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hey hello everybody welcome back to binding of issac video we're looking at the new booster pack yes I know a new booster pack was released many of you let me know as if to tell me Tyler you better freakin make this video right now or else I'm gonna kill you so we're making a little video on it it's not gonna be as as in-depth I suppose as my last couple booster pack videos just because I simply do not have time to make a legit booster pack video right now but I am still gonna show you guys all the items that are in the game now due to the booster pack and we'll do a little gameplay of it so the booster pack did add five new items to the game as well as a new trinket a bunch of sprites were redone and it also added over 400 new rooms so I think that that's a good reason to just play it in among itself you know I do have to actually put a mod on sure I'll put the bang shot reace sprite on bang shot has already been recited but uh let's be honest I like the old one more to begin with so what are the new items we have some good ones let's first spawn in that's the list and this is essentially an item it was originally made by Merlot Ashe Cal and wyvern uh and what this does is in a room you're gonna see that certain enemies have like skulls above their head and if you defeat the enemies in the order that the skull like shows so once we kill this guy okay I've been hit so now now it just goes out the window but uh if you defeat the enemies in the order that the skull is there then you can get some little bonuses and stuff which is kind of cool honestly it's a really interesting idea I never really thought that an item like this would actually make it into the game but here we is I suppose am I really gonna take soymilk right now abso-freakin'-lutely I will say we may do a little bit of uh you know tailoring the run to do exactly what we want the run to do just to show off all the new stuff I mean obviously we're trying out list right now and we will spawn in another one the items shortly and I promise you that like if you don't find death list exciting the other items in this booster are really good like pretty much all but two of the items we're in my modded Road to a million so you can tell that like I enjoy a lot of these mods and I'm really happy that they were put in mainly because like you know the ability for me to now remove a couple of mods from the road to a million makes it easier on me so we got a range upgrade and a penny off from that and I'm assuming that it was probably just the range upgrade and the penny came naturally there but obviously you can tell like this is a very odd idea and there's ways that I think you can farm this to really do uh a lot of stuff for you and I do realize that I'm insanely close to that this is what happens when you take soy milk this early on a run when you don't have anything else to go with it that spider actually just pushed that man out of the way it's a little funky in all honesty but this is okay I do just want to try to get you know dustless to work the way that I want it to right now and showcase all of this stuff to you I haven't actually killed any of these guys yet I need to kill you beautiful now I need to kill you it's a very methodical way of clearing rooms I can imagine this item in green mode is actually just like Hell in a Cell on earth craziness and it might actually be like worth checking out sometime just to see how horrible it is okay so there we got a spirit heart from it and you can honestly see like there's a lot of uh there's a lot of things you can get from this that's cool like that was a damage upgrade it's a very interesting item on I honestly like I'm excited to play more with this I somehow I've this mod went under my radar and I never did a mod spotlight on it despite it being obviously a pretty dang good mod since it made its way into a booster I'm dead okay alright obviously that run was not exactly the best let's give ourselves list and then was also give ourselves heimola kriya do I know if I pronounced that correctly I have no freaking clue but I do know one thing and many of you know this as well this is water balloon ah doesn't mind bye hi how are you at least it wasn't mind bye hi how are you uh and this is literally it used to be a water balloon that you threw and it exploded instead it's like a giant blood clot that you throw in the air and it explodes obviously it fits pretty well with the Isak theme I'm still a big fan of keeping the modded items how they actually were III don't really like the whole wreath aiming them just to make it fit with the game I would rather just have water balloon in the game I think that makes significantly more sense but I might be in the minority there uh and that is a okay I just said minority like I was lighting a menorah or something like that which is a little funky but I feel like I'm probably in the minority there I just I like giving the mod authors uh the credit that they're due and I feel like they maybe don't get as much credit when they completely change the sprite and like obviously they don't change what the item does but since they changed the sprite it loses some of its initial you know initial love I suppose that it could have gotten before I don't know maybe maybe the motto author