Playing a wholesome “Unpacking” game

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so katelyn and i moved a lot growing up i think about seven places yeah before we went to college and while it was probably stressful on our parents and there were some sad aspects of moving one thing i really liked was the packing and unpacking me too like me too getting to the new place and being able to take all your stuff out of the boxes setting it up and stuff that was just a joyous part and we moved a little over a year ago and moving was more stressful when you have a whole house to move and you're an adult but i still enjoyed i still enjoy it again packing today we're gonna be playing a whole game just about unpacking and it's supposed to be cozy it's supposed to be like zen-like and there's also like maybe some point-and-click puzzles to it i'm not sure i haven't diven too far into it right now let us dive oh my gosh so great everything's broken oh no what have i done for anyone who wasn't here earlier in the stream we reset our computers or we restarted our computers and um everything broke everything broke including our cameras that's okay this is a cozy game there's a coaster we do not stress no don't we we coz we close and we roll with the punches all right ready to hop in baby yes everything's broken the last thing you want to hear when you're unpacking are the cameras recording i think so are they recording everything's good okay fingers crossed all right we're in now he's in now he's down this book belongs to us all okay it's kind of lame but that's fine i thought it was cute i was gonna say like dube 1997. oh oh well backpack i guess i'm going to be doing the first room i guess so am i am i doing oh no this needs to go there yeah that's the deck actually backpack probably goes there too i would probably put the backpack in the cubby at the foot of the um bed actually does the backpack go no the backpack goes in the cubby at the foot of the bed what fits it doesn't fit there backpacks are cubby things this goes here okay that goes there turtle is that crayons oh my gosh there's a lot of stuff can i stack these on top of each other please no now these these could go on now that they're rotated they should totally stack oh you know i'm going to put these i want to put these over here okay oh yes yes there yeah yeah can the other book the like journal oh cute what a nice horse oh my gosh yes yes piggy bank i get the first room you get the next room okay books go here oh yeah simon says can i play with it okay you can pan with the middle you can zoom in remember no spoilers for the boss fight and racing mode that was cool you can see dreidel on the table that's a fidget toy an og fidget toy fidget toy i think oh you had it and you lost it oh i solved it i solved it i solved it i think trashcan goes right yeah by the desk uh chest intellectual and intellectual yes oh okay so you can stack some things oh a box is done yes that's satisfying okay now we can see a little bit more oh oh oh and now we have access to that might be good for like like the ruler you know some supplies desk supplies dreidel oh i mean it doesn't seem to really fit with like school supplies yeah yeah oh cute maybe on the bed on the bed yeah so you right click to rotate got it a poster lisa frank i could hire at me yeah yeah books go on bookshelves i don't want to like kind of like read them away that goes right there prime distraction potential i think also on the bed yeah book book oh yeah oh there's a camera whoa oh something unlocked what what hap what's happening all right there's a screen capture ability leave photo mode okay i guess it's just if you want to take a picture of your work you know you should probably put the camera away flashlight yep this person has all the essentials oh my gosh including the little you're gonna put once we get everything out we can always rearrange as needed yeah just in case i do things wrong does the game have a story or is this just unpacking it has a story but it's told through the environment okay yeah because this is this is when this is like 19 this is in the past yeah this is 1997. that's how i know it's a lisa frank poster yeah so you you're you're learning about this person through their belongings over there over the years i wonder if like my little pony i wonder if some things will like stay with us and some things we get tired of oh yes windows oh yeah that's for these guys this doesn't go up there yeah that's a hard action figure yeah that's a hard one oh the ponies together ponies together yeah the backpack backpack can always stay on the floor if needed oh yeah yeah i like that yeah oh yes there's no open the windows a little more man open the windows more okay so lots of lots of toys of childhood wow so many toys a lot of toys i need to start moving some over here yeah just like have some room yeah oh my god dad did you did you have a tomato i did and i had the yellow one which was the cat but the thing is i i got it like at the end of when it was cool no it was still cool i got it like the day before they were banned at my school because we used to be able to have them at school did you did your parents ever have to feed your tamagotchi no i was responsible until i got bored of it oh they squeak i'm gonna change the music okay oh yeah we have the soundtrack from this game yeah playing okay picture of pig so you really like that pig look at that that's two two pigs well i think we really are horses too because we have the my little ponies and the horse drawing oh yeah and piggy bank three pigs yeah yeah i think move that here move this here move yeah yeah yeah yeah oh box epic see i think the boom box needs to go on the on the where the backpack is i think the soccer ball could almost be like on the floor you know for casual pick up and play games there you go that's looking nice i think you like purple yeah that's true very much into the purple here i like how there's probably no right way to do this like you could probably just start laying things on the ground oh did it just tell you like put it there what what does it tell me oh like those aren't properly organized oh is it it wants you to take maybe maybe that put in a drawer because it's like a diary so maybe it needs to be hidden what it stopped flashing on the other book maybe it goes on the bed what do we do you know what there's no guidance guys under the pillow can we put it under the pillow i don't think so i was just joking what what there are wrong answers oh there are wrong answers good things that's crazy oh my god now i kind of want to do a chaos room see how much you can get wrong and see how much i can get wrong let's do it finally my own room so this is may 1997. that must be college it looks like college but maybe not maybe it could be first apartment it seems hmm no it's definitely not first apartment it could also be like a kid who used to share a room with a sibling oh yeah it could be a room at home it seems a little young for college you're right you're right you're right my own room fast and forward seven years later seven years later this is called college this is college what's that song about college i need to college that back up here hello oh my gosh this is the like sadness like the scuffs on the floor the like poorly painted walls they're really cheap the real cheap shelving oh but there's a bathroom and a kitchen oh okay so this might be like first apartment because you wouldn't have a kitchen in a dorm unless you're bougie some off off-campus might have might have some oh if you left-click stuff after you place it some stuff has neat little effects good to know can i turn on you on can i turn you on a computer if you left-click it ah like after you set things okay you got this one baby okay unpacked your heart's content oh yes only one place for that oh okay can you turn it on now right click it left click it right right right clicking i'm right-clicking nothing's happening all right the chat says left click it [Music] you'll keep an eye on chat from yeah okay oh still got the pig toothbrush how do i there we go oh that's great and is this open okay so it's not a cabinet so we're just gonna leave it on the counter like savages is that it like savages oh yes [Music] can you put it on [Music] oh top unrealistic put it here but then he's kind of hidden yeah we'll leave him down here for now oh oh a smaller boom box because it's the future now jeans yes oh look at us yes yes yes i'm assuming the others shoot no no what is this it's probably like disk drives a desk organizer i think back there yeah i think back there yeah i like that can i set this on top of it the stacking in this game is very unsatisfying how dare you i want to see these more yeah yeah oh are these even better shoes where's your other shoe why would you not pack those together also a girl so many colors yes art just move your mouse to the top there you go three oh still got the game boy still got the game boy you know is it gonna kind of kind of be sad as things disappear let's not think about that the whole like the crew is getting back together again yeah does it look like donnie darko that book the book oh yeah it does right here yeah yeah i don't have a drawer for my eraser savage oh my god let's put it up file organizer actually maybe right click it right click and put it in there yeah yeah that seems to fit pretty well so neatly organized oh my god kaitlyn actually does organize her clothes like that i do i forgot we had a kitchen huh block the outlet you know yeah butterfun feng shui oh no oh no what about the drawer underneath yeah but they all need to be together you know what all the little i don't know if this is like underwear socks but they all need to be together and bras on the bottom yeah the jeans can go up there yeah you can't just like throw your underwear up here no no i'll see good thing i plan for more okay right click oh it's like when you have it in holding mode uh yeah only you can do it probably on the windowsill oh yeah i wonder if that's available yeah nice it's interesting that the last place didn't have any didn't have any uh clothes in it did it well you might just like assume that some stuff is already uh yeah part of the dressers and stuff like that yeah like maybe some boxes are already in yeah or like your parents did it for you you know yeah maybe your parents put your clothes up but they're like you put away your toys and bugs i can see that man one day we're gonna find that other boot yeah do you do it centered you know i'll fine-tune it later because we don't know what else we might find oh yes now can you turn the computer on gosh this is a mouse pad is that a mouse pad it looks like a mouse pad yes it's a mouse pad yes yeah okay you know still has those is this a diary oh oh i think it's a diary it's a diary i am a big nerd so i had a electronic diary i'd i'd write it in a online document i think there's a drawer above the computer all right here and i think i think that is like the back of the desk here i think that goes in here yeah messenger bags were totally the thing ipod ah yes i'll put it next to the game boy it's probably a zune okay so they like dancing they're like yeah they like dancing oh cute okay well you know we gotta put t-shirts together yeah this long sleeve goes in the back they also need more hangers my gosh savage what oh you can stack them on top of each other good good catch okay they still have piggy bank fish you know depending on oops depending on how many more clothing items we have i might stack some yeah they're still playing soccer yeah oh see yeah oh wait caitlyn pick up a t-shirt pick up one that's hanging right click it oh all right so you can kind of do that you can pick it up yeah i'll see what else again you know i need your favorite shirts down there and i can't believe you have you have a cat folded and a fish on display fine meow meow the alarm clock yeah is that oh i set the time i set the time oh yeah so it's right click that like interacts with things yeah well they're picked up [Music] hey it's so it's not necessarily while they're picked up oh because that one was um just normal right click interesting sailor moon shirt oh my gosh a lot of shirts froggy love oh okay that one's kind of fancy yeah dance goes up yeah dance goes up yeah that one's a little bit fancy needs a hanger oh you stay here the bus is still here the bus is still here yep oh that's new maybe they went to paris like a senior trip you know it's a night shirt yeah is it a night shirt it looks like a night shirt doesn't look like pj's kind of i'm trying to get it to open up again yeah oh i can you can take multiple okay all right i fit it down here the bras stack come on you could be more you can fold that a little bit better okay oh there's the pants okay oh more pjs it's probably two sets yeah it's two sets yeah yeah oh more socks slash underwear oh god oh so so worried that there was going to be another sock underwear that you wouldn't know where to put i need to go into existential crisis god i can't what if they did that to me i file an objection it actually has a decent amount of clothes oh we're close you guys until we find the other shoe in another box in another room oh my god so is that art supplies hmm put them there for now cause i'm running out of space what is that oh you could put some of the trinkets on top on the windowsill and then move the art supplies to the top shelf yeah that's a good idea truly collaborative process this organization yeah those look good there yeah yeah yeah and is that more art supplies is that like can you tell that looks like markers or pen yes i was oh my gosh don't do this to us don't do this put it on the top with the uh [Music] i can't hold on oh okay hold on yeah because that's the sketchbook that's the sketchbook yeah i can go up sketchbook yeah i'm rearranging it all right crisis the sketchbook is up here yes yes yes because that's part of the art supplies part of the art supplies okay now it's telling me to go to these other rooms yeah there's some unboxing there oh i didn't see the box okay i was like man we haven't done much in the bathroom and kitchen yeah oh under the nightstand there's some room oh yeah put the ball in there oh yeah let me close up oh god we still need that shoe you know what i'm also going to put these up here that yeah that one fits at least um know in the nightstand is there anything drawer oh hey yeah there's there's you know i could oh you know if i wanted to i could put like you know put their valuables up yeah yeah and then um that leaves a little room to like declutter a desk although we can't see the dab but you know sacrifices must be made my soup oh to hold the toothbrush yes yes yes not a savage not a savage can you open up the the mirror no i tried that earlier oh hang on this this this is going to frustrate this is going to frustrate caitlyn to no end because we faced i think that's about in the toil in the i flushed it oh oh that's a perfume super long flush and then you get that checked out i was thinking that might be a like shampoo bottle i don't know okay we're gonna have to and we faced similar frustrations