Understand the Why? Behind Your Everyday Carry Items

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okay so let's get into some edc stuff not necessarily uh well yeah we're going to go over some specifics on what it is uh you can carry but i want to really get into the why there's a lot of guys that just you know hey i have a phone great but why you know why would we carry this stuff all this stuff over here is trying to avoid a diffuse a confrontation and then obviously you have your stuff that uh you know check your instagrams and make purchases for the wife uh but so let's get into uh you're actually getting into some kind of confrontation so initially you want to defuse it with your words or whatever it is so you guys are seeing you know lighters here why uh typically guys belligerent or gal you got your gals are from bullet journal as well potentially drunk or whatever and you know maybe you should uh slow the guy down you know calm his temper with maybe some cigarettes and so having a lighter on you if you even if you don't smoke can help out with that kind of situation it's not something guys really think about uh but if you get into like your normal bics these can be weapons as well so you bring this thing out light a cigarette keep it on you and he decides that it's going to get silly this little corner right here really doesn't feel good so it's a quick little jab in there and then get out of the situation uh i'm no longer fighting for my honor or starting you know bar fights for the hell of it uh i just want to get out of there so if i'm gonna try to get out of situation i'm going to cheat and they can call me a coward or whatever they want doesn't matter so i'm going to use whatever i have on me just to give them a little pop make them think about it and then i'm leaving so also use it to wrap your hands around might make a nice knuckle there hopefully you don't break your hands which will typically happen if you get to that situation but the original concept of this is to you know constructively and civilly uh diffuse the situation and if it doesn't work you can get rowdy with it now your next phase is uh your flashlights over here and i have uh an array of them so some of your older cheaper ones uh your more streamlined ones and then obviously you're more updated uh really savvy stuff here uh the point being is that you know just get one uh if it is something that you choose to to use you don't have to get the the baddest [ __ ] thing out there this thing is massive so trying to hide it could be a problem if it's not a concern for you then don't worry about it maybe a lot of guys uh carry flashlights where you're at or you can just make a utility belt and get some badass leather holster for this thing anyway so flashlights uh how they're used they're really really effective so if the individual again is all bare fisted knuckles stuff and wants to get rowdy uh and he starts coming after you like this thing right here is really disruptive and they don't really expect it you know it's kind of a submarine move you know oh my god we're getting a fight and all of a sudden i blind him and he's just not expecting that it could be enough uh to give you this you know advantage to slide around the dude and get out of this situation again i'm not trying to defend my honor i'm just trying to get out of there but if it doesn't this is enough to give you the upper hand and then the end of this thing really doesn't feel good uh again i'm going to cheat as much as i can and so if i bop you on the nose of this thing or on the top of your cranium it really doesn't feel good a lot of these edc flashlights come with these uh you know rigid ends here so these jagged edges on the end and that's not by mistake or by design it's for a purpose that right there on the top of your dome will not feel good yeah so you can take a core sample and get yourself out of there and then a lot of the older models obviously don't have that they were serving a different purpose at the time but regardless this still will not feel good so you can defuse the situation with this passively and non-violently and get out if it does have to go there you can use it as a weapon pretty savvy now you think i'm gonna go to the knives next i'm not i'm going to the handgun uh right now uh this is a g48 uh and i i use the uh with these guys shield arms so i got 15 rounds in the magazine one in the pipe and this is a blackhawk custom holster so inside the waist belt i think we all know what the handgun's for so it does have a flashlight on it but understand that i can't pull this thing and start flashing lighten people like i would with this thing because i just drew my handgun as soon as i show this to anybody like i present it to anybody i have crossed the line of you know the legal system and now i'm in deep [ __ ] so i gotta be sure that this individual is a threat so if he has a knife or he also has a gun this thing is going to come out and i may have to skip all these things this thing will come out and ultimately you're giving them a choice a really quick one so if they back away that's your chance to get out of there you don't want to raise to that level of having your conus kill as cool as it sounds even if you're justified it's going to ruin your life for the next year two years just depends on where you're at and how crammed the legal system is there and then like anything else like mma and stuff you're putting your hands at the judges so you really want to be sure that that is uh the way to go and it's pretty pretty easy to know the guy has a knife the guy has a gun or gal again you guys are are rowdy too uh that's a pretty clear sign anything else you can use to get out of the situation sure they got a weapon that's it it's clearly defined pull that thing um but to get into why knives like the question was asked me before like if you're carrying a gun then why would you carry a knife because if you are in close proximity with a another individual and this is a you know automatic pistol semi-automatic pistol uh