FNAF VR - A New World of Animatronics! | Five Nights At Freddy's VR: Help Wanted (Part 2)

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I'm curious what a neon Chico look like Oh Claude Wow Oh Oh God sounds like g-guys Oh mijung around the kitchen again oh oh oh it's so disgusting and gross into the refuse bin on your right Oh No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what are you so he's ok so let's let's look at this thing right so he's got purple eyes and he's he's got five fingers so is he like but he's not like a golden Bonnie he's not his design it's so different from everyone else it looks like he's got a vest on and a bowtie and five fingers which means he's an older or like a true suit model huh weird maybe he's like glitch body or like a shadow body that's creepy okay well great hi you seem friendly enough so these are the visual artifacts that they've tried to purge right what if I flip this huh so he's still here [Music] weird okay can I hit show time here no show ten must be like your final unlockable okay so I did two of the vent repairs right so yeah there we go so so this seems to be like the hard mode I'm assuming which I don't know if I want but let's do it because I'm curious about that I wonder if this is just like nightmare challenge then repair mangle okay so we've done all this when you're in that main menu section people seem to be shouting a lot about collecting tapes just so you know well I've been collecting the tapes well there you go folks I've collected what three at this point there was one in the gumball machine I know that there's one in the there was one down here in one of these no we've been collecting tapes I just don't know where they show up necessarily but we've gotten at least like three or four we got one during the coaster scene at the beginning okay oh that's not that's not kosher at all oh hey oh damn oh damn okay oh and I don't have a light oh damn oh I do have what oh oh there are Oh Oh No okay there's that okay oh this is great already nope nope I hear you that's that's just is that another mangalore's that what whoa get out of here get out of here nobody loves you I'm taking a page out of pets gob nobody loves you nope where is she where was the third steam vent I forget where that one was because the steam vents were hard uh-huh tonight we do that one I guess nope get out get out okay okay this fight this fight until we find this we're totally good wasn't the button here no that's no non-active damn it oh where is the last thing done it's fine I'll remember hey yo get out you know nope get out get out okay red/green it ends with ends with red green uh-huh okay hold up hold up wait wait for sweet for app after them okay he's gone he's gone nope hey I hear you I hear you video okay what's the start red blue shoot oh damn red blue blank green okay red blue black green so it's gonna be red what red blue hey hey good Alan works I'm assuming great yes yes yes up good hey get out of here get out of here that's two that's two things uh-huh uh-huh okay that's I'm still not 100% sure how you did this the first time okay okay there we go okay hey no wait how did I do this there okay okay okay that's three hey I hear you hear you where you at where you at three this is also really cool because it kind of forces you to use peripheral vision like I'm not looking at it but I can tell where my uh okay shoot what is it's still the steam isn't it is it behind me this game is it the blood enough to see my car hello okay because steam was third there's him okay oh oh hi hey hi hey hello nope that's not it oh there we go shut it shut it down No shut it shut it down go go go so was that mangle and then like the other half of manga like did he break in half cuz it looked like the side of manga that's always on his shoulder this is so cool I love this this is so much fun great Bonnie bites Oh berries in chocolate 250 calories no wonder the children are obese these days right in that what your office you know everyone so obese these days hey so he's still hanging out so is he just a permanent fixture now that I've done a couple of these games I am like sweating here at this point oh this is all so weird cuz I'm in like a middle son am I in a middle-sized this that just reset weird it's switch already here again great he's still he's just my best bud now hey hey glitch bunny you're doing great you don't say so people are saying collect AIDS I've gotten I've gotten a couple tapes I'm sort of prize corner slash prize counter are they on the price counter there I think there is either a tape or a tape player over there but you know yeah we'll check it out why not so I still have that one I got the one I still hear him right what a what a fun little breathing sound right yeah he's not unsettling at all oh I can summon oh wow so this is all done lockable interesting all right so maybe if I hit this thing [Music] I mean I got the one in here I got the one in there oh that was so close [Music] well apparently there's a prize the counter tape and then you get to listen oh is that is so this is nope come on I called it no oh man so I'm assuming that then this if you're saying that I am I get a prize counter tape and then I can start listening to him I'm assuming that this is what I got a hit then because this is the most I guess this is the most obvious one I don't know I found like some of the other ones seem pretty oh come on that is the scariest ball delivery system I've ever seen