in our last house because we didn't have enough counter space or drawers yeah every all my makeup was in a closet oh yeah oh my gosh come on at least now we can more efficiently use that last drawer yeah hopefully we gotta find that any more bras are we gonna find the boot oh yeah that's fair yeah yeah they stack yes is this a blanket or oh no it's a big towel yeah big towel there yeah that's nice so you can sit down there yeah okay oh that's a cute one i like that that's not for in here acceptable oh yes very close okay okay okay close it yes it's nice yeah this is you know a little cluttered but i think it looks good you can do that you can do the perfume on top of the toilet because then like do you need some does the room need some you know after a particular stinky one yep did i just see something flash over here on the screen isn't it all still good i've done that okay soap on top but what about a hand soap a hand soap hand soap is almost almost more important maybe there'll be another soap good access to your coffee cups oh nice a nice eclectic assortment the way it should be yeah yeah that's a teeny okay i'm gonna put the sugar there for now oh this is cute yeah yeah scoot yes yes yes yes yes right and proper oh my gosh we're going to run out of space so much so fast here no we'll be good we'll be good oh chad is asking if you can put the toothpaste in with the cup let's see yes yes okay you guys are good good call good call i didn't think it would fit you know they shouldn't have too many dishes like you don't yeah all you need is two plates you know keyboard put on the oh i mean i could put it somewhere oh yeah nice yeah and you know sometimes this does happen it never happened with us but what like stuff winding up in weird places just in case a little bit of chaos caitlyn enters [Music] oh yeah intolerant appliances the boot yeah fast boot okay that's complete come on are you on the right side no you can see it more on the right side well they both fit though yeah oh okay okay oh crisis i thought i was going to put one on each don't cause caitlyn this pain but you're doing all the specialty items in the top you should do the specialties in the lower you're right top is for the the essentials yeah you're right mm-hmm yeah the bottom is where all the weird stuff goes you're right how how uh not smart yeah the boot just needs a noodle now yeah you gotta put noodles in there to keep it open that's right yeah as we we explained in our most recent video oh yeah put that salt just like by the bedside table baby if you feel a little bit salty i wonder if we're gonna get an error on that probably is this coffee yeah you know i might do that you don't you may not you may not use your toaster are you like not as much as coffee yeah yeah are you a toaster person or not me no like this person yeah yeah exactly because like we we keep our toaster away because we only use it occasionally that goes in the top oh i'm sorry i thought i thought it was measuring spoons because they looked connected no i think i think you're right though yeah it probably goes here i'll take over while you coffee's priority right you the coffee you need access to every single day but you might not use a toaster every day knives here here and then there's something that goes over there oh little spoons uh little spoons here i think you put them upside down you're right oh you're you're so right all right that could go on the counter like sometimes it's nice yeah you know oh a little grill don't put that by the roach yeah we might need to rotate the toaster i think i think you can put it in here oh yeah yeah or can we rotate the toaster yeah we can yeah appliances there cutting board here right okay i need some vertical storage for that cutting board oh come on that'll totally fit yeah if you just rotate the handles oh come on oh you might need to use the upper under the sink yeah upper under the sink for pans i'll put this down below yeah utility is down below oh that one doesn't fit down there i mean if it's up here get on the circle now why won't you why won't you center yourself so sir oh my gosh can you put the pot up there oh oh train tracks um take the pot off i want to see all right that can fit up there and then this what's up with this one this one's horrible it doesn't fit like anywhere heck it anywhere i guess it can oh let me try something let me try something can i go and it can go in here oh it's just one that's so weird but here it can go this way it's because the sink gets in the way can only be flat things under the sink interesting really makes me uncomfortable have the roach spray so close to the paint yeah i do not like you could do the road spray can you do the roach right in the bathroom but there's no we could but there's no food in the bathroom no olive oil savage yeah no no no that's good makes sense i mean technically it makes sense to have it over here on this side because that's where you're cooking but yeah okay garbage put those in the bag is that extra sponges yeah yeah down there okay okay oh this one oh it's saying to put that in the restroom maybe oh it's a bath towel you know how are we supposed to know but we don't like those so there are incorrect answers maybe it's just i don't think it was saying to put it in the restroom oh it says there's also things wrong there yeah interesting i guess i can put it in here you know what i can yeah yeah yeah yeah i see i see i'll put a common cooking utensil here and then that this can go in the drawer okay okay okay okay they didn't like these things on the back of the toilet which i mean i do understand you can find the sink yeah okay they're not gonna like the knife did the notebook last why oh it wasn't a notebook oh it was the notebook was glowing also yeah yeah okay sorry they don't want your bedside salt i'll put it with the other seasonings and i guess i'll remove the knife fine fine you can put it on the on the cutting board probably oh yeah okay [Music] oh that must be college yeah i have to cook for myself uh oh [Music] oh try right clicking the pc now oh i can go back in okay yeah let's click it let's see who they're looking at oh it's light's turn oh it's booting oh yeah it's booting oh you disconnected it i forgot how slow computers were back in the day in 2004 oh the noise the booting noise oh my gosh it's an old windows i think that i think they're trying to insinuate that this windows xp yeah how long do we wait for it to boot yes did you ever put magnets near it and watch it distort and move and everything no you could do that yeah with those monitors now if you got the magnet too close you would permanently damage the screen oh that's whoever permanently damaged the screen i mean i'm assuming you know that somehow wow look at that room it looks so nice classes start monday uni here i come okay so this is so this is first college apartment or dorm yeah yeah yeah yeah cooking for themselves okay this is three years later oh cosplay they're doing cosplay yeah look at that hobbies oh they did have that sailor moon and this shirt you know could be taken like the base of maybe a sailor moon outfit oh wow look at this oh my gosh this is a big one this is a big one how many rooms oh they have their wigs on display yes okay this is epic this is epic yeah okay she's cool yeah she's cool and she have an iguana or something she's got a lizard back there there's a pet a pet something there's some like string on the ground and everything why can't i click on any of these things i guess those are the the the static background yeah i guess you can't move them wait this is interesting is she moving in with somebody because it looks like someone's already here well either either she's partially unpacked or she's moving in with a roommate i think that she's moving in with someone because look at this there's another girl living here i mean it could be her it could be her and we're coming in part way into the unpacking process oh you're right this is our room the empty room yeah this this is the empty room this is because all of our stuff's here computer technology has come so far look at how thin that monitor is okay what's that note okay there's a smiley sticky note on here let's peek into their life okay okay so there's four chairs oh dmd look that's d yeah they're playing d and d first she has a cool roommate those are miniatures up there look at that see miniatures gundam down here um those are i think more miniatures this is the d guy you know master the dice i wonder if they're custom-made resin ones um okay the wigs she needs some led dice to really be cool yeah you know we won't judge much okay yeah so she's moving in with someone with someone cool who's into cosplay and d and d and d and bugs and bugs oh there's probably a pet like tarantula or something in there can you zoom in on it praying mantis yeah or like a walking stick yeah okay so board games mitts ah yeah controllers multiple multiple games and everything okay shall we start unpacking oh i like analyzing that symbol has shown up in multiple places yeah it's on the art too the feather the feather see you right there oh housemate's a kiwi oh i think it's the flag of the new zealand rugby team the feather oh interesting [Music] that is some big jugs there's a big serious jugs okay so oh can we uh are we at the level oh are we sharing a cup i don't know a cup let's see let's see if we packed our own cup before we presume and put our toothbrush in their cup yeah okay so we'll put our razors together in a similar area yeah you can follow her lead on the razors toenail clippers i think maybe a drawer yeah i think a small drawer oh yeah okay we'll claim this drawer yeah this can be our drawer brush yeah makeup maybe i think that's comfortable you can't tell pills deodorant [Music] yeah perfume up there maybe can you hang it on the hook yeah yeah these are intense i like the these these are just this just harsh instruments too so pokey so i can pokey we have the same uh shampoo and conditioner bottles don't block hers oh three now oh body wash oh hygiene products put that yeah underneath underneath oh poop spray i mean this is where you put it this is where it's supposed to go honestly oh shower shelf for the um body wash and stuff i didn't see that yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't see the free shelf good call chat yeah top shelf is ours yes yes yes okay good catch y'all can you open that can you open the um mirror oh you can okay oh yeah yeah let's put these in here oh yeah and we still don't have our cup but maybe it'll come later just leave it there for now yeah it's like like i mean she has she has two toothbrushes maybe one is a partner's toothbrush yeah maybe maybe first sleepovers uh-huh bulletin board oh yes so maybe that's the drawing of their d and d character mm-hmm still doing hard i think yeah maybe our supplies maybe in here we'll have to see some of those drawers might be for clothes though oh yeah you're right yeah i think you're gonna end up having to move those what about in here no oh i wish you could i can stack them like that though all right for now i'll put those two stacks i'll put these here for now yeah yeah because this might be um because that's the only clothing drawers yeah okay lots of markers more markers than in the past you know that's accurate that's accurate it just grows closely thanks for the 20 months and rex leanne thank you for the 21 months we appreciate it y'all thank you guys oh rex leonzo's got my jubi pride plush yesterday that's awesome glad it's coming in yeah put the clock under there and you have to really dive for it may i make it a challenge i think that makes sense okay gotta set it so it looks like they might be in a rental house because if you look outside i see another house and a hose yeah it looks like they're in a rental house what does this look like i think it's a postcard oh yeah it on board yeah that's nice be cute v cute ellie's not here thanks for the 16 months and anita margarita thank you for the 20 minutes still rocking the same uh yep ooh extra hangers nice i love the eclectic set of hangers oh look at that chunking dude that's a big chunk in d20 that is like uh oh tablets she's an artist just like you but yeah um mouse are those little business cards is that a mechanical keyboard it looks like it might be a mechanical keyboard heck yeah heck yeah and what's this i think you just put it with the other books yeah and frenzy thanks for the 25 month sub oh and i'm sorry i missed this ant proof case thank you for the five gifted subs thank you thank you so much oh i missed a couple sets of gifted subs um pants are for suckers thank you for the five gifted subs thank you we appreciate it teren hart thanks for the gifted sub thank you guys and if you're new to our stream we actually have a rule and that is if you're gifted a sub you have to do a good deed to pay it forward they they did disc golf too or maybe just that might that might just be frisbee uh running shoes um what is that that looks like it's some sort of hiking equipment let me see looks like a chalk bag for um um when you when you climb like bouldering and climbing climbing oh dang or maybe that's workout is that workout chalk the shoes kind of yeah look outdoorsy new bras a dual color yeah we know that they have enough underwear to fill up a drawer um put this under the bed you can put it at the top of the closet oh yeah up there that works right here um oh you have to close the drawer i think this one is working like a hanging shirt i think there's some there's some hanging um for pants for pants i put two pants there we'll see if any more pop up yeah yep oh getting a little tight on the books oh new little uh that's almost like a switch yeah like a tiny these are oh games yeah the same book she's holding on to some of her favorite books i like that oh boy is this hangable or foldable uh i would hang it it's got buttons is that a little pumpkin i would wear that that's cute oh yeah this is definitely hanging she has some fancy this is her fancy okay definitely um oh oh she works out of starbucks it's a pumpkin spice latte oh that's what the that that was the pumpkin on her shirt it's her work uniform so you might fold that with it with the apron it's the same logo under the yeah oh yeah there's a workout yeah workout mat yoga mat pjs pjs pjs pjs such nice pjs like actual sets okay so that was a shirt from last time i think this goes into the restroom it's it's our restroom well we don't need two in the restroom just put it under her desk um okay it was our restroom toilet last time a workout sets maybe under the bed with a yoga mat oh yeah yeah yeah part of the workout is crawling to get your workout here yeah okay this goes with the the outfit uh yeah you know what baby thank you i'm line these all up you didn't even line yours up did i not you didn't you didn't stop me yeah you had them you had them left and right all willy-nilly like this i didn't realize i would have never but i did who am i i still accept you and i love you baby i can't believe you didn't stop okay there's there's these still these great red boots wow she has so many more shoes now this is just