Most unusual BEDS that are not only for sleep

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there is nothing I love more than my bed I love sleeping and if you don't agree with me then you even human are you vampire this is the vertical bed one of the many weird and strange and cool beds I'm going to show you you can literally steep sleep standing up like this you're like and it like basically you go into and it's like a marshmallow it like sucks you in and it holds you in place so like you know your head won't bounce left or right and you're just stuck in there and then you can sleep comfortably apparently I mean I don't know how I feel about sleeping standing up I feel some sort of way about it like I'm not a good way imagine how creepy it would be to have a bunch of these beds like on the walls like Bam Bam Bam Bam and you and your friends are all sleeping like standing up it's a little creepy did someone's inspired by molecular structures that's a bunch of little balls that are like soft and cushiony and you can like pretty much use it in any way you want because you can like fold it over and make it be a bed or make it be a couch or make it be whatever you want it to be like if you wanted that thing to look like a Cal you make it look like a cat oh this is pretty cool it doesn't look that comfortable but I bet it is I bet it's expensive too and I'm kind of not down I can imagine people coming over and you're like here's my mauled you cold bed I just said that really weird this is a waterbed but you can fill up with real life fish so like you don't have space for an aquarium no problem you can literally sleep with the fish I don't know if this is like disturbing to fish do they mind do they even notice I don't know I'm not a fish so I can't tell I wouldn't take the chance because I feel bad if I killed a fish you know like I went to bed and I woke up all my fish were dead like I'd be like damn I killed my fish imagine how horrible you'd feel but look how happy this little girl is she's like yeah fishies baby fish - dude you you baby baby shark no don't do that don't do that that's a bad idea bad idea but I'm not gonna lie this looks really cool even when it's empty like imagine you can get those fake fish and the guilt free I don't know how comfortable it is though and I feel like water breaths they like solution and you're like here we got the back bed you know just in case you want to save this the D and B one bad boy I mean could be bad girl to that girl okay and this is the bed for you I think this is kind of cool but like I think all that light would keep me awake like I like having my room like super dark like I have those those those curtains the blackout curtains and that way I can sleep in total pitch darkness and then anything that emits the light I like put tape over it I'm like no maybe I am a vampire what this is the bird bed this is so cool I really like this actually this is this is like a piece of art like I feel bad sleeping this I've been like you sleep on that but my only concern with this is it's not very big like I would low-key roll off of this I need lots of space I need lots of space suit pause and turn in toss and turn what this is the book bed I love this this is so cute so you can like flip the pages and it's like a magical world in this magical book bed and you can like close the book on yourself and like hopefully not smush you but you'll be nice and toasty I feel like this is the warmest bed ever I can't guarantee that but it looks like it this is the cardboard bed yep you heard me cardboard bed it's made out of cardboard look I'm sorry but I would smoosh that thing in a second like I would be that awkward person to lie on it and then I'd be like I broke your bed how does this support a normal sized human without breaking instantly and also like what if you accidentally put it out and recycling day and you don't have bed this one I'm not a fan of here we have the Facebook bed so you don't miss a single post by your friends do people even use Facebook anymore yeah lots of people use Facebook actually I think I just kind of stopped I will go back are you real I promise this is a bed that you can literally hide in your ceiling like we've all seen couches to turn into beds but ceilings that fall into beds my mind is blown but you know what scares me about this like what if you're sleeping on the bed and the bed decides to have a mind of its own and then clothes and then you're stuck in the ceiling forever until someone comes and saves you that's what I would be afraid if I'd have nightmares of that but it's a good way if you don't have much space sometimes apartments are small they're like practically shoeboxes and then this is a great use of space like it can be your living room and your bedroom if you're not afraid of getting swallowed by a silly I'm watching you ceiling no I'm on to you this bed is called the private cloud this person just went out and bought a circle but I do have some good news about this it rocks it's like a giant rocking chair so it's just like silently roxie to sleep it's all like rock my human in the circle bed when the bedrocks you will sleep right away I know you guys like my songs they're great I think I got a new career if you took doesn't work out writing nursery rhymes for rocking beds sounds like a great niche but I feel like the rocking will good annoying oh wait actually apparently that you can stabilize it if you choose to okay fine I take that back this is kind of cool what no this one's cool if you only have a tiny teeny bit of space because now it's literally a cool circle bed I've always wanted to try a circle bed I'm like how much room do you get they look so big and like just so round and I just want to like starfish in them like I missed our fish but this one turns into a pretty cool looking sofa like you got two sofas or you get one bed I like this one I like it it's pretty modern and sophisticated looking this is a giant bird's nest bed honestly it kind of looks hella uncomfortable and for a whopping price of $15,000 for $15,000 you know many beds you can get you can literally have a room that's just made out of beds like I could be in here and this whole room can just be like bed after bed after bed but instead this person decided to get a bird's nest bed like I don't want to sleep on eggs I'm kind of not