Inside Transylvania - EPIC ROMANIAN FOOD + Wild Stews in Brasov, Romania!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart Queens and we just arrived to Romania we literally just landed at the airport a couple hours ago and drove straight to a city called Brussels which is in the mountains of Romania it's a beautiful historical city and we're gonna start immediately eating Romanian food here we're gonna go on a tour of the city walk around the old town eat lots of food and I'm gonna share this experience and all the food with you in this video so we're just getting started in the old town of Rochelle we're gonna walk around we're on our way to go eat [Music] so we're gonna stop for lunch in the public square this is one of the best places for traditional brush of romanian food do you have something what you are not eating no you wouldn't eat everything we need everything okay sure yeah so we just ordered a bunch of different dishes especially some of the students they specialize in stews and like things cooked in a cauldron here but also things from the grill and then we're just talking about brush shelf and the city and how it was founded actually by German Knights who came through here and so a city actually has a very interesting history we're actually in on the border of Transylvania but it has a lot of German influence this city so this is the lemonade and with sparkling water this is not shown if you can smell the clubs inside you know it's made from plum yes the Romanians are drinking before eat the Germans after and here we are drinking before and after no rock yes nap so - snaps okay but it has a lot of alcohol good yeah but it's strong but quite smooth yes like it's not that it doesn't really burn okay we're just coming into the kitchen to see a little bit of the cooking so just in the kitchen now and just leave some of the ingredients what's really it all here come the bread balls nice the bread balls which I think they serve the soup in anyway all that pull them to over there I what's amazing is that I mean I don't know much about Romanian food and so I'm very interested to learn this entire trip about Romanian food this is a unique place because as he was mentioning just the the cultures that have an impact in Brasov in this city and the melting pot that it is oh ok can make pop alone this oh yeah this is for us nice if it's too strong are you too weak traditional bean soup I'm getting the bread and I'm starting with the bread bowl bean soup and what's good about the bread bowl is that you can kind of like dig in with your spoon to the bread to pick up that soup and it just kind of like soaks up it sponges up the bread absorbs all of that soup oh it's all about the ham in that soup you can immediately taste the ham and the beans end up hmm some more liquid okay great yeah that just like that is like as comforting as possible the beans just like starch in your mouth the ham and so flavorful it's wonderful mm-hmm and I noticed there's some red onions on this I do is that to put you inside yeah you have to pick the onion and then heat it together with joy the onions and then need to face with the soup okay great I like that all on your arm Adam yeah very good right for tasting on this corner we have Zach whisker the Romanians at boot camp we have the mashed smashed beans and here we have fish eggs thank you very much and they can try starters that we've got are the traditional Romanian kind of like spreads for bread eat along with red like really creamy with that like salty brine you know oh thank you okay thank you that was awesome wiping my my mouth okay and then turn the visa bread to the next one that's mashed beans oh yeah oh that's wonderful like with a like a little bit of onion eat garlic eat okay good oh I like that a lot Aquos guys that's a cool name too oh yeah tomatoes in there the onions the there's beans in there too pickled pepperoni wonderful really juicy sour maybe gets a little spicier when you get to the sheets but not really spicy butchers that's wonderful this is the carbon the meets the traditional Romanian Chavez gggg this is called an echo chicken Romanian and is very important to lunch of the very poor chop this is a special meat and a nice lamb chop with the mushrooms thank you yes and the fresh Transylvania tomato pork chop and you have here the cabbage roll it's a massive surface and all sorts of these are Romanian dishes but some of them are specific to this region region okay I got a whole plate of everything the pork chop I have a very soft spot in my heart for pork chops sorry for poor lamb chops for everything lamb oh and there's also like the DOS or those traditionally there's also audition I have to lift it up pick up the drumstick yes drumstick Cheers [Laughter] why my first taste of romanian lamb oh it's just fatty flavorful thought goofy and kogo desperate should also try that Meech hmm when you poke down your fork like the juices just squeeze out thank you I'm coming unbelievable it's like thank you it's actually different than a sausage different than a kebab yeah it's its own tune yeah and they I think like part of it is that texture