like representation of like your accumulation of stuff as you get older oh my gosh yes she has double the pairs of shoes double the shoes people oh hang that maybe oh yeah uh a secondary work uniform i think we should do a casual oh no not there not there those are the jeans yeah yeah i think we might move the workout bag down yeah i think so too yeah at least casualties work teas jeans pjs casual shirts casual shirts oh uh it's just a hoodie you can fold it ah still here very peach mood thank you for the nine months and eternal samurai i think for the 19 months she graduated yeah now this is our um you know we're working a big job now oh my gosh they're so cute do you still keep things that organized no we're gonna need room for the computer too it might be all in one well what's that i thought that was a computer in the other box oh yep gosh yeah that's where the computer goes yeah that could go on top maybe sideways yeah you're right all right oh shoes can go on the right side too ah our savior more shoe space yes okay okay all is right in the world baby so many rooms all right two more you can do these two okay yeah that game boy advance though right is interesting i i only lived with a roommate for one year in college you lived with a roommate all four years all four years yep i guess like since it was the same roommate all four years you never really had any like oh is this mine or is this yours you just kind of knew yeah ooh our roommate has stuffed animals too yeah oh my gosh look at that chicken a fat little chicken that was great oh my gosh they need to be together i'll put them down here next to them pet rocks yes up here rx yeah on top of everything you're right i think that is a new zealand thing i mean it was me reacting to it a long time ago but like you know i think that when we were in new zealand they did have that the feather yeah the feather thing i kind of have some big like thank you guys for the hype train thank you we still have our little bus whoa oh sorry sorry wrong wrong mouse rude how dare you oh we have a little leaning tower of pisa so we've done some more traffic yes okay quick question caitlyn yeah let's theorize let's gossip about this this person okay is this is this a roommate or a partner are they dating well there's a twin bed in our room wait no go to the top down go to the top down layout top down oh no there's there's okay so there's three bedrooms okay okay so yeah it's probably just roommates i think it's a roommate situation it's a roommate yeah because otherwise there's three toothbrushes now oh yeah so there is another person living there there are yes so we are one of three here and and and uh at least two people play d and d because i see two character sheets all right yeah so we can't remove any of our roommates stuff yeah but like when you when you combine your dvd collections how do you know whose dvd was who's do you label it is that rude i don't know you know we didn't with my roommate we didn't really have like combined collections of things but also we didn't like really watch tv oh we had we watched tv but we didn't watch like movies or play games like we're both very studious studious okay is this a was that a pj's looks like it might be a pj's kind of looks like peaches cindy the stallion thank you for the five gifted son thank you that's great did you get the doctor dr faustin gifting 10 subs no dr faustus thank you for the 10 gift itself thank you this is the only there's only only a tough part yeah about having two separate computers oh my gosh look at that gamecube that's totally gamecube it took me a second i was like what is that because it doesn't look like exactly like a gamecube yeah it's totally a gamecube reference i wish boxes actually did that when they were empty that would be great just kind of go alex tomorrow's your birthday happy early birthday whoa oh wow blanket that's a big blanket that's a big i guess on the couch yeah that's a massive blanket massive blanket try right clicking on the gamecube oh my gosh it was poked up it was hooked up cactus carts if i grab a controller hey i can't play it let me get the music going again i forgot oh yeah so we still like dancing yeah oh wait is that your uh d d crew look at that i think this might be our dnd crew so i think we play with the two other roommates that's epic so you are a um beast tamer yeah i think so one of you is an archer one of you is a hunter one of you is a leonid maybe i don't know cactus car it's the most uncomfortable ride ever yeah there's like a single space there we go thank you okay your turn all right school but anything you were the 10 month sub age and gabenader thank you for the five months oh honestly that's not the most inefficient way to do things this is kind of similar to how i actually unpack because i mean i don't put things on the floor not a savage but i do kind of just like lay everything out on a counter yeah and then we're like okay this goes here you know how the game is like a lot of stuff's wrong this goes here i like that you can move a full stack by picking up something on top no it doesn't you might be able to stack your plates on top of their plate symbols oh wow yeah oh we're really combining together really combining y'all i hope we like these roommates yeah who will remember which was which i don't know [Music] look it's got more scratch marks on it right now there's still no pantry although there's oils and spices and oils yeah i think it goes up there appliance could go in some drawers the um cutting board can go on top of their existing cutting board by the cops oh my gosh look at that look at that efficiency what's this star magnet yes all right where can we hang this next to the other one yes sugar should that go up here now that goes up here with their sugar okay you know this this this may not look efficient i hope that floor is clean oh yeah oh look at that killing a koala cindy the stallion thank you for the gifted sub and wild loki thank you so much for five gifted subs and thank you guys for the hype train plenty of faces to put these a cookie jar on the top shelf for not getting tempted not a bad idea oh let us oh we can put it up there with the sugar all right there's a drawer here for extra towels cool extra here yeah yeah this definitely could go here and this wow we are really combining with that really combining did you ever like label your thing this no but we just didn't have that much to combine we had like our clothes our school supplies and like our bathroom stuff yes you never lived in like a household no like we didn't even have like a living room it was just like we shared a single room and a single bathroom yeah there was one scenario where we shared like a very small living room with two other girls but all we put in there was a tv and some blankets oh there you go three uh three towels yeah so that's a cup for the toothbrush yeah the cup is for the toothbrush wait what the what the heck is this why does this not go here [Music] that's confusing the cup get the toothbrush cup we must write the song was that it was a smiley face one i guess that one matches our toothbrush yeah it matches the mattress this is also acceptable do the colors match the character let's see we're we know we're purple and we know that our favorite color was purple because our room was purple not necessarily yeah so one of our roommates is really into bugs i think that's this one like the bugs were here before we moved in yeah the bugs the the um the center girl riding and bug with the sword that's one of our roommates the roller derby was also here before yeah roller derby is that yeah roller derby was here so maybe that's this one so maybe we are the hunter yeah i don't know yeah d20 i thought the back of sponges was butter lil what do you say movie nights are awesome yeah movie nights are off cute 2010. how many how far how far is this um so we started college in 2004. we just did 2007 so we're probably still in college so now we're graduated most likely all right look at this city look at that much better wow much better view moving up in the world we're living in the city we have a leather couch okay so we can now we have coasters okay so so these are ours too all of this is ours so we're living on our own now oh so we picked up guitar mixing drinks zen garden i are we moving in with a boyfriend i don't know there's just a lot of new interests here yeah like i can't touch the weights yeah the weights the guitar we could wait wait we now are interested in bugs oh one of our roommates we're dating now we're dating a roof out how are you saying that because the roommate liked bugs but we might have picked up an interest oh you're right we might have okay so this could be a new relationship double double i'm just gonna say it does kind of have the vibes of a guy's apartment based on everything being black and gray hmm and the black toilet i feel like oh wait wait oh yeah look at this look at look at this look at this look at this comb a comb those are like that's shaving brush that's shaving brush this is uh this is a guy's stuff listerine cologne how can i pick it up is this not our stuff well oh yeah look at that beard trimmer an electric toothbrush heck yeah upgrades people upgrades oh did you look in the closet that'd be a big giveaway oh that's a good idea oh yeah he makes protein shakes he makes protein shakes and he works out hey that's that's a nice copper powder hello heck yeah look at this oh there's a picture of us there's a picture of us on the fridge where that's us ah that's us can you look in the closet on the bedroom okay yeah ties look at those tires hey at least he's an organized he's very organized i'll give him that yeah okay okay let's look through this stuff i mean this could use a little bit of tidying those boxers could use a little bit of tidying those are definitely boxers yeah they have the like wider band always smashing drawers is that that is that is it a poop emoji no okay shall we start unpacking things yeah i was like i was like not judging them oh look at that uh for uh an immersion temperature for either making sweets or grilling meats grilling meats oh cutting board in a drawer also that looked like a fancy this is definitely protein shake it's definitely a protein shake but i mean some nice coffee well here's what i pour over coffee the protein shake is in a drawer the protein shake is in the drawer counter you're right i really appreciate that i appreciate that some decent art some decent art or dare we say deep frying for the temperature gauge very true deep frying okay well okay i'll go so this guy's a cook he cooks or they cook yeah okay very fancy little martini glasses yeah oh we still have our little our little bus yeah zen garden now garden you know maybe he travels as well [Music] oh we still have our d20 yeah but we do there's not a permanent d like there's not a d d setup in here like there isn't like a a place there's not really a dining table yeah it's a little bit smaller a little smaller you know nice bedroom nice nice bedroom i think the bus means london yeah i think it is a london bus which i i didn't really get till i saw the other travel things oh oh we play music too all right get this in the bath bedroom are we going to share an underwear drawer wait didn't you fix those no there's a little different drawer you know what i should do he gets one week at one i think that's fair how what direction am i doing in here yeah bands out the bands don't go out on this one maybe they're a different type of understand bands in for this half could be a different like brand yeah different brand you know how it goes i got an underwear organization trophy for organizing all of the tiny white views together okay you know i'm organized yeah ghosty thank you for the 13 months i always love when i catch you guys live welcome all right anna thank you for sub and sydney the stallion thank you so much for the 900 bits thank you thank you we still have chick and little chick oh very nice oh yes cute all your stuff is here boxes on the floor oh we have another little chick now [Music] our big more big blanket our big fuzzy blanket how are you in college but it's it's it's stuck with us for so long oh what do we do i wish i could oh i know i know i know you know put that back and stack the books to the left of it oh yeah you can do the other one too if you want i'm a little worried about it knocking over his nice cups all right yeah okay hopefully oh no oh no oh no all right we can start with some here oh my gosh all right i know yes yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah luckily we can move his things a little bit all right there we go a lot of books you need a lot of storage space we mainly still have books just for aesthetic purposes to decorate oh in our us and our current house yeah yeah because you like will it fit in any of them oh oh here we can rearrange this we'll move this yeah yeah yeah here and this right there and then we'll put the books there there you go there you go okay oh my gosh so many books i kind of like that you have to like combine in a difficult way oh yeah the colorful ones up there yeah they're prettier oh there is storage underneath the coffee table oh yeah i know yeah there we go oh another one oh my gosh the chicks grow the collection of chicks oh my god oh no we might have to move all the chicks yeah we could always put them in a different room we could like put them in a bedroom or something that's pretty cute there we go oh we might have to put it where the chicks are no we have the power oh you're right yes you can put those on top with the other controllers yeah you're right some for his game system from some for ours exactly okay you know what do you think about weights in the living room i mean they don't really have a ton of room so i could see it i could see it it's not the worst thing like we used to we worked out in our living room yeah you can like put on some some entertainment and listen where your tv is and stuff it's like if you have space to put them away you know that's nice but he hasn't organized the bug yeah i'll leave the bug leave the bug you know i could probably put the chicken chickens all together oh look at that oh then i could put one chicken here you still have a chicken on the shelf i think you should combine all the chickens yeah yeah there you go yeah yeah all right you can do the room okay oh can you hang the ukulele i didn't see anywhere to hang at yeah yeah i don't i don't think so ah yes okay so we have some drawers yeah we have some drawers oh that's it yes that's his i think ours is on top oh yeah okay wait oh these are two different types come on the brow collection is growing i'll figure out what to do with this later looks like a diary pjs pjs for sure still the same game system still doing i might have to art organize some of these things a bit later oh under here nice nice yeah that's nice and proper oh a dress fancy hey oh it's getting torn up look a little bit beat up oh my gosh oh okay this is my side oh my gosh what if you have kids and you give it to the kid oh my god my heart okay don't really have room to hang things so i'm