United States vs. Japan Full Game (3/21/23) | 2023 World Baseball Classic Final

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now we're ready for baseball Japan takes the field Team USA the visiting team in this championship game and here is that United States lineup with a couple of changes mookie bets and Mike Trout and Paul Goldschmidt and Nolan Arenado that doesn't change goldschman's been awesome in this tournament schwarber the d8 Turner moves from nine to six they were reluctant to do it felt like they had to do it JT real Muto behind the plate Cedric Mullins will get a chance to play some upgraded defense perhaps in left field cow Tucker is a little banged up Tim Anderson the second baseman and the Ninth Place hitter for the United States so that's the U.S lineup against this left-handed pitcher and Japan's manager very confident of this young man yeah four Innings on two games three hits one on run look this is a guy who's going to feature a pretty good fastball good riding four-seam fastball but his biggest pitch is that split can he throw it enough times to get the hitters off the fastball we shall find out but it's a fastball split slider combo this is a guy that kind of is a little bit deceptive a little Johnny Cueto a little Tyler Anderson a fastball like uria's from that we saw in Mexico but he's got the whole package and I'm excited to watch him he's got that high spin rate stuff part of the reason why the stuff at least based on velocity maybe plays up a little bit the defense for Japan they played such a fundamentally sound game last night Yoshida in left field new barn Center condo in Wright murakami in third sosuke genda the shortstop Yamada at second okamoto at first at Nakamura behind the plate for Monica let's go down before first pitch to JP Dave one thing I'll be watching very carefully here from my broadcast position next to team Japan's dugout at some point in time during the game does he leave The Dugout to warm up of course typically he's a starting pitcher but tonight he's the DH and batting third so it could get complicated if in fact Japan decides they want Otani on the mound maybe for three outs maybe for the final three outs we'll have to see how the game plays out JP will be watching that very very closely great player he's been a broadcaster now for the first time the manager of Team Japan on the other side Mark DeRosa who is managing a team for the first time in his distinguished baseball career he's going to be fantastic both of these managers man they've done a fantastic job and oh I've been waiting for this play ball here we go the World Baseball Classic championship game tonight and the very first pitch to mookie Bess is taken for a strike [Applause] out of top of the order and particularly for a left-handed pitcher to have to go through bets trout and Goldschmidt right away that little hesitation mookie hits a Fly ball right center field condo over and he'll make the catch short of the warning track for round number one that's a pretty good fastball right there in a third he's going to have to throw inside to these right-handers to kind of speed them up a little bit and then hopefully go to that split he wants to go to that split early and often he has two types of split one that dives into left-handers or away from right-handers and the one that's more of a hanging just to steal a strike so the home plate umpire Lance Barksdale The Crew Chief John trumpain another Big League umpire at first Pinellas Alfaro Park and Quinn Wolcott the rest of this umpiring crew for this championship game fastball to Mike Trout just misses a little too far inside that's what we'll see with amanaga though a lot of glove side fastballs trying to tie up these right-handers the 1-0 trout swings through the fastball and that may be our first good example of the effect of that high spin rate 94 but to a hitter I think a lot of times it appears to be faster firmer that one is hit to shallow right field condo has to race in and it's going to fall base hit Trout's going to try for a second but throw the slide easy well you want to talk about five tool player America's captain oh my goodness gets a little curveball here tries to do the right thing letting it get deep gets a little Jam but watch this this is talk talking about velocity a guy moving at 260 pounds full on go he's smelling it here we go big boy pressure at all times [Applause] Mark derosos talked so much about Mike Trout's incredible Talent level and the way he plays the game tries to overpower the game and I think Team USA loves the tone setting there from trout to hustle his way into an extra base hit now Paul goldschman for steel strike one gold Schmidt among all these right-handed hitters and there are a lot of them who have good numbers against lefties but nobody destroyed left-handers like Paul Goldschmidt did last year a great opportunity for the United States a one big cut and a high fastball that was a very healthy cut right there by Paul Goldsmith continue to come in and up on Paul or on Paul Goldsmith or will he go to that split he's got Windows right now Dave he he can bait him we know Paul Grossman does such a good job with his strike discipline he's always swinging at the right pitches [Applause] tomorrow going through the signs and Monica will check trout at second [Applause] another look back oh two got it that right there was a good split that's a guy that's understanding hey I'm going to rush him up and in and I'm going to slow him down with the split change right there it was more of a straighter change it had really no dive down that was a good one right there he Paul bushman's right there having a little talk returner hey talk to me about the split what is it doing we saw so many of the young pitching stars for Japan in last night's semi-final game demonica he's 29 years old he's been around a while not out of the woods yet Nolan Arenado first pitch swing and a ground ball the first pick by okomoto he'll take it to the bag himself for the put out and the United States is retired trout with the hustle double but the United States does not score [Music] bottom of the first no score Japan comes up for the first time large new bar there center fielder and leadoff hitter kensuke condos had so many good at bats in this tournament he bats in front of shohei Otani masataka Yoshida that's right behind him murakami the hero last night okamoto Yamada Guetta Nakamura rounding out the lineup against Merrill Kelly what an opportunity for the veteran right-hander now Kelly you know he's a guy that obviously has been welcoming the start for a long time in three Innings four hits two on runs but takina the manager in USA and Andy Pettit he said to me hey he's fixed a couple of things he was getting around the baseball he's looking to throw through the glove I'm really excited what what he's going to do tonight in a way perfect for this tournament he went around the world to ReDiscover his game to fine-tune his game first pitch swing and nuke bar against Kelly and a Fly ball shallow left field Mullins four round number one and we're going to take a look at his pitch Arsenal and what he's featuring we know about the good fastball the good riding fastball really gets on all the hitters but for me it's going to come down to that cutter he's got to be able to throw that cutter to the left-handers he's going to be facing a lot of them we're understanding he's got a change of a sinker and a curveball but for me it's the fastball the cutter and the changeup if he can throw that cutter in early counts it's going to be very difficult to hit Kelly tonight one pitch one out against gay condo stands in and a good fastball right on the outside corner Strike One Call [Music] no five extra base hits scored nine runs [Music] lineup last night on the swing the count is one and one that's a very good change up though right there early mixing missing down with it I like this guy he can hit is that one just inside ball two that's that little baby cutter that's that's the one that he's really Dave he's really got to throw tonight she's gonna have a good start he's a great Otani waiting in the on Deck Circle [Music] fastball two and two I really like also that Mark deroza put Cedric Mullins in left field we saw from last night's game Japan really was hitting the ball the other way defense is going to be key for tonight's game there's a reason really he made that decision Randy rosarina almost stole the show last night running all over the place catching balls that one hit hard up the middle right into the defense Trey Turner there for round number two right on Trey Turner we talk about you know not only is he hitting home runs and coming up clutch but he's playing really good defense at shortstop America shortstop now shohei ohtani [Applause] in the middle of everything last night whether Mexico pitched to him or pitched around him the offense for Japan in a lot of ways went right through shohei Otani he was in the mix for all of it oh that's out takes ball one outside and it is a conundrum when You Face Japan because he's so great and you want to Circle him and say we just can't let him beat us [Music] but he's got the teammates if you pitch around him and he's out there on the bases to make you pay I would still think gotta be very careful with show hail time especially right here a little bit change up count right here for Merrell Kelly no it's 2-0 and this is badly with that one 3-0 and it just really tells you how they're going to attack him right now they're going to give him the Barry Bonds treatment nothing where he's not going to beat us he's been highlighted in today's meeting for Team USA I'd highlight him too 3-0 a massive strike this pitch from Ariel Kelly is coming up next is it's either my pitch that's going to be called for a strike or take your walk good hitters count for a great hitter the 3-1 ohtani takes ball four he's close but a two-out walk defense behind this radiator pitcher for Team USA solid defensive tournament for the United States it's been a difference in some of their tight games Mullins trout and vets in the Outfield that's about as good as they can line it up aronado one of the greatest in the game at any position Turner Anderson who never played second before this World Baseball Classic has done an excellent job there Goldschmidt and a catcher who can by himself negate the running game JT real Muto he's been fantastic all tournament long you look at a good team especially in this tournament two best tournament you look at them up the middle wow they are smooth as it gets so here's Yoshida a little bit high ball one I think Glenn sparksdale our home plate umpire he does have a tendency to be pretty tight he can have a smallish strike zone what a tournament for Yoshida huge three last night he pops this one up behind home plate real Muto back to the backstop but it's beyond its reach [Music] think about Merrell Kelly though when he comes inside to left-handers kind of gets around the baseball a little bit so it tends to cut late the thing is the problem is you'll get that same fastball when he's trying to throw it away and it'll kind of run on him a little bit so he's got that cutter he's got that run it's got that good change up he's gonna need them all tonight he does also have a very good pickoff move so the combination of that move and real Muto behind the plate is gonna be tough as long as Barrel Kelly's in the game tough to run on USA [Music] another pick-off throw I would think sure hey wants to match Mike Trout and get to second base like Mike Trout did it in the first inning show him wants to get to second place and especially with two outs that's when you gotta try it the deeper the count goes the more likely shohei will go thank you the 1-1 fouled off to the left Camaro Kelly one strike away from getting through this first inning packed house in Miami championship game a culmination of weeks of tremendous baseball jellies one two sort of flip down the left field line but foul early I'm seeing these swings and it's late it's on you I face marrow Kelly and marches explodes out of his hand you're on it next thing you know you're just not from a long time to get to the big leagues pitched in Korea for four years came back to the United States after having great success there and it's turned into one of the better starters in the National League for the Arizona Diamondbacks the one too to Yoshida [Music] and we'll apply the tag and that's a good start for Merrell Kelly we'll go to the second in Miami no score Mark derosa's first coach his forever coach is his father Jack Jack passed away in 2012 and as Mark DeRosa took the Reigns of Team USA for this tournament he reflected often on his father's lessons and his memory and one of the things on his mind tonight Dave is honoring all those lessons that his father gave him and interestingly Mark DeRosa wondered how much he would like to manage he's now honoring his father by loving the job he has right now yeah thank you JP it was part poignant and part spirited when Mark was telling us about that he sort of finished with my dad would want us to win this freaking game there was an intensity with the manager for Team USA Kyle schwarber a high strike given by Lance Barksdale ending number two we asked Mark DeRosa about what was the message for Team USA says really none and I think these boys know what they got to do what's at stake [Applause] swing through the fastball it's only two John schwarber has been a relatively quiet World Baseball Classic but I don't think there was much of a decision to be made to have him in the lineup is hit off the end of the back to right field condo charging in and he'll get there so far from managa it's been that good fastball to start things off for every hitter and then that good slider and split now he's really got that ride today a little bit more than I think I would think these USA hitters have been thinking about they understood that they had ride but it's just really getting on them well here we go Trey Turner who's been awesome the last two games had the home run the Team USA will never forget when they come from behind win against Venezuela and then two home runs against Cuba in the semis breaking ball off the outside and it was a dilemma because the way the lineup's set up Team USA wanted to move him up but he was so good in that number nine spot whether it's Superstition or Comfort or whatever but here he is hitting sixth he takes low ball too how about those numbers right there four home runs wow 2-0 Turner right back to the back stop I think we've seen from Trey Turner is when he gets on a big wave more than not he usually stays on that wave of hitting for a long time he's not a guy that's that's streaky it kind of stays consistent gives you good at bats but when he's on one usually for a long