Units Per Time - Primavera P6 Settings EXPLAINED

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what does the units per time format setting do and how should i set it in primavera p6 hey i'm michael and we're talking about primavera p6 settings in a previous video i covered all the settings here in this time units tab but i left out units per time format let's cover it now so units per time this applies to a bunch of different fields where i have values like four hours per day it's all about resourcing and resource assignments so when i assign a resource to an activity i get to define how many hours per day they work that's called a units per time field and there's a whole bunch of them which i'll show you and here on this setting we get to choose whether it's hours per day or as a percent okay so which one should i choose and why do i care well let's look at this as a percent first so let's choose show as a percentage set this and let's go and have a look at some of these fields in p6 so i've got a project open and look at the assignment on this resources tab so i'm looking at my cpm crew this is compound setup crew and here we have the budgeted units per time and you can see it shows as 500 percent so we've set it to percentage and that's the result we get well it's kind of nice actually to see it as a percentage because what that means is i've assigned potentially five people from this crew to this activity because it's 500 percent and we would assume that 100 percent would mean that there's one person assigned to this activity but the problem we have here is is that a proper assumption or not is it actually five people or is it more than that less than that how many hours per day is it let's move on to the resources tab let's look at this crew the cpm crew here on the resources tab and you'll see two other instances of these units per time field so here we have the max units per time on the units and prices field displayed as a percentage the max units per time field means uh represents the the maximum amount of productive capability i have from that resource so it's set to 500. and we'll also see this here on the details tab where we have the default units per time it's also set to 500. so now that we've seen what it looks like as a percent let's flip it back let's go back to edit user preferences and set our units per time format back to units per duration or hours per day okay so now we can see oh 50 hours per day now i understand what i'm talking about here so as you can see the percentage model looks really nice because it it seems to easily show you it's 500 percent you know five times 100 percent five people assigned to an activity but actually i really want to scrutinize the hours per day in this i want to make sure that i get it right so it's better to work in the hours per day setting so here we can see our default units per time is 50 hours per day our max units per time is 50 hours per day and back to the activity i can see that i have assigned the crew at 50 hours per day again in p6 that means your productive capability this resource this crew can accomplish 50 hours of work in a day okay that's what that means so my recommendation to you is to not work with that percentage even though it seems like it's a really nice easy way to see how many people are assigned you really do want to scrutinize that you've got this set for the right number of hours per day and that it matches your calendar so for example if we go back to our resource setup you can see that i've got a five day by 10 hour calendar if i had a percentage i would would know if i'm matching my calendar or not so that's important i'm just going to show you this i was just playing around and i think it's important that you understand the defaults so watch this if i add a new resource if i add a new resource here see it it picks up automatically 10 hours per day here and 10 hours per day and it picks up those values from the resource that that it's uh in the hierarchy above it so the parent resource so for example if i come down here to labor resources and i add a new resource here we'll have picked up the eight hours per day and eight hours per day from the parent resource there so it's a difference so again that's why i want us to be working in the hours per day format if i was in a percentage format they would both just so 100 and you wouldn't know exactly what your hours per day is okay so it's a bit of a complex issue as you can see i'm starting to talk a little bit of advanced planning stuff long story short working the hours per day for your units in time format it's going to make your life a whole lot easier i hope you got some value here on michael see in another ask plan academy video if you want to learn more about p6 settings and how to use p6 to manage projects please check out some of our courses we have an advanced course we have a foundations course and it would be perfect for you to get your p6 certificate and become a master at primavera p6 [Music] you
Channel: Plan Academy Inc.
Views: 604
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: units per time, p6 settings, primavera p6, primavera units per time, how to set units per time in p6, michael lepage, plan academy, p6 help, p6 online training, p6 tutorial, p6 units per time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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