EVERY ITEM IN BOOSTER PACK 5! | Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+

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hello everybody welcome back to another binding of issac afterbirth plus video look today we're spoiling a lot of booster pack 5 if you don't want to be spoiled don't watch the damn video okay don't go into my comment section and tell me that I'm ruining life and ruining the game if you don't want to see it don't watch it but we are gonna go through what every new item is in the game today and show off all of the new stuff so that's basically all we're gonna do let's hop right in I also do want to reiterate to you guys that for once I'm doing one of these videos live we're gonna see how it works normally I'd script these videos and make them all fancy and stuff I just don't have time this week so this video is going to be unscripted okay item time the blanket blanket is a new item in the game that's gonna give you one soul heart and it's also going to give you holy mantle when entering into the boss room so if we do a let's do a go to special dot boss dot monstro when we head into our boss fight here you're gonna see that we have holy mantle so it's pretty neato you unlock it by sleeping in a bed ten times so if you're looking to unlock this item for yourself then you can simply just sleep in beds ten times in Isaac's room and you will unlock the blanket for your own personal use it's pretty useful I suppose as a defensive item just to make sure that you have an extra hit on your boss but you never know that could be a make-it-or-break-it type thing on a run sacrificial altar so sacrificial altar is one of the actually better modded items on the workshop and it got added to the game obviously but what it does is it will sacrifice your familiars up to two of them and in turn it'll spawn you a random devil room item so I have two dark bums with me is a single use item if we pop it they both turn into a double room item so it's pretty useful if you have a useless familiar like brother Bobbie or sister Maggie or something like that that your just not really using you can turn them into some useful items here sadly if you do reroll them they do not turn into other devil deal items I'm sure that if you were in a devil room then this would be the case but not in a normal room here but pretty interesting item I kind of like that they added it into the actual game cuz I enjoyed it on modded runs it really uh it makes you question whether or not your familiars are actually super useful to your run because for instance like farting baby I would absolutely get rid of here and we could you know spawn this bad boy back in I can get rid of him again and say goodbye and get ma the void out of it I mean that's a top-tier kind of scenario but little brimstone is maybe really good for your run and you want to have that uh damage from him so definitely an interesting item I like that it's in the game little spewer puke and body this little guy just fires out a line of creep uh and he makes an adorable sound which is probably like the best part about him I kind of like this guy creep does do a significant amount of damage to enemies if you can get it right uh and this guy definitely I mean we can go into a room with combat here obviously this is not the room to be doing in it but uh any enemies that are running towards you this guy could probably put a good number of damage on them if you just get it to line up properly this guy won't be the most useful on your run ah but it is a pretty unique item I'm happy it's in the game another familiar that we can sacrifice with the sacrificial altar okay I'm a little kidding but still uh probably one that would fall under that category of things you would want to sacrifice you unlock this guy by killing yourself with ipecac I really don't like that I think that's kind of lame that you got to kill yourself to unlock this guy but that's okay yeah he's okay he also spawns a random pill when you pick him up which I suppose is a reference to puking I don't know man marbles so marbles I actually kind of like this item so it's gonna spawn you three random trinkets upon picking them up and obviously we got three kind of subpar trinkets here but the important thing is it's not just a trinket giver when you get hit in a room there is a chance of you gulping you're drinking so it's like it's in your mouth you get hit you get kind of shocked and that makes you like let's just do a infinite HP here that makes you possibly swallow your trinket that you have as you can see it took like what 10 hits for us to swallow it so it's not super duper overpowered but it's not necessarily bad I think it's an interesting way to possibly get yourself a trinket that will be useful on your run you know three trinkets out of the 150 that are now in the game obviously is not going to for sure give you the one that you need every time but it's not bad I think it could be useful on a run mystery egg so no this is not Greg the egg as many people thought when it initially came out but what does do is when I take damage it's going to spawn a charm familiar that then is gonna fight for me that's pretty much it uh in the next room the egg regenerates and it'll happen again it's not a very good item in my opinion I suppose there's ways that you can make this work to your advantage such as using razor blade or something like that you know every room you could essentially get a charmed enemy fighting for you but I don't know it just is not very powerful it's essentially pokie pokie go or whatever that item is just you got to get hit to have it activate so not really anything to get too excited about in my opinion pay maybe you could find a use for it okay this is the one that everybody's talking about flat stone so this is essentially the hydrophobicity mod by mad dogs and boys at a fun item I mean I love playing the hydrophobicity mod when it was originally released it's just enjoyable to have another awesome tear effect in the game as you can see your tears bounce around the room and then when they bounce they splash and that splash also does damage similar to like a crits body splash it's super fun there's a bunch of synergies for it I