Unique SHAWARMA Technique!! Bucharest Street Food + Market Tour in Romania!!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Bucharest which is the capital and the largest city of Romania and this is a city that's exciting there's amazing food here the people are friendly and hospitable and today we're gonna go on a Romanian food tour of Bucharest we're gonna eat a lot of delicious food and go around the city see some of the sights and I'm going to share this entire experience with you everything we do today in this video [Music] [Applause] good morning good morning before we start eating today quick television interview okay thank you thank you very much here we go TV interview complete I think it went well next step next step we're on our way to the market now to start eating [Music] okay here we are first place so I think that this whole area is part of the market we pass some cheese stalls we passed some bakeries we're going kind of to the back of the market where you can already see the the smoke coming the smoke pouring into the air and the the meat fumes are in the air you can feel it this is fantastic full outdoor market there's cabinets of cured meats and cheeses there's vegetables there's Chili's there's eggplants all of the ingredients needed for Romanian cuisine met up with the whole crew the whole team we're gonna start walking around the market and look at some of the vegetables see some of the products see some of the amazing ingredients first before we eat actually and what's so cool about Bucharest and of course any major city in the country the capital city the largest city is that it brings together the ingredients the foods from around the country and so you see all of the different produce the grapes the apples the pears but the grapes are beautiful there's just so much of a diversity of ingredients and such beautiful fresh produce and herbs and spices and everything you can get everything at this market on this indoor section of the market also there's more and more herbs and vegetables that dill the horseradish the parsnips that go into Romanian cuisine but it's all really fresh it's now seem is handing me a chili to taste and morning chili for breakfast okay thank you nothing well I told a wake-up call then used to be followed by some meat juices I'm impressed by the different variety and the quality and the quantity of chilies that they have in Romania which is something I wouldn't have guessed I wouldn't have known and he is giving us a variety of different chilies all those are beautiful we can eat it with the nipple innocent open gotcha you don't seem it to eat it with the meat yeah this is as fresh of grape juice as you could possibly get it's just like mashed grapes in this barrel and the juice is just dripping out into this tub if you could smell the condensed like grape aroma it smells like grape candy is just liquid grape candy that smells incredible oh just taking the grapes now [Music] and then that just goes great from the tub to the bottle spilled so that's you know what you're getting it is as fresh as possible no preservation just pure squished grapes yeah that is so fresh I mean essentially that's the same thing as eating grapes just they're already pretty squeezed for you in your mouth and not to mention not to mention just the sweetness and like beauty of those grapes naturally oh man it almost tastes like blueberries no possibility of greater grape juice in that okay and then coming into the upstairs floor of the market it's a lot of meats a lot of salami and cheeses and even like more like indoor businesses gourmet ingredients steaks and things and then bakeries and spices something that's impressed me about Romanian food are all the different spices that go into the cooking and I mean some dishes are not like overpowering with spice but then it is present you do taste it and because of the history because of the trade because of the different influences have made that have been a part of Romania the the cuisine there's such a diversity of spices and ingredients from this entire region of the world they say they've been between deer pastrami oh yeah well that has a texture too and you taste chili and pepper in there as well wild boar okay awesome s ground me oh yeah totally different texture with that like salty juiciness that comes out of it and again that crush with the pepper like the fruity pepper taste to it next up is a goat like a sausage whole office all that's wonderful like similar to a goat salami oh yeah that's juicy and tasty next up is the ham special type of romanian cheese that's made in a bark of an epic type of ever evergreen uh tree you slice it open it it's like a whole cup of cheese very like milky mm-hmm well that has a totally different liver it's yeah woody but like kind of fruity tasting and kind of has like a bit of an acidity to it that's that is special very special teas next up it's like a whole roll up of pigskin there's like layer upon layer of pigskin just wrapped into like a loaf and then she slices up a whole roll you get pigskin I think it's very also common to eat during holidays [Music] oh wow mm-hmm there's definitely pigskin it's a little little chewy and rubbery smokey the little rubber band II but good flavor coming out of it with every Bend come now - he has some different berries some strawberries some blueberries some raspberries the raspberries looks so good and these are local raspberries oh wow mm-hmm they're so sweet and so juicy and then the other thing I want to try is whoa it's called cotton cotton I think well yeah that's just like bitter and juicy and hmm I like it I like it's almost like alcoholic tasting I don't think I've ever had this anywhere but after