1995 ALDS Game 5: Yankees vs. Mariners (Griffey Jr's Winning Run) | #MLBAtHome

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lose. And now it's high noon for the Yankees hired gun decision time in the great Northwest. ABC Sports welcomes you to game five in the Division Series between the Western Division champion Seattle Mariners and the American League wildcard. The New York Yankees. Good evening and welcome everybody. I'm Brent Musburger. Nice to have you along with us Jimmy. The mood between these two teams is really stark here today but I guess the stakes are different. Let's start with the Seattle Mariners. What a contrast. I think I was more nervous around the batting cage than looping now a loop analogies loose. His team is loose. What does it mean to the Mariners if they win. Obviously they play the Cleveland Indians but if they lose I think they still win. This has been a great year up here record attendance. The club has had the best year in franchise history. The only player that might feel a little pressure tonight would be their starting pitcher Andy Bennett. He's never been in a championship game before. He's a free agent at the end of this year. If he could come up with a super effort in Game Five it could be worth several million dollars to that young right hander a little bit different with the New York Yankees. I think it's safe to assume that they were more apt to be Sleepless in Seattle last night. The stakes a little bit different for this organization very very quiet around the batting cage and in the Yankee camp and what would it mean to them if they won. I think it would be a relief to the Yankees. They had a great September to get into the playoffs. They took a two game lead in New York. They have a five to nothing lead in Game Four can hold on to it. So if they would win I think they'd say we can go to Cleveland. If they lose it could be devastating. But you know Walter doesn't have a contract Don Mattingly doesn't have a contract there could be a lot of changes on that ballclub. We have had some magnificent hitting in this series so far 19 home runs that's a high for any postseason series. You talk about a Seattle heart attack. Just look at the middle the heart of the Seattle lineup. Ken Griffey Jr. with a homerun to put in my head last night the traumatic grand slammer by Edgar Martinez. Tino Martinez hitting right behind him often goes unnoticed at all those numbers up hitting almost 450 seven home runs. Nineteen RBI eyes Now the Yankees have a trio equally as potent. That starts with Bernie Williams who has nine hits that's tied for the league these series lead. Don Mattingly had four hits in last night's game and of course Paul O'Neill had that two run homer to give them the five nothing lead they're hitting over 450 they have five home runs and they've knocked him 13. And Jim if you want a pitcher for game five in the divisional series. Well it's simply dial a pitcher David Cohen. Seven postseason starts. This is the first time that two pitchers acquired during the year have ever hooked up in postseason play. Andy Bennis of course is a fastball pitcher. He has to get his breaking ball and chain jump over if he's going to hold down this Yankee fastball hitting lineup. So one more time in this great series The Kingdom is ready to rock mind for these messages from our bases watching and waiting with the rest of us. The Cleveland Indians and congratulations to that organization and their fine fan. Joining us here today Jack Well Brent it was a scary moment back in the eighth inning last night during a Yankee double play when mariners shortstop Louis Solow gate slid into second base and took a spike on the inside of his wrist and broke the skin. And I spoke to the east wing batting practice and he said immediately I had no feeling I felt in my hand as if maybe I had severed attendance. He thought maybe he wouldn't even be playing in game five when the swelling subsided. They examined it closely and they didn't even need any stitches. He said It's Stanford but there is no problem tonight because normally I would be taking the day off but not in this case. All right Jack thank you. Here's tonight's Budweiser starting lineup for the New York Yankees. Same as yesterday Wade Boggs Bernie Williams Paul O'Neill Ruben Sierra Don Mattingly the on game day Mike Stanley Tony Fernandez and Randy Mallard set to tee off against Andy finish and Jim Scott. You've been there so many times in the past big game. He doesn't have big game experience as you pointed out. How do you settle down now. Does he get a hold of his nerves. I would say Brent that the one thing Andy Bennis has going for him actually has a couple of things an outstanding fastball a good change up and a slider but it pays to be a power pitcher if it's the first time in these situations because the adrenaline the noise of the crowd is going to pump him up. That will only help that fastball. The man behind the plate will be calling the balls and strikes and he's one of the better umpires in the American League. It's Jim Evans Danny Morrison down at first Tim wealthy moves to Second John Hurt suspects a third down the lines. Joe Brinkman and Rocky row. The umpires have been very much a part of this series and a couple of stories left over from yesterday's game. We will get to it. We had a brushback war that was intercepted by white men as we take a look at the lineup behind Bennett. That's the same alignment that Lupin allies had in the first four games. Vince Coleman then left Ken Griffey junior center Jay Beutner and right round the infield Mike Bowers Louis Soho. Jack talked about Joy. He's made more errors than any second baseman the American League. Tino Martinez wait box steps into and lead it off again. If the Yankees win because they are the wildcard they can not have the home field advantage in the league championship series. So they will go to play for the Indians will jump to the catcher Danny Wilson was very active yesterday unable to stop just one bad pitch thrown by the child and he's a one time high school goaltender reacted by that is a lie fastball that Venice has brought the game five not very often do you throw a fastball by Wade Boggs and he swings and misses. Now let's see what the hottest Yankee in terms of number of hits has to offer as you watch this strike again. Swung right through it something Boggs does not do often look as if he is just missing on that outside. That's going to be his key as it is most of the time from pitchers even if you throw hard yes get the change up over and the slider because eventually these Yankees will catch up with the fastball fighting breaking ball Boggs with the fastball and that one with the hard slider Paul O'Neill and Dennis looks very eager to go to work. Good pitchers are always ready to fire. They can't wait did not miss by much. Anderson might have looked down at that ball kind of game. You won't see Andy Bennett Sam still very we saw it in yesterday's game from the mound. Pitchers were trying to spit and they couldn't do it. That's how tight things were. Third base umpire John Hirsch back. He will be a key man Brent. John Hurt back. The Yankees have seven left hand hitters and Venice is going to try to go down in the 95 division series game brought to you by the cars and trucks. Thirty six billion people depend on every day genuine Chevrolet. The makers of Advil Texaco having lead Formula 3 motor oil now here's tonight's Budweiser starting lineup for the Seattle Mariners. One change for Lupin he has dropped third baseman Mike flowers to that spot. Dan Wilson jumps ahead of him but coach the top party Vince Coleman Joy core must keep him off because the next hitters have wreaked havoc. Ken Griffey Jr. my teammate Tino Martinez and even the sixth man Jay Beutner and Louis Soho has been a dangerous out for the. And when you talk to the Mariners hitters about David Cone it's not very often you hear left handed hitters say this guy has got a nasty slider left he's like they hit the slider cone and that's what he did in Game 1 has a good slider. Good football the blister on the middle finger is healed. He has no problems and he has his full four days rest to me which finger did you say that blisters on on the on the middle finger and he thought it was from throwing the football it bothered him for a couple of starts but it's all right now. Yankees in the field FDR and James and left Bernie Williams and center Paul O'Neill in right golden gloves in the infield box Fernandez and Mattingly Randy Ball already at second. Mike Stanley outstanding behind the plate. Walter so well no to see Don a little bit shaken not only physically but mentally at one time he would have a chance to review that play for him now. Here is Vince Coleman and he gets on base especially some of the largest crowds in the history of this franchise Seattle waiting 19 years. Two biggest acquisitions for the Mariners middle of August. They got Vince Coleman middle of July. Norm Charlton. That's what's really helped turn this team's fortunes around. Get out of the bullpen of course. In the end the center field and Bernie Williams comes into that's the thing about David Cohen. He is a pitcher and Coleman can't do their damage when they can slap it off the well like Coleman Carr has a switch in her and he'll be batting left handed. And after Coleman coaxed to walk in that fateful eighth inning yesterday it was Cora's right but which really ignited the rally and helped set the table for Edgar Martinez's grand slam home run. High in the air shallow center. And this time Bernie Williams so quickly to fly out here at the bottom of the first inning. He's enjoying a monster for home runs. But the Yankees get a little bit of an edge anytime you can get Griffey up without anybody on base. It's an advantage. Outmost of the season are half of the season with at risk the injury and his timing has come back at a perfect time in September. He was still a little sluggish with the bat but here in postseason play like a