know one of my favorites is with Ludo so I'll show you that one you can control the thing and it's still bouncing around all reminds me of skipping rocks with my granddad and it's just kind of a feel-good item I can definitely see there being a bunch of fun synergies with this guy on a run and I'm sure there's some super wacky ones that people are gonna find and it's just gonna go crazy like for instance I'm just curious this might not actually be a thing get rid of Ludo please and do we get do these bounce like at the end because that would make me absolutely do dude look at this it's so cute so definitely a bunch of fun synergies with that you could tell if they spend some time to make sure that that item had all the synergies necessary but super fun mad dogs congrats for being in the game buddy if anybody deserves a mod in the game it's my boy Mad Dogs okay we got marrow so marrow is it's an HP upgrade that gives you a bone heart and those that don't know what a bone heart is it's essentially a temporary red heart so when you get hit three times it completely goes away but you can continue to recharge it with red hearts as I just did right there it also spawns three red hearts on the ground when you pick it up I suppose it's just a way to get a bone heart on a run if that's something that you're super interested in getting but otherwise this is just a basic HP upgrade nothing to really get too too excited about but the fact that it gives you three red hearts if you have someone like dark bum or you're having the jar on your run then I suppose it could be very useful for helping maintain some HP play my opinion nothing to really get too too excited about slipped rib so this is a pretty interesting one we're now getting into all of the items that are unlockable by doing the post-it note with the Forgotten but this guy gives you a new orbital it's a new orbital in the game and it's going to reject projectiles back at enemies it doesn't deal contact damage to enemies as well I suppose it does contact damage to flies um but it's supposed to not yeah it doesn't do contact damage to normal enemies but it will project their shots back at them so kind of an interesting one we don't have an orbital like this in the game so it's interesting of course it's not in the right position for me to properly show this off here I will get it right here are you spawn freaking flies you know what we're going to we're gonna do something here a little live action stuff here grab slipped rib and then spawn me in a shooter constant stone shooter that's the good stuff right there and then we're just going to show off that this does indeed reflect the shots back in your enemy so boom you can kind of push them around there's a lot of things you can push around on this side new booster pack no spoilers or anything but I'll uh I'll end up showing it off in a video because it is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen but I can see creating some pretty unique situations with this saving your ass by having a bullet fly back in an enemy running towards you and killing them and on hush this is probably an insanely good item I actually now I want to actually try it ah because it probably is so damn good on the hush flight hey buddy you want to fire at me here have all your shots back it's like having the telekinesis item or pause or hand or whatever the hell it's actually called in this game I knew the mod item was I believe telekinesis but uh it's like having that but constantly active as in orbital it's kind of cool I like it still not sure the usefulness of it but definitely a unique item and I'd be happy to have it on a run they've done it they've created a poop item in the game that is actually somewhat okay I say somewhat because not that great this is hallowed ground and essentially what this does is when we get hit it's going to spawn a piece of poop and inside that poop we have a ridiculously high fire rate so I can see this being an incredibly useful item with something like ah dull razor which is as many people know one of my favorite items in the game but if you can fake getting hit to spawn this item every two rooms you basically have a very high tear rate in a certain position you know that makes you on boss fights constantly have a really high rate of fire I think it's a pretty unique item I don't really necessarily think that I will use it to its full potential and I think give and run but min max rooms are gonna love this one because you can really make sure that you are full-on optimizing your play if you break the poop it goes away so I suppose that's one thing to be careful about and the aura will sometimes block shots I'm block damage in it so that's also kind of cool but I don't know I mean I'm a big fan of tears in the game many people know that I tend to think the tears are way more important than damage half the time which is why I love items like soy milk but I don't know it does it does kind of contain you in one spot which is also bad but I like it it's unique pointy rib so this guy's basically finger except a little bit better and a little bit more powerful is just gonna sway back and forth like so stabbing enemies but it does do a pretty significant amount of damage when you're stabbing it it's no moms knife all right in the way that it deals its damage but you can kind of point it in any direction you want and it's gonna deal pretty constant damage to enemies this is going to be a really good early game item for you I don't necessarily think that you're gonna want to be using this as a main damage dealer on a run but you know if we go to the boss fight here and do a little go to a stop boss and monster oh I'm sorry man but you will feel my wrath you can see that it does chunk out a decent little bit of damage on monstro alright can make your early game significantly better I like this item a lot and I can think of probably a couple more uses of it I'm actually kind of curious if we give ourselves this item a couple more times here so if you give me like five more pointy ribs do I get five more I absolutely do so with an item like diplopia all of a sudden these boys become melting machines are and it is actually the damages potent as all hell you