100+ DAMAGE?! NEW CADAVER CHARACTER! | Repentance Mod Spotlights

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hello there everybody welcome back to more binding of isaac repentance mod spotlights today we're taking a look at the cadaver expansion uh which is a mod by synth that adds a a new playable character and a tainted character counterpart that's correct we also have tainted cadaver uh different character um there's 11 new unlocks in the game um and there's there's just a bunch going on there's a bunch going on i'll read some of it um you only get one eye which means your tier rate gets weird um tears are converted to equivalent damage multipliers you can only get rotten hearts and bone hearts um all kinds of weird stuff i'm not gonna read ahead i'm just gonna hop in and we'll see what the heck happens um yeah so our rate of fire is fixed yeah okay fair enough fair enough um we cannot go into that curse room either here's your scene three f eight three q77w and i believe that yuck heart yeah yuck hard don't give us jack diddly squat because i need a [Music] i need a thing to store in it how did i get a pooter how did i get a pooter okay so we we get maybe you know what he might have spawned because of me popping jackhart actually perhaps per chance uh we'll never know uh we we probably couldn't know there's a soul heart i i know i can't take soul hearts that'll be converted to something brittle bones is like really good right like that's that's insanely insanely good for us it's like it's like the best item that you could have gotten for this character um now we also know that we can never get a rate of fire increase though um so i'm assuming every time i lose one of these bone hearts i'm going to get a damage up instead dude our damage is 6.36 to start um which is absolutely nuts um that that is a crazy number i kind of want to get hit right um just to see what happens because i i'm going to assume we get a damage up if i get hit i'm also going to definitely pop that dude this guy he's doing the freaking thriller dance right now [Music] okay joke went on for about 20 seconds too long i'm gonna go into the curse room and see what happens oh my god dude it's a massive damage up okay yeah so that's pretty good vanishing twin familiar that becomes a clone of the boss when entering the boss room defeating it drops an extra item seems like a horrible idea let's do it um and then we'll also get another damage up so by by picking up brittle bones not only did we get you know six additional hp we also got two damage up so far um and when i get hit in this boss fight like six times uh we're gonna have even even honestly i kind of forgot he could shoot which that's a pretty poor look from me um that i forgot an enemy could shoot but here we are so this is gonna drop me an additional item um dude our damage could end up being other godly levels of good on this run i'm just gonna tell you right now it could get really spicy so we have a rotten heart i'm just gonna go down right i'm gonna go down this character is interesting um it it's in a lot of ways you know we've been playing a lot of job here on the channel recently um this character is the exact polar opposite of job um like literally the exact polar opposite of joke um it is all damage no tears which i mean look is that my forte in this game most of the time no um i i tend to actually like um oh we also dude we have placenta which is like legitimately it's legitimately regening us into rotten hearts and i'm kind of realizing that when you only have rotten hearts you're gonna have a hell of a fly army too which i mean that's just another you know pretty big benefit for this character so i will go in here we will absolutely pick up little horn i mean absolutely no problems there we'll pop that get out okay so do you go double deals or do you go angel deals with cadaver um i'm just gonna be perfectly blunt with you i think you're probably stupid if you go for devil deals you you really do not have that much hp to be playing around with um so i'm i'm probably going to go with the angel deal approach here sorry my brain got stuck in uh tyler.exe stopped responding for a second oh this is actually not a room with enemies i thought a dude was gonna pop out of the bucket fair enough okay so vanishing twin this is a horrid um room i like actually horrible i i hate this this is a really really difficult enemy to to have two of them in the room so okay i got one good enough for me um now now is your time to die though i did use my only bomb hey you want to freaking stop dude because i'm kinda you're getting in my way so squeezy is a damage up now um and also gives me friends okay so that's how we got um that stuff i don't want oh dude it was a huge damage up we're up to 11 damage already and we're gonna get like super cracked on this run um and i'm i'm a hundred percent here for it uh allow me to basically just obliterate this run um i i want to have 200 damage at the end of it and frankly i think