Ed Calderon's Everyday Carry (EDC) Pocket Dump with a Navy SEAL

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breaking sensor by all the windows if there happens to be a break-in the police will be notified i'll be notified everybody will know there's a break-in to monitor the interior i use the simply cams they're triggered by motion i monitor them on my phone and i can communicate with whoever's inside through the simply cam by the application on my phone there's a water detector if you have a broken pipe or maybe there's been a flood there's a freeze detector which i personally use to monitor how cold my gummy bears get there's a smoke detector in case of a fire and there's a siren that works really well as a deterrent if there happens to be a break-in all of these devices send a notification to your phone in case of an emergency or a break-in if you're looking to beef up security whether it's your home or your office simply safe is a great option for you everything's shipped right to your front door it's easy to install you can do it by yourself and you're supporting the vigilance elite channel thank you simply safe for supporting the channel go to simplysafe.com ve and beef up your security right now ed the modern day macgyver we've been dying to get this edc pocket dump okay yeah and uh let's see what you got well uh i carry a lot of weird stuff um a lot of the stuff that i carry is based on experiences both my own and some of the experiences shared with me by former students by people that i've learned with by my mom you know a lot of a lot of stuff that i carry has a lot of cultural significance and also it's kind of a reflection of where i'm from uh i'm from a place where that is very unfriendly uh born and raised in tijuana and you get to learn a few things i grew up skateboarding uh i was a punk rock kid you know growing up a lot of the you know ninja stuff that i learned early on was related to breaking into places you know breaking into places to skateboard that was the first kind of introduction i had to somehow the macgyver side of it nice uh so uh one thing early on we we found out if is in tijuana the best escape and evasion gear you can have on yourself is you know money money uh skateboarding was a you know offense not carrying an id is an offense and we would be picked up by the municipal police and put in the back of the truck you know and they would you know give us a ride around and we would have to you know pay out uh one thing i always recommend people kind of figure out is when they travel around when they move around figure out what specifically is the value in the place where they're traveling to um currently traveling around the united states so i usually carry around a very specific traveler traveler debit card that i can use for purchases is unattached to any of my financials and just cash um kobudera someplace only take card you know and uh some places and some situations will only demand cash so one thing i always tell people is to carry value with them if they can cash is one way you can carry value another way you can carry value is uh gold now it used to be another another time for another in our times in other parts of our history where people would carry value with them in the form of jewelry rings things of that nature that they could bother with they could sell uh they can trade um these have gotten me out of a few situations in the past it's uh there's some places out there in the world where you know that these will buy you more things than that will you know and some situations in the world that might might be the case you know people consider jewelry not just as an item of uh you know accentuating your you know your wealth and kind of letting people know about that but actually being able to carry around wealth with you in this in this way is something that i try and do myself i've found myself in situations where i need to you know pawn some of this or sell so that it's a pretty good way an interesting way of getting money how much you carry with you how much uh how much would you carry with you in certain places it's region specific and it's region dependent i personally like to think of it this way i carry a budget with me to get me back to where i need to be right whatever that may be you know you can do your numbers uh pretty quickly you know you do using a travel app uh you can figure out what that what that budget is for you you know breaking case of emergency type thing right and the final little one that i have for you guys this is an rfid little black dot uh these are made by a company called uh four tech five uh amazing little discs basically it's an rfid chip encased in hard plastic you can swallow this and boop it out don't ask me how i know that what it does is programmable you can take your smartphone or your travel phone and program things such as websites uh geolocation geotag locations information numbers medical information things of this nature you can store in the disc like this so this is a way you can transport wealth with you so it's like a thumb drive that doesn't look like a thumb drum exactly so the first time i saw these they were something of this nature was being utilized to smuggle pre-paid cell phone card numbers into the prison system in mexico so they can then export people on the outside and i took my notes and then this company started making these so i quickly saw the value of something like this currently this thing has about you know 200 worth of uh credit for for a full you can have with you if you need to kind of deposit there you go don't spend that all in one place i'll try not to i got a question when it comes you got the gold you got money money you got the rfd chip with uh with uh credit on there are you guys are you getting into any of the bitcoin stuff and carrying that around i know that's like that was a big quick payment for cartels yeah i mean it's it's uh you know