Undertale 2 is HERE! | Deltarune

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to JT live GT vines GT live I like saying it that way that's it's it's more upbeat than it is GT live we we totally trust that you guys know the ending we have not seen much of this online I know we are excited to get also because this is it's just an interesting time on YouTube I know because a lot of like you know the markiplier and jacksepticeye of the world are busy with their tours these days no one actually like none of the like big big guys have really played this I don't think so today account as gamers don't Jack does check still gamer marks order lines no 550 50 PewDiePie's long gone at this point yeah it's really interesting and then everyone else plays for tonight really that's what welcome to the internet you have game grumps you still do random still do like they don't wanna beat of their own drum yeah they're off they do a lot of like unusual games they're cool they still ask you in council area anyway but yeah it's an interesting mix but yeah so here we go undertale - I'm excited hopefully you guys are excited hopefully the lag is gone and stays gone that let's get out our - shall we so Chris told me not to open it yeah it's because apparently something happens at the beginning so that's that's all I know at this point let's do it yeah apparently labeled survey program which is also interesting to me do you want to maximize it oh it's Kim are you afraid of dark oh yes I am there are we connected I don't know the lag is gone your I know hopefully yeah hopefully the answer to that is yes are we connected oh man excellent great truly excellent yeah indeed we established that it's excellent now period we made again yeah I called it I called it a told it was begin totally wrote this game me huh first you must create a vessel huh look the head that you prefer weird vessel okay so these are all like frisks hair like would you like disheveled emo disheveled Oh Oh dreadlock bloody disheveled no that's a that's a strand oh that's extreme ooh swoopy Oh Snoopy that's like that's like a soccer mom uh you got one is chopped like like like like chopped off survived a murder attempt there we go just ran through ran through a forest and survived the slasher prematurely balding hmm there we go and the emotional scoop right I don't know prematurely balding is a solid solid effort I'm liking that one a young professional look I'm also liking millennial frisk uh no I think we should go disheveled frisk which ones that the first girl they're all disheveled wait would you learn to this first one yeah the first one really I look at the last that's the last I like this one it's like you're not gonna take a liar moment anyway oh wait I want three let's go with that one let's go at this one select the torso that you prefer okay so if they were all the same oh okay I'm like what is the difference between these two it's a spot the difference game long-sleeve short-sleeve chunky long baggy sleeve chunky yet funky oh I guess I like her are thicker arms she's not at or are we going with frisk as he him or she her zere Oh thicker arms sleeves over top of the hands oh so like oh no introvert in pocket oh [ __ ] it's over it's in pockets or like hey jazzy collar with buttons oh I let you holler with button young professional frisk let's go this way alright we're such a fuddy-duddy select the legs so that you prefer so we got pants a few very simple activity oh sorry this one has the the larger leg on the left side I'm going this way I'm going large let go and reverse reverse reverse there we go there you go this is your body do you accept it I feel like this should be an easy question than yet I'm not sure right I feel like the answer should be no because I'd be like correct yes I feel like the correct answer is no actually for some reason do you accept it will say yes I feel like this is like a question about self-acceptance on a whole other level you have created a wonderful form body positivity now let us shape its mind as your own okay what is its favorite food what is its favorite whoo sweet soft sour salty pain ah yes ah that sweet sweet taste of pain and cold here in man salty gotta go those Pringles it's salty bad salty frisk is sake let's go salty yeah although pain is a very tempting choice yeah if you if you want it but I feel like that's not gonna bode well for us in the future it's gonna lead us directly onto a genocide or under something I don't know I'm so cure tale I'm just it's it's gonna be very interesting can you follow it up with something different that you can't you don't feel the same thing right which which is why I'm curious like yes it this seems to be very clearly setting up as a sequel or I don't know parallel what is your favorite what's your favorite blood type a a b b c a d aren't option they are not blood i've always been a fan of a b-boy baby too if you're not quite a you're not quite but you're a little bit of bull where's oh oh is it even an option here oh all right meme LCD we're gonna a B what color does it like most red blue green cyan Oh Oh all in on cyan not blue no cyan cyan is actually much better than blue it's true I like sign it a lot please give it a gift kindness mind ambition bravery or a voice ooh what would you give yourself uh honestly yeah I if I were to choose just in life what would you choose I would say either ambition or a voice honestly um I think being confident in your own voice and being able to speak your mind and not being afraid that's great the cup it's bravery but having a voice and knowing how to use it I think but you don't know how to use it cuz