This Well Known Effect Breaks the Climate Narrative

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when you started to object to the narrative what narrative were you objecting to and what grounds this is back say in 92 what narrative were you objecting and what grounds were you objective you're touching on something that took me a while to understand um you know gerbils famously said you know if you tell a big enough lie and repeat it often enough it'll become the truth there's been a lot of that in this but there are aspects of establishing the narrative I.E what makes something the truth that I hadn't appreciated so the narrative was the climate is determined by a greenhouse effect and adding CO2 to it increases it causes warming and moreover the natural greenhouse substances besides CO2 water vapor clouds upper level clouds will amplify whatever man does now that immediately goes against Le chatelier's principle which says if you perturb a system and it is capable internally of counteracting it it will and our system is and you think that applies okay so what that's that's a very germane issue because well but let me even if please go ahead let me finish because okay so that was a little bit odd you began wondering where did these feedbacks come from and uh immediately people including myself started uh looking into the feedbacks and seeing whether there were any negative ones or how did it work but underlying it and this is what I learned if you want to get a narrative established The crucial thing is to Pepper it with errors questionable things so that the critics will seize on that and not question the basic narrative the basic narrative in this sense was that climate is controlled by the greenhouse effect in point of fact the earth's climate system which has many regions but two distinct different regions are the tropics roughly the minus 30 to 30 degrees latitude and the extra Tropics outside of 30 degrees plus or minus they have very different Dynamics in the tropics The crucial thing for the Earth by the way and this is a technicality and much harder to convey than saying that greenhouse gases are a blanket or that 97 percent of scientists agree this is actually a technical issue the Earth rotates now people are aware of that we have day and night but there is something called the Coriolis effect when you're on a rotating system it gives rise to the appearance of forces that change the winds relative to the rotation and the only component of the rotation is the component that is perpendicular to the surface so at the pole the rotation vector is perpendicular to the surface at the equator it's parallel to the surface it's zero and this gives you phenomenally different Dynamics so where you don't have a vertical component to the rotation Vector motions do what they do in the laboratory in small scales if you have a temperature difference it acts to wipe it out and so if you look at the tropics the temperatures at any surface are relatively flat they don't vary much with latitude on the other hand you go to the mid-latitudes extra Tropics there the temperature varies a lot between the tropics and the pole we know that I mean temperatures are cold at high latitudes and if you look at changes in climate in the Earth's history what they consist in is a Tropics that stays relatively constant and what changes is the temperature difference between the tropics and the pole during the Ice Age it was about 40 degrees Centigrade today it's about it was about 60. today it's about 40 during 50 million years ago something called the eocene was about 20. and so that's all a function of what's going on outside the tropics within the tropics the greenhouse effect is significant but what determines the temperature change between the tropics and the pole has very little to do with the greenhouse effect it is a dynamic phenomenon based on the fact that if you have a temperature difference with latitude it generates instabilities these instabilities take the form of the cyclonic and antipsychonic patterns that you see on the weather map now the tropics are very different I mean you know even a casual look at a weather map the systems that bring us weather travel from west to east at latitudes outside the traffic tropics within the tropics they travel from east to west the prevailing winds are opposite in the two sections and where saying that what changes due to the greenhouse effect however you look at it is Amplified at the poles that is not true there's no physical basis for that statement all they do is determine the starting point for where the temperature changes in mid-latitudes and that's determined mainly by hydrodynamics okay that's complicated to explain to someone and yet and yet it's the basis for claiming that these seemingly large small numbers you know they're saying if Global mean temperature goes up one and a half degrees it's the end that's based on it getting much bigger at high latitudes and determining that but all one and a half degrees at the equator would do or in the greenhouse part of the Earth is change the temperature Everywhere by one and a half degrees which for most of us is less than the temperature change between breakfast and lunch did you notice that big tech companies today are masquerading as privacy companies just fix your privacy settings turn off app tracking and you're all good right are we supposed to believe that the big bad Tech wolf has now turned into our sweet Grandma sure maybe they'll release a feature now and then that does some good but collecting and selling off your data is in big Tech's nature to protect myself against big Tech's prying eyes I use expressvpn when you use the expressvpn app on your computer or phone you're hiding your unique IP address which means websites can't use that address to find out your real location or track what you do online on top of that expressvpn encrypts and reroutes 100 of your online activity so your internet provider Wi-Fi admin and hackers can't see it the best part though is how easy it is to 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uh and and maybe there's some variation in those predictions but we're also looking at a system that's characterized by a variety of positive feedback loops and those the danger here is that a one and a half degree increase might not be catastrophic but that that might trigger a sequence of cataclysmic events we hear sometimes about the melting of the Greenland ice ice cap for example the rapid rise in sea level that would occur as a consequence the increase of 10 temperatures out the pools the release of methane as a consequence let's say of the permafrost thawing and then a runaway greenhouse effect because of that and you evinced some skepticism well about the whole narrative but also more particularly and perhaps more importantly you don't sound like you're a big fan of the idea of runaway positive feedback loops oh well there are a lot of things enmeshed in what you've said even the one and a half degree depends on the positive feedbacks otherwise CO2 would be even less significant much less significant so those you know you assume that water vapor increases and amplifies it but the whole picture is one-dimensional so you know it's you'd have to know the area where water vapor is important and it goes through a mess of things and we know now that that probably isn't occurring even people who support the narrative water vapor isn't amplifying carbon dioxide effects if it is it has to be considered as part of an infrared feedback and nobody is detected that that is actually positive [Music] thank you
Channel: Jordan B Peterson Clips
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Keywords: psychology, philosophy, Jordan B. Peterson, Jordan Peterson, JB Peterson, jordanbpeterson, jordanpeterson, personality, understandmyself, selfauthoring, neuropsychology, jordan peterson clips, jp peterson clips, jp clips, jordan peterson podcast clips, jordan peterson live, jordan peterson livestream, jordan peterson shorts, jordan peterson tiktoks, jordan peterson motivational clips
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Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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