cartels are some of the criminal groups that i face have gotten into cryptocurrency it's a thing that they've gotten to but they diversify their portfolios you know one of the main things that right now they're kind of working on is metals you know a lot of the places are hard hit around the sonora region where cartels are turning in control are actually you know targeted specifically because of the their ability to produce gold and a lot of the money that's being smuggled from the us down in mexico is not in they're not doing hay bales of cash anymore they're doing gold or crypto yeah so it's a different game yeah some of the stuff is evolving it's curious because it's getting it's going mainstream and that's like one of the things that you know our government's all upset about it's it's a it's it's a narco insurgency as a phenomenon is providing uh a quantum leap when it comes with some when it comes to some of the weird tradecraft that is coming out of it um again focal point of research uh when it comes to anti-terrorism uh and uh you know the utility utilization of drone technology the drone technology for for attacks down there uh it's at the uh mexico is basically a wild west laboratory a lot of stuff that is that's kind of like getting that is learned down there it's getting uh being put into practice you know that's a lot of stuff that i take and then kind of show people yeah uh specifically people in law enforcement on state side that have never seen that here but they will you know so some of the things i'm kind of introducing things like that you know things like this that's a great idea this right here is a great idea uh we've been experimenting with that also providing medical information for people in a specific place if you're traveling with a group that can be scanned if you can't memorize something you can put something on there a lot of the things that i carry i consider essential also being honest this is a lot of the stuff that i actually carry with me through through the airport uh all the stuff that i'm going to show you except for one thing is not tsa safe uh value tsa safe i can travel with that i can travel across borders with that that's the no problem with that there another essential item that i've utilized a lot in my life uh are medic medical management equipment and one of the ways we learned to carry things down south was through actually con uh training with americans coming back from the initial push into afghanistan and iraq they came back with some insane experience when it came to medical management uh some of these people were coming back and we could see the moon dust on them still and they were showing us some things that we were not uh we didn't know you know we were one of the first operational units in mexico to carry around tourniquets they didn't they didn't recognize them this i'm talking about 2005 it was a five 2006 era they didn't recognize what they were at the hospitals were we would put people inside of the hospital that had a tourniquet place on and the doctors would come out you know scald us about utilizing something that's prohibited yeah and one thing we quickly learned is anything that is related to carrying a tourniquet on a plate carrier um we were riding around the sun a lot so sun would affect some of the functionality of the plastics uh we were we were moving around in places where anything tactical would give us a way and would put attention attention on us it would be dangerous so we this we learned from some of the contractors and guys that we were working with as far as training down down center line towards the left leg uh carrying the tourniquet fully expanded now the reason why you would we would carry like that was this aggression we couldn't carry around a lot of things in our belts so we just carried it down the pant leg if we had somebody that was specifically there to treat medical management situations you can carry three or four tourniquets on your pant leg no problem you could pre-fit them if you are specific to each teammate [Music] we went for high visibility high visibility because after you put a few of these on and in dark environments and people start rolling around and turns into a mass casualty type event you quickly realize why high visibility is very important when it comes to tourniquets black is cool it's tactical and it's great but these things need to be personal i think they need to be high vis also psychology psychology of color plays into this uh this type of thing out there uh we've had cases of students coming back with negative experiences carrying around black tourniquets that look tactical look like firearm related paraphernalia tactical equipment that get questioned further during the points of inspection to countries make sense also realize that if you put this on somebody out there in the world maybe you're practicing medicine in a place and that might lead you into more problems are you going to solve with this and some elastic versions of some large elastic commercially sold tourniquets out there have been misconstrued as drug paraphernalia by certain governments that has led to people being you know put into a holding site for a bit you know there's no there's i mean i personally just like high visibility um this is just a product of just years of doing things in places where i depend on some of these things and uh i want to attract a lot of attention so this is kind of what i get went for i mean it makes perfect sense because if you're not carrying on your kit then it doesn't need to be uh if if it's an essential item it doesn't need to be in your backpack it doesn't need to be in your car it has to be on you and that specific part on your person usually isn't there's not a lot of there maybe a firearm on this side tsa safe alternative uses to that ratchet strap you can use that to bend certain types of bars that are not a steel hardened that you can find out