and that's just the definition of meat juices just squeezing out when you take I mean from the moment you you stab your fork into it you know how juicy it's going to be [Music] the next dish that I'm gonna try are the cabbage rolls and when I think about this region cabbage rolls is one of the most famous things that's one of the maybe the only things that I knew from this region who so the cabbage resolved stuffed with meat and then you eat it with sour cream Oh Abba girls are learning and you hate some dill in there too oh that's amazing and he said they were cooked for six or seven hours and then the last dish that I haven't tried yet it's a mountain like a wild mountain chicken I'll just go ahead and grab that drumstick mmm all the meat is it's wonderful it's like succulent it's you got to eat a lot of garlic right to scare away the vampires because of the we are thirty kilometers from Jacqueline and that's a garlic sauce it's like a death in garlic sauce but that chicken is fantastic Wow I was just looking my my drumstick bone clean when the dessert has arrived big donut with cream and marmalade Wow and what's the name of it in a Paulo poppin poppin are hoppin and poppin it is a Romanian doughnut called Papa and it just looks like a donut volcano hollow on the inside with just cream and marmalade like a berry marmalade just like spewing out of the top Wow it's like a hot like deep-fried crispy donut gooing on the inside with that mix that swirl of cream and tart marmalade a dangerously good dessert I don't say that very often either everybody's happy now after lunch we're off to just walk around and explore a little bit of brush of I think we'll be eating again sometime soon [Music] we're just passing the what's called the black church and it is a massive Church especially during the time that they built it it was to show power they showed the riches through the construction through the churches so [Music] next up we're moving into this park oh it's a like a mountain goat and so we came here to see to see the first main gate to enter the cities from the middle age in nano age we are hiking up the side carol actually to the side of the mountain up the city a little bit passing by tennis courts with that view and the forest here is just spectacularly beautiful and especially in the autumn right now and the leaves are so yellow and falling but they say there's a lot of bears in the forest even right here and at nighttime bears often come down sometimes the berries even go into the city which is right there we're now going back down in descending into the old city [Music] this is called the rope Street which is one of the most famous streets in the city but also in Europe and it's actually an alley it's a passageway built for firefighters they had access to either side but yeah you can touch this side and touch this side it's like about a meter a little over a meter and it's it's like a slot canyon it's fantastic with colors it's beautiful and so lots of people have weaved their signature to leave their mark yeah it's a beautiful street and it's also amazing from this side okay yeah you can see the brush up sign there very cool final stretch coming outside the road [Music] amazing trophies like yes fresh pasta made with Parmesan and a big old parmigiano and with fresh Transylvanian dreyfus black truffle yes I didn't even know we were gonna stop here to eat that's wonderful I love his passion but we're eating pasta with yeah the truffles of Transylvania are very famous as well and this is the spot No fully automatic drops the pust into the boiling water on automatic it's like an elevator a pasta elevator and then she's going to stir that up you can smell the fumes of the pasta and it's gonna go in the giant wheel of cheese with truffles oh man there's nothing I'd want to eat more right now than some pasta with Transylvanian truffles fresh truffle you can smell it mmm it's amazing oh yeah a truffle on the bread with a little bit of the oil you're gonna puree fill their truffle while that truffle so I should get the flavor that transfer that maybe I mean just where my first bite it's not quite as rich of some other troubles that I've had it's more very fragrant variable so Foresti oh it's so good in order to make the pasta why she does she boiled the pasta in that I'm gonna call it a pasta elevator then kind of just stir fried it in some melted butter with a little bit of herbs then after that into the wheel of parmesan stirred that around just coating it in the parmesan and then the final touch which is really the reason we came here is to taste the Transylvanian truffle and so if you just sprinkle that on [Music] that that is some quality pops up quite a lot of amazing cheese on there and just that touch of the Transylvania in trouble yes sure thank you yes I do want more take the reins of the truffle I'm graded on oh it's so fragrant exactly Oh men so many firsts for me today look look at me it's me I'm swimming inside of the cappuccino or they take your photo actually he just took my photo with his cellphone and moments later who walks out with a cappuccino with my face on it drinking