just gonna start folding oh we're still working at the same the same place oh what should we name the pig alfred alfred i just think of some nautica when i hear alfred ooh can can is there room for our weights and his weight rack we can i have one of your hangers for any of these ours oh there's heads well we can fold his put him away do they no they don't yeah oh they do okay you know oh yeah what's up oh no yeah you know i don't want to fold his dress pants though are those casual those are casual okay those will be folded okay pigsley is one arnold is another name wilbert wilbur could be a good one let's let's organize this let's move his shoes closer together there's room for optimization there you know honestly these can be bedside yeah if if need be okay i'll match his shoe energy toes facing inwards sir bacon i gotta fix it the left and right was backwards oh okay we have some hangers people we have some hangers nice blouse oh i might have to oh yeah oh yeah it's cause the pants are long our degree hmm not really room in here [Laughter] there's not really an office is there no we can put it like in the living room maybe there we go i fit my pants a purse cute put it there for now oh nope jk oh oh boy okay we'll figure out the shoes you maybe yeah oh i have a hanger for my nice shirt what would you say you can maybe what i was thinking could you move try moving the weights over to the to the living room and then you can put the shoes under there where the weights are and let's see yeah nice yeah let's see if we can put our weights together yeah no yeah a little mismatch but that's okay it's fine that's fine that's acceptable diploma i think in the living room wall maybe not room we need to remove some of his posters come on your poster's out of here dude oh man [Laughter] do it perfectly acceptable do it okay i think it looks pretty good oh man not much counter space i'm just really glad we get to use our degrees so so frequently yeah so frequently i like how the sound changes in here it's like uh more echoey oh yeah go to the closet again go to the bedroom close the uh close that oh so there's some room down i like it where it is yeah yeah oh and did i yeah this is a little yeah okay yeah it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad oh it's got a chip in it now oh razor up on the shelf maybe maybe but it is it's such a like sink thing yeah sticky poops oh complications you have less bras now yeah i got rid of some bras you know they have a limited life yeah they wear out what is this oh my gosh drawer oh there's a drawer okay wait so i think these tiny things can't go on you can put the products in there too oh no yeah i don't think the tampons will fit yeah oh they do yeah no that that's that down there no yeah yeah yeah if it fits up behind the toilet paper if you just look right there right there is this a shampoo like upside down shampoo yeah yeah open up click there ah here move this ooh straightener oh no not that oh oh no electrocution oh no electrocution hazard i think up here what do you think about all the teal plates and stuff you know i'm i'm kind of a like classic white plate person mostly because i feel like i won't get rid of it and the thought of having to like getting bored of my plates and having to replace them all sounds exhausting we we've had the same exact white plates for since well you had him at your first apartment before i moved in long as i've been it's been so long it's been a long time been a long long time 12 years you want to do the kids ten years you under the kitchen baby yeah you're finding so many more stickers than when i played oh that's like the achievements you could always put them on the island oh yeah it's like you got to get more efficient with your your use of space when you move in together pour over coffee yup very nice yeah what about all those oils where all those oils and stuff oh like his cooking oils yeah he might not cook much maybe he's mostly into the coffee and drinks okay this definitely goes there along with this same peeler oh new can opener mmm spice spicy look at those adult spice things very adult spice jars so we have some cooking oils yeah we'll i think we should put his scale in a drawer because it's flat yeah hopefully he's okay with that i think he survives on protein and coffee only garlic press oh yeah very nice travel very nice yes because we travel together your three friends yeah that's the roommate three friends roommates oh boy see boy oh maybe in the upper left cabinets somewhere okay but i mean you might need to decide here because like you need to consolidate are you going to boil it in the instant thing are you going to do this uh you know what i just realized what's that oh no there is a sink i was like where is the sink because uh because we don't have access to the under sink storage like we normally do you know what can you open the fridge this needs to go up here and this i'm so upbeat yes calm music oh my gosh where the heck are we gonna put this oh my gosh oh my gosh so that like soda can the water bottle looks like a soda can can go by the other one yeah where the heck are we going to put this colander i mean at least his you know the copper pot i like that on the counter i think you know i think that's nice and save some space oh oh his on plates i bet we can consolidate those and stack them more efficiently his teal oh yeah that'll give us some space oh my gosh yes look at that yes all right okay now we're in business what is that laptop oh my gosh that's very cute put it on the counter it could go on the kitchen counter like where the chairs are wait put it on the floor in front of the toilet yeah easy access i think it can go there oh it's facing the wrong way oh no no yeah oh my gosh where are you gonna do your work this is where she has to work it's a tight it's a new york apartment oh my god a whiteboard is it another tablet no no no yeah oh looking on the fridge yeah you should be able to hang pan on the side oh oh yeah yeah look at the side of the upper cabinet you can hang the pan oh it's got a leather loop yeah oh so satisfying so we can put the pot back if we want and like the cookie jar yeah okay okay okay okay okay oh fancy oh look at that look at that knife look at that nice nice that looks damascusy might be damascus you know what i'm gonna have to do this i'm gonna have to yeah you know the cutting board it's a nice cutting board so i think having it out it looks like it's walnut yeah it looks like walnut that's not about oh that's bathroom oh some of our magnets from our roommates oh so cute you might be able to no might be able to put that next to the pot oh yeah oh can you draw on the board try to draw on the board yeah maybe that can fit in uh oh yeah oh air is errors no come on that's funny it's a great spot it's funny where else are we going to put it where else are we going to put it mommy am i the guys maybe this is symbolic it's like your degree means nothing because there's no room for it do you want to close the um it could have even combined in there yeah this works there's no room maybe you have to put it under your bed [Music] it's symbolic it's symbolic after a certain point your degree just becomes meaningless oh that's funny when do you install a velvet toilet seat i barely managed to fit myself in here yeah all right let's see what happens yeah come on oh wait oh this is interesting younger sewing back oh wait whoa whoa whoa there are two of you move out this is your kid's room is it your kid's room wait what was the year i missed the year we need to see the year main menu album is locked we just asked chat that's all so there's oh june 2012. okay so this is two years later all right yeah i'm gonna miss the only series so this is where you're probably like 15 here well it doesn't matter we can find out the age from college okay 18. so if you're 18 in 2004 and then you're 19 20 21 here with your roommates awesome 22 23 24 when you move in with the boyfriend 24 25 26 here so you couldn't no so this this must be your a group of friends i think it's you your boyfriend and your two friends um it doesn't look like two friends it could be your parents you and a sibling whoa look at this there's a lot going on but you are only okay i'm so curious about so though you only have access to two rooms you must have moved out did you oh this is our childhood room we moved back home no this isn't this is it look at the purple this is it and the purple walls with the very specific uh molding on the walls it's go to the childhood room okay and now look at the childhood one one more childhood room the window and the molding no way back home we moved back home whoa good eye yeah interesting okay okay yeah so we stayed with the guy for two years and then we left so now we're back in our childhood so interesting with a scratch-up desk we still have our soccer trophies yeah when we played soccer we have an award-winning photo look at that award-winning photo we have our pig art that was from before you know what let's hang our degree baby let's hang our degree we got a picture of our pig all right so i'm not curious about that i think it's our family oh my gosh look at that okay this sewing tin it's not a cookie tin it's a sewing tin this might be like our mom converted the room to a craft room and now we're moving back in i think we are crafty too or is that a room no that was our roommate so are these scarves um there's a lot of scarves well if your mom is crafty she makes scarves my mom makes blankets and scarves all right so you still have your bugs okay all right so you still have your weights awesome you go girl um you have too many books though yo yo [Music] oh childhood poster it's lisa franco no stand up right books gosh i guess let's do them that way oh boy baby [Music] is that minecraft those books look at the how you stack those you did it like this and then this and then this thank you oh a ds i'm just gonna put that up there okay we still kept our d20 some of our action figures wait hold on is that was that tiny thing by the horse again the dreidel brittle are you sure those are scarves not karate belts oh karate belts karate belts but you're missing black belt oh okay okay and this person has a healthy diverse set of interests i know i'm like i need some hobbies this isn't the hobby this is a hobby but it's also work oh oh caitlin look at this the pin is through his face oh is that symbolic oh yeah is that symbolic yes i mean i'm surprised you put it up at all but with the pin through the face you know i don't think it was a good breakup sending a message i don't think it was a amicable breakup still have that same purse that purse has lasted you a while now you know what i mean ty the bear things for two months so glad i can slip you guys and hang out while making my day a blanket oh my gosh caitlyn guess who joins us it's like more and more faded too we are gonna find some room we will hang out properly no fear dean what do you think so the sub origami dragon thank you for the 22 months translated thank you for just 17 months almost two years after the melancholy of my parents moving out to another city and cry hugging my mom today i am here you can do it it's always hard to move away from family captain jimmy thank you for the two months moonwire ducky thanks for the prime thank you thank you guys cut the pig but left the other plushies i mean they might still pop up oh nice you made room made room everything is hanging nice everything will hang everything got an incense oh that was from him we took it we took it we took it we took the incense burner you know that's okay oh we still have all of the chicks yeah yep the whole cruise here look at that kind of has a little little butt cheeks right there look at that look at that definitely butt cheeks okay yeah do it that way butts out sun's out buns out what is that i think that's a like a heating water thing oh my gosh we got a fourth one a new butt okay learning can we make some room on the shelves yeah yeah there we go the books are always a challenge it's gross man that lava lamp i kind of i kind of want a lava lamp too i want like a really good one one that's worthwhile you know what i mean you know what yeah get rid of that okay i guess i guess that's acceptable oh we have a butt train look at all your butts but train look at the little little chicken box yeah earbuds and chicken butts guess what chicken butts south carolina butt german butt jamaican butt virginia butt this is a how to draw oh no i want to put that out here you should make your own lava lamps we've looked into it it's complicated it's extremely complicated there's no tutorials except for one that you can pay for but i don't think you can share it so i don't think we can make a video about it it's like we did a lot of research you can make like lava lamps that aren't lava lamps it just has like separated goo that's just giving up what are those i can't tell i said i would just assume it goes in the bathroom i was like is that kitty litter or something oh geez gotta do some rearranging we might be able to move the trash can can you put the lotion right here yeah you can put the lotion there look at the little bowl of potpourri my mom probably put that there yeah she did and i appreciate her for it pulling butts oh it's back pain back pain mad oh yeah that's it i see it i see it i see it because we're getting older we have back pain now oh no we have more more shampoo products what's this like lip balm it could be like a um like a hand scrub in an artisan jar like she got it on etsy or something mm-hmm and this really does make me want to organize things just like rearrange and stuff like further optimize you love that i do oh it's cracked yeah it was cracked before in the boyfriend's house yes ooh that makes me nervous close to the edge you're really living on the edge thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah oh geez yeah that fits there maybe we rearranged the drawers a little bit i i do like how it gets harder and harder you know those two little jars those are kind of pretty you can maybe put those up by the candle you know like up by the candle oh yeah those are kind of nice looking like nicer than like the like pill boxes and stuff so close i you we could definitely do it you put something for the right one no it's okay they fit that that should fit too yes no more things maybe in the bathroom can you put that on the can you put it on the windowsill in the bathroom the puff i'm sure we can make around i mean you can always just put it on the counter next to the potpourri this is better okay okay what did i get wrong here i'm trying to look for it maybe it's in the cabinet oh you got to take it down oh yeah that's epic put it in the trash where's the trash and then another room and there there's trash the trash in the bathroom where's the trash in the cabinet come on come on that's funny maybe you can just put it on the floor now yeah i didn't think so under here your ex boyfriend yeah you could try moving the tamagotchi and putting in that drawer okay yeah behind closed doors yeah that's interesting that they like made you like notice it and they