Testing Amazon's Highest Rated Craft Kits. Cash OR Trash?

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hey super long and then we have now hey hey greens welcome to cash or trash the episode where we review multiple craft kids to make sure that i waste my money and you don't i'm jackie and i'm sika and i almost forgot our names today we have the weirdest lineup which is amazon's highest rated craft kits for canada it's weird because we have a really popular brand name like crayola you mean crapola corapola for the most part because crayola they break a her heart they break them aha and they frustrate my brain and they make me cry and cry you laughing at me crying and cry and cry and they break it in the heart and they break the heart and they bro oh wow it's broken and apart from that we do have two counterfeit i guess kits yeah we have an absolutely fake pokemon kit which i think it's still cute it's cute but it reminds me of south park animation i see it i don't see it south park pokemon bootleg pokemon for some reason and then last but not least which i'm really excited about we have a puppet kit are you okay yeah we're gonna make a little play yeah so we're gonna make the puppets and then stay tuned for the end because sika and i will be putting a play for you at the end of this video yeah with our puppets so if you like drama and action and romance you will get it all in our play of course and poetry that's coming out of your mouth okay that's fine no my puppet smile stay tuned for that so the crayola craft kit is actually a confetti tumbler kit which seems interesting and cute i really hope there's some kind of creativity we get markers and i see a coloring page yeah i think it's stickers that we like insert on the inside oh maybe and i do see confetti so i'm wondering if we're actually going to fill the part where it's permanently sealed i don't know we're going to find out together oh high five i won't high five you because i'm holding a knife in the other hand oh high five high five and then for the pokemon one you saw what it looks like it's um it's a dot thingy interesting yeah it is it's true it's a paint by number it's not a paint it's dot it's like diamond diamond painting diamond painting yes that's the one we're starting very well good very excellent day yes beautiful camila gamila and you can only see the box on our desk that's again because it's a i guess bootleg item or maybe just not an official item for the puppets but here's the amazon ad and looks like we can make six puppets it seems so does it include everything we need probably not the glue i hope so i don't know or else it's gonna suck unless everything's a sticker cloth stickers maybe that would be amazing i'd be smart but we'll see but in order to see first we have to make sure that you grains don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed make sure you click on the bell to have all notifications on which makes you automatically a part of the salt shaker family in each witch which warner bros is a creative a little bitty grain are you good fam you good femme squad are you good i just need to dehydrate okay i will let you hydrate okay our first victim and yes i mean victim because crayola we may or may not have history just a little bit in the trash in the trash in the trash but in all honesty this kit is a confetti tumbler kit and it has really good reviews was it four and a half yeah four and a half stars on five so so crayola impressions crayola uh-huh i have a bone to pick okay good that's okay but it does look really cute and the image on the front does not look photoshopped i mean it's basically a cup of water with glitter and markers yeah and apparently when we turn the box it says that we can even swap the designs so if we get tired of one we could change it and put new ones yeah and it's like a new cup yeah basically and what i find really interesting too is that even the person who's in the side of the box does not look impressive she's happy she has really nice eyebrows she is really cute but but that's beside the point her straw looks very long too i don't know if it's just me though yeah her straw looks really long why does the straw look so long i don't know is the water maybe it's on top who drinks like that i don't know but i like her jean jacket though maybe her stiff is neck maybe her stuff is neck i mean her neck is her stiff neck wow you know okay you know what english at this point is just teasing us it's like uh nope not for you english today it's flying around yeah but we can't catch it no goodbye english that comes out our french but in order to know whether or not this kit really is four and a half stars time to see what we get inside because sometimes these ratings are done by people who gifted it to someone they're like yeah the person's like but then they don't even know what the kit was like on the inside you know they're just like yeah they like the box so you know five stars [Music] [Applause] here's what we get inside we get a cup and i was like what are you doing with the cup we get a cup that has multiple compartments so we got a cup and you put your stuff through here and then you kept it and um guest straw it's definitely not as long as the girl made it look well she did probably hold it at the edge like this like i'll show you i'll show you look we also get a cap okay so we got two caps in order one to put