I engineered a deadly virus

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every good idea starts with giant mirrored mushrooms on your sporl creature I guess while we're at it we need some big googly eyes as well if we point them out this way we should be able to see like 180° now that we've got our Masterpiece in order we can get started and by get started I mean swimming around the ocean eradicating Every Creature I come across we need to put them all inside our mouth holes so we can level up and get stronger and fire more and more projectiles out into the abyss the trick is avoiding all of the many things that are coming to get me as well luckily they're not very smart so what col with the first upgrade we're going to take extra bullets we'll fire three instead of four and that's actually a considerable increase of damage and less aim I have to put in because in a perfect world I can just sit here and shoot and then nothing would ever get to me anyway it's the perfect defense but we'll try and keep the SN up behind us while putting as many of the peas in our mouth as we can we're really trying to put everything inside of our mouth here's a really good upgrade piercing so now our shots are going to go one layer deep we have some penetration in there as well that's going to really mess up the whole crowd of them so since it got some really good upgrades early I'm just going to go ahead and feast on them all for a second didn't get a lot of good options here but we will take a speed and acceleration both of which are probably going to get us out of trouble but they might also get us into trouble all I know is I just want more bullets bullets are going to be the answer to everything bullets and damage I have enough of that whoops uh-oh and uh we'll be AOK okay I swear I'm normally a better driver than this we can make bullets bigger we could get ourselves more speed we have a chance to avoid damage but it's quite a small chance let's make bullets bigger I'm not really sure what the benefit of that is but we'll assume there is one cuz they're offering it to me they look better I wonder do the bullets keep going off the screen we're killing thousands and thousands of creatures that we can't even see which would actually be quite funny I suspected the more of these idiots we kill too the more body parts we unlock so we can add more googly eyes to oursel we're going to get an extra piercing that's actually huge so now we can fire in and the bullets are going to keep going and going and going until they stop I did also see some giant creature over here ow uh okay that was not my fault at all I take no responsibility for that I can actually use energy though to to heal myself so I am back to two Health uh but I need to be a little bit careful the controls uh are a little bit wonky so that's why I'm flying into things a lot it's a little hard to aim and shoot and then turn around and get away again I need to work at like north east south and west only and not at Angles uh I'm also going to increase my health because obviously and I don't have enough energy to heal myself the energy is the white bar below my health in the upper left once that's full I think I can uh heal myself for one so I should just try really hard not to get hit anymore ooh what is that giant thing can I eat that green things are normally good uh I actually don't like this cuz I'm going to get stuck amongst this all and we're starting to get jellyfish attacking us uh these are new and I can't really aim cuz I shoot a cluster of shots in all directions but we're going to be okay there's another level up even more piercing we could also gain more energy or experience for now I think I want piercing that's just really funny thinking about this ball is just not stopping they just endlessly go through uhoh this is a bad spot this is so satisfying every time I shoot those things just go in there and they don't stop and we kill a million things and get a million experience uh at this point I kind of want an experience multiplier but I also want to get out of this area that's starting to can I blow this up I don't there's so many things to touch I don't know what to touch first there's also a giant brain thing attacking me our bullet should start piercing into him pretty soon considering they pierce like four or five times at this point so we should be able to just go like this and do a lot of damage to it might need a little more speed and maneuverability I'm not sure the googly eyes play into things yet but they do look good we can evolve our ability this one's locked this is the back arrow and this is bullets explode yeah I'll take a bullet exploding okay bullets are going to explode they don't Pierce anymore though so we lost all of our piercing upgrade benefit but I guess that's fine cuz exploding bullets are going to be a lot of damage anyways basically My Philosophy is explosions are never a bad thing okay I just fired myself in the wrong direction we're going to press I to heal ourselves we got our health back I think my favorite part of this is how simple it is there's not a lot of thinking involved you just aim and shoot I still manag to screw that up quite a lot but it is simple okay I'm going to take an experience multiplier at this Point that's going to give us a 10% extra boost to experience our shots did get slowed down too because of the explosive so we can't fire quite as quickly that's a big eye as well okay we're going to try and get some explosions on the Giant Eye while trying not to get hurt that little bit of recall we have is surprisingly annoying to deal with okay that guy just fires a bunch of stars okay that was very close I wish I could make enemies explode as well