UNLOCK the Creative LIGHT-FORCE Within - Dr. Zach Bush

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the phenomenon that you see with energy  production just as an aside here is that   you know it's it's helpful to understand when you  say energy you're literally talking about solar   power right you're talking about this power of  the sun itself and the way in which this is done   is so extraordinary on this planet  in that when when the sun emits light   energy this electromagnetic field it's a so it's  a nuclear reaction on the surface of the sun   that's happening and it's putting out this huge  electromagnetic field and there is no thermal   consequence to it in space and so you have a  temperature of minus 260 degrees or whatever   you're near absolute zero maybe as minus 240  whatever it is and so you at this freezing state   just just seconds off of the surface of the sun  whoa that's something i never i've never heard   before so the sun's not that hot the sun isn't hot  because it has nothing to nothing to heat up right   exactly right so it's interfacing with a vacuum  the sun doesn't have a a a pocket of air around   it right to heat i can't wait to just drop that  on someone it's hot as the sun in here and i'll   be like oh yeah might as well you're [ __ ] cold  as [ __ ] huh yeah i'm like what i'm like let me   drop some science thanks to dr brooks coldest  stuff on earth right and so you have a massive   electromagnetic field being produced by this  radiation event this nuclear van on the surface   of the sun and it pulses this electromagnetic  energy through through the universe and then   it suddenly hits the surface of earth's  atmosphere and we get something we call heat   so we get a thermal reaction there's a a literal  translation happening in the physics of this   situation so you've got this huge electromagnetic  field that's moving in the form of light energy   and magnetism that then hits the surface of the  earth and is translated into thermodynamics and so   you go into a heat phenomenon in that thermal  induction you have the potential to change the   forms of water and carbon and in the plants this  took on the form of plastids which are basically   mitochondrion that live in plants instead  of multicellular biology on the animal side   they come in many forms these plastids and they do  many cool things that lead to the medicine within   our food and all kinds of interesting things  but the most famous one obviously is chlorophyll   which then takes that thermal energy from the sun  turns it back into an electromagnetic event and   so you're no longer thermal you're now going into  a release of of electrical energy that's then put   into the reaction between carbon molecules so now  you take co2 and build into large carbohydrates   or fats and so that was the beginning of this  you know move towards a respiratory potential   for the mitochondrion so plants as they start  to do photosynthesis they're capturing the and   translating solar event you know from the sun  into a carbohydrate and then that carbohydrate   put into the environment can be consumed now  by a respiratory bacteria or a multi-cellular   mammal ultimately that can then put that  into the bloodstream get that down to the   point where it can reach a mitochondrion and the  mitochondrion then reverses the whole process   the mitochondria takes these large carbohydrates  and fats and you know so many of us spend so much   time talking about low fat diets high fat diets  high protein diets carbide the mitochondria don't   care what the hell you're eating they're going  to do the same thing so it turns out the only   fuels obvious they can use are carbohydrates and  fats and proteins are not fuel and so you've got   carbohydrates and fats which are long chain carbon  structures that are broken down into the exact   same molecule in a one enzyme step in the surface  of a mitochondria they take both fat and sugar   they turn immediately into acetyl coa and then  they in one one more enzyme jump and you get ace   yeah acyl coa first and then acetyl coa and so  you get these two enzymes to take it down into   acetyl coa and now that goes into the krebs cycle  and all this and the krebs cycle we say makes atp   yes it does at the end of the respiratory cycle  yeah atp which we're told is the fuel for the   human energy you know our source there but in a  lot of ways i think that's erroneous i think we're   starting to realize no it's all the electricity  that's released during the breakdown of those   carbon molecules and so at almost every level of  this complex you know chain of events through the   enzymes within the mitochondria you're releasing  electrons and what you're literally doing is   taking the electromagnetic field of the sun  waiting for it to hit the surface of the planet   from there then translates it into carbohydrate  now you have carbohydrate carrying the power of   the sun carbohydrate breaks down and you now get  the release of that and now you've released energy   in the body in the form of sunshine and and if  if you think about you know a cubic centimeter of   mitochondrion which pack our cells there's if  you go to biology test book and look up you know   mitochondrion will show two mitochondria typically  floating inside of the plasma of the human cell   they can't depict it accurately because you  wouldn't be able to see anything within the   cell except mitochondrion if they did it right  the average human cell has 200 mitochondrion   and it's like a bowl of popcorn it's stuff full  of them yeah and a neuron has 2000 mitochondrion   in the cytoplasm and so you've got these huge  populations that just pack the insides of these   cells so when you talk about a cubic centimeter  of tissue you're darn near a cubic centimeter   of mitochondria and that cubic centimeter  mitochondria can produce 10 000 times more   electromagnetic field energy than a cubic  centimeter of the sun and so you've got this   nuclear event going on inside your body that is  actually more efficient than than nuclear fission   and we actually are doing fusion events and  then refission events at this molecular level   to create this solar