you didn't pick mine oh my lord I'm just I'm saying that's that's why this is so hard and I like it I love how kindness is not even on the team no and ambition I like because ambition gives you Drive ambition gives you something to shoot for and it gives you a motivation like if you look at these things kindness is a trait ambition is a goal like it gives you a goal that gives you a motivation bravery is a response to external forces and mind is that like congratulations your MA you got a we gotta break your like the Scarecrow and Wizard of Oz if you only had a brain what do you want to go with I was also thinking ambition or voice to be honest really yeah why um again because ambition gives you drive and ambition doesn't get you very far without saying something like without speaking up for yourself I'm also really curious about voice just because frisk in the first game was silent yeah so I think we go boy I think we go voice that's it I'm curious the did she like if you're able to talk or anything I'm curious why wonder what the chat voted for how do you feel how do you feel about your creation it will not here so that's so cool and it a little bit afraid of it right love hope disgust fear well so it's got a voice like salty things mm-hmm looks like this anything out like it's blood type a baby and it's blood type is a we don't really know I have hope for it okay good oh I hope for it uh have you answered honestly determination we can't pick determination ambition was another one voice and export ambition is like the equivalent of bravery kindness you know the bit was a bit split although a lot of people are just saying determination which was not the option are you answered honestly I'm gonna say yes yes absolutely what you acknowledge the possibility of pain and see you like yeah in general that that those things exist yes when you say seizure do you mean like physical seizure like I'm going to seize this thing yes sure sure understood name your vessel name hahaha I want to name it so curious hey are you kidding me wait it started it over what no way oh that's great why did it start it over I don't know cuz it's gaster and it broke it I don't know that's wild that's why you poop sorry I didn't know I was so curious yeah cuz you know an undertale when you would try to name things gasser like weird stuff would happen that's so interesting well something else happen if we name it sands I wonder I mean we could try you try a couple we have to go through this process it does a fan thing no this is no this is this is a realtor Fox relief yeah okay okay first yep yep okay oh my gosh shoot this is gonna take forever if you do maybe we should maybe we should try so yes okay we selected we selected the limo just go at Matt and move on right we selected the button dump we selected the last of the legs yep all the way to the end yeah the bigger leg on the left this is your creation right your body yep do you accept it yes see I think that's a question see it's weird I think if you say no it still moves forward my prediction would be it still moves sworn and now whether or not you accept it like determines whether or not it's a oh we said salty I want to keep it as consistent as possible okay your blood type is a B what color was cyan please give it a gift we gave it a voice how do you feel we feel hope have you answered honestly yes you acknowledge the possibility of pain and seizure yes understood okay yeah you want to try sands I don't I think I think we just do pad man all right sure why do you want any what you do sands sands I don't want to disappoint nothing ok back huh gastro just reset it that's weird and I bet that Matt I'm fine nothing all right yeah [Music] there we go good girl fat man we called it that Matt we called it that and what about the create or not that yeah great huh - matt has created [Music] matpat yep that's my name don't wear it out excellent yeah we just tried Sam don't try it first me there are those words I mean they work like we could have done without use the name they didn't reset the game like gaster yeah thank you thank you for your time you're welcome anytime bro state your answers your wonderful answer Oh wonderful creation hmm will now be oh yeah pooper no one can choose who they are ha wait really Chris god Chris what a bummer of a name am i right Oh Chris noble lineage y'all get out of here since cuz you miss installed the game or something isn't it you didn't do anything to get it to say Chris right oh man I wish I was that good huh all right Chris fine you don't wait Chris if you don't wake up Chris if you don't wake up we'll be late for school huh wow I will wait outside for you alright looks awfully frisky so it's not the hairstyle or body or anything that we chose nope so that's that is clear close this drawer closes a beautiful day outside this sound effect is from illusion of Gaia and the Enix games back in the day the drawer is mostly empty except for a school cross country shirt with a deep at area not a tear yeah so I'm an older kind of except on Chris so you older yeah or I mean I'm tall it looks like I'm taller and more emo there are some things under the bed classical jazz religious and ska or religious scholar is no comma between the tents so religious oh it's a niche market but it's there there's also a game console it has one normal controller in one knock off one as most do okay the same thing huh religious ska it's really I'm I mean I could get into some religious yeah it's a computer desk there are many boxes under it filled with old books how about this birdcage in my old red wagon it's a red wagon with the rusty birdcage yep