Mexico vs. Japan Game Highlights | 2023 World Baseball Classic

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foreign to the center of the baseball world tonight it's one of the world powers Japan taking on one of the big surprises in this tournament in Team Mexico here we go and all eyes on Roki Sasaki you're thinking fastball all the way it's fastball and then adjust 102. boy Mexico has their hands full that's for sure if that's the first batter and that's what he was throwing Mexico Patrick Sandoval a teammate for shohei Otani well this is a guy who who's gonna mix it up that slider change of but those 37 fastball rate I don't think this is the bait pitch right here not so much an action pitch worked oh that was nasty right there in it that's the way he's gonna pitch today Japan's got their hands full got the call on the outside corner boy Sandoval's looking nice right now yeah it's so it's full on Otani on a payoff pitch ohtani watches strike three and how about Patrick Sandoval here in the first bunch of big hits for Mexico In This World Baseball Classic sliding down toward much center field that's going to be ahead so the first hit of the game comes from isak Perez the one out single with Luis orias standing in another one too it hit the pitcher maybe right in the midsection and Arias will be safe at first sounds like a punch to the stomach I think I think he's going to be okay though yeah that's gonna hurt he's going to leave a bruise but I think he'll be okay two on one out no score in the second inning a gun punch to rookie Sasaki but he gets up off the turf and retires his side masutaka Yoshida had a great tournament so far he hits that one on the line back up the middle base hit so the first hit for Japan Yoshida with a lead off single that's a good piece of hitting right there taking what's Sandoval gave him with that change up up in the zone to flip to Second that's one throw to first got him Double Play What a turn with the first baseman okamoto running just enough time to turn that ground ball into two outs one hit nobody left Roddy Tellez Owen two he's in a pickle right here big hole on the ground and nobody's there at third he beats the shift for the ground ball well that's a really good two-strike approach right there look how he hits this just gets on top of it doesn't try to do too much two-hand finish who had a base hit his first time up 2-2 behind third and it's gonna fall murakami picked it up off the bout so saki came over to cover so that forced teles to stop at second but back to back two out hits a team that gets base hits with two outs more than not becomes the team the team that wins the game Big Moment here but he goes Mexico's finest Luis Reyes Cuts huge what a moment he got the hanging splitter for a base hit in the first not bad hanging splitter again for a homer biggest hit of his young career three nothing Mexico with the way Patrick Sandoval is pitching he faced the minimum through three innings comes through with the second hit of the game for Japan and there will be a base runner on foreign [Applause] that one is lined into left face in so Yoshi does two for two and Japan is threatening and just a couple careless sliders right there up in the zone especially O2 these pitches cannot be at the top of the zone when you got them basically dominated too good of a hitter for that they'll take what they can get absolute rocket to left Center for a base hit and this is a very big at bat a big star in Japan see this file from Yoshida but you know takamurikami has not been smiling much in this tournament he's the MVP two-time MVP Triple Crown winner four for 18 without a home run now the one two three just could not get the swing off a shutdown inning now on the mound for team Japan yoshinobu Yamamoto it's a soft bouncer the second on the throw to first in plenty of time for out number three so Yamamoto comes into the game and retires Mexico without a run Patrick Sandoval has been excellent he misses with his first pitch of the inning to Kazuma okamoto [Music] [Applause] fly Ball Deep left field a rosarina at the wall he leaps are you not entertained this guy he just proved everybody that yeah he had the baseball wow What A Catch sets himself up sees the wall takes a peek and says okay here we go liftoff it's the only thing he hadn't done yet he's made a great catch now he's robbed a home run he is something else if I tend to pop like that it's just impressive how the ball just jumps off his back he winds that one to the left field and that's going to be a hit for Otay from one star to another rosarina picks it up and Otani trying to help get his team going opportunity third inning in a row where Japan's offense putting big pressure on Mexico the 1-1 they left two men on base in the fourth inning they left three on base in the fifth they left three on base in the sixth and another opportunity here this one comes with two down the 2-2 it is hit High and corner it is gone up the foul pole tie game Japan biggest game elimination game they've answered the urgency was put what amount of moment what a moment for Yoshida he went back to the changeup a little bit full but man those lefties you throw them down and in uh oh it's set up for Randy rosarina that one is right in the right field going back quickly and over the head of condo up against the wall a rosarina into second with a one out double you want to talk about bat speed Randy orozarena has just displayed it and the go ahead run is in scoring position for Alex Verdugo the pitch Wagner left center field that's going to be ahead and Mexico is going to go back ahead Perez Arenas into score Verdugo with the double it's four to three esot Perez two for three he's been a huge part of the Mexican offense 2-1 throw the tag tag got him at the play but another run for Mexico after the rally for Japan to tie the game a two-run eight oh sacrificing time yeah because you get the guy who's got the broken finger again though who's already given it up gotta get it down he butts and he does give it down menesus will look but take the throw to first and almost a disaster Maria's came over to cover and the throw was a little offline but they do get the out [Music] driven to left field a rosarina will make a catch knocking on tags he'll come in to score the throw goes to third it's a one-run game another hard hit ball Tracked Down by rosarina got the job done got the run in gets that fastball right there up in the zone yamakawa was putting on a display and batting practice today by the way simplifies the approach gets the job done try to keep this a one-run game with ohtani do up in the bottom of the ninth inning Fly ball shallow left falling and it'll be back to the infield the shortstop genda oh Ganda wow not an easy play so many things happening going back on the ball you got the left fielder coming you got to tell them you've got it right at the last minute pop your glove out and hopefully you get lucky and Genta got lucky so here we go bottom of the night oh Johnny tonight has lined out singled walked after striking out looking all the way back to the first inning Otani rips a base hit in the right center field a gap cut off by Thomas in center field Otani stops IT second with a lead-off double that was a preset determined swing taking what Gallegos was going to give him he sat on a pitch in The Change-Up and he got it and boy he delivered and now masotaka yoshido who hit the home run to tie the game his last time up he could win it with a home run here very high ball four and shooto pitch runner for Yoshida Japan is playing to win this game right here right now Yukio shuto the winning run lunataka murakami just has not looked comfortable at the plate at all he's been thinking about this moment for six years now he's too good too good even if he hasn't looked great tonight okay he goes looks back at otami the pitch is very well and it is [Applause] Japan will play for the championship be thinking about it for six years now a moment in the World Baseball Classic he will never forget a country that is going absolutely crazy in Japan
Channel: MLB
Views: 5,218,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, sports, mlb highlights, sports highlights, baseball highlights
Id: 6Ro-JHPwbow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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