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go ahead what'd you get for Christmas [Music] Wow okay she's a little ungrateful mister a little okay she's a lot ungrateful I really something am i right some people don't get anything mm-hmm it's sex I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas it's still Christmas for me but for you guys it's in the future because that's how videos work no rice cracker no no I like her pretending only you like yours she's like I like it you see it changed be happy happy is a feel bad version like as I give her I give her a point I give her a full point for at least you know trying to be grateful right the attempt was there she's like I'm gonna pretend I like it so that I don't hurt my parents feelings I just want to give her a hug he's just like I'm beneath this because I hate it that's so sweet that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard a truck this guy got a truck for Christmas I wish it was a Lambo and he's like it's super ungrateful there's people who don't even have food and Christmas and he's like this is the ugliest red pepper things are about to get real guys things are about to get real he got the baseball bat out I mean if you got a job you could have you know stayed up some money and then like painted the car it would have been fine honestly just the paint job okay you just say you guys like making me look like a pork it Wow okay I can't even watch any more of this this is really you like just horrible no we're like we really don't understand your pain I mean if it hurts so bad to get $50 I'll take it I'm sure anybody else or watch it we'll take it everybody's like there with their hands up like give it to me give it to me most people would be quite happy with $50 okay I mean if you're waiting a whole year just for your present on Christmas I think you got a completely wrong idea but what Christmas is all about it's about spending time with the people you love it's not about your present it's a nice touch I'm not gonna lie if that's the thing you're most excited for then yeah you will be disappointed because nobody can live up to those type of expectations okay first of all PlayStation is not $7,000 can we just you know take it down a notch like your dramatic levels are up here and we need them down here the irony calling someone else spoiled okay I think I think he needs to like you know chill out have some cookies and you know appreciate his $50 go buy a game with it or something I don't know can there open your present I love to see I wouldn't hurt a guy what did you get are you so cute you got a toilet paper huh do you like that order so what do you think that your is Oh toilet paper oh why would you like mergers do you like message no based alike it Oh guys these kids have been raised right I just want to hug them from mommy and daddy what do you think they're so precious you wanted a toy but is that okay is that still fun I got them opening up the gifts gifts gifts on Christmas [Music] what did you want a little bit cuz they're so adorable and a little spoiled but like super adorable I don't blame the parents like I think like I wouldn't be able to say no to to adorableness either this is why we have spoiled kids because people like me can't say no to them she doesn't want me she's like I'm going to a new family the picture that I picture her not look at her face [Laughter] look at her face she's so happy yeah this one she's not crying because she's spoiled she's crying because she's so happy I mean I went the same way oh this is so sweet I just want to hug her and the dog this is your best present ever best present ever ever what is it hot buns hot buns remember you wanted that daddy said you wanted it oh he's trying to keep it together yeah I don't know president it's a little rude oh wow okay I must stop boob right there so he got multiple presents from his aunt and he liked all of them but this one that's a joke now he's suddenly upset like you can't always like every present you know it's always the thought that counts like I always say you should just be grateful to that person took the time to think about you to go get you something because they didn't have to waste their time and their money to get you something they really didn't or even if it's even if it's just a card like they took their time and they were thinking about you and they did that out of love so to then be upset that you didn't get something that's like amazing it's like a slap in their face the least you could do is say thank you and if you don't like it then you know you save up your money and you buy things that you like for yourself that's how things go you're always guaranteed to like the things you buy for yourself unless you buy them online then you get scammed sometimes you're welcome I'm gonna hug no you don't get hugs Merry Christmas Merry Christmas oh my god I was so cute - of pain do you keep your armpits smelling good keep some but some good true facts are you happy do you like your Christmas present how precious I've been a little dramatic but so cute it's okay Barbara did not break your heart so she's crying because she wants cats for Christmas - y'all ready - oh you mean the two boring cats they're boring are you gonna disrespect your cat's like that they do nothing but literally they do nothing that's the problem because she's so cute like also being a little unreasonable but what was that word unreasonable but then again what do you expect she's like five years old can't be really mad at her okay but this is gonna be one of those funny videos she's gonna see when she grows up and being like that was me like I look at things when I was a kid and I'm like I did that my so his tell me stories and I laughed but I'm like that's hilarious I was insane still em what do you get for Christmas Christmas Christmas this year it's not a real song Oh dad the curiosity is killing me maybe wrapping this like they don't want him to get inside why come again excited for chips oh my god guys adorable they're all cute even when they're like being a little bit of spoiled brats but I always say like if they're too young like you can't really blame them because they young but that one kid with the truck he was okay I think feel like he was old enough to know better what is it what is it the mom is trying to troll her like you're happy are you sure your app you're not even upset even just a little not even a little what are you gonna do with the banana either of course mom don't be silly my heart like literally the sweetest thing I've ever seen my heart literally can't take anymore guys this this video was way too cute before I filmed this I'm like the kids are gonna be so spoiled but like watching it I'm like even when they are spoiled like I'm just overcome by their cuteness oh if I ever have kids they're gonna walk over me aren't they I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice share and I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas [Music] [Music]
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 9,110,211
Rating: 4.8079453 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, spoiled, kids, react, to, expensive, christmas, gifts, compilation, spoiled kids, christmas present, presents, gift
Id: OxYGjs-5Zdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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