uh oh well dude we'll make another ice potion i'm not really all that concerned about that um i i i know that i i missed it i also don't know why i'm haggling for so long right here uh there you go ma'am happy days uh dude this guy is freaking like bob's burgers man or something why does my neighbor always have a bounteous harvest and fat cattle while i can't grow anything not to say all my animals died out by the end of winter how is that fair it isn't you must have some fire potions right i need one to send my neighbor some fiery justice dude there's a lot to unpack here there is a lot to unpack here okay so i mean look one he wants to burn down his neighbor's farm it's just not it's just not acceptable right um i would be i would be the [ __ ] in this scenario if i gave him a fire potion to burn down his neighbor's house he's the bigger [ __ ] right um no doubt about it but i definitely like in this one it's pretty blatant what he's doing um there's no you know like slip me an extra 20 to do it dude that's what this game needs uh bribery this game needs bribery um i i need to have it you're gonna have to bribe me button and then he he slips a 20 under the table uh i burn down his neighbor's farm but here's the thing dude and maybe this is the sex potion still in my mind but there there's something about why does my neighbor have a bounteous harvest in fat cattle that makes me think that the fat cattle is not talking about a cow dude i i think he's talking about his neighbor's wife right like he's got he's got his eyes set on on something that's all i'm saying or husband i mean i suppose fat cattle could could be a a husband as well um okay i look it's gonna kill my reputation my reputation is is decently large right now um i'm gonna help you burn down your neighbor's house okay i'm gonna do it and i i'm not proud of it but i am gonna do it uh we have a pyromaniac potion i would like you to brew this recipe uh and then i'll i'll have i'll have you burn down his house man that you know what you do you you do you just don't if the cops come do not involve me in it um how far does my reputation go down i went down 20 okay i mean look man that that's just it is what it is right it is what it is i got really unlucky with my fellow soldiers in the barracks after lights out they all start snoring like a herd of swines i don't know how long it's been since i got a decent night's sleep do you have a sleeping potion um no no we don't have a sleeping potion dude um i gotta actually do some work today huh i gotta actually do some work we have no idea where a sleeping potion is except i think it might be this one and we found it at some point in time but we have not uh managed to to get it actually in the business yet so let let's get a a sleeping potion i kind of like this this green mushroom right here he he's got some good vibes that's going to get us to where we need to go so let's slip you in then i need some uh just jam us to the right boys so these water blooms will work uh quite quite fine for that uh and dude we're collecting some experience along the way as well which is uh even better i also i mean look i know that i'm playing this game in a way that is not necessarily um not necessarily like min maxi in nature right there's a lot of people that are playing it on youtube where they're uh focusing pretty heavily on why did i grind this i'm focusing pretty heavily on making sure that like they got tier threes for everything and uh every everything is organized and chill and they're you know min-maxing the journal to get as much done in there as you possibly can i'm just not that kind of guy man i'm just not that kind of guy um i'm a storyline with the people and see what happens so i will brew this up dude it's a strong potion of sleep he's a freaking genius um okay let's customize this sucker up i love the idea of the sleep potion being in a little spray bottle like there's something kind of charming about that i think uh so let's do it we're gonna need a much much smaller label for this guy though because this this is a tiny tiny little uh little thing dude i just don't like the label at all i wish i could keep the the thing on there but not the the label itself these labels are so big i wish i could shrink them just shrink them down uh a bunch well what if we [Music] they're just so big man they're just so big and that doesn't look good at all um i think we have to to rethink our potion how about you know what let's let's rock this instead and then uh a little scraggly boy here let's rotate that ever so slightly so the z's are lined up like so beautiful and then uh colors do we care i mean do we also like z's what if i just made it a tombstone it's the eternal sleeping potion oh dude the moon is so good that's so good and then the moon we're gonna make that like a bright yellow to go with the the dark blue i really like this dude uh and we're gonna call this um [Music] this is this is uh green days magnum opus save the recipe finish the potion okay and then we we go dude this guy is paying a lot for this this is a high selling potion for me we're cranking the money up man we got over 400 cash right now to slip in our back pocket the day is over i'm i'm good to go the hell to bed there's also a lot of people telling me tyler bring the mana potion down um i will not no i will not uh is this our sex potion yeah this is the bonk okay just want to make sure dude the first the first person that comes by and needs a sex potion i'm gonna lose my mind like they're they're getting hella bonked in that moment yo this is the great guy just yesterday i got a new alchemy machine device will surely interest you want to take a look creating solutions in the alchemy machine is the pinnacle of the alchemy arts grinding herbs and brewing potions in a cauldron is of course no easy task either but the machine will take your potion craft to the next level he said the name of the game if you think you're ready to solve the mystery of the philosopher's stone and other legendary substances you will have to spend a lot of time experimenting with the machine and finding the best recipes what the hell what the hell this is chris 