lot of stars they elevate their game Griffey certainly has close to that inside Garner and that's what pitchers do in games like this you feel out the home plate umpire and find out what that zone is going to be how liberal how tight and now the mariners are out in order. Here we are through one. It's scoreless in the Seattle gym. Let's take everybody back. Yesterday we had a brushback incident might have been ignited. But for some quick work by the umpire Marzio and umpire Joe Brinkman had a session to settle it out on the mound. Actually it's good gamesmanship by Lou Piniella Scott Kaminsky who analysis consistently throws up a new knockdown Joey Cora and he had even talked about it with his bench coach before the game. Julia said if they do that I'm going to instruct my pitcher to knock one of the Yankees down. Joe me intercepted it and what Lou said it took all the inside pitches away for the rest of the game and hit his hitters to dig it and they did. Now Rubin's hero steps in standing bounds and there is one that is high and Sarah is moving around a little bit in the batter's box. He has been quiet as the designated hitter since the shifted here today. Bingo hit deep what was interesting about the scene on the mound yesterday and those of you who were watching along with us remember that Brinkman and Rocky rose a long time out there on the mound. The fact is that Baggio did not believe the messengers when they said it's off or not thrown at anybody. Lou Piniella had to come off the bench to tell Basie look that's right. We're not going to engage in any warfare. What got lost in that wild game yesterday and the gamesmanship we talked about is this guy Mattingly tough day in the field but he had four hits so far it has been a small spike in his game. Evans the right hand that time the ball in the strike those that have not seen a lot of Mattingly one thing he's added in the last month is a late kick. Like so many big league hitters do stood up the level stride he'll pick that front leg up as dangerous pitching coach a couple of pitchers like that and we'll see Buck show off and try to do the same thing. Piniella did so the Evansville connection and Andy finished looking in at the player he grew up admiring Don Mattingly and he Dennis might be a little in all right now growing up and going to the universe. You almost get the feeling after that wild one yesterday that everybody is swinging the hitters are kind of feeling their way through the first couple of innings here. Yesterday everybody was digging in from the heels cut and slashed from the first pitch. We did not have any any either the Yankees or the Mariners or retired in yesterday and so far here today we haven't had a single major flash filing out of play. That's what tells you what is different about the game of baseball every day are the starting pitchers and it's going to be a little tougher to score runs against these two guys with good thinking. Last year. Strike didn't bother him a bit. He was playing baseball in Louis Polonius probably watching this game. He's a member of the Atlanta Braves was the Yankees starting left fielder James is really a better. He was born in New York and raised in Puerto Rico and now he is coming to Seattle to hunt the New York Yankees for many of you. I know the Seattle Mariners exist only in box score but you are looking at someone who is one of the great players today. And we do not use that loosely one of the few times that we have seen a wild swing against that fighting breaking ball offered up by slider and that's the key to David Cohen's game. Promised to me by National League friends and I wouldn't bring it up but here it is when we look at Edgar Martinez. We've got to say that without the designated hitter rule we would not have things he would not exist in baseball at all. He was a third baseman hurt his knee can't play on the field but he can get Evans is going to make sure that that pitches up above the knees at least that's what he's indicating to both sides. So far not many right handers can boast that number against David not that one in the count now is in favor of the Yankees have to feel good about this. They kept it in the ballpark. Actually it was a good pitch by David. The turf here in and Edgar takes the low pitch off the turf for bouncing single Tino Martinez. Non brothers. This the first baseman. There is one birthday today that we will not be celebrating. Thirty nine years ago Don Morrison fits that perfect game classic over the Brooklyn Dodgers final goes to nothing. And if you had not followed the Yankees Bucs show after more than any manager I've been around the big leagues in 36 years will pay close attention to base runners Edgar Martinez is not a threat to steal their rhythm pay too much attention to guys who are not threats to steal and you'll probably see a bit of that. That was not a steal but a hit and run. If you're looking back at San Fran last year to see if it's on again both of these managers will try to get an early run the riverboat gambler take a chance. Six of his nine pitchers to stay alive yesterday and today his ace Randy Johnson available if he needs a foreign any out of play now they've changed their allegiance today. I think Brett the Cleveland Indians they like to see the Seattle win and all those pitchers forced the game 5 4 David Cohen but now I think they would prefer to see the Yankees. The Yankees would go to Cleveland. Mike Stanley is looking up at a bar that runs across directly behind home plate in a ball that has hit foul right behind home which strikes it as out of play. But it is possible and I have seen several here in the past in the kingdom come back down. They are cut by a catcher. But that is out of play now. My dad is one ball and two strikes there's a few of those things can happen in the kingdom may have some saviors that did come into play also. And those of you who've seen games in the Astrodome and the Metrodome are aware of that Stanley also did a good job behind the plate yesterday. There is the speaker that Jim Carr referred to in that. I mean let's talk about that well that most of them are in foul territory and it hits the speaker goes the ball is in play you can catch it that's what's been impressive about this Mariner lineup. Geno Martinez getting better every day uses the whole field the other night they had the bases loaded in three so now Lou Piniella has a choice. He has a power hitter. J.B. you've heard that a number six. He hasn't had a whole lot of RBI production from his bottom third button the way Andy Bennis is throwing right now Piniella want to play this and move the winners along. Let's find out. Yes shock if you're trying to and certainly not there. Taking this strike right at the knees sacked the most dramatic game these two teams had on August 24th David Cohen started Beutner hit a first inning grand slam. That was cannot move out of a good job by Stanley behind the plate. Now those little plays could be big in a game like this. North Charleston through a few of those 56 foot football fights and fights and then digs into the pocket the last few feet. That's what David Cole slider does and he gets right up to the hitter and his first strikeout victim. Here comes one of those handy fellows to have allowed Louie Soho got the big hit with the bases loaded against the Canterbury angels with that one game playoff which won the W for the Mariners. He'll give up the shortstop job next year and then wonder Can Alex Rodriguez. But who knows who will finish on that is a long way to September and October and the baseball season and really good man to have around there was the extra. He is active man Luke Canelo would have liked to have had at the plate with nobody out. So with good ability to hit the ball the other way if you look at him facially remember the big red machine. He looks a lot like David Concepcion. Concepcion was his idol Louis's from Venezuela. He was lauded for that somewhat nullifies the strikeout by Beutner. There's the spin on that breaking ball that Mike Stanley has to contend with. Fernandez checking with Stanley. They want to know what side in time to get a man on second the sign sequence from the catcher will change. Tony wants to make sure he's got the right one cheat a step on the breaking ball. Oh and the infielders are back. Was Edgar Martinez is not the swiftest in honors and Soho hits of the year with Christine that's good situation for Buck Showalter when you talk about the infield first of all Tony is a fly ball pitcher but if he were to hit a ground ball it's lively turf that gets to the infielders in a hurry and Edgar Martinez does not have good speed help cone out his second strikeout here on a row Beutner and so now it becomes the number eight in Danny Wilson and a big strikeout. That's something David Cole has been able to do in postseason play make good pitches with men in scoring position. He did not do that as well during the regular season that's perfect spot up and in no way so a can get the barrel to it. Well let's see if Manila's lone lineup move pays off here. He jumped. Wilson the head of flowers to bat. And wouldn't you know it. Bottom of the second Wilson comes up with it's a wonderful game isn't it. One day it belongs to the hitters and the next day it belongs to the pitchers. This Bud's for the blues the reds and the Warriors This Bud's for the Giants the jazz and the magic this Bud's for the home team no one but no one wants to go to Cleveland any more than George Steinbrenner as you see behind Reggie Jackson there in the second row remember that's where Steinbrenner is from. How great would it be for him to take this Yankee team in. Well will they make it anyway. The first game regardless of whether it's the Yankees or the Mariners Tuesday 8:00 Eastern 5:00 Pacific time we'll have regional coverage of both the American League Championship Series and the National League. Congratulations go out certainly to the Atlanta Braves and the Cincinnati Reds. The National League series