Ultimate Russian Food in Moscow!! STURGEON OF KINGS + Epic Beef Stroganoff in Russia!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Moscow Russia and today we're gonna go on a giant Russian food tour of Moscow we're gonna eat everywhere from aristocratic cafes to Soviet canteens it's gonna be a lot of amazing Russian food I'm gonna be hanging out with my friend Dimitri from value of the moment tours he does off-the-beaten-path tours he's just a cool guy he's so much fun to hang out with and we are gonna start eating now for breakfast I can't wait to share all the Russian food with you in this video [Music] okay Dimitri thank you so much thank you so much and we are going to our first place so Doctor Zhivago is the restaurant close to the Red Square and the place where we try some traditional Russian the restaurant is actually located in a very historic hotel right yeah and so it's called dr. chief BOGO Shivaji vodka all right yeah let's go inside okay so we have stepped into dr. chip Jaco the setting is amazing where it's like bright and white but with really really red to contrast it's amazing about this place is it does have view of the red square right outside the window right across the street and they used to drink vodka from these glasses what is the juice again this is sea buckthorn sea buckthorn okay out it it has a little bit of a slightly fermented smell to it yes we can sour and just like a little bit acidic Mike I got the chicken broth with and they put hard-boiled floating eggs inside [Music] we got some dishes to share a buckwheat orange which is almost like a thick porridge but there are few it greens there's mushrooms in there maybe some dill I think and we also got eggs poached eggs and they put it over a piece of bread bread and the cheese on the top and the career they can be happy are the red caviar and then finally what is this one the region this Davos with cherries ok varenik I'm gonna start with the eggs and the poached eggs that's cheese all over there's much there's some spinach on the bottom there too and I think that's what this yolk with all that caviar salmon salmon eggs salmon caviar it's like a trough of eggs and spinach and caviar how was it that was amazing that was so rich I think there might be cream in there too yeah there's definitely sour cream or cream in there at the bottom mixed with the egg yolk mixed with the richness of the caviar the red caviar and then the cheese that's like all rich things in one in one visa bread it's it's amazing so in Russians are crazy about sour cream we edit everywhere in the main courses in soups in the desserts and of course all know but any key can be eat it without sour cream sour cream is them the main the mainland so they're filled with cherries but then there's cherry juice on top as well and I love like when you mix sour cream in it kind of like creates that kind of swirl with the broth with the soup [Music] the winner here is amazing you know what I like about it it doesn't taste sweet at all they're just sour and what's a meeting about that is the actual rapper of the Vanek is very thin they don't feel heavy they don't feel like gummy it's like amazing texture on the wrapper I'm gonna add a little more of that cherry stuff nice oh yeah bloody what a beautiful sauce well then the final dish is the buckwheat porridge and again it's more like a it's like I mean cooked kind of like rice would be cooked so it's not like a it's not like a runny porridge you can see the whole grains of buckwheat there's herbs in there the dill and then mushrooms and feel the greens but what stands out to me is the that flavor of the mushroom and the dill this would give you energy this is Hardy this is the whole grains Dmitry's quote was come on mark you're in Russia more sour cream major part of almost everything for me out of all these dishes the sour cherry Veronica yeah that's the winner for me today for breakfast Oh Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy [Music] okay back outside finished with breakfast that's a very classic place very luxurious especially again representing the aristocratic class during the Soviet Union period and another amazing thing is that they're open 24 hours so if you get hungry Traverse umbrella 10k at 3 a.m. this is the spine we're gonna move on from here and actually right now we're just gonna walk around the Kremlin walk around the Red Square a little bit before we go for our next meal so we are approaching now some of the most iconic and important places within all of Moscow let's say the Kremlin is the beginning of Russia so the Russia started the Moscow beginner Moscow so that was the heart of Russia of course the Kremlin is the biggest up-to-date medieval fortress in Europe so it was fortress fortress it's a fortress yes ok because original people used to live inside the Kremlin ok and the outside were just villages faster that is that was the like city we're gonna walk around Red Square a little bit we're gonna then go to st. Basil's Cathedral welcome to the heart of Russia this is the Red Square the Kremlin st. Basil's Cathedral it's a huge space lots of museums around and then the the President of Russia he still lives at the Kremlin and Dmitry is saying that the flag is up so that means he's he's at home and now we are finally coming all the way to the other side of the square where there is st. Basil's Cathedral the onion the colorful onion shaped domes in Russian architecture and style the onion looking domes it's not actually the onion so originally in inner products here a lot of symbolism those