there's a realistic chance that i end up having a 200 damage on this run because i i it's just strong right it's just strong even with our low rate of fire you know rate of fire only takes you so far right if you have low rate of fire but your damage you know one shots every enemy who the hell needs tears right i'm doing my exact you know polar opposite of what i've said uh about job which was uh well you don't need damage as long as you have tears right um no sucker give me give me all the freaking damage i want all of the damage does vanishing twin turn into a boss in here it doesn't okay thank god i really i don't know if i could have fought two of this dude it's bad enough he splits and then i gotta fight two of this dude give me give me this dude i hate him i i hate the son of a gun and low rate of fire fighting him is not exactly uh a walk in the park either i would love to get uh my luck increased so that little horn becomes a little bit stronger for us pops out a little bit more dude you get so many flies when you finish a room it's so good okay so the swarm orbital flies which turn into blue flies after they block a shot it's fitting right but what if i took this instead okay we didn't really need it we we didn't really need it at all but that's it's fine we're fine with it we now you know you got bombs in a weird sort of way right i can run into some stuff get things out of that um we did get hit here pop pop your uh yuck heart i just realized it's a play on words yum heart yuck heart it's very very funny ed i'm sure he had a a nice giggle when he was thinking about that one because i i sure as hell i'm giggling i don't know if you can hear it but i'm i'm giggling there there's a large amount of giggle um hope you guys are having a good day today it's a beautiful friday uh i'm finally done with work for the day started a new job this week which was uh very exciting i know people like when i talk about my irl job because a lot of people don't actually think i have one and i just play the binding of isaac for a living i don't for the record um i just started a new job i'm a cyber security incident response analyst say that 10 times fast uh so basically when you know frederico in um you know the middle of russia somewhere is pretending to be a spanish uh salesman and hacks into the company that i work for um i i notice it and and stop it kind of thing i'm getting my ass kicked in this room dude this is too many clogs it's too many clogs i can't stop all the clogs this is it's like uh plumber's worst nightmare i'm i'm i'm doomed all my bonehearts are gone oh my god get get them out of here i love two boss items man but holy frick this is uh this could be going better um this is also like completely useless for me so we'll take this we're gonna get uh a couple friends and then here i'm gonna get crown of light okay yeah that's pretty good i guess i'll take the uh item that doubles my damage as a character that can only have damage if i have to okay now the the real the real nightmare scenario is am i going to do the mere dimension and you're you're looking at me i can see the look on your face right now um and it is primarily the stress i think primarily distressed you're going um tyler what the hell are you doing who do you think you are that you're going and trying to uh fight double clog in the mirror dimension um wow wow as the lost um and to you i say uh you can catch flies with honey but you catch more honeys being fly right i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna do it because i'm not a little baby right mama didn't raise a coward so that that's where i stand um i should probably go to the shop and and buy some stuff though perhaps uh a card or or something that could help us in this expedition but uh mama didn't raise a coward so that that's where we're at that's where we're at what do you got moms moms whatever yeah joker card very good we do we do like the joker card good good for the next floor um we'll have a 33 chance at a double deal on the next floor so we'll be okay could be okay there's also a few uh tinted tinted rocks along the way as we go through here i'm pretty sure and apparently we get to do this again um i'd rather have counterfeit penny so i'm i'm more than pleased to rock this life um i actually think the tinted rock is in this room right am i losing my mind okay yeah he's he's completely lost it go back to bed old man soul of magdalen surrounds isaac with a bubbling red aura for the current room enemies kill drop red half-hearts yeah okay that's fun and all but let me hit you with an opposite opinion um is completely useless for me so that's it's okay but only if we can use it to our advantage and we cannot use it to our advantage so thus i don't care we leave we leave but anyway yeah i started a new job um is is great it's great it is everything that i want from a job uh so i'm i'm very happy um hopefully you're happy for me i'm living life and then the best part is you know i can still do