Russian Food Party!! SMOKED BEEF BORSCHT by Russia’s Best Chef!! | White Rabbit, Moscow, Russia!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Moscow Russia and today I have a special opportunity to hang out with chef Vladimir from White Rabbit and White Rabbit is not only one of the best restaurants in Moscow but one of the best restaurants in the entire world I really respect chef la demeanor for his dedication for his passion preserving of forwarding Russian food and cuisine I'm not sure all that's gonna happen but we're gonna eat amazing Russian food I'm gonna share the entire experience of eating at White Gravatt all the decoration and all of the dishes with you and I'm gonna share all the food with you in this video [Music] oh yeah I got the chills outside for a little bit okay we are on our way here we are we made it oh yeah snow much less commercial for the people usually we make new products so this uh shook sons like zucchini blue people come into the house and surprise it's just like the aromas of food and this is his whole team some of his chefs from White Rabbit you have come together they're making a traditional Russian of breakfast and he said a chef said that they often come together to hang out to team building and just enjoy this is gonna be a massive traditional Russian breakfast but it Instagram you can join necessary it's a real little signature of Russia taste okay the DNA Russia for this one so we have also the poppy seeds ki cabbage cake as well so this is a different like very smoky [Music] of course and it's actually going to be my first time to try really borscht smells so good yes this is just beyond anything I imagined I don't think this breakfast or an entire Russian presence at 9:00 a.m. it with the entire White Rabbit family and show the different like variety study thank you so much so it's a spicy sour cream it's like makes out okay it's the first thing to begin with this is rye bread and they made a special sour cream with I think it's called a chica which is a chili paste Wow that is spectacular that tastes like straight like sour cream foamy butter without like a wonderful smoky chili lever to up thank you so the board is smoked beef with deep and usually yes the cabbage two different kind of cabbage is smoked beef there's meat there's fermented cabbage in here and it smells put some of the sour cream and some of the spicy sour cream in here it smells so incredibly good this is gonna be my first bite of actually like proper real large hole the wall the smokiness of the beef and then that sour tartness of the cabbage mister yet it's together that is stunning that is like a soup of dreams right there so cabbage with egg in a Russian like a bread cake kind of high-five for you it's a pie okay no in there just food on it you know that could be one of the greatest breakfast combinations borscht followed by this I've ever had so this is a dumb way this is a pom dumplings comes to Russia over the China golden suit away for real Russia near okay next course is the pill pill mania mania mania and it's the these are the Russian dumplings filled with combination of pork and beef and you can see even the black pepper the spices used in it and then a blob of sour cream on top all those are spectacular though like me to be before kind of like oniony in the center and then with that rich cream in the black pepper in there also it's just that elevation that's unbelievably good radish all right I don't think I've ever eaten this before I just sweat it mmm yeah it's a little bit bitter but not like overpowering bitter and juicy and crush Bend that texture just kind of like it's just like silks it's like silky crunchy okay and so next up we're having a hi another pie but this one is filled with type of cheese and then berries all on top again it's all like it's just like solidly cheese I like a ratio I love the ratio of like Brussels thin but then stuffed stuffed ball all right oh wow that's like a really really hard you really thick cheese cake the contrast of the tart berries the berries are really nice and tart and sour not too sweet but like perfectly contrasting the richness of that cheese so we finished with breakfast that was world-class spectacular an extraordinary Russian breakfast in Moscow with chef Vladimir and his entire white rabbit team thank you so much Andy it just invited us they welcomed us like family that was truly special and then as we were this completely unplanned shift led Amir he fighted us to lunch at a restaurant that he said we cannot leave Moscow without trying so he booked us in we're gonna go lunch there and then later tonight at 6 p.m. is when we'll go to White Rabbit for the entire menu tasting okay but we're on our way to lunch now man traffic in Moscow is intense so I'm walking from here but all men is the weather has turned even colder it's snowing starting to get a little bit windy but I am so happy to be in Moscow everything is the scale of everything everything is huge the sidewalks are so wide a wonderful city for walking around apart from the harsh weather conditions of Moscow now it's about a 30 minute walk think