this symbol as the flame of the candle because in Christianity so when Jesus came it was like he brought light into darkness and when the candle is burning there is no darkness around so the church turmoil is a candle it's amazing to be here and then especially to see the site of st. Basil's Cathedral and just that amazing it's an architectural wonder and the most iconic and most prized architecture of Russia of Russia it is beautiful [Music] we got too cold out in the Red Square so we came into this the shopping center it was design the architecture the sky Irv is very impressive you stepped in here because we're cold and funny enough we're gonna have some ice cream original Soviet recipe right it hasn't changed Soviet ice cream at the economy look okay my mom flavor thank you we got the chocolate chip and it comes in a cone one scoop of ice cream that's like very uniform but to be honest this is like probably one of the coolest environments of any ice cream that I've ever had right in the Red Square what kind of we're home it's the same temperature as outside pretty good ice cream and very very historical for sure from here within the same complex within the same ball we're going to a Soviet canteen and this is one of the few places around the Kremlin that still serves a budget meal but Soviet style food all the food is prepared you walk through the line you grab a tray you grab your different dishes unfortunately a lot of people had the same idea to come here as we it's a very very well known it's a very famous place so the line starts down there and enters there and then you can come and there's seating outside the seating inside I'm not sure how long the line is going to take but we got to try the food here hopefully it doesn't take too long because all the food is prepared already [Music] it didn't take that long just about 15 minutes and [Music] we made it I got a tray we're on the tray runway all the food is before us this part of desserts okay yeah maybe it's from dessert it makes sense because you see that they all I would like take caring under the fur coat and it's like ice herring with a beetroot and lots of mayonnaise as well so it's very popular now we're getting to the hot food section with mashed potato or with buckwheat [Music] and we go find a seat over in this section Lorena and it took this whole total meal all of these different dishes cost 665 which is like $10 so the whole tray the platter Soviet style cuisine so it's it's really like a mix of different cuisines from the entire Soviet Union region in the different parts but we chose a couple of unique things and also we chose because we're gonna be eating a lot of other food today we chose some things that we won't be eating later today's soup oh it looks like there's some salmon in there and some maybe makes a different fish plus potato and dill maybe oh it's pretty good um like oily fish flavor with the dough flavor nice actually sharing down to the codes hearing under the code and duties mayonnaise to fix it that is mayonnaise II very manners you got the herring bass the sweet beat and then just like stuck together with mayonnaise for the salad beat carrot peas potatoes vinaigrette and there's a slight like vinegar you dress you got yes I get more refreshing fold I think like all the cooked vegetables main course main dish the fish cutlet with mashed potato you know it's very spongy [Music] it's a little bit plain but it's good it's kind of like bready fish almost like half bread half fish and then kind of shallow fry so it's kind of crispy it's kind of buttery decoration one of the main concepts during the Soviet Union was simplification okay nothing luxury but standardized for the public things everything should be very simple Soviet meal complete canteen meal complete that was very enjoyable and yeah very definitely very very unique to experience this in Moscow and also even the unique thing is with it it's within a luxury just an extremely luxury mall designer labels all around and then a canteen style lunch and from here we're gonna actually actually jump on the Metro for one station to get to a totally opposite meal like an aristocrat a luxurious Russian meal next [Music] Hey and another thing about Moscow is that it has one of the world's most beautiful stations of any Metro Indian system in the entire world architecture some of the designs I'm not sure about this station but definitely today we're gonna have a chance to see some of those stations which is going to be cool as well republics this is the historical cafe actually it's a restaurant it's called Pushkin like another of Alexander Pushkin the Russian poet so this is one of the iconic places very popular place for Russian food for interior so it's like aristocratic interiors inside Cafe Pushkin this place is legendary but they have many different rooms libraries the entire cafe restaurant is set up to be like an aristocrat a Russian aristocratic home and so they have this the wooden staircase going up to the room that we're gonna go but they've because we have a stroller they are calling the elevator special elevator service thank you elevator is quite an awesome experience - hello good morning [Music] [Music] Thank You village welcome now really to Cafe Pushkin and this is the library which is upstairs this is the classic room below is more like a cafe kind of setting here thank you by the way to Cafe Pushkin because we called them ahead Dmitri called in my head they opened up the library a little bit early for us because actually you're not really allowed to film in