The Top 100 Plays of 2023! | MLB Highlights

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[Music] well Benson has obvious power he is not yet Homer in the Big leops Smoke to right Benson's first home run is a walk up winner oh my goodness there is some specialness Happening Here with this ball club and everyone is partaking in the party will Benson's first major league home run is a walk-off Homer great two swing bait it no line drive caught by Longoria that's a double play he'll throw to second I don't believe it oh the veteran with a gold glove effort in a dire situation and the Brewers with the bases loaded and nobody El do not score Oh What A Catch loran to Second it's a double play oh my goodness Evan Loria saves the day with a lunging grab and they turn it into two outs line and picked on a hop by Machado from his backside gets him man oh man oh Manny Manny Machado able to pick that on a hop and from his hip Pockets throws him out you are out and of all the great plays that Manny Machado has made this year that might be the best the minister does it again he's facing Kyle Tucker who hits a high fly Ball Deep Right Center back toward the fence is Cody Bellinger and leaping did he make the catch yeah he did he made an unbelievable catch Cody Bellinger might be shaken up but he possibly stole a home run with an impossible play on the warning track Bellinger made the catch a leaping catch catch against the wall he fell forward held on to the ball the inning is over there's a drive Shon gets the angels on the board with his 30th home run and absolute rocket you make one mistake to this guy one mistake and Tommy finally made it and Sh did not miss that ball he is truly fun to watch he is tur to the best power threat in baseball [Applause] L Rizzo pops It Up Down the left field line tailing foul Garcia Rangers back went Sprints over by the tar slides makes a backhand grab oh what a play Bobby wit Jr Sensational again once again we know Bobby Wood Jr has exceptional range and speed so whenever those balls go up off the left handed bat or the right and head head that way Junior who's playing him to pull just a dead [Music] Sprint as Carrie Carpenter hits one to center field backpedaling Kier jumps and he's got it he took a home run away oh my goodness how do you like the new confines Kevin kerm up at the wall elevated and at the Apex went over the baby blue line and ripped it out of the sky the set o one curveball put in the air right center field hit well going back as Mullen still racing after it Lunes after it he makes a catch on the warning track diving head first in front of the LED board you will see that one on highlight reels all night from Cedric Mullin there was no way that he was going to catch this ball when it came off the bat Cedric Mullins Superman so here comes Pablo re the bases are jammed with two down swinging a drive sucked on the line and that Ball's gone and the Red Sox win the game Pablo Pablo AB about walk off granny unbelievable nothing better than that I thought that ball was hooking I was like oh stay Fair now the Red Sox with their fifth walkoff of the season straightway Center Julio gauging looking jumping and he did not get it oh he did get he did get it oh man you want to talk about sight tatis went into his home run trap routine oh brother right over the top of the wall in straightway center field Julio Rodriguez brings it back and Julio Rodriguez takes a home run away from Fernando tatis Jr and now one he's drilled deep to left field going back for show turning looking see you a two-run home run for Lewis and just like that the twins are up two nothing highly ball right field and deep Springer back turning looking see you he's done it again backto back home runs for l and it's three nothing twins unbelievable Roy slow is welcome to October baseball two advance two home runs this kid is amazing there's a five b that Center fail did he get it up he flips the back Bader get the roll it's gone it's tied Shon his 35th home run and it's three to three there is No One Like Him sh no moment piging up sh goes yard tied up wow Showtime his third hit tonight a game tying two-run Homer and a great back flip too by the way like that was it and what a time for a young man making his major league debut looking for his first big league hit to step in the Box high fly deep to Center trout watches It Go and it's in there samat Taylor's first major league hit it's a game winner a walk-off hit some OD way to wait for the opportune time that is special the man of the [Applause] moment BR it back ground ball toward the middle sliding play Henderson you out of your mind come on now I mean you're not you're just not supposed to to make this play gunar Henderson with a cannon I have no idea how he just got this play off he had to lay out to his left and then sent a bullet to oarn that oarn held on to to get a Rosara popped up foul ground long run for Machado trying to over the shoulder and he catches it a bobble or two but he makes the catch I hope Manny Machado over the shoulder makes the grab a couple of times and mustus is out number two that is one of the most incredible plays that you'll ever see the juggling act the glove keep it up in the air time it perfectly catches it barehanded wow in the air along the line in right long way to go for Jake follow a ground and he's got it and he's up and over the wall Jake McCarthy how about that Jake McCarthy up and over and he gets Dre Jameson out of a big Jam he holds on and the inning is over quick to his feet he hops back on