event and so this is one  of my favorite things about being alive is the   opportunity to give each other hugs because what  you're literally doing is bringing yourself into   the sunshine of another human being because that  field emanates far beyond its the physical body   and this is my favorite thing about being  alive as a scientist right now is our tools   are getting so cool because they're starting  to blend the biologic with the metaphysical   environment and so we're starting to be able to  measure the reaction of plants to a human emotion   and that's exciting you know to understand  that the love you have for your garden can be   measured in the biologic field now in the  form of enzymatic work and other things   you know and so you can show an increase in  that metabolic reserve the increase in the   energy capacity of that garden as you come in as  a loving being and you approach with your solar   radiation event all of the chlorophyll in that  plant are going to have to respond to you right   if you come in in a low magnetic field resonance  state and and two of the most powerful ways to   lower your field almost instantly are again human  emotions and one of them is fear and the other one   is is guilt and so this is an interesting look at  our last you know eight months of this panic as   the two tools that are always exercised is first  fear you've got to be afraid of this virus you've   got to be afraid of this and then if that's not  powerful enough guilt if you don't wear a mask   you make somebody else sick your grandma might  die because you didn't wear a mask or whatever so   this is not your grandma but some other person's  grandma you're killing you're killing other people   because of your selfish act so again yes it's the  fear fear of your own mortality and then the guilt   and the both of those have been ramped up i mean  we're seeing it right now i mean they're redlining   i mean the gauge is like running on red like rpms  of an engine that's about to collapse it's like   y'all really like that's it's [ __ ] and people  aren't looking at the at the consequences of   these things and measuring it against what are we  actually talking about here you know we're doing   this thing globally to prevent and to prevent  in quotes you know this thing and the science   of that is dubious to begin with anyways right but  it's uh that's i think the most frustrating part   of the conversation is just that it's so myopic  and so manipulative the way that it's going that   it's nobody's talking about the breadth of  the situation the allocation of resources   the unintended cost on the human energetics  yeah yeah i think that's really well said and   we've come to realize that all chronic disease  can be mapped back to this dysfunction within   it and so in my clinic for example the one of  the primary tools we use in an initial visit   is something called a phase angle which measures  the electrical potential across a single membrane   it's it's showing you how much charged energy  how much electromagnetic field are you producing   and a healthy body measures out with a metric  of like 10 to 13 on the on the scale that you   measure the phase angle and cancer always occurs  around four to five and death occurs at 3.5   and so it's a good good demonstration of the fact  that chronic disease emerges as a result of this   failed energy production it's never attacking  us there's no disease that's ever left up and   attacked a healthy human cell you don't get  disease in a with a phase angle of 13. you   are so resilient you can repair faster than any  injury can imagine itself and and you're really   in the quantum state of energy at that point where  repair is is so co so instantaneous because it's   all built around coherent wave form of energy so  it doesn't even take like protein synthesis and   genomics you're literally just in a wave state  that harmonic we were talking about earlier   you can phase shift that cell so that it's at  this high harmonic level and it it becomes so   resilient because there's no static that can come  in to disrupt that signal as we start to decay   and push things down into this lower vibration  state we will see these things pop up and it's   interesting to see you know most cancers peering  at a phase angle of 4.5 and death at 3.5 you're so   close to an a complete incapacity for life by the  time most cancers will show up and so it's really   intriguing as we start to untangle something  as simple of a mitochondria to understand that   life force that we would understand as  a syntropic event as the century that's   that's organizing the chaos which of course is is  in total flow of intention the chaos is not out of   its order but the chaos in its in its relative  disorganization as it comes into a centropy   and something like a mitochondria produces so much  energy that it becomes its own vortex for creation   and so you get this creative force within  a cell that knows what to do that knows you   know beyond its genomics beyond everything  else it knows its drive for life and i've   certainly seen this in our microscope studying  cancer cells even a cancer cell in the end   in its you know highly damaged state you've  got a cell that now has on average 15 to 25 000   unrepaired genetic injuries that are  impairing its ability to produce its own   repair pathways energetic pathways  all of this that collapsing cell   that has no more genomic opportunity to actually  survive it still has its drive for life so deeper   than the genomics deeper than the ability to  repair is the strive for life and so since it   can't repair anymore since it can't reach out it's  become totally isolated so you can't get a cancer   cell until you have complete loneliness you have  to have total isolation which is interesting to   think about social levels of can you know social  cancer and then again we tell everybody go into   their house stay away from people isolate we're  asking everybody to come become their own form of   cancer at that philosophical level and so in the  isolation the cell now comes to believe it's the   last semblance of life it doesn't understand it's  part of a 70 trillion