from what I understand after the Rose blooms this is kind of like what's left at the bottom possibly but it's like a rose fruit seed oh the huge okay don't leave the skin around it so don't eat the seeds mmm yeah but the fruit around the outside is it's just kind of like slightly sweet a little bit acidic and kind of like starchy tasting already in line and they have the soundtrack going to like chew in the mood for eating but not only they said it's really on the weekends if you come here the line probably goes all the way back all the way stretching around but that's good for us today because it's not that busy yet thank you very much nice to you my name is Aiden mark thank you yeah how about Iranian what America awesome okay this is [ __ ] beautiful and it's very nice to meet you my friend thank you for having us okay oh we're about to see that the meet you on the girl friend and here it is the legendary beach of Bucharest this is the spot to eat hitch and their little small little formations little rolls of meat which grilled over charcoal so they're smoky oh you can smell the aroma coming out of them I'm inside of the grill actually that is a combination of beef and pork on the grill thank you buta Mitch view it's a must right cheers Church not up nor oh no no hero man no this is the fix that needs some salty meters use me to go with it an amazing crew here oh I love this place this is the only way that so many people are taking their hangover oh yeah let's take mark what thank you mark it's a pickle juice barrel there's cabbage it's like fermenting you know that is quite a quite an aroma that erupted out of this and just dip in it's like a little [ __ ] oh yeah that's salty briny guys from the test yeah our stuff didn't drinking juice that'll like lift your you up that's for sure that's like fermented and cabbagey inside sneaking up sneaking up CQB what a man yeah this is like a 1 meter beer this is super it comes with a flower planter of six beers okay this is the attitude here you know fun fun and a good job all people end exactly smiling people but it all has to do with good people yeah a little mania virtually from the from the meat fumes and it's time to to try the meat department [Music] tomorrow you can only get that steam coming out but I think this is the best part the best you just brought out two whole plates of the meat right off the grill you can see them just glistening the juices are flowing all in there - cabbage Wow there's sausage there's bread there's mustard say just poke them with a Pokemon with a toothpick because if you only poke it with one it spins on you so that's the that is the thing to do look at that juice touch it with your fingers like okay you have to see when you it is a sponge a meat sponge of oily juices close up oh you can you can squeeze it out hello oh that's unbelievable wait module get backward but it's a mix of pork and beef I'm so unbelievably fatty and juicy but in the best kind of way and then just like it's cooked perfectly that texture is just what makes a difference to me the sponginess and the bounciness of the texture it's lightly unlike any other role of meat you'll ever have and eventually you just kind of like get to the food notes all together I'm just going to with your finger you know with the mushroom is wonderful too it's um it's like a sweet mustard rather than a spicy mustard ketchup it goes together with the salty meat no no [Applause] I'm willing to call this the world spongey estreet juiciest sponges meet the composition of those meats they have not only perspective perfected the recipe and the but I think they've mastered the the ratios is what it's all about and the music just like to make to keep on eating sausage while the sausage is awesome do you taste like that actually aroma to it there's a bit of an urban there and then that spinach is like carmelized and then just cabbage to chase to to flush down those juices along with [Music] well the cabbage is wonderful - thank you so much okay so the market in the morning was fantastic the Meech was incredible from here we're on our way to go eat lunch Christian tell me about this place this is one of the places in Bucharest which is inside the pedestal park one of the top restaurants in Bucharest and I wanted to to show also an experience of this kind of food in Bucharest I made the chef yet promised that he is going to use only but only Romanian products thank you very much hello he's been cooking like around the world Japanese food for over 20 years and he's back in Bucharest now he's the head chef at this restaurant and in prayer he prepared uses using Romanian ingredients prepares Japanese sushi and steaks and different dishes so I'm very excited to see what he's gonna do for us for lunch today natural possible get the flu or something to take a small shot no no look but yeah this is the tweeker a romanian liquor with fugu tale from japan in it mm-hmm yeah it's sweet you can't taste the food good tale a little bit yeah it's like fishiness it's like a dashi almost like a taste like the seaweed a bit - tour associate with Romanian black truffles and Romanian white come here LaRocco and it's taste a little bit of cucumber taste it in by the way all the herbs and they all come from Christians farm microgreens in Romania and he supplies a lot of the restaurants with like such a bounty of different micro greens and herbs and flowers and yes so many things oh yeah it's juicy you do but like like a sour cucumber almost it's good mmm we immediately you smell the truffle the truffle the aromatic truffle the caviar is on top but you thought oh oh well there's a lot of goodies goodies on this bite the two total melts in your mouth the fragrance