doesn't give to frickin Bam's uh and if he doesn't then I respect it like Who am I to say anything it's not my mod I don't care what the hell you do with it but I definitely a fun I am a water balloon there's so many synergies with it as well and obviously we're going to attempt to check out some of those synergies here I'm just gonna continue to like add these items on top of each other and we'll see if we can get some wild synergies going just with the booster pack items and maybe as the run goes on I'll just continue to add old booster pack items as well and just see if we can create like the biggest weird booster run like what the hell's this gonna do yeah it literally makes the range go like way higher okay let's head on down we got spawn in another item item here and whichever one is next on this is the one that we're going to do which is lacquer which is actually just hungry tears so you can see right now it's hungry tears eventually it's going to get big enough and then it's just gonna ploop into a bunch of other little things which is uh it's a good mod I enjoyed it a lot I had to remove it from the road to a million because it created some lag but I know that all of the mods have been like recoded so that they like fit better and like they do that's more efficient code and stuff so I'm sure that it's been recoded a little bit and is a bit more stabilized now for the real game which is honestly uh pretty fantastic in my book and you can see these mods like really powerful oh and this was a mod by uh echo so there you go I want to make sure I'd give the credit where the credits do I'll do I think that hungry tears was a better name abso-freakin'-lutely but uh it's okay they did kind of keep the they kept the sprite at least similar to what it was which i think is pretty nice also there's there's a synergy going here with hungry tears and then water balloon because they split when they hit it's like we have it's like we just created parasite it's like we're sitting in the Isaac's Energy Laboratory and we just created a wild wild new item except that item is actually just an old item we've created parasite which is kind of cool it's an interesting reaction obviously there's probably a buttload of synergies that we're not even gonna see in this video but this is awesome because now all of you guys I bet may not like to play with mods and stuff like that you guys can all sit back and you can enjoy some modded items and play with some of the mods that uh I've enjoyed so much in my play and I do want to uh also just mention real quick there's a lot of people that are gonna be Oh what is this come into console when is this coming to switch one is this coming to iOS when is this coming to an insert device here the answer is all of the booster packs once they're finished they're gonna do one massive update for all of the booster packs near the end of the year so you won't get any of this stuff right now but it's gonna be on its way don't you freaking worry I do enjoy doing this it gets so big and then it does split into like a Tammy's head array if you get it like all the way which is obviously pretty freakin good now I will say I need to tears up like it's my frickin job right now cuz our tears stat is it's mildly abysmal 35 is uh it's like real freakin bad in all honesty but we do have a deal with the devil in common we do have a boss fight in common if we can get ourselves a torn photo and maybe a pact or something like that I would feel pretty good about life this is kind of funky that you can see exactly where pins gonna be using dust list it's kind of cool actually I do not want either of these I don't want any of these I want all of these though so I'm gonna take all these I turn me into the dankest of the Judas's please thank you very much 10:38 damage is a okay by me uh Incubus is definitely broken the bugs happen they did just release the booster this getting like there's this too big of a tear holy Manoli okay let's head on down we're gonna spawn in the next one and then we'll start playing around some synergies and stuff like that so let's give ourselves 5:33 which is Tris IG on which is better known as light shot so those of you that know light shot you would understand that this is literally what light shot was it was like a brimstone alternative for Angel deals and it was one of my favorite items that I ever covered in a mod spotlight so I'm super amped to actually see this put into the game uh it is in the mati road to a million but we never got it a lot because we never go for Angel deals mainly because we like we haven't done any of the angel related stuff yet but obviously this item is very good it's only doing the splitting because of hungry but that doesn't change the fact that this item is still pretty powerful and pretty fun as well and it just gives another hey that's uh interesting that we do get pop in here now I feel like I feel like we might just not have a good synergy here with pop and these other ones because now we're just gonna have like there's gonna be crap all over our screen which is a good thing I'm not gonna deny that but good thing split and then they split into more things that stay and then if those split then we'd just be in like we'd be in an infinite splitting zone right now but obviously like super fun items added