time [Applause] 2-1 pitch Turner hits another one down the left field line he's done it again it's gone [Applause] America's shortstop Trey Turner we talked about the wave he's riding a big wave trying to throw that cheese inside Craig Turner was absolutely ready for it up USA USA [Music] [Applause] incredible what a week for Trey Turner [Applause] take a look at that four seamer it really just looks like the same weird video we've been watching all week trying to throw Trey Turner fastballs inside and he just keeps hitting him and check out Mark DeRosa you think he's feeling it he's got the best seat in the house what a smile d-ro was just he just didn't want to mess it up by moving him in the lineup I mean that's kind of how it works with this sport dude it's working don't change anything he reluctantly moved him up in the order obviously did not affect the swing tied for the most home runs in a single World Baseball Classic in history and he's going to have some more bats tonight who knows side ball two to real Muto I just don't understand how you even would risk at the idea of well let's try to throw him another fastball inside here he was ready real Muto has been great new teammates with Trey Turner he went around there two and two [Applause] well we know Team USA has so many great players and we know that Trey Turner is one of those I mean Trey Turner is one of the best players in the world period but for him to be the guy to flex the muscles to bring the huge power I think that has surprised some folks 2-2 we'll count now three and two on the 2022 season Trey Turner 21 home runs 100 RBIs in 160 games a guy that plays every single day maybe the new feature for Trey Turner's game is upping those home run count career high 28 in a single season fouls that one out of play and he's in a great Stadium too up those home runs too yeah he could be coming for a new career high this year I mean it's funny team USA's hit 11 home runs more than any other team in This World Baseball Classic Turner's got five nobody else has more than one he's the only player for Team USA who's hit more than one and he's hit five of them pound for pound one of the strongest guys in that team Trey turn 3-2 Bill Muto flying drive base hit left field babe it's clear they understand hey manager is going to come in on them with those fastballs they're ready for it and they're ready for it in any count right there managa try to throw that 2-2 fastball in and although he gets the broken bat JT just too strong [Applause] it's just gonna be this is a essentially I mean it's a one-game championship this is a game seven so we'll have to see how both managers want to work their way through this game it's only the second inning now left-handed hitters Cedric Mullins who Homer I think it's Cuba in the semi-final win he takes ball one more than not solo homers will not get you pulled out of the game it's more of the longer Innings the first and second base hits the man on second two out base hit those are the ones that the managers will say okay he's had enough no pitch Mullins strike just kind of that get it in breaking ball well we have our first answer to my question Togo right-hander is getting loose Japan's not going to wait around if imunaga gets into more trouble 1-1 -2 that's a good slider right there a little bit of a sweeper action to it those are really really tough for left-handers too one layout of and two make any type of connection on it [Music] [Applause] the one two to Mullins three call Perfect Pitch right on the outside let's see that four seater although Nakamura wanted that ball inside it was still a good pitch on the on the away Zone manager though it's got that really good ride four seamer I think Cedric Mullins was caught in between there I think he was still thinking soft good pitch calling and the Umpire lands Barksdale I think it's worth pointing out Connor it first two down Tim Anderson Ninth Place Center for Team USA breaking ball high that's the slower curveball there there's some umpires if you missed the target even if the ball's in the strike zone have a hard time calling it a strike that was a strike and land sparksdale called it strike three real Muto the runner at first Anderson on the ground up the middle will stop at second and now Team USA has a chance to make this much more than just a one-run inning with the top of the order coming back up we haven't seen a lot of brick doubling up with pitches in imanaga right there he doubled up with that curveball Tim Anderson's just too good his handout coordination is too good you throw him that lollipop once again and he'll make you pay for it we're gonna get a meeting on the mount I wonder if it's possible that Japan is considering a pitching change right here right now it doesn't look like it with Yama I would think he'll give him one more hitter and mookie bets gotta be careful with mookie obviously that goes without saying so now Yuki uragawa it's joined in Togo in the bullpen that's something we probably won't see from Team USA Japan a little more free to use their Bullpen liberally two on two out who he bets swings at that pitch and hits a Fly ball in the left field Yoshida will make the catch short of the warning track and mookie might have just missed one so all in all just the one but more than that because of what Trey Turner is Doing In This World Baseball Classic amazing his fifth home run makes it one nothing USA Merrill Kelly on the mound his wife Bree in the stands and Merrell credits Brie for their family's extraordinary Adventure during those four seasons in Korea that was where Meryl transformed himself into a high-end Major League starter and the two of them had an extraordinary experience as well Bree told me earlier today that Merrill loved the environment there the great fan support the noise in the ballpark certainly a lot of those same Vibes here in Miami tonight it really is a cool story JP because unlike some other pitchers who say go to Korea go to Japan after they've had a taste of Major League Baseball marikelli had never pitched in the big leagues and went over there and did really transform his career swing murakami Kami choose one hentai game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it takes one swing that happened last night the drive to left Center to Win It he's another fastball tonight tie ball game murakami is not surprised the big games and big swings the two-time MVP has come up huge for Japan you want to answer back the SE right there oh my goodness was that ball crushed or what 432 feet 115. miles per hour off the bat I think he knew it was it was a no doubter a yes a very quiet pip job like I like to say wow big time swing so with that it's one to one okamoto the first baseman for Japan all right so throw that four seamer right there look how short and compact he stays [Music] all it takes with these Sluggers is one swing well and the point you're making about that is if you miss last night's semi-final game and that is just crushed territory up there two to okamoto center field and that's a base hit but back to murakami just briefly through his first advance of the game last night he looked like a lost soul he he was a shell of himself and he came up in that huge spot late in the game delivered the game-winning hit and the swing we just saw that's the swing that they've been watching in Japan the last two years as the best hitter in those leagues I love most about that is he was thinking about bunting he was a situation he talked about it after the game man you know coryama you got to give him credit that's the manager here for Japan said no no no we know what you can do with the bat we believe in you go ahead and you know it just shows the the effects of a manager understanding the moment and the player he had at the plate yeah [Music] [Music] we want you to swing the bat like you've done so many times Triple Crown winner last year and he's even talked about I wanted to match the ability of shohei Otani not in a mean way not in a more jealous way it's just a he was so good for Japan he needed some protection he he felt like he was the guy that said okay I'm the one that's going to be by your side during this whole thing so a lot of pressure was built on him but he's delivered here in a game seven situation so one to one that's our score nobody out still bottom of the second two one two Yamada that one misses badly it's three and one let's go down to JP murakami was the dominant story in Japan last year in the news period size Sneed a former major league pitcher who was his teammate with the occult swallows told me last year that when he walked by the newsstands he said quote more or less all the front pages are his picture well last night that came true again I'm sure and this morning two-time reigning Central League MVP Monster Power numbers 3-1 2. it is now Wednesday morning in Tokyo with a country watching the interests the passion for baseball in that country off the charts Samurai Japan as they call this national team three and two foul ball Johnny of course are the big leagues murakami's still playing in Japan maybe one day he'll come to Major League Baseball but those are the two dominant forces in Japanese baseball with the long ball [Music] I know Johnny does a little bit more than that yeah 3-2 and that one has driven the right field vets will Glide over and catch it for round number one this was last night his teammates with the occult swallows in their Clubhouse watching the game let's listen to their reaction when he came through [Music] foreign [Applause] you can excuse the camera work we were a little excited there I'm sure they can't wait to see their teammate come home and celebrate an incredible moment now breaking ball to sosuke genda the shortstop in eighth place Center lots of game left here a lot of game agenda you see that bottom pinky finger right hand pinky wrapped up flips that line driving to left field that's going to be a hit the broken finger or not genda gets in opposite field single and Japan has two on with one out well a guy who does all the right things a guy that can absolutely field it but a guy right here at the plate who's not scared of the moment not scared of the finger being hurt and once one thing we saw yesterday from Mexico is they threw him a lot of fastballs he was a lot he was very late with the fastball today they try to do the same thing gento was a little more prepared for the pitch [Music] so Mark DeRosa now starting to talk things over in The Dugout a run across two more hits Sandy petted his pitching coach on the phone we may see some Bullpen activity pitch ball to the ninth placehold of the catcher Nakamura [Applause] or for his defense but capable three for six In This World Baseball Classic he understands his role he's not thinking of slug right here he's just thinking to put the ball in play [Music] 2-0 [Applause] we get Aaron Loop up in the bullpen now Luke is not going to go long in this game but in terms of a lefty against all the left-handed hitters at the top of the lineup [Music] Richard also deciding he may need him in this second inning 2-0 slow bouncer toward third it kicks foul one thing Nakamura likes to do is pull the baseball he is on top of the dish Merrell Kelly if he's going to throw inside he's got to get it inside move his feet so that way you can expand the Zone away with the slider or the changeup he's a guy and you can tell right there I mean he is on top of the dish and he's doing he's looking for one thing and that's to pull the baseball lead Runner okamoto not great speed he's the first baseman at second not a real fast runner at the plate 2-1 and he got it inside two and two that's the pitch you want to win this half-back and Kelly you got to throw it right there look how over the play he is I mean his leg kick is completely on top of that dish it's uncomfortable you have to make sure that you get it inside how you open up Windows [Music] Kelly's 2-2 just misses it reminds me of Justin Turner in the big leagues he is so close to the plate you missed by an inch and it's almost like you're going to hit him and that was in right there but with Turner he likes to step in the bucket a little bit when he's gliding with his front foot with him with Nakamura he stays more even with it a lot harder to hit that pitch inside even harder 3-2 that is he walked him and that's huge that's the Ninth Place hitter now the bases are loaded with large nuke bar coming up and we'll see what Mark DeRosa wants to do I just don't know if Luke is warmed enough [Applause] this could be a meeting real Muto and Company just to stall for an extra minute some more pitches looks like Brady singer also just starting to get loose out there they're bringing the right match up in Lube if that's the case Brom ball guy looking for a double play not necessarily looking for a strikeout tough tough matchup for new bar so we'll see and it does look like Mark DeRosa is coming out so that was just to buy an extra moment sa manager is going to make the pitching change it's only the second inning but it's a winner take all championship game and Mark DeRosa is managing like it so Kelly out Aaron Loop in Bases Loaded one down pitching change we'll be back right after this the final roster Edition Team USA made before this tournament began was to add the man who was on the mound right now Aaron Loop replaced Brooks Rayleigh when Rayleigh sustained a minor hamstring injury in the final day before Team USA began pool play in Phoenix Arizona Aaron Loop an 11-year veteran most known for his ability to match up in the late Innings but Mark DeRosa trusted both his ability and his character and DeRosa would know 10 years ago Aaron Loop and Mark DeRosa were playing teammates on the Toronto Blue Jays well what a spot for the guy who was the late ad because the bases are loaded and the top of the order is up for team Japan and a tie game it's only the second inning but it feels like a massive moment in this game yeah we know and Luke he's a specialist for left-handers but you know a new bar last year in 2022 he had left-handers better than right-handers out of 273 Mark and versus right-handers 217 so he's a specialist of hitting left-handers so it's a it's going to be an absolute challenge right here for Luke especially the first pitch he's an ambusher in Newport get the defense set for Newport to pull but that left side is a little exposed as great as Nolan aronado is loaded one out dubar who has become a hero in Japan first pitch I think he was just taking a pitch there and Luke got the call strike one [Music] spot for Aaron Luke strike pitch and it's strike two that's a good strike right there that's got sinking action our ball is coming out of second base very hard to time up if you're new bar right now you're in just protection mode on Deck then we would see ohtani