there in the world put the tourniquet on two steel bars or or two pieces of metal that are that are separated start cracking them down that's enough leverage to maybe bend or burst open something so that's actually a breaching device and you can utilize that as a breaching device in some situations you can also utilize that in uh to uh try and uh restrain two doors together at a hotel if you run into a situation where you need to barricade yourself somewhere and it's a pretty good interesting improvised restraint if you know what you're doing that's all i'm gonna say i usually like carrying around things that are multi-purpose so that's what makes this uh if you don't mind me asking i've not seen this this is the uh this is a soft tourniquet a gen force off um thing we like about the thing we liked about those was the the metal windlass the plastic didn't last a lot in the sun out there uh and again we were utilizing things over and over again because we didn't have supply chain like that like you have up here so like a tourniquet would be washed and it'll be re-wrapped and repurposed again uh so it wasn't a one-time use type thing it was definitely effective um another part of medical equipment that we would carry was the single flat wrapped uh just bundle for our personal use um beacon uh beacon chest seals cheeto gaz specifically the new cheeto guys that has some anti-microbial capabilities this stuff is good we've tested this stuff out uh when you talk about being in an environment where you have to maybe deal with something prolonged you want to kind of figure something out with us as far as you know for long field care it's a bunch of books and a bunch of instructors out there that are pretty influential in in my life that kind of showed me a few of the benefits of this packing gauze of course and uh this packing gauze uh usually what i do is i just uh cut cut a line in it and pull it out like if it's a piece of uh if it's a like a like a toilet paper dispenser or a napkin dispenser you can start peeling it all out so you don't have to toss it on your shoulder it doesn't bundle up on the ground outside you know it's something i tend to carry with me these are great and also one of the things i utilize a lot and also again tsa safe if you have a shirt if you have something that has labels on it that's a pretty good place to it the hemostat all right just clipped on these are good for a lot of things they're also apparently can go through a pig torso if you're into that tsa safe uh medical management approved equipment uh clamp a bleeder stop a bleeder clamp a bleeder uh if people don't know what these are get some training there's amazing people out there that you can train with uh these are essential items again always on my person not something i have in my backpack not something i carry somewhere else these are my person the only time they come off me is when i go through a point of inspection maybe a tsa or a border protection agency or something like that going to a country but it gets migrated into a backpack and it gets put back on right another thing to keep in mind with all this the people i'm traveling with know where most of these things are because if something happens to me my secrets are only they're not gonna be good to me dead you know yeah so it's something i try and get some uniformity out there with people um what else do i have on my person um so we covered uh we covered financial financial you know financial value carrying value monetary value with with you that can buy me most of the things that i need right yeah that's that's one of the purposes that's why you usually show it at the start because that'll solve a lot of problems but if for some reason that's not going to solve any problems i carry the medical uh the money can augment the medical if i have to you know if that could buy me other things if i need to a good idea to always have in mind when you travel you know where to source things you know what's legal where you know no bribery is available or proper there you know if you want to go to mexico you can get a you know you can get most things bribery is always available bribery is mostly available outside of the complex of the united states you have to remember when you travel your concept of normal stays at home with that you can't travel with it also your bill of rights and your constitution usually doesn't work in other countries so kind of keep that in mind as well so your concept of normal has to shift you know normal is a fluid concept when you travel it has to change [Music] one other element that i always try and gather for myself is an essential item i've heard about this uh a cutting implement now uh i consider i consider knives an essential item i have tactical knives i carry quality knives as well i'm not saying this is the best knife or the best option for anybody i'm saying this is this if you want to talk about things that have a body count on them uh most of the knives you'll see in evidence rooms are cheap as cheap gas station knives or kitchen knives the ak-47 of the knife world is a 89 ascent steak knife they sell warm walmart with a injection molded handle and that's shows up everywhere as a that shows up everywhere as far as a as a murder weapon now we're not talking about emulation but realize that if you want to be armed anywhere the easiest thing to do is get get something to arm yourself with and it if history has shown us everything anything the best weapons when it comes to some of the people that aren't you know officially official warriors or not a part of an army or military are usually farming tools or tools that are turned into weapons that's usually how things kind of progress so you can go into a place where a tactical you know not a spring-loaded knife is going to be completely prohibited but you can buy this at the walmart you know a pioneer woman floured knife right this knife outperformed