this is the place maybe on the upstairs level up there the restaurant is called gaudy niche I'm gonna go inside it I'm ready to eat again yeah this is the spot and it's on the third floor amazing place very cool atmosphere in the middle of the afternoon it's nice to be inside when it's snowing outside that's for sure wanted me to come here is especially for their bread because they have this absolutely stunning it almost looks like a spaceship like in the center of the restaurant is where they're really making the flat breads with that circular wood-burning oven by here at the back of the restaurant is where they're really baking the breads the art of baking the bread the sourdough leave two types of rye bread but the rye bread I really like is a really dark one with the coriander seeds on top just it is extraordinary and then cooked in the wood fire oven it's it is amazing and then with that smoked butter so sitting back down to try some other bread there's sourdough there's right and just you can smell the aroma of the bread so strongly and then it's served with their smoked butter and I love this knife has just a straight piece of boy that's great branch just carved into a wood into a butter knife with the real handle spill two types of rye bread because one is more dark they add some coriander seeds to the top the smokiness of the butter and that rive are just so good absolutely outstanding like the texture of cake but savory and floppy and slightly Park just outstanding and with that smoky butter the breads here unbelievable and for appetizer I got a beef tartare which has been minced beef and it's topped with Russian red caviar and again they really focus on the breads here so this is a another type of bread that they cook it looks like a more of like a flatbread pick out Oh like the gooeyness maybe I guess probably salmon salmon eggs he said you suck tonight the bread the dill in there maybe a little bit of horseradish but then that that caviar those eggs they're just juice with a little explosion of like briny salty goodness and the perfect texture of that bread perfectly movie it just perfectly covered with a little bit of an herb taste crispy gooey perfection [Music] main course has arrived the main dish that I got is veal cheeks which are over a bed of I believe barley with some pickled onions on top it's it's so aromatic and then I also got a side of potatoes which are topped with Russian milk mushrooms about sure if I've ever done and I think that's trouble that's been sprinkle over it and then some sprigs of dill I have to begin with the beef cheek look how tender that is all [Music] Wow it's like one of the most tender pieces of meat I've ever been in my mouth it's just like booze apart in your mouth that that is just mixed all the way through and like giving the meat of sauce in its own in case of mushrooms making in that sauce which give a an amazing aroma for the entire dishes while I'm with veal whoever okay now for the milk mushrooms and the videos and again the mix of mushrooms I think there's some sour cream on here the truffle that's on there those milk mushrooms they're like they're almost like the texture of cartilage they have this amazing snap to them these mushrooms are not chewy at all they just immediately snap with like a cartilage ekata crunch to them and that's definitely mother is definitely smoked as well maybe smoked sour cream so much smokiness bring go on a little bit of pepper an amazing lunch and I especially love the atmosphere like the chill the energy there and then the whole open kitchen and the bread go there for the bread okay next up White Rabbit we got a little lost coming there going through them all and then we went up a couple of elevators now we are in the right elevator as there's a white rabbit it's an experience already as soon as you step in the elevator hello thank you we just arrived to the restaurant this is easily the coolest setting the most beautiful most like ornate outstanding views setting of any restaurant I've ever been to anywhere feel like a glass dome shaped over the views over Moscow it's like a green house with bunnies and rabbits it's amazing and we got this all sofa table with a view it's impressive the basket of Brit has arrived and again I immediately spot that rye bread that raw bread is incredible with the coriander seeds on top I'm gonna go through some of that butter with other simpler seeds on top of that butter as well with that butter Wow and have such a crust we understand and you can never get tired of their rye bread fermented sour taste the smoothness of it in the bubbly perfectness event it's such a good grip and with that coriander seed just just like a civil spice coriander crusted I guess we're gonna be eating the contrast menu which is the chef's menu set menu so it comes with a variety of different dishes but then especially representing like elements the see different continents flora and fauna firewater bittersweet past presence especially represent that in that forest elements the ingredients fault Russian recipe with the salt pepper garlic into you we serve this dish with ogre ogre