youtube and twitch um on on the side now do people know that i do youtube and twitch on the side no it's kind of it's kind of like i'm spider-man sometimes right you know i kind of solve solve crime uh on the side by making a fool out of myself on the internet um but then in person i just kind of smiled i'm like oh i i click buttons and stop the hackers from touching me and it's it's not really anything too too crazy right and then eventually they're gonna you know see my name online and then uh then i'm screwed then then i'm just completely screwed oh thank god dude the second guy doesn't spawn apparently vanishing twin has vanished um on par with his name to be fair uh so thanks for this that's a damage up i have 52 damage for a second there um because we popped the empress and apparently apparently the empress makes you um cracked out of your mind is what i've learned so this run is disgusting i mean we got 31 damage on floor 3. it's only up from here um do i know what the hell we're gonna we're gonna try to accomplish i mean at this point there's a part of me that's like why don't i just go beat mother as cadaver it's just i kind of want unlocks right so i i kind of want to try to do boss rush instead because getting getting boss rush done um and then consequently going and getting hush done uh would be that would be high on my to-do list so we'll save mother for another life right we'll we'll start to try to go a little bit a little speedy boy through here and get as much done as we can we are one-shotting enemies that tends to happen when your damage is uh you know higher than any run that i've done in the past month um there were a lot of people that told me uh tyler you you got to play cadaver because he's the hardest mod on the workshop um i would like to inform you this is no offense to you um but you might be bad at the video game okay you might be bad at video game because this is this is not very difficult at the current moment in time we got really lucky though um and i want to acknowledge that i'm i'm mainly memeing we got super lucky brittle bones is a stupid item for this run um the ability to to basically get six damage ups right out the get-go from tears-ups um is that that's massive for the run um so we we really we have we have no we have nothing to even say right now um i should i should just go uh thanks ed thanks for being a sweetie today and providing me with the the keys i needed to solidify my chances of victory and then ed's gonna you know give me the middle finger and then that's gonna be that right here's something that i want on this run i would love to see a library a library actually helps us so much um because it gives us the effective more shots but in obviously a slightly different way i can't believe i dodged that that was honestly kind of impressive um and then i would love to collect these thanks for my little friend i love the soul hearts giving me friends it's like it would have made kindergarten a hell of a lot easier for me but alas here i am today uh lonely and stupid so we go down we go down here i gotta talk to you guys about it a complete abomination oh hey welcome to the party i gotta talk to you about a complete abomination that i saw the other day um because it genuinely like made my teeth hurt to look at it i probably should have popped the joker card right that's pretty wild uh crazy idea really um i got an ad on youtube which you know that's that's already where things have gone downhill is if i'm paying attention to a youtube ad um but the the ad was for a new cinnabon product and for those that don't know what cinnabon is it's a it's a company at least in the us i don't know if it's anywhere else i would assume that it's probably only in the u.s based on most other countries have limitations on how much sugar you can put into one piece of food and cinnabon probably blows that number 15 times out of the water so but uh it's they're making a new cinnamon roll chocolate chip cookie and it it's basically they they just have a cinnamon roll and or that is more they have a yeah i mean i guess it's they have a cinnamon roll i i kind of i'll be honest i wasn't looking at it much i was just listening but it's it's a cinnamon roll and then the outside of the cinnamon roll they like bake a chocolate chip cookie on top of and i was i was looking at this thing and my my teeth hurt dude oh hey this is maybe good is this good what does this do it's a plus five damage up okay yeah if i have to right who the hell needs money when you got five plus damage um thanks thanks bezos fine by me um secret it was a kind of jank secret room if that was one um it wasn't one so i think that's a good way to put it smelter uh hey who needs uh who needs uh damage when you could have damage and also uh extra money so that's good that's good i would like a speed upgrade too we're slow as hell oh my god we're slow as hell all right slip on this way this is yeah i gotta i gotta see through the damn matrix pop pop the blue pill