Resource calculation and resource uploading in Primavera P6-Lecture 9.a

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[Music] today what we are going to do so today we are going to do the resource study but before i start this first loading in the basics i must tell you so what are the types of resources and how we are going to create the main hours for these sources [Music] so types of sources in basic so p6 has only three types of resources paper non-labor and materials any manpower involved in the project will be treated as labor resources for example examples include but not limited to masons carpenters and painters etc so any type of the direct labor that is involved in the project or any indirect labor so any manpower that is involved in the project will be treated as the labor resources non-labor sources any machinery involved in the project will be referred as the non-labor sources for example bobcat jcb tower so any type of any type of the machinery resource that will be utilized in the project will be treated as the non-labor resources then there is a material sources so there are certainly there will be some major quantities for the money to create steel or block works or any other quality in the project so that will be treated as a utility sources so we are not going to upload all the view via just the main item for example the steel concrete or the flooring ceiling so this type of the atoms we are going to include in that material resources because later on we want to get the square for the concrete and steel uh to compare the kpis to monitor this uh quantities against the plane quantities so this will be done when we will upload the integrations [Music] we will create one resource that is the main hour and then we will uh upload that resource to the all activities of the project so what does this term manager mean so man hour means though to perform any activity against the given quantity we will get these productivity norms and we'll see okay this much labor we need again this much quantity so against this total quantity how much mandates we will need and how much man hours will need to perform that activity so then we will calculate the total mana of the project and then later on for the project management system we will track this actual versus planned procedural man hours as curve and the for this calculation of the actual versus brand progress percentages of the project so for example we have rcc and the total steel quantity for that rcc is 2500 kg so the crew size i have mentioned here one stream fixer and one helper and their productivity is 180 kg party so one steel fixture and one helper can perform are 10 180 kg still they can fix 180 kg per steel per day so it means we have two labors so two levels means if we are in 10 hours per day so it means 20 hours so that means if 20 milliliters we utilize we can get a productivity of 180 degree so it means through 1 kg we need so twenty divided by one eighty we need point one two main hours so if we have twenty five hundred kg of stream so how many man hours do we need so simply twenty five hundred multiplied by point one that is three hundred meters so this way i will show you a productivity sheet where i have this do not manage for example against one meter scale of block for how much invert manuals we need so any given quantity you have [Music] so here this sheet this is just a snapshot of the first page of that sheet so at the end of this video i will what i will do that when i will upload this video so what i will do that in the description section i will mention i will give the link uh to share i will share this uh productivity norms with you so you can just develop from that link so here for example we have block machinery normally is meter scale true description one mission one label those to their productivity eight meters cup scale per day so it means we have 20 million hours so 20 people can do eight meter scale per day so how much so to do one movement to do one meter one meter scale how much manners do we need so twenty by eight that is 2.5 so similarly this 2.5 3.3 block message reinforce 0.6 so all these this last column is not man against each item of the work so just using this sheet if you have the quantities of your activities you can easily create the menu so now i will tell you how to upload those main hours in the pcs so it involves the three steps number one step number one is you have to create resources step number two you have to assign these sources to activities and step number three you will have to export this excel fire excel file from p6 and those who haven't seen the last letter please see my last lecture i have told in the last lecture that how to explore this file for the source loading and then the last step is we will apply the view look of formula from the our calculation sheet because using the productivity norms uh we can calculate main numbers for each activity so using v book of formula will sheet the this one this extra sheet that we have exported from the basics and then we will import back together so now i will show you step by step how to do it so this is the project and this is the same cinema project so this project doesn't have any resources in law so what we will do that just go to this tab use what says click this one so this window in this window there are no current project sources so you will press this button and so it is asking that in order to add a resource the filter will be changed to display all resources just press ok so this dialog dialog box will open so you can what you can do that instead of this one uh to close this direct box edit and user preferences and here you go to assistance and uncheck this box use new source wizard and close so now we want to add so what will happen that these all resources are for the other projects what are the projects i have here in my eps what is showing all those resources so just add a new resource so this resource what we'll do that this is not a part of any existing source so we'll press this key move left again and again so now you see that this is not part of any other resource so this is our right so the source