it's very old Russian traditional alcohol drink it's not a vodka it's much older and our poker is made from rye and wheat and this poker is produced specialized for the White Rabbit and specialist for the our taste in menu I need you can sponsor you can smell it it's a weed ingredient for the garden you can smell it and now your hands is already clean you can drink your bulgor in one step in order that you can thrive oh who are adult was liked by your friends okay thank you very much oh that's very cool and Russian style she said to take this all in one one mouthful one shot that's great it's wonderful and then follow it with it's called but it's neither fish nor fowl it is actually coconut like mean to be like lardo but it's actually made from coconut wow that's like such incredibly Sofie coconut has this like crunch to it a very light pickle briny taste it and with rye bread on the bottom that's extremely refreshing just like purely purely good it's an absolute beauty of a dish it's a sunflower then filled with a smoked to Russian black caviar presentation the connection to nature the awesome of the sunflower yeah that's beautiful and kind of scoop out the caviar caviar is on the top and then there's something in the center oh and that oh they are sunflower seeds oh yeah you can see it's like a you can see the sunflower seeds in the bottom there okay Wow that's smokey caviar tastes like they have a soaked texture because they're softer but you still have that crunch in and it's like wrapped up in this really like ultra flavorful something I don't know how to explain that that's just a combination that caviar sunflower but the nuttiness of both just are blended that's extraordinary okay this one is called red square oh that's stunning in texture it's kind of like caramel in gooey red caviar salmon roe on that maybe that top layer but then like the creaminess and that base again of like rye braided bread I believe it's just the contrasts that's just genius flavor [Music] crispy chips from a celery or the tree you can eat these small dishes over the school this is a special from chef Vladimir it's not on the menu this is off the menu that is given to us it's an entire tree with dish that a lot of presentation okay so I'm gonna start with the fish the fish with aioli Wow did you try that there you don't need to chew there's like zero little strings to the fish at all it just completely melt completely melt in your mouth and then after that grab this guy dehydrated crispy celery and it it has just like kind of sweetness and saltiness to it possibly that's seaweed powder because that has so much room on me so much so much at such a depth of flavor how that fish just dissolves in your mouth and then with the crunch that combination Wow the next dish now is from the contrasts menu there Russia but then Europe and Asia with a scallop carpaccio represents from the Europe and then ponzu sauce which represents Asia but then Russia is an infusion of the the raspberry sauce which is very traditional and spoonful of guacamole and avocado that is stunning I want to mop up all that sauce and besides that's just one slice of a scallop that has to be a huge skeleton the contrast of flavors the sweet raspberry that scallop it just again literally dissolves on your tongue without chewing it with just the very light herbs the very light like like flower petals that's just all like blends together what a what a harmony in your mouth at once and then at some of the avocado this next one I'm gonna put that entire flower on top of it as well and this one also comes with that herb and again you want to mop up all of that raspberry sauce that's sweet it's like I mean it's like sweet Jam collecting the tarnish the sweetness of that raspberry did you immediately what hit you and then you got some extra creaminess from the avocado this time the flower the herb the scallop polish this is another special from a chef led to me not on the menu but an extra they brought a whole pumpkin with pickles inside hit going inside could you see a room as soon if you looked at that led you can smell the bell you can smell the brine enos the sourness of it I love this style of pickle because it's completely non sweet not too sour it's more like a salt pickle it's so crisp is what it is not even crunchy it's crispy English the dill flavor oh yeah something else is coming it's good to convert the contrast between EC and Al and it's our baked potatoes with the fusion skater inside and as I was taking a bite of that pickle she came with the centrepiece dish which is spectacular but will come right back to that after a cynical [Music] or like contrast again the crispness of the pickle the cream the sweet honey the balance those pickles are unbelievable this is one of the more spectacular dishes I've seen and also the genius of the chef the first side on the right hand side is a big potato which is char cold like burnt roasted on the outside then the potato is refilled on the inside with the sea urchin on top and with a soy sauce kind of glaze on top and then the other contrast on the other side sitting on the ice which the sea