here when it's busy so that's why it's not yet full because we have early access which is fantastic what's amazing about this place and why I really wanted to come here is because it's I mean it's now a restaurant and a cafe and everything but it was the former residence of an aristocrat of a high society it's a museum at the same time as it's a restaurant everything is down to a science to an art to the to perfection this is like a starter it's called the Parrish gear and beginning with some piroshki which one which one first so the round one is the cabbage cabbage this is the mushroom mushrooms and the last one is the pickled cucumbers okay and you were telling me that the pickled cucumbers is really special here okay let's try the pickled cucumber oh I'll pick it up it's like perfect look at that look at that shimmer of it Oh ah okay wonderful look at that pickled cucumber [Music] mm-hmm the brothers were soft mm-hmm yeah the bread is so soft and again it's not too thick like very dainty pickles like salty pickles on the inside really delicate Demetrius told me that Russia is very well known for mushrooms and historically as well and traditionally if a lot of mushrooms are used because of the wild mushrooms that are available and there's so much more fragrant dual flavorful there's so much flavor in a mushroom no no I'm surely gonna smelled it serve is really really nice they smell and flavor of mushrooms okay you cannot get this kind of flavor from mushrooms it's from horrible writer market this is a wild mushrooms and then finally we have the last one which is cabbage okay oh yeah you smell like a beer as soon as you open that up [Music] lots there's a cylinder which one is the horseradish the white one okay four different types of Russian vodka and like the one that stands out to me the most is the horseradish vodka I can't wait to try that but these are the these are the starter dishes that we ordered we got to me not a compliment or you should not permit by again the special meat broth reported meat broth genius move and then served it to us Russian because we have to try that right now well taught and practice before we try the other Navin answers I guess there is something there as well which is for sure come to Russia oh it's so immediately as you served it you could just smell the the media realm other eggs that it's just perfect they actually design holes in this pie for reducing I don't even mind if it you're just juiciness and it just works like with the meat and the egg oh it's so good and maybe we should follow that with some of the the vodka yeah I gotta try the horseradish immediately first which one is his mercenary tractor maybe tangerine because it's like okay we don't pretend you're innocent in Russia so I will leave somewhat traditional flavor so this one is traditional form in Haryana sure infused into vodka sure oh yeah how amazing it smells like liquid horse or horseradish I love it [ __ ] be right [Music] I love it it's strong but it's not so bitter no no's of the flavors and like you do immediately feel that horseradish kind of go up your nose a little bit there's a Russian salad and this is like a it looks like a whole forest sturgeon caviar on top but look if you look at that detail even the cucumbers perfectly sliced perfectly arranged in a spoke a salad there's a little crayfish there sprigs there's capers I will take one of these little sides of the cap of the Russian salad I think that's pretty fish under there too or a ham him that's what it is yeah the next appetizer we got is a Pike and the whole like bass is kind of like stuff like a freshwater fish not so typical it's almost like I think Peggy Lowe that's the meat straight mm and just put in the empanada skin yeah because it's almost like a taste like a [ __ ] omelette almost on the bottom [Music] Cheers next one let's have like a honey nuttiness like a honey walnut taste uh this one is easier [Music] the moment has arrived it is chirag enough time in Russian store it is one of the most famous of all Russian dishes but at the same time stroganoff is just classic it's just so good the presentation of their food matches it's everything is delicate everything is precise everything is perfectly dainty and I've organized on your plate let's try to stroganoff first so beef stroganoff what do you know my dear just eat some of the that cream sauce there's no muscle on sour cream and cream which I like onions so soft look at the thickness of that cream sauce it's almost like melted cheese it's so thick and wonderful and I'll try with some of the potatoes this time [Music] yeah I can eat up Abby's in of that stroganoff it's so good let's move over and try the travel next okay is that cheese though or sour cream cheese and sour cream ever there's some shrimp on top or there's asparagus and I love this presentation yeah it's a very red-eye oh no that's up that's not the I it's like a berry it's like a little lingonberry or something if the rebels of bowls felt here ah yeah it's just like filet but they save the head now [Music] geez interest melt-in-your-mouth oh whoa trout is good but stroganoff it's just it's just organized just going off to tell you unbeatable the creaminess of that sauce will impress you upon first lick even a drip of that sauce has powers [Music] and you'd taste like the sweetness of the onions the mushrooms that light urban hop and the beef is just there's perfectly don't ready to try some salmon that we're just going to try young salmon real fast really good job it's crusted in some kind of an herb like a pineapple