Unleashing Our Autism on Baldur’s Gate

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I don't know about putting your hand in the glory hole yeah try every hole once it's a trap my uh Guardian warned me about it being a trap a little too late oh thanks almost the tendrils tighten and suddenly when do you use your inspiration points elsewhere you'll ever use yours what's the worst that could happen this would be the point to use them and in we're two different spectrums you use yours for stupid [ __ ] I even in like dire situations will not use it's fine the shadow hurts fidget spinner give that back she needs that she's going to get all anxious without it rism is crippling you don't understand look at her she going to start yelling at restaurants now can't take her anywhere anym wait oh it was difficulty class zero I rolled a one and I still succeeded I thought that was automatic failure they saw Shadow heart stemming back there and they're like all right you can have it back I feel bad just you can have it I have an autistic son I I understand go I have an autistic tentacle son must gather my party before venturing forth I guess you're not close enough you must gather your party get over here uh I'm coming I need to see the water how do we swim here the barb wire floating Rock Dimension oh damn wait why did I take damage made feather fall I didn't take damage what the [ __ ] you did did I land on this broken Pike we just stabbed ourselves and got impaled when we landed did you jump on me maybe like you just land it on my head yeah you just lay on Shadow heart again that's what's been going on sorry almost killed Shad now man maybe we should have rested before we did this can we rest can we [ __ ] we can't all right well hopefully there's no F down here him [ __ ] this guy do it wait you want me to [ __ ] I want to kill this guy you know like are you being racist right now yes like people Shadow heart's been talking to me this whole time she convinced me they control everything kill him all right we're do it first time in a while i' to use potions you stop going to boss fights [ __ ] Z HP well I would have been full AG I was fat ass and land on me twice three times technically too dark FL dislocated shoulder oh I have a dislocated shoulder where did I get this was this for you landing on me hey me you fat [ __ ] I disadvantage on all my roles because of you I'm bad she died how' she die the clown kill oh that sucks it really sucks save her killed everyone it's uh it's it's how our story's been going you know you know you don't get to do good things that's an the timeline me looking at the Timeline where we still have scratch alive in our camp playing ball wait no she's back she's dead again we're back just die bathtub [ __ ] God damn all right she's back what's up Night song are you a zombie or's you died a lot instead you did we're not very good at keeping you alive her fate is mine to seal let me handle this to be a dark justicier is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love no joy only servitude so you're saying this is a path of no [ __ ] nope like sh like Shadow heart's like really committed to this and you're staring at her like are you sure actually on the other hand Shadow heart um I was thinking maybe not anymore this it tough you this on you you only kissed her you know what shoty I trust you well well well damn that it's a spear that you just summoned yes you missed [ __ ] got this point I miss lay a hand on me in Friendship not w w I lay ha on your friendship actually okay you can be just friends friend disc kind of like you and [ __ ] are right now no we're about to go down the [ __ ] path now like feel like just now she made it as far with this new woman as you have with her no they haven't kissed not yet well see you why would you cover your feet now no does that bother you somehow no now I'm watching bird Lady fly away oh that could see that the [ __ ] she's overlooking the darkness Zone and now she's spreading her light all over it like a crop duster e now she's taking off her boots and showing her feet to the camera what what let me on this [ __ ] damn she put her her toes in her mouth she sucking her toes oh my God why would she do that let me that's disgusting where now she's totally naked she got her dick oh my God that's stop she's giving herself a foot job what the [ __ ] I'm over here sitting sitting in contemplation that I didn't get to see this cut scene zelle is trying to console me but it is not working L you still have your shoes on you couldn't understand she's like please what if I like T you [ __ ] you again what El not to say my heart's just not in it anymore why are you talking to sh I didn't I didn't talk to her God don't you have some sort of Sy that you could be telling all this [ __ ] too I don't care I'm over here who are you you sp this whole game ignoring me and now you want to talk to me about [ __ ] heard trauma dump gay friend I'm G to start sabotaging Shadow hard for you get away from Shadow heart how are you feeling sh you [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] she's opening up to me I will stab you to death in your Camp's hug you had the chance to leave it I can't even believe this conversation oh [ __ ] I thought it' be funny and now it's not funny anymore you must stay focused you must stay focused I have little else to turn to that's true you don't can't turn to anyone else in our c the sooner I'll know what the baby girl over here have a future look over just turn around all right I'm leaving now did I do something wrong you're not alone you have me there's been something between us for some time barely anything though more than friends more than friends she said it I recognize let's go back to Camp level up rest [ __ ] each other [ __ ] nah maybe maybe me LEL yeah maybe I like to kiss you now in front of everyone that time's not she's not ready for everyone to know that you're dating she's embarrassed if you still sad what am I to you you are Jac Vu source