Undervolting & Overclocking the i9-13900KS and K Part2

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hey everyone chaos here um I decided to create the second um part of this video for the or uh under voting and overclocking for the I9 13900ks and the k for those of you guys who followed my last video um it is basically the continuous part of this only difference is that instead of using the Intel um extreme tuning utility this time I'm planning to set this up in the bio so you guys have an idea about how to do it from there using the Asus uh motherboard um for those of you guys who haven't followed my last video I will leave a link on the description below to my last video unless you're somebody who has that experience and you know you just want to like a little refresher or maybe some ideas inspiration in that case um this now I do want to say that I created this video for entertainment purposes um I do not recommend for everybody to copy the settings I have please only make sure that you are researching and understanding a little bit more about the different strategies including my the current strategy not using which is TBB which stands for the term of velocity boost since I'm going to be using the strategy I'm going to be using this on this video I will also leave a link in the description below for more information this is from skater Venture uh who has information and great information about the thermal velocity boost so you guys understand exactly how the process works I'm only going to be covering exactly the settings here on my last video um I did Cover slightly a little bit about using the Intel extreme um tuning intunity and I do recommend using this while bench testing in um and stress testing in real life support this way if something happens um you can go back to the last settings instead of going to the BIOS restarting bios restarting and all that and especially if something goes wrong in this case um you can use the Intel Xtreme tuning which can be extremely helpful because you can definitely go if something goes on especially with like conjunction with cinebench I love you guys probably seen videos from um J2 sense uh Gary Tech and all their videos who have used the uh Intel extreme um tuning Trinity web conjunction with Cena bench and of course which is a great tool because it tells you exactly like if the apps crashes or anything you can at least go back to you know register if you're overclocking same goes with under voting as well so on my last video I covered a little bit about only voting the I9 KS and the K as well I came with Google results after doing some testing and I found that I was able to uh normally underboat um at least slightly lower um to about negative point zero um zero eight um in this case with my Chrome this video I decided to do with zero a negative point zero point zero um seven five in this case um this is of course I'm planning to make adjustments but I just want to make sure there was no instability so um with this I'm going to go ahead and show you guys basically um how to put numbers from the uh Intel uh extreme tune into the into the bios for those of you guys using different motherboards I highly suggest researching by using Google the forms to find out what the names are because not everything is going to be the same under the same name on the same place this is I'm using the Asus um 790 Apex uh with you know in this case for the I9 KS um of course so the K is going to be covered because it's pretty much about similar in this case the only difference is that KS is a binder so it tends to run higher frequencies with lower uh temperature in many cases unless you know you're one of those with um a silicon Lottery uh CPU so to start with is I went ahead and went to the extreme Trader uh trigger in in the Asus motherboard I make sure that of course xmp's turn on I use xmp2 for my own then so here uh for Aces uh for the I went ahead and switched to Asus multi-core enchantment and enable the removable limits this is to make sure that I am running to the specific sufficient uh um Power and making sure that if I use any like limited removal on the settings like you know enforceable limits that may cause some trial a terminals only on my CPU maybe just some crash maybe because it's not running sufficient power to You Know cover what's supposed to be in this case um in this case also um next here is of course um I also make sure to uh change and update my ring frequency to what I want in this case my terminal take when by default so 6 000 megahertz so I just um I was able to overclock it without any um issues to 6400 megahertz um at least by xmp2 I may do manual overclock in there in the future um for this also I decided to uh performance core ratio change it to my core usage I went ahead and first uh core one two all the way to five I went to six thousand megahertz was six and seven um 5900 megahertz and core a256 just because core 1710 to be really hot for me in this case some people normally experiences the first chord being um you know hotter than the last ones but for my case it end us being the last one here then I went to specific uh performance core and of course I went to first core specific ratio limit says to 60 I went to station to adopt the mole for those of you guys who follow to the inter extreme to Nativity you'll find out that it's actually set to adapt the mode by when you guys check my core which is reload there so make sure you guys look to the settings to give you guys idea um in this case this is up the mode I set it to obviously negative because we're offsetting we're on the ball team now over voting for my case I decided to do auto I found out that on my previous settings um with the the full settings that I try copying directly from Intel extreme normally