MAKING ***MORE*** MINIS! MiniVerse Make it Mini Lifestyle! (Tiny Pets, Plants, and Candles!)

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we got purple Pebbles and a plant now it's time for the big reveal oh my gosh what pet are we gonna get okay let's see what's inside hey sugar Stars welcome back to my channel ABC if you came here for my short and you're ready to see me make more miniverse and make it minis Coco melon are you ready meow coconut is so ready because this is a brand new Mini burst make it mini series that just dropped and it is called make it many lifestyle and by the way these are mini versus not mini Brands they are completely different because inside a miniverse is a mystery item that you build yourself so I have five of the brand new Mini verses today let's see what we get but first I have to juggle these here I go these are bigger so they might be harder to juggle three two one oh my gosh that was so good so here we are at my desk and this is the mini verse that I made for the shorts they are a pair of cute little eucalyptus candles and they actually glow in the dark this is our little guide with all the items we can get we can actually go ahead and cross off the fresh eucalyptus candles we are trying to collect every single miniverse there is available and looking at this guide as well I see candles I see pets like little fishies there's a turtle here oh he cute and also plants whoa those hanging ones look so cute oh I really want this one it's so cute so the theme of this miniverse is candles pets and plants so exciting here's my shopping cart I will be putting the extra ingredients that we get inside the shopping cart and then I will be putting them on the shelf for later I do have this magic fridge but honestly I don't think these aren't food items so they won't really necessarily fit inside the magic fridge the magic fridge especially for food so I don't know maybe I'll like put them up there or something I'll find a spot I'll find a spot so we got one two three four and five miniverse make it minis here and we are gonna go ahead and open them all at once three two one boom and we have one more layer here so three two one boom and here they are all unwrapped I just love the packaging of these brand new Mini verses can you see that little wood detailing on it it looks like an ice cream sandwich this is another mini verse for reference I believe this was the cafe oh these are way bigger and yeah I'll just show you what's inside let's go first we gotta choose one to open which one is it gonna be oh yeah you guys like the video for good luck on no duplicates and if I do get a duplicate I'm gonna make like something new from the extra ingredients so yeah lock it up let's start eeny meeny miny moe cat to Tiger by the toe iffy hollers let him go eeny meeny miny mo my mother said to pick the very best one and it is you lucky miniverse number one and here it is mini verse number one let's just appreciate the packaging for a little bit also these are called mini verses they are not called mini Brands they are called mini verse because these ones are very different you make them yourself what is going on in here there's a lot okay first of all there's two sections there's one section for all the little papers lots of papers in here another guidebook oh and then we have this cute shelf thingy I believe each miniverse comes with a little platform to put your mini verse on top of all right we got one two three so we have three mystery bags here we have one jar what is this is this water it says H2O on it I believe this is water this is so cool wait what are we making with water we have to open these bags to find out mystery bag number one it says thank you what's inside bag number one wait guys it's a cute little pet turtle oh lid says Aqua Sun company Turtle there is definitely a turtle in here he is waiting to be put inside his new home oh my gosh you guys what do we name this Turtle he's so cute okay we have to put him aside put him in a safe spot right there don't worry Turtle I'm gonna make your new home for you real quick okay just be patient this is bag number two it says home sweet home let's see is this a home for turtle what is this oh they look like rocks like rocks for his habitats maybe or the turtle can be a girl too I I don't know yet I don't I can't I don't know the difference between girl and boy turtles these are Pebbles little colored rocks oh my gosh and it's all from the aqua Sun company there's a little happy goldfish on this bag this is so self is there anything else in here okay that's it for bag number two so far we got Turtle Pebbles and rock landscape items and water in here oh my gosh what does this look like to you guys this is so cute it's like wrapped up in it looks like newspaper I wonder if the newspaper is readable let's open it up I believe this will be the turtle's home which is a cute little bowl oh my gosh I love this mini verse Series so far I can't believe we get to make little tiny miniature pets let's see if we can read this newspaper okay beginner's guide to raising your fish this is a newspaper look I can like and fold it up like that and then this is like a literal newspaper can we appreciate the little tiny details that mavers puts into every single like packaging like they literally don't have to do this but they really they really go the extra mile here like even this box of rocks it's a box of rocks instructions first step we have this yellow bellied slider that's his official name these are all the items that comes inside it now let's flip the back to see how to build him first we gotta do where's number one step one pour Pebbles inside Bowl step two put rocks on top of Pebbles step three put the little guy in