of my bruises damn had the audacity you been beating your girlfriend no maybe what it sounds like what the [ __ ] this how someone introduced like their husband like this is the source of my bruises the the s for your bruises not me let him change the subject please so [ __ ] this is this this guy is the source of my PR just everyone dis like that I can animate scratch oh he's a person now he's always been a person wait why is he die oh they only last a certain amount of time scratches to be dead again he's just doomed to die very said want scratch diee all over again oh he's gone but the corpse not there he just guts now scratches just a pile of guts on the ground still labeled scratch still labeled I hope that's how it stays Gail's pissed off I was using that I will convince him to kill himself oh damn it it would have been so cool [ __ ] you don't have your your thing to redo it do you I do damn it oh God you're going to have to do it again all right this is the last time I don't [ __ ] care what what I get oh my God you know what one more one more one more one more every Gambler stops before before the big win yeah I got it it's true gambling works every time guys never sto Mor the story I wasted all my inspiration points persuading this guy for no reason it was terrible imagine wasting all your inspiration on [ __ ] really try to keep this stupid chick alive yeah get death war and healed too many people have died on my watch not today I thought I could save one person it will all be worth it okay it's a that tentacle I had to chat with earlier oh remember me I'm just like down there waving hey it's the [ __ ] tentacle I tried to save her faed God damn she had death Ward on it's everything that we do we're just failures pile of viscer reminds me of scratch everything reminds me of him well we got two two different directions we can go in here one has a button that just says touch oh how could I resist is that a math of your brain there not a lot of neurons going on there I know I feel I could count them but I can't can't for some reason trying to decipher your brain it's pretty complex right someone say it's atypical who's talking right now I don't know if it's like the brain like trying to trying to talk or what this is this is what I have to go through when I say words like in general this this is a visualization of what it's like for me to talk yes that's you that's me she wearing like just some ham all over her body what outfit is this yeah she ain't wearing shoes why is that always the first thing you notice I don't know it's look at her whole outfit you brought her outfit to my attention is me with my arms crossed damn lizelle hands on her hips she's pissed she said no pickles my girlfriend said no pickles on her Burger you just sit there with your head cocked theide I'm sorry I'm sorry I just don't like pickles I was going to just take them off but then it tastes like pickles afterwards well I do like it tastes the whole Burger when the pickles touch them they're gross and I was going to suff I'm so sorry and you're back there like yeah I I've kissed this chick behind me once you are all that stands between me and my destiny so you won't remake the burger is all you're saying say so I have to eat the pickles so's not going to be very happy about that look at her look at her apparently I'm concerned about this too shadart doesn't care kind of looks like L cell's on fire a little bit too she's that pissed sh's Embrace is something that was forced upon you shar's like barely keeping her eyes open falling asleep in kind of bored go to bed oh the story of my past my lost memories yeah something Co you will remember this spear it's a 200 weapon I don't want it thought that was lost in the shadow now you're holding nothing where to go I dropped it butter fingers if that's a two weapon and you're use it you should send that [ __ ] to me she's like hey uh I you want this like hovering over you like two you using that you a gale that [ __ ] out of here I'm actually going to use it you're eat it yeah like I'm above Shadow heart's shoulder Gail's above my shoulder thanks this is a wing chick just like what the [ __ ] give this to you this is supposed to be a cool gift for you yeah if it's mine I can do whatever I want with it so damn it oh it's just me and Shadow heart is it are we on a balers date oh my God baby where are you going I guess I'm not interested oh oh you are not on the boulder St [ __ ] sleep's rest is slow to come to one whose mind is so full God your mind is just so full brain controlled by big full brain mind so much going on in that bra of yours that's why you remember to charge your headphones tonight yeah they full brain otherwise it would have been delayed by an hour oh I was studying a plan of nuclear orated gods of themselves what did you learn mitochondria Powerhouse in the cell headache time what get your fidget spin out remember you have autism no every time I go to sleep it haunts me she's ran up and kicked me I'm laying on the dirt it's like I'll just go back to bed then oh escape to the portal before the absolute takes control so we need to get to that portal wonder if it counts for all of us see [ __ ] uh oh it did here I'm laying on the ground you wake up in this this place you're like how we get to space what did I miss there a dude just kicked me in my [ __ ] sleeping bag and now I'm in space what happened I'm the one that's been protecting you this is my dream boyfriend you've been into a squid so have we been carrying these people around in our fidget spinner this whole time yes what happens when we free him that would be a terrible idea stupid idiot idiot if you let me I can evolve you what does like a Pokémon what does that mean there will be physical alterations of course butal no thank you I haven't slept with Shadow heart yet I'm not changing yet yeah she like d her hair then you come back like the tentacles and [ __ ] like hey I did a little changy thing too huh what do you think of my new look like no I