celled organism that has you   know this whole abundance of life within it and so  in that though it doesn't give up instead it says   well the only option left is reproduction and so  it goes into this rapid cell division state which   we call a tumor or a cancer but in fact it's the  most pure state of survival it's the most pure   state of drive for life in the same way i didn't  know i was going to go into medicine historically   i was in construction and engineering and  thought i was going that direction with my life   and then got the opportunity to go over to the  philippines with an aunt of mine took a year off   before going into my engineering program and  went over and birthed babies with this group of   international midwives and the first child i  ever birthed alone was by accident as a woman was   dropped off in our on our doorstep at like three  o'clock in the morning ring the doorbell somebody   rang the doorbell ran off and we opened the door  and it was this tragic story of this woman who   was non-verbal had been born with severe brain  damage she was probably in her 20s had been raped   and become pregnant and in her kind of you know  damaged state unable to communicate ever in her   life really she's now hemorrhaging on our  doorstep at three o'clock in the morning   and we put her in the van we've never seen her  before we weren't prepared to help her out we   we go rushing to the nearest hospital as the  plan and so we're driving at three o'clock in   the morning through the streets of manila  philippines and my aunt's driving and i'm   in the back seat and i'm only like 19 years old  at this point no no medical experience that you   would excuse for anything that would suggest  i was qualified to be in this situation at all   and um this woman is you know almost paralyzed  in fear you know she's just staring into my eyes   with this this intense fear on her face not  knowing what she's doing she doesn't understand   she's pregnant she doesn't understand what's going  on she's hemorrhaging and uh she's suddenly you   know lays back down and she's having a contraction  that she doesn't understand she just knows her   body is just in so much pain and this baby is  born in my hands that's extremely premature   and is no bigger than my hand you know from head  to toe it fits from fingertip to the to the crease   in my wrist and this this little blue baby is  laying in my hand and i can't explain how light   this thing feels like it doesn't compute in your  brain that you're looking at a perfect human being   because all the toes are there the fingernails  are almost microscopic but you can see each one   you can see the the little tiny semblances of of  eyelashes and this little blue baby lays in your   hand for a moment to tell you just how miraculous  it is this thing that we call life and in the   same way that that cancer cell seems impossible to  give life you know and then finds an out it finds   a drive for life and starts reproducing that baby  started breathing i know the next couple minutes   says we're rushing the hospital it pinks up and  lets out its first cry and it was the most faint   sound you can imagine on the human side but in  my receiving of it i literally felt like somebody   was screaming into my soul like screaming this  intense cry which i burst into tears in the back   of this thing partly just out of my stress and  my own fear of being inadequate in this moment   but more just a sense of the injustice that was in  that cry the tragedy that was in that cry but more   than all of that superseding all of that was i am  alive this simple message of i am alive right now   and that child went on to die a couple weeks later  you know despite all the efforts at the little   hospital and all this but it it made it scream in  the world yeah and i feel like each of us right   now have the ability to put that kind of song into  the universe of i am alive right now human kind   may decay and go into its extinction event over  the next few decades the earth may collapse in its   sixth great extinction but i am alive right now  and i'm going to participate in that through my   vibration through my effort to hit a new harmonic  for myself and i am not going to be dragged down   by this this you know as you said the most intense  fear and guilt paradigm we've ever seen on the   planet despite that tenor despite that extreme  volume of those two vibrations which are among   the lowest we know how many of us are finding  this new freedom to vibrate higher which means   the old structure the old power of fear and guilt  might be letting go it might be in its last throws   because if we can think this creatively and we can  find each other right now the people that need to   find each other to innovate for the near future  that we need tomorrow are finding each other and i'm glad to make this connection with  you right now thank you for your time and   your attention to this episode of after skool it  is an inspiration for me to re-watch these words   depicted in an artist's hand that takes  us through this journey of understanding   how do we become these light beings how do we  animate these these flesh suits into something   so spectacular we find each other in these  dynamic environments of social stress and   economic collapse ecological collapse and  yet we find each other all of the time   love is in the air of the environment that we  breathe it is not a an emotion love i believe   is actually the vibration of witnessing  beauty and i'm so glad you showed up right now   to express that light energy within you to be part  of the magnum opus of humanity i think we are an   unfinished symphony and the best is yet to come  and we will find that best when we join together   to create something more burdened and frankly  more beautiful than anything we've seen before   it's an honor to be with all of you  i look forward to the next steps you
Channel: After Skool
Views: 348,156
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Id: SX07z07xWGQ
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Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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