step four water and then step five we bake in the sunlight oh my gosh I'm so excited so step one we open the little bag of Pebbles exciting like I did not know minniverse like would make it even possible to make other things besides food like I was already impressed with the food building sets and now we got like I'm building a a tiny tank for my tiny turtle here are the Pebbles well they're kind of like sticky like they stick together here we go my Pebbles and sand oh I like how not messy this process is wow look at that I can use my fingers to push it in there like that my turtle buddy is gonna have a lot of sand to play on this is a lot of sand you guys what if like he has no room to swim I'm gonna take a little bit of sand out I'm gonna put it in this here and maybe save it for later I don't know if this is a good idea yet but I'm just gonna go for it next it's time to take the rocks out of the box my box of rocks every mini verse capsule comes with a pair of tiny tweezers so if you don't have any tweezers you can always use the mini verse one I'm gonna take my tweezers I'm gonna pick up my rocks okay and then let's put the rock or should I put the rock right there I think that's a good spot oh no wait let's appreciate the detail of these rocks I feel like these are actual rocks but do you guys see like the little specks of shimmeriness in there yeah these are some high quality rocks for our Turtle friend only the best for our Turtle friend another rock right there let's put some rocks next to each other on the other side so that he can like hop around the rocks it is now time to save our Turtle friend opening up the turtle capsule let's all say hello to the turtle you know what I think I might name him Henry I think Henry is his name he is such a cute little fellow oh oh there he is he's ready to go inside his new home let's put you where's a good spot for him I kind of want him to like yeah like that you guys see that he's kind of like perched up on the Rock there that is a good spot for him I'm ready for water it's water time now we don't want to put too much water in either because we don't want Mr turtle to like we don't want him to be like underwater all the time whoa oh it's clear wait you guys see that oh okay put some more water here I want some water around his body so that it kind of sticks so that he kind of sticks to the Rock I've cleaned up the bowl a bit so now it looks like it's half water half Pebbles half rocks I think this is very good just a little bit okay and so now it's time we're going to take our little lamp here and just um you know cook them a little bit if you don't have a UV lamp you can also use the sun outside you can put them in the Sun and then everything will harden then the miniverse is ready oh he's ready this is our little turtle friend he is finished what do you guys think of this first mini verse I think he turned out amazing there's a little water bubble there that's kind of cute I like that let's make it it makes it look more realistic and then here's the top view now let's cross off the yellow belly turtle off of our guide Boop and then we are going to put the extra ingredients inside the cart so we got this bottle of water this bag of Pebbles because it just looks so nice and then I also want to keep the jar because it's just like very nice so let's put that in there and then have that aside for later I want to see what the turtle looks like on the Shelf so let's put it on the Shelf like that okay that is very good and nice now I can put that aside put it together with my candles and then we have to choose our next mini verse eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by the toe if you holders let him go my mother said to pick the very best one and it is you sir this one right here is lucky miniverse number two let's go ahead and open up this mini version right here three two one wow okay so we got a few bags in this one as well we got one two three bags and we also have a jar of water in this one as well could it be another aquatic pet well let's find out first bag I want to save this bag for last this feels like the pet so let's unwrap the gold not goldfish I don't know why I said that wait wait you guys this this bull I got ears it got little cat ears you see that oh my gosh wait are we making a cat does that exist I wish I wish those existed what's in this oh gosh oh goodness okay we have a we have a plant oh my gosh this is cute this is the back oh that's cute okay what else what's oh and then we have Pebbles this time it is purple Pebbles of course we got purple Pebbles and a plant now it's time for the big reveal oh my gosh what pet are we gonna get oh my gosh okay okay okay let's see what's inside oh my gosh oh this is so pretty a little tiny package a little bag of tiny goldfish I don't want to open this miniverse has really outdone themselves this time wait no okay I have to keep the goldfish in the bag until their home is ready oh my gosh and it stands oh my gosh this is so cute like right here that is so cute I I'm screaming okay we definitely got the Goldfish and it's gonna turn out looking a little something like that so number one step number one we gotta put the purple Pebbles into the bowl we stick the Goldfish oh the Goldfish are actually on stands so we don't have to worry about making them float or nothing then we gotta put the plants water bake and then more water interesting okay well let's follow the directions because instructions we need to follow the instructions the instructions tell us what to do do I'm not gonna put too much Pebbles like I can always put more wait you guys wait you guys I'm gonna mix the Pebbles from the last mini verse sets from the turtle I'm gonna mix them together oh my gosh