right can you imagine going to a Chuckie Cheese that operated like this this reminds me of all the attempts that we've done trying to find the zoo level in counting plus where there's there's a basketball hoop at the very beginning of it and you just keep shooting the basket and it's I don't know if anyone's ever actually made the shot that was right there that was geht that's close enough how many shots does it take to get to an Easter egg in a half game let's find out yes so I just had to really understood it did does that mean I collected all the other ones I've grabbed didn't seem to change anything here this is return to the menu here let's see maybe I changed something over here so he's just hanging out so now he's just hanging out he's no longer saying hi he seems friendly enough I mean as far as like evil glitch bunnies go he seems like he's okay you could totally slaughter me at any given oh okay okay so these weren't here before so but my teeth do I touch it oh okay oh there it is oh this is so cool so what how many are there four but it's funny because this is very reminiscent of accounting plus with the tape collection but there's a five six seven eight so 16 but accounting plus also has like a tape deck but it goes over the number that are actually present so this rule okay this isn't a mistake this rule isn't a mistake I had to hide these logs away from the core gameplay files in a place that only a beta tester would look and in a place where the files could be protected I just really really hope that the next development team finds this before the game is released to the public this game is some kind of malicious code in it that we haven't been able to fully contain or even understand for that matter so here's malicious damage and out of time but that's not the reason that we're shutting - hashtag crunch I have to keep this short so the file size will be small enough to fly under the radar there are more they may not be in order huh I appreciate that like hey this is just be aware that they might not happen in chronological order that that will actually help kind of like the the theorists community be like well the tapes are numbered in a certain order oh this is fun it's also so unbelievably meta right like we're making a PR game about five nights at freddys which is an actual VR game now I saw for the first time today okay I did tale the character I couldn't make out who it was standing at the end of the hall oh he wasn't logged out so I made a note of it and kept plain but then it was looking in the window and not like chic girl Bonnie wood it was like it was actually looking in the window seeing what I was doing oh he's alive in the machine pet Scott he's snap actually pet Scott it's an artificial intelligence that's gained sentience and it's trying to get out of the game which is basically the plot of a sister location right it's a bunch of fun I mean there are granted it's a collection of ghosts that have all amalgamated and they're trying to get out of game but you know same diff right here we go six of one half dozen of the other pretty heated conversation this morning between Dale our manager failed someone else on the line it really feels like this project is in trouble and no small part because of the lawsuit I'm sure huh there has to be a lawsuit there's no way there isn't in trophy it happened in this building just a few doors down from me I think it's made worse by the fact that Jeremy tried to tell us something was wrong but at the dev team we all just saw it as a challenge to find what the problem was and fix it who could have known that I have to go so Jeremy might be Jeremy Fitzgerald might be little did we suspect that Jeremy Fitzgerald is not a night guard but is actually a vr video game developer twist its caps like where do I take the Dewar at this point let's make Jeremy the guy from snap to into a vr developer so lawsuit might seem to like you know someone got hurt on the premises or got hurt when making the game maybe that's Jeremy by 287 potentially but they're saying it happened in this building and if this is a video game studio its that seems that seems not like the same as a pizzeria but okay have you ever heard the guillotine paper slicer it sounds made-up but it's an actual piece of office equipment I didn't even know we had one in the supply room oh no I guess the more common at businesses that do a lot of graphic design work I remember seeing one when I was still in school and even then I knew how dangerous it looked huh I was always afraid of losing a finger that seems so silly now ha Jeremy used to do design work I guess that's how he knew it was there you know you know what a you know what a phrase that you don't want to start a conversation with you know what a guillotine paper shredder like that's something in your day-to-day life that you don't want to really hear too often like are you familiar with this concept of a guillotine paper shredder or otherwise paper cutter I saw something from cool art well I lost it but a series of numbers that I think was one two three four and they said the bottom right corner of each tape I think if you look at the top label gives you the order so like nine I don't know if that's true but it's a it's a theory it's a theory 60 I mean they all seem to say they're all seemingly the same ah well theory theory D confirms hey guys moment a theory review I give that theory a crying emoji oh he's gone did he move where'd you go buddy I