NEW Midjourney Update is Absolutely Amazing - Version 5.1 Full Breakdown

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wake up new mid-journey update just dropped and it's absolutely amazing you can find it by hitting forward slash settings and then you'll see it here version 5.1 there is also a raw mode which is more like the original version 5. where longer more detailed prompts will be better this new version 5.1 by default is easy mode you can write really short prompts and get unreal pictures let me show you boom starting off hot with dog if you were to write dog in version 5 you'd get like a realistic looking dog kind of boring if you write dog in 5.1 you get some stunning Creative Images so much fun I tried cool dog certainly a very cool looking pup right here I tried the coolest dog ever stained glass beautiful stuff look at his eyes and number four but look how creative these Generations are when you type in nonsense the Aurora Champion look how gorgeous these are man every single one of them stunning stunning artwork I got a little crazy watercolor sculpture of an atomic bomb I didn't know what it would create but I'm having a lot of fun testing 5.1 look how pretty these are I mean number one and three at least very pretty and that's something to note about 5.1 the highest quality image is not really that big of a difference between 5.1 and 5 but the lowest quality images have been improved immensely instead of one out of four pictures being okay now it's more like three out of four are gonna be great let me quickly show you what the stylized value can do to 5.1 here's portrait of an Instagram model glitch core style at s0 where mid journey is going to follow your prompt much more strictly but make things less beautiful and these are cool but you know not that great watch what happens when we bump up the style value a little bit s75 these are sick man I love number three so much I think that's so gorgeous number one's not bad too here it is at the default look at these dude oh my God two is amazing look at the yellow in number three and number four look at that perspective how it's like fading behind her Ah that's amazing s 400 super trippy love number three oh they're all so good here it is with a little bit of chaos at chaos four what chaos does is add variety to the generations each image is gonna look a little different from each other I think this did a great job number two is so cool four as well look how it distorts the background here stylized 1000 mid Journey at its most creative love 5.1 love what it oh they're all so good here it is at chaos 40 s 400 look how different each picture is to each other crazy and oh my God it's good at poetry again I've been waiting for this man I've been waiting for this since version three I think version three was the last time we could really use poetry in our prompts starting in version 4 mid Journey didn't really know what to do when you didn't say something that made sense like here if love was a sin it's one of my favorite version 3 prompts and now 5.1 does something with it it makes an artistic picture it interprets what I said I can't get enough of that here it is at s 400 gorgeous a lot going on really thought-provoking artwork s 400 chaos 4. I like number three a lot that's super subtle minimal Sleek the tomb of our choosing gorgeous time ticks until it stops I love number two this apocalyptic stopwatch here crazy the third option before bed look at number four puts her in this little aquarium it's got that painted feel so nice careful steps lead to Brash leaps I don't know what that means I just made it up look how good these pictures are number four is unreal number two as well super pretty and I love that point of view in number one but dude look at these men mountain landscape on an alien world 5.1 does Landscapes amazing look how pretty these are they have no idea what picture I'm gonna use for the thumbnail of this video there's way too many to choose from Scenic beach view on an alien world gorgeous s 400 C40 unreal s 400 C4 amazing Scenic beach view on an alien world in the style of dawn mites oh my gosh man look at number one look at number two look at the distance look at the detail look at the perspective look at the composition holy cow it's amazing Scenic beach view on an alien world s 400 what can you say in the style of dawn mites oh my gosh number four holy cow these are crazy these are unreal 5.1 just does detail so well portrait of an Instagram model alien Nautical Style look at that knitted head weave thing in number one that's crazy look at all of them they're all crazy stylized 400. these are some sweet alien model photo shoots I know I've shown you a bit of the stylized value already but let me show you a specific example where I kept the seed number the same and what you're going to notice is that analyze value actually doesn't matter that much at higher values while at lower values it does change it a lot full body wide angle portrait of an Instagram model surrealism style s0 which means it's going to follow the prompt directly and these are you know okay I chose seed number 893258 let's see what happens when we raise the style value here it is at s75 and I want you to make a mental note of these four pictures now here it is at 150. normally between 75 and 150 is going to be a pretty big difference here not so much here it is at s 400 the same and at s 1000 the highest the style value can go it doesn't really do anything and David mentioned this earlier today so just keep that in mind a higher stylized value doesn't really matter that much but a low stylized value like zero is gonna change your generation along these next two prompts I'm going to show you are a direct comparison between each option in version 5. we have base V5 we have 5.1 one and we have 5.1 style RAW full body wide angle portrait of an Instagram model maximalism style s 400 seed number 5729358 version 5. this is what it looked like yesterday pretty good right nothing really to complain about here's the same prompt same seed on 5.1 do you like these better I think I probably do and here's the generation at 5.1 style raw which means it's closer to the original version 5 in terms of prompting it did generate really close to the base 5.1 so when should you use style raw maybe when you're trying to get photorealistic pictures on shorter prompts that's one of the tips I've heard so far if you know any better use cases please let me know