figures to be a great when the Reds may be better than some of you think they are. Those of you who haven't had an opportunity to watch them. That is a loaded baseball team Mike Stanley now steps in here at the bottom of the third Yankees looking for baseball just any indication that they can jump on finish and put something together. I absolutely think that this crowd is emotionally draining. They are now in this third inning one of the largest crowds in the history of the franchise. And you can actually hear somebody speak here for the first time in about three shut ground ball base hit left field the Yankees with their first base runner yeah they'll need some of those double lattes and they serve up here in Seattle today. There's no way a crowd can get up and down for 4 1/2 hours like they did yesterday. You see they're waiting Mike Stanley good low ball hitter takes advantage of the turf to get through that infield in a hurry here in the kingdom but show after uses the sacrifice. But less than any manager in the American League. But this is a different game. David Calderon things could be different. Lowry is in the line at third base see him just in case one ball and one strike. Now we're in the top of the third inning. This is the Yankees and the Mariners with Jim Evans behind the plate and they finish on the man and Wilson's the catcher. This is game five classic Lambeau Wilson sets up outside and it looks like Fernandez was trying to slap it to the left side and advance the runner so whole comes in and can make that play by himself the Mariner infield not one of the best in the field in the American League during the year but they've only made two year two errors here in the division series that's amazing. That is the first ground ball double play that Venice has recorded. To see that an open like cone is a fly ball pitcher and a strikeout pitcher so handy Randy baloney. Listen. Backing away backing you mentioned Randy malarkey the all purpose player he plays left third short second and he and Don Mattingly are the only two Yankees left over from when Lou Piniella managed the Yankees winning foul ball. This is an interesting umpiring group Jim Evans like Joe Brinkman down the left field line both crew chiefs and they were all relaxed down the line watching NFL football with great sports fans except said to Rocky I said Rocky Gemini only had a really second guessed you on one pitch yes they looked up he said oh and my wife had me on for he had a good day as he did do two and two out now well a very unusual play featuring Don Mattingly yesterday because he made a little bit of a mental blunder ordinarily he's one of the finest first baseman around we're going to take you back the game for Randy melody first of all the second baseman made the first mistake not flipping it Fernandez beat it Mattingly said I never should have thrown that ball went into center field that allowed the Mariners to score the tying run a little low number nine after like class stepping in for the Mariners like Jays owner spent some time with the new york yankees has not been making enough contact to satisfy analysis so far in this playoff series hits during the years 96 RBI. That's pretty good ratio Jimmy. So far Cohen is doing an excellent job of TV outside. That's why the Yankees got him four games like this last oh and two he wasted lookout breaking ball when you think wonder David Cohen he doesn't look like a large physical specimen but he gets a lot leverage from rise up when he makes that turn. Gets a move into that motion now. There is a difference right there in the game today in the game of about 15 to 20 years ago. That pitch here's the rock. See the head will actually go up and then down toward the hitter. But that was a hanging breaking ball that flowers took a very hit a ball pitch with hitters today like the ball down in the zone 2 2 from Tony an open stance close it down. We see so many of them with that open stance like flowers when they shut it down. You'd want a song off inside that they couldn't handle that good pitch on the inside. But it's not where they start. It's where they finish it like Beutner from the open stance he will stride into the ball and get in a closed position. Paul O'Neill O'Neill coming off a big moment yesterday when you watched his Buckeyes behind it beat Penn State grew up in Columbus Ohio. Huge Ohio State fan that ball looked like it was close to one of those outfield speakers. We talked about that. All right play back Ken Griffey Jr. hit one early in the year off the speaker into the third deck for a homer Hutch contrast in the top of his batting. Wade Boggs and Bernie Williams Three hundred hitters that don't use their speed. They do some damage. Coleman and Cora at the top of the Mariner lineup. Slap the ball. Steal bases get run third base. The front of that white line you know it's interesting. You certainly can remember decisive games at the Metrodome in Minneapolis was never quite here subdued sort of on their hands waiting for something to happen. Williams shallow center field and that's the second half a lot of anticipation in the crowd waiting for something to happen. So the Giants go out and O.T. the woeful Jets lose again. Seattle's football team struggling while the baseball teams fortunes soar. Tampa Bay by a field goal And how about the job that Tom conflict is doing with the Jaguars in Jackson Troy Aikman comes back early and in overtime big this is Joey coral and he is up there with two out now. What's important about this out right now. You see the Bears score another over what's important. Cone gets in and this runs deep to right likely source. Joey who only had three home runs during the year gets a high fastball. David Cole gave up twenty four. That's his career high. It's been a problem back in one nothing Seattle. Bottom of the third inning on the inside. I was all set. Let me complete the sun. What was so important about that out there. You get Griffey up with nobody. Guess what folks he's up with nobody else. But your dog walkers are up there pitch Griffey helped him out that dog. And he's down no balls and two strikes to there's another free agent signing that he would. The general manager signed that to strengthen this ballclub joint for playoff experience with the White Sox. There is you can see down in that bullpen area and the California Angels are going to be interested in what I'm about to tell him. Because they had that ball by Soho go in underneath that bench down there and Soho came all the way around the bases. Anything going down there in this series stopping underneath is gonna be an automatic ground rule double this ain't inside against Griffin that ground rule was altered prior to the start of this series by this umpiring crew in agreement with the two managers one ball and two strikes hit in the air right field. But this one is playable and with all these great players it's Joy Carr who hits the back with more after this from our ABC station will meet again. Don't know where Don't know when we'll meet again some sunny day ninety five Division Series game is brought to you by network MCI. How to get modern communications technology working for your business. Buick in your local dealer is remember Buick the new symbol for quality in America and smooth Busch beer and easy drinking one. The Yankees nothing. Second time around for Wade Boggs and what impresses you so far about Andy Bennett the fact that he's aggressive early in the count. Other times I've seen him he's been a little tentative falling behind for business because Boggs is the hitter that the Yankee lineup looks at. He sees a pitcher once they go up a little different thought. He comes back to the bench. They work him into deeper counts. It's a left field fence Coleman drifting over measures. So that again Brandon is what's impressive about Venice. Bonds was not able to take him to a deep cut. He's getting ahead and making the pitchers pitches to put him away. Jim I know you spent some time with Lou Piniella. And what about Randy Johnson. Is he available at all today. He if the Mariners have a lead and Norm Charlton is out of the game or not pitching effectively you will see him for maybe one inning at the most. So here's Bernie Williams against Bennett's ego. Yes he did. Savage did not hesitate in asking him on that to some umpires will take their time before they go down there. But Evans gets a quick call from the third base umpire. There's that check swing on the down and away pitch that is going to be so important we'll see Jon back to now with a one run lead. This the decisive Game 5 winner moves on to the American League Championship Series against the Cleveland Indians. Let me go back on that point. Why do you think the Indians other than the obvious the home field want to play the game. Well they they respect both ballplayers but if they have to come in here with this hostile crowd they'll look at Randy Johnson probably in Game 1. If they play the Yankees David Cohn will not start Game 1. Neither will Jack McDowell one out of Ernie McDowell will be available in the bullpen today as William it'll be Johnny Hall staff. If the starter can hold him he'd be available and if the Yankees win it probably. Andy Pettitte they're fine. Rookie left hander would start Game 1 and Jack McDowell would be available for two. But he also has a mantle today if they need him in an emergency. Ernie Williams has coaxed a walk off Venice and a reminder of what's coming up on out on ABC. Let's start off with the Marshall Jeff Fahy in a brand new episode in NFL Monday Night Football. Al and Dan and Frank will take you along with Lynn Swann at the San Diego Chargers and the Kansas City Chiefs. Should be a good football game. Great study down there in Kansas City for an NFL game. It's a little bit like the now Paul O'Neill in for his second at bat went out early on at first base. O'Neill saw a lot of benefits in the National League and he hits him well. 350 almost a 350 career average Yankees don't steal off