of the truffle the richness of the caviar all in a single bite gone in a second [Music] so many good things in one bite in one roll Romanian beef carpaccio Rob beef there's avocado in the middle I believe there's rice there's seaweed with fried foie gras on top and then sprinkled it with shredded truffle again and then everything is yeah romanian ingredients he said apart from the rice which is from Japan there's so many creamy and country things on one by the richness of the foie gras no fragrance of the the truffle and the beeping avocado both just melt in your mouth almost the same texture [Music] but he takes the sturgeon and uses the liver to cook the liver fills it into a hard-boiled egg with sturgeon caviar toppers all over a bed of microgreens from Christian I would gladly trade an egg yolk for sturgeon the liver is so rich and creamy oh and then with the herbs [Music] Romanian crayfish fried ball with a little bit of yuzu with black caviar on top with yogurt on the bottom and museum it's called museum nice to me let's go to you now studio that's to me one bite I think I think cut it cuz I don't wanna I don't want to take too much in one bite Oh Oh wonderful just filled solid with crayfish [Music] [Music] next up this is a beauty this is an egg Japanese egg custard with crayfish again and then another dab of caviar we are getting an amazing taste of caviar today in this meal of Romanian caviar well that is a rich in like you have the silkiness of the egg with the strands of the crayfish with the richness of the big navvy our June next dish is sturgeon marinated for 48 hours in miso so the same technique that they use in Japan but this is what sturgeon local sturgeon shiitake mushrooms on top as well after straight like butter it's also Milo Haas is very popular in France it's also popular in South America the same thing dessert Wow yeah like layer upon layer of creaminess not putting with layers we got rich and creamy huge Thank You chef cotyledon that was in a extraordinary meal I love how he has so much experience with Japanese food but using romanian ingredients and again his love his passion he puts his soul into the food awesome meal from here we we got to go fast actually we're on our way to what is the most iconic building Romanian Parliament it is the second largest administrative building in the world three hundred sixty-five thousand square meters so it is massive magnanimous and it was started by in the Communist resume of Romania it's a quick step into the auditorium and you can even just hear the acoustics picking up in your voice but it is beautiful Art Deco style and the main one of the main sights here is the massive chandelier on the table made from raw Transylvanian crystal and then in this is the largest hall of the entire entire Parliament which utilizes a million cubic meters or cubic tons of marble Wow that is a lot of marble in one Hall okay so this office room conference room was built by Nicola and was intended for his communist resume meetings but what's impressive is the round circular table made from cherry wood 60 seats all the way around and a two-ton chandelier [Music] everything is designed in like the symmetrical pattern of this entire structure and even the patterns all the patterns and relate to that that symmetric symmetry and this is one of the most spectacular halls of the entire Parliament sit one of the biggest as well with the sky roof with the chandeliers now they hold events here there's festivals there's parties there's weddings there's ceremonies [Music] that was that was quite a tour quite an quite a fascinating history to learn about magnificent is he on the inside a must-visit when you are in Bucharest we are off now to walk around old town the city center of Bucharest but first we're stopping at a place to have a coffee Gershon says the best face or coffee floral some tropical flavors Oh smells so good and he said to actually stir it up a little bit that's gonna enhance the flavor smells so good Wow it's like dark chocolate oh yeah that's straight like nectar [Music] Coffee so good yeah thinkin one biggie huh good there was no way we could stop at one so I got a an Ethiopian it's time it's a bit spicier feeling much better after two shots of espresso but just walking around I'm loving the contrast of Bucharest the old the new I mean you get pure between those buildings the domes the lights the reflections it's such an artistic city at different layers of architecture walking streets in the center there's restaurants there's bars there's lots of places to hang out and it's yeah it is a nice environment with the old buildings on either side Bucharest is sometimes known as the little Paris kebab is one of the most popular foods in Bucharest that you'll find Romania especially shawarma which is on the spit on the upright skewer of meat so there was no way we could make a Bucharest food tour without trying some shilada bah we're gonna get a beef shawarma and Romanian style my first time Romanians - a lot of months I've had shawarma in many places around the world and shawarma really is one of the great gifts of food to the entire world but excited to try the Romanian version of Chihuahua and what I immediately as he makes it it's it is it is a different style it is a different almost concept because I mean they made they have the need on the upright skewers they shave it off they put it into the bread but the difference I see is number one you get to choose your sauce on top of that and you can get a such a big mix of like salad it's like an entire salad mixed within earshot matzah once he has all the ingredients in his palm in the bread he actually uses these tongs and just like flips everything and mixes