if Japan's rally continues here's the O2 Luke Barr breaks his back slow roller to first base Goldsmith's only play is the first and Luke just got there to get the out on the play okomoto comes in to score so Japan takes its first lead 2-1 [Applause] [Music] that's the downside on Loop is he gets soft contact in a situation when you need double plays as you see him right there get to the bag great job right there slowing everything down staying behind the baseball on that house tossed by Goldsmith but he's so deceptive he's so good that you get a lot of soft contact moment when you need to double play kind of worked in the favors of Japan Japanese hitters and the value of putting the ball in play in a two-strike count to get the run home now a chance for more with kensuke condo he takes a strike Rondo hit the ball hard his first time up again tonight we've seen nothing but hard contact off his Bat since team Japan showed up in Miami [Music] this is a big spot a base hit could make it four to one well off the outside [Music] so athletic in the Box a lot of these Japanese hitters are very athletic but he's always moving there's always got a lot of rhythm and his load very first movement and then he just continues to wiggle he takes a strike well located one and two that's a good pitch Luke has been missing with his fastball in the inner third to the left-handers I know he's got a good slider [Applause] let the action work [Applause] here's the one too that one is hit down the left field line foul not by much that's all condo is trying to do right there trying to see the ball as deep as possible using the other field the left side of the field if you're Loop you want to throw that fastball you want to throw that fastball in nothing away [Music] [Applause] we'll try it again condo and check swing foul he did come way inside condo tried to hold up and did manage to hold up but the ball hit the bat foul ball very scary situation obviously too for Team USA you got to have guts in your JT ramunto to call that pitch inside knowing you had show hail Tani behind correct a hit batter loads of bases for ohtani and Team USA does not want that now time [Applause] Luke was so locked in he didn't see the home plate umpire he was into his motion trying to dig deep here to get Team USA out of this big second inning Jam the one two that one is popped up into center field Mike Trout is there for round number three and all things considered Aaron Luke did a really good job but the home run from murakami was a blast and Japan added one more after that we go to the third 2-1 Japan leads well first time up Mike Trout trying to get this USA team started [Applause] Bobby Witt wearing a microphone in The Dugout right off the bat he knew that was going to be a double for Mike Trout look at the max Sprint speed right there 30 feet per second that's that's pretty good what a special player so he comes up here in the third game USA's lead is gone and now she'll say Togo 22 year old very young right-hander for the omiori Giants you know one thing he's coming off a career here in 2022 a Fly ball pitcher he induces a lot of soft contact with that slider splitter since mid 90s first pitch in this championship game to Mike Trout welcome to the game she'll say is strike one the 0-1 tip I got a piece of the catcher Owen two Mike Trout has been relatively quiet here in Miami these couple games Team USA would not be here without his performance he carried at times the United States lineup in Phoenix in pool play to get here to have a chance to win this Championship yeah [Applause] one two to Trout not close oh there's that slider right there a lot of the hand but it's a little too quick with it one thing I've noticed with Japanese pitchers they've come in a lot especially late early and late has been in on him the one two to trout and he got it swinging very impressive when you make quick work of Mike track right there with four pitches but check this splitter out it just Falls right out of the table a lot of guys in the big leagues don't throw that pitch it looks funky it looks like a fastball a little two seamer and all of a sudden it just dies on you drop side of a table just a good pitch right there that was that was that was nasty so now Paul Goldschmidt he takes the breaking ball in the dirt for ball one struck out his first time up that was against the starter e Monica ah one and one [Music] for an Otto on deck and then schwarber would follow that one is hit high in the air way up there coming in hard Yoshida from Left Field toward the line two down two outs Kyle Freeland is up in the bullpen for Team USA so I do believe in the bottom of this third I mean that's the guy who will see I'll clean it more of a clean inning type of guy who can come in and start fresh hopefully give him a couple Innings two or three Innings Max and I know Merrell Kelly saw him there in The Dugout I know he's disappointed Aaron Luke though do an excellent job because that could have gotten ugly for Team USA with the top of the order up only the one extra run after the Home Run ball one to Nolan aronado Play It's 1-1 you can tell the action on that fastball today on Togo it it's got some giddy up on it one fastball Nolan doesn't like to pull right there he was a little tardy it's one one count though anything goes he's throwing that good split that good fastball in with a Little Ride I would think split here good but mess with it oh now you can double up on it or take the adjustments of Nolan and say hey I gotta trust my fastball here but Nolan he's too smart he'll make the adjustment three and one I would think the play here is being very careful with Nolan I mean schwarber behind who hasn't fared too well in this tournament out hitting 167. olin's the guy you got to be careful with especially in these counts fastball counts here's the 3-1 4 inside did not throw in the fastball it's a two-hour walk that's a clear message on schwerver's part if he's on deck hey we want to go we want to go against you that is a little dangerous because Kyle schwarber hasn't had his best swing going but all it takes is one with this guy sure does sure he really reminds me a lot of murakami it's one swing and he's locked in power 46 home run season last year for Kyle schwarber goes after the first pitch though pops it up will it be playable enough and the net just beyond the reach of the catcher Nakamura oh he took a really good swing on that fastball just missed it he knows it [Music] only Aaron judge and all the big league baseball had more home runs last year and the guy at the plate right now [Music] big games playoff games no matter where he's played Kyle schwarber has come up huge two-in-one schwarber is the type of guy as the back goes he likes to sit on a pitch kind of okay I I have a feeling the split's coming here and he'll sit on it if it's a good pitch if it's a hanging pitch you may have the lead [Applause] got the first two outs quickly trout and goldschman and now he's having a hard time throwing strikes two out walks they can hunt they can haunt you I mean we know who's on Deck it is not the guy that Japan wants to face with men on base Trey Turner waiting hoping 3-1 schwarber went after a high fastball that might have been Ball Four he got away with one right there in Togo that's two fastballs already that sure was been underneath he's gonna get a good pitch to hit here they don't want Turner with first and second from Jose Togo they go off with two down there he goes 3-2 pitch his ball four not Columbus amazing back to back two out walks and the guy who has dominated play here in Miami is coming to the plate and that prompts a meeting well the pitch selection for me was a little bit strange on schwarber but let's take a look at that second inning Homer boy oh boy they just feel like they're the same clip from this whole tournament guys are trying to go in on him and Trey Turner is just too short and too good locked in in a way that as great as he's been in his career I'm not sure we've ever seen Trey Turner quite like this [Music] five home runs to lead Everybody In This World Baseball Classic matching an all-time tournament record opportunity to tie the game or who knows maybe much more [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first pitch to Turner Way outside and a great save by Nakamura it's overthrowing that split right there I'm a what a great job right there wow that's a saving of beauty [Music] [Applause] might keep the bat in the hands though Trey Turner that gets by maybe they just walk him here's the 1-0 [Applause] Everything feels dangerous right now against Turner just a little later but underneath it and he was caught in between right there he's just so good at simplifying it real and just have that the 1-1 this is it foul one and two I mean two strike situations have not phased him he hit the the Grand Slam against Venezuela the moment of this whole tournament in a two-strike count [Music] you go back to that at that four home runs in his last seven at bats [Applause] [Applause] here's the one two not this time the splitter strikes him out so Togo walks two but gets through Turner middle of the third it's 2-1 Japan coming up here for team Japan it's such a cool Side Story to this championship game the teammates in the big leagues maybe the two biggest stars of the sport tonight get to go head-to-head ohtani took batting practice again today younger and again it was unbelievable it was a facade Homer I mean every shot he was hitting was just unbelievable hitting the top of the screen there it was a show not too not that many swings but it was an absolute show so the new pitcher Kyle Freeland immediately has to face Otani and he bounces the breaking ball for ball one third pitcher of the game already for Team USA bottom of the third Freeland who pitched against Great Britain through three innings in cool play back in Phoenix [Music] got the call there 21-1 paying he is absolutely excited for the opportunity Denver Colorado's finest playing for the Rockies [Music] ohtani swings and misses one and two I talked to him earlier and Freeland asked him how much fun are you having he goes man what a blessing this has been unbelievable tough task here's just one two the outside did you see what ohtani said yesterday after the game about taking batting practice he really doesn't do it on the field during the Big League season he just wanted team Mexico to see him take some swings Full Count here three and two [Music] here's the 3-2 pitch strike three call oh it's a good slider right there on preland going to work quickly on shohei Otani a little slider cutter [Music] oh man throws them completely 3-2 you throw a left on left cutter like that more than not you're not gonna get the swing that was a well executed pitch now he misses inside to Yoshida [Music] this time for the great Otani what's up [Music] who apparently had quite the pre-game speech Otani did in the locker room before the game you sure did he was the guy to get up and address team Japan let's stop admiring them if you admire them you can't surpass them we came here to surpass them to reach the top for one day let's just throw all that away the admirations and just think about winning [Music] Ball Four to Yoshida so after Freeland struck out ohtani he gives up the four pitch walk we've seen the walk be a big play for Japan these last couple of nights and now it just feels like a whole different story with murataka murakami coming to the plate last night Midway through the game it looked like he wanted to dig a hole and hide and now now he walks up to the plate with his head held high one thing about murakami though he likes to swing first pitch especially if it's a fastball like the first half bat first pitch swinging last night he was swinging at all the first pitches they threw him see Freeland to the plate and a first pitch way could be two Anderson the second one Turner to first got him got him to play nicely turned by Team USA and their defense so Freeland gets the double play ball after the walk picked by Goldsmith at first we're through three two to one Japan we go to inning number four Team USA another home run from Trey Turner took a one-nothing lead Japan answered with two runs in the bottom of the second both starters out of the game which is not that surprising considering it's a one-game championship must win Togo who is a starter in Japan came on in relief and he'll work another inning at least against the bottom part of the order real Muto Mullins and Anderson do up here Muto quietly he's had a great tournament yeah and they've been trying to go in on him with fastballs inside cjt understands that and turns on one they went inside and up yeah but that was just tells me he was sitting fast while he was sitting fastball in Togo works from the wind up his breaking balls a little bit low it's one and one JT real Muto had the great quote the other day and I think speaking for everybody in that dugout it's one and two how could you possibly rather be in spring training than have a chance to play in these games laughs almost like the recruitment for the next World Baseball Classic has already started oh yeah slow roller hit foul Mike tried already said I'm in 2026 count me in there Mookie Betts I think said the same Mark deroso said he thinks that every big position player for America is going to want to play next time around and he thinks the recruitment on the pitching side will be intense oh yeah one two that one line to shortstop and caught there by genda well let's look at the pitch sequence that ended Turner's at-bat fire hitting that was the split right there and I felt like that pitch got really Turner thinking you know I'm kind of in between the whole Outback wasn't sure what to really look for tells me that Togo had a really good fastball and a really good split especially in Turner's at-bat Mullins the splitter for strike one like that one if you strike out Trey Turner we're going to highlight you so it's a little carrot for every pitcher for Japan right now the way Trey Turner is swinging UPS it up and back seats or at least into the net in its own two I think for me is the ability to get ahead of hitters early in the at-bat because then the splitter really comes to play I know he's got a good fastball we know that He's a fly ball pitcher likes to get a lot of soft contact but that those first two pitches in the I better Soul crucial for Togo he lands him for strike he can go to work too and through the split Mullins did a good job [Music] subject Mullins who's really turned into a star for the Baltimore Orioles playing tonight maybe he's an excellent hitter ball Nakamura thought of a strike three he had a case there that was a good split change up right there caught the corner he came up ready to throw two two Mullins fights it off on the right