that would be fun we can set up giant chain reactions we're back to full health uh we can also increase our energy gain or our health in general Global cool down multiplier is also quite nice nice I'm actually just going to take an energy gain multiplier I'm hoping that's going to help put our health back on uh we're at full health now but yeah we're pretty soon going to have an a health charge in the bank as well uh I also want to kill the Big oneeyed Pig thing so as soon as we get a clean shot on that we will I do need an increased fire rate though that would make me feel much better very soothing color of the background we're now being attacked by duck's feet those are actually quite quick those are going to be super annoying to deal with but we got ourselves another bullet now we're going to fire five at a time five explosion uh okay this this is a really awkward spot to be in oh that's perfect we can kill all the duck feet this is going to get really hard to avoid when things are this quick I think if I destroy these I actually get some green stuff which can help me the duck feed are actually really weak they do die basically one hit especially with the explosion so that makes me feel a little better about it all still trying to get to the big uh circular ball thing eventually we'll find an opening on it for now we're just trying to not get touched by everything ever I'm going to give myself a little bit more speed and acceleration uh that's got me out of trouble at least once and we will hopefully continue to do so I really got to try and push due to the big uh blob thing I think there's got to be some benefit for killing that I think it's like a mini boss so maybe it'll drop a chest in the water it's just hard to work our way in there cuz enemies spawn so quick I keep circling trying to get close and that keeps happening cuz I acly turn and fire luckily I can put the health back on and then we're just going to keep on trucking leveled up again this is getting quick for level UPS uh we're going to take maybe another experience multiplier that's actually pretty good for us the more we can level up the more upgrades we're going to get get and hopefully some rare better ones as well I'm also getting distracted a lot by like these green things cuz I know Green is good so I try and eat them uh we're also getting a new thing to the left not sure what that is uh oh there's also a giant octopus mushroom we're learning so much about sea creatures today okay those are doing something in that direction Dodge cool down I don't really know what that means so we're going to take it I don't know if I have a Dodge ability that I'm unaware of uh it would be great to dodge things but mostly when I touch things I just get hit that should be a couple hits on the big boy tried to get a second getting a little greedy ey should also kill a giant jellyfish thing I really need a faster rate of fire it's so hard to thin out these idiots I wish I had penetration over explosions at this point honestly it'll be so much easier to damage the big things although the jellyfish is stuck it's basically a step jellyfish at this point we're going to take an extra health and hopefully that attacks right on there it does so now we got 5 HP to deal with I think I can actually wiggle through this and come out oh I hit the wrong button oh yeah I have a a boost yeah I forgot about that uh I don't use it a lot cuz I really needed it but if I can get a good old fashion damage on the jellyfish this is great speaking of which I'm going to put this back on and yeah I need to remember that I have that boost okay jellyfish is free so we hopefully uh going to be able to finish it off here it seems to have a lot of Health but uh whoop I actually used my booster successfully the water's gone black so this means something okay this jellyfish thing is tough I rain down damage on it okay should have seen that coming underwater explosions turns out are not my friend I'm not really sure what those things are doing but they're doing something those are explosives we're going to more bullets more bullets is simply more damage and more explosions uh still wish I had the penetration uh we spent a lot of upgrades okay that was just a bad spot to be in as I was saying I spent a lot of upgrades on penetration that's now useless cuz I don't think it makes any difference once we change to explosions at this point I'm probably mostly just going to focus on any enemies rather than the big ones I'm not even sure if there's a killable at this point but we're going to put an HP back on I'll just take my time for the big things cuz they're clearly not going to die quickly no matter how many times I shoot them with explosions we're just going to do our best to keep leveling up uh our explosions do do really good to little guys but the penetration would be good for the bosses cuz it's so rare we even get a hit on them I'm going to dig an energy gain multiplier cuz that's just going to help put my HP back on in a big way like we're already almost back to full health again in fact with that we are back to full health uh I kind of actually missed the water being colorful make it black seems just less fun okay now we're stuck in amongst all this and something else is happening uh okay what am I supposed to do here how am I supposed to survive this what is this I guess just lure them around and thin them out as best I can uh okay yeah good yeah this is going to go super well we're going to take some more HP at this point uh okay can't go through that got it got it yeah this is a really bad spot to be in uh maybe we'll get a chance to get a damage on the big eye here though okay can we can we get all of these on on you uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh okay we're making it we're okay we slow down when we hit the the light rays for some reason not sure where those are coming from we're going to try and deal with those any moment now and the big thing is now firing these at us okay we're in trouble got away with one there good blood pressure is rising stress levels are rising oh the big thing died great we finally got rid of that that actually takes up a lot of real estate now I can die a happy man what is this energy gain multiplier bullet size I guess energy gain multiplier cuz we could just continually use this to put back uh Health am I supposed to be attacking the wall I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here it's not very clear there's not not really any direction and I'm the kind of person that needs a lot of Direction I'm not sure what's doing that either I don't know what we're supposed to be doing if I supposed to be attacking the wall or not maybe this is just the end so it gets harder uh I'm very confused and very stressed so it turns out when you touch the outer wall you get hurt so that much we've determined I decided to give it a try experience multiplier is going to be this much uh I shouldn't have changed directions there that was really really close need to try and clear some room for myself definitely walked into that okay we got a boost got a boost uh getting away I don't know what it to do here I don't know if I'm supposed to attack the wall or not I can't touch the wall wait it's getting bigger is it moving okay we died but that means we've unlocked some new abilities and body parts for a googly-eyed idiot fire a returning parasite sure we also now have some uh very fine danglers we're going to hang out the rear I don't know if we can put any more than one pair of those on at a time it turns out we can so I might get a little carried away that's a little better who needs eyes anyway when you can just have lots of spikes I'm hoping now that the enemies will just find me so confusing they won't really want to mess with me but that's yet to be seen so this thing actually wrecks it goes right through so if I can get multiple projector of this uh we're going to be in good shape uh it also leaves and bounces around me when I uh don't bring it back so that's also great it's so calmon at the beginning it makes it so easy and experience multiplier is definitely something we might want right away that is going to be more easy levels for us I'm not sure the body parts physically change Us in any way but we do look a lot better but that's probably also a rather subjective opinion see this is where projectile size does matter because if we make our uh parasite worm thing bigger he's going to just do all the more damage while he's out there spinning around cuz he doesn't dissolve for anything it seems he just keeps going until he touches me again and I can sort of manipulate him so he can uh Miss and go by and then do it again so he'll do lots of damage for me this is good this is good we're make it even bigger look at the size of it now it's going to touch everything every time I fire it I wonder if there's a limit how big we can make it I should probably also fix the cooldowns too cuz this thing is a little bit slow to fire for sure so at times I might get myself into trouble cuz I just can't clear a space for myself I need faster cool down but also a lot more of these for now I definitely will also take more HP I could also increase the life of my projectile but I think I want it to die at times anyway cuz I need to fire it again I don't necessarily need it out there any longer and we got our first uh big weirdo but we could fire a projectile real deep in there using our penetration so as soon as we get eyes on that again we will send our parasite in to finish the job oh he came right up to me that time that's got to be some damage come on oh I wanted to hit it again maybe more distance for this W actually be good cuz then we go flying in there and just shred around in a giant uh hord of enemies but whatever the case we'll go ahead and fire it partially into the giant brain thing okay this is a bad spot for me to be got it we're going to increase our energy gain that way we can put our HP back on didn't even realize we got hit somewhere I don't know if I got a reward the last time I killed one of the big things but I do want to kill it just because it's going to annoy me with the whatever it ability is we already have duck feet spawning uh that's annoying cuz those are annoying and my little parasite oh that thing hits me I get it now so we don't want to be there once it does that okay these duck feeted are much quicker than I am also so we are going to have to struggle to get through this I feel like this is a lot harder than it was last round because uh I'm fighting all sorts of things that I didn't have to fight last time for a long time okay I'm obviously going to get a uh energy multiplier that way I can uh start healing myself quicker and hopefully avoiding though that was really really close so this projectile obviously shreds quite good but it also has its drawbacks as well like I could fire in eliminate like 15 of those in one shot so I really want to yeah okay we got the big thing dead that's going to make my life much easier and now we're going to be able to send it a lot farther too so it's going to penetrate deeper for much much more chaos that's definitely a little better we'll see if we can improve on that even more and if I get get it work in the right angle I can absolutely kind of manipulate them all the way through it not sure what Happ to that one in front of me I missed that but if I get itone pulling in a