the field high fives from his teammates What A Catch from Jake McCarthy he goes head first over the wall lands on his head gets up like nothing I mean this guy he is a running back two and one hit well left center field Robert on the run into the alley sliding try Robert oh my goodness Lise Robert Jr somehow got to that ball to make an absolutely ridiculous catch oh what a play Louis Robert with one of the best catches you'll ever see yeah I don't even know what you can say about that other than you got two outfielders coming together in the same spot and Robert was committed and [Music] focused s to Center fredle going back way back leaps at the wall he got it TJ Fredo tracks it down and ends the inning with a spectacular play TJ friedel just took a home run away from Ramone laurano what could have been a 3-1 game we are tied at one on a phenomenal play by TJ frle and that is why you need that kid in center field and it'll be man Machado who leads it off for San Diego in the eighth High Drive deep left F back goes Marsh looking up and that ball is very gone Manny Machado puts the Padre's on top four to three Dy with the rally snap give me some Son well there are home runs and then there are big home runs big home runs late in the game to break a tie and that's Manny's Hot Zone middle end he got the hands in that is the 300th career home run for Manny Machado now he's got to face Ellie day La Cruz who appeared to be consciously pitched around at times in his major league debut oh goodness that ball had a family in game two his first home run a two run Bomb John that wasn't just a home run that ball almost exited the ballpark the hardest hit ball by a red this year that was nearly 115 it brought everyone to their feet prodigious power oh my goodness how about the rookies first major league home run the bases are loaded for Bobby Whit Jr junior 0 for three with a pair of strikeouts High Drive deep lift GRE flam by BBY whn junr wins it Sensational to have your first major league walkoff a slam are you kidding it's only fitting for junior a superstar young player just in his second year facing one of the toughest hardest throwers in the world so the tying run is in first two on nobody out in the air right field that one back g walk it oh [Applause] Christ [Applause] Chic can you believe it listen to this crowd c stock series you just never know Rosario pops it up outside of first Harper is over and jumps and he makes the catch oh my goodness that is unbelievable and everybody held their breath for a moment he is just absolutely remarkable sometimes he is I mean this guy is almost inhuman he's like a cyborg I mean he just decided you know what I'm going to go catch this baseball doesn't matter how or in what fashion I don't know if he thought the netting was going to catch him but he said the heck with it I'm going in high in the air center field Robert Jr back at the wall he leaks oh he brought it back how did he do it Luis Robert Jr somehow absolutely thieves one from Chapman oh my Lord go ahead and put it on the Highlight Reel folks this one of the best plays of the year I can promise he jumped what seemed like forever Michael Jordan jumping over this wall he just hung up in the air forever right field over Brennan dies what a catch an incredible diving effort by Will Brennan he hangs on he never reached out to the last second what a grab by Will Brennan a tumbling diving grab right near the warning track in right as fine a catch as you will see by a right fielder wow Brennan charging back toward the warning track heading to the foul line he had a lot of room there but made a backhand catch fully extended and then tumbled to the ground and hung on Grace Thompson the Dodger star of the game Grand Slam in the first a three-run shot in the fifth no way no way Trace Thompson stop it for the third time Trace Thompson goes deep 440 ft what a night for Trace THS he has knocked in eight and the Dodgers lead 10 to one the three years that he didn't play in the big leagues probably seems a long way away right now wow T La Cruz backs up neber can run D La Cruz can throw a dart to first base well every once in a while you got to let it go you can see this ball another step back got to let it go probably not 100% but put a little more on that ball oh just a mere 998 mph across from third to first fastest man throws the hardest across the diamond to left Center and Benson started more shallow on extension he can't get to it windmill is on Benson throw to De La Cruz he's got a cannon it's fired to the pl the ball is there the tag he is out Benson de L Cruz melee Flores sliced down at home plate so Ellie De La Cruz wears baseball pants just like everyone else and puts them on one leg at a time but when he takes the field he breaks stat cast records he just broke his own record that was a 99.8 mph throw and Flores was not close the ball was waiting for him at the plate JT with his second attempt at the Double for the cycle he's got a homer a triple A single that one's out toward left center field going back on it is Carol it's over his head and it's off the top of the wall JT will pull in the second base he's got a cycle it's the first one for the Phillies since 2004 and for JT real Muto it's his first as well a little history here in the desert for the Phils gilion throws and it's swung on lifted Third Base side foul territory long run Peterson toward the bullpen on the bullpen mounds and he makes an unbelievable catch goes head over heels and he goes into the ace area where the the bullpen guys are sitting