1600 i can't afford that i cannot afford this oh he'll take a sex potion though here that does not necessarily bring us to our final resting place that we need to be in um damn dude i i will not get anywhere close to this i cannot buy the alchemy machine from you yet um so instead i'm going to basically buy a bunch more enchanted paper i know that this is a it's a huge overpay man like huge huge overpay but we can crank basically a hundred off of this it's still a good deal and the more recipes we have the more we can kind of go through but i'm happy the alka machine exists you know this is something we need to work towards now more content right more content always good greetings hello sir i work at the smithy making weapons i spend all day sharpening swords and daggers this guy does not look like a sharpening swords and daggers kind of guy i'm just gonna say it right now i've honed hundreds of blades now and i know what i'm doing only i'm a bit clumsy and i cut myself all the time i need a potion to heal my injured fingers faster or i won't be able to work i do think the potion of fast growth is like literally exactly what this guy needs but he's gonna want a healing potion right so just just give him a healing potion um luckily we have a cheap and very easy recipe uh for this which makes healing potions just zoom right along for us um it's very very good very good there you go sir get on your merry way we should really get chapter two done right i think this is now the goal for the episode is i should get this done so create a potion with two different effects we haven't had anybody ask for that so i'm intrigued there's a house in our village where a witch once lived she died a long time ago and no one has lived in the house since but lately terrible screams can be heard coming from it at night now the villagers want to burn the house down but not with ordinary fire we heard enchanted fire is more reliable dude this might like literally be the opportunity what if i made a mana potion and then took that and made a uh [Music] made a fire potion out of it so like hear me out right i will take my mana potion back now now how do i how do i do this well i suppose i have to go okay you know what no i understand completely uh so go go into our thing here we don't have a mana potion but we do have a fire potion so we're going to continue brewing from here okay but then i have to work my way back to mana this is gonna be really expensive this also could be like completely wrong right but we're gonna vibe with it and and see what happens this may go extremely horribly so just again bear with me you know we're basically going completely opposite directions from from where we uh were previously there you go i think i wasted a water bloom there but that's life man best life okay get this brood on over beautiful and then we're going to the top do we have something to just kind of shoot us up there yeah let's use the shadow chanterelle we only have one of them but i mean look ingredients are here to use man and then we'll we'll dump one of those in i i lost a little bit of control of my mortar and pestle please allow me to to re-grab it and then should be like two more of these and we'll be golden so we're good and then just just slip that in there we're going on a journey dude this potion has gone through hell and back to get here and uh i mean look i'm gonna tell you we're we're happy with this okay brew it up this looks sick for the record um like absolutely sick just finish it okay so i have created a potion with two different effects do you want this oh she absolutely wants it i'll buy this potion but i won't pay very much i'd like a potion without side effects [Music] okay so so really you just wanted a big fire potion and i'm about to be like kind of mad because i you asked for something with a little bit more magic to it um i can't even do this because i don't have enough freaking fire bells man uh okay well unfortunately i'm gonna tell you you're gonna get this and you're gonna like it um i understand this was not the right potion but uh that sucks to you to be honest kind of sucks to be you hello i have a well on my property and scary sounds started coming from it my neighbors and i listened and listened to those sounds but we believe a monster is trying to climb out of it so i want decided to throw a bomb in the well to kill the monster and collapse the well in case there's more than one creature down there this is uh actually a great situation for me uh because we we wanted to make an explosive potion today anyway here's the small dilemma that we have come to though um we don't have a lot of go to the right things so we we have to we're basically spending all of our resources to do this but we get ourselves out of realm realm chapter two right chapter two we get out of there so it will get into chapter three by making an explosive potion i think it's to the left over here that that's at least my plan for this um let's go this way again all right this is gonna is gonna be tight through here man it's gonna be tight but pretty center this please uh and then let's do how do i want to do this this is honestly like a pretty good if i can just get to here and then we can go we could we couldn't manner dude i'm going to be honest with you i actually like the nanoplate here we get a little bit more experience out of this um we're gonna clip the side over here but that's okay because then we do one of these we get to here and then do we have something to like shoot us top right this is not bad this is not bad again it's gonna be a little dicey but that's life dude yeah took a little bit of damage to the potion there but let's fire bell on over to here sex potions below us so we know it ain't that way dude where the hell is this though it's not down here right like it's gotta be [Music] it's gotta be up up and then to the left a little bit if i would have just like saved the the one potion this wouldn't be a problem uh we could harry banana i'll do this this uh this right here is a mess i i don't think i'm going in the right direction i'm gonna tell you but that's okay let's harry banana into the portal here and