need to I still need to sleep in a Shad I turn around she's just like a squid person like what do you think damn it I will pass you cannot fight it oh this is not an option oh where are these tentacles going to come from what the [ __ ] is that it's a tiny elephant with wings oh and a hat that's this is the most amazing thing I've seen in this game oh my God look at this ma'am he's got a little pipe can we have this are you using this can I have this she's talking to it like enough Jan it can talk listen to yourself who is this man killed I'm just met him I would die for him join our party detective look at him he's got a little hat and little pipe of course he's a detective why did he leave and I'm just talking to his old lady now I don't care about you m you look like a crackhead I know I kind of look like I'm not the best shape either but I'm addicted to worms I like worms what got them in my brain are you okay I can fly uh we did just see an elephant like you're just on cracking there is no flying elephant yeah did you see that flying El what are you talking about like Shadow heart and LZ couldn't see it we're just like the flying El this is so cool this at our party this short crackhead lady no this El they're just looking at each other like what the [ __ ] Gods I hate clowns I'm not even sure clowns like clowns f f I'm wearing clown makeup and she we saw a clown and shed hard's like God I hate clowns oh they're so [ __ ] terrible yeah yep I just like run over to a puddle and off my face yeah you walked up behind early your about like shart look at my cool makeup she like watch this clown God I hate clowns I would kill a [ __ ] clown it's like what did you want then turns around like Refugee problem I'm in Camp and will and Gail want to chat where's will I won't talk to him just as you run right past him there is there well I don't it's not because you're black at night will well I pay attention to you I don't look you or anything will we get it you're a good guy you feel bad about the refugees that we have not been throwing off cliffs yeah yeah we should definitely let the refugees in the B's gate to uh take care of for sure we've been taking care of refugees will about to find out if she's still into me even though i' look like a uh star in recum for a dream you haven't even attempted to peek I like how I still have the clown makeup one I know you like clowns what is wrong with your face just stop taking your time on this you're just stared at her tits nice titties mind if I you know I need know apparent without that you made love so much as you just kissed all your with water well I I mean have you ever met a lesbian like they have so many toys that Inspector Gadget is put to shame so how can they really have sex why do you know about this you you toys used on you just a what I'm a lesbian you know it takes all three to control the brain do we have another maybe we sold it probably some vendor has it now it's his responsibility defeat that Elder brain see how low cut my shirt is look at this deep feet it's held together by one shoe string my eyes are Pier stop looking at my chest I can't the look on my face like I just can't even my hat keeps looking at it your Camp is compromised one among you is an impostor imposter in our camp i' suggest investigation wait no it's not will cuz he's with us now unless it's lelle is you can't be her I love her you're in love with the to G you've been [ __ ] the impost I'm a dude no I dude this is too good to be true sex with a man again every time I fall into this trap this keeps happening to me finally try to have sex with a woman and this is what happens she's a man son of a [ __ ] I was so excited would a by bear my night's ruined now we got to figure out who's the impostor emergency meeting hello WIS if I can call you that hello Lazelle or should I say impostor how dare you H is it scratch gota be him wait who spilled all my oranges and who spilled all my dog who spilled my dog K you were supposed to watch this he's got his crystal ball back take that [ __ ] away from him again your real wizard blow how many times to tell you what if you just like blew up right there the you should try take him in your party real quick just to see if he does have that it was a talk but I don't give a [ __ ] get let's talk with this please wait oh we died in the explosion I guess we didn't get to see it oh okay you're next you okay yeah know it will take care of her oh oh he's the attacking what do he attack he attack Shadow they're attacking shadowart what why is everyone killing shadow just like the little that likes kids and then like we throw a kid they all kill Shad I guess what the [ __ ] they all just like you're done what are you like kids you piece of [ __ ] even the angel everyone been just DED to kill this kid once you took the first step like yes like wait guys we we shouldn't do this this is the kid the murderer yeah like instantly all just like everyone like locks eyes she's like you think this is a bad idea I was like what the [ __ ] time to kill you godamn she why guys child why did you do this my girlfriend why where's my R scroll I know I got one around here somewhere you don't want to fre to let this cantic be happen Y is still is still on the ground you killed a child amazing that right there is why you're the best boss I'll try taking Gail one more time and blowing him up without us there just here to stab myself fromont everyone very slowly what's a purple man doing he summoned a knife whoa guards should they do something no let him cook oh I guess this problem solved itself perfect oh man it just like just gave over Dam I'm in Camp and I died he is an actual n leveling the city all right so you've reloaded so conically Shadow heart has not been killed by our whole Camp Beat to Death by everyone in Camp except Withers for just like thinking that maybe we shouldn't attack a child you're being arrested for theft oh I got arrested what you couldn't talk of it did you just went straight to jail