miss you probably not for that much long ago huh all right so we entered a plan by flipping into a glitch world and doing this okay interesting uh we've done a lot of vent repair as much as I do want to kind of finish mint repair because there's hard mode entered I guess let's do something else uh dark rooms and a half three I don't wanna do for half three cherry stuff and after he listed man three so after he seems like an easy okay five minutes Freddy's push buttons survived okay so it's so this is legitimately snap three okay presumably oh this is super cool oh this is look look slow down trash lot of slow down pull it down a little bit glitchy yep oh do righteous all sweet dude foxy head that's bad Oh I like that it's not a maintenance family it's just like aa phone dude you're such a CAD come on you overdid it a little bit did yeah yeah yeah goofball thank you Wow you're uh the fact that you're starting to like pass out that's tough with your with your eyes just kind of like fading away that's pretty creepy so I wonder if we can do all the classic mini games from phenanthrene I like it can we unlock happiest day in VR that would be so interesting this one's definitely feeling a little bit less stable they will say like as I turn my head I'm just getting like super lag I don't know if you guys can see that but uh that is one of the reasons I'm kind of having to go a little bit slower I get why though right like this is such a like well fleshed out recreation oh snap three like it's ready to it's right it's great like it looks so good I'm really blown away by how awesome that felt and huh it's it's cool to see like this space cuz cuz when it's a 2-d game right you're looking at the panels and you're flipping up all these things but like it's cool to get a sense of just like the real spatial awareness and like the spatial spread of everything chica chug new-and-improved all sparkling bullion flavor Oh sparkling bullion it's great 200 calories man who I need I need diet chica chug oh man I just ate the whole can that is not healthy for uh for me I would assume chica chug we went to great lengths to create an authentic VR experience I know you're doing great using scanned photographs for reference and using original performance routines where applicable huh great well you did a great job I gotta say well done well done hand unit can I can I see some of it nope still no okay hey now that I beat this one I'm just curious now can I do Showtime no okay so that's fine a theory I have a feeling that what like so you go through the nights right so it's gonna be one two three four and then once you flip 2 hardmode it's gonna be nights 5 and sit you know maybe 5 & 6 dark rooms I'm curious about parts of service so this is the one I've seen like that's in all the trailers right so I'm really curious about this one grab and release pull trigger push buttons make repairs okay so this one I think it's the one that Scott was teasing all the time in all of his steam posts where he's like just um imagine doing the repair minigame from sister location oh holy he's enormous it looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and must be recalibrated holy verse song wow this is harmonization mantra located inside his secondary throat pipe oh yeah to access the second removed nope you must be as precise as possible when removing the eyes from their respective sockets so it's like operated firmly grip Bonnie's left eye and carefully remove it from its socket Bonnie's left eye which would be you have to take it from his perspective wait so hold up all here's a gear I could use that for a huh I need this for the entered mini game so here's a coin yeah pass token and then let me buy a deaf mini game or a death coin or something weird okay hey one fast token sweet okay interesting what else we got anything else no tapes tapes I feel like there's been a tape fair like there there's been pretty frequently tapes nice pliers great okay all right time to repair this dude because I don't I'm not really I'm presuming I'm not supposed to be looking as close at his crotch as I currently am but you know you never can tell with these games nope no clue is too small and the detail on this is great like the fact that his strings are really like feel like I I uh I guess they maybe aren't real guitar streets they that first reminded me of like aircraft cable which is really cool okay take his left eye so this is his left eye and I'm assuming it's Lake operation right where if I touch something great job deposit the left eye in the cleaning receptacle on your left on my left that's this one well done thank you Bonnie's right eye and carefully remove it from its socket right eye that's easy deposit the right eye in the cleaning receptacle on your right a good job to open Bonnie's faceplate carefully press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw when done correctly you should hear two small clicks when done incorrectly you will have your face eaten off okay Oh God access to Bonnie's harmonization module damn it press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary through app ID to enter calibration mode excuse me that's very clearly his first throat pipe like as a technician I can tell a secondary from a primary throat pipe come on whoo something is not right one of those notes is out of tune you may push the button again to replay the audio check press the colored button that corresponds to the incorrect note okay I think what's