UNIQUE SQUISHIES Mystery Box! Why Isn't This Viral?!

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this is one of the cheapest mystery boxes out there that claims to have over 10 surprises on the inside let's find out together introducing party surprise party surprise is a mystery box full of figurines and they say that there are about 10 different surprises yes you get a main figurine and then tiny surprises that are supposed to be party themed s with Jackie from the future here this actually turns out to be a squishy Mystery Box yes we're going to be doing a squishy mystery box with 10 surprises that's exciting and for only 11 10 surprises seems like quite a bit there are about six main figurines to collect including everything from Little charms but more specifically I don't know why I'm very excited about it there are balloon figurines but 10 surprises is quite a bit that means that every surprise more or less should have a value of about a dollar now even though there are six figurines to collect I did get this from Amazon which means I don't know if they're going to send me one of each or if it's going to be a complete mystery because apparently there's a way to tell if you are getting something different based on the balloon color on the cover so I went ahead and bought eight of them so can you enter that go ahead and take out your kitchen calculate not that one you can take out the cute one so if we're going to do eight times the 11 price tag plus twenty dollars for shipping to Canada all this is in U.S now if we convert it to Canadian here's how much I paid for all of these it's a lot that's spending my money so you don't have to waste yours so we're gonna find out if these are worth your cash or if they go no I don't know if these are made to be party favors if you're going to get them for your little ones or if you just want to get them for yourself regardless I want to know what's on the inside here are the six possible different characters that you can get let me know which one do you hope that we can unbox in today's video I have to say I'm pretty curious on the turtle looking one so let's hope that we get that one and while you're down there if you're new here make sure that you do subscribe otherwise I will ship wish I can't even talk anymore you see what you made me do just subscribe click on all notifications which means you'll become a grain of salt in a salt shaker family yes I will wave this whether you're subscribed or not just do it just if your brains haven't picked up your very own creatures of Darkness coloring book that was made by me Muse kids and Sarah Rose they are still available for grabs in this kit you're going to be getting 22 gorgeous illustrations of my sculptures with a Disney villain-esque type feel to them as you can see on the screen 16 saturated vibrant watercolor papers by Viva and these are an exclusive palette chosen for this kit 12 buttery smooth and pigmented colored pencils eight creatures of Darkness washi tape that has a rainbow array of the creatures with a dark background and water brushes to make your watercoloring more convenient this kit is made with beginners in mind since I am also a beginner when it comes to watercolors but I had so much fun coloring with watercolors when I played with it last time so I figured why not share the fun and we have three different price points if you want to get the bundle it is 39.99 the digital copies 22.99 but if you want both the digital and the kit they are 49 99 so you're getting a 75 value in that price tag again I'll leave the link down below and I have to say I absolutely love browsing the submissions that you grades have been sending me of your own coloring interpretation of these pages and again huge thank you to everyone for the amazing support around this project now according to the website they do say that there is a hint in order to get the proper different ones so here I can see that there's a purple balloon a Yellow Balloon so these should be two different ones let's see what other colors Amazon sent over we have a pink balloon that's good we have another yellow one let's put you over on the other side what do we have over here please be different it yep yellow yellow blue yellow balloon Amazon come on man don't do me dirty what are you another pink one okay we're still going to test whether or not the color of the balloon actually makes a difference you are okay a blue balloon excellent another yellow one are you kidding me we have three yellows okay we're gonna have to unbox an extra yellow one to see if it is different or if it's the same I wonder of all the surprises are different too I don't know but at least we know we definitely have one two three four different colored balloons they give us four different characters that's up to us to find out which means we should be getting at least 40 surprises and I have to say it with 4.3 stars as a rating with well over 450 reviews that's a good sign it means I should be happy I should be laughing I should be I should be with joy okay I should be very happy but that that's that's up to us to find out we do have a commercial which I'm really excited to check out so let's see what the commercial is all right so here are the characters so yes indeed there seems to be six which party will you unwrap okay so different balloons is a different party which means Amazon don't you knew you sent me extra okay so here we open the bow oh the bow has surprises okay removing this so there's a re oh look at the balloon character it's