field side but you talked about it earlier Mullins is really in the game tonight to help Mark DeRosa have the best possible Outfield defense that left field spot last night Japan was just sending one line drive after another out there I think he bought himself another splitter here 2-2 I don't think they would go in on him let's see that one's lying towards left center field and it's going to be caught slicing back to Yoshida two down Yoshida did such a good job with that first step fighting the lights as we see that split change right there Wellness did a good job protecting with two strikes look at this look at this oh man Yoshino so smooth back there I think you're right at the end maybe just a little difficulty seeing the ball looking up into the lights they made the catch [Music] two down here's Tim Anderson had a base hit his first time up swings through the fastball Tim right there took a shot he's such a good breaking ball hitter you gotta be careful with Tim Anderson any breaking balls he's going after him [Music] center field and fairly deep big part of the yard the condo for the out another scoreless inning for Togo 2-1 Japan leads this was the Rivalry that we all had in mind when the WBC was born in 2006 a dramatic win for the Americans that year but three years later Japan dominated Team USA in the semi-final at Dodgers stadium and it was in the very same ballpark Chavez Ravine where Team USA finally Advanced to the WBC championship game six years ago so the history in this event of these two teams going head-to-head and this year almost feels like more than ever the two best teams in the world are meeting for this championship and I know Yonder coming in the Dominican Republic their lineup stacked pitching depth Venezuela great team Puerto Rico all the history and the star power on that team but yeah through it all is Kyle Freeland back to work and a swing on a high fly ball left center field to deep Mullins at the wall it's gone thank you [Music] oh no surprise past five seasons 30 plus home runs we know the power is there in okamoto 164 home runs in that span he got a good pitch to hit right there boy oh boy he did not miss it his second home run of this World Baseball Classic and the second home run of the night for Japan just a little baby slider stayed right over the plate call extension two-hand finish he knew it was gone as soon as he left his back uh Yamada pops it up right center field Mookie Betts calls off Mike Trout [Music] is out number one it just sounds different than as soon as he left his back there was a no doubter they knew maybe the only doubt Outfield walls a little higher there one of the biggest parts of the ballpark and this is not an easy home run hitters ballpark but you're right that was crushed now genda takes a strike careful with a good push button here try to run it towards Tim Anderson [Music] he's playing deep if he can get it by the pitcher almost like a swinging butt but he hit it foul off his foot so it's only two the beauty of this team is shohel Tony yesterday was saying oh this is the best team that he's ever been on in the top to bottom they got the defense they got the power they got the speed they got the pitching [Music] once one nothing USA now it's 3-1 Japan events the manager for japanideki kuriyama we're talking to him today before the game the guy at the plate right here sosuke and not just the greatest shortstop right now he called him the greatest shortstop in Japanese baseball history defensively that Rookie of the Year in 2017 and after that he has disappointed defensively five straight Golden Glove Awards given to the best defender in his League at his position slashes that one foul and that's what Japan's always been able to do is they're not going to make the mistakes they're going to hit the right Cuts they're going to play the right defense they're going to run the right bases they're gonna make you beat them or beat them the right way they're not gonna give you outs [Music] two outside defensive run save leaders since the start of 2021 at shortstop in the big leagues Correa walls Rojas kainer falefa and we we do have measurements let's get the Strikes Out Swinging for baseball wow [Music] that's incredible and we saw him making a spectacular over-the-shoulder catch in last night's win there were so many plays like that last night for Japan the relay to cut down the run at home plate the over-the-shoulder catch that added up to give Japan a chance to come from behind and win the place hitter Nakamura takes ball one I think I noticed with all the infielters for for Japan they catch the ball not only two heads but with one tells you how sure they are of their hands short arnotto is going to cut it off snap the drill the drill first Miami Florida the same for this championship game in the World Baseball Classic fireworks over the water and fireworks all tournament long inside with the quality of baseball we've seen in this ballpark over the last 10 plus days has been phenomenal sure has been United States and Japan going head-to-head here another new pitcher for Japan hiroto takakashi takes over third pitcher of the game for Japan with a smile on his face top of the order coming up for Team USA he should have a smile he's one of those young studs who is a strong candidate for the biggest eye-opener for international fans this is a guy 29 K rate was second best behind Roki Sasaki a guy who pitched yesterday throwing 100 102 miles an hour this guy has a really good splitter gets a lot of swings and misses on the fastball big Chopper to third gonna be a tough play to throw low and got him in first I don't know the intentional bounce and perfect to first base Team USA is going to challenge it was Bang Bang boy mookie really smelled that hit take a look here oh yeah I think he's safe I think he's safe oh best look here he is on the bag yeah he's safe safe just barely wow that was great all the way around even with the microphone not functioning we know what they're looking at and it shouldn't take long I wouldn't think it would take that long [Music] crowd seeing this great view the one that we just saw so they overturned the call with replay and mookie bets just terrific hustle and speed he was waiting he wanted a call continue and now Mike Trout comes up a great effort by murakami when Takahashi is 98 to 100 good split oh man I can't wait to see this at that transpired against the youngest pitcher toward Japan he's only 20 years old big lead by Mookie [Applause] Takahashi throws and a fastball just a little bit High [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's the 1-0 just outside again two close pitches two good takes [Applause] see that pitch the right call down and away [Applause] [Music] Mike likes to take his chances here 2-0 Takahashi he's got to trust that 97. again good size lead over at first base and he didn't throw him throw the fastball he threw that split a lot of swings and misses with that split that's his best pitch that's his go-to pitch even though he throws 97 98 miles an hour my goodness the quality of pitching we're seeing here [Applause] yeah this guy 20 years old he is an eye-opener Trout's still ahead though 2-1 pitch on the way foul to the backstop so he followed the split with 97 and that's what the split does to you right there throws at 2-0 catchy swinging get you biting on it now I can throw my 98. now anything goes I would think if you're if you're Mike you got to start with the fastball you have to adjust got to look up in the zone [Applause] [Music] the 2-2 and that one comes way inside [Applause] well we see Mike with two strikes he likes to go the other way what does Japan do let's tie him him up let's let's move his feet you definitely moved had to tough pitch right here because anything goes this is not just a fastball count his pitch is a splitter vets might be going is not and the ball is pulled foul was that splitter the more the f-back goes the more Advantage it leads to Mike Trout now he's seen that splitter three or four times he seemed that fastball at 97-98 he's too good of a hitter not to minute you know pick up his pinpoint on Takahashi [Applause] he looks dangerous he does another 3-2 the pitched he got it with that nasty splitter that was nasty doesn't necessarily have to be a strike but it's the action the action of the fastball that leads to that splitter and leads to that swing [Applause] wow that is a 20 year old championship game against the best hitter in the world been the biggest eye-opener in this tournament what it's not over for him yet he's got to get through at least one more maybe two maybe more Paul Goldschmidt side with the fastball coach Mido for two he's had a lot of good at bats in the World Baseball Classic [Music] and Nolan aronado the returning players from that championship team six years ago 1-0 swings through the fastball dropped by Nakamura but he bets staying put his stuff is so explosive and we've seen some of the best hitters have very awkward swings and Mike Trout and now go Smith and it tells you the fastball how explosive it is one and one long pause maybe to help freeze the runner Goldsmith took a big swing fouled it back I would think of mookie at some point here he's going to test it he's got to test the waters at some point [Music] I'm sure he's got the green light they're talking about how fast he is to home plate [Music] a little bit unsure right now you gotta pick the right pitches count right here [Applause] Takahashi one two and through the split he bounced it it was blocked Lincoln bet stays over at first foreign thing about the running game you're down you have power at the plate just you don't want to make it out on the bases strikeout stuff for Takahashi the artist struck out by trout now trying to get Goldsmith the 2-2 strike three call fastball Frozen well it tells you how nasty his splitter is you rarely see Bo Smith getting Frozen like that on a fastball especially with two strikes it just tells you it is explosive everything he's got with two pitches very impressive two down and Nolan aronado walked his last time up [Music] Nolan likes to swing first pitcher it gets a good pitch he's he's looking to pull he's looking up slug pitch of all good take right there [Music] so far this has been really impressive the youngest player for Japan one of the youngest players in the entire World Baseball Classic on the mound against the heart of the order for Team USA there's 1-0 just outside with a fastball 2-0 so amazed by their delivery and how they can throw so hard and kind of pause their their follow through on one leg it's amazing to watch it's a 20 year old right now 97 98 with the vicious splitter make some of the best hitters in the world look like they've looked in this inning starter in Japan he's got the stuff of a closer it's 2-0 that one is lightened into left field that's a base hit for Nolan Arenado one hop to Yoshida Betts will stop in second oh Nolan's been watching the at-bat transpire throughout this these Innings through a 2-0 split to Mike Trout 2-0 split to Nolan Nolan was ready for it [Music] let's talk about the head down look at this moment of contact head down completely staying through the baseball just so consistent that is the classic Nolan arnato swing now schwarber who's over one pitched him very carefully last time walked in that was Togo now Takahashi on the previous battle he missed a couple fastballs that he wanted back they baited him with some Splitters but this is a totally different animal in takahachi thank you great chance for schwarber though Two on Two Out he takes a little bit high ball one that's where they've gone they've gone up up the ladder with him and soft down and away a lot of times in hitters counts they've gone soft even counts more fastballs up in the zone and he's lurking and Otani trying to stay loose grind of a half inning [Applause] off the inside 2-0 some good takes from the USA hitters in this inning because these pitchers are these are not big misses [Music] Team USA looking for a big hit and who knows maybe a big fly [Applause] we'll take a shot here here's the 2-0 in the dirt through the splitter and it's 3-0 well again same situation here you got Trey Turner the hottest hitter on the planet right now waiting on Deck if schwarber walks and Turner would come up with the bases loaded he's the guy here though with two outs you know I know you got Turner behind but it's a fastball count for 95 of the time we'll see if it is here 3-0 Takahashi schwarber swings 3-0 and it's a Fly ball center field in the ballpark nuke bar for round number three he took a chance there and just missed it done a great job by the 20 year old Takahashi this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of World Baseball Classic Inc may not be reproduced or re-transmitted in any form the accounts and descriptions of this game may not be disseminated without Express written consent look who is headed to the bullpen for team Japan so we'll see it's not a guarantee that we'll see him in the game but that gives you a pretty good indication that with a 3-1 lead Japan is preparing for the late Innings with one of the best pitchers in the world top of the order here in the bottom of the fifth Japan already leads 3-1 they've hit two home runs in this game tonight that lasted bat was one where he found a way to get another run home against a left-handed reliever put the ball in play in a two-strike count at that point it made it two to one yeah Luke got the ground ball it's just when you're throwing those Sinker Ballers more than not on left-handers you're gonna get the soft contact hit that one hard but a pop-up into right field mookie bets one away and this was interesting 3-0 count two on Trey Turner on Deck they gave the green light to Kyle schwarber I don't really have a problem with it I think early on especially this is this is a changer of the game [Music] more than not a 95 98 chance of getting a fastball he did get the fastball he's got to live with the results he went right to it there's not much to really talk about his he was just a little Tardy on the fastball he's refreshed refreshed refresh he wants to see that pitch that he missed because I mean I think the point you make is an important one you really got to trust your guy 3-0 with as hot as Trey Turner has been but you trust him to swing at the right pitch 3-0 and he did I mean look we've seen him in the past he this guy at any given moment right he'll change the game and you know in this part of the game in the fifth inning it's just a momentum swing that Mark DeRosa is looking for and you had the right guy I mean sure would you like to get Turner with basic loaded but it's a totally different animal of the what ifs that could have should have would have I don't I don't mind the move and and even just you got a guy who led