looks like it's seen quite a few crashes hopefully your bit closer okay nice good rooms cool good room cool huh a cactus there's not much to say there are crayons in the drawer their labels have long faded and there's no green green Islamic I hate game theory because green is not a creative color that's why it's only you the door is locked right there is no green come on what green is not a creative color there are many books tales of snails a storybook snails do not have tails a scientific refutation can snails help spur garden oh really and a signed copy of the history of humans and monsters by Gerson boom that seems amulet rebel asks does it recognize the name set on the computer that would be wicked like I mean I could see that asks amulet that isn't how you spell crisps though now Chris is with the CH and the computer would be set to Jason and that the computer is set for Jason so there's a photo on the fridge it's a view your mother and your brother okay that's interesting there's some white fur stuck in the drain oh great there's some cinnamon tea batter baked on top top delicious cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters and gingerbread humans yes okay so we're in a world where there's both monsters and humans mixed in it's a trash can somehow it's emitting a pleasant floral scent nice those those Golay the glade scented bags landline phone but you already have cell okay it's a cherry 'el haha that's cute the Ville of the living room chair TV doesn't seem to even be plugged in all right this chair does not apparently warrant a description it's a box of hymns book of hymns sorry not to be confused with the box of hymns Chris there you are we might still be able to make it no shoot I didn't want it I want to explore the other room it's a beautiful day today is it not I hope it stays this way as real visits next week well so I got these next-gen graphics but oh wow after the excitement of university will he still enjoy coming home to this little town so Azrael is our man there waving you off to college a cat will he had one arm to point out his ailment a bit there's undying who has better eyes that's interesting [Music] [Applause] how convenient that this school is one parking lot space thank goodness parking at this school is literally the works if one person in there you're out of luck mister so Alfie's is a teacher hmm so does everyone have a you should you should be LP okay oh wait thought you weren't coming today I'm sorry you said sorry we're doing group projects this month so walk around and find a partner okay geez okay who is our partner gonna be I think we go with busy the snake no the snakes in the back of the class you want no yeah that's right well show you off the nerd up front get that blue jay you think blue jay yeah I think blue jay is not gonna want us because we're this we are a bum we are very clear the fact that they're surprised that we showed up I think is telling us about our personality what is that uh I think we go with the reindeer okay did you lose your pencil again don't weren't you listening to elfies just told me to find a partner Oh let's go candy cane huh you want to be partners huh sorry birdly already asked me oh but I'll be if we could make it a group of three that's very Oh team up with both the Nerds allowed if you're sure try keep asking people what's yes okay commit I'm gonna commit I'm confident in my choice I'm gonna say yes ask hey what no I do not approve of it Aybar Wow why are you so guy yeah I mean I don't remember what was got past these words the nerdy voice if you could know how why are you saying she was just I have knowing I have you got it yeah you tried out aggressive in so I think yeah so I'm like oh go for it staff complete she was find she was just saying we're fine being alone no out can you please wake up well oh man man someone's even later than I am it's it's Barney's like derelict barney is a social feature it's not even Susie it's 5:05 e5e5e5 e5e I have so many emotions about it yeah you want to do this one too no no please don't make it oh you're fine we were just choosing partners for the next group project yeah Suzie you're with Chris crap great shoot Hey well.there what my chance now that everyone's here I'll write the assignment cool I'll anyone that seen the truck this is the third time it's gone missing and you know I can't start class without some if no one speaks up everyone that's been troubled no anyone I hate when someone does something in the whole class gets they know that's the word that is unacceptable never mind right it's never my fault hey there might be a box in the supply closet good idea no well Suzie this is sense you came in last why don't you get it for me whatever Wow it's a forceful slam Chris can you go with her to make sure she actually gets it and thanks Chris see you later Wow I literally do don't deprive me of my education well Chris gets like the worst jobs ever it's just like here yeah Chris if I had arms I would take off his cool hat and remembrance of you the love the snake great fantastic Chris don't listen to him it's not that bad you'll probably survive Susie beating you know it's gonna fail when she doesn't do any of your project it's like we always say Chris you Sue's you Sue's you lose it's not very reassuring huh ah ha ha yo Chris I'm sorry if I wait longer to be your partner you wouldn't have had to be hers she's gonna pound you to pieces Chris great and then kick the butts of all those little pieces oh no not the pieces not the butts of the pieces no no he's but such so so many little BOTS to be kicked click click tap tap don't die thank you thank you