the designs and the other oh so she's probably like hey that means like it has to be super full right yeah okay yeah that's just you're so extra with this straw it's bothering me because you made it like hey super long i'm very uncomfortable right now you want do i sip no my drink next we get three different designs we get a kind of physical yes go ahead we get a kind of travel type design we have this cute little van cactus i'm even loving that sun on the right side it's really looking kind of salty it's my kind of sun he looks like he's chilling he's chilling this one yeah he looks he's chilling it's pretty cool the second design is unicorns and mystical type feel to it i really like that one as well and last but not least because like oh i really like this design i'm like the food and then only i didn't even notice it was food yeah she didn't notice it that's how much i love food it just went right away like it's like magnet i love you see here's zika and then food oh oh oh that's just how it be it do be like that sometimes because we complete each other i feel left out do you want to take over with the food no be good yeah i think i got it out of my system so okay no it's it's good okay yeah and now we also get four markers so we get hold on they're gel markers i don't see the colors on them it doesn't say the actual name of the color but we do get like a pink one a green a blue and a yellow i've never worked with yellow and i mean yellow gel yeah i've never worked with gel i don't think so but i have used gel crayons but i haven't used gel markers gel markers from crayola yeah so we're gonna test those out and last but not least we also get a bag full of glitter confetti type glitter but it's quite a lot i don't think we're going to use that much i feel like it's really thick so if we put it then we're probably not going to see our images very well anymore yeah that's why i don't think too much is not good we're going to keep that to a minimum but first we're going to test out our markers and see how juicy they are on paper ready yeah here i prepared this for you oh for me for yo which color blue blue balloon okay so here we go it doesn't feel any different no it's a little shiny go ahead try so here's green it feels weird it slides but i mean there's nothing different about it the green seems a little dry no it's not okay no it's good pink pink yeah it's really oh yeah it is a little juicier you could see it looks more orange yeah interesting okay go for that one and then we have yellow so she can't say she didn't work with yellow i said no no no are they oh watch your mouth it is washable it says washable but i don't believe krill let me say washable because i'm actually wearing a sweater actually that i wore when we did paint and there's still pink on here and i've washed the sweater so many times i also have that issue with one of my socks if you want to see how washable crayola is i did an entire video testing a bunch of different crayola markers paints you're looking at the wall there it's still there check out my video i will link it down below this is what the thumbnail looks like of all the different crayola materials and whether or not they are washable so the first thing we're going to do is which one do you want we're so considerate i would say between these two the um food and did you just cut yourself almost oh no the food and the mystical um miss musical okay let's do mystical all right so the first thing we're going to be testing is how quickly do they dry yeah how quickly does it smudge also wait is this the front or the back i can't tell the difference okay we're gonna go this way so that the side that we color isn't in the front so our fingers don't smudge it i'm gonna do it this way i'm gonna go ahead and color here oh it's not working it's working but i don't know it feels streaky but let me let me go ahead and color the entire thing and see how well it actually does work i don't know are you skeptical about it that's so weird it's so streaky huh see what i mean yeah okay i'm gonna go ahead and color it do i color here yeah go ahead while i'm coloring that one she's gonna get a star and we'll see if if it's just the blue how's the yellow looking weird still streaky yeah okay i don't like how it feels oh i feel like there's too much ink i don't know we'll see all right yeah okay so you you picked a lightning not a star i did a star you did oh okay you did both yeah so this one's nicer though it's more opaque no look oh wow it looks terrible yeah that is super streaky maybe the magic is in um drying i'm feeling very awkward here let's give it a couple of seconds and let it dry crayola you up watch it at this time it's people reading it y'all are biased y'all guys y'all just love you simping for crayola man okay let's let's give it a few seconds and we'll get back to you grains no no fun i don't want to be weird and streaky so here we go coloring it in we felt like it was flowing a lot more in terms of the ink as we went yeah definitely the more we use it the more the ink came out so that was good but very streaky in my opinion yeah but at least if you're quick enough you can technically also change the color slightly so it can give you a little bit more shading a little bit more fun and it just gets thicker basically as it dries yeah you just can't layer because it scratches it right off yeah as you can see i'm trying to