the league in home runs getting a fastball right down the middle against [Music] tough right-handed pitcher I think you put it you got to live with the result gotta live with it I would think if it's a seventh or eighth inning it's a little different right now why not 3-1 pitch condo takes ball four so that's a one hour walk with Otani coming up well at your point at the start of The Telecast Yonder was Japan's got a lot of great hitters we've seen them in this tournament but you just have a hard time thinking you're going to let this guy beat you in a championship game [Applause] well in the prior at that Freeland really was on on the slider the cutter not too many fastballs [Music] Tommy chased one that's the first fastball he's seen from Freeland boy it was up and in riding at you he's not picking up Freeland will at all and that's like you rarely see shohei with those types of swings now that might free Freeland up a little bit to go after him snaps a throw to first condo he's got to be careful freeland's got the good pickoff move that's been the goal to left on left they've been going in JT's been calling the fastballs inside on a lot of the left-handers [Music] you got to be able to throw in and make sure it's in it's a dangerous situation to play with [Music] softer [Music] you could take by Otani seemed to see that pitch pretty well you know the play could be fastballs back in but you've highlighted show hey he can't beat you he wants that fastball again 2-1 pitch oh Tommy got jammed hits the ground ball Anderson there to make the play and throw out Otani and you've got to give a lot of credit to Freeland right there with JT ramunto wanting the slider and freelance saying no I trust my fastball I trust my ride my sink on it I'm gonna get this pitch in and I'm gonna Jam show hey right here to hopefully get a double play he jammed him that's a quality pitch right there [Applause] that's just a picture executing his game plan I was and I think you're right to point out it takes a little guts is one of the great catchers in the world Shake him off to go with the pitch you want that's what you're supposed to do it's you're the pitcher you're throwing the pitch but I love it I mean that that's just if it tells you anything about Freeland and who he is and the grit and desire he has to pitch for Team USA it's right there in that at bat but now he's got to get through Yoshida and he misses high and tight ball one it's on that ground ball condo move to Second so runner in scoring position Japan already ahead three to one [Music] he's looked he's seen everything we talked about it yesterday how he's it felt like every at that he was too old he was protecting the strike zone he really does a good job of swinging at the right pitch as it once again gotta be very careful here with Yoshida [Music] Kyle Freeland a check hit second really a long look back there she uh takes a strike hey there's really no break in this lineup for Japan and all these guys do all the things well I think especially when you have that Runner out there in scoring position that's when they go to work they make it very hard on the pitcher 2-1 Sheena fouled that one back out of play they don't have the top to bottom power that the lineup for USA has they have power they've hit two home runs in this championship game the question becomes for Mark DeRosa if he gets out of this inning do you bring him back up for the bottom of the six in Freeland you got a very healthy Bullpen right now and starting a clean inning I would think he would go to it here's the 2-2 Yoshida topper right back to the bound Kyle Freeland has it and he throws him out clean inning Perfection for Mr Freeland Denver's finest what a great inning button moments ago right in front of me sholay Otani walked from Team Japan's Dugout to the bullpen he is going to be able to prepare to potentially enter this game late and it's an extraordinary scene Dave and Yonder you think back to when team Japan won the World Baseball Classic in 2009 that was with Daisuke Matsuzaka as the starter and you Darvis closing it out the possibility exists tonight gentlemen that we could see Otani on the mound against his Angel's teammate Mike Trout it's hard to imagine what that's going to feel like if he comes in the game for now hiromi Ito will take over for Japan the fourth pitcher of the night [Music] stuff this is a guy who's really not a hard thrower he's got an ephus pitch which he's quartered on wanting to use in the World Baseball Classic saw both Darvish and Otani out there first pitch nice low to Trey Turner yeah he relies a lot on off-speed pitches and deception trying to fool these American hitters Turner has hit another home run tonight his fifth of the tournament got the strike Anthony's 1-1 Let's Get Enough velocity that one at 93 miles an hour at least to plant the sea yeah 1-1 Turner off the end of the bat to left field Yoshida one away [Applause] thank you seen a lot of these American hitters really wanting to pull the baseball we'll do a little bit too much start counting those more these hitters start start to press a little bit now this game's getting late for the United States they're the visiting team we're in the top of the sixth if Japan plays it right first pitch to real Muto oh it's a strike now is it likely that they'll only have to go through those big hitters one more time no but it's possible it's possible they certainly had the weapons in the bullpen to do so Muto one for two at the plate close one and one Team USA has six hits Japan has four hits but [Music] two home runs for Japan this would be interesting to see what the plan is in terms of the timing of shohei Otani and the fact that he went down there now another pitch dropped but the call made by Lance Barksdale it's one and two he had a different right-hander warming up in the pit I say otah [Music] Tani did make it out in the last half inning second to last out on two he just tried to think along with the manager how it's just complicated ohtania is not pitched in relief since 2016 in any setting so in terms of balancing his job as a hitter and also trying to find a way to get him ready to pitch it's delicate well I would I would think they would want to give Otani a clean inning yeah right you know you got Darvish there as well he's sitting but I would think Oto will be a guy who's warming up in case if Ito gets in trouble that would be my guess too what AB shohei targeted for the seventh yes the seventh it just depends how much time he needs to warm up I mean you know most starters take a little bit longer than Bullpen guys on the ground the third and pick clean by murakami and he throws it out so does he need two innings does he need an inning and a half to get ready that's that's kind of the question mark we don't really know correct and again we're it's just speculation for us but I'm only thinking that his managers sent him out there now kind of makes you think that as opposed to saving him say for the ninth inning which was some speculation coming in maybe he's going to pitch a little earlier than that we'll see Cedric Mullins all I know is we we got the next three Innings that are gonna be don't go anywhere don't go anywhere oh my goodness Pro Baseball Classic championship game tonight and one well you told even though he does not have the power of stuff he's not he's only 25 years old very sharp two and one but he he's definitely not it's interesting he's in this game because he definitely was not circled as one of the pitchers most likely to pitch in the big time pressure spots but here he is 2-1 foul ball it's two and two oh he's got the ifas pitch very very gutsy if he wants to try it here but it's been going with the slider oh he's got a good fastball [Applause] he's something if he broke it out here wouldn't it I don't think so two two I don't either he struck him out nasty went with 94. and neromi Ito retires aside in order middle of the six still 3-1 Japan foreign closing in on the end of what has been a tremendous showcase for the game of baseball around the world Samurai Japan against Team USA championship game of this World Baseball Classic and we go to the bottom of the sixth Japan as the 3-1 lead and now Mark DeRosa is going to start to line up his true relievers and he's going to start with the right-hander Jason Adam yeah Jason Adam he's got a low 80 sliders good change up in that mid 90s four seamer but this is a guy who really relies on his slider opponent last year we're hitting .98 with it and they only slugged 178. Adams is that guy who'll get on top of you with this fast but we'll finish you off with that breaking ball gotta be careful with this guy the big big Power and a breaking ball to jump ahead on one against murakami that's a good breaking ball right there we see murakami jump on first pitch heaters both times both have bats he's had tonight a home run and has grounded into a double play Big shift on for murakami fastball on the outside [Music] Trey Turner's the guy who's gone out really to play shallow right field foreign [Music] [Music] so that's interesting that makes me think I was wrong about the way they're trying to plot out the last few innings [Music] maybe odani just wanted to watch the game from a different spot Maybe think a little bit about using his bench [Music] again we don't know exactly how even you Darvish is allowed to be used I don't think one thing got it that's a good change up right there but if you're gonna go with Darvish Darvish needs more time than a half inning to get going for the seventh [Music] think that's that would be fair well come on we'll keep our eyes out there at Team Japan bullpen meanwhile okamoto who has hit a home run in this championship game he's two for two he scored two of the three runs so he's having a big night takes the breaking ball for a strike [Music] great career in Japan Five Seasons with 30 plus home runs we know about the power [Music] new one so simple his load so simple his stance very very compact [Music] look at the numbers there the Murray Giants the 1-1 hit down the right field line it's going to slice though and make it back into the seats very compact to the baseball [Applause] [Music] and free hitter gets his own song and chance enchant see if they can Inspire okamoto here's the one too Struck it now with the breaking ball that's a good slider right there [Applause] and he got murakami with the changeup now Komodo with the slider [Music] shows you the ability of atoms and his pitches those really quantity pitches right there oh that's just unhittable for Oklahoma town and Away starts with a fastball though for the slider so two outs Jason Adams come into this game looks great suto Yamada veteran player basketball high ball one there's something about his leg kick though man he picks it up and then just Glides it around home plate [Music] there goes the leg nothing so slider strike one I've been very surprised by Japanese fans I mean we see the Budweiser deck over there it's it's filled completely shown up [Music] there's the 1-1 missed with a breaking ball outside so Yamada I had an account two on one the power for Japan mostly not here in the bottom part of the order and I would think he'll challenge him here with a fastball I would think so [Music] Jason Adam is 2-1 pitch he didn't he threw the breaking ball and fooled him tells you how reliable he feels about that pitch with the slider were hitting in the low 200s [Music] [Applause] slugging just 178 off of it [Applause] Jason Adam ready and the 2-2 pitch down and away with the slider again I I agree with you the the principle is sort of the same but he's he trusts that breaking ball big time whatever it is he needs to throw a strike Full Count three and two here's the pitch it's Ball Four he walked him we've seen over and over in this tournament two-hour walks really haunt you well that's his go-to pitch it's a slider really opponents haven't done much with it I mean you can see why he loves it it's just a dominant pitch so there's a reason why he throws it a lot but Yamato's got enough speed to wear especially on this fast Turf here in Miami if gendek slashes one down the line could get one in the Gap that two-hour walk could turn into an extra run Sasuke agenda the shortstop an eighth place hitter one for two tonight [Applause] the runner goes pitch taken very high real muto's throw slide safe in second well your mother stole that off Adams that was not JT Royal munta right there very slow to the plate with that high lead kick way too much speed in Yamada JT just couldn't do anything with that I really love the feet first slides good hard tag but just too much speed right there so that's big that walk essentially turns into a two out extra base hit that's why two out walks are dangerous especially with a guy like him a lot of speed so now genda a chance to just flip a base in anywhere and add to the lead this is when he'll make you work right here and get the [Applause] wanna know the count Adam looking back to second now throws Senator misses High the one thing about genda is they've been going hard on him we understand he's got the the broken pinky so hard is the play the problem is with Ganda he's understanding that as he's hit some balls to the left side of the field big hole out out there in left field [Applause] the 2-0 pitch and uh tops it foul that's a good changeup very good change up right there real pressure pitches now for Adam because I'm sure Team USA all the power on their offensive side they're feeling like they can't fall another run behind two and one the pitch way outside well the thing is that with atoms the soft stuff that's that's that's a contact pitch so if you're going to kind of you're sitting soft here he's been throwing it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's the 3-1 that is ball four so back to back walks so that was an easy take two on for Japan but two outs I wouldn't mind a mountain visit right here kind of slow everything down [Music] oh Tawny now you get the bottom part of the order so otani's been sitting out in the bullpen the last inning but it's at least possible that his spot's going to come up here in the sixth if this rally continues so also back in shohei Little League baseball [Applause] Championship setting [Applause] two on two out no visit to the mound from Andy Pettit the pitching coach now a breaking ball that goes over the head of Nakamura for ball one Jason Adam right now having a hard time with his command [Music] Nakamura has already walked in this game he got the lead off hitter on Deck the 1-0 pitch got the call there that's a much better slider right there not Darvish to his favor they've taken a longer time in this inning yeah he's had a lot of time now he it's hard for us to know we're not down there but is that a lot of time to get ready the 1-1 pitch way