cash person don't worry cuz I've only fun Susie can't be so bad you know I'm sure everything will turn out fine yeah what about this guy Chris didn't I say being late was a bad idea Oh almost as if you should have as they say listen they'll say as they said they the general would Suz they're mean said Tim talk stupid wrong Tim a smart Tim study hard then go to college yes that's the kind of awful stereotype you're the best hold up go out there anything I guess so yeah hold up looks like motivational quotes from various litter various literature try your best astral wolf that's like even in your naked savage spread the word like that one seems to be from a video game okay not the butts of the pieces right right the computers wallpaper is a rotating slideshow of nature images and rarely an image of two Buffs superheroes embracing blushing whoa is real uh also it's worth calling out the fact that like we came to school at like two o'clock I know we weren't even close you checked the time it seems to be time for class two o'clock like school is like let out at three four the latest right no it's not for what all going to go just eat the chalk oh that was a nice choice no I think ate a cigarette no that was a shot though Chris didn't see there hey you didn't see anything just now did you know it ain't drugs man yeh talk he's a jock you can't even say I gave her a voice hey come on zero you know you don't get what we want right oh no Chris oh no ya know ya do it no no kissing us she's guys guys hey oh oh no no no I'm going good this isn't going good places let me tell you a secret no no no no secrets no secrets Oh your secrets are no fun they should be shared with everyone quiet people piss me off [Music] right what the heck you think just cuz you don't say anything I can't tell exactly what you're thinking it's over I caught Suzy eating all the chalk see Oh what I don't I don't get it either Steph I'm just fascinated by the sweet sweet guitar licks why would you eat chocolate you could just eat neck oh maybe they're poor and need food remember this is undertale that might be it people give you an echo so you don't even have to you didn't you have a Necco wafers are great okay listen this was her laughs wonder if any we got neck O's for Halloween now she'll finally be expelled ha ha come on Chris don't act shocked you know it's true everyone's waiting for it everyone wants it hi so congrats Chris you got me I'm done there's some self sabotage going on here potentially right like this I was not thinking this at all I did not know your backstory huge gave me an idea that would have never occurred to me otherwise right who cares if you're eating job don't self-sabotage just let me say one little thing seems like a waste to get expelled just for having to snap so Chris if I know you're gonna pull the trigger hey why don't I just get expelled for some real coffee Oh Chris how do you feel whoa whoa about losing your faith losing my face uh-oh [Music] wait are you kidding me it's gonna eat my face what like I thought that was like a figure of speech of like I'm going to beat up your face but no it was scootsie what is literally going to eat my face know what Oh Chris you've got a good mother what oh thank you thank you for noticing she is she's pretty swell it'd be ashamed to make her bury her child what this escalated quickly from just a little a little chalky nibble to to death threat dude what is this the Internet you you do you man if you want to eat chalk eat all the chocolate judge I also enjoy the sweet taste of Necco wafer right I'm right there with you Fred it's I want to beat him up sometimes for it too but I don't want to eat my face - Stephanie definitely frequently when I might my face come on man all right call this better candy out there great all right let's get this over with we'll get more choc mosey back to class and then Chris you'll do our project how's that sound bad don't don't bother answering oh I wonder if I could have answered if I answer faster if you haven't gotten it by now your choice it ha ha ha ha ha your choices don't matter so you said don't do undertale if you're doing undertale to undertale was all about choice yeah undertale - is all about choices don't matter I'm seeing the same your choices don't matter but they do maybe let's go freak huh you look through the frosted window a blurry yellow object is teaching a bunch of blurry bored looking subjects objects alright the lockers locked the lockers lock is locked the locker is covered in jocking teen memorabilia the lockers locked Walker is locked the locker is locked ok great coming are you ready for the Sadie Hawkins dance hey at this dance all the chaperones but will jet we're we're giant Hawk heads that would be great screeching any students that make contact will dancing now it wasn't a great high school dance love it Chris what realized the baby classroom was a better fit for you hey actually I should come with you maybe I'll find a better partner in there actually let's not you drank from the water fountain yeah people put their mouth on that you know yeah yeah wrong way Chris it's always the risk you're taking me Chris you're just gonna skip school what am I supposed to snitch on you that'd be rich huh now I wouldn't get back here that's nice of you that you wouldn't snitch on me look right very differently God can you walk any slower what negative not used to walking around with someone holding your hand come on freak the Uyghurs cool varsity and what gamer says oh my god this is really weird well you can walk fast faster if you press shift apparently says C D and Q well here's the closet too bad