a coffee with my face in it with my head in it and it's a good copy whoo okay and they just brought out the massive dessert platter wow that's a lot of desserts yeah like a flock lava cake okay and then finally the tiramisu at the end of this this was just a fun point no it was planned it's just I had no idea about it stop what a restaurant what uh that was fun yeah [Music] just really good quality everyday so brasov was incredible to walk around especially the old city and the food from here we are we're back in the van and we're driving it's about 20 minutes out of town into the mountains to the hotel that we're gonna stay at and then we're gonna go have dinner we arrived to Alpine resort and this is actually on a plateau in Boshoff in the mountains it's beautiful here and this is one of the main ski resort areas of all of Romania I had no clue you're even gonna come here but this is an amazing surprise they hooked us up with we're on the 12th floor this is a massive room as actually I haven't even walked around yet but this is a classic hotel [Applause] [Music] the view of the villages [Music] what a classic hotel from here we are on our way to go eat dinner did not do these things up that's the name of the restaurant and this is a it's an amazingly beautiful property step inside it's almost like a Romanian pantry of pickled things and animals and sheep cabinet this is where we're gonna have dinner [Music] well some bears there's a fox and those are antlers the entire chandelier what uh what a dining room and then everything is cheap wall like around and would vary Romanian forest [Music] there are there bears everywhere [Music] [Music] we chose to sit at this little cozy asura all you can just sink into the [Music] Pretty Cure it's made from what is this one called its vision a shot at the machine at the machine oughta know [Music] sweet sweet but yeah and on the whole yeah yeah you look it after two three the shots are now flying out what are the little vase is called the vase boy sorry that soy sour just flying out onto the table no fresh bread crunch can you do that and it's made from potatoes we all potatoes okay it's so crispy crusty this is kind of like the traditional Romanian appetizer plates starters and like all the different meats mostly pig their sheep cheese there's fried pork cracklings I'm gonna start with the pig skin he's like oh yeah wow that's a really good that's like pig skin jerky but it's like gelatinous but crunchy at the same time that's amazing oh thank you I believe this is some of that sheep cheese really really hard to choose it's really fatty tasting the freshman years of the leeward compact meters and then really small yeah enjoy and the journey is made from the twist and I love the just the rough cuts mashed onion they'd actually just smash it with their hand so that and that's the best way to eat onion because the juices come out [Music] and I think you're going to the head chief like the head true conditional black pepper in there do ya it's amazing and it's so gelatinous some of this salami down here yeah some that salami with the onion I love it eating it with onion everything [Music] and they have come over to our table to play some music right on the table site that was impressively beautiful and that's we're just at we actually had the full beginning course of the meal and now we're just kind of relaxing it's common to take a little break before the main course [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] main course is served all of that it were actually eating mainly different stews but amazing meaty stews the aromas the know this one is actually that deer this is a deer stew this one is a rooster stew but with all the parts there's like multiple rooster combs in here there's multiple rooster testicles and then the other stew is a beef cheeks and mushrooms of three different three different stews it's really hearty homestyle cooking and it looks and smells delicious I'm gonna start with the roosters do with the comb and a testicle all they're delicious it's like a natural sausage it has this skin around it that just kind of that snaps in the oyster boom and then a piece of rooster come next yeah that's such a textural delight it's jelly and like snappy at the same time but it's so good okay and next up I'm going for that the beef cheeks [Music] the beef cheeks and there's and there's a bunch of mushrooms in it as well oh [Music] there's wonderful it's so tender I'm not sure if there's red wine in it yeah red wine oh yeah what I like about it is it's really flavorful but it's not too rich because it's not like a creamy it's like just wonderful flavor focusing on that beef in those mushrooms hmm and they brought some green chilies for us as well guys you could do the seeds it gets a bit spicier [Music] yes roasted peppers or another kind of pickle too right oh yeah and that's we I slightly vinegary mm-hmm again so refreshing and then the final stir is the deer stew that is also cooked down with mushrooms and a rich dark saucer but that is so just it's poor Henry I don't need a knife [Music] Wow okay that gear wow that's good it's so