outside ball two struck out murakami struck out okamoto the big Power hitters and now 789 hitters straight walks and a 2-1 count to the catcher Nakamura [Music] gotta find the strike zone here's his 2-1 pitch that is inside ball three wow he's just all over the place he's lost it he's lost command of his fastball he's lost command of his slider his go-to pitch I just think at this point you go with what you know best [Music] shaken as real Muto go through goes through the signs he wants to go through him again [Music] lived and die his whole career with his slider I would think the sliders what's coming excellent speed on the bases for Japan two one two out bottom six a 3-1 count here's the pitch it is not even close to the backstop ball four [Applause] so with two outs and nobody on Jason Adam has walked the bases loaded team USA's Bullpen this whole time has been quiet this is his inning they don't have the and that that pitch not even close and you say that's his comfort pitch that's his bread and butter yeah it's just not even not even close I mean one issue for Mark DeRosa and Team USA is there there are not a lot of pitchers that have the green light to come in in an existing inning almost everybody has that restriction where okay you can use them but you got to start an inning Kendall greatman is one of those who can come into a game in the middle of an inning but he's just starting to get loose [Music] meanwhile Jason Adam cannot be a good feeling maybe Andy Pettit can spot something and help him well we know one thing every time Andy Petter has gone to talk to to his guys they've delivered they need him right now this game has got to stay 3-1 if USA is going to have a chance Mars new car [Music] oh for three but with a run batted in Bases Loaded two down against Adam and he finds the strike zone with that first pitch that's a really good changeup right there boy that just it kind of takes everybody's breath okay now we can relax Snoop bar the first player born outside Japan to play for team Japan in the World Baseball Classic huge moment po1 is a high same pitch different result one and one [Music] thing the large new bar is known for in the big leagues is patience he typically makes you find the strike zone those are the runners [Music] a walk forces in a run here's the 1-1 that is a strike he got the breaking ball in there one to two that's a good fastball that's a good slider right there he's gone back to back change him with the slider living thy sauce huge moment in the game [Applause] the 1-2 new bar pulls it foul and went back to that changeup I I would like something soft once again but you really gotta trust JT Roman doing this at this point you really gotta believe in him It's gotta be down again with the bases full another 1-2 pitch way outside with a fastball just not these are huge misses so many of these that's just the ball out of the hand right there the new bar that's just a okay I'll take that for a ball now look at that he's throwing 30 pitches already only 13 strikes [Applause] it's two and two here it comes new bar Fly ball right field Mookie Betts is there it was not easy but somehow some way Jason Adam got through it Japan leaves the bases loaded sholay Otani is the most interesting man in the Baseball World especially on this night all eyes in the ballpark are on him he was in the bullpen he came back to the Dugout just in case his turn at bat came up it did not then he jogged back to the bullpen as well so we will keep our eyes on him Dave and Yonder very carefully meanwhile it is taisse OTA on the mountain for Samurai Japan and thank you JP I mean his spot is due up in the bottom half of his seventh inning second where he's going to close it out yeah yeah they want him for the night but in the meantime we got Ulta this is a guy who was lead rookie of the year he averages 95 miles an hour on his heater he's also got that nasty split which most of the Japanese Bullpen guys have he's been just tremendous he can throw that splitter whenever he wants usually lives on the top of the Zone with his fastball he needs a big inning here he pitched the scoreless ninth to set up the walk-off win last night Jeff McNeil gonna pinch hit for Tim Anderson here and trying to spark a rally in the seventh Neil takes outside of all one what a great weapon to have out of your your bench he's a batting champion Mark DeRosa feels bad he just hasn't been able to use him that much ton of left-handed pitching that was close but call the ball or Lance has been tight all game yep it's a small strike zone [Music] could be a huge play buy himself a fastball here you would think so top of the order up next and he gets a fastball but not close 3-0 seventh inning it's usually where you win or lose a game well and we saw the green light with schwarber up with two on there will not be he'll be taken here down two and it's Ball Four Man Four pitch walk Jeff McNeil [Applause] as we speak the World Baseball Classic championship trophy is being engraved what team name will go on the front there [Applause] definitely hanging in the balance and that was a good start for Team USA here in the seventh now one thing we know though with both of these teams they have not hit with Runners who scoring position USA oh for five seven left Japan over four with seven left somebody's got to come through got the call that time Dave this is the ending we call the bridge Gap you got to bridge this inning very important inning for both teams [Applause] the 01 mookie swings and misses that's a good split that's the split he relies on when he gets on top of the hitters now that's playing he's got two ways to throw it one that goes just straight down and one that really rides into the right-handed hitter's back leg so he's ahead of mookie Beto and two runner at first nobody out and very high with a fastball that's just to move eyes [Music] it's what I like to call the setup pitch for the next pitch see if he set up that splitter one to two he throws bats Line Drive beats hit just hit it too hard past the reach of genda and Team USA has two on nobody out but Mike Trout coming up when we talk about that setup pitch on the fastball up in the zone Mookie Betts has seen that way too many times setting him up for that splitter well guess what mookie was absolutely ready for it what a rocket to left field here we go runners in scoring position on your Bridge inning these are the Innings where you win them and lose them and you have the best hitter in the planet Mike Trout [Applause] started off his night with a double since then he has struck out twice what a chance here speed on the bases nobody out the pitch side and hit him I think it hit the bat oh what a break for Japan big time I was with you I thought it hit him but I think it glanced off the bat [Music] what a break Mike Trout might be thinking I wanted it I don't want to go to first base [Applause] circus captain and he come through protests been all over the place here 301 trout flying drag right field condo leads forward to make the catch that one almost fooled him maybe the lights maybe the spin on the ball a huge first out to get through trout the Hops are the lights and I think he was playing the lights the whole time didn't see it really well off the bat but had to wait to get in the right angles for that ball to be away from the lights good play so not out of it though absolutely not now USA oh for six with runners in scoring position all Goldschmidt comes up here he's over three two on now one out Goldsmith over top the splitter that splitter that is a tough first pitch [Music] [Applause] maybe starting to picture swinging them in so in two got him to chase all day he's he's seen a steady diet of Splitters still haven't had a hit with a runner in scoring position on either side with that three home runs in this game home run here would put Team USA back ahead down 3-1 the O2 is on the ground to short genda flips the second one throw to first got him double play oh two on nobody out and he gets through trout and goldsmith shohei one two three warm-up pitches okay now I gotta go back in the Dugout because I'm on Deck to start the bottom of the seventh inning as a hitter amazing the new pitcher David betnar for Team USA the American team had a great opportunity in the top of the seventh and the Big Time pitching got through it so it's still three to one fourth appearance of this tournament for betnar [Music] those are in the big leagues challenged him with a fastball there Jeff big wheel stays in the game after pinch hitting he's at second base that Gnar he needs a zero here and he's in the heart of this lineup right now but no better guy to do it than Benard he's been outstanding foul it's one and two just two hits in This World Baseball Classic allowed you know one thing garbage has been warming up for a couple Innings now I think he's ready to come in to the eighth I I the fact that he has continued to throw would make me think that that's true [Music] condo one two pitch fouls it off to the left that's a good fastball at 97 miles an hour right there once again we can look at the prior inning the top of the seventh do you have the heart of the line up there for USA and couldn't pull through they have just missed the big hit tonight they've had chances eight of them one two a little pop-up arnato all alone on the left side no problem for him one away [Applause] now Otani will hit after running some wind Sprints back and forth from the dug out to the bullpen there's just truly no Harrison there's no player like shohei Otani in the game where he may do both hit and come out of the bullpen not just as a starter it's a little complicated takes ball one fastball's inside have been has been the go-to against shohei Otani [Music] betting our throws Mrs the breaking ball 2-0 that's just wanting to overthrow that breaking ball right there that's all that is just gotta rely gotta trust it trust the timing of it I would be surprised if fastball comes here fastball foul back oh I love this probably the best fastball he's seen all night in Otani [Music] trying to go the other way with it so I can take underneath it shift on for Otani if he wants a butt hit it's available [Music] 2-1 and he drives that one foul off to the left another fast ball got him late got him late on that fastball this is great cat and mouse game so much fun and again the pressure to keep this a two-run game and I had the stages running out of outs you make one mistake to this guy and it can be 4-1 bed Nars 2-2 that is off the outside I would think if you score one more run if you're Japan you may not see Otani close it out Full Count now the 3-2 otali hits it hard and a diving staff from his D's the throw not in time ohtani big strong and he's too fast [Applause] Trey Turner great effort they're going to challenge it was Bang Bang what a great play by Turner right there the one hard liquor goes with let's see that's as close As It Gets uh when does the ball first make contact with the glove I thank him right there [Applause] that's just too close that is as close as it could possibly be now I've played against ohtani and I know he can hit and I know he can pitch but when people ask me what I think about Otani I think the coolest thing is the way he runs it's a quiet stealth speed you don't hear him and a lot of times first basemans they get to hear the runner and you'll know when to kind of get out there and stretch but with Otani you don't hear it I bet if Goldsmith kind of takes a little bit of a better approach to that ball get out there he might be out but you just don't hear Otani coming in I think because the ball has to beat the runner there I think he was safe I think he's safe too so he hit the ball 114 miles an hour he ran to first 30 feet per second which is Elite statcast Sprint speed and we might see him take them out later in the game and throw 100 miles an hour that was a great effort by Trey Turner even just to stab the ball and field it cleanly as hard as he hit it man what a player they're taking a close look let's see and even without the microphone the call Safe the place stands it's the bottom of the seventh inning and really no risk or very little risk in asking for a challenge there using a challenge [Music] that was just big time baseball there all the way around there was and now one out base runner for asataka Yoshida relatively quiet game for him considering how well he's been swinging the bat [Music] it's not out of the question that Otani could try to steal a bag [Music] [Music] very high with fastball walks have been a problem for team USA's pitching it happened [Music] I think I just think if you're Otani you're staying put right now on first Pace get that hold of Yoshida [Music] that's right there 1-1 on the count now but that was a fastball count 1-0 wanted to see it up he got it up he went at it That Swing was not a hit and run type of Swing no no it was not [Music] here's the 1-1 on back that again was a big healthy cut and yoshida's talking to himself yeah but that's why you throw those fastballs to avoid the rollovers to first base there's a big hole at first base if there's a rollover tany's going to third now you got first and third with one out that's troubles you got to stay hard with him if you throw them throw in the breaking balls they gotta be they got to be off the plate in a way they are overloaded on that side but still [Applause] different kind of Swing different pitch type staying alive it's one and two a little change up right there you know one thing Yoshida has been really good at swinging at the right pitches but in A Moment Like This stressful situation the bridge ending I got I like to call a lot of hitters understand that they can get aggressive is well I mean it was real close another pitch that was dropped by real Muto that just that just caught JT right there yeah it caught him late he was setting up as betner was getting ready to throw he was just a little late getting set [Music] possible it costs strike three two and two just hit on the ground to our anatom he'll flip to Turner the throw to first in plenty of time double play so the hit for Otani but Vedder gets the ground ball we'll go to the eighth three to one Japan Samurai Japan six outs from the title standing at the plate right now Nolan Arenado who in his career has a 400 batting average eight for 20 against the man on the mound you Darvish what a journey he has had he was on the mound when Samurai Japan last one the World Baseball Classic in 2009 that was still a couple years before he arrived and made his debut with the Texas Rangers Dave and Yonder this is one of the moments we've been waiting for indeed it is and it was only a year after that World Baseball Classic Championship the Darvish was a part of that he pitched out of the bullpen for the final he has not pitched in