like a okay more there's a whole process to unboxing that okay oh you have to make the symbols match and then there's an invitation card that's cute and then a cake topper okay what is that are these just erasers and then the invitation card unlocks the Box what oh it's an actual cake oh there's the main character it's a squishy it's a squishy Mystery Box okay okay I think I think I've seen enough so I just apparently surprised myself because these are squishies so let's go ahead and unbox one of these let's start with the one we have the most doubles of which is the yellow so we're gonna put these ones to the side over there and you're gonna go right here so let's go ahead and unwrap it [Music] all right so first things first let's go ahead and remove the tag like a saw and our first hint is to remove the bow and the paper Okay so let's get the bow hello oh oh my God nope nope nope oh maybe I'm supposed to remove it I don't know okay Bo oh hello okay got the bow oh my goodness okay so we have two compartments in here how do we open you oh my god what what is this what is this mystery oh my goodness this is harder than I thought okay wow you need fingers for that I mean I promise that fingers these are not fake these are real fingers okay what do we have here our first character is a tiny unicorn kitty cat and it is made out of a hard plastic so it is not an eraser material but it is pretty tiny look at it compared to my thumbnail here and then this one this is going to be really hard to open oh my goodness how did people give this a high rating how are you supposed to oh oh gosh there got it okay next surprise we have is this an elephant no it's a party doggy again same kind of material as the kitty Unicorn it's a hard plastic very cute not too detailed but I do like the facial expressions to be fair though I think the spatial expression is exactly the same on both of them I think this is just the print okay they don't get points for any kind of innovative things here do I open this right away oh okay let's check out the paper what do you say oh okay so we're supposed to twist the bow and then it should open the container wait is the boa key wait what the heck press the buttons and then lift it well I didn't press no buttons and it did lift so there you go uh-oh did I break this this is a case of you're trying too hard let's try to open this again let's put the key in okay companies let's try to open this are you can you open there you go oh my goodness so the bow is a key that's a whole other that's a whole other thing we have our balloon my balloon character and it's a unicorn look at it it's tiny it has like the texture of balloon that is kind of Squishy look at that it's pulley it's squishy I'm really excited about the balloon characters I don't know why but I'm quite enjoying the balloon character very cute now for this next one I have to match some kind of symbol so I'm guessing this color to that color no hang on maybe this to that nope nope there's no symbol um I don't think so do I just pull you out hang on let's remove the tape over here yeah they're they're making this harder than it needs to oh goodness we're gonna need our sharp pointy thing to get in there let's do that like so and like a saw there we go okay how do we do this twist the top to match yeah it says to match the symbol we're supposed to match the symbols but oh it's under the paper okay okay okay I get it hearts with the Hearts stars with the Stars okay and then and lift okay I get it now so we need the balloons with the balloons stars with the Stars should there you look at that I am so smart can't even say that with a straight face all right what do we have in here why are you wrapped okay that's a tiny present should there be oh look at that we have our invitation and it says you are invited very cute you know what grains look at me look at me this is my party and this is my invitation letter to you okay just doesn't matter what other people say you are invited by me I don't care what anyone else says this is your invitation okay it doesn't matter in elementary school I never got invited to parties so I am projecting okay this is your invitation to my elementary school party okay let's see what that looks like do I need to slide it open okay we have a little envelope let's pull you out like a saw oh my goodness party like a unicorn that is cute that is really cute okay so this is our card key that we should be able to open the bottom compartment with and this is what the inside looks like so it's pretty plain but the outside is super cute my guess means we're gonna get the Unicorn squishy that's my guess and there should be another surprise in here voila and you are what is that is that a horn that is definitely a horn maybe we're going to use on our squishy I don't know but it is definitely a solid plastic and then there's supposed to be a little button here we push in okay and it comes out this is a whole process and now for the Piezo resistance we have our key our invitation card we push it in yes oh you're supposed to push it up I thought it was like a key you're supposed to push it in and pull it out oh okay okay what is that that's a unicorn environment okay that is part of the background that's cute so we have a cute look at this little one I like this one I like that one a lot okay so we have a cute little background and in here I guess is the surprise this is a skirt I'm guessing maybe for our squishy we'll find out what else do we have stickers what we have stickers army dirt why am I still