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yeah funniest animations ever was that spark Oh 7:00 a.m. bright and early rise and shine Oh does he work for NASA oh so exciting Sam he'd I think he works for NASA or he does like space oh it's this little boy I remember he was too short to open the door oh no oh no he's blinded by the light he just left him - big fan of him baby I think that spaceman is his biggest fan we got Sam over here here's a picture of Samuel oh he's so cool no cool would be to go to space but also kind of boring well the spark is back oh no it's reflecting to him he got it oh no I'm kind of scared it's an emergency there's alarms going off everywhere what is the superpowers now I gotta see you havin nightmares that's for sure like this video if you think she might have superpowers oh he's grown his slippers are too small that or just the perception in the wash that happened I closed out this direction well he's taller he had to move his mirror he won't have to use his ladder anymore is this all he wanted in his life was just to be a little taller he's too tall oh no he's too tall it's older than everybody be careful what you wish for no no guys I think I think that little spark might have you know hurt Sam a lot I think he's passed away he's biggest hero is he gonna live up so follow in Sam's footsteps become an astronaut he's so tall but no people are scared of him this guy just can't catch a break blocking everybody's view in the movie so they're trying to replicate it probably to figure out what happened how did Sam disappear everybody loves Sam Sam was a good man who's kind man well he is a smart dude you couldn't replicate the spark we can get to the bottom of this can you like so that would try I've had a little spark on my fingers although the picture is light enough so cute he's gonna get to the mystery of this I believe in him now that he's grown bigger his brain is bigger that's how it works I swear these extra smart save my what does it say tool take my pool oh he made it now he said oh he's using his finger and you use the fingers he made the Apple disappear guys I think stem might be okay I don't think Sam has passed away I think he's just disappeared so we need to make him reappear oh no no it's not working come on do it always doing it yeah oh no is he keep growing keeps growing oh no they're fed up with it but like talking smack boy I believe it's like that thing from Alice in Wonderland when you drink a potion and you throw really big he just can't catch a break I think he's breaking a ceiling maybe he'll grow so big that he doesn't even need a spaceship to go to space you can just stand this escalated real quick zero to a hundred and he's massive massive they think he's like his name is 120 meters exile I think it'd be mean to him they think he's like a monster I'm an island what if he outgrows the eyelid I'm gonna do Bob like that Bob so homi Bhabha strand is just safe oh he's Fricke's Oh so cool these aliens I'm so happy we gonna give them a little space helmet here where we going we're going to space I just want to show you love this picture is that like right thing gonna make everything that bigger on all the earth oh wait the picture is bigger than the earth but is the earth any smaller is the picture getting bigger are they both happening oh no oh the Apple is very big okay guys I think there's a problem just not gonna be healthy just put ours in a jar okay so they're going to the spaceship I don't know why they put earth in a jar they better not eat Earth yes food tastes gross don't worry dude oh are they making their own universe for Earth oh they gave it its own little Sun I mean if they don't know and they don't know hi I'm Sam he finally got to meet his hero I thought it was gonna be his dad and what a point but he's just a dude with shrinks the earth was this a good science is it growing let's save the world he was never growing the earth was just shrinking sticks and stones may break my words will never hurt me okay there's a stick I don't know edible oh yes splinters in this dog the only thing worse than splinters and your fingers has splinters in your tongue I think I've never done it oh there's stone you can't eat that either oh there go all his teeth the sharpest teeth I have ever seen on a bunny oh oh I think they want to eat him they want to mess with that bunny I'm gonna stay over here on my chair and watch them Fang oh so big rock he's looking through a stick he found the bunny but he's hungry he just eats I'm saying I can't even hate cuz I'm always eating oh he just missed the bunny ah honey's just like no care in the world you can't catch me he's gonna try to throw the boulder down buddy bunny be careful there bud saw a boulder on you it's big rock it stunk huh honestly this is the luckiest bunny I have ever seen or they're just the unluckiest caveman I've ever seen I've also never seen a caveman so they're the only unlucky caveman I've ever seen this bunny has quite the appetite terrestres biggest body it's just like eating them like know nobody's business oh no bunny oh no they're gonna hurt each other this way yeah oh I'm so scared for the bunny okay so he's smelling the leaf what are they doing what is this I was the bunny look oh oh those are carrots they're using the bunny is like a metal detector to find Kharis that's a funny plot twist oh wow that was a big hair at least they're not eating the bunny oh did you want to face with him the three musketeers the best friends that there ever was that was a adorable plot twist I was not expecting the Frog with the purple eyes don't poke you know he's trapped what trapped is pool boy boy during the lag oh oh she's scary if fog you gotta get out of there any second come on come on come on slip out of those shackles she's got away from will be Little Miss Piggy tails over here or just for piggy tails she's the creepiest I'll never get out of there is freedom [Music] oh she looks a look bad okay gonna use that as a spring he's out of here I said what I'm gonna be close when we close the window what about he's the girlfriend he touches both her bras over there he's put back now how did she get on the stairs I click TVs I hear sizzling oh no he's supposed to be close I am excuse me that was rude what okay it was that wasn't what it seemed like um I can explain it's just a Halloween costume for frogs also is it just me or does she remind you of the girl from Finding Nemo right they must be sisters I like to look for the message in all stories I can't seem to find the message in this one the cavemen one it's like you know sometimes you give people a chance and they could be your best friend but the space man was all about perception this one Oh things just aren't always what they seem anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget me neither bye
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 8,939,230
Rating: 4.9198027 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, ANIMATIONS, you, will, laugh
Id: ccxZCdrf-0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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