equivalent tactical folding knives and fixed blades that are worth 300 800 dollars but 300 400 800 uh and stress testing as far as stabbing a pig torso and stabbing parts of it in very specific ways this one outperformed all of them and it's about seven to eight dollars oh [ __ ] at walmart this cardboard some friction tape or goon tape if you have any of that bougie stuff uh and carry it uh like my mom used to carry it one two three nice and when you want to extract it pull that up and goes into your hand nice right uh what about the sheath head you stab through the sheath it's it's not meant for anything but to hold the blade in place yeah right uh where did i learn this from from the people that use this type of stuff uh if you want to learn about stabbing if you don't want to learn about modification of objects like this and carry some things like this you're not going to get that from from a dojo usually you're not going to get that from the martial arts you're going to get that from some people that have a living methodology behind them the people that kind of live through some of this type of stuff so um a knife is usually at the top of the list of things like procure not tsa safe uh but you don't uh you always get this question hey yeah like you feel safe traveling like even if it's a control or safe space uh security is an illusion anybody that's actually provided security in places uh and installations and stuff like that you usually know that you can take care of a lot but a lot of the stuff we're actually doing in security theater to try and convince people that they're safe uh you know the best way to have a weapon with you anywhere is to know how to fabricate and carry the things to fabricate that weapon um pointed objects are the easiest manufactured tools that humans have come up with to kill each other yeah you can ban guns you can ban knives but all i need is a piece of carpet and uh and a crystal bic pen uh the carpet provides enough friction to sharpen your crystal lip pen into a needle basically a hypodermic needle shape now this will go into something like this pretty easily with enough with a with a little bit of force now that basically made you a plastic hypodermic needle using the carpet yeah now why would you need to make something like that ed why would you show something like this to the people uh 21 22 year old you know student traveling internationally trying to do some surplus some some good tip for humanity and made three of these put in her pocket somebody tried to grab her one of these went right through the hand of whoever tried to grab her uh interesting thing about that later on we learned because he was arrested it's hard to spot these inside of your body with an x-ray yeah so added bonus i guess i don't know um this is a con this is a this is a the in concept this is a component-based weapon something you can carry with you modify slightly and it turns into a weapon oh ed why not use the pin as is i've seen people with i've seen that too trust me you put a hypodermic thing on there go straight through now why would you need to know things like this yeah well you also got medical there too yeah yeah right yeah it could be knife to cry it could be a cry if you if you know what you're doing uh it could be something meant for decompression as well if you know what you're doing uh but this is a an example of a you know environmentally sourced modified object that somebody can make and they know how to make something like this i mean again i'll show you just kneel on the carpet you can you can put an angle on it pretty quickly uh why would you need to know any of this you know knowledge is power and uh is it you know the the you know if if uh if uh if if a sheep is killed by a wolf the sheep doesn't remove the the rest of the sheep won't remove their their teeth to try and keep uh wolf attacks from happening you know that seems to be the idea that a lot of americans have right now yeah um in places where things are becoming less permissive even in the confines of this country you know things like this seem to be novelties to some or seem to be like a fad to others uh but they have a living history that is undoubted you know this this stuff is out there people know how to use the some of these things in a very nefarious way and when i show the stuff and kind of give it public exposition it's not for anything else other than showing people that they're capable of being armed anywhere that is a freedom they have that is they're born with i'm really liking what you're putting out here because i'm not hearing a bunch of name brand [ __ ] i'm hearing a lot of mindset yeah a lot of thinking outside of the box i i i [ __ ] work out of vault i mean i i pioneer woman knives i don't make any money off pioneer woman we were not related in any way shape or form it's just something that performed amazingly in the class and i could be the guy that says hey my knife is better than yours this is my design i have to be honest with the fact that this thing outperformed most of the knives there it's a tool it's a tool first and then it turns yeah and you know it's one of those things our ancestors used to live off tools and they designed things in a very specific way because they use them they were they weren't a gimmick they weren't something that they carried and took a picture next to their starbucks coffee cup it was something they carried for use my mom carried a kitchen knife every day and she used as a tool and when somebody tried to go after my cousin she stabbed the [ __ ] with it right she just shifted her mind said tool well let's also get the [ __ ] away from me yeah um i personally like having options uh i i am of the belief that the ability to protect yourself and your family and have the means to do so should be an internationally protected human right most of the places are suffering from human rights violation of the nature of an oppressive