relief since pitching in Japan in 2010. it's been a while where he's up for the task I guarantee you that you know you talk about shoheel Tani being kind of that legend for team Japan well you Darvish is right there with him they admire him they love him he's one of those those guys that they look up to he is also a guy that these United States hitters have seen plenty of there is a little more familiarity a little more but there's also a lot of Big Time stuff back in the bullpen and climbing back on top of the mouth pitch from Darvish wasn't particularly close ball one and the knock on Darvish is just that likes to nibble a lot you see the games there and the starts they're both leaks in Japan and Major League Baseball never pitched in relief since coming to the big leagues to center field Duke bar is there one away thank you frustration for Nolan aronado one out here in the eighth inning and one thing we know about Darvish too is he's going to nibble he's just not going to give you what you want accounts that you want them he just won't he won't give it to you he'll go slider he'll go fastball he won't he won't just say all right let me see what you got here and he'll just throw you a heater right down the middle he's always going to be nibbling a Kyle schwarber oh for two strike one and a lot of backwards pitching where you think you have a fastball you won't get it where you think you're gonna get breaking ball you'll get the fastball [Music] he throws this is outside one of the moments of this game was the last time the Kyle schwarber was up [Music] two on two out of 3-0 count he got the green light out we know though he's hit he slugged up garbage in the past two homers off of him USA running out of bouts in this championship game and a good example there of what you're talking about enable Neville and Neville some more I've always felt garbage was always two steps ahead of setting you up he'll throw your first pitch to set you up for the third and the fourth one [Music] [Applause] now it's two and two to Kyle schwarber Here Comes torver blasts one foul my goodness it's either out in front or not swing at all easier said than done obviously but just the younger issues Darvish throws schwarmer pulls that one foul on the ground this time one thing I've noticed from the past my facing garbage is the longer you go into the bat the more comfortable you get with the spin [Music] if the idea for kuriyama is if Darvish is rolling just go with him all the way through the end of the game we'll see that guy is definitely lurking 2-2 schwarber hanging in there the foul ball I think when you look at this game it was has transpired just really good pitching overall really good defense he's got a lot of weapons [Applause] this will be the eighth pitch that Kyle schwarber has seen Darvish throws schwarberth lines it down the right field line but again just a little too quick and when you're seeing the swings they're getting better and better and better he's just got to simplify everything get a good pitch to hit up in the zone like he's doing right now you see that fastball a little sneak attack right there by Darvish but Jordan was absolutely ready for it he approaches up the window is up for schwarver and garvish is down [Applause] now the ninth pitch of the attack and a curveball that one is blasted foul thank you he's got him set up for a splitter here that's the pitch to go to if you're Darvish if you're schwarber though you got to think up continue to think up and really trust your eyes and hands last six of those nine pitches all foul balls who can execute that's it 10th pitch of the at-bat here it comes schwarber tries it to deep right field right into the second deck it's a one-run game wanted it bad [Applause] Dave the longer the effect for Hope for Team USA schwarmer cuts the lead what a swing what a not bad he got the splitter he was set up for the splitter the splitter was up and schwarber did not miss it what a change of possibly momentum thank you 10 pitch at bat 430 plus feet one run game now Trey Turner he takes his trying just lit this ballpark up totally has changed the feel of this game one swing [Applause] yo one the dirt there's that split the split was all about executing garbage did not schwarber did what a big swing and the salute Team USA is alive they needed a swing and they got it now their home run leader Trey Turner thousand back to the backstop he had a fastball to hit there [Applause] [Music] I think your manager is excited you think Rocky's excited thank you [Music] Turner pokes one right center field that's going to be ahead Trey Turner's got speed he's going to slam on the brakes as new car got to the ball quickly well one of the fastest players in this game is aboard as the tying run [Applause] oh he's going to test them all right you can definitely run on Darvish at some point here he's going [Applause] you see a little slurve right there that Darvish likes to throw [Music] so he gets down this oh man that's beautiful beautiful no lead kick no two-step he just widens it up and he says it's my hands and my eyes against your best stuff bring it high indignation is better than your pitch now the big time pressure on the defense for Japan as Otani continues to get loose Jarvis I know Cedric Mullins is up next at this point the Roses got to be talking into his Dugout saying okay who am I going to get in a big spot a good chance for a guy like Pete Alonso we'll see Mullins at the moment in the on Deck Circle first things first JT real new toe Turner at first not going on this pitch Muto pops it up behind shortstop it's Kenda and he will catch it that's out number two that's a big out for Darvish in Japan will be Cedric Mullins Cedric Mullins [Music] but he's been able to slow everything down and every at-bat off speeds in play here for Cedric Mullins you have Kyle Tucker available but not a hundred percent and not available to play the field Turner's got to take a shot let's see if he goes first pitch that one is driven out to left center field new bar though has a read on it and he'll make the catch foreign [Applause] Mullins each gone on one pitch but one swing of the bat has made this a one run game what a bat from Kyle schwarber will go to the bottom of the eighth it's three to two Japan this is how the night began Mike Trout with the Stars and Stripes shohei Otani carrying the Japanese flag in our dreams we thought that a matchup like this could be possible ohtani on the mound his friend and Angel's teammate in the batter's box well Dave Fleming Mike Trout is due up third in the top of the ninth and sholay Otani is expected to be on the mound all right JP I I just don't want to get ahead of ourselves but we have a chance for the true moment of this tournament that we were hoping to see oh man first things first Devin Williams gotta keep this a one-run game it's not easy against this hitter swinging a Miss for strike one or akami okamoto Yamato those are the three Japan here the power of schwarber has made it a one-run game the one strike pitch swung on and missed that changeup is so so good as for okami's got the the good swing and the power that and Williams got the change up and the good turn on it that is just nasty he can tell you it's coming and you still won't hit it oh and two [Music] and he just absolutely abused him we know these Japanese pitchers have really good split Devin Williams got the best changeup in the game [Music] it is not fair because he's got 97-98 in the tank as well you have to respect them both that's the Triple Crown winner for Japan who blasted a 430 Foot home run earlier in this game Devin Williams made it look bad so now okamoto who is also homework tonight for Japan he takes ball one [Music] here's the 1-0 there's a good take there 2-0 well Johnny was warming up now he's just pacing [Applause] he hasn't pitched in relief since 2016. [Music] I I think it would just be if he's the Darvish is in trouble we'll see 2-0 he would be thrown by now he had been throwing but I think you're right it is we'll see [Music] the first baseman is that one foul it's two and two Japan Japan is three outs away from a World Baseball Classic Championship it would be their third it would be the second team to run undefeated through a tournament Dominican Republic did it back in 2013. 2-2 it is low one thing with garbage though he usually likes to sit in the back end of the ma of of The Dugout he's he's top stepping right now like you know kind of looking at his film looking about uh what's going on [Applause] the 3-2 struck him out two down here in the bottom of the ace that's a good changeup right there he even throws it to the right he's they haven't seen anything like it it is nasty [Music] meanwhile [Music] wanna know from Williams [Music] is the 1-0 makes Williams so effective is that change as we know but even that fastball 91 92 miles an hour it just looks like 96. the hitter is respecting the change up so much and that change of speed just makes the fastball look so much faster [Music] Williams throws a strike that's why you see those tanks even Cutters counts because he can throw that change of whatever he wants more than not a regular outing I would tell you okay 2-1 right here a lot of change up counts for him oh well he stick with a heater [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two and two he's just sitting on the changing big mistake the changeup is his best pitch Kevin Williams with the 2-2 and Yamada takes Obama to change up off the inside [Applause] I would have messed around here I would just throw his best pitch action pitch needs to be a strike no fooling around [Applause] the 3-2 [Applause] let's go down to JP one thing to remember Dave with the history here had Hideki kurayama the manager of Team Japan was otani's first manager with the Hokkaido Nippon ham Fighters and it was kurayama who encouraged Otani to be a two-way player this would be the ultimate moment a lot of trust between those two player and manager another 3-2 here it is that is ball four imana draws the walk the eighth walk of the night for Japan I mean in a way Team USA has gotten away with that that's a lot of walks a lot of walks it just tells you the stuff that USA has in the bullpen right even with the mistakes of the walks they've been able to get out of it [Music] so their credit a lot of the walks have been to Yamada genda and nagamara 789 hitters Kenda has a hit and a walk the great defensive shortstop last time Yamada was aboard he immediately stole a bag he runs no he started and stopped and agenda takes a strike he must have either stumbled a little bit or thought he didn't get a good enough jump because he was going oh that was just a fake fake push right there [Music] little deal here he runs bench taking low the throw the tap hey foreign Team USA checking in the video room I want to talk about sweet hands for Turner look at him pick this ball right here wow wow and that close to being out no review really good slide back side of the bag that's where you want to slide but it could have easily been a runner on third Turner was able to trust his hands right there great throw JT romuto's got the fastest exchange and release probably in the world he did everything possible especially with a Change-Up call right there oh that's how you Japan plays so clean they do everything right the little things of even sliding we'll make the same point we did in the six now you're a base hit away from an enormous extra run with Team USA down to their final three outs two down in the eighth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you dirty through another change yeah locked there by JT staying real soft with it one leg down it's just a field block right there [Applause] a lot of times you get really hard coming down on the Block if you Legions on it okay very soft with it 2-2 though action pitch right here gotta get a swing [Applause] runner at second with two down here is the 2-2 geta on the ground to third Arenado has it throws to First and just in time to get him and that was very close Japan I think wants to take a look to make sure Team USA leaving the field Mike Trout do up third in the ninth inning aronado did he get him yeah he got him [Applause] [Music] so here we go Japan three outs away from a championship and look who's coming into pitch we're gonna get ohtani versus trout in the ninth inning of this title game the dream as the two greatest players in the world LED their teams onto the field for This World Baseball Classic championship game was could we get the two big league teammates not just head to head in terms of their teams but head-to-head ohtani on the mound trout at the plate with a title on the line could we ask for that and guess what we're gonna get it in a one-run game shohei ohtani whereas pitched brilliantly in This World Baseball Classic he's been absolutely fantastic eight and two thirds five hits but overall it's been incredible so Newt bar takes over in left field for Yoshida moves over to left and makihara is now in Centerfield Japan is three outs away from winning this World Baseball Classic trout will bat third and it's not like it's only Mike Trout here in the inning against ohtani you got Jeff mcdeal and Mookie Betts before trout comes up and you just can't ask for anything more than this it has been an amazing Tournament of one great game after another with the greatest players in the world going head-to-head we go [Applause] Jeff McNeil who walked in his first plate appearance tonight in some ways kind of the perfect guy to have leading off in a one-run game absolutely I would want McNeil here taking one pitch Ani show you a strike Donnie doing something he hasn't done in a long time first pitch ripped fouled there was no taking and pretty good swing pretty good swing right there on a good slider [Music] [Applause] thank you oh one basketball at 101 miles an hour but a missed [Applause] it's just so unbelievable of a watch a guy with this magnitude all the stuff he can do and hit him all 500 feet can throw 100 miles an hour nobody like him McNeil takes a little bit high ball two [Applause] you see that four seamer just riding employees the perfect guy up to the plate right now they they need a they need a runner he's their guy you buy himself another fastball count I would think chokes up on the bat 2-1 misses three and one [Applause] thank you Pat [Applause] oh Tommy McNeil fouls it to the backstop he got around that fastball kind of cut right at the last second miles an hour just pure I would think if you're a McNear you're you've got to stay hard with him you don't have a chance right here to stay soft it's hard and adjust [Applause] countdown three and two [Applause] here's the pitch McNeil pulls in foul well he did adjust right there so go with the slider little back door slider McNeil to his credit he