Bernie Williams the great center fielder. Good all around athlete but he does not have good base stealing instincts. That's why he's not been able to utilize that speed as well. The Yankees like the sacrifice but they also steal less than any team in the American League. Do you think the Mariners again. He does look Howard O'Neill's got one out there. Put it on the scoreboard and the Yankees bounce ahead on O'Neal's home run. There is a tradition that perhaps started at Wrigley Field was the first place where I was ever aware of it and never souvenirs. That's been a tradition for the Yankees in this series Paul O'Neill with two run homers he hit the two run homer yesterday to give them a five nothing lead. And now again he continues to hit Venezuela like he did in the nationally gotten on top of that high fastball. And Ruben Sierra with one two or three at centerfield and the second screen away quickly at that first pitch. Anderson hesitated before he brings it home and now Don Mattingly will step up with the Yankees leading for the first time to one here in the top of the fourth inning in that classic back in the Bronx. Yankees came from behind four times that a postseason record. Here they have jumped from behind for the first time and many a lines one. Utah has to come in on the Yankees. Jump ahead on Paul O'Neill's home run. Yesterday the Mariners were back fine when Edgar Martinez slammed his first home run a three run shot. The regular season numbers he deserves to be ranked with all the other MVP candidate first or second in those top six with the on base percentage led the league in hitting and in walks of more Vaughn and Albert Bell the other MVP candidate Edgar is the only one that walks more than he strikes out consistent contact. He is the most valuable hitter best hitter in the league he has not missed a game this year. I did not get it. And Don Mattingly drifts into foul territory for the. And a sigh of relief from Yankee fans everywhere. That's quite an accomplishment. Not many teams. No team. I don't think in the major leagues can boast they have the best pitcher in the league Randy Johnson the best hitter in the league under Martinez and when healthy the best all around player in the league Ken Griffey junior they got all three right here in Seattle so it's Tino Martinez for the second time and the Mariners trailing the Yankees in Game 5. He is not predictable as a human being which picks him a little tricky out there on the pitching rubber. What David has really matured as a person as well as a look in his eyes and talk to him. He has a little bit of that. You know they say leftovers are a little long. He has a little there's a little uncertainty and that's what makes him an outstanding pitcher. He has made the most contracts expiring a hired gun and a good one at that Otto Kansas Lotto. Game five of course being with the New York Mets Series Championship Series against the Dodgers filed an allied that shot of his eyes. I mean he is the kind of guy and he's so savvy with the media very sharp and and he he could walk up to you in that kind of a look and just say I'm going to hit you right in the ribs. You know you'd say no. And then also he doesn't have that look. But he has that toughness Wrecking Ball filed away. That's exactly what Tino Martinez said. I see what makes David Cohen tough. He said that slider he'll break it in on my hands and all I can do is pull it foul and then he'll backdoor it he'll throw it on the outside corner or throw the splitter out there Tino takes the turn and you pull up with a double some kind of hitting in a two strike situation really covers the plane that so many of the Mariner hitters do. Pitches in a good spot. And Martinez goes down and gets it and drives it with some authority. Talked about more hitters being low ball hitters. Jay Beutner is good example. Why are they you see him tearing that bat straight up and down hitters use lighter bats. It's easier to drop the ball on a as Yankee fans are certainly I guess in Toronto and Kansas City and bat fancier Where do Cornwell walk quite a few hitters and so far here in this game five. He hasn't walked anybody but he's behind in the past two balls and those spikes now. Mike says play the infield back but David Corn is pitching the owner almost like an intentional with the bottom of the order. Coming up he doesn't want to give him anything to drive trying to protect that one run lead with that string ball down in the zone shattered his back and still gets enough on it. Like flowers a lot of hits a lot of rb eyes per hit hundred and twenty three hits during the year and one hundred and twenty one ribs for dinner. The Broken Back Beutner single ties the score to bottom of the fourth inning. This Lupin ally like the Mariners is so loose before the game and say we've had a great year. If we lose I got a lot of golf shorts back to a happy place of golf and he's going to gamble a little more soulful looking right now for the sign. You could expect that an audience second funeral or nine year Seattleites are quite a crowd takes that helmet off completely bald talking with Mattingly Lucas Corsi is a former Yankee mariners has to be extremely aware of that biting slider if it gets away again much the world moves with it. But you've got to be careful that Stanley looking for a sign is going to get the hint sign at home. Dearly wants to do otherwise. That's to improve stroke and Dan Wilson to 78 this year with nine rubies lot of help from moving dollar and Delia. He's married her hitters use the whole field so well and they're hitting some pretty good pitches a solid graphic flowers over 13 that's a reason not many right handers can get that breaking ball. Pitch counts and how do you feel. Go out the window today. Everybody's available. DAVID COHEN averages more innings for a start than any pitcher in a major league can depend on him for at least seven. Well they didn't work long last year taking a loan for the third out. But the Mariners score once threw for its 2 2 with Jim Carter and Jack root. I'm Brent Musburger. Welcome to the game five winner moves on to the American League Championship Series against Cleveland Indians. Stage is set in the National League. They go into Cincinnati. The Atlanta Braves and the Cincinnati Reds and everybody with the same sentiments and New York and Seattle bring on the Indians. You're going to get them one of them and they're going to be tough. They've had a great great season. Deon Jain now stands against Andy Bennett's her shoulder and trials. Maybe they're all ready to go. You like family like Stanley 1 4 1 if this is the first time that you have been able to watch any of the Yankees in the Mariners This is absolutely the quietest it has ever been in the kingdom since about 5 0 5 just sitting and waiting. 18th time these two teams have met this year. During the regular season as you see flowers and left Paisley Mariners are 7 and 1 this 8 game losing streak. Camp Kindle where the gap in right center field is on the run he's got it. Between Griffin. Mr. Griffin won it down and Fernandez into second with a double quiet in this kingdom crowd down as Tony Fernandes takes it right off the shoot Thompson. I don't think Jay Beutner tracked this ball well ran a little bit of a flag pattern and Ken Griffey Jr. and you see him looking at Beutner waiting to see if he can catch it makes a nice bare hand grab and gets it into the infield in a hurry start a business rich. Not sure that even if Beutner didn't reach it then he would have been able to stop Fernandez from going to second base. It was pretty well hidden into the gap and Whiteside at any rate Fernandez on second now with a two hour double it is friendly velocity Well there's a lot of talk and controversy about a new stadium out here and Seattle back on July 19th of 1998 for some acoustical tiles fell. Cal Ripken at the time was right underneath the seats doing a radio interview and then unfortunately tragically a couple of gentlemen died working when they repaired the roof of the kingdom and Jackaroo. What's the latest on the possibility of a new stadium here. Well Brent this year the Mariners have actually said that it's October 30th is the deadline for a decision and there's two major decisions that have to be made this week. The secret finance plan for the two hundred eighty five million dollars forty five million of which the Mariners said they will put up for a retractable dome stadium is supposed to be released to the legislature on Wednesday. If it isn't killed outright then the governor says he'll call a special session on Thursday. But they got to know by October 30th. Well if you build it we will come and one other thing folks. If you feel the winning team will come wherever you are. Isn't that the truth. Vince Coleman now stands in here to lead off the bottom of the fifth inning deadlocked 2 for the Yankees two runs on three hits for the Mariners two runs on six hits one has not yet been on base check swing but right to FERNANDEZ Well here is Joy Kyra. Let's turn you back now to the market in a way it was Josie car drove over three times during the regular season with the Mariners on the board first. Then Tom O'Neil regained the lead for the Yankees so this copy right of delegates. Does anybody authority in the office. Mr. Bolton may not be reproduced to be transmitted in any form that they express with sense for the office of the commissioner. First two hitters are out and Ken Griffey has yet to batter this game with anybody on base comes back in He's 0 for 2 interesting to watch an outstanding pitcher the way he does. Now whether the Griffey in our D.C. cone shrugging his shoulders out there like he's a little stiff that moved back across the inside edge. It's cool in here. Look Bonilla mentioned the other night when he removed Randy Johnson after a long marriage or any a little bit in the year with the air conditioning shot David Cone trying to make his loose and Ella and he'd be available for one inning if necessary. Today