fruit on up yeah still it is traditional Russian Czars fish it just was incinerated the students like history yeah [Music] absolutely stunning the Reacher's explaining me this is the food of the Harz the russian kings but it is a fresh water stirred giant thirdly so just in Russia is called stimulus the whole base of it that holds the fish up is made from rye bread and then it's on like a boat structure almost and and it's stuffed with crab instead it's stuffed with crab and sure ok ok ok thank you this truly is a dish fit for Russian royalty Russian kings and stuffed with king crab and shrimp in the center of it and then he served us mashed potato and a horseradish already you can see the whole pieces of crab in there crab in there I stay here wow this one is so moist and like the crab do you taste the crab and the shrimp aroma like pouring into the mute and you're right about that south of our chive sauce is so nice they provide similar for the southern Russia and it was brought to Moscow for the king was for the royalty right I know but it is that special very special it was a like a like a royal they are giving us the royal treatment here that for sure basic sugar [Music] creme brulee strawberry random animal legend of desserts in the end of the 18th century napoleon bonaparte to try the computer to age the fastest the glorious speak to his potato he has hauled up to the struggles of thoughts and celebrate three days and three nights is accompanied by his good friend and the court chief mr. assume assume decided to prepare a nice request for the net now he made a huge desert from creme brulee like a.j a.j permit he protected caramel doll and when dessert was present an apple on has ordered to start some fireworks he's began to melt everybody saw the desert was destroyed but Madeleine decided to taste and he thinks that the combination of the creme brulee is a burnt caramel his village we were really trying to resist desserts no no desserts but he insisted we had dessert and now we are very glad caramel is all the caramel is just solid on top look at that ah you get some of that cream some of that melted caramel and and strawberries [Music] it's both inside with the warm strawberries yeah you know it's very sweet but that contrast yeah crispy I assure ml the soft creme brulee the warm strawberry the cold the controller inside and a legend to go it was the best it was the best that was great yeah we got to eat the whole thing in one bite otherwise it will collapse it's full of liquid right yeah it's full of juice grim bruisers gonna be my final bite the cranberry although it's so dark just a special flavors very sour very sour and then like again the very thin layer of chocolate it's not too thick yeah so it like just collapses this is actually my favorite and taste-wise dessert go through the bedroom there strike cranberries mostly shower in a little bitter he'll ending with a coffee and a chocolate medal chocolate medal I want to leave so warm and warm and luxurious in here it's such a good like blown away by the service and how they're just preserving this culture museum of a restaurant and the food actually I mean it's truly the food stands up to it for me I think it's really amazing like a good person I mean where else can you eat inside of a library in an aristocratic Russian home in Moscow [Music] feeling a lot warmer now after having some stroganoff and a sturgeon in my stomach but that was first of all the service was impeccable the decoration is unbeatable the food seriously good Russian food from here we're going on to the market [Music] to get to the market we're at another metro station and this metro station is known for Soviet propaganda but also suspicious and Joanie's the values of the soil society so there are some stages of families with kids and there's some for the professions a lots of people as even as they come out of a train they touch the nose of the dog is that sometimes brings good fortune it is really cool how every station in Moscow is different every station has like a theme and it's unique [Music] we jumped out of the Metro at - Skyy yeah station I think it's called and it's 4:30 in the afternoon already starting to get dark but right over there that like dome like circus like a circus that's the market we're gonna do what's the name of the market Danielewski Danielewski okay and one of the oldest markets in Moscow course it's been renovated but it still retains its heritage Russian farmers market you'll find everything here from produce to spices to nuts and dried fruits and fruits from all over the country as well as seafood there's salmon there's fish there's all sorts of different you can buy caviar you can buy a gourmet ingredients you can buy everyday essentials and it's all in a very iconic structure dome structure with a Sun roof on the top kind of kind of incoming kind of similar to the Sun roof at the Goom but it's that same style a dome style and then just the whole market floor full of delicious food and ingredients tomato what do you think what do you recommend the green tomato thank you believe by probates this one is a green tomato in the dill and garlic now I use Haitian motor walk this normally occurs to arrive and there's one's the red the red DeMille yeah it's more sweet we go to the natural female much more like top as well not crunchy like the green tomato oh thank you don't cut if you do Joe more like a caramel the Bourbon balance of shower and extremely doozy and these are like freshmen right they're not very intermittent not yet sour just salty and fresh look