force or group cartel members government usually are targeting or are living off an unarmed populace and people need to kind of figure out the relationship between disarming a populist and then turning the populace into a resource i hope they figure it out here before it's too late sometimes these episodes can be pretty long and they will always keep you on the edge of your seat rather than sit here and watch it alone why don't you head over to vigilanceelite.com buy yourself some company and get some vigilance league gummy bears [Applause] not bad another interesting part of the the stuff that i show people to how to carry and what to carry and why they carry uh we just went through the weapon side of it we just went through i mean i travel i travel all over the country and internationally so realistically having a gun on me 24 7 is not some of it's not not not available or not appropriate for me in most in most times so i have to make do with what i have and another thing that i usually ask people to kind of figure out and carry for themselves and these are these are props is what i call now what is a prop a prop is a social engineering tool and it's also a social engineering exercise device now a lot of us you know don't get out much and it's fine every now and then i encounter people that i train that have millions of dollars worth of government training they jump out of planes they make doors explode they do a bunch of cool [ __ ] and they have a lot of amazing training and a lot of amazing experience but you put them on a street corner to try and panhandle 20 bucks out of the environment in an hour and they just fall flat on their face why it's a different skill set it's a different thing being scary and being big and being composing is not something you will want if you want to ask for money now hey ed why are teaching people how to panhandle it's an amazing way of teaching people how to uh how to uh step step back a bit you know shut some of the things we instinctually have with us uh as men sometimes and even some of the as as women sometimes um what are some of the elements of that i carry with me or that i show people how to carry well one of them is just a straight pack of lucky strike cigarettes now you know hey ed people don't smoke anymore oh yeah they do just not usually the people that if if you think that people don't smoke anymore it tells me a lot about your social economic status and where you kind of move around in right the bubble and you know if you lose your keys in your house you're not gonna lose you're not just gonna look for your keys underneath the lamp you know that's not the only place where you can look for the keys you know and if you prepare for your living situation outside of your living situation there might be things that you're not familiar with or haven't encountered this is a social lubrication device it's also a resource it's also a method of payment it could be a lot of things right uh i don't smoke but i smoke how you hold a cigarette in a very specific part of the world might mean that you're a local an expat or somebody that doesn't belong there a simple thing like lighting a cigarette in a certain environment will attract confidence with certain people it will allow you into smoking circles for example this is just an example of something that could provide somebody with the opportunity to practice some of these things on a daily basis to engage with somebody start a conversation with a random stranger maybe [Music] a lot of us shut that off why because we're stuck on the tile you know because people suck because that guy that guy smells like patchouli and he's weird and what would he have any what would he have to show me yeah right we kind of put ourselves in that bubble that is a weakness and a strength would be to engage with people in in in in certain environments but now what does that do the long term well i mean this can get me some of that in the right conditions yeah it's a software element it's a social engineering device a packet of these have gotten me a room and board for the night in certain places with the conversation started an element of shared suffering hey we're all the only two smokers in the room yeah well there's gonna be a lot of confidence between both of us because all these [ __ ] don't smoke yeah right this is an example of something like that it's a prop i usually call them props or you know social lubrication devices uh i always carry something like this with me another one could be you know alcohol flask uh take a swig of that in a in a in a public place that you know you know out of the in a on a corner you know and it'll endear you with some people maybe it'll discount you as a threat with others it will it will maybe maybe start a friendship or a conversation with other people as well again social vacation that's what that is and then you come with small things like uh uh two-headed coin silver coin hey yeah what's that for you gonna scam people out of stuff yeah that's another element you can do with it uh but mostly it's an entertainment thing you know this uh some uh some boon type um this is a mentalist trick it's basically a pencil you can attach to your finger and write down something on a piece of paper people won't know and all of a sudden magically a name appears it's part of a trick that i do for some street kids every now and then to again gain and gain a friendship gain or investment in somebody on the ground that then can help me out with knowing what to look for information information uh making friends in environments a lot of people don't know how to just start a conversation with somebody hey ed what about the language barrier what about it yeah [Music] you know i've i've had this the the the opportunity to be with people that are completely from another part of the world and you take out a bottle of tequila they understand what that means you know you take out a