urchin is taken out and put on the potato but then replaced with orange little slices of orange so first take the potato and sea urchin mash potatoes will never be the same again ever it's like smoky ultra creamy mashed potatoes without being too rich then with the sea urchin that's like sweet at the end okay and now for a contrast of the orange it's like a salty orange though well no it you taste a little bit of salt and then it goes to sweet and juicy and immediately follow that with another bite of the potato and the cap and the sea urchin the sea urchin like almost blends into the potato but then at the end you tation difference in the texture and the flavor and I got a little hint of I think coriander seed in the potato as well extraordinary I'm gonna go ahead and say that was the greatest potato dish I've ever had and now this is the just a like a one bite or two to finish that course all right next course and this is a soup but it's so much greenery so many vegetables so many microgreens and actually on the menu it is called fire and water I think especially because the Rye bread so you got the Rye bread in one hand and then you take the bite of the soup the all these are the milk mushrooms again oh and there is cream in there okay wonderful tor ever be almost impossible to fully explain because there's so much going on what I love the most of immediately is you taste them like a punch of sourness then you get the crunch of the mushrooms then you get the greenness of some of the herbs then you taste the dough you taste the fresh horseradish it's just it's a medley it's an entire garden in your spoon in a soup and the richness of the sour cream I love that shower nation one of the most popular 20 merkins dishes you could with the whole cabbage I just heard in the grill you know and like in the charcoal programs are burning and then it becomes light company clear black outside and then side it becomes so even Christ so juicy and everything Wow okay so the next dish is poor fortune poor and rich instead the contrast he takes a cabbage they roast it black in it and then peel it so you've got the heart of the cabbage which is really juicy on the inside that's the poor the rich is fvr that she said three types of caviar in a sauce that they pour on top of that just like every single dish is a surprise this one is the serious sweetness of the cabbage of the red cabbage but the ultimate smokiness in juiciness event with a net caviar sauce is so rich and creamy amazing okay so next dish is directions north and south of Russia so the different ingredients come from a contrast of locations but the main part of the dish is black cod and then there's wild mushrooms there's onion ash you can just feel that's gonna be butter and I think get a little bit of everything on one bite I'm gonna try some of those mushrooms as well some of the onion I'm here - that's awesome [Music] the juiciness of that fish with act like a hint of a sweet glaze and those mushrooms are just like her speech has a little bit about like an almost miso Japanese flavor to that village on the surface as well you can find inside it's a sort of a-- from Wella y-yeah another special from chef that I made and I think from more of the from the chef's table some of the dishes but this is a she's like it's a pair but it's not a pair it is a pair ball inside is a fruit frozen sorbet and then she poured on from this huge bottle she poured on some honey wine or some kind of a honey liqueur dick I'm just running out of adjectives and I'm not gonna say oh wow again that is like I love it it's like Melanie it's I mean this is just a palate cleanser everything you could possibly want in a fella cleanser it's so smooth it's so fruity it's so not too sweet now this is the main course dish you know it actually it's been a lot of food I have to admit I'm I'm not full I'm feeling good I'm feeling good this is the its coil and on the menu this one is actually called the action and the end in the beginning and she mentioned like the welcomes first the chicken or the egg or the egg or the chicken but this is a quail there's an egg there's truffle shavings all over it the nails poke over the edge of the plate - fantastic presentation here - digging with my knife the tenderness of that with all of that trouble tastes like it almost tastes like ham mmm it's so soft and tender and like that skin has just like melted into the meat it's like a paste and is that I don't know if that are the organs or should I try the egg next oh she said baby the egg is stuffed I can get I think there's liquid inside the egg [Music] you gotta change the heck it's one of those squirters like but it's like smoke you like a poof of you can feel like a poof of smoke and liquid is released when you pop that egg [Music] you're not puppet haha [Music] yeah Oh bull that's bull must hint of bitterness to contrast the sweetness to glaze that [Music] and those are just like little segments of like grilled roasted lime and pull that's genius this sweet sour glaze the rich and refreshing everything to pick this guy up I mean drumsticks are just made to be held handheld they're