by default it does give you a little information what the default voltage is but for some reason it actually didn't work well so I decided to leave an auto uh and of course I did adjust the performance core offset to 0.07500 in this case uh normally I may adjust it to 8 500 but I'll just leave it there for now onto my next three star because normally if I normally semi-computed by herbination so it looks like it's not fully updated when it's you know when you start it best way so it's better to do a full restart to make sure everything is updated and all and synchronized so next is performance core one specific ratio to 6000 adapter with same um Auto and 0.075 make sure it's negative because we're on the voting performance core to 6000 adaptable thing with the offsets same goes with performance chord three and I set it out again until performance score four six thousand drop the mode um Auto 0.075 uh performance score five six thousand abductive mode Auto 0.75 as well uh performance course six six thousand same settings as previously uh performance course seven six thousand as well uh this is just to make sure that unable to synchronize with the term and velocity and all that so you know it normally does get on the last course it does get to the one set by 59 and 56 is able to actually get to 6 000 things through the whole thermal velocity boost strategy going on here so um for efficient core I want to sync all cores uh set it up to 4 300 megahertz here a specific fishing course I set it to 43 for first uh group zero adopted Mo Auto to 0.75 I also uh efficient uh Core Group 1 43 and same goes with the number uh for group two I set up by 32 I leave it like that because that was exactly how it was that for previously I found out that when I tried to overclock it they cause some some stability on my end group three I did set up to 43 also it's pretty much about um close to how it was by default here um looks like I can change this so I'll just go ahead and put this here it looks like the last previous settings was set to that so I'm actually just gonna go ahead and set it up this way better because it looks like the other settings have the 0.8 here so I just eat and again are there Benchmark and everything uh everything actually passed so I'm setting this I'm changing this the um the offset to from um 0.75 to zero point eight in this case because I found that course to do it even when I did it with intercore xpin tuning here so um yeah so when back here making sure that I didn't miss anything sometimes we miss here and you know it can be a pain here for every extra little controls um I went here said the user specified on the Russian officer to per core Rush limit and change the mvx2 ratio offset to six um did your vrm I changed from um low CPU low line calibration to level six normally by the full Macy's level two level three um blacks is the thermal velocity boost this is the option that you want to enable that um and that is where the strategy goes to so for TV voltage movement session I disable that and HTTP disabled that um the reason why is because I found out the Intel extreme tuning um normally May automatically adjusted previously and restart and I found that this had to do with the BIOS and so um the normally the temperature for B actually sometimes changing from like on my first temperature a let's say for core a it was 68 degrees and temperature B was 74 degrees or even sometimes 68 which is almost about the same which that kind of make no sense already in that case um overclocking TBB enable them which basically you get this group for course one two eight um you want to enable that I set temperature a to 68 degrees negative ratio of the 80 user specifies set it to 1 normally said I want negative One automatically is one temperature be to 100 degrees you can set up to 115 degrees for specifically for the ks which normally you can still run to up to 115 degrees without having much problem in this case even 100 degrees will be fine for the ks being a Hot Chip I heard from the regular K you can run up to 100 and still be okay especially if you're in a bench or stress testing in this case but massage just try getting this lower than uh than 100 100 degrees in this case which is what I accomplished in this case my previous first video when I bought my computer I was able to get it to 62 6300 megahertz but then my temperatures were pretty much about 99 to almost 100 degrees and all that and forth but with the new strategy I was able to actually get it down below 91 degrees which is actually good with you know a good amount of of law to use and especially when not under load um normally I did notice that much of wattage like Watts span on on you know stresses you know and and send a bench with the new and old version it wasn't hugely difference just because with the updated one I think cinemage they actually take about 236 or 3002 uh wall to wire on the old um on the old strategy it they take about 242 but sometimes a lot of times yeah I end up actually getting to over 300 325 Watts which with the new strategy and offset it's definitely a huge change guys almost like you know sometimes over 100 degrees or you know or 50 degrees or so it's it's definitely a huge difference anyways uh negative ratio offset B uh ratio offset um to zero for this is for the temperature b side this is because I disabled that part um for the P chord one and B chord two so on Peak uh two active which 68 degrees user specified to 1 and 100 degrees also for a negative pressure offset is to specify and zero as well for Three core enable 70 degrees user specified to one ratio um temperature being 90 degrees negative ratio of sub B to user specify ratio of so one core enable 70 degrees user specified to 1 and 90 degrees negative research users