pack of cigarettes and you start they know what that means um it's not all about plugging holes and making holes it's also about making connections if anything that is what makes me somebody some somebody that people seek out for some of the type of training because i try and not only be prepared but disruptive and if you want to gain ownership over an environment you smile right that's how you do it otherwise you need to you know have the backing of a you know you know a government or something like that behind you to kind of help you figure that out uh but you can do a lot with small things you know again it's about getting comfortable and uncomfortable i like what you're saying here you know social skills are like a lost art ever since you know social media came around and uh and and i do i think it's a lost art form some of the training i provide for civilians i have and it's also members of the uh armed forces um i do panhandling exercises where i have them come up with a prop specific to the street corner they weren't going to try and gain money off of before anybody says anything i don't use that money for beer money by the way that all goes to charity but they gather money from the environment one of the first things that i encounter with people is a psychological block of doing it like ed i i i've never had to ask for money before i wasn't taught like that in my house and i said well i mean that's a privilege to to block yourself like that yeah if your kid was starving trust me you would not only panhandle you would steal and lob maybe even kill um that is not something you want to find out about yourself when you actually need it yeah um so a lot of the stuff that i do specifically with some of the urban escape urban survival and urban uh urban movement classes that i do is i i put people in the position where they can figure out specifically what makes sense as far as a prop in an environment um what makes sense for them as far as what to verbally approach people with as far as giving them you know a donation and money giving them a handout you know one of the best props that you can have in the u.s is a dog yeah and a good cardboard sign uh a good quirky cardboard sign you can make a lot of money but a lot of people are gonna have that mental blockage of this you're not supposed to do this yet they're not supposed to do this and and then they realize that people make a living off it and not only make a living off it they become very good at reading the environment through it yeah you learn who the players are you learn who owns the three corners you learn to be a passive observer while you're panhandling um you learn the social economic status of the environment uh you learn what people tend to drop on a pocket you know you learn a few things like that in in in just a set amount of time we had a class uh somewhere in the midwest where law enforcement was a part of that class and we during a panhandle exercise we figured out exactly how a heroin distribution network was working in that environment they were paying for the products and the uh uh on the bus and they were picking up the products in the store by two completely separate people that were phoning and this guy already paid this guy you know another another good thing about you know the the social you know social stuff and like the cigarettes the booze the magic you know the coin all that kind of stuff is this a great you know everybody wants to talk about ooh the gray man let's put on a hoodie and walk through some you know you can't be a gray man all the time or you you can be but the hoodie isn't going to cut it and kind of where i'm going is if you're you know if york it creates a good cover for action so if you're going to be comfortable as a panhandler well then that's that's a great cover and if you have the props to be able to do it perfect maybe you you know want to be you know i don't know a golfer yeah you know whatever makes you whatever you're the comp whatever you are most comfortable in uh a particular element it will be a great cover uh come up with a story come up with a prop develop the skills and also if you're going to develop you know people hey ed but that are you teaching spies or what are you doing a lot of the social engineering a lot of the panhandling exercises i do a lot of the urban scouting and surveillance stuff that i do low means low tech stuff that i do uh the questions is always like yeah are you training spies like why are these people learning all these things um panhandling on the street corner teaches you a lot of things specifically how to observe how to pick marks how to come up with a cover story how to make things make sense for the environment actually how to dress for the environment when you have a purpose in the environment and you dress for it it just changes everything now what does that teach you it teaches you a lot specifically how to play it cool in a situation where you might be questioned or confronted by something or somebody i had a student that owns a property out in la walking on some squatters that were pretty aggressive and he played the part of a squatter perfectly because he'd already been through some of the training and he actually been handing out packets of new socks to some of the homeless people in the pop in population around his property with the specific intent and purpose of just social lubrication yeah so he was known not as the owner but as a guy that hung around and gave them [ __ ] now that might seem completely you know to people but it saved them a beating in that moment and he thought battle he thought back on the whole concept that i was showing them about you know passive resistance you know passive resistance is something that you know again people want action you know uh the you know sometimes the best fight is the one you don't get into and a lot of a lot of the stuff that i show people as far as panhandling reverse