holding the invitation I don't know why I'm still holding the invitations but you hear it oh my God these are like stickers I would have loved in elementary school too and you know what I kind of like I I not kind of I 100 like these I have a crazy Sticker Collection that I like to show off from time to time I do love my stickers so here are some of the cute stickers we have everything from unicorn Hearts stars gems unicorn and a donut more unicorns rainbows this is absolutely fantastic I love this sticker sheet very on theme and then we have more of a background so if this is not a unicorn oh this is to open that I think is this a cake topper I don't know okay let's go ahead and open this up or was there there's a special way isn't there yes yes so according to the instructions the present on the inside is supposed to go on top to open the squishy okay how do I do this do I just push you in yes it's a spring let's see if I can do this again so you push this in and listen there's a click and it's a spring oh Unicorn oh no what happened to your horn we did get the unicorn and what kind of squishy are you this is gonna have to unsquish you are not a full squishy interesting this is more of a foam character so it's a foam type squishy not a slow rise kind of squishy so Mariah Elizabeth will definitely not approve but she is absolutely adorable a little bit of the quality here because she was squished in the cake is showing here so she's cracking a bit but very cute and I think we got her skirt so let's put that skirt around yep fits nicely it does it's it has a tendency to want to fall though but it's holding here so far you know what this is really cute can you stand on your own is the next question and the answer is no how about now no okay I'll let you be and do your thing now as you can see here it does seem like we're getting many individual pieces but if we're going to count them in terms of items we have one two three four five six seven eight I'm going to guess this box is number nine and last but not least we did not open this one yet but it looks like okay looks like we're getting an extra sticker here so it looks like an Instagram post party like a unicorn do we have that here yes so I think this is kind of like a sticker sheet so that you can tell which one you've collected that's pretty sad fine so I'm gonna go ahead and remove this and stick it right there but I have to say this experience so far is really fun the bow is really hard to open but otherwise everything's pretty fun let's go ahead and open the next one next let's go with the blue ballooned one thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right let's see if I do remember this so first things first they want us to remove the first one up here so we're gonna turn the key turn turn the key open it oh my God I know I'm not supposed to open in this order but I just went ahead and did it we have a balloon bear character look at all the details I love this I don't know if this is possible to make this shape I don't really care at this point they're just cute I mean unicorn ain't no you know what I mean of course could be real and so this is real to me this is a really cute balloon bear very very cute not too stretchy you can definitely tear it if you go at a certain degree the ankle and strength but still because we I'm flying look at me flying I'm just swimming in the whole Look At Me swim in the water all right let's open this how do I get you opened how do I oh there you go this is going to be tough to open these are not oh okay this one actually opened very easily oh no okay it's different here we have a poorly painted bear a bear unicorn I guess or is this a party hat definitely lacking in color so they can work a little bit more on the details again this is really tiny compared to my thumb next surprise oh gosh please open there we go you are a little penguin look at this tiny little penguin with ice cream on its head but something happened to its beak are you dirty clearly you are a little dirty little penguin not in that way stop taking things out of my contacts it's not just not dirty it's it's dirty not dirty it's just dirty okay it's not naughty this is cute this is really cute but yeah definitely some paint issues with the character over here and we have to open this up from the invitation so I'm just gonna go ahead and slice it open come on there you go so next we just have to push this aside to open it up like so and now we have to remove the other one it is a bit of a pain in the butt because you do need an X-Acto to open this but I mean as adults it's okay we have access to this let's get you opened voila I matched it by it but that's a good accident okay and what was in here oh yeah our invitation letter here's what our invitation letter looks for this one which is really cute I love the fact that they're all different so you can definitely tell that there's a lot less laziness going on so this is the previous one this is the new one I like it when companies put effort so let's see what the invitation says and what it even looks like because it's going to give us hints on what character we're actually getting I'm guessing a bear maybe let's chill ice cream party okay so I don't know what it is it could be there maybe not bear no clue what this time but we do have the present that we are bringing to the party let's see what we're bringing the character and the idea that oh no wait that's the cake topper okay that's not the present for the character this is the ice cream that we're putting