so tender and fatty okay and after we smelled aroma that we liked I wasn't sure how it was gonna pertain to the mule but I got it my new perfume I'm coming home of this so I'm gonna smell like this from now on now we're starting on the desert sand there's four different desserts on the contrast menu lettuce avocado and onion but it's like iceberg lettuce that's made into crunchy chips with an avocado glaze I think in it I think it it really is a salad but it's a maybe a sweet on [Music] those are very very thin crispy and sweet avocado herbs unique but it is good I really like that mix of herbs Oh with the sweetness to contrast okay and next dessert and it's made from a combination of meats and Burton hazelnuts and you kind of eat in your own style and then you're supposed to see what kind of pattern is on the plate that you leave and that's gonna give you a sign potentially I was like I served a Jew look at the color of that [Music] oh that's fantastic like beetroot sorbet so has that earthy third thing as to it then with like that haze like cheese with hazelnut it's like cheesy foam it's like a reinvention of a cheesecake cheesecake that we had in the morning with the berries on top if I close my eyes [Music] that's exactly [Music] in a traditional Russian course Russian food correspondent that this belongs to in the future I already that is very cool with the application it's like this little cookie there's condensed milk and birch best and then if you puts that application you can see a flower growing out of it a very a very colorful flower [Music] so it's just very sweet so like I couldn't eat a lot of it I was but it's like a rich creamy chocolate almost I think it gets a little later they start cranking up the music a little louder [Music] now if we kill him with a grape juice inside and with the leaf goes on top and we serve these candy on a Russian Abbas obscure toy this is get my toy this toy is produced in first town in Russia the white baby this is such a cool desert I love how chef has brought in the Russian culture to this meal is on this is a kid's toy from a part of Russia to whistle actually you blow the tail is a whistle but he set us a chocolate on top whole whole it's pure liquid on the inside the chocolate is really thin like for a liquid chocolate I mean we look at in that that's one of the thinnest chocolate outsides I've ever had it's so delicate so then and it tastes like grape juice I believe grape juice or grape it's definitely a grape flavor that just bursts out oh that was so good and now I gotta blow the whistle whoa that's heavy well that's awesome that sounds like a it's like a horn it's like blowing an animal horn and that was our supposed to be our last dessert chef vladimir has brought us one more dessert this is not on the menu it's not on the tasting menu it's not it's never been served we're the first to try this on the menu here well I mean not in the first but I'm sure like everybody's tasted it but at the restaurant and it includes black caviar yes for the final final bites so it is an absolute honor well that's like a little caviar sandwich again again in indepence I didn't even do that that's like powdered sugar sweetness with the cheesy saltiness of the it's like a cheesecake but with the cheese yeah that is unbelievable to be honest with you final bite I take that back a certain if like I was still chewing when he came with a plate of chocolate rabbits an assortment of chocolate rabbits that's a lot of chocolate and it gets moose on the inside but it's rich it's sweet it is really good okay I can safely say that was my final bite like a kaffir lime leave the towel [Music] that's it does smell like a lime we okay and now I will utilize this sofa to the max and just this is when you really want to make use of the sofa now I am beyond satisfied it's such a good meal unbelievably good [Music] there really is no better single word to describe that entire meal than contrast and that's exactly what the menu is named but really it was an outstanding meal the different dishes the variety of ingredients the contrasts of the flavors and again I love their philosophy it's fun it's family-oriented it's a great environment and the food is just the flavors will blow your mind the different combinations stunning meal stunning meal at White Rabbit highly recommended I want to say a massive thank you to chef Vladimir and to Boris and to the entire white rabbit family big thank you to you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I publish thanks again for watching good night from Moscow and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,544,842
Rating: 4.8676519 out of 5
Keywords: Russian food, best Russian food, Mark Wiens, Chef Vladimir, White Rabbit, White Rabbit Moscow, best restaurants in Moscow, best restaurants in Russia, world's best restaurants, world's 50 best restaurants, chef valdimir mukhin, Gorynich Restauran, Russian cuisine, Russian culture, food travel, travel, food, food videos, caviar, Russian caviar
Id: Pik8x_SSig0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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