this is gonna be so cute good thing I always keep my extra ingredients in handy that looks super good we need to name the fishies oh my gosh we have two fishies oh look at that opening up the plants oh this is cute wow like that oh I kind of need the Pebbles to go around the plants off camera I kind of piled the Pebbles around the plant so that it kind of stays but everything's gonna stay once we put the water in it is now time for fish let's open up the little fish bag and then reach in and open the fish oh they are still cute and small these are the smallest fish I've ever seen ever do you guys have goldfish or ever took taken care of fish I feel like goldfish are are pretty easy to take care of you just have to remember to feed them every day look at that little guy they are being suspended on tiny little rods let's put fish in Fish number one look how he floating looking inside I hid the base using the Pebbles so now when you look at it from the side there is no base it looks like it's floating I kind of want to dig a little hole so there's little fishy number two it's that and there oh these are a bit sticky there we go like that so this is what I got from the side you could see the little fish floating they look very cute it's time to give them a bit of water let's give them a lot of water we gotta make sure these fish are fully submerged inside the tank oh here we go fishies here's some water so you guys can live but this angle does it look like my fish are submerged I'm gonna put even more whoa there we go don't want to overfill it oh my gosh definitely not okay you guys see that they are definitely fully submerged in the water I think it's time to bake cooking the fish like you all see this like oh is that a water bubble so this is what we got definitely a lot of water bubbles that I did not expect so before baking I would definitely make sure to pop them all yeah they are a bit trapped in there oh my gosh wait that's so cool wait it's like a lava lamp whoa it's moving oh there it goes do we have any names yet for our fish and here's the view from the top let us put it on the Shelf with our other three mini verses back there we are going to grab our extra ingredient cart and we are going to put the Pebbles inside for later I'm saving this bag this goldfish bag is like super cute and we got some jugs of water I need to put the Caps back on this jug of water is empty so I'll be tossing this and we have to pick which mini verse we are doing next we have three more left you guys which one is it gonna be eenie meeny miney mo catch a tiger by the toe if he holds let him go my mother said to pick the very best one and it is you lucky miniverse number three let's open this one uh oh oh okay oh this is different we got one two we have boxes we have boxes one box it says one medium terrarium oh my gosh is this what I think it is this is what it looks like oh my gosh it's so cute I love this box it's so cute we have another box so we have two little terrariums here this is one large terrain what does it say one medium term and one large terrarium and then we have these two bags let's see what's inside the backs before we unbox the boxes this one says Sun groan I wonder if these I wonder if this is a hanging terrarium oh my gosh I Got Dirt potting mix Happy groco on the back it says plant parent approved this is so cute looks like an actual bag of soil let's open this one oh oh okay so this is also like the bowl where it's newspaper so what is that oh these are our plants oh my gosh oh I have to keep them safe they are waiting to be repotted in their new home oh this one's pretty let's unbox our boxes so first let's do the large terrarium this is adorable it comes in oh my gosh wow oh this is so pretty this looks like one of those real life glass and gold terrariums I think we got the hanging one because look this is this looks like it it's a thing to hold the Rope let's open up our medium terrarium and here she is just a little shorter than the large terrarium these are the first size this is large this is medium oh my gosh so that we have a shovel oh my gosh we are going to Garden you guys I believe we got this set it is the hanging to rare do we have rope yo where's my rope oh there is oh my gosh oh my gosh I did not see but we do have a happy groco robe it says let's hang looks like it's literal string this is interesting because we don't have any resin in this kit we don't have any liquids to put in the UV lamps so I think we just have soil and we just like stick the soil in there and and yeah and then put the plants in step one we put the dirt using the shovel put it inside the terrariums put our plants in and then Bing Bang Boom we put a rope and then it's done real cute and simple grab our medium terrarium here let's get our dirt let's open up the bag of dirt let's snip snip snip whoa it looks like real fertilizer it's like a clay sort of substance oh whoa yeah it's soft it's good get my shovel oh my gosh this is the smallest shovel ever come here dirt we're gonna shovel you whoa whoa oh you know what this feels like it feels like moon sand be careful I gotta be careful putting it putting it inside this looks so cute I'm literally gardening little Vines where's the root okay here's the root of the vines we want to stick this part and we also want it to hang out a little bit righto like that and then we're gonna take our rope oh my gosh oh this is long oh my gosh where am I gonna hang this so I think we can cut this maybe in half unless I want to hang one a little bit shorter than the other okay I kind of want to do that make this one a little bit shorter let's cut it right here put it through the hole it's like sewing it's like threading the needle and oh my gosh oh we have a