can kind of see right now and obviously we have six of them but if you can pull lucky on a crooked penny then you have yourself a moms knife damage style item that is not mom's knife so pretty neat I kind of like it Book of the Dead so this one's a little bit interesting uh and it is unlike by doing everything with The Forgotten so you'd think that it would be a pretty damn good item and I suppose the matically Book of the Dead rise from the grave is it's thematically accurate I suppose but uh it's not necessarily good so one use is going to spawn a bone orbital or charm'd bony for each enemy killed in the current room so we're gonna try this out here I'm still not necessarily a hundred percent sure what this means so I've killed one two uh and then we'll kill one more of these guys and three I pop it I get myself a bone orbital I'm supposing the bets uh I suppose they stay though okay I understand now I can get down with this let me do a little debug eight here and give ourselves some infinite item charges so then pop it again we get ourselves some more bone orbitals I popped it again it gave us nothing so when we use these to attack okay when we use them to attack they go away similar to leprosy but I suppose if you can keep them throughout rooms ah that's significantly better ah and way more useful I still don't necessarily think that it's an end-all be-all kind of item but I suppose a charm bony in each room him throwing him throwing bones at people if you can stack up an army of those I mean imagine doing this item in like the hush fight where he spawns all the Flies every time he spawns all the Flies you're getting a ton of orbitals and a ton of Boney's to fight on your side kind of an interesting idea actually on that now that I see how exactly his item works I can see this being pretty useful and relatively fun it's got kind of a uh I'm trying thinking the best reference here but it's got that create your own horde of enemies to fight for you kind of thing and I like it a decent amount I think this item is actually pretty good okay so this is one that is uh probably going to make people start thinking about the lore of the game again this is dad's ring so this is now the second dad item that we have in the game but it puts this yellow ring around us and then enemies are frozen in place while touching this ring this seems insanely powerful dude I mean do see this right now it's so powerful all right you just basically can walk up and freeze everybody I'm a little bit like confused as to how this item I mean I I understand this item is insanely good I'm a little bit confused as to why it's in the game because it is actually insanely overpowered uh yeah I mean that's really all I got you see this right now as long as it like any enemies that rush towards you have zero chance of destroying you I also have no idea we're gonna see if it works on bosses here it does work on these little guys which I probably would have expected but it's just automatic dude it's it's so damn powerful oh you can just stop anything from hitting you but this is borderline it works on bosses to the maybe not it sometimes works on bosses maybe could have just been an odd bar I mean we froze them up right there I suppose it sometimes works on bosses that would have made it a little bit too overpowered but as a hold this item is insanely good if you're looking to just annihilate a run really easily and never take damage ah good item for the lost good item for the keeper good item for the forgotten I suppose but is it fun I don't know honestly I don't really think that's that fun of an item so this one's not sad in the slightest divorce papers as the tears up because we crying and it does give us a bone heart and it also drops mysterious paper on the ground which we're now assuming are the divorce papers kind of a strange item as a whole mysterious paper is not that good of a trinket if it dropped like missing poster then that would be probably ten times more useful on a run but as a homie is another tears up so I'm not complaining and they like to find ways to give us bone hearts I kind of wish there were more items in the game that gave bone hearts just so you can make them a more standard item you know type of consumable in the game for us to be using I know they can spawn naturally but the idea of them is really really great alright I would love to see a couple more items that have them but oh well that's okay divorce papers are good is it tears up I can't complain jawbone so jawbone is essentially a boomerang uh literally you can see it right now it's all it is is a little boomerang that you hold with you that doesn't take up your active item slot like the boomerang normally does but it does damage to enemies it is piercing which is pretty useful and it can also pick up consumables and we're going to attempt to show that off shortly I'm also I want to test whether or not it can destroy shop keepers like the boomerang of item can we're gonna try that out as well but the damage it does is pretty okay I can see this being pretty good for dealing with enemies at range you saw what happened when we came into that room and had the bomb guys attacking us we were able to kind of go at them I'm gonna just bomb out of this room I want to make it to our shop and see if we can bomb the bomb the shopkeeper this is very important to bomb this damn shopkeeper and the only Saint spelunky he ain't gonna come out and kill us but if you can use this guy to do all of the things that the boomerang does not that the boomerang is an item that you know you're constantly taking on a run anyway but if you can do everything that the boomerang can do then that's one less active item that you could possibly take on your run there's no reason to take the boomerang if you have jawbone here and it's just kind of fun to throw boomerang you know I don't necessarily think it's the best item but I can see it being one of those like early game items you get it I mean start and you're like yeah okay cool we got job Bowman let's make some things happen with it and for that I can say jawbone you are you're like a sea tier item but you're at least a seed to your item that I would use at some point in time let's spawn