out in order through five Yankees two mariners two UCLA. That's next double header on top of the lineup. We will lead it off during the sixth inning yesterday. The hitters today good old fashioned pitchers duel between Andy Minnis and David Cole. Key inning four minutes in the Yankees for that matter. That's when Bonds moved into the leadoff spot on August 4th and Bernie Williams into the two hold. They both hit about three sixty four after the first inning warning now Bernie Williams and the Mariners bring a lot of respect into this game for Bernie. Watch this beautiful placement by Dennis after the first inning strikeout with the fastball Bennis gives him on the backdoor slider right on the career highs this year 18 home runs at eighty two RB eyes during the season when you have center fielder is like Ken Griffey Jr. Kenny Lofton who will be in the championship series the Von white tough to get a lot of recognition that Bernie Williams is a good one setup Dennis's problem against O'Neal the last time and now you get ahead in the count Williams again walks which sets the table for Paul O'Neill who has slammed the three home run against the Mariners in this series so far including this one at the top of the fourth inning which put the Yankees ahead two to one bottom of the inning the Mariners tied it up and that's where we are again one out Williams again perched on it first base and here comes the rematch Paul O'Neill hits in the more and double plays than any hitter in the American League and as you mentioned Andy Bennis got his first double play grounder as a mariner this game is a lot of ground was very close attention Andy Bennett's as a free agent did he come up big in a very meaningful game the scouts pay attention gone from the aggressive style the first five innings to a little defensive end as we've seen David Cohn in a couple of situations when you realize one bad pitch can cost you the ballgame Bobby Quasar he's done a nice job as the Mariner pitching coach probably just a trip to encourage Bennis to go back to what he was doing the first few innings they throw strikes you were successful getting ahead you mentioned Dennis and such an important start for and I think you'll have the green light Paul some hitters if you get them the green light out three I have a tendency to to over swing. To run back to back walks. Williams and O'Neill and here comes Ruben Sierra who is we over to do something for the bombers. The 12th inning of that 15 and classic back in the Bronx with rather quiet since then and we are on the phone there's activity in Pinellas bullpen. Down the left field line. They will not wait. That's the pitcher he got that key Tim Belcher. Norm Charlton would be available. One thing the Yankees have not done since Game 1 when Ciara hit the two run homer is produced with men in scoring position one time designated hitter Ruben Sierra. The New York Yankees. He asked for time game one five hundred five for ten but since that look the Yankees just four for twenty five. Discussion right now with Wilson and Benson American League scouts and players followed Ruben Sierra. He has a one zone hitter. I mean if you can keep it on the outside corner. He has a lot of trouble reaching it. Then the garbage can help pull the team and a change of pitchers try Andy business even though his record seven and two as a mariner is earned run average highest in American League history for a pitcher five games over five hundred almost six and the bases are loaded on three walks and Lou Padilla now with a decision to make Yankees have seven left hand hitters in the lineup and the one thing looping Allah wishes he had was another left hand pitcher he's instructing his infielders right now if it's hit hard take to the conventional way inning seven or eight. So the Yankees were those left hand bats have an edge slaps one end. Left field down into that corner he's going to ground rule double Yankees lead it by two. Don Mattingly has ground rule double to left field scars. Williams and O'Neal and the Yankees jump up for two. Nothing could be more fitting for Yankee fans their captain who was bashed all season long for an unproductive that gets exactly what he's known for a double only Lou Gehrig has more in Yankee history and off that high turf a ground rule double that probably prevented Sierra from scoring and bounces off the left field fence Sierra would have been able to score he would be intentionally wanted to reload the bases Mike Stanley is due up and you would have to think that Canelo is giving strong consideration to bringing Meltzer on the face the right hander and let's see because you mentioned Bennett's only as one double play grounder in the time he's been with the Mariners and that's what the mariners are looking for she would anticipate Belcher coming in to try to get the ground ball and when Mike Stanley comes up Brent there are very few hitters in baseball that have had the production with the bases loaded like Mike Stanley Stan Yankees for mariners to the top of the sixth inning one out at the moment I'm very happy with how things are unfolding right now Mike Stanley Batten 18 times I mean you mentioned this came to the plate 18 times the base of a lot of during the regular season for New York General Williams going in to run for Deon James you'll go out to left field and looping Ella who is a bit of a riverboat gambler has decided to stick with that I think Penelope's thinking is Venice has a better chance of striking out Stanley than Belcher high in the air drifting foul round down the right field line and into the seats away from Beutner who was giving chase another trademark of this Yankee lineup and they're hitting George Rick down. They do not chase a lot of pitches. Very disciplined up and down the lineup as you saw Stanley lay off those that's a challenge for a pitcher you'd like to get a double play ball and you have to do that with a low pitch. Mike Stanley is a low ball hitter. The Stanley Works the count and Stanley Works the count back for head high in the air behind home plate huge yes. Bennis gets the fastball up borderline pitch you can't afford to take that at 3 2 if you're Mike Stanley. Not a lot of room back there but enough room for Dan Wilson big Mariner out Fernandez released the Dodgers the other two. Fernandez is 13 and trying to get more interesting choice here if you're Tony Fernandez and he's an experienced enough hitter to make up his own mind. Dennis is struggling. He's thinking do I make him throw a strike or guess fastball and take a rip van. This is when the sixth inning becomes the ninth inning for Andy. Dennis with two runs in the top of the sixth this Bud's for the blues the reds and the Warriors This Bud's for the Giants the jazz and the magic this Bud's for the home team. Welcome back to the kingdom and Seattle it's forward to the Yankees leading the Mariners right now with Jimmy Carter Brent Musburger Jim at the top of my broadcast we talked about the heart of the matter of the heart of those two batting lineups. Right now the Yankees have the advantage. O'Neill and Mattingly two Army eyes a feast on the heart of the Yankee order has done their job and it's the heart right now for the Mariners. David Cole knows that key ending for him just like it was for Bennis at the top of this yard. That's what the Mariners fans because there are two Martinez chanted on the way out of the kingdom last night. Boggs and Martinez two of the best hitters in baseball what Boggs really admires is Martinez ability to recognize pitches even though Cohen has an outstanding slider. Martinez can recognize it. Wait on it nobody has been able to figure out a way to get this guy out there again is the breaking ball he went down and got it. LEVIN hit the series tops of anyone. There's an area referred to Bret Brinkman made sure it did not go underneath the bench and it did not. Even though the outfielder was immediately putting up his hand asking for it to be out of play which is what a smart outfielder will do in any situation trying to put the burden on the umpire but Franklin was all over it didn't matter anyway. Martinez to the left of the bag. Fernandez even if he had been there would not have had a chance of love and time but Showalter hoping that all in practice in spring training and all players would pay off in this kind of a situation with a ball that would be that's right. Tino Martinez has had these two good at bats and two hits against David Cole and he tries to get him to chase the breaking ball down in Nice block by Stanley to get over there just missed his back leg and then he's gone back outside. But Tino has been covering the play he helped him that time man foul ball into the ground Evans with the call immediately we've got the tapes Janet clearly hit the dirt first. Two balls two strikes and give my duties away from sucking. Dino asked for a little time not automatic when a hitter turns around and asks for time. Got him out finally. So this division series game is brought to you by smooth Busch beer and easy drinking push like the employees TransWorld Airlines were up to something good. And Toyota and therefore a lot of quality cars and trucks Toyota I love what you do for me finally gets Martinez cone does on that sharp biting slider that he can not check his swing one out and here's Buick where every hitter will tell you when they get back to the bench each at bat. You get one hit a ball pitch J.B. hunters walking around 9 right now saying I got mine and I followed it straight back wrote it past him that time Colin's pitch count well over a hundred. He doesn't care. He'll lay it all out there today. But if it comes down to a battle the bullpen is big plus for the Yankees. Only folks can live in back in Cleveland was a good looking pitch God he went too far. First base umpire Danny Morrison punches him out check swings have been very important. Here is the definitive view. And as you can see Morrison was all over it. But just like Randy the umpire looks at did he