pointed out to you that you are no longer yeah in that relationship being back in the childhood bedroom home-cooked food yeah home-cooked food mom's cooking this room used to feel bigger yeah we got it yeah home cooking achievement all right your turn three years later was it um i think this is just one year later album yeah one year later all right one year moved home for a year and now we're in our own place this is empty it doesn't look like we're moving in with someone yeah everything is everything is moving oh you know little it's a little a little bit of a fixer-upper you know whatever fixer-upper that's okay but you know yeah yeah you have your own you have your own little place what's the hecking cute little cactus yeah a little bit of fixtures a little bit of tlc would be would be fine you know it's a great starter yep look at this you have room right there so much room you're doing you're doing great girl i hope she doesn't accidentally break that um mirror on the like towel hook that's sticking out the mirror on the towel hook yeah open that oh my gosh yeah you need to put up you need to put a thing there asap this is like her first honestly she fixed it up like look at the claw foot tub yeah kind of funky you can replace it with a resin toilet so you just do a quick pour over yeah pour over it make that a resin toilet seat yeah there's a lot of promise here floors the brick is pretty cool look at that look no one taking up space for you i we love these drawers we love them man you could store your art supplies here oh yeah right totally yeah okay i'll get a few more of those and like line the whole bottom of the closet where do you want to start baby entryway sure yes and you have room for all your stuff yeah we don't have to share something oh anybody oh i love that you took your boyfriend's potpourri though oh his little incense his little incense i love that oh netherlands or uh yeah yeah netherlands guys is that the netherlands did i cuss oh yeah you did earlier i did well you did earlier and you just almost did that's fine oh let me rotate yeah yeah yeah invite your girlfriends over oh this is this is the uh that's the uh the wii the wii u where you point the thing you know you know it's fine i like how you're organizing things by similar size yes netherlands yeah okay so i got the little butts what if there's more there are more oh you mean even more than last time yeah oh she painted her minifigures painted it yeah she painted that minifig yeah there might be a d d thing or it could be a sketchbook could be a sketchbook oh it's just a normal wii ah cute yes you know brick walls are great i like brick walls oh yeah down down there yeah i'll go okay i guess could go in any of them i might have to move this one wow those are probably the dvds or games or games yeah it's that little speaker that's a little speaker oh oh her little ds yeah yeah that's something you play while on the couch yeah for sure come on now [Laughter] well you can do one of those yeah yeah this one needs to be here too yeah what is that what is that is that is that a dice holder i don't know anywhere to put can i put this on the wall hanging anywhere [Music] yeah oh a stand a stand for the ukulele put it to the left put to the left of the tv oh on the ground on the ground yeah yeah yeah see now we have a proper place to put it you know it was the the boyfriend was a little selfish with wall space i'm just saying his oh we have a book like his guitar got a nice wall hanging and ours did not we didn't have room for our degree you know i'm just saying there were some same signs it's the same oh it's a a hamsa a hamsa a protective hand oh you can hang it oh what's that maybe for your your cosplay swords umbrella okay so she lives somewhere where it gets rainy oh okay what happened to her that she's a cane that's interesting you can put that underneath underneath under here oh under here yeah yeah do i need to put the ds down below too oh yeah yeah oh she had back pain a few years ago oh yeah that's right yeah back pain than a cane soccer accident maybe yeah she might have chronic pain oh interesting interesting it's interesting the other plushies are doing great but the uh the pig is getting the most wear yeah oh this one's fully in an egg ah i mean that's that's kind of great i'll have to we'll have to like find good spot for all these the collection grows the collection grows do it in front of the tv yeah watch out guys out everybody even you wait can i do something let me color gradient them no i'm gonna do this is the first one this is the second one and i think it goes like this then this then yeah so it's like like this right yeah because i think that's that's how they they color then collectibles you're getting the full set and then and then you go all the way here okay you want to do the next room baby sure bit bye can i hang this here no it has to be there thing next to the door is nice um oh you're gonna have so much space these drawers are a little tight though doors are a little tight yeah the medicine stack is getting more um can i set this here yeah i think so that's a nice thing for the counter yeah if you have to find our cup and we'll find the cup yeah there it is yes this lasts us all these years i know i think soap goes closer right yeah soap goes closer because that's the messier one yeah all right keep it under there yeah yeah i gotta rotate so neat so organized i know yeah probably up there maybe we put the perfume up oh we can put the perfume in there yeah yeah yeah um that goes up there trash can what happened to your last trash can that means they don't live forever that's true but we are pretty loyal to our purple brand of um shampoo yeah i'm back i had to stop watching and only listen due to the sudden urge to reorganize my kitchen cabinets i feel that i feel that oh vitamin d they're not going outside enough yeah i feel that too band-aids creams clippers clippers tweezers oh puff oh i was like what is that then a roach spray can maybe put yeah there you go okay it's pretty well organized that's pretty good that's pretty good oh there aren't as many drawers do you put your underwear here i think so can you scroll up okay yeah it's just a hanging bar okay diary under there and you know like you you could you could you could do with a little bit of a um oh there's the drawers on the left yeah but going i'll say that for art supplies if if possible no i'll probably put these here they probably don't want us to put art supplies here like like normal people oh nice nice fun pants oh yeah and the hot water bottle for the chronic pain oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh she has an office now okay what was that little container you put on the top drawer on the top purple dry it just looks like a um like maybe it's a sewing kit yeah that seems like i could go on there okay so we have another bottom hanger happening and what was the yellow oh that goes with the pjs i'll hang this in a little bit yeah gotta swap the left and right yeah we need more hangers our family a little candle yeah that could go there oh it goes inside cute that doesn't make me a little nervous seems like a little bit of a fire hazard i'll be fine it'll be fine thinking the purple oh yeah i do still think purple's their favorite color purple drawers purple bedding oh yeah you can hang that orange yeah yeah that one definitely goes up there this one needs to go put clothes you should put stuff to be organized on the bed that way you don't have to always like open and close the door you're right yeah because this needs to go up here that's that's a nice that's yeah that's her nice dress that's her nice job she's had that for years yeah back to four bras got some new bras good for her doing well oh he's patched he's patched he's patched yeah more hangers more hanger space those are for bottoms there we go all right there's like a plane in the background oh that's a fancy top yeah that that needs to go up yeah oh gosh she's getting so fancy these days i know we need more top hangers okay yes thank you yeah those shirts does that mismatched hanger bother you but at least it's blue blue yeah i put this blue shirt on the blue hanger an eclectic set of hangers never really bothered me that's just how hangers grow you know i think this can be folded up yeah t-shirts i think can be folded unless we have enough hangers for everything wow we're moving up on the hanger game same purse yes there we go this is so satisfying the hangar games like the hunger games 40 42 thank you for 18 months kate starkiller thank you for the two months did i just finish rewatching the forest videos oh man we were just talking about how we're so sad that the forest some of those forests got delayed again ah this seems a little weird for the purse even if you just put on the floor of the closet oh yeah that works please no more shoes there we go they fit cute very cute all right you got this yeah right improper rubbery flying fish i'm gonna go i'm gonna go help my brother literally back well hopefully this is a good uh oh her her marker collection has grown so much i know now she has room to work okay with one notebook i could put a nice aesthetic notebook or sketchbook right on the table but there's too many now okay okay i see i see oh um do these okay no but i think those are for art supplies there's probably art supplies in there i'll put this here i've just moved and i've literally been putting off unpacking for a month oh man that's 300 worth of alcohol markers there we go yep necessary is that a stress ball i think so yeah same i don't want to unpack either a little throw yeah that's great when you're cold you're just doing art don't you want to just rain oh yeah and like put the blanket on yeah yeah i like that that's good stuff i always keep a blanket on my office chair good night everyone that's good go to sleep we're very loyal to our eraser brand oh a drawing of pig oh my gosh so are these sketches are you gonna become a plush a plushy artist or like a children's book children's book illustrator yeah we might be a children's book illustrator oh that'd be cool pursuing our degree yes our passion for fashion our passion for fashion or children's books it's thicker it's thicker no no books need to go together no books need to go together that's cute oh did i quote brat is that passion for fashion oh was that from the drew video uh there's a curtis video where it's hardest video yeah it was curtis or you just saw the commercials oh you're doing art well i like that last one that's good that's our bug it's our bug ah oh our bug went too went to bug heaven i thought we had the cage still oh we don't have the cage still oh oh sweetheart dude sweet art graphic design is my passion yes oh dewy themed art well that's just primo yeah that's primo that's primo oh our friends our friends i wish it was this quick and easy to hang out and move it just turn that turn that on oh i gotta put the printer there yeah is it backwards is that right no the other way there yeah that's correct oh what is that what is that is that a scanner maybe that goes under here maybe in there yeah it's interesting what is that i don't know what that is like uh oh printer paper that's printer paper oh oh i have business cards i'm such an adult oh yeah something for business business oh is that headphone stand no that's right that's the router that's internet right yeah yeah yeah clock yeah nice i like i like the color aesthetics yeah you know go ahead and set it set it oh yeah i guess it is right okay you have internet can you open up your cat computer oh open up the cat computer okay you know man it's just a little repaint you know yeah you know the kitchen is where the age of the house shows the most but i still feel like it'll be a lot homier and cozier once we put our stuff on it and a little repaint maybe we'll remake some new shelves it's so interesting how the like ambient noises change depending on what surface or from room to room oh yeah like the fridge noise yeah you hear the birds cool fee yes i guess we picked up some fancy coffee habits i have fresh ground yeah we haven't really been converted with um fresh tell people that they're gonna judge us i like fresh ground coffee but i also like pre-ground coffee it's not a big enough difference under the cabinet maybe under under there yeah down there down there yeah put that down there i don't know like that's making fun of us for putting the wi-fi router in a metal cabinet which would reduce the signal greatly don't don't don't change it it's working it's aesthetic it's working you know maybe they've maybe they have wired internet everywhere and she doesn't even rely on is this a coaster wi-fi six huh who needs wi-fi six when you have cat six when you have six cats just get beans and use an impact drew grind we judge you regardless so i knew they were going to judge us no we've we've gotten [Music] with with the the coffee sponsor we've gotten didn't we get some didn't we get some pre-ground from our sponsor every year a long time ago yeah pre-ground that was pre-ground but we currently use this pre-ground yeah bean juice is bean juice as long as it makes the coffee i agree dig bean juice is bean juice i'm gonna put this up here yeah just because like it's not very efficient use of this space what is that oh cookie cutter okay multiple cookie cutters so we've definitely taken up baking because we have the um oh yeah they're getting added yeah the rolling pin and um oh what's that can you guys tell what that is oh it's a mug okay i just want to reply to this real quick uh yeah would you say yes yeah oh it's a spare coaster let me put these two up here okay katelyn there's a top drawer i know i'm saving it i'm saving it oh oops i was saving it for silverware for some reason i thought that these were um measuring spoons and i was like wow she really grew her collection of measuring spoons rotate rotate those knives rotate those knives thank you yes yes okay thank you guys a better place for the wi-fi i believe there's a very fancy faraday cage in the utility area just put it in the oven the wi-fi in the oven what if what if it'll tell us that we have to move the wi-fi that would be kind of funny you know open shelving is all the rage our cookie jar is cracked oh [Music] do we win something because we put on the top shelf a sometimes food yeah i think it's because we put it on the top shelf our koala magnets yes our magnets oh right on it drawing it oh we drew music this time our d friends d d friends are forever yeah was that a new that's a the three is a new thing the three is new three oh oh equals okay equals three i think there's a great little starter place as long as there's no rats you know we always have our cockroach spray we're in the flight path did you hear the plane yeah you can get a discount ooh honey is that honey we'll put that up with the coffee we'll move the coffee up there too yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna move the cooking oils a little bit closer yeah to the the thing okay our water bottle i'm just gonna put this up here for now yeah a little egg timer that knife's been with us for a while