to open the next part okay so we can press this button to open the next one and we're going to use our invitation card to push and pull like this and the next hint we get is an ice cream truck we still don't know what character we're getting so it's still very exciting here's our character cake and this is the present which are ice cream glasses so maybe it is going to be a penguin if it's going to be a chill party and over here oh my gosh we're gonna get the stickers okay let's see the stickers okay so we have various different ice creams over here we have ice cream kind of decoration Splat some drizzle with some sprinkles oh maybe this is an indication this is a bear I think it could be a bear okay so far so good these are really cute stickers I still like the Unicorn ones better though but I do like these and we're only going to unwrap the final sticker at the end here's the other background we still get more ice cream shop type Vibe and let's open the spring by pushing down let's hear that click oh there it is that took a while that was a delay and what are you a bear oh my goodness that is a bear that is definitely for a dog hello come here you're really squished that is definitely a doggy I'm not too crazy about the white just just white what's it called like a body suit not too crazy about it I wish the outfit had something else going on but I just realized that the unicorn has the same thing maybe it's a swimming suit to party with ice cream I don't know maybe they're wearing bathing suits again the face is pretty cute I'm glad at least they're not the same kind of print and let's see the squish on that one yeah same thing so it's more of a foam rather than a squishy so there is no bounce back there is no slow rise you can see over here and it's not my favorite character but cute nonetheless let's check out the sticker we get and it says chilling hashtag ice cream party I really want the turtle I think it's a turtle I really want the turtle so let's peel the sticker and put it away thank you and of course let's give her her glasses will they fit I don't know not so well okay they stayed I nudged it a little bit it's kind of cute the clothing accessories really don't necessarily have to stay do you stand can you stand on your own no okay next now we have both pink and purple left so let's go with purple all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] purple will you give me the turtle that I want and let's you know what let's open the key first I think that's a lobster balloon toy I am excited about those Lobster balloon toys okay that is a crab so we have a crab balloon character super cute I love this I love these balloon characters I'm probably going to keep these these will stay in my collection because I am just like that and now we're just going to see what we have come on there in the bow what tiny charms do we have in here this is really hard to open oh my God yeah I'm just gonna go with this come on there and the first one is a seahorse that is a really tiny seahorse but why she have that pose though she don't look happy she's like next surprise again we have to open it this way we have let's get you out and it is oh an arm wall I guess or a whale not sure but it is definitely extremely happy so this looks like it's going to be an Under the Sea theme perhaps okay cute I don't know if I need to remove this or if I could just pinch it and remove okay we pinched it and removed it excellent we're gonna stay that way but we do have to remove this one because we need to align the symbols so we're gonna cut this open like so come on I'm gonna cut you open like oh my gosh there I got you yes very nice so let's turn it around till we find the symbol should open it's like protection when I get my medicine okay we have our invitation ooh definitely Under the Sea it says you are invited I see kind of a mermaid theme going on here very cute we have a little squid or October no definitely a squid or a jellyfish and here's the present which we're going to get the key to open the next item let's open you voila and I'm just going to remove this just to get ahead of myself here come on come on it actually went in the recycling bin nice all right let's see what our invitation oh my goodness why do I keep tearing things let's see what this invitation oh my goodness looks like and it is ooh a splash party nice okay I love these These are cute and our key to open the cake is a mermaid tail okay the fact that these boxes stay on theme is making me really happy this is definitely the kind of Mystery Box experience I love we do have a little bit of another paint issue over here so it is dirty and let's get this opened with our key push up voila aha yes we're definitely with an Under the Sea type theme a little crab we have a bubbly tail the heck is going on here I've I don't know what's going on here if anyone knows let me know is it a seafoam and we have the octopus Queen and that's that's all I know at this time we have our cake for our squishy character and it looks like this is going to be a tiara interesting oh let's take a look at our stickers we have little puffer fish little crabs Stars seashells we have treasure cute little seahorse over here this is a cute set I like this the base also has a underwater theme and let's see what character we have on the inside this is going to be the turtle please let it be the turtle I know it's not a mermaid but I want the turtles so badly let's hear you open it's really hard there we go no it's not the turtle it's not green what is