everything so the salad mixes with the sauce mixes with the meat it's all like mingled in there that's a technique that I've only seen in Romania for shawarma secure yes aside exact right I do man what you need I don't think it's I can have on the side yeah okay so nobody knows Sunday youth is about mix is pretty cool that's pretty decently heavy and actually kind of wrap it in like a plastic instead of a paper because I know it's gonna get saucy what is the technique guys this is one - autumn oh where you don't want to unwrap it all the way right you want to just slowly unwrap it as you keep on eating it otherwise yes it looks to to be of that of that school of shwarma that's awesome and the sauce is like really creamy almost like sour creamy and again I mean you notice that on your first bite how they mix everything so that the sauce is just flowing the everything's mingled the vegetables are are in between all Nystrom extra chillies on the side well yeah that is seriously tastes old fries and chilies nicely done nice reminds me of that a six-pack of beer we had earlier today six pack of chilies [Music] or yes Paul actually is amazing a little bit spicy but like the juicy chewiness that comes out of it is Wow okay that needs to be followed with another bite this is something that would be good at every hour of the day 24 hours a day bunions on the map and classic drink how do you like a salty yogurt that is refreshing well it's not too salty more like a taste like more like a natural yogurt nice how they provide baby wipes cuz your hands are gonna get oily [Music] romanian shawarma complete that was delicious and again their technique their style the mix of vegetables I think that's what makes it and that's the Romanian style that yeah that is a musty didn't Bucharest and there's yes yes like kebab shops show autumn our shops all over Bucharest that was satisfying that was a great pre-dinner snack or dinner tonight we are at this is one of the most legendary one of the most historical one of the most well known Romanian restaurants in all of Bucharest Oh coming in the round door right now okay but this is a historical restaurant and it is just absolutely packed all the way from the entire from the entire Terrace all the way inside and it's a it's actually one of these restaurants that's a piece of art it's a living museum of a restaurant I guess what makes it also it's just that the entire floor and they serve trittyes though they still do to serve traditional Romanian [Music] first round of appetizers the pre meal has arrived the different dips this Alex the the mandatory Romanian pork plate the hams the salami is their cheese's the liver paste and what I love about it is it's always there's vegetables included also always cute tomato and the poll stocks of green onion whatever beans is it [Music] yes well almost every meal I've enjoyed the stalks of green onions and again one of my favorite things in Romania in Cuzco which is it's a mix of like roasted eggplant roasted peppers made into a paste that goes especially good with bread wonderful [Music] always good and so many different combinations out of a box huh especially without the body okay that's kind of like a nose block [Music] some of the main dishes have arrived while massive platters of meat there's like a mixed grill different sausages different lamb chops there's an entire tray or a beach oh I believe we've had some Mitch already today and then it looks like an entire port fried what if America legs yeah that is seriously romanian meat specialties on platters here [Music] while some of the chilies that we've got carefully a whole plate of chilies different types of abilities that we got at the market earlier this morning all the sweetness of that one this one I believe is an entire pork leg made into that ham it looks good see that pink color [Music] it's like great an entire leg of ham [Music] call that wonderful the romanian layout [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] back at the hotel after another and this is actually the final day of my trip to Romania again what a finale what a day of touring around Bucharest and about today was really about the diversity because we were at the market first the Meech that was probably the highlight of my day but then the amazing meal but japanese style but using romanian ingredients by chef catalina and then the shawarma and then walking around seeing some of the sights of Bucharest and then finishing with a ger and like a legendary meal restaurant but also a historical location and a museum of a restaurant today yeah another fantastic day and I want to say a massive thank you for this entire trip to Nasim who was really he was the one who invited me to Romania he planned the entire trip and he did a fantastic job so big thank you to now see him and to Christian to Killeen and if you haven't seen all of the videos from this Romania food and travel series I'll have the link in the description box you can click that link watch all of the videos it's yeah what a trip it's been and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe click the little bell icon and then that way you'll get notified if the next video that it published thanks again for watching and see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,979,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bucharest, Romania, Romania food tour, shawarma, Romania shawarma, Romanian street food, mici, market, living in Romania, Romania life, Bucharest street food, Caru' cu bere, Origo Coffee, obor market, street food guide, street food videos, Mark Wiens
Id: Ax8zuvqV1Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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