back behind the short wall down there and an amazing catch by Jace Peterson and the bullpen guys coming to his rescue and he he was literally in the bullpen and then held up the baseball in his glove signifying an incredible catch for the last out so and two and now holderman's one pitch away from an Immaculate inning here in the seven he struck out the side beautiful ining for Colin Holderman that was an Immaculate ending was it nine pitches nine pitches an Immaculate inning for Colin Holderman that's amazing look at that that's Immaculate one more can he get it 02 got him got him Immaculate Oho oo strikes out the side in that fourth inning and he does so on nine pitch pitches an Immaculate inning for Johan oo and so far the Pirates coming up with their second Immaculate inning of the month Colin Holderman did it at Tampa Bay and before that it was Juan nashio back in 2016 so it had been a while RZ inching down the line he's going to try to steal home and he's out Ramirez says challenge the play Jose thinks he beat him how about that Jose Ramirez trying to steal play he says he got the hand in before the tag of Perez after review call on the field is overturned what her safe how about that Jose Ramirez has stolen home plate Luis arise second most singles in baseball last year needs one of those right here for the first cycle in the history of the mar pitch clock down to one and that is going to get down a base hit the first cycle in Marlin's franchise history Louis arise the final piece of the puzzle the last team in baseball without one and Louis arise is the guy that is incredible so here's Byron buckon first pitch swinging out towards left field on the Run Austin Hayes reaches out a diving catch Austin Hayes spectacular play at left fi put him on the allstar team well there is a play if he wasn't an Allstar he might be one now this is about as good as it gets and buckon I'm tell you what Byron buckon smokes this ball just a rocket off the bat but hay an outstanding jump and I mean lays out those rally caps worked here in the ninth now Parker Meadows a chance to win it Fly ball right field Tucker going back Tucker looking up out of here what a way to celebrate your first major league RBI with a walkoff three run Parker Meadows walks it off into the mob seated home Tigers beat the estos welcome to the show Parker Meadows in a big way let at first nobody out eighth inning crack down the line back to the corner goes judge it is caught by Aaron judge it is so much more than just the home runs he is Superman this a big human being catching the ball and just blowing up the bullpen fence wow the bullpen door is open Jud slammed into the wall but he held out to the ball a miraculous catch by Aaron judge there's one away after a brilliant catch by the Yankee right fielder the starting pitcher the left-hander Andrew Heeney swing in a Miss strike three there's Heeney getting the chase face on the fast ball swinging him Miss he struck him out fast Strikes Out doer and he has all four of his outs with a strike out and that is strike three called he strikes out the side in order this time giving the Royals hitters headaches bringing it a miss this time with the slider well if anything Andrew Heeney could say he's done something in a Rangers uniform that Nolan Ryan never accomplished strike three he got him and Andrew Heeney has just tied an American League record for consecutive strikeouts Line Drive left center field Badu hauls it in what a play by Akil Badu a perfect route a great jump and a beautiful play great play by Akil Badu laying out for a pitch on the track he got a great jump I didn't think he had a chance at that ball what a play all started with the break he got saw that ball at the bat took an excellent angle and just cut that ball off off in the Gap tumbling to the track fantastic player kill but in Strider four regular season appearances against the Phillies prior to tonight there's a called third strike beautiful slider fro castios and he argues with Dan aonia fewest Innings pitched to 100 strikeouts by a starter since the mound moved to its current distance in 1893 Spencer Strider got to 100 tonight in 61 Innings Jacob deg Grom took 61 and 2/3 Juan sto so accomplished at such a young age 24 years old in his sixth Major League season Fly ball down the left field line toward the wall and this ball is caught by Palos right over the wall he robbed a home run from Juan sto that's a big league play in a left field corner to steal a home run from SoDo look at Josh palasio do it Josh and they take two from Texas it's in the closer hands now here is Paul [Music] seaal this is lifted to deep Center Alec Thomas on the Run Alec on the Move What A Catch Alec Thomas oh wow big smile from Paul seaw Wall to siman hit that to the deepest part of the ballpark but not deep enough to get away from Alec Thomas my goodness what an effort and What A Catch tip of the cap wag of the finger that was sensation oh that ball slicing away from him the entire time here's Altuve he's a homer shy of the cycle and Altuve sends one high sends one deep sends one into the Boston night 13 to4 hit number four for Jose Altuve and he hits for the cycle there it is needed the big one got it Jose Altuve homers for the cycle congrats to tuve a night after Jeremy Peña has a five hit night Altuve hits his first career [Applause] cycle here's a highfly ball from buckon right center field Mullins racing back to the wall Cedric up against the fence reaches out and makes a spectacular grab crashing into the wall and right