and uh give keanu a big kiss on the cheek because that that was uh that was a mess there's a new trailer for the matrix too um i'll be honest with you though i saw matrix one um and and matrix one is oh crap man i lost my bone heart again which did in fact give me another item which is still stupid growth hormones delicious the belt delicious it's a speed upgrade what are you monstrance delicious uh that's right apparently i i fight angels immediately because i have uh i have the thing and the stuff yeah yeah yeah i have thunder thighs which is uh you could definitely do like a bad ac dc remix you're the thunder and then somebody rolls in with their thighs i don't know it's it's not a great one uh dude i'm gonna skip the item room so i can make it the boss rush i know that's famous last words and i'm gonna die but i i don't need the item room it's gonna give me freaking brother bobby and then what do i do then right am i supposed to enjoy brother bobby or something that seems so unnecessary so i will i will not and i'll instead just move move my ass along give me this we got smelter active i might as well right um say who needs who needs damage and also money when you could have damage and also money also we just got a freaking bone heart for shoving our finger up our butt which is that's super nice getting the bone heart not the finger um what was i talking about yeah the the cinnabon chocolate chip cookie i here's my rule of thumb okay and someone's immediately going to find something wrong with what i say here but for the most part one dessert good another dessert paired with the same dessert in in a combined dessert fashion no longer good and i'm i'm open to you providing uh examples but let me hit you with one immediately okay uh also i'm gonna want the full card here i think i don't know maybe i pop oh i gotta figure out what i want to do here uh i think i maybe want to pop um the joker right now [Music] or nah just just take the full card dude and then hurry the hell up because we're we're run out time our slow speed is starting to uh hurt us here so just just go this is not the right way we'll hit the shop on the way back that's fine but uh there's not a lot of examples of of duped up desserts that end up being good biggest example that i can think of oh absolutely biggest example i can think of um birthday cake ice cream okay and then there's gonna be some of you that are like you shut your mouth right now um birthday cake ice cream is horrible okay combination of two desserts birthday cake ice cream combine them together you got a horrible ice cream flavor i i will take pretty much um any ice cream flavor over over that crap so give me this and then i'll come in here um and i will take what do i want here these are all bad to be honest um i guess i want piggy bank and i you're gonna probably be like tyler what a horrible decision you you could have had anything you could even had piggy bank and yet you took piggy bank um i i like my decision piggy bank if i get hit right big if because i'm so good at the game um if i get hit having some extra money for the shop on this floor would be pretty good oh look at that uh he's got him he's got money we would love to see it now we did just lose 30 damage in this fight um which is going to make our life just a wee bit harder but when you lose 30 damage and you still have 30 damage to make up for that uh it's kind of like uh haha you activated my trap card kind of thing so in the end we're we're kind of just completely fine um there's there's no fear inside of me at this moment in time call me in the future if you think i'm gonna have fear in the future but right now i'm i'm not i ain't stressing we'll just vibe okay we still have his freaking horse and i would like him to go away but yeah i mean there's there's other examples like creme brulee right creme brulee really really good i have had like a chocolate creme brulee which i'm going to tell you it was kind of just chocolate mousse right um which chocolate mousse is good but they still tried to do like the the sugar on top thing um like burning the sugar it was not good okay it was not good so they tried to combine chocolate with creme brulee um it didn't work right you know why because it is two desserts being combined into one you you cannot find me an example the only one that i'll maybe be like okay you got me ice cream sandwiches right although you know what i disagree because they're combining a dessert and a lunch they're combining ice cream and then also sandwiches it's the worst logic i i've had a lot of horrific logic in this series um that one could genuinely be my worst yet is an ice cream sandwich a sandwich though tyler asked the funny question is it a sandwich i will never never in a million years do that conversation again i i've learned my lesson i've done my time in azkaban dude i i will never channel the is exo sandwich garbage ever again just frick right off with your sandwiches i don't i don't care if you put freaking