Unlock the Power of Midjourney v5: A Prompting Guide!

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mid-journey version 5 is out for Alpha Testing and I've got some good news and some bad news there's some great news if you're a Creator who likes realism you're going to be squealing like a happy pig but there's some bad news if you like mid-journey's default style the style is gone or maybe just hidden away in a Cupboard while the mid-journey team plays with a shiny new AI camera let's take a look at how version 5 is different from previous versions and how you might need to change your prompts to get the best results mid Journey version 5 is like no other version you've seen before it has power lots of power but maybe too much power you're going to have to prompt very differently in this new version to use version 5 type dash dash V Space 5 after your prompt currently the default version in mid journey is still version 4 style 4C to be exact V5 is an alpha testing and it's early days it's likely the model will change but let's start with the basics the default mid-journey style is now photograph so mid-journey has made an AI camera that can go anywhere in the world images of the natural environment events or spectacular skylines are yours for the asking and you're going to love the people in Street Scenes foreign let's just pause a moment and zoom into the face and hands of this AI High fashion model mid Journey version 5 isn't perfect but holy cow are the hands better you may still get too many mangled fingers and some extraneous text but this is happening a lot less in version 5. mid-journey AI seems to have cracked the code to making realistic hands so far I've used very simple prompts to get these realistic images and that's a big change the default mid-journey style is now photographic rather than digital art just prompt penguins and you'll get Penguins realistic looking Penguins but now here's the downside with the realism comes a little less imagination mid-journey version 4 had no problem coming up with images of time traveling Penguins but the much more literal version 5 struggled with the idea no time travel anywhere to be found in these penguins if I pushed version 5 and made time travel a key part of the prompt I got drawings of Penguins mid-turny version 5 can't imagine something but as a storybook I could prompt a little closer but version 5 was nowhere near as creative as version 4. don't worry there is Imagination in version 5 it's just harder to get you have to know how to ask mid-journey version 5 is more likely to give you what you want but do you know what you want along with more realism version 5 brings more details you don't have to ask for high detail HD high-res 8K or any of the many other prompts that creators use to try to pump up the details you're going to get them in version 5 without asking let's compare details in version 4 and version 5. this staircase looks pretty good in version 4. but in version 5 of stained glass window is more fleshed out as is the stair rail the dappled Shadows on the stairs are a lot more detailed and the textured floor is more detailed the overall look of version 4 is good but it's in the details where version 5 really shines you don't have to prompt for this detail in version 5 it's going to be there down to the whiskers on the giraffes chin the hairs on the back of the neck and the wrinkles around the eyes and nose the details in the version 4 image are good all the details just look sharper and a little more real in version 5. version 5 is bringing the sharpness that a lot of creators have been craving version 5 has a much better shallow depth of field that's the blurry background that sets the main subject apart version 5 is like having a really good camera with a fast lens but there's a trade-off with the realism comes a little less imagination at least by default you're going to have to ask for the art this macro image of an ant in version 4 is pretty cool okay the ant has colors that you wouldn't expect to see on an ant so maybe the iridescence of other insects version 5 Nails the colors and the macro close up but it loses some of the unreal but artistic art colors you're going to have to ask for something Beyond The Real World mid-journey Won't stamp its Style on your image if you want something in a particular style you're going to have to ask for it but if you get the prompt right you'll get something absolutely amazing let's look at another example I ran this prompt a lot when I was testing aspect ratios in version 4. so I have a lot of examples and I love them all but using the same prompt in version 5 gives me a much more realistic image even without additional prompting but I find the image is not very fantasy if I want more fantasy I'm going to have to ask for it this can be challenging for creators who don't have a strong art background mid-journey seems to have gotten more serious and less Whimsical remember those lighting terms I taught you back in the video about Pro prompting tricks you're really going to need them now add some lighting to your prompt cinematic or dramatic lighting works really well and those art terms that I've been teaching you you'll need these too I'll put a link to the videos in the description below and don't forget to add some art styles or artists names it's not that V5 is an artistic it's very artistic you're just going to have to work for it a little more here are some other tips from the mid-journey team thank you prompting in version 5 is moving towards being more complex and less simple the days are gone when you can toss in quick prompts just to see what mid Journey will do [Music] and here's a little bit of nonsense that I used to test AI image generators version 5 is more detailed and less realistic but frankly if I came across mid-journey now and this was the output I probably wouldn't have stayed around to play there's nothing for my imagination to get a hold of it's a party trick getting photos out of my computer not something that Spurs my imagination and I'm just gonna say it the mid-turning images without style prompts are just ugly maybe a few would be good for stock photography or marketing but there's no artistic charm and because mid-journey version 5 knows more things it can get confused if you don't give it enough information prompting for Galaxy isn't enough do I want the phone or space mid Journey version 5 doesn't know so it gives me both give mid Journey a little bit more information and the results will be Stellar the mid Journey team says we just need to prompt a little bit differently but we're not all artists so this might be a little bit of a struggle and here's one change that some creators won't like it's the longer list of banned words because of the enhanced realism V5 has more strict word Banning one of the most surprising additions to the band word list is chest you're gonna have to come up with some synonyms for chest as in Pirate chest or try fusing the words together but there is hope there's some signs that V5 can be fanciful and use a powerful word like imagination and you'll get an amazing image so there is Art in there somewhere this change makes me a little sad one thing I liked about mid-journey is that even a beginner could get a beautiful image now it's much more hit or miss mid-journey has taken the artistic training wheels off and we're not all ready for version 5 you're going to need to tidy up your favorite prompts because the model is so detailed you won't need phrases like insanely detailed unless you want a particular look and mean every word of your prompt take out any extra words any words that you do use know what they mean for instance Unreal Engine is for making video games more real but if you don't want a video game look don't prompt for Unreal Engine some of the common terms and prompts may actually make your V5 images worse in version 5 there's no room for extraneous words in the prompt you need to mean them all cutting out the fat gets you a much better better image if you keep extra words in your prompt at best the image detail will start to deteriorate at worse it will totally mess up your image there are rumors of a friendly version 5 where the mid-journey style comes back and that would make me very happy there's no doubt that mid-journey version 5 produces much more realistic and detailed images as someone who personally enjoys the Aesthetics of version 4 I must admit that it's going to take some getting used to but all it takes is the right prompt and we can tap into the imagination of version 5. there may be some terms and prompt recipes that don't work the same way as before but that's all part of the fun of exploring the new technology with the power of mid-journey version 5 at our fingertips the possibilities are truly endless share your favorite features of version 5 and some of the parts you don't like in the comments below if this video is helpful remember to like the video and subscribe to the channel this is Janet making the photo let's make something amazing together foreign [Music]
Channel: Making the Photo
Views: 30,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making the Photo, Jenn Mishra, Wits End Photography, Digital art, AI-generated art, AI image, digital photography, AI art, AI photography, Midjourney AI, Midjourney art, Midjourney AI tutorial, How to use Midjourney AI, Midjourney tutorial, Midjourney prompts, Midjourney tips, Midjourney beta, How does Midjourney work, Using Midjourney, AI Midjourney, prompt craft, image prompt, Creating stunning AI images, Midjourney version 5, MJ v5, MJ v 5, Midjourney update
Id: hAovvEYR9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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