green yeah green okay green press the blinking button again to verify your work I verify that green is out of tune giant bunny monster yeah right that's right well here's another good job bonnie is in tune and ready for his solo yeah let's close him up simply replace both eyes in the same order that you removed them then close up the faceplate and we'll call it a day in the same order that you removed them so I removed this one right and I put so this was cross so it's I removed this one and it was this I true hey buddy and I did this one and it was this I okay and then close up his faceplate by doing such achievement unlocks fantastic that's really intimidating they're enormous the the way that they've played with perspective in this game is really really impressive okay I got a bubble oh well it's no like vampire chica didn't realize that she could head to LA great thank you thank you chica here you're going on my desk alongside creepy glitch bunny glitch Bonnie glitch needs a good name that was fun little Simon Says action that was nice right that was good I feel good about that look I've got four coins I've got four tapes kicking butt taking names Tai Johnson says you've got this thanks buddy whoo oh this is super fun here I'm just gonna pop out of here for a second Oh Naomi let me grab a sip of my non-carbonated or my carbonated diet beverage soda oh how are you doing Chris I'm doing great I'm following along in the chat using my phone on because our internet hates us but you know what the stream is good and that's what counts that's all that matters buddy we should talk about how to reimburse you for your data cough good okay hey this is super fun thanks for joining uh here let me let me air this out for a second it is like going back into it I'm like whew that is hot this is super cool I hope you're enjoying it I say like I think of the phone app games in my opinion have mostly been getting better and better right snap six and custom night were like some of my favorites in the series this is super super cool and super super fun it's so evocative and it's so like immersive it's really good excuse me I love that it's it's tying it to lore just across the board this is this is a lot of fun snap to af6 and custom night we're like some of my favorites and this is this is up there certainly we'll see how it all plays out with the lore and stuff but I'm having a blast with this the other thing that I'll say just as we're i'm reminder i said at the gala stream but if you want theory merch it is available now we got a bunch of new stuff and cleaned the jacket that I'm wearing and the socks that I'm wearing there's also underwear because why not which I am wearing and it is very comfortable wait are you are you really yeah look it looks like it looks great I've said that thinking that it sounds like I'm actually seen it on Chris which I have not uh so let it be no it looks great off of Chris so I assumed that it looks great on Chris as well but underwear there's also the cool light we have the you can't see it too well in here but there's a cool color changing light behind me that's USB powered and so it comes in all mullet it changes between all the different colors but but that's a that's another cool really interesting one that is good for late night glow times and go stories okay here we go I think we got about another 15 20 minutes great well 15 20 minutes okay uh I guess we can you know I I like focusing on things I I'm sure a lot of people are like would do the the first things but I like focusing on some of this new stuff right like you know I've been to five one before even though it wasn't in in VR I've been in have to I mean and it looks great again like don't get me wrong it looks awesome but I'm much more excited by a lot of this new stuff cuz you're you're jumping into the unknown right so I'm let's let's hop into a chica repair pull trigger push buttons make repairs great okay every time check every time just in case you never know fantastic okay here and place it in the refuse bin on your right oh this is so gross this is really nasty like legitimately if you are afraid of bugs this is just really gross hi this is really disturbing and gross ways that this coin yes coin thank you Hey I swear I'm not being pervy I'm just making sure that there's no hidden Easter eggs hidden anywhere around you oh god this is so nasty with all these cockroaches everywhere ooh Oh chicken bone nice some eaten chicken bone can I eat this no apparently I can only eat the approved ones chica chug ahh I like that that bugs just kind of hanging out there he's like just chilling there's a bunch of a bunch of cheek bones over there nothing takes off and there's a bug as well because why not that's gross and creepy okay so we got our anything else anything else fun all right I think that's pretty sufficiently explored no other tapes so this is the kitchen from presumably fine ass one the one that we've never seen because it has um because the cameras out on it right that's always been kind of the schtick of that one so that's pretty cool that we're like this is our first chance to actually look at it and now that I've seen and I don't really want to have seen it but that's fine that's cool refuse and refuse and you're gonna attack me aren't you like good job thank you make sure chica is not hiding any other treats inside her beat to open her up carefully press the two buttons located on the sides of chicas head fantastic exterior