alright we haven't even hit like probably the most crazy addition to the game which I know you're all are you're all waiting for it we do actually have some anti birth content content in the game now which is super dope those of you that like anti birth they've added in the school bag from anti birth and it was actually like it wasn't like this was a you know Edmond just steals anti Bertha's ideas and moves out the day they actually got Kilburn the creator of anti birth to help out with this booster pack and he's the one that has done a bunch of the reese prides and a bunch of the rooms there's new enemies in the game as well i forgot to mention that that's another part of this booster is the new enemies so really it's like i know that it took a while for this booster to come out uh and I know that we were all kind of like okay how long does it take to put some mods into the game but okay we have like infinitely splitting things over there but when you add in over 400 rooms and also like the amount of content that they've added you know new enemies new items all that stuff that takes a while like I'm not gonna deny that and we should be happy with what we got because this is actually probably the biggest booster in terms of content of 400 plus rooms that's that's a lot of stuff so we get schoolbag and you're probably wondering what schoolbag does it allow us to carry two active items at one time and I know that you're probably like holy crap that's a game-changer and it really is like there's a lot of schoolbag synergies that people are going to find and utilize and I can already think of you know obviously you have anything with blank card you know you're gonna find synergies with that because it's just game breaks waiting to happen in all honesty I would get a pill out of that it was a perks pill okay I'm still trying to complete the dust list stuff whenever possible just because it's fun to make sure that you're doing the crazy stuff fun crazy other items that we got surely we have our angelic splitting brimstone but there's more to life than splitting angelic brimstone I do want to start like maybe trying out some synergies though and more so just synergies with uh I do not want a little bag you sack of pennies is much better uh I want to try out some synergies with water balloon and see if they nailed a bunch of those so you know what let's uh let's remove hungry tears which is not called oh my god I have no idea what this is called 5.the its head it's black Rafiki right that one remove that and then you know what removed pop as well simply because okay that's gonna remove a pill from us remove pop as well and now we're gonna have yeah so this is legitimately is doing the hungry tears and they're moving like significantly faster too which is pretty interesting I do want to like I mean I want to spawn in brimstone and just see what happens but I also I love want to make this run not just me spawning in crap and ensuring I win so I'm gonna wait until we get the deal with double on this floor cuz almost like this a damn near 100% chance was getting one I think that there's a good chance that will maybe see a good item in there and we do have the d6 so whatever is in there we can re-roll I don't think it's unheard of that we could swing getting brimstone on this run straight up I just don't want to see what they did with water balloon brimstone and also uh you know angelic shot here light shot I'm never gonna call these by their actual names to be honest with you uh and I'd never do it with the other booster packs either you know I still call angelic prism thought I still call a pop bank shot it's just how I roll there's no way that once I've done the mod spotlight I ain't going back obviously death list will still be calling death list because I frankly don't know if that was what the mod was even originally called I will take infamy I why not in all honesty but I do want to see some new enemies can we see some new enemies we're bound to see them right I can't tell if we've seen new rooms or not some of you probably know if we have but I have not personally seen any new rooms let's take chaos I was gonna ruin a lot of crap for us but I mean that's okay you know I do want to try and get that second active item some time as well I want to see exactly how this works with y'all mister schoolbag here guys stayin fight stains okay it's not my favorite enemy to fight but it's not the hardest enemy to fight either we are doing a number to them I like knowing exactly where anybody that pops into the ground in terms of bosses are it's like an unknown synergy with best list here I'm pretty happy about it double-deal contains mom's perfume No thank you I'm gonna take this pill which is feels like I'm walking on sunshine I'm gonna take scatter bombs and then I'm gonna move down to the next floor we do have one more thing to spawn in and that is the new trinket that has been added so let's give ourselves that and it's going to be done by giving item extension cord so extension cord is a new trinket that basically adds a laser between your familiars do I think this is all that useful the answer is no I don't really think that there's a lot of practical uses to this at all in all honesty maybe as Lillith you can create some like wicked damage with your familiar chain but I