id will be what we will mention here these four [Music] [Music] hrs and you can write here or you can just mention here resource and uh write the additional name of addition letter of the name of your project so here you can write resources [Music] so here this one is the labor source so you will go here so these are the tabs general you don't need to do anything here details in the details section what you will do that you will check this box there are three types of sources are shown here labor no labor and material so this is the labor source we will check this box label source and then we will add so so this is male hours so you write them r is 9 hours so later on but first i will so i will uh share this video into maybe i will divide it into three parts so the first part just i will show you how to upload the main awards then maybe in the second part i will show you how to upload these qualities and then in the third video i will show you how to upload the machine resources so and then obviously the auto for the cost also so here i will only [Music] [Music] capital from here there are settings in before your spare time so 10 per day and then you can select the calendar for this resource same number that you have used for the project just choose that window then this tag denotes and prices just price point is not zero hours so later on i will tell you how to upload the cost so you don't need to mix the class but you should say just action zero maximum 10 per day so then now we have created the resource now we will go to the activities area so what i will do here what i have done here i have applied a filter i will show you the filter so the filter is [Music] all these milestones procurement and engineering and all that stuff is shown here so we are not going to upload any main hours against the milestone so my student doesn't have any choice and also this footprint doesn't have any resource we want only so then i have applied a filter and my previous videos i've already told how to just open the construction entities so just see this wps where wps select from here wbs is under and just select here the instruction then and activity type is not equal to finish milestone and activity time is not equal to status so we don't want to show the milestones also so we just want to show only the construction activities just apply okay and apply press ok and go to group and sort and check this box is empty and then expand now just go to this tab here this last column just open one column go to columns and go to general from here you can just select this resource id you can double click and it will appear here so this for example the source id so now to apply the resource you will go here source tab and will click this activity and go to so there are two methods i will show you one by one either you can just double click here and the resource will appear like main house for this project you can double click and you can see that this resource has been selected then you can also go here and double click so instead of going to individually you can double clicking just press ctrl a and click this one so you have to double click it so it will take time because it is assigning these sources to the all activities now you see that so two times this resource has been assigned it to we'll delete it there also will delete it so this mandatory source is applied to the all construction activities just within a single video the better the method that i have done so now what will we what we will do that we will export this file into excel file just go here file and export and click this option spreadsheet xlsx next activities check activities sources and resources limits click next check this box click next and modify the source coding don't go to activity just we need to source assignment so go to the source assignment to [Music] just go to [Music] and click ok next and just give the location that we want to save so export is successful so now i have that file was here now it is saved in documents double click this file so you will see these tabs first task then resources then task resources just you need to go here to the third tab and in the third tab you will see that here is our activity ids are here and we have the source that is the source main hours and we have the activity status and start and finish dates and this four stripes so this all resources are the labor sources because we haven't created still the main materials for sources so this last column is regarding vegetative rumors so you see here that some benefits are shown here but first we need i have told you the method that how to calculate the man hours for this so roughly i will tell you where again one time so what will do that once your schedule is approved all logic links and durations everything is fixed which is a group so what you need to do that you need to open these columns only this original duration start and finish just press ctrl a and ctrl c and make excel file here and press control v okay just here what you need to do that you will write here one more column so this corner will write here quantity and nine hours so for example setting out our erection of scaffoldings for high level works and quantity and then you will write here productivity so you will write here [Music] and then final here total menus so these columns you need to [Music] open okay so we will take example of any one equity for example you have here scaffolding direction of scaffolding for high level level mvp works so what you will do that [Music] i have i have already shown you my productivity sheet here so against each item you have here is not man hours and then full description and productivity and everything so just need to copy the information from here and put it into your excel sheet here and then you can what you can do you can color for this for example walls and then match the receiving to highlight any works so you just find in this excel sheet so what you will do that you will mention here if you have the quantity for the protection of your foldings for high-level universe so you have quality hair for example you have here 10 meters here we have total