Turbocharge Your AI Image Generation with Midjourney's Latest Tools: Permutation & Repeat

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do you want to prompt faster in mid-journey is Generation time slowing down your productivity drops some cool new Tools in April 2023 and they didn't make a big fuss about it these tools might just be the ticket to crank up your productivity I usually show you these tools in a short video and I did make one about the repeat tool but it took me a beat to get the hang of the permutations tool so we're going to do a whole video on these tools dash dash repeat is a new parameter that hangs out with stylized and Chaos just type dash dash repeat after your prompt and pick a number from 2 to 10 repeat as like a photocopier mid Journey will roll your prompt two times or ten times giving you up to 40 different images but unlike a photocopier each of these Generations is unique repeat is perfect when you want a large selection of images to choose from I was making a coloring book the other day and I needed 40 images on a theme just one prompt just one and boom I had all the images I needed crank up the chaos value and you may get some wild variations and you can even add repeat during variations to get more than four choices foreign ER was initially only for pro users on Fast hours but mid-journey has since chilled a bit go wild and run as many images as you want on a single prompt permutations is another super helpful tool that came out at the same time as repeat it's not a parameter so you won't be using the dash dash at the end of your prompt instead you'll be using these funky bracket keys in a way permutations is a souped up version of repeat say you want a dog in the style of oh Tim Burton and then a cat instead of typing two different prompts you'll type cat and dog and put them in Brackets separated by a comma mid Journey will generate two prompts one with dog and one with cats but why stop it two go for three or four you can run 40 different images at a time enough to populate an entire Zoo and permutations are not just for your prompt they work with parameters too while testing version 5 in mid-journey I've been running my prompts through both version 4 and version 5 to see what the difference is instead of running two different prompts I use the permutation V4 comma B5 you can even add niji in there to see what the anime version does and if you're into the style command and want to know which you like best type s0 S 500 and s1000 mid Journey will run three different versions of your prompt with different stylized values or maybe different aspect ratios and even try your favorite combinations for mutations also worked with image prompts want to see which image has the most impact on your prompt we'll run all of them an add variable image weights defined in the results foreign and while we're talking about weights you can use permutations with multi-prompts as well so in one prompt you can gradually increase the weight of a feature or style and this gives you a range of options permutations are separated by commas dog comma cat things get a little more complicated if you separate a list that already includes commas maybe one image you want has soft lighting fantasy art and is dreamlike the other is a photograph with volumetric lighting and is realistic we put all of these combinations in the brackets mid-journey will think you want six different images we have to change the commas inside each permutation to a forward slash this leaves only one comma separating the two parts of the permutation but this isn't what turned my brain Insight out with permutations it's that you can stack permutations and Nest them so you can run dog comma cat and version 4 comma version 5 and mid-journey will run four different prompts two subjects two parameters and with three choices mid-journey runs even more three subjects three parameters that's nine Generations or 36 images or what about three images and three image weights so you can see why mid-journey asks you to confirm your choices before running the prompts it's easy to go wild with permutations you can have more than one permutation in a prompt but you can also Nest permutations that's putting one permutation inside of another say we want some food photography dinner and dessert I'm gonna make an image for our pizza and one for an ice cream sundae but I haven't really decided on what kind of pizza I want or what kind of ice cream I want so I'm going to construct a prompt that has two different kinds of pizza and two different kinds of ice cream we Nest the smaller parameters inside of the larger parameter pizza ice cream sundae is the major parameter vegetable pineapple is a smaller parameter next to pizza and chocolate strawberry is a parameter next to ice cream sundae make sure you close all of the brackets how many images will this prompt to make well two pizzas and two different ice cream sundaes will make four different prompts permutations let you play around with different parts of your prompt or parameters you may not have thought of before you might stumble upon some seriously cool and unexpected combinations that can spark fresh creative ideas a couple of dashes and a couple of brackets these new tools can seriously save you a ton of time and effort especially when you're working on bigger projects with just a few little adjustments to your prompt you'll be able to turn out heaps of Unique Images in no time these tools are a real game changer for all you designers artists and content creators out there let us know how you're using the repeat and permutation tools in the comments below if this video was helpful remember to like the video and subscribe to the channel this is Janet making the photo let's make something amazing together [Music] foreign
Channel: Making AI Magic
Views: 32,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, ai art, ai images, ai midjourney, creative fabrica, image generation ai, leonardo ai, making the photo, midjorney, midjourney, midjourney 5, midjourney 5.1, midjourney ai, midjourney ai prompts, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney image prompt, midjourney niji, midjourney prompts, midjourney t shirt design, midjourney tips and tricks, midjourney v5, midjourney شرح, photography, post processing, prompt midjourney
Id: ENjZElIrPhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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