don't really see a huge benefit to that also there's new stone grimaces as well and that's exactly what that guy was I have no idea what he was firing it might have been like poison shots or something I I don't really know explosive should I beats me I didn't really pay attention in that room one of you probably uh saw but I did not a greed fight our HP is like stupidly low right now I do want to point that out and that's not exactly where we want to be let's be honest here but that's okay we can now get anything from our item rooms and shops so obviously this is something that we would like to take advantage of on this run so let's go like these rooms these are ideal best list rooms you only got one enemy makes life easy you gave us a lot of money feels like I'm walking on sunshine oh whoa those of you that were expecting a video with the girlfriend today because of the new schedule sucks to be you those videos will come soon we needed to get some Isaac booster stuff out cuz y'all were bugging me I gotta I gotta prioritize what y'all bugged me for first I also really want to take these pills mainly cuz I know they're gonna be bad now those were really good actually uh tears up is uh honestly just much needed right now so I'm happy to have received it I do want to get some new items though like give me and buy new items I mean old items but new items on this run I want to find some cool synergies and maybe like maybe having a light shot right now is obstructing some of our synergies maybe will remove this one obviously water balloon is going to have the majority of your crazy synergies from this booster although I will say hungry tears has the ability to do some wild stuff as well now I can already imagine like best touch with either of these two items it's gonna be really really good so those are the kind of ones that me as a human being I would like to try them out this list does have a couple bugs right now also I I'm actually despising this right now that room can screw straight off but that's okay continue on we have not found the item room we have not found the shop so help me out here in finding these beautiful places did I manage to now we have botched death list which is okay we can't get this list to work every time sometimes rooms just get cleared in awkward ways I do not want to die in this run do not allow me to die on this run game of course I managed to kill the one enemy farthest away from me that I didn't want to kill cuz why wouldn't I don't find though I just want my item room I want my shop it sounds like a bad song I want my shop and item room so tell me why we can't find it in this stupid run tell me why I suppose that that was actually just a remake of the Backstreet Boys but Backstreet Boys are in sync that's Backstreet Boys I get the two mixed up for valid reasons but okay yeah let's let's try out a backpack here so we can pop this and I'm assuming control does it yeah so look at that we can literally switch between the two that's the dopest crap I've ever seen it's actually amazing like I'm a big fan of this right now there's so much that you can think of here you know what if you Rock Book of Revelations and Satanic Bible at the same time now do both recharge though that is the question of the hour so if I if I complete this room it charges both holy crap that is actually amazing this item is so overpowered uh and I'm very happy about it at this stage of the game give me the most overpowered items in the game who cares about Isaac being about a challenge anymore if you're you know still working on getting 100 million thousand percent or whatever the hell it's at now just accept the fact that make life easier to have a good time with it I'm gonna head down did we ever go to the item room I don't think we did ah screw me I suppose but that's okay we'll go find the item room here it's gonna be up we're going up up and we're gonna go up sugar We're going up still okay let's go fly kite I'm gonna remove see 5:33 I'm gonna remove the light shot we're gonna go back to our water balloon chaos in the hopes of us getting some synergies to get this guy to work a little bit better in a little bit like fun with some fun synergies and this is going to require some help from our shop and giving us an item in the shop that is going to be fantastic for us as human beings but it's also going to require a good item room and a good deal with the devil on this floor I'm really banking on a brimstone the old devil a thing that it can happen I think it's gonna happen I believe and believe I will so what do we got I mean these are not good if they added in the sack transformation I could try and buy a bomb bag but last I checked that transformation still is not in the game who knows maybe they added it maybe this new booster thing beats the hell out of me honestly but okay I should probably try to get dust list guy okay but he he spawned a guy and then I killed that guy I'm in a ruined best list what a crappy life I will take go ahead we're for sure gonna get deals the devil now there was a part of me that was like you know maybe I'll reroll go ahead and I was like why the Frick would I ever reroll go ahead Tyler so much crap desolace really does do a good job of giving you uh giving you stuff and I'm a okay with that are we gonna do boss rush that's a good