oh my God you got to see these okay colorful spaceship c21523 version five actually gorgeous I would have been surprised to have seen these yesterday I think that's great I would have thought it needed a longer prompt but that's still amazing same prompt same seed 5.1 look how good these are man oh my gosh is one of them gonna be the thumbnail is it number two is it number one ah I don't know these are crazy man oh and for the record here's 5.1 style raw these are unreal and that's a little overwhelming when should you use each of these versions maybe you can throw away version five for now but the difference between 5.1 and 5.1 style raw I'm not really sure I suppose 5.1 is gonna add the background and all those extra details 5.1 style raw is not gonna add that unless you specified I think that's what I noticed so far let's just go through a couple more random prompts and then you can get out of here and try it yourself if love was a sin in the style of Tang Yao hung and Aaron Hansen looks really similar to the base version 5 just so you know the tornado of light rips through a Lego City look how cool these look I'm not gonna lie I guess you could probably have gotten these on version five but 5.1 I'm in love let me put it this way it does everything you'd expect but for all of those instances where version 5 didn't work I think version 5.1 one might be the solution rustic alien spacesuit gnawling photography Nails it futuristic bow and arrow no 5.1 still is a problem with weapons kinda because I tried lightsaber and these aren't that bad but check out this prompt Darth Thanos I got a lot of these generated so far I'll show you them all oh they're so cool Darth Thanos unsplash a little more realistic and number one Darth Thanos C40 s 400 love number three a lot C4 look at number three I mean sometimes you do just get Darth Vader and I guess sometimes you just get Thanos but look at number three with his golden Shin armor that's like plated on top of his wrinkles perfectly that's that is so funny and that is so mid-journey at gorgeous golden Darth helmet sick going back to this one I didn't like that he's kind of holding on to the lightsaber so I hit variations and it gave me these and these were okay I like the idea of a crossblade over here but you know I'm going with number four because it looks like it has the most potential because his left hand it really does look like he's holding on to something and then I figured majority could kind of make it so that he wasn't interacting with the laser directly so we hit variation again and then we're at a point where I think number one looks okay if I really wanted more I'd hit more variations and I bet you'd find something that would work like that's not bad right look at his head that's so cool this is something big to know aspect reshoes I actually don't recommend a wide aspect ratio right now or at least I recommend you try a few different ones because look at these now I didn't use the same seed number so this could just be random variants which it obviously is but it's still worth noting neon Batman wide 16x9 they're cool but look at it at a square ratio of one by one number one is insane number four is insane dude look at that lighting the Shadows the depth the outline like holy cow I really gotta try image prompting with 5.1 I'm not gonna end this video but you let me know if you try it and if there's anything I should know 2x3 also looks great like look at that light reflecting off some parts of his bat symbol so sick 4x5 also pretty cool I tried it again at s 400 and the wide is you know it's good but look at the four by five look at number three man oh two by three super nasty one by one so good is one by one gonna come back around and be my new favorite I don't know but I don't think I could ignore it any longer so once I saw those I had to try Darth Thanos again in the smaller aspect ratios it's pretty good in the one by one I really like that helmet at number four and you know what number one is also amazing and number two is really good as well four by five look at number three that is Darth Vader as Thanos or is it Thanos as Darth Vader I don't really know I don't really care these are insane look at the lighting in number one 5.1 up at Mid Journey just thank you and thank you to anyone watching I really love and enjoy sharing all this progress with you it makes me happy I'm glad that we have a shared common interest and I'm really grateful for your time thank you chaos four two by three super sick here it is at the wide angle and you know I think they're sick I think they're really good but something about the tighter I don't know what it is I guess you'd really have to test it by seed but for now I'm just going with my gut and I like the the less wide ratios because look at these man chaos 40 one by one two is amazing three is hilarious oh my God look at number three here yo number four it kind of looks like a mix of Kratos and Stone Cold Steve Austin there it's a cool pick and you know number three is a really cool picture as well because that looks real like an episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine does anyone else see that look at it two by three look at number four that's that's so funny love the chaos value I gotta be honest I don't really recommend chaos 40 let alone chaos 100 but I had to try it myself these are cool but that's too much chaos way too much chaos you straight up just get Darth Vader in number three that's so funny number one's a cool picture though more craziness okay this is pretty nasty chaos 100 S 400 honestly all of those are so cool oh my God look at number four what holy cow look at number four here and three and one oh dude this is the sickest stuff ever ha this is hilarious chaos 100 in the wide aspect ratio I've got a hunch that the wide ratios are not the answer in 5.1 number two is pretty cool but I'm not impressed however when you add s 400 you know maybe number four is a pretty cool picture nah you gotta go small look how good these are all right that's it for 5.1 you go try it yourself now let me know what you find let me know what I've missed I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 38,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney ai, midjourney news, midjourney update, midjourney version 5.1, midjourney v5.1, midjourney tutorial
Id: IF5H-kMzFLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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