then i'm going to heat this so we're there and then we just need something oh my dude another hairy banana just slips us right in this is is spicy oh my god wait a minute i don't want to be here i don't i don't want to be here i'm using so many resources i don't think there's an effect down here man i think this is just for experience it is just for experience frick okay um i need to get out of here we've made uh we've made a bit of a grave mistake i would say um how am i going to get out of here without completely breaking the bank these witch mushrooms will do it oh great sound effect really really good sound effect let's just slip out of there now we're going to keep going up we're spent i did not want to do that we're spending so much right now um there there's got to be some better ways to do this i'm i'm gonna go up again we're we're in full-on exploration mode right now dude there there's gotta be there's gotta be something over here right i mean we're getting a ton of experience how about let's let's come over here real quick dude i don't have enough talent points i was going to try to increase our our range there's just nothing over here we're literally in no man's land um and i'm almost out of hairy bananas what am i supposed to do i don't know where the hell this explosive potion is man i swear to god we've done the explosive potion before we just didn't save it's gotta be down here which means i'm out in the freaking boonies right now um okay let's if we're gonna do it we're just gonna keep exploring right and then try to like find something so i'm gonna i'm gonna come to here like this is basically just like an xp mission we're on the side of the map right now which is it's a little much i would say um i'm i'm straight up running out of stuff right so let's this is fine put this in it's an xp mission man it's an xp mission we're gonna go i'm out of things to go to the left man that is so bad it's so bad i'm not gonna be able to make this dude an explosive potion okay we're gonna we're gonna go up a little bit if we can get into the uh whirlpool we could heat ourselves up here and just spin around that not what i wanted to do i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna grind this up real quick okay yeah very good we're we're still in freaking nowhere absolutely nothing in sight um dude i think we're just this is just like a waste of resources we're dead right the explosive potion is over here [Music] and i'm i'm all the way over here i mean there ain't no coming back from this really um i also like don't have anything to bring us to the right i mean i can just let's just keep spending to get experience right this is likely the worst idea i've ever had in my life but i need to be a big buyer at the next you know marketplace sale and luckily we got a little bit more going on here maybe we just increase our profits to continue to get more and more stuff um [Music] i mean more visibility would be nice but i mean i think you just have to go for more profits man we're all about the profits right now um i'm officially in nowhere right i'm officially in nowhere so we're going to do a fun thing called snag this and then just just heat this sucker and and give me a potion okay um we're we're just gonna sell this but i mean we're just gonna like get rid of it right i don't think there's any reason to continue this like using more resources is not the move right now um so send me it's unfortunate we did that um and we now don't have the ingredients to to give this guy anything um but you you are good how long have you been an herbalist as long as i can remember i've wandered the woods and meadows since i was a child observing nature and studying plants it's a family trade and i learned a lot from my elders show me your goods um firebells okay i'm just gonna buy you out i'm just gonna buy you a i need like literally all of them um and some hairy bananas if you can i mean i suppose i'll take like 15 firebells let's let's make it 14 and four hairy bananas look man you got to do what you got to do um we we need these right we need these she will buy the sex potion um you know what fair enough you also will buy the berserker potion fair enough give me some more hairy bananas um we need things that take us to the left man those are to the right boys um these are the to the left boys the hairy banana is is super nice man i don't don't let me be the one to say it but i think you do this and then we just have to haggle perfectly but this is so much value added for us which will allow us to to get some stuff made that we need right there you go 251 we're broke but we have a way to go to the left again which is i mean that's super important right hello alchemist help me replenish my supply of potions i had some with me but the hunt turned out wild and i had to drink every last one i need a potion that accelerates wound healing okay i i mean look he probably wants a potion of healing it's just this is how these things go he probably wants a potion of healing let's try it maybe eventually fast growth will happen oh are you a hunter right but i don't hunt animals i hunt creatures like trolls ogres various ghouls sometimes harpies in general i deal with all kinds of fantastic game but the pay is decent okay fair enough i'm still gonna haggle you my friend um because look it's a it's a tough economy right now i'm i'm broke buying as many firebells as i can whenever they show up there you go sir goodbye recently decided to grow a small garden on the balcony i already bought and arranged all the plants i want but they'll take forever to grow and i want a nice garden right now do you have a way to make my flowers grow faster i do it's called a potion of fast growth and i actually don't think we have one right like these these are the ice potion something somethings uh yeah we do not have a fast growth so let's get a good one in the business right gonna need some uh terrarias very good then we're gonna get don't really want to use a green mushroom here i think we want to if possible make these out of ingredients that are easy to come by so we're going to do a little bit of this in my life a little bit of this