intend was the intent there to swing and it appeared from that angle that Beutner held up that is probably as tough a call as a base umpire estimate. Here's the Jay Beutner haircut that long. Here in Seattle I mentioned the bullpen sprint. The reason the Yankees have a big plus wetland is fresh Rickman McDowell if necessary and Pettitte. But on the Mariners side it's not the same situation as the Yankee bullpen as Nardi Contreras Wittman seated there. Nasty contrasts walking out to the mound right now just to give him a little breather. Norm Charlton is a loop analysis pitching on fumes. They would only use Randy Johnson if they had the lead and Jeff Nelson with four great innings yesterday really enabled the Mariners to win the game. Jimmy let me remind everybody we got a moment as we look at Charlton down there about Monday Night Football his big game. The charges are Kansas City to play the Chiefs. That's 9:00 Eastern time and by my unofficial count there were four overtime games at the National Football League today the Eagles with the win Minnesota with a victory Indianapolis coming back on Miami after being down and the Giants Tri-State metropolitan area back in New York. The Yankees can follow it up now. That's the deacon Warren Newsome this has been an outstanding pinch hitting team this year Houston with the White Sox in 93 he's got some post season experience. He made a Jack McDowell two out and Martinez on it second base breaking ball on the outside edge and a blazer on the inside. He has jumped ahead open to this pick up by Stanley got him. David Cohn is dictating now to run lead through 6. Back with more after this from our ABC stations now there's a summary of what we have had so far here with David Cohen ahead hit by a pair of lungs Lauren O'Neil with and we have a Don Mattingly to run double. You can see that the Mariners flag considered a hero because they change at shortstop. So it was taken out for a pinch hitter and a former Indian feelings for me has moved into Shortstop here lower earners Mariner fans that the banners are welcome home. OMAR if the Mariners would play the Indians first for being was traded for the you mentioned it a while ago. Brent what strike one can do for you and that's what Dennis did the first few innings but since then he has fallen behind in his. This is a crowd which obviously is accustomed Randy Johnson. I mean not two strikes it's been the only and ironic that they stand with two strikes because that started in the late 70s when a Yankee would get two strikes on a hitter Ron Guidry painted the outside corner with the fastball and Pinellas is going to stay with it. He's done a good job against Boggs striking him out twice here today is the next hit. He has really struggled with what's interesting about Boggs. We were talking about his back control where difficult news to strike out. In fact he struck out three times in the game only once in the last five years cover on the play madman stepped down but now it's time for tonight's Toyota diamond dust baseball bat. Yankee Stadium has hosted 100 postseason games. That's an all time high. Which stadium now is hosting the second most games during postseason play. Want to give you a hint. I think you need one on this folks. John McGraw would have had the answer to this one and we will give you the answer in the next inning. And now here comes the hitter who has set the table in this decisive Game 5 with 2 walks. He has scored twice. Bennett has gotten to five with Bernie Williams big difference in the game. Yankees only have four hits Cole has given them seven but he hasn't walked anyone it's been the that hurt Andy Bennett's. What's interesting about you know the remaining Yankee fans record here in the kingdom not only in the regular season but also yesterday. I suppose if there's any second guess up for a show off of managing this day it will be the fact that he yanks coming winter long. As you say. But we're not sure that they wouldn't have hit the other fella either as long as you do that. It's okay to talk about two balls and one strike now and he has been the side of that pin all year you have to have confidence in him getting any hit her out. He's not been able to get Griffey out to 1 and 2 now for Andy Bennett's the North Charleston straw man. We'll be right back. So the confrontation again for Charlton and O'Neal and it has been one of the duels could wind up deciding this championship series back in the stadium. The 15 inning classic O'Neal road won out. It was the only bad pitch that Charles would make that night and it denied the Mariners a win. But back here in the kingdom there was Charles at this time at the Mariners staying alive. And now they come back to Game 5 when the Yankees are up by two big run. Interesting to see if Norm Charlton can control his sport ball and what a. He has been. Middle of July for the Mariners didn't get a chance to work as many innings with the Phillies. That's what he's done in the championship in the division series. But yesterday a lot of those 14 balls in the dirt the arm was tight loop and Allah has extended to him a lot looking for just a couple of more outs from it. Well Andy Venus the starter who left a very good fastball as Randy Johnson moved down to take a seat. Bennett's giving up four hits but there were six walks. One of them intentionally very low and those of you were with us yesterday problems that Wilson had behind the plate. One of them finally getting away for a brief moment the Yankees tied was obviously a tired pitcher yesterday in the left field Coleman will meet again. Don't know where Don't know when we'll meet again some sunny day Yankees lead by two. Bottom of the seventh Mattingly and O'Neill have provided the offense but this guy with one hundred and nine pitches and here's three of his best. The slider to Tino Martinez and no set can catch on the of what's done is do it later the Yankees home in so he has banned his last three hitters after Edgar Martinez double. He is knocking down four of the last five. He has given up five hits striking out seven and I think most impressively is that zero under Beebe. When David Cohn does not walk anybody look out. That's where he became a Cy Young Award winner. He cut down on the base on balls. Charles will stay in the Yankees have left hand bats coming up the next bottom of the seventh and the order. Dan Wilson and Mike you can go back to the beginning of when Abner invented this game and there's the hired gun is dictating. Now let's give you the answer to the Toyota diamond dust question which stadium has hosted the second most games during postseason play. New Yorkers and I knew once I gave you that that's a tricky one that when you know how many baseball fans young fans might say where's the polo dollars that they play. I that it's baseball at the Polo that's where the Giants once played before Walter O'Malley convinced or go west young man go west in the face of baseball has never been quite the same since remember when I was a kid and I followed the Braves with Warren Spahn and later got to meet him and heard guys talking about how he could finish a game on when he had a lead in the seven and Buck Showalter will not go to the bullpen unless he absolutely has to. You can see the cone is almost kicked it into another gear another pitcher who I thought it finished was Bob Gibson and that does not give him time to get you on the one run lead did not match the first sidearm hook we've seen him throw today feeling real confident the Yankees hoping to move on to Cleveland and open up on Tuesday night against the Braves and the reds really glad in the National League. How excited is the state of Ohio right now. The Buckeyes one of the best in college football. Reds are really aimed. Oh mercy. It's a wealth of riches back in Ohio this weekend but Buckeye fans just a little warning you don't have to be a woman you've got to go to Madison next week is never easy as the Buckeyes when they go to Madison. Here's a former football player Vince Coleman. Back with the training camp for the National Football League. As a punter didn't make it right out Mattingly so now the Mariners are down to only two at bats. It's fourth to Yankees so the Yankees are closing in perhaps another trip for Yankee fans over this last decade. Judging from the crowds back in the Bronx for the first two games of this series folks are out of the way by women Sierra came to the Yankees from Oakland looks like some pretty good gas when you're pitching on fumes through it right buys Tierra at high leg kick. Very vulnerable on that pitch orders to what would be their best opportunity lost in the bottom of the eight if the Yankees out Charlton so tough on lefties. Not many pitchers get their football the breakdown of the way he can do that which will it be Donnie Baseball and the left and Coleman double over there and the winner of this game will take on the Cleveland Indians and the American League Championship Series and a reminder that the postseason heats up. We begin coverage of the American a National League Championship Series but regional coverage Tuesdays at 8:00 Eastern 5:00 Pacific right here on ABC a record that when you think about it any coach can win that many games. Is monumental. Never in my life that I think anybody Williams on the walk bringing up Yankee catcher Mike Staley one of the things not to be overlooked in this championship series is when one Stanley in is at the other night. Back in the Bronx Jimmy Lawrence who had that dramatic form on also worked 15 minutes behind home plate. When you're a catcher you're involved in this mini games in the postseason. It is nice to have a night off and that could help energize somebody like Mike Stanley. You've got a quality backup like Jimmy Lee says Williams leads off first now Randolph here is the MCI proof positive replay. Not at this game but the series is a very unusual play. Many of us have seen this go the other way with Tony Fernandez but with Edgar Martinez on it third Fernandez