center Oh Lordy Cedric Mullins on the third batter in the 10th pitch of the game Cedric Mullins no regard for a body that has been banged up he hopped in with his right leg and was able to catch about halfway up the wall with his clean and absolutely fly to Rob Byron buckton of extra bases a tip of the cap from buckton down the line it's only 315 down there and D Kat Zone what a play got him one down never quit on it beautifully done Dom canzone flashes the no fly zone in left field how in the world did he reel that in and hold on to it he went over a hurdled in left field by the foul pole again if Mullins hits a home run here put the bird bath on the front page of every newspaper I mean we take a single too but I'm just saying oh in the right field Mullins did he do it yes yes he did it's a tsunami Cedric Mullins completes the cycle and sends Camden Yards Into Water World wow single triple double and then a long ball here in the E to complete the cycle Marlins on every base for Xavier Edwards first pitch swinging Fly ball right field Hayward to the wall J takes it away right in front of the Dodger bll pad what a catch by Jason Hayward he is having himself some kind of game tonight in Miami oh he went halfway up the wall and right field to grab it what a play by Jason Hayward and the Marlins come up empty they leave them loaded we'll go to the fifth the Royals have a runner on First with one out and here comes Bobby Wht Jr high in the air in left field and Bobby Wht Jr ties the game home run number 20 history making home run run number 20 as Bobby Wood Jr becomes the first player in major league history to have at least 20 home runs and 30 stolen bases in his first two seasons that's why we call him Bobby baseball Janowski left-handed hitter the 1 and Janowski hits it high in the air pretty deep to right Tucker is back at the wall he leaves and he caught it Travis Janowski almost made it back to back but a catch by by Tucker robbing a home run what an excellent play got to the wall not too close to it so he gets DIY and at the Apex of his lead comes down with it so Janowski who had only hit one home run all year and it was off the Astros almost had one in his first plate appearance of the postseason Jose Altuve stands in one hit away from 2000 after his single in the first inning down the line and left and that ball is there thir is hit number 2,000 in altu's career and he is going to be out at second base altu hits one Fair down the line and left and thrown out 2 B 2K results in a single and an out at second base Jose now has out 2,000 hits congratulations Jose altu if there was every time the Mariners need a JP cord to come up big this is it slicing Drive Carter back he can't get it and a has win the game JP C comes up huge and the M season continues pure joy here tble park a walk off double for JP Crawford and the Mariners hopes are still alive for the wild card now here's Harper with another chance to reach 300 now one runner on first two outs 20 99 career homeall mercy and a high flyball to deep right center field could he have done it red fro going back toward the wall it's gone it's number 300 oh my God it is given the Phillies the lead W man Bry Harper has just hit his 300 career home run he's done it in his 1,4 81st game and the Phillies have taken the lead now here's Julio looking for for another fourhead night Hagerty run base hit Julio is fourth in the night Sammy to third that's another four hit night for Julio Rodriguez and this is crazy I mean just challenging Julio Rodriguez right now is just suicide new standard established by Julio Rodriguez with 17 hits in a 4 game stretch beats the record of mil stock of the Brooklyn Robins set back in 1925 Orioles this year 47 comeback wins most in the major leagues bollet drives it high and deep right field Cedric mullets has done it again do you believe this a ninth inning three run demolition from Cedric Mullins and the Orioles have the lead again holy smokes reay's first pitch hit get in the air right center field weamer back so is freck jumping and making a catch it's South freck in right center the ball game is saved by S freck and weamer converging in right center and somehow freck came up with that catch the Yankees can't believe it I'm not sure weamer and frelick even believe it what a defensive play by freeli fighting for a pennant race bloody lip and all I mean to tell you this is some kind of play do you have the feeling that Bobby Wht is going to hit the ball hard somewhere in this at batle you do and you hope that it's over the fence High Fly ball deep left field and the Royals 3030 Club begins with Bobby wit Jr the piece of Royals history it's Bobby wit Jr's 30th home run of the season and with it the first player in Royals history to go 30 30 and it's a standing ovation at cman Stadium 3-1 hit deep to left it is gone and it's a significant Homer it is number 300 on the season for the Atlanta Braves Atlanta just the third team in baseball history to hit 300 homers in a single season it's good at bad got rewarded for it some good pitches got into a good hitters count one more shot at RBI number 100 on the season for Marcelo Zuna needs a homer and you know he's going for it Marcel hits it to R get going yes 307 the Braves tie the alltime single season home run record the big bear with a big fly UDA with RBI number 100 and the Braves have tied the all-time record for home runs in a season 307 home run oh a diving play made by bz gets up and throws him out that was Unreal goodness you run out of words with Javier bayz jav