specify one uh 70 degrees you should specify it to 1 90 degrees temperature B with uh ratio offset one six score is 60 degrees with offset 190 degrees temperature B um rest offset one for PSI and seven core 75 degrees to ratio offset to 85 Degrees temperature be with ratio offset one uh a core 75 degrees you should specify with pressure off 62 also temperature be 85 degrees here and so uh resurfs is one uh this two normally I leave it by default and not touch in this case um the next one is I sent the global um core um SIV voltage to adapt the mode this is the section here where you underboat so anybody wondering about what where the over on the wall is it's going to be the offset voltage for additional turbo mode CPU core voltage you can set up any number there but I decided to live in Auto for this case uh it's here to 0.75 I'm going to just go ahead and set up to 0.08 um and then just lastly unable to hide the rim voltage Bowl let's also have with raminos so I said this fuel both to 1.45 and 1.45 so the key voltage as well um so yeah this is pretty much it when it comes to that um there's you know again you guys can change and update this to your liking based on your configuration and strategy uh mine's work here another good settings to make sure keep an eye is um PC um H configuration and PCI Express configuration if anybody here has a ricer cable that you're attaching your CPU GPU make sure that you guys you check this option and make sure that you change phone Auto to the generation you're using in my case uh I use an RTX 4090 with the terminal take um racer cable that runs PCI 4.0 in this case I will change it to generation four and that's what I did because some people they reported traveling at the experienced some glitches and flowings going on and I found that it was out of more and that kind of actually resolved that so after you finish you're going to go ahead and change changes you'll notice that the difference that happened between this and then press OK and normally that will um reset here um there's a chance of course because I was in every nation it may not fully update and make sure in the um Intel extreme tuning app um but there's a chance he may not second as well but anyways that's completely fine because my last configuration they have that and that was still stable in this case which is completely okay because that you know thanks to the on the voting that actually reduces amount of voltage here going on here so um in here is basically what I have previously in here that was my last test this is actually the first thing I did and that was with all CCT uh occt basically uh gave me um pretty much some of the numbers here um this was my previous numbers here for anybody wondering um so basically um yeah the highs I was able to get at least uh for vid 1.3 uh three four A4 uh the max I was getting to package mode is 91 degrees which you guys can see is definitely a good change and that um with the highest hardest one was um pretty about yeah pretty much about B core seven as I say it's pretty hot um cord there uh with e-course pretty much remain the same because I mean it's really it's been actually doing well in this case with you know with uh goes here um for what uh it was usually about 213.15 Watts with um occt normally the 213 only was there for just a little bit and then it was running between 198 to 203 watts in this case which is a pretty good um the they actually throttle between uh 6000 megahertz from most of the course here but then after gold running stresses for a couple minutes it then went down to all the way to 70 um not 74 but 5400 megahertz between 53.99 to 54 megahertz in 1021 about 56 which is you know it's definitely not a huge deal for me in this case so um yeah I know the course is running about 43 um megahertz in this case so you guys give you an idea with that this actually passed without any um kind of Errors which in my previous one I did has some arrows um and I found that you know a couple of them were due to the on the voting part but that's because I did some excellent changes like like the surveillance one of the e-course but it didn't work the best out in this case uh cinebench also passed um I found that I was in the bench that was actually um the um that was actually the the one that gave me the highest um the highest actually um both kitchen also so that was um um let me see guys yeah so that uh Cena bench was actually the one that gave me about uh the most what um what's spent it took me I spent about almost 236 Watts um of course getting also the temperature around um 90 90 degrees 91 degrees actually Celsius so um that was the most actually got it compared to um you know uh occt got me through pretty much to what you guys saw uh on on here pretty much here and that was you know 91 degrees with San Adventure they actually reach about about 90 degrees I will say uh I'm almost about the same but yeah it has been a little bit more wattage is more trick city than actually the with um with you know all CCT and cinnamon Square pretty much about the same but just in a bench display and a little bit more wattage in this case which you know it's not a big deal because it's too many people complains that even from the K they're spending over 250 Watts uh some even almost 4 100 which is a lot and I mean think about you guys know that the ks is a really hardship so it's it's also great to know that I was able to get it down to at least below 254 stress and cinebench and that's and we're talking about this right Cinema bench benchmarking and bench testing and um uh stress tests which normally um by gains and all that it'd probably just be way less than that so you know maybe I'll be getting that that's less than 200 um you know what's in this case who knows you know we have to do some