question my my honest answer to you is probably no but if there is something in there that I would really desire trying out with the water balloon and sign me the hell up I'll do it that's fine will it take forever it might take a mild forever but if we get brimstone from the deal with the devil probably not gonna take them out forever because I'm assuming that there's a sick synergy if there's not then I'm just probably gonna be sad like if it just overrides it I'm gonna be incredibly angsty but the mark absolutely extra damage never heard nobody and in here we get Plan C which I'm gonna pass on Nine Lives Guppies cholera ten bombs I'm gonna re-roll these mom's key dog food jump and hot bombs sorry Chet we can't do that we're gonna head on down those were obviously the guppy items have value but the other stuff no thanks honestly I'm taking one guppy item and doing all of boss rush kind of would rather just die than do that so we're gonna move on if we don't get a fun item at this deal with devil maybe we'll start spawning in some synergies and see if we can get some wacky fun stuff going on is hushing the cards for this one and water balloon Haj is not a good idea because you really do want rate of fire for hush fight and we do not have a rate of fire at all also what's the damage like on this laser it's like not enough to merit actually making that a strategy so extension cord is kind of winning like the L of this of this booster pack I don't think this item this trinket is really all that good now it is just a trinket and I respect it but I don't necessarily think that we should get hyped up at all for this this is a new room that's for damn certain I'm gonna blow up both another five cents it does make the hush fight a little bit more reasonable here if we're going to rock the rock the lot of money cuz who knows there gonna be anything sitting in that uh-huh shop and hush item rooms is it worth the risk probably not but you know one have I ever won to not take risks cramp oh I would actually love a lump of coal I think that lump of coal would be an amazing item for us of course you didn't give it all right of course instead you give BBF really okay well let's head on down all right I'm gonna start by spawning lump of coal I think that that's a fair little ones spawn so spawn not spawn give idem lump of coal beautiful and we'll see what this bad boy does I'm assuming that's going to just make our damage incremented by a lot and that was not the greatest English that I've ever spoken in my life but it's not my native language I'm kidding it's absolutely my native language please don't think that I'm from Taiwan or something China number one but I I do think this does increment or damage a lot because the more it travels the more damage is getting and then it splits and all of those have that damage as well so you're just firing out a lot of see like this is a new room these are new guys look at them well they're pretty cool aren't they also BBF just did us a number but those are cool I'm super down with those ah that makes four see it's that kind of stuff where the new the mods that add new rooms they now have even more stuff to like make new rooms with you know adding in more grimaces it just makes it where they can do more challenging odd type stuff which i think is a huge benefit for all parties involved anything that adds just new enemies and stuff like that to the game I'm 100% down with that like there's no way that I can sit here and be like yeah I mean I like the enemies in the game right now I don't really want any more added like no you always want more added no matter what what do we got pill is tears down that is actually freaking horrible but that's ok are we ever okay extension cord is actually going through BBF as well which does actually that changes things a little bit cuz can you imagine having like succubus VBF all those guys at once see I think that like and this would maybe be way overpowered extension cord would be 10 times more fun if it did a constant laser all the time through those guys and then you would have just like laser craziness on lilith runs you know obviously there's good trinkets are we not allowed to have like an insanely good drink it because that would make it insanely good I mean it would be it would be pretty powerful maybe not overpowered but maybe like actually pretty overpowered can I please go into I actually hate my life I they just waited for me to get to that point relax relax down to it when are we gonna get a good synergy all I want is something that's gonna make me go ooh ah or hello synergy or hello dad hello something like that I just want to say hello I want a fun synergy let's do it I'm walking on sunshine oh whoa it was actually like an insanely good use of that uh pill right there also I really want a burrito I haven't eaten anything all day long on a hard core craving burritos right now are we gonna go do hush here's what I'm gonna do and a lot of people are gonna be like Tyler that's actually just the Wii Gnaeus to proach to life ever I'm gonna go down to the hush light I'm gonna raid the shop I'm gonna raid the chest I'm gonna raid the item rooms and then if we don't get something that I feel like I can beat hush with I'm probably just gonna teleport out like I don't want to fight hush with a run like