straight line I can go like that then they all kind of get in line with it and then they got to come through it to get to me okay there's a few good things here we're evolving hit enemies explode or we get three projectiles I think I actually want three projectiles because explosions can be rather superficial I might come to regret that but I mean three projectiles we do fire a lot slower but I mean that's going to shred now now I feel a little better about like the safety of my area around me okay we're already in jellyfish zone so we're going to work really hard to get get that thing dead cuz we know it sucks to leave that thing lingering around for any longer than it has to okay I'm going to uh also heal myself there's an extra Health back uh yeah the trick to this parasite is to have multiple parasites having three go out at least and we're also going to get extra distance on them so they're going extra extra far that way they'll shred way deep into the hord of idiots yeah we're destroying right now so we're going to milk this for all we can not sure much money the how much damage a jellyfish is taken at this point but it's got to have been some okay we can also heal ourselves back to full health and keep shredding our uh jelly thing more good news we can make a projectile bigger so now they're going to shred even more they actually got a lot bigger with that so they're going to touch many things like we're actually sort of chewing through the hord of enemies at this point normally there's so many of them it's almost overwhelming but at this point we're actually starting to run out in a strange way and we got some healing in the bank we can use should we get hit and it's only a matter of time before we do that's also new so that's a little stressful energy gain multiplier yes that way when we do get hit we we can start building up our extra life in the bank can we get all three of those on there nope that jellyfishing is strong uh okay this is a weird direction to go in we're going to be okay uh luckily the enemies really don't handle well that was also a stupid spot for me to put myself things are okay so far oh we have step jelly fish again okay we should take advantage of this uh he might get out of there actually we'll put ourselves into a bad spot trying to do that so we're just going to keep firing in circles and not get fancy we will increase our speed and acceleration because that's going to help the duck feed things are very very quick we're managing to dodge them just by slowly turning in circles but we need some maneuverability this could be a good one for uh Jellyfish well we got one good hit eventually that thing will die what we need is more projectiles again that would be much better I've actually lost track of the big jellyfish uh never mind I was hoping it' actually manage to die but that thing will never die apparently it's just exist to actually if it's stuck there we could probably ignore it now yeah let's actually just move away from it I don't know if it could bother me it might just be stuck there forever projectile size is about to go up by a huge amount again look at the size of those things they're going to destroy so much okay now we have eyes watching us what have you they turn into shells when we hit them interesting okay the jellyfish got free so the eyeballs uh they turn into crystals and then die I'm not really sure what I'm seeing here yeah looks like that's the way they work uh they also fire large projectiles at me so this is not going to get any easier luckily our projectiles now are so big that we can really uh clean up a lot of the little idiots quite quickly so as long as we're being careful we're going to be okay uh we could also send them a lot further now too which is good they're getting big so they can really maximize their uh area by going further why would that jellyfish die does this not hurt them uh We've rained so much damage down on the jellyfish it just will not go away he got snagged one of the crystal things he's too big to maneuver so that's the only Advantage I have over him I can get him stuck ow okay I put the health back on cuz I had uh energy in the bank so we'll see how quickly it takes me to build that energy back up okay I'm going to try and boost to this never mind that was dumb got it okay we're going to shoot this things a little bit further again uh that way they act like a sniper rifle of Destruction they can keep going but the things have turned black so I think we're advancing through time the jellyfish seems like it's getting quicker over time does it not I feel like I used to outrun it quite easily and now it's right up in my business a lot and that's getting annoying cuz I need to be able to fire these off more often than I am although once we do fire into big cluster we basically destroy all the enemies on the map I just got the sound that uh we got our uh life back our boost and we can evolve again hit enemies explode this might be a mistake but I'm going to try that we also lose cool down I'm just hoping we don't lose our penetration which we don't seem to so the enemies do explode slightly it's not a big explosion or an exciting explosion but it is an explosion so we'll take it uh the immortal jellyfish is going to get really annoying though and I should probably start uh strategizing somewhat of what enemies I'm focusing on right now I'm just sort of firing into the cluster which is working fine but we're going to start getting bigger better enemies so I need to be sure to either kill them or get away from them all right well the weapon's getting upgraded again we've had like 1 th000 weapon upgrades look how far they go now they go way out there uh I don't know if that was an