unbelievably tender and then that sauce is just like a it's just like a deer flavored sauce with the mushrooms to give it that like rounded out balance of flavor while it's wood this is just me to mop up with the bread [Music] Walla flood but it's time for dessert for dessert having two classic Romanian does there's one is a yogurt like a yogurt cake oh it's almost like it's eggy to me like oh and like layers of dough Oh God now I taste the yogurt come on not too sweet it's more sour it's really good and then final bite for tonight romanian apple pie I can just put my head down I'm gonna sink in for the night oh that was so good I was just an outstanding meal everything that was just an outstanding dinner and normally I would end the entire video for the day right now after dinner at night but today is a special day in Romania and we have a special breakfast coming up tomorrow morning that's going to be part of this brush off food tour so I'm gonna end the video for tonight and I will see you tomorrow morning for breakfast good morning we are taking the scenic route to breakfast today by that I mean the scenic ride to breakfast these ebikes they're awesome and we're gonna be going uphill you guys have breakfast [Music] [Music] it's actually tiring getting up that's a steep hill but I'm loving the morning exercise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just got off the bikes humidity to the top that was a that was a serious climb that was amazing I loved it wow the view it is spectacular this ski and whole complex it was actually built back in 1883 [Music] digital breakfast with a Romanian traditional schnapps pálinka in the mountain give you power Wow so they said the word and like twelve plates of breakfast have arrived on the table in seconds the table is just completely covered in everything from an assortment of cork I believe cured pork the massive fan of eggs more eggs vegetables the cheese platter the olives and then the Romanian those are kind of like bread spirits yeah okay sitting down for a massive breakfast feast what I'm gonna try first is the eggs with an entire so like the skillet of eggs the entire bottom foundation was all melted caramelized cheese and then fried eggs on top of that that is like a hearty Mountain eggs and cheese and everything in vegetables and it's just fresh and wonderful okay this is a special type of cheese which is from this area yeah it's a strong cheese a sharp cheese and it's what the unique part about this cheese is that it's cured or prepared in the bark of an evergreen tree which is like from right out there mm-hmm yeah is it a sheep cheese okay you taste them yeah you know it's a sheep cheese immediately really good yeah very sharp tasting [Music] beans and tomatoes and then the black pepper is really good that's like a that's like a tomato jam almost and then something I love in Romania so far is just all the you have the heavy cheese's the meats but there's always fresh vegetables as well so the mountain vegetables the green onions the onions the radish the tomatoes and it's just so fresh and like it's it's strong but it's the flavor is amazing there's like a peppery taste in that crush but more like a citrusy pepper just one day in brush-off I'm noticing the importance of the beverage beverages strong beverages in Transylvania and this is another Mountain Transylvania it's a tea a specialty of this region tea with rum oh yeah that is more like rum with tea it's actually pretty good though sweet and warm and lemony we have come to the end of this tour of brush of unbelievable experience starting from yesterday in the old town dinner was that was a highlight and then having breakfast here that you bike ride up the mountain and this is just a spectacular beautiful place what a city what a time we've had here big thank you to everyone who hosted us and I am blown away by the beauty the food the people the amazing people okay so that's gonna be it for this video and I see a huge thank you for watching and I'll have a lot more amazing food and culture videos in this Romanian food series so I'll have the link in the description box that you can check out all the videos and when I say big thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click Subscribe and also click the little bell icon so you'll get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching goodbye from rush of I'll see you on the next video that variety is good to eat again just huge thanks to much he just went above and beyond to show us an amazing time in brush of I I mean above everything we just had so much fun just hanging out just laughing eating enjoying
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Views: 2,299,304
Rating: 4.9042826 out of 5
Keywords: Romania, Romanian food, Transylvania, Transylvanian food, Brasov, Brasov Romania, La Ceaun, best romanian food, top Romanian food, Mark Wiens, food, street food, food tour, Brasov tour, travel guide Romania, Stana Turistica Sergiana, Eastern Europe, European food, best European food
Id: neRg60drdeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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