you know they last a while i put the sugar up here with the coffee too yeah yeah yeah i agree with that like sugar and honey you know this place needs a cat i agree chad i agree so we're doing some some math hopefully the next number we get is two i might need to like move it down because of the the handle we're gonna get up we're gonna get an achievement for this yeah we are oh oh thank you thank you thank you thank you oh my gosh so many spices i hope this is the last spice because otherwise i'm going to move the soy sauce we're going to have my water yeah thank you thank you [Music] okay you wanna do it for a little bit yeah i'm gonna move these a little bit down i think that makes sense yeah you need like quicker access we can probably even remove this yeah it'll be a little heavy to get down but you just don't need access to it as frequently that can go up top i think we can move the cookie jar let me move these all the way here this these all the way here these all the way here yeah okay optimize optimize optimize oh can you open pan storage at the bottom of the oven i'm not sure that'd be great for what you have right there i thought underneath the oven no it's not a it's not a drawer right there okay yeah that's not it we can't do that yeah under the sink i have those in the second yeah we still have a lot of drawer space like if we want to put like the egg timer in that drawer we probably can if we want to make some room up there because we're running out of open shelf space fast yeah yeah yeah that can fit i think even let's move these down here bold move do you see more space up there that's true yeah not enough room for tall items oh geez boy come on you kill me you know we could put some things on the table or on top of the fridge oh that makes me nervous heck yeah thank this you up there the spares go down here yeah yep oh gosh killing me oh yeah that on the table what is that oh it's candles i can go next to it well i think under here oh okay storage she's getting more plates oh yeah baby he did it okay so this has nothing wrong with it oh no this that was not that's not my fault i didn't put that there that's my wife you can probably put it in there yeah okay all right what'd we miss oh come on put that put that to the side maybe one of the side ones will it fit yeah what's the wrong put in the other i think it's like a dvd player it needs to be oh here oh yeah i think it needs to be facing outwards i see i see okay what's wrong with this i see nothing wrong there might not be anything wrong here um put that in the office maybe yeah let me put that in the office too i think that works oh yeah that works all right what's wrong with the office oh come on it's cozy there put it in the in the closet oh come on under the bed oh come on come on under the bed that doesn't make sense maybe they want to stay in the office living room oh it's a towel i thought it was a blanket i did it i did it i did it oh olive chat is like it's a towel it's a towel [Music] phoenix reborn i've missed long baths let me you can get additional information by kind of finishing it in different rooms i'll figure out where to catch from later i want to know about this making this my art space we knew it we knew it okay that's january 2013 yeah this is the year after moving home 2015. okay okay she's still here so she's here she has a couch look at this look at this look at this too look at this too she has even more the chicks but they're where we put them but there's an additional one now oh yeah that's so interesting the one on the far left they shifted a few things around whoa she added law no those were there those were there i tried to click on them okay is someone moving in with her now so she moved some things around okay i like that whoever's moving in is bringing the plants i i prove i approve of the plan of the plants i think so far nice improvement nice nice improvement let's let's let's look okay okay more plants okay okay so she's gotten more towel stands here she still has the anti-slip mat that's good the anti-slip mat that's nice thing so there's room for another puff there is room for another puff now okay okay interesting interesting okay mm-hmm can't judge too much yet oh she did get a second one of those i was thinking i was thinking she needs a second yeah oh it's raining she must have gotten a pink and then alternated cozy oh we were right to put these there she won an award she won a design award and look at her little guys on top of the monitor oh that's great these are cute i love that i love that for her okay i feel like she's thriving that's a nice mechanical keyboard yeah she got a nice her sketches are still out i think that the barn might be i think the barn is new and i think the like is that a goat guy on the upper left i think he's new the grumpy guy a grumpy goat i need to move this over one baby yeah see they left the router there if the router was really bad i need to have them facing each other okay oh look her her um trash can got a little more full um two placemats [Music] oh and is that a new photo on the fridge it looks like a couple new photos all right oh adela ae i owe you i arranged them are you gonna have to scoot there oh they got a spice rack the little oh yeah that's great great for space that's great let's start unpacking some of the things let's see what we learned yeah i love that more mugs okay let's see remember we have our existing ones in the drawer but i think these are too big oh are they fit okay yeah that's interesting so they left as much as they could where we had it oh look at that gallon of soy sauce lover and a poop emoji lover there's your poop emoji baby oh that is a poop emoji ice cream lover definitely likes flowers is that um is that a spoon dish or is that like a just i think it's a spoon dish like it could be it seems kind of tall for a spoon dish it might just be like a serving dish it might be sauces sauce box gosh yeah man you know what i'm gonna have to move these over here to make room for the sauces oh mortar and pestle yeah definitely a big cook a drying rack heck yeah what's this baby ooh someone said do i i heart you oh so grab the i and the u and the heart you don't need to move those just do it above it that letter i hi uh-huh heart oh i like that yeah that's that should have been a steaming basket for dumplings dumplings and heck get that over right here man i love dumplings i don't know if i'd ever be able to cook the rice oh rice cooker cool okay we're getting a little packed in the kitchen oh cute i wonder what these are looks like some kind of award also yeah also has their own have their have their own awards and achievements to be proud of i wonder i turned the music off because i want to make it easier for our editors but i wonder if okay so music only plays every now and then okay i'll leave it on oh their own computer well i wonder where are we gonna put their computer put it there for now we're gonna have to set up another office space or maybe the living room coffee table you know work on the couch yeah i would maybe do that yeah right there yeah ooh throw pillows very cozy cozy oh yeah yeah i like that okay their own games i'm gonna give them their own game area on this side up two umbrellas they also are lovers of books scrabble down here oh board games we have music starting i think we should just yeah it's going to be easier for the editors if we just played on the side like we've been doing if you want to play it at all all right yeah a little watering things for the plants oh yeah put up there so you don't forget it oh my gosh baby can any of that fit on the windowsill like the succulents yes heck yeah oh poster oh and signed season two a little lemon slice might be like coasters yeah you can probably put those on the coffee table the coasters i feel like that would make sense yeah that does make sense cute coasters very cute coasters wow design do you think move these up here and we can go i can fit like one or two more i wonder if those are for future plants i bet those will stack yeah heck yeah mischief managed everything fit together nicely so i think we got we got another oops sorry sorry to mess up your organization i think we got another chick oh we did yeah that one on the right and the one on the far left is new how do we deal with this put it where it was no what do you mean no look at the process i don't think there's a an order anymore because we have two half shells i mean you can do that because then this is when their feathers are coming in so do you want to do that one after the last like they're real feathers because this is this is down fuzz no i think i think that that is the transition between the yellow and the brown i think right here because the darker colors i think that's like more grown chickens i don't know i know nothing of chickens i i know nothing all right plant they can go on top of the toilet yeah i like that ooh makeup jars makeup jars wait this is interesting so it's a girl moving in yeah i mean i had my suspicions with the throw pillows oh early on this this was this was the like confirmation for me the makeup yeah definitely a girl moving in roommate or romantic i think romantic i think romantic too oh i'm gonna put the two okay yeah the two brushes together toothbrushes together we're making an assumption we're making an assumption here but it just feels like it i ship them i feel like at this i don't know she's done the roommate thing already i feel like the game is giving us something new all right we might need to put some stuff on that lower shoulder yeah so this is the so oh yeah yeah it's one bedroom it's one bedroom so it's definitely romantic definitely romantic yeah so not a roommate situation i need to know more okay on the lower shelf under the towels or you could put like the paper towels like move or oh you know we should move our makeup bag because our makeup bag right now is in the back next to the paper towels we should move that out we need better access there we go towels oh um yeah there you go yeah there you go there you go there you go oh yeah nice contrast another puff yeah i think a drawer oh no can you rotate come on can you rotate the comb oh oh my god yeah yes do you want to close the door yeah success though i mean that was fairly well integrated oh i forgot we still have i think it's just i think it's just this now right i think so did she move anything into our office i don't think so i know i think i think the office stuff all seems like a natural progression of ours maybe the cactus because she brought it up oh my god i need to unpack this just so i can get to showing off leggings i think right here oh also love stuffies oh nice boots oh next to each other yeah fuzzy friends okay good thing you brought your own hangers definitely girl i think we've established that although maybe you keep saying definitely girl i think one of the shallow i think shallow will drop yeah you're right because you can't stack the bras i wonder if this roommate is also into um cosplay i think it was one of our one no yeah that was one of our friends yeah oh that's the same the hat goes with the um poster i think yeah definitely a super fan yeah and the hat we might be able to put on like next to the laptop there the laptop was was retired for because we have the big computer now oh yeah a full big computer so we've had some some success to get another computer and everything you know i think night night shirt i think so i mean it might not be yeah those look like night shirts night shirts in here yeah wow she really she's just super she's a super fan i think the plants you can put on the um bedside table i was thinking about putting this thing up oh yeah one minute that big one there and the tiniest one is up here yeah that's cute [Music] ooh you think the girlfriend works on the anti-hero show or is the super maker of the anti-hero show not just a fan oh is this a walkie-talkie oh there's an anti-hero mug oh is that a wonky dog that could be a no it's not a cell phone it's walkie-talkies they have walkie-talkies each one has a walkie-talkie so they can talk that's cute i wonder if one of them is like nearby like they work nearby so they can walk they can walk you talk to each other cute outfit i like that top yeah oh man that definitely needs to go up um yeah maybe there might and sometimes it's a little bit i'll just move it back oh won't rotate weird i know right seems like it should oh oh there you go oh cute baby backpack i like that there a little diary down here yeah yep cute cute yeah we can always put them in the drawer if we need to where are we going to put our awesome boots can you do them oh right here yeah there you go yeah oh nice i have the coat oh god so many cute things okay yay thank goodness she brought hangers no boot noodles yeah she she definitely needs some boot noodles to keep those upright leggings those are fun leggings was like oh you don't have much room left i know hmm what's that i don't know oh incense incense sandals oh don't put the sandals on bed maybe next to it yeah i might have to put some shoes under the bed i think that's okay you know that we got the tall ones in the closet i think that's totally acceptable i agree yeah okay we passed this room we passed and okay um everything's fine here something in the kitchen is wrong oh try swapping things around and the m these as well yeah what about this oh because there's a book there's a book got it cool we did it i only hear i want to see all the stories oh yeah romantic so much more cozy now feels like a home i think that's a good i think that's a good sign good sign what was that how's my battery oh no oh so cute there's like two battered toys i guess the the tiger doesn't look as rough as the pig let's see if we get more story from her work life it's been hard but i'm starting to get somewhere okay we need to look back at the years oh wow whoa look at this whoa look at this oh baby room and a much nicer house whoa look at this oh my god stories oh my god okay chat says it's three years later three years later i want to go in the garage i want to see the workshop oh my gosh baby this is uh wow this is a big house look at that that's a nice bathroom closet and actual closet oh my gosh very nice bedding wow all right let's start yes cute also can someone tell us how much farther we have in the game i think that's allowed how many more challenges if we should pause now yeah if anyone has played this let us know how many more um yeah how many more how many more of these chapters are there [Applause] oh someone oh this is the last one okay cool last one okay cool cool i'll probably re-enable music for the outro oh look at that i think you can just play yeah just cause like we've gone this far without it yeah i think if you want it just play it like we've been doing cute it could also just be a plushie she bought type oh definitely a graphic designer standing desk oh it is a standing desk stickies same eraser business cards headphones for focus mode she brought her laptop out she has a little bit more room now she might have both out i wonder yeah she might have both the chicken definitely yeah the chicken coop is