layer the blue on the ufo thing and it's just scratching off the previous blue that was there even though we gave it enough time to dry and then it was like no one layer only that's it end of story and so here is the final piece you might say okay it looks good because this is the front right looks pretty decent but then when you lift it let's put it against something else here you can see the amount of streaks i guess this could be an aesthetic or a style but as you saw previously when trying to layer it all it does is remove the previous layer even though we've given it sufficient time to actually harden but yeah streaky streaky streaky so was it fun yeah it was pretty relaxing yeah it was actually quite relaxing we started singing dumb songs and just didn't are you looking i don't remember what i sang you know i can't remember what i was singing we sang like a medley of things that sounds like us yeah because we don't want to get you know copyright stricken so we have to sing off camera you know what we need to get it out of our system just out out of here because we're really bad at singing i'm terrible it's really bad it's so bad i tried to sing to my husband the other day he told me to stop oh he's like you're really offbeat i was like i love you oh no but i'm singing for you and he's like no you stop i was like okay okay but at least you could sing to crayola because they need to figure it out figure it out figure it out figure it out so now we're going to turn it around and fold it fold it and then put it in here and here in here oh no too close in here in here okay now we're gonna drink it oh oh put it in wait i can't see oh you can't see you have to you have to make it smaller like because you need to make it fit in the hole like just so you you fit in it you fit it we fit it we fit it so it's pretty cute i know that it's a bit of an aesthetic if you like the screechy scratchiness but yeah it's cute and it looks better in the cup it doesn't mean no it's not just you i actually think it looks really cute it's actually nicer than i expected it to be yeah and it kind of matches the art style which is kind of like shaky right shaky shanky nope can you see it wait no jackie don't do it don't do it use scissors you're gonna get glitter in your mouth and all over your face i don't want that that's what i thought all right so here we go i really like how you gave me this to do because i'm like the most unstable no i think that's good i think it's good and then we're just gonna shake it from there i think that's enough okay luckily i said that's enough i don't think that's enough i said okay i mean do what you want oh that's enough jeez that's quite a bit all right you ready yeah okay so let's see that's very oh no pouring anti-climactic what if we put water in it no we're not supposed to i know but what if we do it's washable yeah that's what they said about the paint that's still in my socks seven months later someone's salty a butter sauce i am and even this look it's still there it's washable paint yeah but it's not washed off it's been washed many times i still pee so as you can see with the glitter it is really distracting i think zika left for a few minutes and all i was doing was um i was like i came i came back into the room like you good i was good i almost saw like a drool coming out of you know i'm easily distracted so am i but the glitter is very meh i think it is very distractible it does look nice at the bottom as you can see with with on on the screen here i think it would look cooler if it had a snow globe effect right but i don't think this container is made for that because we didn't get any instructions the only instructions we had were on the outside of the box which is color fill and clothes that's it no water no it says color confetti swap designs that's it that's it that's it that is it that is it but zika had a great idea so in case you didn't like any of these designs i think you could use this as a template cut out your own little cup thingy majiggy and make your own design yeah and you can draw your own things and just insert it in there so at 16 you are getting a cup you are getting what you need and you can also change what you you want in it as well so you can make your own design personalize it and i think that on its own is pretty cool yeah a tumbler and an activity and even three stencils in case you get tired of it i would say that this kit for crayola even though it was streaky it's still worth it in my opinion okay you took my line so in this case no this kid is where's your cash how blank is gonna happen is she gonna smack my mouth yeah i'm gonna try and block you next at 16.99 and a rating of 4.7 stars on five is our bootleg pokemon diamond painting there's really not much to go with the outside of the box except my sister says they look funny i think they're cute i think they really look like south park mock-ups of pokemon i don't see it i'm just saying they look extra i mean look at slovaks i know slowpoke is supposed to look like this but it's supposed to look like that it's fine he's normal you're seeing things i mean jigglypuff has no soul jigglypuff looks like she's smoked something wait is this jigglypuff or yeah it is it has a very clefairy color oh now i'm not sure anymore no it's not no i don't think it's it must be a crossbreed now at this point hang on no i don't know no no it's not a fairy