stuffed crust pizza in between two pieces of uh salami is i just don't care it's not is sandwich or not sandwich just stop asking me all right hey you just gave me a bone heart i love this getting hit and i get hp for it it's like built-in gimpy with this character which is stupid stupid good and kind of unfair for the enemy i am terrified for what tainted uh cadaver is going to be though because i have a feeling it's going to make me lose my mind i'm also kneeling shots over here holy crap it's close to impossible for me to die in this room dude there's so much health on the floor it's like every time we get hit it drops health and every time we finish a wave we get another uh another rotten heart that's the thing like rotten hearts while they are you know just one hit it's also like every every red heart is converted to a rotten heart and you get a lot of like half red heart drops and full red heart drops so now you're just getting like a ton of rotten hearts and it kind of works out this is taking longer than i wanted it to though um we still want to make it to hush on this run and currently this run is in a little bit of a wonky spot after i took the whiz um i still stand by my decision there because the wiz is fun but i do think that we need to get some kind of synergy for the whiz on this run and there's there's a lot of synergies for the whiz so i'm not too concerned dude tough love is that is hilariously good for this one um so let's come back here i will go to our curse room we also did not get a devil deal um so we can come in here then we can pop this and then i can leave i can pop the joker uh i'll take flight and a red heart and then i'll also kill myself on this guy not a not a great look for me but that's okay uh not a great look again i lost my my bone heart [Music] but we do now have 66 damage on this run which i'm going to tell you uh that's a lot of damage in case you were not actually aware so i'm i'm feeling good about this one shop what do you got you got um yeah so like hive minds really good phd is also really good i can see forever is completely fine ace of spades will pop on the next word we we do have to somehow no we do have to somehow do two floors of the womb in six minutes do i think that's possible i think it's doable um but i do think that it's probably a little bit harder than i would like it to be does is this actually good is is not um old tyler would have smelted that yeah new tyler doesn't care new tyler doesn't care we continue um it is womb one and not womex l which i was kind of hoping it would be womex l so we could make it to hush like guaranteed now i gotta have some pretty good padding on this floor now we also have to keep in mind that we are still like really strong in all these rooms so i'm i'm still feeling good about our chances we got the keys for hush as well which is another that's another pretty valuable uh valuable point but we have picked the wrong direction 25 minute i don't know man it's gonna be tight it's gonna be tight how how often have we had like an extremely extremely tight um kind of run in here i mean i would like that boneheart let's not get it twisted that that's a pretty good addition to this run and we still got ace of spades uh frick off this room sucks so i'll happily do that we're gonna have double bosses do it i'm really happy that vanishing twin did not do double bosses in boss rush that would have been a nightmare that would have been really bad i'm also thinking about it dude we did not get an achievement for doing uh boss rush so i'm starting to think that i might have just done that for for no reason which honestly i probably deserve it but is hookworm good it's not but old tyler's back baby let's do it we we got we got the the tears are doing the freaking kanga now how could you be upset with that that that that that that that that that wow goodbye i need a lot of shots there too but that's okay um say hello to who the hell is here it's double skull x the only thing worse than than one skull x two skull x um luckily skull x pretty easy give me the syringe it was a plus 17 damage up what okay um that's insane i have 97 damage okay it is really hard to knock that i'm gonna tell you um really really hard to knock 20 90 20 plus 17 damage for 97 total um that's an alarming number for this run and the fact of my tears i think my life goal is just make our tears big enough so that it doesn't matter if we have the whiz it doesn't matter if we got freaking tiny planet just if they're big enough then they'll hit enemies that that's kind of where i'm at i just fire in the general direction of the enemy and then things happen it's this fantastic little scenario for us um here's something that i would love to see though and by love to see i do kind of mean i really don't want to see it but i want to know what happens what happens if you have a libra with with this character do you get tears because i i imagine you don't um which means i guess libra probably would spread you you