vandalizing your Cap's property is one way to get yourself in trouble I got thrown in jail while I was in jail what double jail yeah went to double jail that's so bad what you do while you're noble jail Ste I try breaking a wall they took me to jail again double jail for you triple jail oh no you'll never get out wait the door just open been caught trying to flee your imprisonment choose your next move the door of my jail cell open so I walked out they're like even caught trying to flee like they just tricked me why' you open it back to jail for twice long what the [ __ ] guys you open the door how'd you get to this store oh I see you saw called manhole and you're like clicking Gail what the [ __ ] what's uh Gail doing here I don't know why is he covered blood always cover blood true but G doesn't do anything that's true oh I wonder if there was an impostor at camp that attacked oh how long has it been a 10 day longer we hav't noticed you were missing kale right like no one let us know you were kidnapped 10 days ago such awful things you were gone she took things from me what do you mean she let me your B she likes the sport of it and told me I could earn back what she cut off oh my TR no more goddess [ __ ] for Gale what you cut off Gale so true yeah good though you Choice cuts and sweet meats okay this is orange nothing fatal she does have Gail you're welcome to him you could have I'll get peace and quiet at last here she is how come you get all the cut scenes with her are you jealous sit unbelievably a choice guaranteeing his soul when he dies to them to save his father or he breaks the pack and the father dies well has to break the paack break the PA I'll save his father anyway you know what I think I'll stick around so just going to hang out in Camp where you at if I were wanted to talk to you like where would you be if I wanted to see you you can talk to your black lover I'll be talking to maora I can't believe will sacrifice his father wow why is it stand right there selfish an [ __ ] shity think she's worried about her parents she's like man I can't wait to meet my two alive parents I wouldn't sign a pact that would kill my parents oh will just starts crying out of his one eye sh please I think it's what happen if we just happens too soon can you go over there and talk about this well I want to save my parents of course of course of course of course of course that would be a fool not to go on I keep pring like go on as if like waiting for her to mention me in this future fantasy of hers you settle down with someone perhaps of like like what about me where's my hug I want to grow flowers she I got flowers any moment just going to mention me in this where am I in this okay your parents okay animals all right now we're done to flowers anything else a significant other yeah perhaps a purple veiny one maybe I want to share it close God God damn God I'll have everything you my parents both my parents alive just like goes into his tent's you sent the you down to [ __ ] tonight text but my phone was dead I almost missed it oh you did God damn I'm going to go [ __ ] someone else damn it I was wandering through the woods and I was using my flashlight and my phone died what Woods well first I went I decided to go for a jog that's that's s serial killer like or like horror movie star like I'm just going to run through the woods real quick I just start at the woods but like at four miles in the road stopped and I was like well I still feel like jogging so I'll go to these woods and uh yeah so I was like wandering around the woods for a while but then my flashlight died and I had to make my way back to the road in the dark Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] luckily there was a uh just a 10 foot pole in the middle of the woods for some reason there's a 10 foot man in the middle of the Woods and I was able to use it to navigate yeah he had a horn tonight he he looked like an animal but he spoke like a person he did he had hoves too it's wild real nice guy I think I took a picture of the pole before I my phone died I don't know why it was there ah yes yellow pole just just a random pole in the woods what a great picture pole pole in the dark that's what I call it I mean honestly you could probably submit that to some [ __ ] art show and they'd be like damn run her up yeah I'll be the only only one that wasn't AI generated so I won by technicality yeah yeah one over here is the one that activates the turrets if I get teleported again right now I think that's [ __ ] I don't know how I found my way out of those woods God damn are you are you in your house right now like you should check make sure you're at the right house and not playing G On's account like wait you're not my wife where am I time for a long deserve rest oh yeah cuz I got to I'm going to be out of town all this week all week yep man it's like they know you don't have a life [ __ ] just keep doing this to you all right I'll talk to you later all right see you see you get up next time on bald and gay I accidentally cucked you my character what my parents was their divorce really my fault yes shadowart no was a theory I to test on me I'm here to save you get there your big wrinkly brain no match for our smooth brain
Channel: Pongsifu
Views: 285,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, funny, let's play, memes, blind playthrough, playthrough, comedy, YTP, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 coop, co op, co-op, coop, cooperative, Baldur's Gate 3 memes, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Karlach, Gale, act 3, multiplayer, romance, Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, crpg, Larian, bg3, dnd, D&D, baldurs gate, dungeons and dragons, baldurs gate 3, wizards of the coast, baldurs gate 3 coop, Divinity Original Sin 2, Baldur's Gate 3 let's play, act 2, shadowlands, moonrise, creche, balder, 2 player, moment
Id: j-DLSfWJZ60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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