at watch is difficult sir just two days just teenagers today CNN it's ready for treat I love it it just makes it more crispy I agree with you Russian pickles are the best America's very tasty thank you this garlic is permeated with the with the beetroot all right right okay that's why it turns red like this cabbage and really tasty pickled jalapeno let's try from the garlic when the garlic is ready I'll get this try from the garlic a little bit spicy [Music] market was fantastic it's a great place to walk around to get a feel for ingredients from here though we have one more restaurant that we're gonna go to and that's gonna wrap up this entire ultimate Russian food tour of Moscow so we're on our way to the final we're back near actually red squares just behind us but we're back in the center of Moscow on our way to a restaurant for dinner so the final restaurant that we're going to is also a Soviet style restaurant but it's more of a sit-down restaurant with the menu and you order and then it's also but it's also interesting about here is it's housed in a Soviet apartment style so oh and this is like awesome this is a special room too and everything is served also in the traditional Soviet dishes and the cups this is like an exact cup standard and the borscht has just arrived and Bush it's true human in the menu it says it's a traditional Ukrainian dish recipe but during the Soviet period it became really popular throughout the entire Soviet Union and still in Russia it's one of the most popular dishes so this is the perfect place to try a bowl of borscht there's cabbage in here and the beet root is what makes it red in color there's beef and a little bit of dill I believe I love borscht it's and yeah the flavor you taste you taste the dill you taste the the cabbage like gives it so much like body and then that beef but yeah I think sour cream is a must everything is better with sour cream in Russia the sour cream is a must that like just richens it up you can see that color just the swirl this is the borscht swirl I'm sour cream don't forget the pump push go away yeah looks okay now it turns to almost a pink color with the sour cream yeah sour cream is a must oh yes that just crema Faiz it so I'll take that bread dip it into that garlic in the garlic sauce is from green actually in color oh it's like a herb in there too yeah well the garlic I mean guys dope and it's like a loyal yeah that's great so the restaurant is called butter in China and this restaurant is really cool for foreigners like me for visitors because of the atmosphere but it's also great for locals for Russians because it brings back memories that nostalgia so the name or the seller to taste potato layer potato layer over there preserved fish the carrots and the sugar eggs held together with mayonnaise it's very mayonnaise you but you got like the contrast of the sweet of the the carrot the fish the egg on there and then yeah the mayonnaise is like sticking it together and next up we'll try the goulash and then traditionally a Hungarian dish but served in a rye bread ball and it almost looks like a stew of beef and potatoes [Music] yeah it's like a it's like a stool like the meat potatoes carrot actually kind of has like a sweet carrot taste to it I like the dill topping one actual crusty as well and something I just have to do what a desk look at this desk and sitting right under the portrait of Brezhnev who has he was one of the most respected leaders of the Soviet Union Oh mr. mark thank you glass of vodka you can teach Russia without what for what the past century and they used to drink vodka from these cups so I can Oh take a bite of goulash and then I might make a quick phone call oh no reception [Music] so this is made of cottage cheese it's baked in the oven and the topping is the sour cream no it's delicious it's like it yeah it's a cheese cake it's like a cheese cake but with no crust no even better it's just pure cheese [Music] that dinner was fantastic and again the nostalgia for locals but as a visitor the local food the environment it was a very cool way to end and to wrap up this entire Russian food tour of Moscow and it's been an ultimate tour what a day the different restaurants the different experiences was a great day a huge thank you to Dmitry for taking the time to show me around to go with me Dmitry is so much fun to hang out with he's such a cool guy and he has a company called value of the moment I'll leave all his links all his profiles in the description box but he offers tours especially in Murmansk and the northern part of Russia thank you again Dmitry and - thank you to everyone who we met along the way today and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click Subscribe and also click the little belt like on that well you'll get notified of the next video that I published eggs again for watching goodbye back at the Red Square area goodbye from Moscow okay I'm getting too cold enough I'm getting too cold okay goodbye from Moscow see you in the next video
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Views: 2,433,659
Rating: 4.864521 out of 5
Keywords: Moscow, Russia, Russian food, Moscow food tour, Russian food tour, Russia food tour, Mark Wiens, things to do in Moscow, Danilovsky Market, Cafe Pushkin, best food in Moscow, things to do in Russia, Red Square, sturgeon, Grand Cafe Dr. Jhivago, Moscow Kremlin, Soviet food, Soviet canteen, stroganoff, Russian dessert, best russian food
Id: 9EjF7R9K30M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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