yeah but clefairy has a darker no it's not it's not clefairy it's jiggly it's jigglypuff but a very dark color it looks like he's hiding something he's like no no don't don't look that's the fault see the other hand is hidden he's like yeah it's very bootleg at 4.7 star review and then we have evie it looks like it's you know just this bump in the air it's like it's like yeah it's like you know you know that dance like this oh yeah that's just pumpkin [Music] okay and then in the back all we can see is basically the instructions and some of the diamond painting set we see a little tray we don't see much else but i know there's more than six designs so i don't think we need to use knives it's my turn oh are you guys ready for these designs okay so here's the first six and then we have now wow there's so much space between his eyes oh pikachu look at his eye wait wait wait wait wait buddy oh charmander i'm assuming that's because it's at an angle i don't know no yeah look he's like sideways cider looks cute the rest are fine the pikachu you could shoot what happened you need to talk about it no pikachu no and this got four points that's what i'm saying is like sometimes the reviews on amazon are people who may or may not know what the heck pokemon is they are cute though they're cute in their own special way you know they still look like pokemon so i feel like it's like your great aunt bought you a set because you like them pikachus and your great-aunt wanted to please you and he just got you a set of pikachus interesting and then they're like they liked it let me go review that as a fafsa so let's uh let's let's see what else we get in there here's what we get inside more officially now we get 12 designs of bootleg pokemon we get a bunch of colors that i'm not going to name because we get so many we get a lot of colors i'm hoping that we get enough for each design but we'll see about that sika did notice that these come in non-resealable bags so basically if you make one of the pokemon and they have extra colors you gonna have to get your own blocks and you know how we feel about non-resealable bags we also get the instruction sheet which is cute and colored which i can't say for every craft kit that they include colored sheet and we have this reference guide which we're not sure how to use at all it says color contrast but there's no information i don't we also get a tray we get a sticky pen with its little glue yeah so i've done something similar with princesses and disney and amazon if you're interested in that i'll leave it down below but again each kit is different so i'm curious how this one's going to work together sika which one do you want to do i'll do pikachu you're gonna do pikachu yeah okay so let's go ahead and cut pikachu out i'm gonna try to do bulbasaur on the side so you won't see me do bulbasaur but you'll see the end result of bulbasaur oh was i talking too much oh okay so i'm just gonna cut them out yeah just cut them out don't give me much space do they just cut it in front of you so that you don't blame but you know i'm i'm left-handed and i cut them all wrong because because of you i'm going to cut you no here i'm going to cut them cut them oh that's that's really close yeah i know mine was pretty close too so you can see here the separation between rowlet and bulbasaur is really slim so we're gonna have to cut him at a bit of an angle by the way if any of you are playing pokemon snap let me know i'm very curious are you enjoying it secret has no idea what i'm talking about i'll explain it to her while we're doing pikachu so sika has her colors all prepared but we did notice pikachu's got a random j here with no color but the yellow and the yellow is a d yeah so we're not sure we think it's the nose we think it's a nose but at the same time it might look really odd they didn't color it that's what's bothering me i know you're gonna have to make an executive decision do you want pikachu to have a nose or do you want it as it is like look he already looks weird so you're gonna keep it as it is i don't know oh no so i guess you know what let's go with the eyes and then the cheeks and mouth and then we'll make executive decisions based on that okay so the first thing you're actually going to do is pick up some of this with your pen is that the glossy side press all the way in that's it oh and now you can go ahead and pick up your colors so put whatever you need in there all right so now you're gonna go ahead and do that and it's funny because a lot of the numbers just stick outside of the line so it's gonna be so weird you okay sika uh i think so okay but so far it is picking up very easily and dropping in very easily it looks weird i think these gems are too big they definitely are oh my god you look so weird you good buddy so the eyes and ears are done but you can see that there's also another issue they didn't really put the numbers in the right place so my black color went over the white yeah and there's the white yeah the white which is before ended up in the yellow that's so weird so they designed it in a little little wall yeah there's a printing issue that's for sure because we can't break look at that because you can see d over here is sticking outside of the body but there's no way for us to break these gems so let's keep going i'm really curious about the end result i don't know if he's gonna look okay you good you