this that we might actually be there forever or five ever depending so what we got I can't take any of those so we're just going to we're gonna say screw it and we're just gonna go down we're gonna do the sky I can really only go do the shop in the item rooms anyway so we'll see what happens shop seven cent item at spirit of the night it's okay all right we do get Leviathan from that though which is pretty good and we can't see what the items are so this actually really sucks chemical peel is fine as a damage upgrade and I will do top seven seals or you can see that that got a new respray on the side so it looks pretty nice in my book am I really gonna spawn in keys yes I am that's bond the key piece well now you're gonna force me to fight magazines so you know what spawning key piece number two we don't we didn't spawn the key though can I spawn the full key yeah okay full key you've never seen that before I have both key pieces and the full key that's wild how do I spawn just a key 5.30 dot one 5.30 dot one beautiful and then I want you to repeat that like a couple times here I know that I'm doing the weenie approach this is not supposed to be an actual run this is me testing the booster pack that's what I'm gonna tell myself okay we'll go try and fight hush all right we do have seven seals is now getting added to the extension cord bs and it is making for a interesting time here I'm not gonna deny that the damage we're doing is actually pretty good I here's what we're gonna do I know that you're probably tired of me now I want to spawn best touch I want to see what happens here that is like actually not doing anything that is not what I expect it's like our tears just got minuscule uh hell are tears so small okay let's give Adam brimstone does oh yes it does exactly what you would expect except you only shoot out like one every 45 years so maybe brimstone Plus uh big majiggy not the best synergy on this earth I'm constantly holding down the shoot button just so you know we fire out one shot every like 15 seconds actually let's get the exact uh so one two three four it's about every four seconds one two three four one two three four one yeah it's about five seconds I'd say that's a real bad way to fight her man it is making the run like an incredibly fun I'm not gonna sit there and deny that one I mean who doesn't love a good brimstone synergy but obviously we're gonna remove brimstone I want to try out everything give me mom's knife why not mom's knife this literally just gets overwritten that makes me incredibly sad remove mom's knife how about Ludo Ludo anything strange now it's just normal Ludo does nothing makes me a little sad technology is another that I want to try give item tech nology please do not just do attack leaves we're also gonna be very sad I don't I don't know it oh no it fires that okay it fires out little little technology guys at least that synergizes I'm pretty happy about that it's unique oh thank God we got steam so that's gonna make a big difference on our run the technology it's actually pretty powerful I yeah I have a pretty big fan I can get download this one I know there's a lot of people that are gonna be very anti everything that I've done in this video playback you mind I wanted to show off everything possible here and I feel like I've done a decent job I know there's more items that can probably be tested but I encourage you to do that on your own time and before you even ask how did you open up that weird console to give yourself items just make sure you have a mod installed and then hit the tilde key and you have it in your game as well buddy and that'll be a okay let's get Isaac figured out here should be an easy fight unless they have massively changed the Isaac fight which you know they haven't so don't worry I've also now learned that they hide Isaac up in the top-left corner during meta exchange which is very funky let's head that lets get some items and let's let's make for a exciting finish to the run here black handle homing bombs those are all horrible I'll take the packed mom and mega is actually just like kind of unfair but that's okay that'll take battery baby a battery bub a and then we will move on and this is going to be we're gonna be dealing a lot a bit what the game just crashed by the way but uh what the hell is that seven seals just block of white on the screen I don't really know the thing about that all right I mean that's gonna be the end of this run booster has a couple of bugs but that's okay they'll get ironed out in future updates I'm sure people are probably already complaining to Edmund right now about things being messed up in the booster so he'll get it fixed the team to fix a lot of great new items honestly like everything about the booster I'm in love with new rooms new items new enemies all kinds of good stuff the backpack or whatever it is it's just an insanely powerful item I'm not excited to play with this stuff in future series which is cool because now my spy lights I can get these items in them and I don't feel guilty about using them that's good thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 41,298
Rating: 4.8324022 out of 5
Keywords: video, games, indie, gameplay, commentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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