bayz flying through the air back hands a scorcher off the B of proar one of the great plays you'll see two outs in the third he said I'm tired of seeing this toe bar kid this time I want it's my time to shine lay flat out got up and thre a bullet to Spencer Tolson that actually handcuffed torque at first base torque got the in between hop he want the short one of the long one he got the one in between but he handled it what a play by well the Marlins were the last team this year without a grand slam until Jazz hit one in the eighth inning last night and he sends this one out to right Center he did it again backto back days with a grand slam of the Marlins blow it open in the third do what you want to do jazz backto back slams that's his third career home run against Charlie Morton hope today's the day for all the fans here cheering him on for this Milestone one hit till 2000 there it is 2000 a milestone moment for a Pittsburgh icon back home touch City Maria and the kids how good is it that they can enjoy that here in Pittsburgh man it's hard to even speak right now a little beautiful thing Andrew McCutchen an amazing Milestone and the fans don't want to sit down what a moment here at PMC Park H to center field way back Mullins on the run at the track at the wall he leaps and it is caught caught by Mullen he brought it back one of the alltime great catches you will ever see he took a three-run shot away from Byron buckon that was real and that was spectacular he can put that on the highlight reel for him to get his first go glove he is getting close Kyle getting some deep popups but out it's fairly routine there's a deep drive to Right Center on the run toan back toward the wall dive did he make the catch I think he made a fantastic catch Mike talkman running full speed diving backhanded catch one of the best catches I've seen in a long long time Sensational tman playing around towards left Center this Ball's hitting right center and he's running parallel kind of with the warning track lays out in the track and just stretches fully robbery of extra bases of Crawford by the former giant tuckman hang a star on this one a fabulous defensive play so much accomplished already in his major league career his Hall of Fame career and tonight he has a chance to earn his 200th Major League win hung on and Miss strike three Kershaw comes back and strikes out the side he start to look at what Clayton Kershaw has been able to do a strike out for Kershaw swung on and missed right three rolling right along I mean it has been a vintage Kershaw performance strike three swinging Kershaw had enough of them swung on and missed strike three Kershaw screamed his satisfaction pet Alonzo on the first pitch from gral skyed into the air the Dodgers have their first shut out of the season and Clayton Kershaw becomes the 117th pitcher in Major League league history to win 200 games and the Astros have the tying runs on and will bring the go-ahead run of the plate with nobody out in the n and now it's up to Jose Altuve who is 0 for four today and Altuve hits it in the air pretty deep to left Carter is back at the wall leaves and it is gone it's gone it's gone it's gone Josel du get the Astros a 5 to four lead h like that Altuve is the Lone Star once again for the Astros Clear Eyes and a full heart this team just refuses to roll over and of course it's Jose Altuve the face of the franchise the face of this run that takes a 42 nth inning deficit in this all important game five and turns it around with a three-run home run absolutely incredible toi lives for this moment small man plays big 32 flyball Right Center K me a long run Dives and he's got it just when you think you've seen it all Kevin kerm shows you something else oh my goodness one of the best ever from Kevin kerm get up get out of your chair that one deserves a standing ovation a diving grab deep in right center field from Kevin km one away for Nick castanos castanos with two hits castanos in the air to right center field Harris is on the run Harris at the track he leaped and he makes the catch Harper might be doubled up the throw gets away the throw first it's over it's over Harper never tagged he couldn't get back and it's a double up to end game two wow ball game over Braves win I've never seen a play like that oh Braves even up the series it was back to the wall Harris went to the wall Harper took off he made a leaping catch to the wall fired it in it rolled past hes backing up to play was Riley he secured it through to the back doubled off Harper and the Braves even up the series craziest double play you're ever going to see what a catch by Michael [Applause] Harris bouncer back toward the middle linking into center field a base hit P's coming home the throw to the plate not in time the Phillies are going back to the postseason the rookie Johan roas with an RBI single here in the bottom of the 10th inning they win it 3 to2 the defending national league Champs will get an opportunity to defend their Title Here in 2023 three balls two strikes the payoff pitch fast ball in there called strike three Zack rank's done it he's struck out 1,000 different batters across his major league career just the fifth pitcher ever to do it welcome to a big big Club Joey weamer and Zack grank walks off the mound with two more strikeouts in the inning Mike Balman two outs away from his first ever Major League save France into center field hit well hit deep M he got it he could not be Ser oh my go he cannot have just done that he cannot have just done that the play of a lifetime