activate the chemi spring Oh Kenny spray this is so oh this is so gross this is this is awful oh hey that's chica sound chica made her like groaning sound that's also disturbing and creepy great good job thank you now reattach chicas upper arm and upper arm hand so that's this upper arm hand great hand and cupcake oh god they're falling off of her oh this is oh it's so gross it's so gross what is this oh it's a crushed weird crushed can whoa hey beat the time if I didn't know better there would be a something hidden here maybe maybe maybe not at all okay great okay here's your cupcake plate do not let the infestation spread be sure to get as needed hey I got my eye on you you are moving and I don't like I don't like that at all you are you that's terrifying that sound effect has always been one of the periods in the entire fun a franchise I think huh please what hey hey yep no no oh shoot it's gonna jump scare me isn't it please to come what the heck great job chica is ready to serve pizza and hugs to the kids again haha take a complimentary slice of pizza for a job well done okay thanks no thanks I'm good with that oh no I shoot I don't take it no I do I throw all the pizza away I'm sorry don't judge me ya know shoot all of it starts it's gone there is no more pizza I threw it all away game I can't there is no pizza no oh there's no thing goodness there's one here that would have been the worst I threw away all the pizza and I'm just taunted by him eat the pizza eat it eat the damn pizza [Music] yeah whoo I got myself a puppet a little moppet puppet boop boop boop well hello boys and girls I'm here to give you your happiest day ever come with me wayward souls we've got vengeance to strike doot-doot-doot to do hope that no serial killers are in the restaurant today doo doo doo doo doo Oh No all the spirits of the dead children have reanimated gotta clean them up doo doo doo doo doo Oh puppet you were always my favorite hope I don't lose my mind get burned in a fire created by my father who's also sacrificing himself in this instance whoo yeah good to have you back friend so we got a new tape so I'm gonna hop over to tape land cuz I'm curious I'm really I'm really interested in all this lore stuff that's going on yeah not creepy at all again again I reiterate not creepy in the slightest here we go tape 5 the drawers have been emptied out someone was here I don't think it was spring cleaning either no there was plastic on the floor someone was definitely here during the night they had to has been the client I mean they sent us that stuff in the first place with no explanation told us to scan it said it would expedite the process so we wouldn't need to program any pathfinding ourselves huh it was a budget thing I guess it was just junk circuit boards and things like that look pretty old some hollow there was usable Koda some of it it seemed to take hold by itself Wow things started changing but then he started appearing at least that's what Jeremy said huh so it seems like this is probably headed towards the direction of like bite of 87 it's funny and I've seen this a lot with the pet Scott theories where I'm like oh it's a I it's it's artificially created intelligence that's mimicking human behavior but Poppa and a lot of people are like that isn't possible in the PlayStation era and I'm like yes you're right but it's one of those like it's it's a horror story right so you're taking bits and pieces it's like historical sci-fi kinda and so it's interesting because this feels like it's also some level of you know it's sci-fi it's it's fiction it's horror right and so you can like play around with some of the logistics so even if this is Jeremy from bite of 87 Fame you know maybe he also worked at a VR studio and just so happened to get bit by this VR creature who got into the game and it's interesting right I mentioned at the beginning of the stream how snaff is becoming like the modern-day goosebumps you know spooky stories for like young adults that is you know that's an anthology right like it is a spooky universe where there's a lot of supernatural events happening and I think that's the what we're starting to see especially with this game right where you know it's been spooky animatronics who are you know possessed metals by ghosts this and that this one really feels like it's starting to expand out the universe into like now video games can be haunted and VR creatures can be created from like the memory scans of old animatronics or whatever so like it's starting to get more flexible with the lorentz kind of showing that hey the rules as we thought they exist they're kind of like a little bit more flexible than you might have assumed let's keep going to Part C services this is fun that last one was legitimately really scary really unsettling so wait let me do my check texture popped in it's fine there you go huh welcome back to parts and service it looks like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction oh let's return it to the lost and found carefully grab and remove the child's head from Freddy's mouths oh man sparking hey buddy and he I'm not seeing any toke sorry I got to check your crotch I've done it for everyone else I got to do it with you this is all part of just your health inspection Fred's fine mr. Fred bear can you tell me what the problem is what what have you been experiencing lately I'm going to tap your knee yeah I'm gonna test your reflexes if you don't mind if you can allow me to run it