okay pikachu what happened buddy oh no he looks like a clown and you're just gonna follow the instructions i'm following the instructions because i don't want anyone being like the zika you didn't run so i did it you did it i did it you did it i did all right so here's pikachu and i don't think i've seen anyone's eyes as sad as pikachu except for sika right now he looks really bad he does he looks like he's right about to go to the school dance and he's breaking out everywhere he got stressed school dance things so since i let ceca do this project was it relaxing yeah yeah not sure i know she's disappointed at the way that pikachu looks like did you say pikachu looks sad and even though this kid got 4.7 star rating again i feel like this is a gift that a parent or probably someone's aunt or uncle who thinks every pokemon's name is pikachu is going to gift you so they don't know that they're supposed to look like so you know they give you something that looks a little extra poor pikachu so did it do what it said it was going to do yes it was relaxing it was fun and very enjoyable everything worked except for the design yeah but you can tell before buying it that the designs were poop they were a little weird but the disney princesses one that was also bootlegged looked beautiful super cute kind of cheapy and so if you want to get a diamond painting design i think that this company does do well because they're the same company you just need to check on which designs designs what's wrong with me i think i think her brain turned into mush with this pikachu yeah sika's brain is probably looking like pikachu right now pikachu peach [Laughter] so the verdict is unless you're really attached to the original design it's worth your cash depending on their designs for the beat for the pikachu you did it yourself for the pokemon version i mean it's skeptical for the design but everything else really works so just look up a good design from them and here you can see the bubble sword that i did off camera but you can see it now i would say and i'm sure sika feels the same unless you're touched the original designs skeptical cache it's yes i think it's worth your cash as long as you don't care about how the originals look that's what i said because peachaku is not a chain and sulbasaur soul bulbs or salva salvatore by the way these are actually stickers so you can remove them uh stick it somewhere yeah you can put on your notebook it's just like it just it's attracted to my nose look next we have a box in a bag hand puppets hand puppets box in a box and a bag yeah i guess you can say it like that yeah yeah you're right yeah it's a box and a bag i really forgot what was in there until i had to go back into my buy history and then i was like oh yeah hand puppets but no it's not just any hand puppets at 4.5 stars and at 30 dollars it's super expensive oh this kit is called what ink six hand puppet making kit for arts and crafts felt sock puppet diy make your own puppets pom poms wiggly googly eyes storytelling roleplay party supplies for girls and boys oh i took a breath dang it i was trying to do it in one breath i failed i don't have a lung capacity but i can try i i lost it at the last two words no i'm gonna do this you're not gonna do it what's in six piece hand puppet making kit for no no but you lost your good thumb yeah no i'm not doing this okay so you wanna drink my try again no i'm not okay okay i know i could do it okay i just don't want to write i don't have lung capacity i just don't want to right now it's okay okay yeah okay okay now if we look at the actual posting here we see that we should be able to make a kind of lizardy dinosaur crocodily kind of thing but on the bag in a box box in a bag box in a bag i don't see this character all i see is an elephant some kind of bear rabbit chicken cow penguin penguin penguin i am mildly disappointed but hopefully there's some kind of creativity and maybe i could still make my lizardy thing you want a lizard i want a lizard oh okay but in order to know if we get it or not it's time to see what we get inside are you getting nervous no i'm scared no truth i plead the fifth do i get food yes what do you want um i'll think about it deals out oh oh look you have more felt okay is everything stick on i think so were they smart about it is that a glue gun do they not give you so here's what we get inside the six bases of the puppets basically and so many accessories we get googly eyes mouths and noses and ears and horns and pom-poms and pom-poms and we also get this instructional sheet that basically tells us that yes we can make these characters down here but they did give us extras so we can be a little bit more creative so that dinosaur lizardy thing i can make it you can make it i gonna bake it you gonna make it i will make it we also get double-sided tips yeah we do and um i think this is supposed to be for a glue gun yeah we're not sure why they gave us this but i'm assuming we could use a glue gun if we really wanted to but as you can see the double-sided tape that they gave us should in theory suffice otherwise this would not be an activity that is unsupervised because then that would mean you would need hot stuff yeah which we're going to try and avoid and make it as it's intended to be i also didn't mention the glue no it's just there it's like here it's like you know like canola adds like an extra