we were just starting to have fun I start heavy now and it's like no one was having fun here I was started having fun the second you stop threatening to eat my face is it fan-made no this is an official game this is official undertale 200 l see this is not fan mail this is actually released from toby fox as of like two days ago he had a 24-hour embargo on it this is official this isn't a fan game gesture k76 says Suzy be addicted to chalk and about to be addicted to face once you've had my face you don't go back frog says don't you just hate it when you get expelled for eating chalk hey Chris is it me or is it really dark in there hmm yeah I'm moderately guy what's the holdup Chrissy gonna go in or what honestly I just feel really bad for Suzie do you know how few bad like the bathroom visits must be after eating all that chalk sign if you're gonna be a wimp than out Dan here stand here I'm Darrell so the faces that Suzie makes are very scary hey that's the Julie face that's I think her gritted teeth face ah I think those are her teeth at first I'm like she's like bleeding from a lip but no I think that's gritted teeth all right but both going at the same time all right wow this is the most enormous closet ever see by you so scared there's nothing in here but old papers let's try to find a light switch usually it's near the door Chris if you leave me here I'll apparently my choices don't matter so Chris if you leave me here all okay so doesn't seem like I can change they're really looking for a light switch friend not friend bully right looking for the light switch misunderstood bully dude I got nothing that's weird I can't find switch yes it's further in no rarely is it now we're like Narnia territory here you want to go further into closet and then the lion the witch and the supply closet the horse the frisk and the supply closet uh kind of big for a closet huh you think we'd have reached the end by now [Applause] and come on looking the chronicles of undertale hey Chris I think this closets a broken there aren't any walls well apparently there are enough walls to keep me on this very linear path right Kapaa Susie no just saying well we worked hard enough if elfies wants so they are called by their names if elfies wants chalk so bad you get herself let's lit alright let's go back really no no exploring the closet to become a great adventure what hey this is the morning let us out let us use the floor is lava what that's weird floor is lava chillin Wow all right oh that's gonna hurt oh no we've entered the under tail underworld the under carriage okay really oh man look at my swell out yeah this is awesome you're also a smurf right I may be this is maybe my skin's cyan wait oh no this isn't my character I was gonna say maybe this is my character because I chose cyan but it's not because the hair and body are different yeah they're different and clearly this person doesn't like coffee snacks at times you see it flickering the light only you can see by second nature you reach out and hey oh I guess it did safe alright so I met Pat now cool I met Pat knows me as the player out of the player character that I created yep [Music] hello hello it's like a game piece from the game sorry hello hello game pieces from sorry it's [ __ ] I think it's like a golf tee that's trying to shake the golf ball off of time ste dark to see anything new and it bothers me that you guys are in opposite directions now right it's too dark to see anything okay look it's an ibop apparently that eyeball is not worth mentioning in any way shape or form so that's that's cool that all of these are too dark to see anything yeah it seems like they are few dark yeah yeah we know weird sugar blob hmm oh no I've ended up in Susie's gut that's the choice video oh oh that's gonna cause some problem we're way out right we warned you about the digestive issues that eating Necco wafers causes who is got a spark oh there we go there's something glowing inside take it yeah dude yeah you got the glow shard right it's good this game is so weird you second-guess everything these everything you do I get up glow glow shard a shimmering char its uses unknown okay that's cool okay boss key I got a cell phone he knew three calls you tried to call on the cell phone [Music] it's on 3G right now oh boy does he work it yes Inc all right let's go past the teddy bear shape down so everything got darker when I picked up the clothes yard right like these used to be brighter white another thing I did that I thought so hello hello Oh what are you doing what are you doing don't know there's no need for that come on now hey hey little guys shoot I shouldn't have taken a glow shower huh all my choices didn't matter game no I think you should have taken the glow shard you bathed your body and the light the power shines within you breaking through the darkness pain you had melted away all right again because the oh I'm at the I puzzle in this land only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way okay only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way so oh I see okay this is what I thought one of these classics so that would just be this and this one right right yeah now come on too bad nailed it too dark okay hey guys don't please don't shoot your little balls at me right hey chalk what we released its spores into the wild I know right I'm on wall dead I'm unclogging Chris's digestive system one lock file at a time oh there's someone there's someone in the distance is there yeah here Bob Bob Bob hey hey back off come any closer al sorry Suzy's digestive system Chris whew hey don't scare me like that dummy yo man unless you want