Reacting to the BEST Among Us Animations !

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among us but with a hundred imposters the animation honestly anyone who says shh before the game 100 they are the imposter noob move oh no poor steve no this is straight up a horror film steve not gonna lie does not looking good for you like you need to run buddy run like um hell yeah oh no they almost saw you oh he's hiding under the bed okay steve don't peek out from another bed oh he's speaking out of the bed you were wave oh no there's more of them they're venting in honestly there's like more free to go can you invent not in the game but i guess in the animation when there's 99 passes will give him a chance they're watching the cameras too oh steve i'm rooting for you man i was room for the underdog and right now you were the underdog is there anywhere for them to go the lights are out the lights are out i was gonna say we should put the lights on but maybe it's better they're out so they don't see you okay yes hide under that box ugh moving box nothing suspicious pieces fishes nothing to see here oh man oh it's poor stevie no they're not like suspicious of the box oh yes right on top of the vents so smart oh mewtwo is mad he's so mad come on steve what are you gonna do buddy i'm scared can you put a seatbelt on at least [Music] oh my god i think this was a long public service announcement to wear seat belts also steve was the real imposter if you think about it because he killed everybody else i didn't see that going well for steven i was wrong now we're gonna see what happens if the opposite is true 100 players with only one imposter can steve wynn i mean he won last time but i feel like he's gonna have to find a different tactic this time many many minutes later how do you even look at anybody they would see you many unbearable hours 100 players would take forever honestly kind of feels like summer camp everyone just hanging around they should do some lanyards oh oh you've got it discussion is to be had it's taking forever oh he's putting some gasoline everywhere thousands of years later oh he called an emergency meeting steve you liar youth learn the pizza too imagine plot twist there's only one player this whole time then everyone else is just in his head whoa honestly let's keep this move in mind if you ever need to kill 100 players at once also steve might be in trouble with the huge hole in his ship just saying ooh this animation is sick does that look so realistic go off whoa this is amazing oh man i feel so seen by this whenever i play the swiping card one takes a million times a million times to swipe my car it's kind of like me in real life at the grocery store let's just say i was slow to adapt to the chip reader oh no oh no oh no dude dude i think you're gonna get killed you gotta get out of there i think brad's an imposter get out of there run no oh no okay he's seen the body number one rule though of among us don't stand near a dead body you're gonna get falsely accused oh no he's gonna get falsely cute it actually wasn't him this is why this game stresses me out so much oh it's all about lying and i'm a bad liar just got ejected for no reason oh man so we got a cute little animation oh it's a baby blue little baby blue oh we gotta do wires didn't know families was possible in the mangas oh no baby wooden is a murder scarred for life for baby oh no protect at all costs is that a egg on his head who was it who did that in front of baby who's the imposter oh they ejected him they checked with the wrong person oh this is horrible guys another day another wires oh the baby wants to do the wires that's cute no watch out behind you okay i was kind of joking about baby being scarred for life but his mom just literally got winked behind him and the oinker just vented no poor baby i'm not crying you're crying okay this is not going so well honestly steve was in a much better position and he was against a hundred imposters so oh no baby [Music] oh she's remembering all the memories [Music] oh the imposter has been injected maybe the moral here is that vengeance doesn't heal the pain ooh that was dark honestly i'm a little scarred from the last one i do not want to see anything bad happen to this puppy he's too cute like when they start this happy you know some traumas coming it's called a dramatic arc people oh don't get the cherry on the head i like that even better than the egg with the cherry on top i know things are getting scary guys i'm a little terrified okay he has to make sure he's not imposter show everybody that he's safe oh i didn't play this that's cute i like that someone's about to vent in oh that's how i sleep too okay he got him right in the back oh no who did it [Music] all the memories all these flashbacks are heart-wrenching is that impostor who did oh there he is okay no so scary oh no the dog press it already what's taking so long who knew a bunch of pixelated robots could be so sad i'm just glad they didn't falsely accuse poppers as the imposter is this a happy ending doggo can see the ghost of his owner and everything's cool i'll take him i'm here for a good happy ending even though doesn't make sense oh oh oh no oh no guys watch out oh he dead dead oh no from the evil laugh too oh no he died too wow yeah who is it i'm so confused now like wait what's going on okay he's safe a hacker i've heard of this happening but it's never happened to me and i don't know what's happened to hackers popping into your game just to kill everyone and ruin it 2020 is hard enough let us have among us wow again with voting the wrong people out it sucks man life is hard in among us and in real life anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this video let me know if you want to see more among us animations or manga's videos let me know in the comments i'd love to know love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice each other bye you
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 7,685,128
Rating: 4.8576946 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, among us, among us animations, funniest among us, best among us animations, among us cartoon, among us cartoons
Id: x0POGxR2YbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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