around in your crotch to for any fast tokens that would be great thank you are those fredle back there or is that just weird design stuff all right anyway cool that we're gonna have to do some with all these things here let me remove this child hat from you buddy Freddy's got oh this is great he's gonna great here we go now place the Hat in the lost-and-found bend on your right ha ha ha the garbage bin oh that's great that's so funny so good Wow let's make sure there isn't anything else stuck inside huh XS Freddy's chest cavity grab Freddie's bowtie and pull it outwards oh no oh God Freddy's chest cavity is now open remove the child's watch and place it in the lost-and-found bin oh there's a careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring huh oh this is just really interesting to look at that motor is not doing a whole heck of a lot like what are you doing there buddy there's a but we're gonna have to present there here we go wait for it put this and lost-and-found there you go good job thank you it appears there is a child's shoe wedged behind Freddy's music box oh jeez there a music box must be removed before you can access the child's shoe gently grasp the music box and extract it from Freddy's chest cavity before the safety latch descends what so I'm assuming this is the music box and then it's okay so I need to pull it okay so this is pull it and then before the safety latch holidays worktable to your left okay great job to reset the safety latch press the button located on Freddie's endoskeleton is this button right here now remove the child shoe and places in the lost-and-found bin this is great well done thank you returned the music box to Freddy's chest cavity and we'll call it a day you want the corrupted one this one's all red no you seem to have mishandled Freddy's music box this is not good oh no a replacement may be found on the work table ok even crisis averted too close Freddie's chest cavity depress the large black button on the center of Freddie's face the large black is know what where's my pager yay press the large black button on the center of his face that's hilarious oh oh yes I got the phone sweet tonight ring ring ring ring ring ring ring creepy phone ring ring ring ring ring ring ring creepy phone what about the tokens unlock hey buddy oh he's is he getting closer are you getting closer buddy you feel I feel like you're getting closer maybe maybe this is just my paranoia bill I could see that too here let's finish off parts and services right why have one more Oh foxy great I was fav there's a hard mode for parts and services isn't there yeah okay so he belongs in glitch world alright so let's do it don't trigger push buttons make great oh the tread is very pleased that you Boop to the nose right I was gonna say I feel like it's nice that they made that into an actual gameplay element smart smartly done game Oh God commissioned for quite some time oh this series of simple repairs should return him to full working condition first carefully pick up and place Foxy's head on his endoskeleton alright so we need this head but first what what's that sound we got a hammer ooh we got all sorts of like servos and stuff bunch of eyeballs oh man oh interested oh their batteries okay yeah definitely batteries I think this is a great place to hide some fast coins where are those fast coins show me your fast coins No alright again I want to keep these gears for the entered battle yeah there's one there's one and I do need to just be a little bit more let me just double-check one down here okay boundary break everything okay there we go so that's that um whoo hey all right that seems pretty good check his crotch crotch looks good just because we got to be thorough here nothing on the plushy okay here we go that's good so put his head on great Oh Armel functioning it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy to continue okay retrieves diffuse from drawer number one that matches Fox's leg receptacle to avoid bodily harm wait for Fox's legs to stop moving before inserting the consistency so I need a positive one that is green and blue positive that is green and blue okay so look this is note blue and blue this is green and blue and this is positive okay positive Megatherium okay wait for his legs to stop moving okay so wait for his legs to pass great Wow your legs are really impressive buddy good job foxy has regained control of his legs I don't know if I want to add a reminder keep an eye on foxy huh huh no really tell me how you really go on it looks like a former employee attempted to repair Fox's chest motor using an incorrect fuse Oh carefully care of the incorrect fuse from Fox's chest and inserted into Fox's upper arm receptacle boxes chest to his upper arm okay so I see it so we'll wait for him to stop moving okay okay okay I'm gonna loud to do this quickly or it's gonna set them off here we go whoo we're well done the remaining chest fuses are located in drawers number two and number four to fix both fuses to continue - okay so I need a blue and a blue oh wait and there's a is that red in the middle two and four fourth I like that that one says - but it's crossed out and now it's hey buddy okay keep an eye on him blue blue hey hey so this doesn't have anything in the middle and this one looks like it has a red in the middle his middle chest plate hi yeah I'm watching you I'm watching you oh god well that's the couch behind me damn it okay this is it okay so we'll wait for that