to unless you want to get clocked in the face yeah anyway enough screwing around we got to find a way out of here I'm out of here like Wally Frank's um where is here anyway well doesn't matter you got us into this mess you get us out I got a party member lead the way Chris you've got a really cool eighties punk rock outfit right you got a cool vibe down yeah never mind you walk way too slow okay you didn't even give me a chance look at emo you got a sweat I was holding shift in everything Susie hey Chris there's something up there weaving at us any idea what they want hmm it's turnip man Oh Spade man run Chris oh boy avoid speed man speed man no looks like you've been dealt a bad hand Oh oh good music undertale music we didn't make you the Queen of Hearts ah what if I just died don't do that yeah that would be cool it's not yet right there's plenty of time there's plenty of time we did it Chris down here for jumpers mean men hi boom whoa oh sweet great Wow Spade man is everywhere right I like that we're just eight man is all around that this is also the longest so long as the leads to flight down ever ooh we've entered the under underworld now man who knew all this was in a closet in our school hey hello oh you're not dead sweet yeah indeed got any idea what the heck this place is me neither wonder if there's anyone in that building up there I do too but first I want to see if there's anything on this pathway to your right now really not good hello wait it's locked also like it's locked so an item shop like a weapon shop snipers got going on this is very a cabinet of dr. Caligari which is cure of an expressionist it's considered to be the first ever horror movie but this aesthetic reminds me of it where the houses are all forget it's very cool in front of you a castle Lulu's beneath the empty town a black geyser emerges from it piercing endlessly above the sky the power of this place shines within you save it castle town great you it all right do it let's go to castle town hello all right a castle why the heck is there a castle inside of supply clouds it's a great question welcome heroes I'll do it who's there do not be alarmed I'm not your enemy I am NOT the enemy please come forward both of you I am The Wizard of Oz no wait I am the welcome I am the prince of this kingdom this is similar to the river I am in you walk the kingdom of darkness oh no Chris scusi there is a legend in this land legend that one day two heroes of light will arrive not me and fulfill the ancient prophecy foretold by time and space please heroes listen to my tale my undertale no really I don't know what do you wanna know yeah um Freddy are you sure it's fairly important in my opinion it's a really nice prophecy I think you'd quite like it oh I feel bad for this guy listen we already know it up we know it already huh I don't know it already maybe it's just a skip maybe it's just this skip mechanism it might be all right we'll listen great once upon a time the legend was whispered among shadows great it was a legend of hope and a dream nearly it was a legend of light and dark this is the legend of Delta Delta rune undertale backwards for millennia light and dark have lived in balance bringing peace to the world but if this harmony were to shatter a terrible calamity would occur there would be no more Netflix oh the sky will run black with terror and the land will crack with fear also no Netflix then her heart pounding mr. I don't know the earth will draw her final breath bother her only men shining with hope three heroes appear at worlds edge like every trope of every video game ever hey human a monster and a prince from the dark seas at you yeah only they can seal the foundations or fountain fountains and banish the angels heaven Wow get out of here heaven we don't want you only then will be fair and the world is saved from destruction today the fountain of Darkness the geyser that gives this land form stands tall at the center of the kingdom but recently another fountain has appeared on the horizon there could only be one fountain guys right too many found the game of counters and with it the balance of light and dark begins to shift gets a shifty oh yeah gotcha fifty Kris Suzy thank you for listening to my long tale I deeply believe you two are the heroes of legend let me guess you're the third one because you guys of course you are soaked in mystery that despite whatever enemies you may face you too have the courage to save the world oh yeah actually I have determination to save the underworld right the courage to save them hmm all right Delta warriors please won't you accept your destiny what me some kind of hero or something you've got the wrong person but Sussie without you the world well so what the world gets destroyed it's none of my damn business oh man might even be kind of fun honestly well shucks anyway Chris if you want to play pretend with this weirdo stick around I'm gonna find a way out of here okay wait [Music] haha the heroes are already running away and they didn't even know I was here so this is speed man you can tell ya peed on his head my dad's gonna make me son of the month who the hell are you I'm the bad guy you clouds want to seal our dark mountain huh and still picturing you guys as clowns save the world from Eternal Darkness huh don't try to deny it we both know you'll go east it's your only way home but I Lancer won't let you go there and I've gotta put all this two-step plan to ensure step one I thrash you step two you lose oh good flawless it burned f3 prophet hmm nice plan kid no Rick really yeah actually uh mind if we use it on you instead oh oh oh we got a fight going