kidding me that ball was over the fence he did it he did The Impossible Cedric Mullins took the game timee home run away from TY France that was it that was one of the greatest plays you will ever see and here comes Nick castios who certainly has swung the bat well in this postseason swung on H in the air blasted deep to left field no doubt about this one into the foot of the second deck of solo home run Nick Casados has hit his second solo home run of the night and the Phillies are on top three to one and this place is exploding two homers last night in game three two homers tonight in game four the first to do it 3 to one looking for the first combined no hitter in Tigers history it started with Matt Manning Jason Foley and now Alex Lang ahead of Guerrero from the belt the 02 pitch swinging a chopper left side charging in mckinstry on to First no hit hitter for the first time in franchise history the Tigers have thrown a combined no hitter and they have done it here today Jimmy what a win for the Tigers a no hitter this afternoon all right Corbin Carol a perfect three for three today he swiped two bases to get him 50 on the year and he leads off here against Ryan Walker and Corbin Carroll might have it right here Corbin Carroll goodbye well that got some history right there Corbin Carroll joins Mike Trout as the only rookies in major league history with at least 25 home runs and 40 stolen bases wow this this kid something he is on fire High Fly ball to deep right field sending Fernando back at the wall he leaps and makes the catch up into the year goes tatis and he robs him of a home run time the leap perfectly and brings it back into the yard it does a little dance oh W is robbery good oldfashioned snatch it back tied perfectly now that's some kind of nice there's a drive to right center and that's a gapper and that's going to be trouble no a great catch by Pete Pro Armstrong he came out of nowhere I thought Suzuki might be the closer one and then at the last second Pete Pro Armstrong came out of nowhere from dead center what a play he made an unbelievable second break catch of the game for Pete Pro Armstrong and now Freddy Freeman will come to the dish with an opportunity to get career hit number 2000 flyball right Setter racing on back Tucker he can't get it it rolls to the wall arriving at second base Freddy Freeman career hit 2000 and allog together fitting and proper it is with a double two doubles today he leads the league in two base hits and a standing ovation for Freddy Freeman hit number 2,000 this ball is drilled deep out into center field leote going back he's on the track he lead and he makes the catch leot tarz says to everyone you want me on that wall you need me on that wall he takes a home run away from yordon Alvarez and keeps it a 5-2 game what a Play No Doubt a home run if he doesn't grab it that's an 8ot high wall and leot went up there to get it highway robbery leot Tois this is why the walls should be this Hy i' love watching this play as a former pitcher there's nothing better taking a run off the board what a timed up perfect I'm sorry that's one of the most exciting plays in Baseball Luis arise four for four today getting ready to face another pitcher he did it again and this time he's going to drive in a run maybe two here comes birdie Hill score five for five for a rise and he's back to 400 Louis Ares for the third time in 16 days just a little over two weeks has his third five hit game I mean this is laughable you just sit and just laugh because he's he's putting on a clinic adward fires in the air center field tockman back back some more near the wall and he caught it what a oh yes he did good he saved the game Mike tockman with a game saving grab over the wall and the Cubs win jumping up putting his glove over the top of the center field fence and pulling it back what a finish the bases are loaded and the diamond back's hottest hitter is coming up swag base hit Diamondbacks win into score Smith Marte gets his third hit of the ball ball game and the Diamondbacks are alive and well in the National League Championship Series they win game three they come back home they beat the Phillies two to one on a walk up by Marte right guy up at the right time he got a pitch to hit and just laced it the center field catel Marte takes a Victory lap catel Marte puts his name in the books for the Diamondbacks their third postseason and walkoff Luis Gonzalez Tony wac and catel Marte and the Diamondbacks win for the first time in this NLCS and now deep short Bobby Wood Jr throws he got him you want outs above average that's way above average look at the fully extended Junior to his feet in his flag over the top of his throw he's got tremendous skills one hopper on the money beautiful play that was something else that was a full extension dive on the left field grass behind the hole between third and short a long throw he threw it with such force that he actually went belly flopped back the other way they pitched toos in the first you wondered if they would and he smoked a line Drive Homer to the porch inine left there's another long fly Ball Deep center field back it goes and gone to souvenir City Jose Ramirez with his second home run of the night and it's three to nothing Guardians career home run number 200 for Jose and what a bomb it was highfly ball got right field ref Snider back he's going to wave goodbye it's the first three home game in the career of Jose Ramirez Jose Ramirez with a majestic blast to the seats in right and Cleveland has taken a 4-2 lead cero