explosion that just hit us whatever the case we could put our health right back on we could maybe use more Health soon cuz we're going start getting hit more and more and we're back to this but at least with this now uh I should be accidentally hitting the wall more again I'm not sure if I'm supposed to survive inside this or what the goal here is but we can make them bigger again uh that well so we can really clear out some room for ourselves and those will inevitably hit the wall and everything else and hopefully give us uh Freedom at some point but I really don't know what I'm supposed to do here so I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing it's very stressful working Close Quarters I want more projectiles uh okay we're going to boost out of there don't know how I did that without getting hit or that or that my projectiles do seem to have an effect on the thing on the outside like it is doing damage to that so that may or may not die I am I'm going to take more Health at this point and I'm going to add one Health back on so that puts us back to full health uh we still got a lot of idiots to deal with and a lot of damage and a lot of different things going on at this point I'm going to assume that the jellyfish is Immortal uh those explosions are also getting really annoying I'm going to have to start to actually use my Boost to get away from those just keep boosting just keep boosting that was close get away from the explosives oh there explosive ahead okay we killed him before he got me got to put some health back on we got three lives right now uh we're going to take an experience multiplier cuz those are all boring choices anyway if we can't make this thing bigger or better we're just going to go with the boring [Music] choices I unlocked the meat body apparently but I got caught in the cluster here I'm still not sure at this point what I'm supposed to do if I'm supposed to try and Escape or survive either way I failed I decided to try the new ability I unlocked and it is a chain zap so as long as things are within my Orbit I chain zap them like that which is nice cuz I don't really have to do any thinking I can just swim around it doesn't have quite the same uh destructive chaos as my uh projectile worm thing but it works quite quickly I've got the Evolution for my zapper now I've also got an extra bounce on the zap but the evolution causes things to explode when I hit them so now we have bouncing explosions plus I can also get an extra zap chain so now we'll actually have a little bit of breathing room again without the extra zap chains this ability doesn't get you very far we quickly jumped up to like five zap chains so if we can get the cool down back down below a second uh we'll be doing good but as you can see already we're sort of running out of things to kill so this ability went from kind of weak to actually quite strong I just realized that this this entire time that that there's been those rays of lights connected directly to the jellyfish so I'm wondering if I need to kill whatever those things are to kill the jellyfish so that might actually be why I haven't been able to kill it yet because I need to destroy that thing first that would to save me a lot of trouble before I've got my cool down down quite a bit and I've got a lot of chains going off so we're actually started running out of enemies to chain off of but at least now when we get into our little circle of Doom we should be able to uh eliminate the enemies quite quickly and we can now evolve again so we're going to have initial zaps instead of one three so if I'm understanding that correctly we're going to have three initial zaps that are then going to chain uh is that how it works it's hard to count right now but that seems to be so we got three uh three separate zaps that are going to chain themselves individually five times so provided we're not getting hit by things our zap should be destroying everything around us quite promptly so something that can help us with either be a bigger radius or faster zaps so we're going to knock the cool down down a little bit so we're firing those zaps off more often the enemies are dead they can't hurt us and we got the cool down even lower again so now we just go anywhere near the enemies and they sort of just evaporate so this is much easier we're back to our Infamous Circle part we're going to take maybe just a little bit more Health to help us get through this but I think with our zapping abilities right now we're going to be okay we did just get hit we need to be careful of all the light rays and stuff but at least I don't have a giant jellyfish taking up all my real estate and the zaps as long as I'm near a good cluster of enemies are really actually working for me the zaps aren't attacking in the outside barrier so that makes me think I'm not supposed to destroy it I'm just supposed to survive long enough I just dropped my cool down by a lot again so we're knocked things down by a uh at least 30% so my zap is going off Non-Stop and it's hitting everything around me their stupid laser beam keeps going off that manages to hit me though but that one's hard to avoid we'll be able to heal up real quick though this part right here but as long as there's nothing too near me and I Don't Panic it's actually okay then it bumps me into itself that sucks I suspect we're getting close to the end yeah cuz that thing was not stopping so we made it to the end with chain lightning and a lot of [Music] perseverance
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 433,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TxT9xaeqjvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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