ourselves a shopkeeper and just see if we can kill you please be able to kill you it can't dude all right it's a little bit disappointing I had been patching this and make this guy able to do this right now because that would make me very happy this does steal 2 times all your tier damage to enemies though so it will scale as you get better is going to get better as well which is kind of nice okay this is the one that intrigues me the most out of any item in the booster besides maybe hydrophobicity but that's just because I like that item this is brittle bones so brittle bones replaces all of your HP with bone hearts and then every time we lose a bone heart it's going to spew bones in all directions compound fracture shots so we're gonna do this right now I want to slam into the middle of these enemies and it's gonna throw the bones everywhere is it necessarily good I don't know I mean obviously it deals a lot of damage to enemies but when I picked this up it doesn't give me a bone heart back so you only get to do this six times you know I can imagine that maybe getting this with the Forgotten is incredible because every time you then lose HP it does this and you're only getting bone hearts as your HP but as a normal character I think it's kind of useless you know you can slam yourself into enemies and get that uh damage bonus no it makes you wonder here this is something we're gonna try if we spawn this and then go back and give ourselves our good old razor blade here and just act like we're getting hit ah okay now that might be a bug actually because we don't actually get hit here let's just give ourselves infinity P so if yeah okay so now we gave herself razor blade that is not what I want here that's why this uh that's why this dingo according to plan get me dull razor please and now hit me okay so no it doesn't do that I was gonna say that could be a good synergy but as a whole this is really only good as The Forgotten uh other characters are just not gonna benefit from this item the way that you might want to okay I'm not gonna super go over the shovel because at this point we probably all know what the shovel does anyway but you can use the full shovel as a room floor skipper boy and then the broken shovel also will start the mom feet stomping on you but when you pop it in a room with it it's going to stop the mom feet from stopping you that's really all there is to these items obviously you probably know what they're used for I'm not gonna spoil that in this video I have a video on it but if you didn't want to be super spoiled I'm not gonna super spoil it but you guys know what these items do so uh yeah there are also three new trinkets in the game baby bender which is going to give your familiars homing shots this is insanely good with little brimstone I mean obviously that's a bit of a obvious statement but you get a little brim and then have this guy and you're gonna be sitting pretty on your run honestly and same with Incubus uh obviously if you don't have spoon bender then Incubus usually doesn't but I would assume that if we spawned in Incubus here then he would also have homing shots so if you had brimstone or something like that uh you could have homing brimstone with your Incubus but not have it with your character so baby bender can be pretty powerful if you're rocking a familiar run you know Lilith benefits greatly from this trinket I think that that's a very basic thing to say we also have rotten baby which is not Ron baby's rotten penny and rotten penny is basically the rotten baby of trinkets whenever you pick up a penny it's going to give you a blue fly there's many many ways that you can just bust the game wide open with this trinket bombing your donation machine to get a ton of flies to then kill a boss obviously game breaking with the era gives you just so many flies that you can walk through the rest of the run without dying there's a lot of positive implications for this trinket I like that they added it I think it's going to be fun to see what people can do with it but pretty damn powerful and then finally finger-bone which I actually really really liked that they added this in because it will make items like brittle bones more viable so you have a chance upon getting hit to spawn a bone heart we're just gonna see I'm assuming the chance is pretty low I'm gonna give myself an infinite HP again I'm assuming the chance is pretty low to get one but anything that can spawn you more HP by getting hit is generally considered be okay you know Gympie is considered to be an okay item Wow it really does not like to give you bone hearts dude but hey if you can get bone hearts from it then those will be useful like I said bone hearts are pretty cool but uh wow it's it's like a very very low chance they're not lying when they say small chance there you go finally got one eh dude that's a little bit ridiculous that they should bump that up a little bit but anyway that's gonna do it for uh please get me to a normal room that's gonna do it for today's video that's all of the new trinkets and items in the game there are no new cards there are no new pills so there's nothing to really look at there and obviously I can't go through the thousands of rooms that were added to the game as well but if you're interested in knowing about the new character I do have some videos on him as well but that's every item a bunch of good ones a bunch of ones that are kind of in but as a whole and add some new stuff to the game and that I'm happy about I'm more excited about the trinkets to be fair than I am the items those three trinkets are pretty damn good if they pay out with a bone heart occasionally but thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy remember to slap that like button and I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Olexa
Views: 251,898
Rating: 4.7099237 out of 5
Keywords: every item in booster pack 5, booster pack 5, isaac, binding of isaac, rebirth, afterbirth, Afterbirth+, binding of isaac booster packs, the forgotten, items in booster pack 5, booster pack, binding of isaac booster, last update to isaac
Id: 1yreG8s4hc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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