maybe his best outing of the year or at least his best outing in a while four up four down with three strikeouts against these Yankees and here is Jean Carlo fly Ball Deep left field there it goes see you his 400th career home run and it gives the Yankees a 3 to one lead a milestone blast that looks like it traveled about a mile and he's the fourth quickest to get there in his career Jean Carlo a stantonian home run Jean Carlo Nolo he h a two-run home run a bullet that actually went over the bullpen and into the bleachers and the Yankees now take a 3-1 lead you know how you said that was a bullet the left fielder ail B took one step and I saw him watch that ball Matt Olen still tied at top the list with Andrew Jones for the most homers in a single season in franchise history high in the air right center failed there goes the record Setter number 52 for Matt Olen most home runs in a season in Braves history and he did it with an exclamation point Point 433 ft we've seen Seager go after a top of the line fast on the top of the Zone crushing could tie it with one swing the pitch to Cory swung run in a high drive deep right field this one is way back this one is history the game is tied 55 thead right field is on its feet for Cory Seager a two run Homer and seaal as his first blown save of the postseason the run scored often and it's a new game in the bottom of the ninth Cory knew the moment he hit it first of two on tap for the Angels every game crucial from here on out for an angel team in pursuit of a wild card spot he struck him out that was an unhitable pitch right there the velocity is there but the location's even better one hit today three walks he has struck out seven got him swinging eight for Otani this afternoon sh Otani goes all nine first career complete game shut out for the Unicorn the soon toe two-time Al MVP has never been better on a big league Mound here's Otani now with two gone still remarkable hadit a home run here in game two after throwing a one hit shut out in game one oh oh he got another one get going Otani has done it again Sant complete game shut out check two home in the night cap sha incredible show I I I can't believe this two home runs back to back unbelievable that man threw a one hit Shut Out game one back home runs you get married today you got to hit a granny right what if he did that on the day he got married for the 3060 season the first ever Ronald hamers say to left Center that ball is history and Ronald aunia junor just made history he has Major League Baseball's first ever 3060 season and he does it in Grand fashion and Atlanta has a five to one lead and oh by the way it's only August 31st and the bases will be loaded for who else Dr Evil himself Royce Lewis a high fly to left field Ben in tendy going back Roy Lewis with another grand slam his fifth career Grand Slam his fourth this season and it's four to nothing 14th home run and the fifth career Grand Slam for a very special Minnesota twin Roy Lewis is producing at an historic page and here's Altuve he already has two homers batting for the third time in the third and now he sends one to Centerfield that'll send Taris back could it be four to row four to row for Tu five and six at BS The Legend Continues to grow absolutely incredible he batted in the ninth inning yesterday he has hit a home run in the first second and third Innings today he has four home runs in the last four Innings and not a cheapy among any of them the 55 tie went out here in the bottom of inning number 11 adoli is 0 for two in his career against Castro adoli swings and the high drive to right field going back is Carol he's at the wall he leads that ball is history adolis Garcia has walked off the Diamondbacks in the 11 my goodness he's done it again the Rangers are awaiting ad doie at home plate he throws off the helmet leaps into the pile and the Rangers have won it 6 to5 ad does Garcia was made for these moments and the legend GR go Adis Garcia wins game one 12 years to the day that game six became synonymous with heartbreak game one becomes synonymous with ad dois Garcia the Rangers tied it in the ninth on a Seager home run they win it in the 11th and of course it was the does and now it gets a little dice here because aunia Jr is coming up and he represents the tying run well if you're going to get your 400 save you're going to have to earn this one the 3-2 pitch ground ball to third Harrison's got it bobbles for a moment fires across the dive it in time it's save number 400 for Craig Kimbrell and it comes in the city where he had made his Mark originally and the Phillies win it 6 to four a little individual history and a chance to soak it in in front of a ton of friends and family look at the smiles on Kimbrell's face that's a big number that is awesome first off heck will win but second off you don't get to do this very often uh this just solidified Craig into something really special the eighth player to only have 400 saves in the game second active Hall fan here you go congratulations brother well deserved bar will lead it off with a game heading streak in his postseason career and back up the middle center field base H make it 20 in a r for M catel Marte well another day another hit for catel Marte whose hitting streak is now 20 in the postseason the best ever well he's doing this a lot you see the second baseman up the middle but he pulls it to the left side of second base best way to hit the balls up the middle and he has been outstanding in the postseason Julio will B here representing the tying run with one out