would effectively like every single upgrade is just damage i i guess libra doesn't really do much with this character maybe that's the shtick maybe libra is actually like kind of okay with this character it's just if tears are already damaged then you're not gonna really do much better than that right i don't know it it's it's a something to think about for sure um i did that in all the wrong order tears up more like damage up am i right okay we're fine i would love to get another trinket on this run man we we uh we've got smelter but we we've done close to nothing with it i have two minutes to fight the boss here uh that's a funny joke how about i need two seconds gift fricked loser uh and then i'll come in here and i'll take more of that and then you know what just for for bm uh goodbye angel it's been nice just left uh a golden penny in there and then we'll do hush probably don't need to do hush right probably doesn't matter uh but i'll do it anyway because i'm feeling generous today i'm i'm feeling spicy i'm feeling good what do you got um i like mango baby because we're one familiar away from i mean honestly dude sprinkler kind of sounds like a good time that kind of sounds like a good time we're one familiar away from conjoined which with the whiz i it just sounds fun right that sounds enjoyable i don't want to run actually i can afford to run into these if it if it hits me oh well all right cool what do you got in here jar of flies i don't care um card is wheel of fortune i once again would like to inform you i don't care and then we will donate 48 cents be very careful this machine is at 960. so that would be an interesting scenario if i managed to blow up the machine today but unfortunately it will not happen let's go fight uh hush roosky do a little drive-by plop that sucker down and he's gonna get absolutely roshambo'd by that okay feeling good um why is he getting slowed down that's a little strange i don't know why that's the case um this is probably going to be a little bit of a miserable fight but it's going to humble us in a lot of ways because i haven't really had the dodge for the past 15 to 20 minutes um and then this fight will make me dodge and then we're going to come out of it and we're gonna start obliterating enemies again and we're gonna go oh yeah that's right this runs really good and it's gonna feel really nice so that that's it's a nice little uh bonus on top of our already difficult life that was an insane dodge we love to see it in fact we're we're extremely pleased to to make the acquaintance of a hush in this scenario all right we're already over halfway um which so maybe i was actually wrong and we are completely fine on this one doesn't really require much of of any doing on my part do not pop the hermit card that would make me super sad i don't want to have to do this fight again more than more than i'm already doing it oh i got hit somehow i lost my bone heart big sad hours dude big sad hours meanwhile he stopped right on top of my sprinkler that seems like a pretty stupid play by you hush how about you just like pay attention to where you are stupid just just like get better at being an enemy hush all right i actually am a hit away from death and by a hit i mean four i'm nowhere near a hit away from death okay uh solo cadaver has appeared in the basement dude that's actually like super pogchamp though so i guess we we legitimately can get achievements and maybe it was actually in the form of uh how yeah we're going up maybe it was in the form of how tainteds are done right where you have uh you gotta do boss rush and hush in order to get the stuff so i actually feel good we have accomplished greatness a stapler for plus 12 damage that seems excessive i'm with it all right and then isaac is just going to get absolutely obliterated again um if my rate of fire was anywhere slightly higher than what it is this run would be a absolute massacre instead it is just really good it is just really good which is fine uh pop pop pop pop i love this i'm also happy with this i love this as well and then you know what give me the give me the flight i'm gonna clear some rooms here um i still think there's a dream where i get a familiar and then we can get ourselves some wacky uh conjoined action do i already have conjoined i already have conjoined don't i does vanishing pair count for conjoined hold up hold up i've been talking about conjoined this whole time i think this sucker counts for counts for conjoine [Music] dude i don't know if we have conjoined how the hell can you tell i have no idea what i'm doing okay you know what that's fine i don't care if i find the familiar i'm gonna pick it up anyway so uh it's all okay but i just realized i fire out three shots no i don't have conjoined because i don't fire out three shots every time where the hell am i firing an additional shot from oh it's freaking fate's reward dude that's who's firing the other leg really really big shot that makes sense he figured it out and you