was sitting hard He adjusted well right there Elite we've seen some Elite hitters today [Applause] the pitching has been brilliant too three to two here in the ninth inning has another 3-2 pitch from otami McNeil takes all four just a little bit long this has been tight all night and I think that was the right pitch and the right call wow missed down so now McNeil draws the walk and you bring in the extremely fast Bobby Witt to pinch run at first base what an absolute at-bat and Marta Rosa talked about it tonight it can steal bag whatever he wants they need a bag here Bobby wins the guy put the hitters up yeah you just wonder are they willing to risk that we'll see Mookie Betts and then trout one run game ninth inning that's takes a strike thread on the outside corner [Music] you got the right guys you do let's go to work [Applause] mookie on the ground to Second we'll see if they can turn two that's one that's two it's a double play and Japan is one out away got a good pitch to hit right there but we said it's at the beginning of the start of this game Japan will do everything right to win a ball game and they're one out away [Applause] right here USA's Captain versus Japan's captain first time they've ever faced each other they've been teammates for five years the best against the best Otani to Trout ball one we waited a long time to say that [Applause] speechless not much to say but enjoy let's do it [Applause] tawny's 1-0 and 100 miles an hour [Applause] is this fun or what Japan hoping to celebrate USA looking for heroics [Applause] oh Tony's 1-1 trout takes is unbelievable it's a hundred miles an hour cutting now that pitch just cut [Applause] that's a ball great take to this take though he's giving him the heater [Applause] two and one [Applause] the pitch count swings and misses pure challenge I wouldn't want it any other way best stuff against your best swing all right here we go [Music] USA down to its final strike in the ninth inning Otani 2-2 to Mike Trout here's the pitch and the dirt at 102. [Applause] baseball wins tonight wanting to see [Music] [Applause] three and two from Otani he throws Trout strikes out swinging all right [Applause] ohtani in Japan celebrate a World Baseball Classic championship [Applause] [Music] and on this night the great joyotani in Japan just a little bit better than Mike Trout and USA what an ending to an all-time tournament what a game we got to see what we came to see [Applause] Otani got it done incredible [Applause] [Music] emotions right there 3-2 slider gets his teammate mission accomplished for Japan [Music] USA with nine hits they out hit Japan nine to five one more home run from Japan I don't know if we saw that coming just a little more power and for the USA team the greatest collection of players in the world but you can see the disappointment a lot to be proud of they sure have a lot to be proud of [Music] Team USA doesn't they don't want to go back in that Clubhouse they don't want it to be over we talked about what this meant to Mark deroza and his family it means a lot to the players for Team USA as we see that pitch right there that slider you know he got his fastballs we see all the reactions [Applause] just amazing what a performance by Otani and what a game for the third time Japan champions of the World Baseball Classic back for more right after this all right we're back here in Miami which was just a tremendous host site for This World Baseball Classic quarterfinals semis championship game some of the greatest baseball that you could ever see was on display this week and we finish it off with a bat that you and I will be thinking about for a long long time oh no question about it and if you talk about the best players in the game well player a in ohtani player a a in trial and we'll take you into the F back started him up with a slider and then he just wanted to go to work well Tani did with three straight fastballs trout just couldn't pull the trigger a little bit late a little underneath and for me it's a 3-2 slider just unhittable unbelievable performance by team Japan but unbelievable performance all tournament by Otani we got the matchup we wanted to dream matchup that we've always been talking about well Tani versus trout Tani wins the first Clash yeah and it just was exactly the way you'd want to see it play out for Team USA the disappointment of coming up just that much short Japan goes undefeated in This World Baseball Classic that had only happened one time before the Dominican Republic when they won in 2013 never lost a game and in this instance with the different format this year the pressure of elimination as soon as you advance out of pool play just so impressive what were shohei otani's words in the clubhouse to his team before the game that's not fear of them we can't we can't look at them like we always love this moment [Applause] happens after every game with our team Japan salute the fans salute the team you you faced on the other side they never admired Team USA at least for not not for tonight and those were the words for Otani yeah you have to surpass that today they played to win one baseball game they played beautifully turning all the way around Japan is to to acknowledge the fans across this ballpark Hideki kuriyama who had never managed Samurai Japan this national team before what an experience for him just the best of competition that's what you want we are going to have the medal presentation coming up here momentarily so we want to let you stick around and and see that [Music] Team USA will get their silver medals and the gold presented to a team from Japan [Music] I [Music] here to present the silver medals to runner-up Team USA and they'll be commissioner Rob Manfred mobpa executive director Tony Clark and World Baseball Softball Confederation president Ricardo fakari [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I it's I'm sure it's bittersweet for those players for Team USA Paul Goldschmidt or anato bats trout he wanted that other metal but what they have done for this event with not just their participation their enthusiasm that was worthy of the other mountains absolutely you see the respects for from Team Japan they're all clapping for them out of respect they know how tough this opposition was but a lot to be proud of if you're Team USA sometimes in this sport you just get beat there's a loser and that's why we love it [Music] what a game though the memories of the dominant win against Cuba in the semifinals how about to come from behind win against Venezuela an all-time game two of the fans here they they've come it's been unbelievable since day one from pool play to the finals they have been [Applause] [Music] now Japan can go back to admiration they beat the Great American team on this night [Music] the coaches too Ken Griffey Jr Dave Righetti Mark derosas talked so many times about his coaching staff and the job that they've done the work they've put in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the presentation of the gold medals to the World Baseball Classic Champions Japan thank you [Music] now the gold medals [Music] going from top to bottom you look at this roster and everybody specializes in one two or three things for shohei Otani the leader he specializes in five or six things [Laughter] just remarkable this team and shohei even talked about it earlier today this is the best team he's ever been on and we got to see not just the established stars like Otani and Darvish we got to see the emerging Stars Roki Sasaki yoshinobu Yamamoto we may see him next year in Major League Baseball how about the kid today Takahashi on the stuff we saw from him obviously tarvish but murakami coming up clutch hit after hit with a big home run today just all around they play really good baseball solid defense really good base running and it was just remarkable to see from top to bottom they had to play that way they did they sure did USA side those those players will never forget their experience together [Music] they've got Ichiro's Jersey back up [Music] one moment right there [Music] right there appreciation for those coaches and a lot of these guys will be back they've already said they will the last player in line the guy who was last on the mound people deserved garvish and showhead both these Legends in Japan both of them Legends here in the states [Music] thank you motani [Music] three outs against two MVPs rookie Betts and Mike Trout to finish off this championship and he did it [Music] of course he's an MVP too [Music] they're waiting they want all the coaching staffs they wanted all the trainers to get their medal yeah they want to be the last ones and rotani and Darvish a whole team's gonna wait for them ohtani's graded everything he does except for waiting in line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the last one [Applause] who has been selected after 2023 World Baseball Classic Most Valuable Player [Music] [Applause] [Music] and no shock another MVP trophy for shohei Otani the most valuable player of this World Baseball Classic [Music] foreign [Music] the world looks at that man as the greatest player in the world and that trophy is right in front of shohei Otani the the big trophy the team trophy there it is so maybe shohei after photo time is over maybe he's going to bring it out to the stage I would think so they earned it he earned it [Music] enjoy that walk young man with the big trophy yeah okay trade one trade one for the other yeah trophy on behalf of his team is it's not light it says it's heavy [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] on the big stage [Applause] all right [Applause] [Music] everywhere in Tokyo and around the country of Japan champions of the World Baseball Classic he's not giving that away two weeks of really clean baseball two weeks of winning baseball traveling across the world started their tournament in Tokyo and ending it here in South Florida [Applause] and we have I mean that's an image that'll last forever but we had a lot of them not just in Japan but with so many of the teams we sure did day one to to tonight Venezuela The Great baseball they played in sweeping through a tremendously talented pool Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic playing for a spot in the quarterfinals and playing an all-time great game [Music] Joey Meneses in his two home runs for Mexico against Team USA what a great picture that is right there [Music] [Music] I would think ohtani will have a well-deserved rest I would hope so he has earned it he really has it's been everything we've hoped for it has and I did want to take just a moment here before the celebration is over to say thank you we've had literally over 150 people here in Miami to help us put these games on over the last two weeks just a tremendous amount of hard work from Chris Pfeiffer our VP of Live Events who does such a great job with all of these big events with us our great producer Bill Boland who did a terrific job for us game after game are extremely talented director Jason lobb our technical director Adam plout Dan Cochran who's our lead audio our tape producer Keith Costas his crew John Pat Eric Pete our associate director Mike Cass our Graphics folks Ian Harmon's they're a man Alex more Antonio Slater James yevin our stack cast group Pat Armstrong Johnny for production manager Stephanie Caron Sam calastro Ryan Delaney Jason Amanda Chris Monroe our Tech managers Andrew batty William Joel Raul Vegas our headed support Tech Ops director Jason Hedgecock our researcher Kevin Dillon we couldn't have done it without him oh yeah oh my goodness [Music] all the folks in our booth Carly Mary Jenna John everybody here Bobby who helped make us comfortable for these two weeks many many more behind the scenes folks who made these telecasts possible it was a blast sure to you me Amigo yes me amigo we started it little cafesito little Empanada in Spanish incredible it's been an absolute pleasure pleasure Dave it really has been it's been more than I ever thought and I so I gotta thank you I gotta thank everybody but it has been a learning experience an enjoyable experience and wouldn't want it any other way so thank you my friend we we get to see some of the best baseball we could ever hope for that's all tiny right there uh if I could do that to you Dave I would do that right now it's a lot less dangerous when the you can't drop shohei Otani he made it through the tournament you gotta take care of him everybody may get a turn a new bar uh just pure joy and I think you know if this game had gone in the other direction I don't know if we have seen players being tossed we would have seen the Joy on the other side yes absolutely that was what made this so fun everybody was all in awesome just awesome [Music] we did it you know we told you about there was going to be history made tonight no matter what Japan that has won three World Baseball Classics now three out of the five and only the second team to run undefeated they prevented the United States from being back-to-back Champions by prevailing here in this championship game so they won the first two and now the most recent addition we had to wait the pandemic wiped out the tournament that would have happened after 2017. maybe makes it extra special for Japan a country that cares so much about this event not only that but the second ever undefeated World Baseball Classic run team that just absolutely dominated from day one till tonight 7-0 only other team that has done that was the Dominican Republic team in 20 2013. rather than that it has been an absolute pleasure to watch baseball clean baseball wow at the highest level at the highest level and the proof that this sport is played at the highest level not just in the United States but around the world part of what this World Baseball Classic looks to accomplish I know we have a winning team in Japan but but baseball I keep saying this baseball one in this tournament we had so many great moments that you know that's tonight another great moment but this was this has been an absolute pleasure well said well we're gonna leave you with some of the great images of not just this game which finished with an all-time classic Showdown but the Entire World Baseball Classic [Music] it has been so fun we will not soon forget the great baseball we saw here in Miami and around the world team Japan the champions of this 2023 World Baseball Classic for Yonder Alonso and our great crew Dave Fleming saying so long thanks for being with us
Channel: MLB
Views: 8,012,973
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Keywords: mlb, baseball, sports, mlb highlights, sports highlights, baseball highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 58sec (11338 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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