one and then red yellow red they're just okay I got him still looking at you I know yes I'm still looking at you oh damn get mad at me okay hold up okay wait for it wait for it come on come on okay there's one see oh shoot wait what what what oh damn oh what the hurt no follow instruction what hide I was thank you very much game I was doing it very cautiously in service foxy has been out of commission for quite some function it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at all times retrieves diffuse from drawer number one that matches fun good job thank you foxy has regained control of his legs a gentle reminder it is recommended that you keep an eye on foxy at time okay it looks like a former employee I'm just looking for where she's just motor using an incorrect fuse carefully remove the incorrect fuse from Fox's chest okay here we go oh hey nope nope nope nope no no nope nope nope no nope nope nope nope nope nope definitely nope nope God stop moving I've removed your servo well done the remaining chest fuses are located in drawers number - and number four fix both fuses to continue okay do I need to do both of them at the same time maybe nope hey I'm looking at you I'm looking at you yeah okay okay okay here we go he's like you still looking at me and it's like yeah I'm still looking at you here we go here Boop nope do damn it oh it's in his body oh it's in his body oh wait no it isn't oh I got it actually got good job thank you Retreat Foxy's I from drawer number three okay when Foxy's eyepatch is fully open place the eye back into his eye sockets this is the right color right that's red this is right as foxy sighing they're both the same color right it would be weird for them to expect you to actually don't know what Foxy's eye color is under his eye patch I'm assuming it's the same here we're gonna wait well done yeah thank you this concludes all your parts and service tasks what can be reopened pirate Cove Oh pirate Cove can now be reopened all right yeah Oh meet deletes Excel for when you just can't get enough bites of meat how many calories are meat bytes 100 it's actually a pretty low calorie because remember it is meat bytes so it's a protein rather than you know a negative team right and it seems that you may have inadvertently accessed an unauthorized portion of the game ha please be aware that's interacting with unofficial game code it can be harmful to you potentially damaging to our reputation ha ha ha ha ha that's great that's really funny ok here I'm curious what a hard mode a hard mode parts and service looks like at this point Oh glow-in-the-dark body huh buddy this is gonna be intense Kyle's a geek says he looking spiffy roof I only assume is about your jacket is is referencing our merch thank you appreciate we have t-shirts and jackets with thumb holes underwear without them without holes because it would be weird Oh first we must this is wild first this is so cool this is great if this game is giving me the thing that I never thought I realize that I need or the thing that I never realized I wanted which is glow-in-the-dark neon Bonnie this is super fun are these real coins or no no I guess not I guess they're just like reiterations of the existing coins huh okay so Bonnie's left eye this is wild okay Bonnie's left eye that's this morning Bri job deposit the left eye in the cleaning receptacle on your left on my left okay now firmly grip Bonnie's right eye and carefully remove it from its socket right eye [Music] deposit the right eye and the cleaning receptacle on your right hand on my right we jumped to open Bonnie's faceplate carefully press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw when done correctly you should hear two small clicks great you now have access to Bonnie's harmonization module press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary through app ID to enter calibration [Music] that's the fourth one thing is not right one of those notes is out of tune you may push the button again to replay the audio check press the color to button that corresponds to the incorrect note are they messing with the colors or is that like [Music] so I mean definitely the the fourth one which I'm assuming is this press the blinking button again to verify your work sure let's do that [Music] they're great great job bonnie is in tune and ready for his solo great let's close him up simply replace both eyes in the same order that you remove them then close up the faceplate same order that I replaced them so it's this one across his body this one across his body close up his faceplate great see you next time nice awesome not bad cool that was that was that was pretty much the same oh I did get some mixed nuts though allergy-friendly mixed nuts Wow - hundred fifty calories for nuts man can I have to go for a run after this or something oh look who's back look who's back Bonnie's back tell a friend let's keep on through these we're gonna have to check them off eventually right [Music] I'm curious what uh neon chica looks like Oh God Oh Oh around the kitchen again oh oh it's so disgusting and gross and in the refuse bin on your right oh no oh this is so - oh oh oh oh I did not I'm not someone who squeamish around bugs I'm Wow I huh I am NOT usually someone who's freaked out by bugs in any way shape or form and yet like I'm having like this like this is this really disturbing to me halt oh my lord oh oh god I can't even look at him oh oh oh geez okay okay it's fine it's fine whoa