Undervolt your 13600K or any processor

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foreign guys this is absolute Tech uh we have been quite busy here going over a few things that people would like to see and this one's going to be a little bit different than my normal stuff but we are going to undervolt your 136k worth 13600k uh down because what I've been noticing a lot with these processors is that there's so many motherboards that's just putting so much extra voltage to these processors and that's why they're getting so so hot so in my case specifically this one I had undervolted it and didn't lose any performance actually gained a little bit of performance and much much cooler of a system because I prefer air cooled now a lot of you are going to say like iOS and that's fine but I do prefer air cooled just less maintenance less work they're cheaper all all down to all that I don't like spending a lot of money I'm not a rich man obviously so here's one of the things you know that you need to know so you need to be able to get in your bios and I'm going to walk you through how to get into your bios but you should be kind of familiar with getting in here okay um you you normally with most motherboards you can just hit delete and summer bf12 and summer be F2 normally though it'll be especially with Asus motherboards it will be delete okay I believe gigabyte is same as well so here we this is the main of the motherboard okay and this is your main you know it's going to show you something like this probably the time we're gonna go to AI tweaker first off I recommend you just turn on XMP uh two you know that's as I just I just overclocked your RAM and pretty much gives you the frequency that you need so it's 136 megahertz uh it's mine yours may be higher maybe lower but the default is quite low so I mean if I turn this off to Auto it's only 21 33 megahertz and that's that's not very much we definitely want more than that so I recommend turn on the second one it's more newer with newer Ram uh and these two you can leave these on if we're just under volting not overclocking okay uh these are fine um now if you keep going on down here if you go down here just okay right here so mine is called actual vrm core voltage you want to turn this to offset mode okay and what this does is if it needs it it still will get it of course but it does subtract a lot of the uh the voltage coming off the vram okay or the vrms of the CPU not the vram the vrms and the CPU which is in Little Boxes normally all the way around the CPU which help it keep it cool so you want to offset mode sign mine's already done but I'm going to show you how is you want to hit the negative button or the minus button and like if you did positive or negative positive or negative that's all you can hit you can't do anything else so if you hit that button and then just go down so you want to hit minus so we're taking some off and we are taking off 165 0 0. okay now what I recommend doing is start every CPU is different I want to stress that to you every CPU every 136k CPU is different there's none of them that are identical to each other um it's just how they're made the dies that they're made now I mean they're very very very very close but they are it's just like a thing think about it like this it is me and you may look the same you know but we all got different fingerprints you know what I mean we're pretty much very similar but we have different characteristics very very small differences I mean that's just an easier way to understand what I'm talking about but so this is not going to damage the system I do want to stress that it won't damage it but if you do start it up and it crashes okay like it freezes up or crashes or anything like that it's not hurting it okay um that's just meaning you went too far so back it back down a little bit I mean I recommend starting with probably you know around about 13 I would say about 13 right here Point 13 and work your way on up oops I went wrong button uh work your way on up to 165. that's that's where my sweet spot is I can push it a little bit more but you start getting in the performance loss and stuff like that the other thing we could do is come down here and take down the CPU input voltage down so and it says it actually says on mine configure the voltage for the CPU and the minimum is 1.5 volts the max is 2.1 volts the standard is 1.8 and increment by zero point or point zero one so I'm right here and I think I can't remember I think I went to the minimum and just slowly erased it up okay and that's this is where I'm at now and it's see mine seems to work really great so just do very little bits at a time and pretty much after that there's nothing else you need to do you just need to kill all the way over and hit save changes I didn't have anything to save then just hit OK and that is the last bit of this little bit of a video because I wanted you guys to see this I kind of struggle with this at first I had a few people show me what I was doing correctly and I just want to show everybody else okay another thing is check out my drock gaming channel on YouTube or on Twitch it doesn't really matter drock 08 give me a follow on here thank you guys
Channel: Absolute Tech
Views: 11,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 13600k, intel, asus, undervolt, overclock, hotcpu, hightemp
Id: 5mHF_-SueCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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