brush oh true that's the here's an extra glue maybe this is for the adult us but we're gonna use it as though we were little ones you ready yeah all right let's what are you making you're gonna make the lizard the lizard but i want to know if the double-sided tape works okay so let's i'm gonna take i don't want to play this game anymore you want green yeah how's it feel it doesn't feel nice oh that is a very stiff felt but it's nicely sewn though oh no it's so small weird oh wow that is stiff it doesn't oh no i feel like it's got a weird lip look oh no that is not that doesn't feel good it doesn't bend right maybe it needs to be washed no there's no instruction to wash it try to do your hand like this just your wrist i'm trying it's just because like it's too long here and then it's not long enough for my fingers here so it's like weird so upside down i tried that already oh it didn't work no it's because it's the same oh so they should have made like the lip smaller because now my thumb can't reach oh my thumbs it looks like he's got like a just your wrist do it my wrist it's just supposed to be the top part of the head no that's not your wrist that is hello it looks like he's not like you know when people do this alligator mouth all right let's try it so sika wants to make this chicken here but what we noticed is they actually didn't give us enough of the well at all any of the red circles as they promised on this one here so we get pink ones instead yeah so we're going to do pink ones like no i think this way there now it's cute leave my cheeky alone okay fine do your own cheeky your own way oh not chicky oh shaky now you're just doing it on purpose all right time to see if the um double sided tape works well i pulled one out for you all right so here it is it's having so thin and so thin but hopefully it works i might need more than one that's fine use as many as you need to three okay it's good it came off yeah very nice okay good here goes the second one good oh we got become we go beat it very nice so let's push it down properly and hey what hey it was so thin i didn't think it was gonna work well now i'm gonna be curious to see if it's actually going to stay while we're hand puppeting so here is sika's cheeky cheeky now sika is going to add the wings and we're hoping two maybe three i would say oh no his eyes just went oh no i'm sorry wow wow is that true yes that's clever you know sometimes i'm smart sometimes not all the time and here's my dragon snakey character person all right time for the test run sika your hand is in there and let's oh it's not the face it's making and the glue is it still holding on oh hang on let's let me touch don't may i know okay i need you to calm down okay may i may i i need to hear yes i need to hear a yes okay oh okay you're pushing against me so i guess move your side go on to the left go to the right okay it's staying we're having too much fun time for my lizard oh they really needed to have fixed the bottom lip that's exactly what's good on a rainy day lizzie and cheeky were having an argument over who's taller i'm taller no i'm taller no i'm taller i'm taller no and because lizzy was having none of cheeky shenanigans lizzie breathed fire why would you do that i'm not barbecue chicken i thought you were working on your anger management it's just it's just that since my love left me i feel edgy [Music] my love you're back was it fun yes did it bring us back into our own inner chilled very much it was fun it was fun i i love puppets i used to put on puppet shows for my elementary school students and for you too yeah we didn't even actually have pups i just used my hands yeah it was just my house's name again i don't even know what that name is okay so even though it is kind of on the expensive side the material really is pretty firm so it's definitely going to work better with smaller hands because we have well i have sausage fingers i do think they should fix the bottom lip it just looks a little funny recapture what zika's was looking like yeah that's basically the that's basically the expression with your tongue i think we're making but overall i think you get all the items you get really good tape in my opinion the double sided tape we did not expect it to actually stick yeah so even at thirty dollars canadian which is about this much in the us i would say that this kit is worth your cash super entertaining remember if you want to find zika you can find her on instagram at nerdysister underscore seca and you can find me on twitch tick tock and instagram i've been wanting to stream for a while but my health has not been that great but i promise i will be back on twitch and game live streaming as soon as i can if you want to watch the previous cash or trash make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a video that is more crafty make sure you check down here we've been having so much fun with resin so why not check it out until then we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 640,231
Rating: 4.9324789 out of 5
Keywords: crafts, testing craft kits, highest rated craft kits, amazon 5 star reviews, amazon best selling products, amazon craft kits, amazon worst reviewed product, amazon crafts, amazon must haves, reviews, funny, unboxing, craft kits, product reviews
Id: UJdil3f82fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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