out to Center this is cranks it's way back it is gone Julio a game tying 10th inning home run number 30 this year another historic chapter for Julio Rodriguez he becomes f the 44th member all time of the 3030 Club get up God Julio ties this baby up at 55 his 30th home run joins the 3030 club with Alex Rodriguez wow he now my goodness everybody on their feet here at T T-Mobile Park the Mariners are still alive one of only two players in Mariner history with 3030 30 plus home runs 30 plus stolen bases he along with Alex Rodriguez who did it in 1998 and we are tied at five Ellie D La Cruz stands in and as he does the entire Red's Dugout is gathering because they know they have to watch this three for three triple shy of the cycle De La Cruz right side down base hit could he go three India around third India scores it's a cycle this rookie in two weeks of the big leagues post the first cycle for a red since 1989 ell Mania these kids are doing things that have not happened here in a long time oh something special here at the Ballpark and Michael lenzen one out away from throwing a no hitter swung on popped up Shallow center field Roa sprinting in he's under it he has space makes the catch and Michael Lorenzen has thrown the 14th no hitter in Philadelphia Phillies history he is being bobbed by his teammates as the Phillies shut out the Nationals 7 nothing don't let other people tell you what you can and can't do and that's man I I I worked insanely hard to to make this dream come true um I've watched every single one of noan Ryan's no hitters cuz i' I've always wanted to throw a no hitter and the fact that I just did it in front of this fan base I I can't believe it the much anticipated start here for Adam way wri looking to get number 200 in his career strike free bottom of the Zone wayo has his first strike out brings him up painting the corner this is just the the second time this year that way wri has pitched into the seventh inning and this crowd is loving it Adam way wri 7 Zer on the board terrific performance so far here tonight popped him up Adam way welcome to the 200 win clock what an incredible evening Adam Wayne Wright picks up win number 20000 two wanted to Fly ball to deep center field sprinting back an Harris Harris to the warning track Harris will leap and he got it he caught the ball you have got to be kidding me Michael went straight to the wall timed his leap perfectly and it was sorcery out there against the wall thing is right after he caught it he was the only person in the ballpark who knew where that ball was what a magic trick for Michael Harris two strikes on Travis darno man at second two down Kenley with the 02 pitch swing and it Miss he got him and that's 400 for Kenley Janson and he does it with a strike out in the ninth inning in Atlanta that has to be oh so sweet but the rander 400 saves why not do it with a flourish a cutter at 99 Amazing Story converted catcher career 400 saves and looking as good as ever two away in the N 33,000 73 not one of them sitting lier Peña no hitter for fber Valdez the first Lefty in franchise history to throw a no hitter a historic day for fber on a day when the Astros acqu IR ired a Hall of Famer fber goes out and makes his own bit of History he takes off again pitch down an in throw there's no chance two steals Santa Cruz had already looked a couple of times at Brian Anderson knowing that if he got a jump he's going home the throw he stole home the most thrilling man in baseball stole second third and home this is unbelievable he just stole home plate a Onan show here so often he will do things on the field you've never seen done before Domingo Hermon trying to join Don Larson David Wells and David Con in Yankees history baseball has noted A Night Like This since Felix Hernandez in 2012 Domingo Hermon one out away from forever grounded to third Donaldson has it there it is perfection for Domingo Hermon Domingo Hermon has thrown the 24th perfect game in baseball history the fourth perfect game in Yankees history and you will always remember where you were June 28th of 2023 Ronald one home run from history Patrick Corbin the Lefty is ready Hammer left field gone Ronald aunia another milestone in a truly historic season 40 home runs Ronald goes there it is he did it a 4070 season and a season unlike any other in Major League Baseball history for Ronald aunia Jr take the base and take a bow number 13 a 4070 man Ronald aunia Jr it took 35 years for this franchise to get to the playoffs it took him a half century to get to the World Series can they finish it off Texas is one strike away it's happened the Texas rang ERS win the World Series he struck him up looking it's over it's over the Rangers have won the World Series Ranger fans you're not dreaming the Rangers are the World Series Champions After 52 years in Texas 63 years of the franchise the waight is over and the celebration has begun so long to heartbreak hello world Seas series for the Texas Rangers champions in 2023 oh really this was truly special you know we we appreciate all your support but I just got one thing to say you know everybody was wondering what would happen if the Rangers didn't win the World Series I guess we'll never [Applause] [Music] know [Music] no
Channel: MLB
Views: 1,903,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, sports, mlb highlights, sports highlights, baseball highlights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 34sec (3754 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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