saves a base hit nobody's on it first. Randy McLarty came toward him. He put the ball between velocity throws Martinez and retired like MCI. Proof positive replay. I guess David Carr read it off and then we'll move to Ken Griffey and Edgar Martinez usual for the Mariners to do that in their last step back. Boy have they been something against the Yankees. They beat them eleven times David. Time and again one of the reasons why and again telegraphing come to the plate as he has all day long did not envy but that's what Cohen has done such a good job. Cora took him out of the yard by Coleman in the corner and hit the ball in the air in every at bat. And that's the key to getting them out. Sweaty palms kind of day the record for the most in any postseason series with this and if you're going to have someone die you might as well be Griffey he's got in to out now and Tino Martinez coming up for a run on the outside corner not to his liking his coach kept the ball away from him didn't want him to pull anything on him and now it's 3 1 in David Cohen is aware of who Piniella has on the bench as you see Beutner trying to hold Mike Diaz he's going to go with Diaz and Alex Diaz was the player that told him so well forget Griffey Junior when he was hurt and that means that carrying a third shortstop will eventually pay off for Luke another Alex Rodriguez over there in the dugout. Figures that get an Emmy in the field here on the night will come up but there'll be a confrontation. All right. Conversation I should say on the mound. You know athletes talk about how they look forward. David Corn is arrested he said. You want to be involved in these games but you can't enjoy a do the same thing with Alex. Yeah. Boy you look forward to an opportunity out of this ball game pitch count. Well above whatever David usually goes I think it has to be more revealing for Yankee fans to see Marion looking for a to look for somebody to run. Look it up and down his bench. You can't find anybody. Number one draft choice out of the Miami area. This is the shortstop for the future. Since leaving that lineup next year on April the mariners are going to take a look at him and now he'll carry their time in 95 with Alex Diaz the city began and Wilson is listed as the next hitter. That's where even though the control has been great a lot of strikeouts a lot of pitches. That's typical of David Cohen and there's not quite the sharp I'm sure that's all it is is a you know the zone. You liked it in this is all because of yesterday when Americans again ripped into wetlands Buck Showalter trying to hold wetlands off for the ninth inning hoping to get just an hour out of Rivera Mariano Rivera is a twenty five year old rookie from show after gambling and it has been an impressive Rivera so far too two as you can see what he's done with seven canes I mean it's not only just to throw strikes right now it's tough to breathe. I talked to Don Mattingly yesterday about what effect this crowd can have baseman Oh and two and a head with the bases loaded in the bottom of the eighth inning he's available if they need him what a pitching job by Rivera. He justifies that confidence that Showalter pays any but the kid has done it again. This ninety five Division Series game has brought to you by Gillette sensor and the Gillette series Gillette the best a man can get McDonald's. Have you had your break today at MetLife getting that it paid the ninth inning of a tie game. Five New York Yankees come into play here the top of the ninth inning strange goes to third and Rodriguez is behind at shortstop. He is the youngest man to play in postseason competition 20 years old in July and then behind to play for switcher steps in hit deep deep toward the gap. That ball is off the top floor. Hold on. That's a double. Remember that. That ball is in play. I thought that baby was out of here up on top but it's off the wall for a double when you see strange things happen in the postseason it hit the scoreboard Tony Fernandez has not had a good year from the right side of the plate and he leads off here with a double that's amazing Jimmy after talking about that wall I made that mistake that up above it is solid and there is no room above that padding out there so it was my mistake all the way recover Yankee fans Fernandez is on its second base now and Randy already steps in there is the bunt going foul with those changes you know young Chris and Roger Twenty four year old rookie. Less than 30 games experience in the big leagues now flowers moves over to first not a good glove there. And so a little pressure on Bowers and Doug strange here. Ironic again that something the Yankees do not do much. Fewer sacrifice bonds than any team in the American League. But here's a chance for one to win them a ballgame. Fernandez away from second good stock. He did a great job. Coming in the other night when they brought this youngster in behind the plate. That's what you're replacing Wilson by a lot of pressure on young Chris Widger trial gets that football unbelievable and he straight quite a ways away and he you know he has been playing with an injured knee and as he scurried back into second base might have aggravated it just a bit. Watch here. He had first indicated Jimmy was going to go to third and then he pulled back and you can see there are some obvious pain now that quick move. Trainer Jeanne Monahan out immediately Tony caught halfway in between where he thought he might be able to advance and that quick change of direction is what twisted that knee. Now here's where Fernandez struck this ball. And there you can see why I made the mistake when I was struck and I obviously know better than that because that happens to have been a piece of this building that is very important to the Mariners this year because right to the right of the 380 sign is where Ken Griffey slammed into it. And that is a solid wall and very much in play. You can see how the padding is up against it so Fernandez shaking it off on its second base and now the Yankees with the first two runners on it is a little different mentality coming in as a reliever timezone starters they want a little time to get into the game. Johnson will not have that luxury. He's gonna throw instant strikes. Penelope discussing right now with Charlton tie games with the ninth to change that kind of thinking. They're talking right now with my. Coming up at he's only pitched out of the bullpen twice in his career once as a member of the Expos in the late 80s and once with the bat. But I don't think you'll see Johnson Bernie Williams marched from the right side of the plate if a punch now a while longer Williams and energy Johnson against O'Neal the ward winner in all probability right. JOHNSON It is not as easy to drone strikes when you're not accustomed to coming out of the bullpen late in if you're wondering about Boggs at the sacrifice. But if the Yankees do in 94 and wanted 93 so this was his first at bat against Johnson since 1992 tough to back up his pitch to bounce a high fastball when you haven't laid one down in two years even tougher than it is Paul O'Neill the bottom of the ninth up game five The winner will take on Cleveland. If the Mariners prevail the Indians shift to the northwest. But if the Yankees come through they won't have to do it an extra innings now that the Yankees will go to Cleveland though for the championship series on Tuesday night and one that firing strikes he has ever since this series began to Buck Showalter talked about in spring training when Mariano Rivera made the team out the pitcher just buying some time right here to give McDowell a chance to get loose. If they were to break Canada where they could run rampant better Martinez Jimmy Carr had 13 sacks for five months and that's the second most to the American League. It would only be fitting in a game like this it was the Yankees inability to get the buttoned down and get them in over something they don't do very often or very well. The Mariners will try to win the game doing something they do well sacrifice one hand on the Cleveland Indians and on this I might say number nine innings something that's come into the game. He has appeared here. We've had a little bit of everything and this divisional playoff between the Yankees and the Mariners and not done yet twenty three year old looks in the is up now squares punks it out they can get to it yeah again the toughest pitch to bunt is a high fastball. You have a tendency to get that bat underneath it and even though Cora is a good punter it'll be a little tougher laying it down against Rivera's high hitter option. When you have a base stealer like Vince Coleman forty two on the year if he can read Rivera he could steal second park at bottom the third or a squares as the. It's shown here a chance to win it. I don't know. Ordinarily you would say well wait a minute you got you got first base open. Would you give him a chance to even swing the bat. Well perhaps he would want. But you've got to also think about who's next over there and that happens to be Edgar yesterday Edgar Martinez with the team down five make a move here I guess that doesn't get any better. The league's best hitter against the former Cy Young Award winner like Jack McDowell is coming on. And then of course later with the bases loaded in the eighth inning Martinez again stepped up and this time hit a slap. He drove in seven run yesterday with those two dramatic home runs check in with Buck show off third want to make sure they have the signs right with Fernandez and. And be aware of Coleman's ability to steal third a challenge to Mike Stanley is the block that McDowell football oftentimes talked about with Randy Johnson Houston being a starter. Coming up fresh out of the bullpen not apt to have good command of that splitter the man of the hour yesterday. It was one of the greatest hitting performances ever in postseason play and in this well let's say 50 percent two days. Not bad for me. I mean baseball's not all the way back. It's going