it's very easy for the grab this thing throw this thing out of battery and now i'm not able to discharge that weapon uh also if i lose the weapon in a scuffle you gotta have backups so this is where knives come in and i have you know from your advantage from right to left yep one of what i would carry uh on the on your right here is this uh benchmade infidel it is a an automatic blade so i am not a fan of spring-loaded knives let's see if i can do it because of that because it's not fully seated very easy to push back in and this thing is basically brand new i never really used it i'm sure if i put some oil in there it would fix the situation but i really i would always be thinking about this thing like i hope it works plus also along with some of these other ones uh it's a clip mounted belt so obviously you see folks you know put it in their pockets and it's the standard you know operating procedure guys walking around with with belts in their in their pockets and i just don't appreciate that anymore um as soon as i see that it was like oh you're somebody at a minimum you know they're carrying a knife i don't want to present that to anybody i just want to look like a normal dude with sleeve tattoos and a beard but getting back to this i really don't like spring-loaded i highly don't recommend them it's super cool but and it's called the infidel that's cool so here's another spring-loaded knife uh bench made actually a real fan of benchmade even though i'm crapping on them right now another spring loaded this is the flip side one you can see it's actually going really slow and it stopped right there because i've had this one for a long time so again going to the fact that i don't like spring-loaded knives if i just clean this thing and lubed it it'd be fine but i have other options that i'll get to another belt or clip-mounted one don't prefer it uh this guy a benchmade again not spring-loaded uh you have to actually push this sucker out and you can see it's really hard because i've had this thing for a long time as well probably just need to loosen up the screw in here and be fine these are fun these are cool but to get back into uh reasons why i don't like uh foldable knives is because maybe in a pinch i get this thing out and it looks like it's locked in but it's not and i go to do something and this thing breaks you know closes on my hand and i've actually seen that a couple of times which was kind of crazy i thought it'd be a kind of a fluke kind of thing but um i just don't care for them anymore again i used them for a long time long time had folding knives using them forever but this day and age i just don't care for them another bench made crazy but this is the actual sock p blade that i'm sure guys are really really familiar with and it's cool it's really really huge as far as carrying edc stuff but uh it this thing only really serves one purpose and that's poking and prodding if guys have you ever have ever taken knife classes you know that poking holes and people really doesn't do much in regards to trying to kill them because an individual can take that a lot of those and what really needs to happen is if you're in a knife fight you need to create these large wounds uh to put that person down you just imagine um you know getting shot with a a little 22 a hundred times maybe they go down maybe they don't who knows just depends on how much penetration you get with this but only you can only do one thing with this and that's punch you can't you can't really slice or cut or whatever so not prefer these are my not preferred and that's after many many years of carrying knives now to the ones i prefer are your fixed blades and i've had this thing for a long time i've actually rubbed the the handle raw there there's no more rubber on anymore but this one's a little bit bigger but i've carried it for probably three or four years now and i can i carry it on my front just like i do my appendix carries my handgun so i can i can draw with my left hand i can draw with my right hand just depends you know if i'm scuffling the guy has my handgun hand and then my left hand is free i can just grab my knife and fix that so if you're carrying your leg on your left side it's really hard with your right to get it etcetera just a preference thing i like to have access with both my hands with this and it's a fixed blade it's there as soon as i pull it it's fully extended uh i don't have to worry about coming unlocked uh it's always there so i have taken a leap over the last uh yeah four or five years whatever into fixed blades so that is what i prefer and then this is the new new that i just got from winkler both these are wrinkler knives again a little bit smaller print which you know my frontal area will appreciate and i still have my fixed blade with a actual wood handle so i won't rub off that that grip anymore long long blades so i can punch i can poke i can slice i can cut i can do everything i want so all those amazon boxes better be running right now that's all i really use it for yep and then your final straw you know things go down use your phone i always have a phone on you so hopefully this guys will give you ideas of you know the why why you should carry stuff and there's some some old flashlights out there that still do the job uh every day carry handguns it just depends on what you got you can make anything work and then knives uh hopefully hopefully you really consider what it is you're using your knife for you know if it's every day just cutting open up amazon boxes then okay if you really truly want it as a backup system to defend yourself or your loved ones i highly recommend you look into fixed blades and don't smoke it'll kill you all right so questions comments let us know and we'll try to answer them that's alice is
Channel: SpiritusSystems
Views: 450,197
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Id: GoZ-9jT98RU
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Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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