on now act this is like a cross between us some reminiscent of like a little bit of curvy and can you go [ __ ] down a Mario RPG I think item spare well we could spare him there's no runaway which is I was trying to see if there's a runaway can Ice Bear should I spare bear Lancer I feel like this is not not the moment to spare Lancer Chris spared Lancer but its name wasn't yellow okay okay apparently I know on something else weird apparently Suzi takes it oh hey take lo away okay know how I got next but uh like net that's cool axe Lancer warning you tell lamps are to watch out for Suzy's attack he readies himself what I love to get thrashed just kidding no don't hit me well I got whoa whoa whoa wait whoa now our about TP 16% I don't know Lancers riding it out ackd Lancer check Lancer attack seven defense one not to call a spade a spade but he's a spade not old enough to ride a motorcycle so he set his bike on fire great so what are you guys doing after this don't go hit me okay so if so it looks like if I'm close to the attack I get like that TP point yeah you tell Lancer you can't tell the difference between his clothes and his body that night he seemed flattered to the tech power went down oh you make me my feelings do wheelies sweet wheelies there we go so I got 20% oh wait wait a second my bikes running out of fuel all right you punk aru's you have the luck of the draw this time but next time the losers will be you by users I gotta get home before dinner all right you won got zero XP and $35 dollar dollar bills woo woo oh you two okay um allow me to introduce myself more properly I am jeez can you take off that hood I can barely hear you under there nope alright vegetable man hello everyone I am RAL sorry LC which is as rely Chris Susie it is ever so wonderful to meet you oh you can actually tell because the the years are the same in the outline I'm certain we are going to become great friends and best way to leave is east right yes that's where will got it see it's cool Chris um I suppose it's just the two of us then Chris I'm a prince but I am currently don't have any subject I've been waiting alone here my whole life for you to live so I'm really happy to meet you that's nice I hope we can be good friends Chris great yeah let's try to find Suzy you must be to the through the southeast you can lead the way Chris don't trust Chris to lead the way I don't know what you're thinking I'll go this way hey Chris I really think we should catch up with Suzy we can come back here after our venture is over and then I can bake you a yummy cake that's very thoughtful Chris perhaps we should save the world first it seems a bit important Chris perhaps we should save the world first it was a very important yeah I'm just gonna slowly saunter [Music] Rousey the lowly prince is now your ally the power of fluffy boys shines within you yup we're oh yes by the power of fluffy boys yeah it looks like a shot but the door's locked oh it's gonna be a weapon shop the in the items store and the question mark we didn't simply call it out earlier I did but that's a big boy shoot how did Lancer get up there I suppose he rode his bike up the side of the club [Music] Oh Chris it's the training dummy I mean now it seems like a great chance to prepare for the enemy who'd like me to teach you how to fight yeah that's great okay get ready Chris see that parked Chris that's your soul the culmination of your being within it holds your will your compassion and the fate of the world it gets hit you and your friends will lose HP everyone's HP reaches zero we'll lose the battle I think you got that take care avoid the enemy's attack ready everyone have their own let's try dodging so does everyone have their own HP hearts or good job Zola after the enemy attacks it's our turn grade first I'll teach you how to fight though fighting is unnecessary in this world huh there's no harm in a thorough lesson and she stay let's try fighting 200 I'm assuming I'm supposed to hit it at the base yeah by the way you'll do more damage pressing Z when the cursor enters the box on the left yeah that's I figured okay next let's try defending simply defend and enemy's attack will hurt me less not only that but you'll also gather TP watch the orange big bar on the left I'll explain that next okay so we're gonna defend great job Chris now that you've gathered GP about spending that depend on my spells because you hit the enemy enough it gets tired because you hit the enemy anafi got tired now if I use my pacify spell on it it'll fall asleep and will win peacefully at the truth day let's try spells is here pacify heal prayer very tired foe or healing allies guess pacify great Chris we would have won the battle by now now I just have a little more to teach you okay acting through this even the most violent enemies can be defeated through various acts of kindness really though it can pacifist run them ie Chris so it's not just though it's just a dummy why not give it a try a hug oh that's nice okay so the dummy is tired right all I want to hug all see you lager all see Chris Chris fight I didn't think this is what you're supposed to be sweet let's act oh wait that's okay @w check and you check cotton heart and button eye looks just like a fluffy guy huh sorry it kind of looks like me I've been alone so I didn't have anyone to model this after all I'm glad I gave you a hug Chris since it's me be kind to it please okay oh that's so sweet Pat fired hug hug it you hug the dummy oh that's great Chris each enemy has different acts that satisfy them when an enemy is satisfied its name turns yellow there you go when that happens you can defeat it by