new and the chicken character oh really the wristband is the wrist brace yeah i mean you know i know speaking which one you take a turn yeah yeah rest your wrist and put this here i still don't know what that is that's printer paper oh that's right [Music] uh yeah good brain i like that yeah good stuff as long as there's still room for that yep still got her mega dice her character [Music] very cute game oh you think that's her book uh i think that's her book that's a little she wrote the book okay that that needs to go to special place oh it is yeah we do it we know it we do it yeah she wrote a book she wrote a book those are her characters heck yeah you go that's awesome she doing it she's doing it oh so cool oh my god so happy heck yeah i'll move the laptop to the side yeah it looks like the laptop's like supplementary yeah supplementary yeah our degree how yeah we did it oh look at that oh look at that tablet oh yeah heck yeah yeah yeah wow wow wow did you ever want one of those i got to try one at my old job it's really cool okay yeah yeah it's really cool i like didn't have a need for it at home by the time i got to try it because um i can't quite see because uh i wasn't well here unpack that that's the computer oh okay this one the big one to the right oh yeah you're right okay yeah yeah put that on the right side yeah back yeah yeah there we go good call baby thank you turn on the computer now right click it right click the computer bit much faster to uh start up i'll pick a spot for this i'm sure there's like i see discord look at that that's discord chat tell me if that discord is that totally looks like discord yeah turn that on turn the light on i will yeah oh yeah cozy easy cozy i've never seen the knee look so much like a knee your knee is very prominent right now like and it is like that's beefy that your knee is like the size of my face i'm a big boy that's a big knee i need express oh look at the art look at the art oh yeah love it oh my gosh love that for them maybe oh yeah maybe we don't have a printer anymore yeah we've we've evolved beyond meeting a point cute cute cute okay so dining room i wonder if that's like uh like a badge or something it looks like a um like a shadow boxed like movie ticket or something or like play ticket that's what it looks like to me it looks like a shadow box something yeah cute i think it's a fan that's a family photo because it reappeared when we moved back home oh yeah you're right you're right family photo i think of the dining table that's getting proper and stuff i know what the scanner maybe on the bottom right of that shelf yeah you know sometimes that happens that was a baby book baby book i mean not that we were pregnant people feedback pregnancy book not that we were still like speculating because there's literally a crib so they didn't adopt so it might be a surrogacy or something oh because the pregnancy book because one of them could be pregnant yeah yeah that's one thing one of them oh but you said yeah yeah um i like that that's cute i like that they have the planters outside too yeah first date memorabilia that's what i was thinking too it seems like that kind of thing you can't defeat me i can't i can defeat me you need to rotate one of those shoes oh my god there we go there we go oh you know what's funny okay so there's a purple and a pink umbrella i noticed when she got the second set of drawers hers had been purple and she must have got a pink one because um then the drawers were alternating purple and pink i like the black cat art oh yeah they're all oh that's a new one that's a new one oh they've been traveling so this this let's see this is uh this is the north pole and this is thailand yeah maybe thailand or india oh yeah i don't like this one there we go we might have to put some shoes in the closet yeah i think can we do boots to the side maybe the bus is somewhere boots can be to the side i might be able to optimize these enough i think so i think they go yeah that way now can we also do nope there we go i think you need to move it over which way do you prefer shoes like this or the other way um i think this is nicer looking because you can see things but it's easier to do it the other way but like i think like in a closet where you if you have to like pick them up off the ground and put them there anyway you might better do it where's this bathroom it could be bathroom we've been fooled before oh this is this is the entryway bathroom oh okay this isn't the master bath oh yeah oh yeah okay i think i'll move these right here though yeah i think that's a good idea you know i threw everything out yeah and then i organized a little bit i like that you still have a mix of the like original moving boxes and the boxes that the girlfriend moved and their toothbrushes are also purple and pink see they have favorite colors oh i wonder if the um the purple cup finally bit the purple cup finally a bit the dust that says evan likes to call it the eyelash torture device yeah this is hers yeah she has the creams this is your tweezers though oh chat says no more cane maybe her pain is getting better let's go oh yeah shelby thinks the four months i see monkey thanks to the sub and i think so back oh yeah so she still has back pads no i think like those jars could be moved up too that's actually caitlin's knee what if this what if this was my knee i'd be needlessly impressed surprise that's my uncle rats knee yeah uncle ratzeny is all the way over here oh look at this this is way over here it's on the entryway oh one of those yeah yeah yeah i bet we're gonna find a little um london bus somewhere as well oh cute yeah i can go underneath oh yeah so you're still using that same makeup bag pink talon purple towel uh vitamin d up there yeah i think is that the medicine can also go in the medicine cabinet and it might stack yeah band-aids can go up there oh yeah on top of the toilet oh and there's that um vertical thing for extra toilet paper if we get that oh whoa okay new world of possibilities here guys i mean don't move everything yet because there might be stuff that is better suited yeah like the makeup should stay here put it in the toilet paper jail yep yeah yep from their last oh i like the sound yep yes look at them they're so adult they have a toilet toilet cleaner i think is that the soil from her planters i think that can go in the laundry room maybe on a shelf it could go on the shelf i just want to see oh yeah look at that oh okay pink puff dirty clothes ben i could maybe go oh in a bedroom right let me just try something yeah oh i think the towels oh no that could be acceptable yeah yeah because you sometimes you still have like a hamper some people have a hamper in the bathroom for towels and stuff you probably put that on the edge yeah baby diapers no those are pads oh pat's okay hold on is it oh oh yeah yeah laundry detergent yeah some things are just so recognizable yeah oh my gosh where are we gonna put these towels that one could go there yeah maybe i think i can fit three here yes load one toilet paper please yeah we could load one only if there's no more well you can always put future ones um stacked we should load one though yeah oh can that go on top of the washer dryer okay okay okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh come on i know you can fit under there oh yeah that's what i was thinking right there ah all right that was a great place for it yeah it was like almost too perfect though i didn't even i wasn't even hoping maybe the blue ones go in the other bathroom that's a good point i think you're right let's try it go downstairs oh no oh can we well even if we swap oh yeah i'll put that there yeah put that there we put the other one too i think it'd look nice um but this needs two little ones yeah but you can put the other pink little one oh this this okay one grab the blue so that the two blues are together that way there's not just like a lone blue and then i'm gonna cool with that and then this one has two blues i'm cool with that all right a minute did we finish that bathroom i think so okay let me close this close this [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah okay close that very nice cozy very cozy hats please give us enough hangers yes more hangers this is a normal shirt so i might fold it at first yeah oh okay to be organized on the floor oh there you go you wanna do bottoms and bottoms and tops on tops i mean i was gonna save the lower for longer things i could always move them later no yeah for dresses no you're totally right a little jewelry box you're making a lot of mic noise i'm sorry my ear was getting uncomfortable oh look at all these drawers so much room for underwear i know oh cute i know we saw that one last time but still yeah it was lower down yeah yeah yeah that was it [Music] so many cute dresses and crop tops so if you were dating a girl would you ever steal their stuff i would ask but i would definitely be interested in doubling my wardrobe i mean think of the efficiencies so efficient so efficient i never had a sister or anything but i did have friends who were about the same size as me yeah and we would borrow borrow yeah we would share things all the time yeah and now the thing is i don't know whose style is whose because i know i know i think the crop tops and the dresses and the shorter skirts are the girlfriend because those came in new and it's all very similar like things that cut in at a certain place like a higher waisted thing is a certain profile and these shirts and these dresses match it yeah so does this remind you of the video we just did yeah we it is kind of ironic we just posted our closet organization video love that for us yeah i mean that is a very cute style yeah i think that's the new girlfriend style too yeah yeah this shirt oops why don't i move that down yeah so like it's kind of hard to move the hangers but yeah yeah they're like shorter waisted tops okay i can like see a little bit more now oh my gosh hangers galore we are such adults and that was your your original purple dress yeah can it not hang it's the wrong one you can't do it up there it needs to be down oh cause it's too long yeah i think that was yours originally um so maybe maybe i'm wrong about the shirt styles maybe they just all look kind of short what if like you had to remember whose bras were whose they gave you an error yeah it like gave you an error punished you if you didn't remember sports fraud oops i think that goes with these leggings right here oh yeah it's like okay we're maxed out on the hangers oh big bag i am i guess i'll just leave those there for now oh my god okay it fits oh my god i need to do something before it gets out of hand you know like put the dresses together i think it's maxed out all right let me just hold up yeah they're kind of a pain to move i was going to wait till the end i guess we're kind of at the end yeah i just need to move these here if you're doing this i'm gonna take it a step further like organized by and now what are you doing you left an empty weren't you trying to remove the empties ah it's easy though it's easy to move the main thing i want to do is i want to put all the the skirts with the skirts and the tops with the tops yeah but if you're doing that then like i feel like we all should also should put the jackets with jackets but i was going to wait till everything was out oh it's getting so hard that's true i need to move the dresses together jackets here i guess now the other this here this here that needs to go up top i don't know what you're doing you've totally lost the system okay go forward it's all getting so crowded right don't move don't move the don't move those just move the shirts on them yeah you see that's easier yeah the main thing i was trying to do was move all the hanger types you know what i mean this one won't go up here it won't go oh yeah okay i think you could put that here here let me do one thing oh yeah put that jacket yeah yeah yeah so the jackets are here and then the dresses are there i like that and then i'm gonna move this here and this there but whose underwear is who's that's the question that sounds like what if they what if they graded you on remembering yeah okay and then this that can go there yeah that kind of is like kind of similar to that so you know i'm gonna go like that yeah i like that very cute it's acceptable you're constantly mixing socks with panties in one drawer you know i mix socks and in my underwear socks and panties yes all in one drawer okay that's an id type stuff yeah i just needed to make room okay that's definitely your girlfriend's bras fun yeah leggings together i think i'm gonna put this here too oh there's a dress on the drawers the chat wants to remind you about oh thank you i did forget about that a sports bra fit in there okay oh wow okay so we're gonna have to do a little i think that goes with the long coat yes i agree oh geez oh geez oh my god more hangers okay at least i can see now put the sports bra on there nice yeah um yeah i like that dresser that like you know it has multiple it looks like it's tiny drawers but yeah but yeah yeah i agree yeah i like that too well look at those pants i know i'm not rotating the socks and underwear anymore i know i know josh let's put that in the office yeah oops i'm just gonna go to this yeah downstairs upstairs oops no not bedroom closet one more box oh the yellows are pjs okay i thought they were leggings thanks chad will you keep an eye on chat for me while i'm yeah clicking very nice there we go shorts those are leggings oh yeah yeah yeah i'll hide that smart good thing you can stack something oh the yellow shirt is pjs oh i thought it was actually though oh this also i see it yeah okay yeah so they have a little extra room very nice i'm gonna put yeah i see that i see that i see that yeah then oh yeah i agree with that yeah there we go nice here let me see not much what you know what honestly yeah hey this goes down oh yeah i kind of like that oh yeah windowsill you got to do the butts out though thumbs up buns out yeah yoga mat under the bed little hiccups they're pink and purple oh love that you put that on the right drawer maybe oh it doesn't fit there's also room on that upper shelf that's kind of tell you now this is dangerous yeah you know what less dangerous horse art that's the girlfriends i'm assuming you're going to straighten some of this up whatever you're doing ah that's not in the room are you getting lazy with organizing no i swear that's our side oh that's a new one he's got sunglasses he can face this way okay now you gotta straighten those up you can't shove everything under the bed why not baby come on we can do better look at the art look at the art how dare you but they they don't go on top of each other look at that still do better but look they don't they don't go they do they do once you release then they align see is that aligned they're aligned up and down i think move it down can i yeah yeah it's not perfect not perfect where's the piggy there has to be another room this is just all kitty wampus i'm doing the best i can no you are not you know you are not it can't go sideways if you put it there it