by my side boop let's put in a singular terraria then a fire bell cranked all the way and then there's going to be a little bit of water action involved here but this is going to give us a bunch of xp too um which i'm i'm now dude i'm more concerned about getting some xp leveling ourselves up is uh it's a valuable practice okay be very very cautious here he's starting to get a little he he's on the bones so we need to uh be a little careful about him but that's gonna go right up into there and then stir a tiny bit more and a little bit more water so level three fast growth potion heater up okay now this is going to be shaped like this like a weird cactus of sorts uh scraggly for sure you definitely want the scraggly on this one um in terms of our our our thing here what do we want oh i kind of like the mushrooms but this weird ectoplasm is kind of cool too or you do poop which is like i mean look it's it's acceptable oh dude i like this for the fast growth i think this is actually a really cool looking potion okay and then this is called uh granny's delight i mean look granny wants to fix up her garden right save the recipe finish okay good one easy peasy selling for 82 plus an additional 24 for the haggle you love to see it the big big cash moment granny can pay man granny also is looking pretty good these days but granny can pay get out of here hello eyepatch boy there are rumors of a sorcerer nearby with a strange scar on his forehead my unit was ordered to arrest him but the sorcerer has an invisibility cloak i need a potion that will expose him or will never catch him this is an interesting one um i'm not sure i have a potion for you right that one that i found at least um because i don't think a berserker is going to do it the sex potion definitely isn't maybe stone skin right okay i didn't know if maybe if we turned his skin to stone then we would know you know who he is right i think that that's definitely more reasonable than probably some other things that we've said let's continue brewing from here and then we'll just keep working our way down this green mushroom i'm gonna see what's in this bottom uh bottom area down here you know we're getting some some stuff along the way as well could be a good hairy banana play here dude am i out of terraria oh my god dude i got i got nothing oh this is actually a brilliant well we'll use this to just get right on this boy getting a bunch of xp in the process not a level two [Music] which which sucks uh that sucks we we could weird shroom get a bunch of xp and then uh gotta actually put it in there first get a ton of xp and then we come basically back up to here and we bring her up this this sucks too it is a level two okay let's heat this and see what it is slow down oh except it's also a fast growth okay i understand what i've done uh this is i mean this is like literally the opposite of anything anyone would want this is the the conundrum conundrum disaster potion of potions someone's gonna get lucky and get this um i did accomplish a potion of slowdown which is nice i'm dude i'm doing great in chapter three right now uh still kind of make this explosive potion i don't think slow down is gonna help this guy um i mean throwing acid on him would probably you know cure the the issue at hand but okay so i'm thinking right this all makes sense here right you know you got cold slow down right those are the same electricity mana bouncing sure not not really making sense in any way you know there's something up here i mean dude there's so much space still um where would a potion to reveal invisibility light i mean we can try light i i feel like that's a a pretty horrible pretty horrible idea but we'll at least throw it at him and see if he he thinks light will do it light definitely will not do it no chance in hell uh mana okay he hates me fair enough you know what i respect it i respect it friends and i found a map with a red cross on it and telling by the layout of the map the place is not too far from here it must be buried treasure of course we can make it to the spot by nightfall but we'll need a light source to see where to dig um fortunately you basically just walked into my trap um i was seeing into the future what can i say uh we we got you taken care of there you go 71. you know what we walk away with profits of 232 today that's not too horrible what the hell new potion bases what okay i just don't pay attention to it right go to bed and that's that's gonna do it for today's episode thank you guys so much for coming on out uh we'll clear out the garden dude firebells happy days honestly pretty good we don't have anything to go down we have we have no go down material oh frick and we stole this thing i can't even i can't buy the alchemy machine because i'm broke and now the dwarfy boy is here greetings alchemists need gifts of mountain look by do you mind them yourselves with brothers together we are strong dig deep tunnels fight creatures rocking stone that's a good reference um what is this wow it's a straight down boy it's like so good though it's so good i'll i'll take one i'll take one why am i doing the next day right now i said that we had to go and yet here i am here i freaking am haggling the damn dwarf this is the life of an alchemist am i right there you go sir um i have to end my dialogue now and i have to end my episode thank you so much for watching as always guys like on the video is much appreciated i will see you in the next one you have a good rest of your day bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 3,266
Rating: 4.9720278 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, potioncraft, potioncraft game, potioncraft gameplay, potioncraft lets play, potion craft, potion craft pc, potion craft lp, potion craft ep 1, potion crafting, potion craft map, potion craft beta, potion craft demo, potion craft game, potion craft tips, potion craft test, asmr potion craft, potion craft 2021, potion craft alpha, potion craft part 1, potion craft guide, potion craft music, potion craft how to, lightning potion
Id: eHq6l0_vlGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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