Unique Chicken Barrel BBQ!! Crispiest Skin + Juiciest Meat Ever!

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foreign and here it is hot and fresh I love how they chop it up and serve it on a tray the juiciness the smokiness the crispiness of the skin everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark Wiens I'm in Taichung in Taiwan and just outside of the city there are some beautiful mountains where you can come and there's an assortment a number of restaurants that specialize in Taiwanese Barrel roasted chicken [Music] oh yeah love this place short hike up to the dining room yeah it is pretty quiet because we're here on a on a week day in the middle of the afternoon hopefully we might be able to see them cooking the barrel barrel chicken as well water okay foreign [Music] [Applause] and me oh yes here we go the fan foreign I think it's going to cook for about one hour until it's done and we got here this is a weekday in the middle of the afternoon so we're the only ones here and so that's why they're only cooking one chicken for us but if you get here maybe on the weekend when it's busy I think it's very popular on the weekend especially when people are have their day off and then when they come to the countryside to for leisure and for eating you'll see that they have like five or six chickens all going at one time the Blazing fires all in a row of six or seven chickens that would be cool to see okay wow at the very end he just blasts it with some extra heat just Flames like fireworks blast it to get that skin perfectly crunchy and golden [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was incredible the chicken is dangling within the barrel on a on a skewer and he just like pulls that out the chicken Falls oh that's a beautiful process that is the most golden it's just steaming it's perfectly golden oh what a process at home wow oh wow literally the juices are just pouring out of it it's perfectly cooked with Precision so it's cooked all the way through the bone and yet it remains just unbelievably juicy so juicy oh okay okay what about the dripping juices [Music] wow literally it's like a liter of fluid that came out of the chicken while it was roasting and that's going to be used as a sauce so he puts that into a little cup with some a little bit of salt and pepper that you can dip your chicken into here oh okay I love how they chop it up and serve it on a tray and Uncle really wants us to eat it fast while it's still really hot and fresh and juicy he said you gotta start with this chicken breast right here so maybe that's what we should immediately dig into okay Micah go for it let's try that chicken breast first oh look at how juicy it is and that skin okay you go for it you can dip a little bit in that kind of salt here we go Taiwanese Barrel roasted chicken [Music] oh wow oh that is so juicy and Smoky and that skin I honestly wasn't even expecting it to be that good I mean the process is cool but the taste actually like is as cool as the the process oh and the juiciness is almost unbelievable it really is incredibly juicy and that's the chicken breast that I had the first bite and that's so juicy and so good should we do a dip in the Au Judo yes yes we should that chicken broth juice if you want to rehydrate it even more a little bit of salt and pepper mixture okay yeah we'll be at now oh wow dip back in that broth so it's juicing it's just dripping on them okay um [Music] so incredibly tasty and that that chicken oil makes it even more tasty okay look at this skin okay actually let's just try a little bit of skin first before moving on to that drumstick look at that skin oh man that skin is perfect okay let's try the drumstick usually this would be the first bite of chicken that I'd want to have but since Uncle recommended that chicken breast we had to have that first and can I do a little dip in that dip in the juice oh man what a move oh wow the chicken oil the juiciness the smokiness the crispiness of the skin and that drumstick unbelievable what a process to cook it what a taste oh it's like oily buttery chicken tear off some of that chicken no that doesn't work I'm just going to go in the sauce in the salt a little bit salt and pepper mixture foreign that's like the most buttery chicken ever oily so much flavor that is so good and I love the presentation I love the style of it I love the cooking method of it and this amazing location in the countryside we actually did also order a couple of other other dishes uh they have a full menu of dishes as well and they should be coming soon but definitely you come here for the chicken and you'd be happy if you left only eating chicken too and he just brought us a plate of the fried glass noodles with cabbage with mushrooms in here as well oh there's some nice pepper in there and some little shrimp as well that should give it some flavor very good I'm like extremely impressed with the chicken not only the the dark meat but actually oh man that that uh the breast meat is some of the juiciest breast meat ever [Music] oh my God thank you yeah that chicken breast is unbelievably juicy and flavorful normally it's a it's a it's not even a competition the drumstick and the dark meat just wins and juiciness this one the chicken breast is so incredibly juicy okay and then we also ordered not totally sure what it is a little fish kind of battered and deep fried and served with some chilies and garlic and is it basil um oh it's so tasty with the basil with their chilies salt and pepper and garlic in there as well [Music] dip it in the dip it in the au jus that chicken oil quick dip in the salt and pepper oh man it's a near perfect slice of chicken right there [Music] oh man that spoon gooey and crispy and just burst with flavor last dish we got is just some stir-fried vegetables looks like some guy Latin mmm maybe with some sesame oil in there really good really clean tasting too not oily just a flavoring of sesame oil and then nice and soft another one other Specialties here is the the traditional Taiwanese radish cake they said their mom makes it themself herself their mom makes it she grounds the radish herself so we have to try this and they give it they just gave this to us at the end of our meal here he gave it to us a fresh plate of the radish the radish cake [Music] oh oh wow that's good oh man there's creamy and fragrant and crispy oh and it's actually almost kind of custardy on the inside and garlicky [Music] really delicious really hearty too um this place is I highly recommend it I'm not totally sure of the name but I'll have the link in the description box below and literally it's just a couple kilometers right outside of Taichung that's so easy to get here you can take a taxi and it's really close and it's just another world here the owners the family they're so nice and they've been so hospitable to us they're just so friendly that's gonna be it for this video I want to say a huge thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos and travel tips thanks again for watching and I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 441,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barrel chicken, street food, Taiwan, Taiwanese food, Taiwanese street food, Taiwan food, food tour, food videos, food vlog, street food videos, things to do in Taiwan, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens Taiwan, food, best food, best chicken bbq
Id: OGzSzEwjjAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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