sparing it if we spare all the enemies we meet we'll never have to fight huh why do I have a feeling that this is not gonna matter not gonna matter yep ha Chris bear dummy great job Chris that'd be the end in a real battle I'm really happy I had the chance to teach you Chris you won two bucks does it bother you that Chris is risk missing Mia ha I didn't even think about that but you're totally right it's just missing the ass it's really annoying oh that's funny the others are in the grounds but this one's missing something that's funny good one yeah here we go you're a wonderful student and in case you ever need a refresher I hear I wrote a manual for you in sofy press B to open the menu great all right you got the manual fantastic ok it's just a dummy oh my the great door is open no wonder Lancer was able to come through Chris once we pass through this door our adventure will really begin a journey foretold exactly by the prophecy clause the Chris choices don't matter ha ha I believe your choices are important too huh this with all kinds of people Chris in the end how we treat them makes all the difference huh huh so let's try our best to get by without finding the fact that the game is trying to get us to now there's a it's meaningless right if we can manage to do that I believe this tale may have a happy this tale is not gonna have a happy ending no matter what we do there's no Chris is gonna end up like brutalized in some way and it's gonna be just some like depressing dear Dan five euro on it otherwise I fear that you may not find the results favorable oh I'm sorry is that too much to ask you can handle it I can handle it Chris I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you right media Chris was a hero let's try our best alright alright well boy here we go once more into the breach everyone just slams the doors all the time these people what a nice and gentle shutting okay now with the door closed behind you your adventure will truly begin the power of adventure shines within you alright oh man uh it was really fun so far this is interest yeah I'm really I think this is really interesting this seems like a good breaking point um for our Friday we have to we have to go and pick up Oliver this really this is interesting so again if you're a tuning in late this is the official undertale to like this is a Deltora this is it I mean and yes it's an anagram for undertale I know some of some people have that realization like an hour into this I didn't realize the frisk League though good job that one is interesting to a couple other people I've seen since I mentioned it pointed out as well alright so yeah this is this is the official one I don't know how much of it exists it's I don't know if this is the full game if this is a demo if this is a chapter we're gonna find out oh if it's just a little prank right but it is available for you to play through I think it's Delta Room calm just look up Delta rune you'll be able to find it alright oh yeah that's right it was on his Twitter that was on the Delta Delta rune calm you can play through it yourself I think we're gonna continue this on Monday yeah this will be really fun come back on Monday yeah come back on Monday we're gonna dance again yeah we'll play as much of it as exists we're gonna find out together where this goes but this is officially undertale too and I mean very clearly it's parallel names Graham names similar character models very interesting and I yeah I'm I'm kind of guessing that you're right I think it's gonna be something that involves no choice yeah I think I think what they're after the last game I think yeah because the first game involves so much choice and you really dictated the direction of things and this one's already about prophecies this adventure you're fated to go on and Susie constantly being like your choices don't matter he'll predetermined it's at all everything is predetermination or predestination and the fact that the game is really pushing us in the direction of sparing people I think that that is already indicative of like it may or may not have any results on this being happy ending or otherwise yeah so I'm really curious to see where this goes I'm really excited about it come join the adventure with us I'm gonna stay as blind to this as possible while we play through it so there yeah so there you go ladies and gentleman that is undertale to download it play for yourself to see where it goes yeah and we'll see you back here on Monday yeah we will be back here on Monday 4 o'clock p.m. Pacific time same channel as well so thank you for joining us have a great weekend and remember that is just a stream live a stream remember your choices do matter butterfly effect let's look about Jeff all right well the chat still catching up to the button saying bye but first time live stream says Austin uh Yuki common half to you Louie de dilatory says by Alex Frost Walker says hi e hi Colby red cabbage Cole says bye I'm dead I'm bored system
Channel: GTLive
Views: 1,330,621
Rating: 4.898334 out of 5
Keywords: deltarune, undertale, undertale 2, undertale sequel, deltarune undertale, deltarune ost, deltarune ending, new undertale game, deltarune genocide, deltarune pacifist, sans, deltarune toriel, deltarune sans, kris, frisk, papyrus, alphys, toby fox, undertale prequel, chara, deltarune jevil, deltarune battle theme, game theorists, game theory, maptat, game theory undertale, gtlive, matpat undertale, gtlive undertale, gtlive deltarune, undertale 2 trailer, undertale 2 deltarune
Id: l3a7UdJGb-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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