a cutie cat okay I love kitty cats but you're not a mermaid where's your mermaid tail then you could have been a permade it's not a mermaid why is it a kitty cat she cute though she's very cute gonna give you your Tiara I don't know if that's that's how you're supposed to wear it there you are can you stand no okay let's check the squishiness level on this I'm pretty sure it's a foam as well yes it's definitely a foam type squishy we're not getting any kind of slow Rising kind of squishy and let's check out the sticker that we have in here and it is mermud hashtag mermaid party we have the balloon please let it be the turtle please because I know the other ones are not gonna be Turtle since the same balloon color please [Music] thank you so first things first let's see which character we're going to get for our balloon character over here and it is a flower I don't want no flower I wanted an animal it's okay I mean it's not it's not a balloon animal like the ones we got previously but it's still cute and let's open our surprise under the bow it's really hard to open okay there we go and we have what are you is that a penguin princess that is indeed a penguin princess or a bird princess whichever you are you wear a cute little princess next surprise we have let's take you out that looks like another princess or a king or a queen you are a kitty kitty kitty why are the whiskers so pronounced I'm not sure what you are I guess it's a kitty cat it is indeed quite cute it does have a little Crown it's super tiny just so you have an idea here's my thumb compared to it super small all right we could pull this out like a saw now we have to open this to match the symbols which means we need this one off you go come on come on yeah all right let's get the balloon to the balloon and this symbol triangles to this the hearts to the hearts star to the star voila we have a little present and we have our invitation this one is called oh look at that so it has a bit of a princessy fairy tale type of vibe that's exciting so let's see what our invitation looks like let's open you up and you ah also yeah so it is a princess party it says act royal princess party they're nuts because which means that we need to dress up accordingly let's see what our key to open the next box is in this little gift it's a crown I love how everything is in theme in this box so let's use our Crown first we're gonna open this one by pushing in and we're going to use our invitation there push it in and kind of like prop it up like that voila okay so here's the background we have a princess type castle and we have our cake which will have our Squishy in the inside again we have a tiara and these are going to be are stickers let's take a look at our stickers definitely very cinderella-esque so we have a carriage we have little birds crown castle we have a mirror a upside down butterfly for some reason this is an okay sticker sheet not my favorite but it's okay and we're gonna check out the final sticker at the end more princessy theme and let's go ahead and push our Crown in here to see our character so we have to hear the little plop let's hear you did it work no it did not let's hear it come on Springs oh I think I heard it voila come on oh what are you are you a bear come here that is definitely a bear we didn't get the we didn't get the turtle I really wanted the turtle we have a bear ready kind of in a bathing suit type clothing and let's see what kind of squishy she is for sure it's going to be a foam I believe like all the other ones yes she's definitely a foam type squishy not a slow rise or anything like that that we do enjoy I think one of the things that would level this up would make it so that it is a slow rise squishy so a company if you're looking definitely add a slow rise element because this is a great kit honestly let's give her her Tiara voila very cute and let's check out our sticker and it says over here Born to Be Queens princess party so here are all the stickers that we collected my guess is that the turtle is going to be the pizza party which would be kind of an homage to Ninja Turtles since they absolutely love pizza and the other one is a pajama party so a slumber party so unfortunately it's not like I can shop these around because we do not have them here in Canada at least not just yet but I have to say for 11 this kit is really cute and really fun to unbox so I'm gonna definitely say work your cash if you want to know if the other ones are basically repeats I'm going to unbox one of them on my YouTube shorts so if you want to check those out definitely do or you can also head over to tick tock and check that out again remember let me know which one is your favorite from the ones that we unbox or maybe the one that we didn't get if you want to watch another unboxing video make sure you check up here even if you want to watch something a little crafty make sure you check down here until then I will see grains in the next video [Applause] I don't know my cat Splinter he's chewing on plastic no come here splinter
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 369,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafts, squishy mystery box, squishies, squishy, fidget toys mystery box, mystery box, mystery box unboxing, mystery box squishies, mystery box squishmallows, unboxing, unbox, best mystery box, mystery box challenge, moriah squishy makeovers, Squishies fidget toys
Id: v0CTwAXf1Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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