more tests with this um and lastly there was 3D Mark which in this case um I was able to um to get this to about pretty much about 212 um um watts and it was still you know it was it did good they actually this amount with actually under 90 degrees so um 3D Mark and all them did really well especially with temperature wise it actually I was very impressed that it I was able to not even get to 90 degrees with even the hardest ship core which is for core seven which about 94 degrees but of course also to be like a little bit high but he actually did a really good job on that so a summary here it's um as you guys remembering from the BIOS this is exactly this I did I compare take some pictures exactly and show exactly so when you guys are checking a couple places make sure you check what the temperature for TV is is make sure the pressure core make sure you check the performance for cold tuning uh check H to see what your configuration is see as I said in my studio 4 it was the full in here as well and I tried to put it by default voltage but it didn't work previously so I set it up by default and and it's exactly how it set up in there so um so yeah I just didn't refresh and it did update to the 0.08 80 degrees here so it actually did updated but in any way I may just run on the test to see but um yeah so so far um it looks pretty much about my pre-settings so I may estimate that I may use slightly a little bit less what is what the underboat going on um and I'm just planning to leave it to about six thousand I wanted to get back to 62.63 but I think it's not really worth because I have I didn't see much of a huge difference especially with FPS and all that um in the country I uh previous version I was only able to overclock to 62 for about two cores um I believe so yes about two three cores while on this one unable to level custom six thousand two on five course um with uh six and seven leave it 59 I know in the all separation also a person that um or configuration it was 59 on three I believe um but on this one but I was able to get five um of course I had to reduce the seven core to 56 but again that's completely fine so um this did a great job I am um very satisfied personally with how the temperature is um I mean I'm sure you guys many of you guys can agree for those who has the ks or and k um my previous link by stock I was getting about almost 325 Watts even when you know of course by 10 bench testing and all that but even but by when it it was not even under load I was just spending about almost sometimes to 263 Watts just by nothing which right here you guys can see um if I just clear minimum mix here and you guys can see the minimum running it's less than 100 Watts even being under worldwide the oil configuration it was almost 170 but most money many times it went to 211 210 even on one gaming was 260 to sometimes 300 words um you know especially and like I said on now on the law like under this conditions it sometimes even went to about 200 watts in this case here you guys can see the difference even when now on the low it's less than 100 watts and you know it was definitely great so um see here one loads when temperatures definitely good it does intend to go to 6000 megahertz and op cores um and temperatures you guys can see it's pretty much running good um the minimum it's about 37 35 and and you know especially when it's cooled down the ambient temperature is down it tends to be cooler it's because I live in an environment where it's very humid um inside so it's you know even wear conditions so it's actually um doing a great job I can't imagine how low it's going to be probably on the winter time so right now it's just like in the mornings it tends to be like around 34 degrees minimal and I I mean even when it was 62-63 degrees it was the minimum amount of of temperature it was running around like 40 between 45 uh money times to 50 degrees Celsius um maximum about sometimes to 82 degrees or 74 or 75 degrees Celsius when not being loaded and stuff why now it's you know it it's free of refreshing seeing sometimes this you going below 40 degrees and then of course many times it says about between 41 to 45 degrees sometimes maximum about 50 um to 64 degrees Celsius which is a definitely a difference and as you guys can see just like now for you know after showing you guys this and refreshing this uh Maximo just went to about 65 degrees as I was staying in here so it's been around it's normally the maximum phase there and but normally you can see it you know it tends to go fast to a high temperature and then goes down and say it's like idle State you know like basically you know state that so um you as you guys can see in the minimal um um you know in the value which coin going on the minimal value how it is and uh you know value itself it's you know it's going on but so of course 48 um on the core Max but you know all the nice about 51 things like that so it's not it's not doing that bad especially because it is a little bit humid inside but you know it's it's it's actually doing a pretty job good job here and as you see that what's is that from less than what I was using before so it does pull me saves me a low electric bill if you guys wondering um you know definitely edit this in the Bios especially if you guys can uh um you know if you guys have Aces motherboards and you guys cannot enable the settings to um um you know to restore tune enough to reboot I can fortunately because it seems to be a bug even after updating bias and everything um so in my case I decided to just edit bios which is easier better and efficient because that stays there permanently and you don't have to worry about you know you know going to this restarting it and then of course you do have the option in this case to save it I do have a