doesn't need to go ah there you go all candle stuff up there i think so yeah and i you can't put it under hers it's inaccessible right under the bed it sounds like a lot of stuff under the bed yeah i do see a bit of the conundrum you know yeah it's like a little bit of uh we maybe put some other places later yeah and then the printer i mean how how often do you use printer these days guys not frequently i think that's fine yeah at least that we can move yeah okay what room next would you do no baby room nest okay we didn't even finish dining room oh my gosh we must have gotten distracted there's like one coaster up there maybe on top or move the red bowl i was saying on top of the shelf yeah until it's time yeah i think yeah i feel like maybe another room for the poster oh yeah i like it there okay let's not get distracted let's go back to the dining room no i just go to the map you have to move the ball oh you just put it on the shelf oh the click is so satisfying yeah definitely that there okay you should move the plant cute toaster excuse me to the left i'll deal with you later it's a new toaster there we go oh it's a spiral notebook yeah spiral notebook might be for the office because it looks a sketch but i think the bottom right wait that works did we finish the room you were just doing the dining i think so yeah oh yeah we did yay it looks cute dish soap dished up up here actually oh the whales are bookends i always thought they were decorative they are bookings it took us this long to realize well we didn't even realize i think cups over here yeah i like that i think let's have a spice area because we know they have a lot of spices it's so satisfying to get rid of the boxes oh my gosh well that's a new one so many vacation photos look at us we're living life baby yeah we doing it um i think there maybe the sugar is near it you have the honey this is kind of a spice probably like a whole baking area mugs could go above the cups not in the silverware one i know i'm just trying to oh yeah balls right here cookie cutter it's so hard to see oh there it is entryway yes ah the collection's complete oh chad has a good idea i'd put spices where you put the cups i think that makes sense did you use the seasonings when you cook that's true now this is that's honey you can figure that one out later globe i might need to go in another room yeah i like it in here yeah baking stuff you put that with the cookie cutters because it's flat yeah good idea so many more you have a mug section unless you want to move okay i'll put them together soon okay coffee right here is this our original no no this maybe the dining table like it's a butter dish that could go on top of the shelf next to the menorah yeah someone said it might be a butter dish yay oh i can see i knew there's another toilet paper oh you're right i think it's the other oh yeah ah that's better this room does need to spare honestly yeah leg timer that can probably go in a drawer all right probably not that one i mean too bookings there you go put that whale's butt against the books yeah yeah oh yeah what what the pink mug would look great as a toothbrush holder that's what i was thinking do we not have a threshold if we don't then yes yeah we have one prefer the pink oh you want to give them separate toothbrush holders i don't know how i feel about it okay go on top yeah that looks it looks aesthetically better i have to like look away when you do this i don't know why but it makes me dizzy all right whoosh lunar qua thank you for the 10 month sub and sway black nz thank you for the eight months paddling thank you for the 21. joining late after reorganization after reorganizing along with you in your closet video that wish thank you for the 21 months oh yeah the relationship has been troubled lately toothbrushes no longer share a mug oh yeah just put it there for now oh yeah counter oh oh yeah there oh yeah yeah yeah so satisfying when you like find the place where the things go oh geez that's a tall area oh the lid let me know if you want me to take over it seems like it's stressing you out a bit what is this oh trash bags trash bags uh yeah i thought it was a poster first too i'm just i'm just thirsty i don't have my my favorite that goes in here yes no yes no yes oh yay we cleared it i'll figure out a place for the plants in a little bit oh my god uh yes they fit no i know those should probably go up here but oh okay now i can do that i can do that these are kind of like the active what how did it okay the shorter utensils yeah these should be up closer to the stove top i agree chat have i seen your cup no you can fill mine up with whatever drink you want he's fading he needs his hydration plants above the window i don't think i can set them here i'll figure i'll figure out the plants soon oh the menorah candles i think last time we put them oops under the sink this might work fit yes oh is this a dish drying rack i think that's a dish drying rack put that in there oven nuts i wish i had more hooks or i won't just stack on the towels why will you not do the thing oh here wait i have an idea yes oh satisfying yes okay i'm sorry that was aggressive so many cookie sheets you guys were getting so close okay i feel like i'm gonna do a little bit of rearranging while evan's gone i feel like we just need to inject a little bit more logic here let's see we got our let's do cups and mugs over here i think like plates and bowls over here that seems nice the mixing this is like the baking section we have our pots and pans okay shoot i'll put this down here too gotta baby proof the kitchen i'm not thank you look at this big dish looking great we got that in one of the last places oh but we never we never fully kind of use it is this acceptable um hey my mouse what are you doing are you moving cups get out of here the microwave should be yeah good progress though good progress how are you feeling now that you have your hydration oh good good we also got the packages at the door oh thank you put that in there more cleaning supplies what is that is that a soap it's a baby are there any pranks oh that's a letter hey what are you doing i haven't took over my mouth you know there could be a rude just making sure all my my buttons work i can't believe you'd ever think that i would prank you one equals two can i put the sugar up there for the spices it's a little precarious excuse you sorry can you move the grinder over oh yeah okay okay ah oh you you don't have just one knife anymore you have a whole bunch of knives yeah um i mean i guess i could put some of the coffee stuff up higher like you don't want to put the knife this might have to go up here you don't want to be like reaching for knives yeah over others we're near the cutting board i think it makes sense are you yes okay i was gonna do that i had to do it you'll love that water bottle you've had that for so long now some spices olive oil yes will it fit will it fit yes oh yeah oh the big chunky boy fits oh salt please okay no more no more spice even though spice is nice yeah put some down low so the future kid can reach them and play while you cook um poop you equals poop hey okay um clothes clothes looking [Music] i never really knew what these were someone said they're paper eight paper weights paper whites oh put one equals two at the bottom and corrupt the child from the start we taught him incorrectly as a joke oh two two weemots i mean as you should dvd player oh yeah by the door over the door i think that works good oh yeah yeah it is donnie darko yes these are movies before christmas is it i see the curled maybe it's not but that one's a game all right game is that a book why is a big book i left for a bit now there's a kid not yet but there's a nursery i get the blue so many different games princess bride blu-ray that's great oh the blue is blue ray hmm yeah yeah yeah oh no i'm out of space i guess we can stack them next to something else okay we'll start coming in from the side button oh no something else to fit in the kitchen oh no oh no there you go oh thank goodness all right nice throw pillows cool snake right cool awesome oh that goes by the entryway for watering the plants for spraying the plants coasters on the floor as is natural oh gosh oh my gosh oh god it is what it is we're doing our best oh my gosh are you supposed to stack them emmy lou thank you so much for five gifted subs thank you thank you and samus windwalker thank you for the 22 months petey come and see you for 31 months yeah i see the blu-rays are being crowded out oh gosh i think we'll see how many there are exactly before we go rearranging maybe if we bring those whales in we can stack them vertically okay okay let's see let's see let's see oh yeah we can put the statues on top up there if we need to that's jaws oh yeah [Music] oh oh i feel like one more should fit oh can you not fit it next to the wii it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine oh my god i can't believe we didn't have the lamp on this whole time are there any other lamps that we fully missed no other can you click the jewelry boxes oh [Music] that would have been fun okay oh we haven't turned on the bedroom lamps this whole time missed opportunities so much better i think there are i think we might be done in the baby room yeah baby time okay last room most important room oh cute baby books oh it like makes like a soft noise when you set it down what is that the ball ball do they not stack vertically no they don't i can't i can maybe no that's fine that might have to be on the floor yeah that's just on the floor oh and there's also the things on the left like if you want to put this oh my gosh look at the tiny so small oh you called it in the beginning you called it oh with the new bow with the new bow yeah you can put some some stuff like the plant might be good oh and this is hers yeah they both go in there do those stuck yes a little pacifier [Music] did you put it back there yeah [Music] is that that i think it's like a chewing thing yeah it's a chewing thing i almost called it a chew toy toy isn't it though i think those we might end up putting elsewhere i really think we should um i could maybe be the floor oh come on yep yep actually now yeah that needs to be higher that might yeah bottom drawer yeah uh towel up in the top yeah easy access oh it jingles okay can we put that planter on one of the shelves so there's room for the lamp let me put the pacifier just like in the crib or something around the table yeah and now turn the lamp on yeah okay um yeah there's a lot of those yeah i wish that stack i think they should be able to i know yeah rattles like you played like you played ball oh yeah cause we played soccer oh geez oh yeah that's fine oh oh oh that's your character those are your characters cute in your kids book oh my gosh oh no we can put something underneath the um table see the lower part of the table oh that's cute that's a lot of hats oh my gosh okay um a block skip oh my gosh these are almost all of these blocks need to be down here oh all right i mean i guess that kind of makes sense all right you can pass pick up piles of stacks yeah stacks and stacks and stacks i think you can put the rainbow up there or the bunny and then the basket i think i would say move that basket underneath the um table which basket the only basket here if you literally oh oh bunny there yeah yeah cute yep yep ah yeah yeah i agree with that you can put the hat right there yeah it just feels like not the most efficient because like you can stack taller but you can't stack non-clothes on top of hats okay and now because of this we have some space here so we'll move these down here actually everything here is working everything here is acceptable okay yeah cute i might just tidy up a little bit yeah yeah i mean it is a baby's room i think you can only tidy so much yeah this one uh it'll aesthetically look cute oh these these were maybe there you go there you go clear walking path clear walking path yes heck yeah okay now would we mess up in the bathroom nothing here oh the printer on the floor i guess we have to move the easel yeah yeah okay yeah that's acceptable what else do we mess up oh come on does that need to be in the kitchen hey it's accepting that there you go there you go to collect the dust oh any room oh in front of the tv oh we never finished doing those games we can put those on oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna put this here and we can put these oh yeah yeah there you go there you go all right looking tidy the arm's good that was the easy one nothing here nothing here we're good there oh come on every time maybe we'll put that in the office where that could be supposed to go that's what i thought that's what i thought you were right okay everything looks good here are we gonna finish it with a with a book we are [Music] i think we should for the caption we should get the baby room yeah [Music] we're so looking forward to meeting you cute very cute very cute game i did definitely like um like observing the clues from their life and trying to piece together the story who turn on music for the credits yeah okay we'll turn on music for the credits all right well here i need i need i'll play it my manually i know which one it is okay cool is this one of the words the moving truck pulls up there's a knock on the door now all your stuff is here in boxes on the floor you open up a box there is so much to do i open up my heart this is now a home for two about to be three [Music] maybe that's the next verse [Music] stick magnets [Music] we did all these things we did it we did it you put our photo on the shelf i smile to myself you cut the tape with my stanley knife [Music] so many chickens look at all those chickens oh my gosh slowly slowly our things combine your favorite stuff toy right next possessions in a prime location on the bedroom shelf bring your knee back we need the knee the knee needs to be here [Music] that's all we need that's all we need i smile yeah new streaming new streaming partners yeah this is the two of us sorry this is to pda me and my streaming partner but we're very close then he's your child [Music] cute sorry get to get the knee out of the way look at the ukulele just play it [Music] my heart my heart hurts i'm just peeking up right now let's give playing a different song oh no i think this is back the intro credits be cute wholesome i love it i'm very sorry i very much enjoyed that i hope you guys enjoyed that too i need to organize my house urgently now we'll see you later
Channel: Evan and Katelyn Gaming Uncut
Views: 557,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, E&K, evan katelyn, evan and caitlyn, evan and katelin, evan and kaitlyn, even and katelyn, Evan and Katelyn Gaming Uncut, Uncut, Uncut gameplay, Let’s Play, playthrough, gameplay, unpacking game, unpacking, unpacking playthrough, unpacking gameplay, unpacking full playthrough, husband and wife, husband wife, couple, emotional, unpacking lets play, unpacking let’s play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 58sec (13318 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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