hanging Terrain rare let's do the next part so this time I'm going to go ahead and whoop oh it fits really good in there like perfectly so I'm actually scoop of soil not too much this is just like real soil that's so creative and I'm going to create a little hole just like I did for the other one stick that in there actually this doesn't even need that much soil like this looks good already I feel like I put way too much like I packed that in so this is a good amount of salt so I'm gonna stop this one here and then we'll hang it up tie it up here looking very cute this is so cute look at that which one do you like better I really like this one this one's so cute I love the colors got our goldfish we got a turtle and we got candles now we have plants to take care of oh it also comes with the Shelf let's put it on the Shelf boom do they both fit on the Shelf am I using the Shelf wrong I feel like I am I have no idea how to use this shelf but this looks good I think now it's time to put the extra ingredients inside the card the only extra we have is literally this bag of soil this bag of soil let's put it like that oh my gosh this is getting filled up and then we have this um little shovel and put that right there and then we also have these boxes I kind of want to save these boxes too but I feel like they won't fit in the carts let's see well you guys fit in the car I mean they're empty so I might just like go ahead and recycle them but they're just so cute I love them so much there you go boom bam done what are we going to get next you guys we have one and two mini verse capsules left oh my gosh it's almost the end no okay we gotta figure out which one we're gonna do next eeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by the toe if he hollers let him go my mother said to pick the very bad s1n it is not you this one is the lucky capsule number four let's go boom opening the box and what is this what is this box what is this what does that say be bright Sunshine can't oh my gosh we got some more candles okay got more shelves I love how it's like separated like this inside the capsule it's so fun we got what is this another mystery bag another mystery bag and what is this flavor this is lavender oh my gosh a lavender candle I really want to see what this looks like let's open mystery bag number one let's see what oh whoa holy moly it's so shiny okay I just polished it a bit using my shirt and oh my gosh this is so like luxury looks expensive imagine a candle on top of this it's gonna look so good especially like the purple color now let's open up this mystery bag this one says have a sunny day boom and it is whoa what's this wait what the heck it says lavender scents it's a bag of like looks like Wax bead scented wax beads that looks very fun and then this is the candle wicks what is going on here okay we gotta open up our I'm guessing these are the candle jars so let's see what shape the jars are oh this is suck yes oh my gosh they are jars with lids on top wowie look at that texture on on this on this jar looks very like nice to hold ooh feels good too wow wee can I open this I can okay I wonder what goes inside here the wax beads or the candle and then this jar wait how am I supposed to put the wick in here if there's a lid I wonder I wonder I'm gonna have to see the picture and then there's like some papers inside to keep the jars from breaking so very detailed I love that so this is what we're making it is the Lavender Fields candles this is everything that's included so we're supposed to put the wax beads on top of the candle oh my gosh I've actually never seen that before in real life but I guess it's a thing to make it like smell even better I wonder if the lavender actually smells like lavender when we open it we're gonna see if it actually smells like lavender step one put the juice juice put in the stuff in the jars put the wick in we bake it and then after baking it we sprinkle it we sprinkle and then cut the wick to size and then we smell it okay so there's two processes of baking let me see if I can remember all this all right got it so first things first we have to put in the Wicks I love the packaging for this it's so cute oh yeah I did say in the short we made I made the eucalyptus candles back there and they glow in the dark wait does this one glow in the dark okay this one does not glow in the dark the only ones that glow in the dark are the eucalyptus and what does that say the garden rose one so if it glows in the dark you will know because of this little image here it says soft glow this one does not have it but it does have this um let's see how this smells I'm excited to smell it all right let's open this up and then that comes off real easy now oh this is so cute it is sunny beeswax lavender flavored oh we have to put the wicks in boom there we go and then since they're super long we're also gonna have to cut them later we gotta take the lid off first put that inside like so that one in like put this on a plate oh my gosh they look gorgeous on the plate actually little tray so let's go ahead and fill these up let's do it a little slow oh whoa whoa whoa wow and then we want to leave some space for the sprinkles all right that's what we got so far it says now we bake in the sun let's get our oven it's time for to bake now it says we add a little bit more liquid on top oh wow just a little bit more yeah it's just a little bit more squeezy squeeze let's open up this bag of lavender scents here I'm gonna smell it oh y'all it's true they do smell like lavender undeniably this is lavender scented that is so cool okay let's pour this in make it all real nice and pretty oh this is so cute look at that it's like I'm sprinkling a little lavender Donut oh I love