pickpocketing social engineering convincing somebody you're psychic for example is something i also do in some of the classes i have all of the student base go after a single individual in an urban environment and basically go open source information with them on their phones and one of us walks up to him and starts just cold reading the individual with an earpiece now it's fun to do it's an amazing exercise but it teaches all all the students come out of that exercise and the first thing they do is go on the social media start deleting things start scrubbing there's a lesson in a lot of these things the professionals out there looking to scam you yeah and one thing that produces is a student that is pretty hardened to that and people want to talk about the gray man i personally like to talk about the zebra the tijuana zebra you know what a tijuana zebra is i do not uh we don't have zebras in mexico so we painted donkeys to look like zebras for some reason in tijuana tourists like taking pictures with them and every now and then there's shows out there where you know one shows up you know that's all i'm going to say i have this surreal and mystical experience once of being on a street corner in tijuana and seeing a donkey painted like a zebra just walking across the street on a sunday morning and i was looking at the spectacles what a weird thing to see and nobody was staring at it it was normal it was completely within its element in that and then i realized you can hide all you want but if you don't convince that you're the environment you're a part of it you're [ __ ] up yeah and that needs effort and that's about that that's where this this kind of comes into play makes a whole lot of sense the other thing you're doing with the socks you know is you're building trust yes you're being nice to people invest in people it's probably the best advice i can get you know everybody wants to see enemies everywhere i like to see friends everywhere if i can and friendship is an investment you have to work through you have to work on it and also realize some some of the investment is not going to be giving them a car it could be as simple as carrying a prepaid cell phone with you you know burner or something and give it to give giving it to somebody that might not twenty dollars or not might be a drop in the bucket to you but someone somewhere out there in the world there's somebody that would kill for a phone yeah and he would probably punch somebody in the face for somebody that gave him a phone um uh when i i've done a few executive protection uh um jobs uh recently and one of the first things i do is i try to look for a parking attendant i try to look for a major idea try to look for somebody that's in charge of the environment and i invest in them one of the things i would usually give them is a smartphone something cheap something i bought online maybe 100 smartphone something with a cell phone chip that is you know unlocked and i tell them hey can you have this phone it has credit in it and you can keep it after we leave i just need somebody i can call for a call to for information awesome the best intelligence local intelligence source instantly created just by the gift of a phone that's a damn good idea um other things you know i'm known for counter custody and escaping restraints um i did not go through seer training at all not level one level a or b or c you know not the one you do on the computer or the one you get you get your [ __ ] kicked somewhere what i did do is basically be in the middle of uh abduction the abduction capital of the world for the time i was working there and i got to learn not only from the people abducting uh individuals but also from some people that escaped um i got to learn a little bit about how tools are made fabricated and concealed and i got to see things live uh things like tool migration now tool migration is an interesting concept it's something i don't see a lot of people talking about specifically in the weird you know see or escaping of asian type community people want to hide something on their person and have it ready there they want to go through points of inspection they want to go from your house somewhere in tennessee all the way to baja and just have their things with them the problem is they have to go through multiple points of inspection and if one thing gets found everything might get found you know think of think of going on an international flight and having a key a handcuff key found when you arrive in korea yeah you're gonna there's gonna be some time you're gonna need to work through things right the dominoes domino effect so one of the things i try and put in instill in people is the ability to construct to build to make if i give somebody a handcuff shin which is a small piece of steel that you can use to circumvent the functionality of certain handcuffs that is an amazing tool to give somebody a better tool is to teach them that you can make that out of something like the a tweezer set from inside of a swiss army knife that is the best sham you can utilize to escape handcuffs right or teaching that that hides to hide something like that on their person is already they already have it you know simple things like this these pants are not special in any way yeah but all of them all these levi's have a webbing already built into them so the handkerchief can be hidden on there nice so that can open up a pair of handcuffs that aren't locked with a secondary lock right ed why do you hide it right there well usually one is none so i usually hide two one in the front one in the back so i can get at it front and back one is none another reason why i hide it there is because it's close to a rivet on the on the uh on the pants so if i get scanned or wanded by garrett wand it's going to be masked it's going to mask its magnetic signature by being hidden near an existing piece of metal already on the pants and also when