to take a long time but games like this will sure speed up the process. Yeah it is a baseball game. It's good. Come one in September ninety five and October along with it starts right now down was the embodiment of the big unity when the series moved west and how fortunes have changed after that 15 inning drama unfolded in the Bronx now and makes the first relief appearance of his career. That would be the question mark McDowell missed 15 days. Couple of starts with a strained muscle under the scapula got him. Edgar Martinez is fanned by Jack McDowell and his first relief appearance and now the youngster Alex Rodriguez will come up with two hours a splitter that hung a little high. But in a zone where Martinez just swung over it actually got him out where the hitters pitch. You can see the disgust on his face Alex Rodriguez is due to take over could be the cover boy. Ninety five first team will go to the Tenth Inning it's a series that just won't end it really has been a wonderful series and all of us will take away some great memories from this really deserve to go into extra innings you think about all the drama that we have had through those two games back in the Bronx 15 innings ending in the rain. JIM LEHRER It's out here with two more now Ruben Sierra against Brenda Johnson it is interesting as we look at Randy on his comment you said one inning but you know how managers are in these situations just incredible here. You wonder where Piniella will go next. Seen a lot of those today because we've had pitchers like Cole in Venice and now Johnson with good breaking balls. He did not appear to go Morrison soft the other way. Friday night had enjoyed pretty good success against Johnson Gerald Williams. And this could be a most unlikely hero for the Yankees because if there is one hitter on their roster that can turn out to Randy Johnson fastball Mattingly good it throws him it's General Williams getting two home runs off Johnson in game looking ahead to the bottom of the 10th union winter and spring are you up for the Mariners will be back after this. ABC News station bottom of the Tenth Inning tied at 4 in Seattle. The winner draws Cleveland didn't like that call rich Amara right hand. It has some speed. Take a deep breath and try to find him over and even though Beutner is not a base stealer again discussion is about him off this turf. If the infielders get a good break they'll try to nail Beutner at second. MATTINGLY And blogs generally talked about the NFL scores a bit early. I got to tell you the mention on how we saw the graphic along the Gulf by any games I was fortunate. Took part in one classic earlier and McDowell snaps I think that the catcher got in front of Evans on that pitch when Stanley rose up. It just might have broken the sight line. Richard checking with third base coach Sam for the fun side relies on reminding the rookie don't button to Mattingly foul ball. He hit that so hard that if Mattingly had come up with an on the short hop he'd had a shot at being hit. If that state fair the Yankees got a double play they got a break when it went 1 and 2 on the young catcher looking for a sign with two strikes was only one makes him contact his father and he's out. I believe he even went after a bad pitch that time. That's a big gamble by Lou Piniella. I think the one thing he wanted to stay out of was the double play. So he went ahead and gambled on the sacrifice. But what that does by staying out of the double play is strange. Doesn't that also would get Mike flowers to the plate it's possible that when he bent down with your belief that it was gonna be a strike and he would have to go after because it was a late strange reaction. Speaking of strangers Doug now the hitter has taken over third base with flowers which he defers Tino Martinez to Homer off McDowall Friday night is out of the lineup. He was lifted for a pinch like well you talk about taking your game to another level when you look at Jack McDonald's I've started Friday night as you mentioned coming off that psyche might have caught a knee again. Players like they're spilling everything out there going into second base hard in junior court. Probably Tony Fernandez near right in the helmet eyes pivot bipolarity off balance stroke and close at first checking up on that but now to our bottom of the Tenth Inning ground ball. Fernandez with a tremendous catch first and Tom Fernandez in the hole makes the nice talk Tony always with that on the run flip toss can't get enough on it and Widger with his first line and just in time and Tom Fitz Goldman and now McDowell handled until Vince's third at bat games where he Mattingly goes to Fernandez and the sign is retired. Here at the bottom of the 10th the series that won't end. One moment after another on two days rest. Jack McDowell and Randy Johnson continue on to the 11th inning and I think McDowell. He went five Johnson has faced since then he has struck out for them. And here's the Yankee catcher Dan Stanley on four pitches and now you've got an interesting situation and Buck Showalter is going to do it right now. Mike Stanley will come out of the game. Pat Kelly he's got plenty of bench players left Jim Lehrer It's Russ Davis. Darryl Strawberry. So Kelly will run. And Fernandez will in all probability run him over so here's Fernandez who doubled his last time up Fernandez with a fury but did the sacrifice moves the runner along. Pat Kelly to second base don't walk many hitters to get the weight box back it won't be weight boxing gym Larry's to the Yankees now with a lead run again away from second base. For now it looks at that he might think twice about pitching in base basic Randy bill already has single to left field hat. Kelly dashes home off Randy Johnson. They have finally broken through and Randy blarney one of those veterans left over from the loop and era who has really had a tough series continues his success. Coleman comes up but not a strong throwing arm takes that high bounce off the turf and Kelly slides in easily a timely move by Buck Shaw Walter and now the young man who ended that credible drama in the Bronx 150 he'll be in there at the bottom of the 11th and he was the catcher with the Yankees leading a 5 4 looks calm but stomach has to be churning right now show Walter knows that he's going to need Lu Stout in that bullpen Andy Pettitte has been up already a left hander Where does he go from the right side. Does the heart of that Marriner order is do up. Joey Clara Ken Griffey Jr. Martinez at the bottom of the NHL players takes a strike. Anthony would leverage and say that he meant she would get that he better be careful. He only got rule anything now for Hey Posada umpires have shown great restraint in this series. You can imagine the emotions of the players and there haven't been any quick looks. Yeah. Veteran crew they have not looked for trouble in either dugouts going on. They have more or less looked the other way. Course the umpire had to change once they got to the west coast. There was a little more trouble back in the Bronx feeling pretty and Bernie Williams is due to come up here is the pitch that's knee high inside corner. Lawrence didn't see it that way. I think that was a bad pitch at all. You could see in the side shot it comes across the knees and now Bernie Williams steps in getting right handed. Many times you walk a hit or to get to a former batting champion but they'll take their chances John O'Neill and Brent when you said who would buck Showalter go to I think with the gutsy performance we've seen already with Jack McDowell. He has complete confidence in him going through the heart of that Mariner order forum. Griffey and Edgar three mariners blew up a little league and now Paul O'Neill side one ball one strike here with two out top of the 11th enjoying every moment of history every member of the Cleveland Indians has these two tenure to battle actually Johnson who really those of you that haven't seen a lot of you think of him as a power pitcher. Two hundred ninety four strikeouts but he has become a complete pitcher. He really got to the breaking ball more in this and it hasn't thrown a lot of fastballs they want to make sure it Brent when you look back at this ballgame and you can keep all the numbers and talk about the hitting stars but in its simplest form it's throwing strikes. And the thing that has cost the Mariner pitching staff today is Bobby Flay looks down at the turf for but the Yankees score run to go ahead and the top of the eleven three yards away from Cleveland the Cy Young Award. How much to a lot of things in his career but he has Kelley has had second hand leverage moves in behind the plate and now Choi will lead it off and Killarney Shorten is up just about a step a third on two days rest. Jack McDowell on Friday night working five and a third innings gave a five run that they would establish the line for him. If Mattingly made a move this is the second time that the play has come up in this series and it's up has been all over it. How about playing down there really comes into play. Disgusted you could tell by his body language on third base and nobody outside your head snaps over to Mattingly no activity. We actually both read and write feel given they finally paid off. Do you got anything left ready. Yep. Yep. You know I got me in a gown again. Now look I got to make contact and he let my high enough for me to do you know when we got to the Red Letter series that you had just incredible. I tell you what if you've got a down payment for the never crossed my mind that I'm enjoying every minute right now. Thank you Jack. Here is the one in the moment. That's a crash test drive in the left field and as soon as they take a quick look at that engine.
Channel: MLB
Views: 124,737
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Id: GlwqoP6_Ghc
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Length: 224min 39sec (13479 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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