were your fingers were they were freaking going you you were all oh i just hit like eight things that were wrong i'm never doing that ever again you probably didn't even hear me frantically type on my keyboard give me this temperance judgment okay i apparently somehow lost my uh external item descriptions as well because none of those cards wanted to tell me anything familiar it's a familiar it's not conjoined okay maybe i do have conjoined dude i don't know it's the mystery of life right now does tyler have conjoined somebody's gonna be like hey stupid it popped up on your screen at 20 21 minute mark that yet can join and i'm gonna go yes it did yes it did how could i forget how could i forget i'm drowsy i don't care if you're drowsy isaac get get back in the freaking playing field dummy it's another i'm drowsy all right dude just pop in here what if what if we only let sprinkler kill him i'm not firing sprinkler this is your time to shine all right that was easy stole has appeared in the basement dude mods that are doing this much to like make their mod extra is it's an amazing amazing thing like we're we're not giving mods enough credit for the amount of effort that they're putting in for stuff that isn't paid like you you could if if nicholas wanted to they could release just this character you know you could package this character in job with all the unlocks and stuff that could be a five dollar dlc and people would buy that and these these mod devs would make uh a ridiculous amount of money off of it because you you got to think right how many people bought repentance like a hundred thousand people that might be a little high actually um but a hundred thousand times times fifteen dollars for the dlc then you throw in uh i mean i don't know what else you throw in i i suppose but they got money right and if you did a five dollar those same 100 000 people are gonna buy a five dollar dlc to get an additional two characters or in this case four characters i guess since there's tainted as well but i also understand they would never use a dlc that was just a mod just kidding they did anti-birth so uh what the hell am i talking about let's fight mega satan um this run was really good it was really good i uh no no complaints from me on this one it's not often you can end the run with 133 damage and you're you're still vibing and having a good time so i will say that i would like to possibly uh not get killed in this fight though i actually have no idea how much health i have either so but let's let's not die okay you're doing that that's fine dude that's fine you want to do that i'm i'm with you you're feeling a little spicy i i can agree sometimes in life i feel a little spicy too just just do me a favor and when you start feeling like you're going to get a little spicy just just instead get your ass kicked how about that you like that little little twist try that out for size dude these muker my code he just had he has like eight hundred muker microsoft shots on him okay i've been hit we are our damage has been cut in half at 66 damage how will i survive oh my god oh my god all right my dude is super slow right now i'm i'm in the thick of it right now holy frick all right just keep it going i feel like none of these shots are actually hitting him never mind he's cracked and by he's cracked i mean like mega satan has a crack in his head not that i have become a god gamer in this scenario uh that part is true as well but it wasn't wasn't the plan that i was going for uh i'm really scared okay uh dude i would like him to die right now i'm i'm starting to get a little concerned that my hp is not where i thought it was i died i'm lazarus okay oh god dude my rate of fire has gone up this is what the run looks like with normal rate of fire oh that's sick actually i can't see i don't know what the hell is going on all right uh well that was a weird finish to the run i would say uh finishing as lazarus after all that is quite the achievement um but hey that was fun good character really good character let's come back next time and play uh tainted cadaver who starts with halitosis which i mean we know what halitosis is but i'm interested to see uh how tainted cadaver plays a little bit differently so thanks so much for watching i'll see you guys in the next one have a good rest of your day bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 43,523
Rating: 4.9248929 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, isaac, the binding of isaac, the binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac afterbirth, cadaver isaac, the binding of isaac gameplay, cadaver mod isaac, isaac cadaver mod, cadaver isaac mod, mod, the binding of isaac español, isaac cadaver, cadaver mod, isaac repentance, isaac cadaver español, binding of isaac repentance, cadaver, isaac afterbirth plus, isaac mod, cadaver mod repentance, isaac eternal mod
Id: n2HemZFn7Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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