that these candles are actually scented do I want a lot of scents I think I want a lot of scent you know what if this scent runs out I want there to be a lot so it'll stay scented for forever not like it's not like those donuts where if you put too many sprinkles it looks bad I think I think this actually looks fine if you put a lot I have a little oh there they go hopefully when I bake all this is gonna stick we shall see but I do like this like layer this layering that we've got going on here let's do it let's throw them in the oven oh they're done there it is oh we have to cut I totally forgot we gotta cut these Wicks let's do a snip okay some lavender pieces are already full oh oh my a lot already fell out but this is what we have left they're still kind of sitting on top there which is very cute let me do a snip test yup smells just like lavender and then this is what we got okay it looks decent I think in the future if I get a dupe I'd probably make it so that I can close it like so that the lids are actually functional here it is the lavender candles they're so cute they smell just like lavender I love these so much so aesthetic let's put these in the back Boop slide these on over there with my other candles I'm gonna cooling this up and we're going to do the last mini verse capsule and ta-da it is now clean I taped it up the bag of lavender that way it doesn't fall out when I put it in the cart I just have one little bag for you oh my gosh our cart is so full and I also have this box I love the boxes they're just so cute I don't want to throw them away guys we only have one more mini verse left to do one more miniverse May make it mini lifestyle thank you so much for liking the video so that we haven't gotten any dupes so far let's hope that this isn't a dupe as well I hope we get something new something different that would be really nice oh last miniverse you guys but after this video I have an entire box of mini verse make it mini Diner series that I'm going to do after this video so watch out for that many verse in the future it'll be like it'll be like a mini version movie because I literally bought a whole box boom cool what's this okay I see a jug of water another pet you say maybe another pet here's the bowl we don't know what who we got yet we have a one mystery bag oh wait I forgot to cross off our our lavender candles let me do that real quick lavender candles check just one more mystery bag here and that's it in this capsule other than the papers and the Shelf what is that oh my gosh I thought this was a bug it's just it's just dirt I think yeah it's just dirt oh my gosh I hope we didn't get a dupe pet but we'll see we'll see we don't know which pet we got yet let's go ahead and open up this bowl here is the bowl wow it's so satisfying to take the newspaper off of this bowl it's so fun we have our jug of water we have what's in this oh I'm feeling around this feels very interesting let's open it up this might be the fish Decor we have okay this fill out it's a thing of rocks yes thing of rocks we have the orange oh I think we have a doofy guys we have the orange Pebbles we might got another turn we might have gotten another turtle but we don't know for sure yet we don't know let's see what's in this Turtle I'm guess Turtle it's another turtle friend on this one you look cute oh my gosh well we did get a dupe you guys but we can always make this one better because not only do I have extra lavender scents I also have some dirt and I also have some purple Pebbles so we're gonna combine all these things together to make the ultimate turtle habitat let's go so that's like the good thing of getting dupes as well because we can combine old sets to make something brand new so now let me see what I want to do first I might make half of this dirt and then the other half Pebbles wait this one's full I didn't even open this wait I'm confused I didn't even open this pack of red pepper oh wait this is the new pack just kidding this is the pack that we just got so let's open this up we already kind of know how to make this Turtle because it was the first set that we got in this video I think yeah I think so this is the first mini verse we got let's put in the let's do dirt first dirt where'd you go where's my shovel I need to get my shovel here's my shovel oh my gosh I get to use my shovel again yay let's get our dirt and I'm I'm just gonna put this dirt on one side of the tank because Turtles I believe are also land animals so they need Pebbles they need dirt to stand on as well as water so I think this makes sense at least to me I am not by any means a turtle expert but that going on here I don't know how well this will mix with the the water with the water but we'll see this is an experiment you know now let's put in the Pebbles let's do purple Pebbles first this is slightly like the moon sand texture except so the particles are like a little bit bigger let's do another scoop yeah they're a bit sticky they're just like the brown one okay we got some different colors going on here now it's time for the red bag or is it orange don't know we're gonna have a tri-color tank here there we go let's put that over there very nice looks like this so far do we have any like rocks okay we do but we don't have any plants hmm I don't have any extra plants sadly so this will have to do a tri-color terrarium for Mr Turtle here we have to name this Turtle too he needs a name as well you guys so comment below a name for turtle number one over here turn number one and then we have Turtle number two he's chilling in the tub still it's looking good okay I really like that now let's get our rocks let's get a rock and put it right let's put a rock in each color I'm gonna stick them stick them down