profiles there you just go show value and then apply and that will edit there um if you guys have the option to enable that then when it's you compare has to reboot this will normally start and it will just go back to the tuning and stay there but many of us find that going to the boss which is better and you know and in there so just use the extreme utility just as a reference to see what works for you and then just add the final numbers into the files you know um just make sure you pay attention to each of them exactly how it is that works well for you than it does so yeah and again it does save a lot of uh for me to save a lot of electricity going going from 324 at least maximum at least 260 in under and normally when it's down below to you know to best amount of temperature so it definitely does um a great job um as you guys can see Stu under 100 was here uh at least for this and um you know temperature wise to being around the 65 degrees so yeah um anyways this is the the the magic or the great work on the bulletin your CPU it does do a great job I'm sure for those with the k um you know at least you get at least to the same kind of similar frequencies you need to probably hire you know your voltage and even underboating will just be a little similar that's what makes the ks a little bit special because the ks is the same as the K it's just a bind the CPU with better performance meaning it's like a silicon library that you win uh with a K but it just becomes a KS just because that is how Intel normally says that they said those CPUs aside and then they test them and of course they resell it for a little bit slightly higher price um so you know but the good thing is that you can undervote the CPU and then still overclock it to almost about the sour amount in my case like you see unable to still get 6 000 megahertz of course with the term of velocity boost it does reduce when the temperature goes through higher but that is actually not bad at all I don't see much drop in performance um and it still does a great job um in pretty much anything you know so it's it's pretty satisfying anyways it's still does a great job it does reach my goal in keeping this below 100 degrees again even I can still get to 150 degrees and still not experience that big issue like at the before because I I didn't have many problems but it has you know again I was tired of that much wattage in that case and I knew that exactly that I could under post so um you know that was a risk that you know either paid the ks and just continue because new we all know when you go into the ks and the K you're expecting to have spent harm more about it you know what's in electricity and that stuff it is a power hungry CPU but you do have the ability if everything goes on the road perfectly just like it did um you can still save a good concert amount of money in your electric bill and at the same time be able to overclock it at least that the stock settings normally with triple Bulls I believe well one or two cores will get to about 60 200 I mean 6 000 megahertz but in my case again with even underboating I was at least able to get um um pretty much all the P cores to 6000 or at least pre-set in that case so yeah even though it's set to five course of six thousand to 59 and a core eight again it can still run about uh 6000 megahertz when it's under the temperature that you set pretty much in the um you know in pretty much in in the TV view temp one in Tab 2 in this case um if it does then of course um you guys may see in the last data that it may just reduce to about the lowers I went to about 53.99 to 54 100 megahertz um again it's not a big deal I don't see much difference there so it's still when it comes to gaming um I do a lot of time to see it better go until 56 because you know right now not unexpected dropped up that much when gaming only is a bit slightly so many times when I do benchmarks uh when I set up I do see that it's pretty much going about um 56 to sometimes 5900 megahertz when gaming all that so it you know again we see the temperature here and all that because obviously um one thing that affects is ambient temperature and at the same time um you know all the factors and um in in temperature of course goes to your higher when you're doing um bench testing and stress testing because that pulls more work into the CPU than of course with gaming you expect to get less all right everyone so I hope that this video helps understanding how to basically on the boat and um overclock your CPU this is part two of the video of how to actually do it directly from the BIOS instead of using the the Intel extreme opportunity if you like this video please do give a like And subscribe below I do really appreciate um anyone that can subscribe and definitely give like this helps me out a lot especially because I am actually grown here um I only have to upload a couple of few videos and so I want to be able to definitely set up more videos um soon as well um I do plan to set up one with the new Samsung um all the csd7 for the 57 inch monitor um and so if you guys do give um if I do have specific good amount of subscription subscribers and likes I definitely will be able to go ahead and set that video with some more reviews of that so please definitely support me in this case if you guys do like the information I provided um and we definitely do so so thank you all for your time and you all have a great um night or day
Channel: Khaos
Views: 6,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asus Z790 Apex, Bios, Intel Thermal Velocity Boost, Intel extreme tuning utility, TVB, i9 13900K, i9 13900KS, i9-13900K, i9-13900KS, overclocking, undervolting
Id: RqkkL-q3lEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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