down and then like what if Birds actually start thinking it's a real bird's nests and then you've got a bird problem in the house this one is really cool it's a magnetic hover bed literally floats in midair by using magnets to like propel itself and float there well you just catch some Z's it's cool but wait until you hear how much it costs guys ready you need to be sitting down this it's a big number 1.6 million dollars no I mean it's cool yeah like you can be like look I love it taped for 1.6 million dollars please not down also I feel like with magnets that's strong it's gonna like ruin all your electronics is that a myth I feel like I'm not sure but don't strong magnets like ruin your phones and laptops and stuff I don't know I might be misinformed I need to look this up according to Google it can affect your phone I didn't look into this deeply so it still could be false you can't believe everything you read off a whim I need to do more research on this but like a different time I don't care that much to know I'm not actually gonna get the bed so I'm not concerned oh this one is cool this one looks cozy this one looks like you could just like you know be safe from the world I feel safe from the world and then like you have little steps to like jump into your bed and this one gets even cooler basically this whole bed is made out of speakers like the bottom the sides everything it's based on this music for bodies research project where they promote listening to music with your body not just with your ears with your body I didn't know my body could hear music but apparently it can all those little cells they be listening I always spit facts here at a Zealand this is the answer to everybody's life questions who here likes to make the bed not many people well this bed makes itself literally press the button and it's like beds like I got you makes the bed now mom's not gonna yell at you anymore when you don't make the bed I've started to get into the habit of trying to make my bed but I fail I need this bed okay okay I'm done I need I don't need okay I actually I don't need because I'm already hungry enough as it is now imagine imagine how much more hungry I'd be if every time I look at my bed and he'd be a Berk and I'd be like you come with fries burger needs to come with a side of fries and maybe even a milkshake can maybe I'm getting a little greedy but I need this now no I don't need this but where would you sleep like in - inside the bun like would you sleep like in there with the lettuce and then the burger will go over you and you're just like another topping you'd be crushed what if somebody came along and they thought you were part of the burger and you were just eating dangerous this bed looks magical it looks like some evil character for some from like some fictional movies bed like this is the bed you want if your laugh sounds like this like this is the bed you'd sleep in am i right or am i right because this is that bed look how cool it looks it's like fit for a skeleton I like it I want this I want to be like the evil mastermind in this bed with my evil laugh I like it I'll go evil for this bed this geometric bed is definitely a bedroom conversation piece it's like oh cool bad I also looks hella uncomfortable oh no I think this parts like the soft part look it's kind of cool I feel like you need a lot of space for it though if you got a small bedroom don't even think about it don't even think about the geometric bed oh this could also like double as a jungle gym look you could climb on the outside hang upside down you know if you're bad you can literally hang off of it and sleep like that I can't promise you it's gonna support that much activity but I mean what's the point of having a geometric bed that literally looks like one of those jungle gyms you know what I'm talking about I need to look this up it literally looks like one of these things and it's out of stock damn it now I need to get the bend it has to happen here we got the hammock bed it's like part beanbag part bed part hammock I always see people sleep on the hammocks but they kind of scare me I flipped in one before and then I just ate dirt is it it was disgusting this is for all of us they'd like to watch TV in bed they've literally built a TV into your bed so you have literally no reason to leave bed do they want to kill the little productivity I have like you'd never want to leave bet it'd be too comfortable and then there'd just be a TV and then you'd be like hey watch youtube videos all day every day if you thought the last floating bed for like one point whatever million it was was too much money if you don't then share this but for the rest of us normal people who aren't gonna spend a million dollars plus on a bed here's another option it also kind of floats but it's trickiness cuz it's on one leg you can kind of see it it has a little peg leg like a pirate yeah so it's not really floating but you get the same type of illusion same but different and last but not least we got this waterbed where you literally sleep in water can you imagine how pruney you're gonna look after like I'm in a bath for an hour max and I come out in my hands look like they'd be aged a hundred years imagine sleeping all night in water I don't even think that's good for you I'm thinking of like all the word reverse osmosis that would happen on your skin like I'm good I'll take my baths and my beds separately I don't really need to combine them I'm good and also I would be like the only person in the world who would just drown in my sleep like somehow I'd Matt and it managed to put my face under the water and it would just not be good for their there PR sorry anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope your bed is comfortable yeah what am I so awkward anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love y'all so much stay awesome stay see and don't forget to be nice shudder [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 9,602,971
Rating: 4.8427129 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, most, unusual, beds, that, are, not, only, for, sleep, creative, design, designs, creative beds, strange, weird, strange beds, unusual beds, most unusual beds, weird beds, bed designs, amazing beds design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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