a little bit like that got another rock I kind of want to put all three rocks on one side because I don't know putting spreading them out feels a bit crowded especially since there's like three colors going on here let's put another let's make a mountain how about that a little mountain for a turtle friend over there like that that's cute okay oh we have lavender scents wait should I use this I feel like I want to use this I'm actually Gonna Leave This until the very end after I put the water in I'm going to sprinkle these on top of the water to make to make it kind of look like like flower petals fell into the into the tank or whatever make it look like very natural looking I think that'll be really cool so let's rescue our tiny turtle here hello hi time to come out let me grab you with my tweezers oh come grab you by the head there and I'll stick you sticky there that's good you you used it wait okay yeah if you look at it from the side it looks pretty good but if you kind of like try to look at his head you have to like turn it because there's this like line here so I gotta make sure he looks good from every angle yes and now for this I'm gonna put a lot of water should I put a lot of water let me think let me think okay do we want to make one where he's like swimming maybe do we want to make him swim I think I want to make this one swim okay here's the plan the plan is fill this up halfway and then we bake all right you guys on board are you guys following along and then we will add Mr turtle in so gotta put this inside here halfway halfway and if I run out I have some extra water so don't worry about that I'm gonna make him kind of float inside the water I think that's gonna be really good for this one so this is the amounts I got going on right now it does seem to be Wick mixing in pretty well with the with the dirt with the soil also I learned from the goldfish that we're gonna have to pop all the air bubbles that we see so that we don't get any any air bubble trouble air bubble trouble when the when the bowl is baked so I mean it's cool but also okay looking at this okay it seems to have Frozen now because a few hours have passed since I made this guy and the bubbles were just like going all over the place wait where's my fish okay yeah the fish are a bit hard to see you have to like really stare stare into the bowl to find them because I think I think I filled it up with too much water I don't know I'm not really sure what happened here but I believe that maybe the coloring from the soil mixed in with the resin so that way it's not like clear anymore but that's all right that's all right we learn we live and we learn right okay so this looks good I'm Gonna Bake it now and then we're going to move on with the next step okay what happened here it's hot I see a bubble ow it's really hot oh my gosh that's okay uh so now we add our Turtle friend in so I want to have the turtle kind of float on top so let's add just a bit more resin on top here so that he has a place to stand I want you know how like when turtles in the lake they kind of peek their little head out and it's like super cute I kind of want him to do that sitting on top like that so we can kind of like appreciate him from from up top here and then the next thing I also want to do the lavender petals he's slipping and sliding oh my gosh okay let's bake him bakey bake okay and then we're gonna do one more layer of water for the petals just a very thin layer on top oh he's got there's there's a bubble right there can I pop you okay the bubble moved you see that the bubble moot it's time it's time for sprinkles we're gonna sprinkle our Turtle friend here gosh that's cute okay wait this is so cute you'll see this wow I love that also he's gonna smell amazing so even better hold up there's it's clumping here I can't have it Clump like that I need to sit on top like a graceful like graceful petals that just freshly fell from the tree I'm literally sprinkling this Turtle this is so funny okay this looks pretty good yeah yeah that's a good amount like that all right it's time it's bakey bake time for the last time boom and then we have our Turtle number two isn't he cute oh I love how this turned out with all the colors we got going on in here we have the lavender Petals On Top we got really creative with this little guy look how he's swimming he's like swimming on top it's so cute so these are all the mini verses that we have made today guys comment below which one was your favorite honestly this last turtle one turned out so well I really like it look at him peeking out I also really love the hanging succulent plants the hanging terrariums I hang I hung them from my desk it looks pretty cute I really like that and then there's the candles the other Turtle we made the lavender candles oh my gosh comment below which one you guys like the best and if you would like me to make more make it mini Lifestyles I'll go and hunt for more they are available right now the brand new series and yeah watch out for my mini verse movie coming out very soon and I'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: SugarStar
Views: 3,199,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adopt me, roblox adopt me, adopt me asmr, roblox asmr, asmr, roblox, satisfying roblox, tower of hell asmr, tower of hell, sugarstar asmr, relaxing keyboard sounds roblox, relaxing obby asmr, sugar, sugar roblox, sugarstar roblox, sharla sugar, sugar star asmr, keyboard, keyboard sounds for study, study sounds, study asmr, i'm sugarstar, sugerstar, imsugarstar, sugarshar
Id: Gva4BNrxj-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 59sec (2459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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