here 200 meters here and just open one more column so it is just here so for description for example you have five scale folders also mentioned here [Music] so their productivity is first of all 16 meter scale then united methods for this one uh 60 meter square can be done [Music] for one meter scale of scaffolding how much manner we need so [Music] [Music] 1.2 multiplied by this 200 240 when i was prepared for this so similarly what you will do that you will calculate man hours based on quantity and productivity for all your activities and then we will apply the vlookup formula i will show you we will copy from here from this sheet to our other sheet that we have this one here so now i will tell you how to do this so but i will i will roughly i will not because i don't have any quantities here so it will take you know obviously it will take for five days or maybe one week if you have qualities and productivities so roughly i will put any maybe any you know man i was here and i [Music] [Music] so we need to finish this gap here so just go ahead to data and click this text to columns so click this option fixed width and click next just click anywhere for example here just click it and and then move this line to the left corner and play next [Music] wps are here so what will do that once you have calculated all the main hours here you should just right click here and click move or copy and click create up to move to the end so after calculating here all the sources just take a copy of your sheet and here what we will do that we will delete all this wps and quickly only the activities and with their equity ideas [Music] so just go ahead and apply this filter and then apply this so select all and select all and unchecks this okay just we want to open the lens click this thing and press ok so now you see that all these wps are shown so just select this or the wps and press the and right click here and delete click delete so all these rows are empty now just click here and [Music] click this option clear filter from so now you see that we don't have any premiums we have just activity ids activity name and generation that support everything and in this last column we will have the 9 hours for eating each activity so suppose okay i will copy this same manner to all activities just roughly to show you the idea press ctrl d so for example in the last column you have the main levels for each activity is each cookie id so just remember that we will save this in the desktop we save this file on the desktop we will write here resources calculations so one thing you must remember that whatever the activity address you have here with b6 all the typically should be here the same and applicability should be here because otherwise you will not be able to upload resources so we have this column here target pointed only so what i will [Music] just press equal button equal we [Music] node is asking table array from which table and array you need it just click comma and go to your source equation sheet and select all this table up to here then again press comma no it is asking column index number okay so this is the first column this is seconds one two three four five six seven eight nine so 9 and then 10 11 and 12 so in the first column we have this man hours then press just click this first exact match and close this close this formula and click press enter so now you see there 240 for this activity adding we have 240 man [Music] this corner and double click so this vlookup formula will be applied to the bottom of the sheet now you see that everywhere this vlookup is right so we have copied the resources from our information sheet source completion sheet to this sheet that we are going to again export export into the import into the pcs now the sources have been copied just you need to copy all these sources and paste as a value okay don't paste formula just press ctrl c and right click and click value so now the formula is work now what you need to do that you need to change this into text select all these and just go here and select text and press control s so now your resources are copied from your progression sheet to this sheet now close the sheet close all [Music] import spreadsheet xlsx click next select the file to report so this file we will click it whatever the file we have saved and don't change the name so select the type of data to import activities in sourcing and resource assignments click next import so it is asking update existing project okay we want to update just click this click here and select your project click next and click finish so it is showing that report was successful and press the close button and now we will see that okay first what we do what we need to do that we will see here we'll go to our this is so sweet we'll open it and we will see that what what total man hours so just we will check the sum of all these so one four seven eight four zero so now we will see here how many vitamins we have here so we will click this columns and will go to viewers and just budget labor do not click this option and see here now you see that total battery units are labeled yes we have one four seven eight four zero same we have here so our import was successful so now you see that against each activity id we have the same written man hours that we had in our association so this way you can upload the man hours and you can quickly you can calculate the man so what i will do that in the description of this video i will share the link so from your from that one to the sheet you must gather the quantities for your project and you can complete the man hours so hopefully in the next part of this video i will tell you how to upload the qualities and then in the next video i will show you how to upload the machinery sources and then obviously i will show you how to copy from here from b6 to make beautiful histograms s curves and first floating so many things [Music] so for today's video
Channel: Engineer Awais Islam
Views: 1,076
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: rt-vQRbgVOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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