huh oh this is the worst oh man this is the worst oh don't eat the pizza early oh they're so damn close to it like you're so huge Alice Johnson says I don't need sleep oh it's it's so funny that this is the scariest thing that's been in this game sup like it's been creepy and tense but the jump scares I'm actually surprised that I've been able to handle as well as I have this this is oh this is at a whole nother level like it's a whole nother level oh good job make sure chica is not hiding any other treats inside her beat to open her be carefully press the two buttons located on the sides in the background oh okay okay okay you're here okay pick them off by hand so much the cupcake on the please greet job chica is ready to serve pizza and hugs to the kids again ah take a complimentary slice of pizza for a job well done here I didn't throw them away this time so their third coin there's not a coin okay fine it's fine fine just get me out of here and this one it's just ended whoa whoa boy Joseph Hill says you know please no man a soda Roni well at least you got a fitting reward right since 1986 soda Roni the pepperoni drink you've heard of rice-a-roni the San Francisco treat well now you have soda Roni the pepperoni drink pepperoni drink ah I eat aluminum as well oh that was so awful like I would using proprietary technology developed by fans Fair entertainment our development teams were able to use vintage control boards almost like a plug-and-play digitally recreated performances and personalities from the past in an instant are there any final things you want to close out yeah there are we got time well we we probably played 30 minutes instead of 15 but okay we're having fun all right yeah that I think giant bug is a good is a good note to end on actually okay oh lordy oh god no it's that's a great one then and my stomach is still feeling kind of sick from it it was just so gross to be that close to them and so disturbing Wow all right so hey that is um fun a fee our Help Wanted like I said we got early access to it thanks to Scott which was cool for the first time to kind of get a game early oh boy it is it's fun except for that bug minigame that sucks that is garbage Oh but everything else is a lot of fun I kind of wish there were more of the event the vent repairs are great so actually we're gonna be back tomorrow I have to leave in the late afternoon during a normal stream time because I'm filming something very special with someone who most of you are probably familiar with excuse me so no stream late tomorrow but tomorrow morning I think at 10:10 a.m. 10:00 we continue our quest through fan FBR so be here at 10:00 a.m. if you're interested in joining us if not you know there's always videos on demand I'm curious I'm curious where it's headed I'm curious who this weird bunny is because he seems so far removed from everything else like his design just feels so far removed the only thing that I can immediately think of what he might be is like I said shadow Bonnie or like The Glitch who may or may not also be the glitch bunny from nap three happiest day minigame or not happiest day but then one of the minigames that you like glitch between a lot of different worlds so I'm curious if he is that entity or he is that creature like we said this is last game of the timeline which is really interesting there's there's a lot of really interesting things here I like that it's Canon I love the design of it I think how small you feel in relation to these animatronics is really unsettling it's really scary it's really tense you really don't want to mess up yeah it's it's it's fun I'm really having a good time with it I I think it's great and I'm excited to see where it goes I know we got to get more into like the traditional like snaps one through three I have no clue what dark room is I have no clue what night terrors are I'm really nervous about night terrors actually so yeah that that's snap help-wanted the start we're back tomorrow 10:00 a.m. so join us then if you want to be a part of live stream and like I said throughout the stream theory merch is available we got hoodies like the or jackets like this one with thumb holes got socks we got underwear we got the theory light which is behind me so if you want to support the stream that is the single best way that you can do it support the channel and everything that we do and everyone who works here at theorist it's you know if you like what we do and want to show your theorists pride and have the money to do it it's it's super helpful to us so thank you guys so much for watching hopefully you enjoyed it I can't wait to see where we go from here and we'll see you tomorrow morning in the meantime remember that's just a stream a live stream see ya tomorrow [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 2,958,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf, fnaf vr, five nights at freddy's, five nights at freddy's help wanted, fnaf help wanted, five nights at freddy's vr, fnaf vr gameplay, help wanted, fnaf vr walkthrough, fnaf vr help wanted gameplay, help wanted fnaf, freddy fazbear, fredbear, fnaf song, fnaf 7, fnaf ucn, fnaf ultimate custom night, new fnaf, new fnaf game, game theorists, game theory, game theory fnaf, matpat, matpat fnaf, gtlive, gtlive fnaf, gtlive fnaf vr
Id: 3vvCdnJDRbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 49sec (4009 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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