you do a pat down it's concealed by a physical barrier for its detection by having cloth over so it has multiple layers of concealment in that little small space yeah and i learned that from a 15 year old kid in sona norte who was a mess salesman oh [ __ ] he went to the whole rundown of why he would hide something in a very specific place and that is a that is a product of just live environment you know uh another new product combined environment it's a ceramic razor blade uh uh non-ferrous you can't detect that with a metal detector surgical um piece of friction tape uh stuck in the mouth uh indetectable uh do you want to talk about an essential item cutting cutting implements are pretty hard to make or manufacture if you don't have the right tools so that's one of those things that it's always around you know it's a small ceramic razor blade so this is just a like a medical scaffold yeah it's made of ceramic so it will never show up on a metal detector it shows up as a dense object also it's a square so it doesn't have this discernible pointed object the look to it so and uh friction tape on the blade stick it in between your teeth uh probably not the safest thing on the planet but you can talk about tool migration i'm gonna be search play something in your mouth get search spit it out put it back move on and again that is methodology practiced every day by some of the nefarious folks out there and if it's news to you or you've never seen it before well now you know it so if somebody spit something on their hands probably be better to run or shoot if you have the option does that make sense um a lot of the things that i show things like this things like this are are two there's two reasons why i would show something like this one to arm people with the knowledge right the skill set to apply this themselves and two to recognize it when it's being applied against them it takes one to know one you want to train a group of ambushers i have counter ambushers you have to teach them to be the best [ __ ] ambushers on the planet first same concept you know you want to teach them to fight to fight against or protect themselves against the bad men out there you're going to have to turn them into bad men themselves it's very slow so i got a question about this right here can i see that for just a second are all of these medical scaffolds made out of uh porcelain that's that's made out of ceramic ceramic so ceramic's brittle so it breaks it's like almost like glass uh but specifically that's a cutting tool you don't need a lot to slash something open how much skin surfaces between the outside world and your carotids about that much these are utilizing by pre you know by gangs out there in the world for mutilation for intimidation for as a weapon as a means to construct a weapon um also cutting implement is one of the essential items that our ancestors always had you know that's why there's a bunch of arrowheads all over all over the country kind of laid out the cutting implement is an essential item and it's one of those items that gets prohibited more and more when you're out there in the world so again this is a product of these little ceramic blades concealed in various places put into a band-aid you know stuck onto you know concealed deeply um including uh actually being encased in a lee press-on type nail on somebody on somebody's hand to conceal it and penetrate multiple layers of security in some pretty high security places yeah these things are interesting as far as the possibilities that they could provide for somebody also again the shape is non-threatening you can put that behind an anti-theft device uh sticker for for a blu-ray or a video game and it's gone you can stick it out as a label on a book again gone but now you have a kind of phone cover on the phone between your phone cover on your phone i mean just anything that has a shape of this little square yeah now you have a cutting implement with you you know in case you need it and uh another essential item that a lot of people a lot of our ancestors used to carry with them that kind of get this kind of gotten lost uh over the years is cordage just a piece of cord right how many times have you find yourself in the knee for a piece of cord this is a uh catholic uh escapulari or scapular when we were out there working one of the first things i was given by some of the older guys was a was a scapulario uh of the santa muerte the holy death and the reason they gave me something like that is because the enemy that's what they would carry and that's what the faith he had so they were very about fighting fire with fire so they would give they give all the new guys this to kind of freak them out you know it's a psychological thing when we were wearing it we would see the power to have over the people that we would face sometimes people would see us and they would see what we were wearing and they would they wouldn't know who who they were dealing with in a way so it had an effect uh we quickly realized that we can replace a cordage on those traditional scapularis with something made out of kevlar this cordage is made made out of the same thing they make a body armor out of a very good resistance to heat and tensile strength specifically what you would need if you wanted to cut through something like uh zip dice and that's the first way that's the first reason why you made these we would use them to cut open the zip ties on people that we would arrest that's what it was for it wasn't for anything related to county custody later on in life we realized and that the they had a function that they could be used to cut restraints off yourself if you if you ran into a situation like that which led us into trying to hide things you know um quartage waistline are accessible from the bottom and we would make these friction saws out of out of some of this kevlar cordage expandable so two loops for your feet to create a friction or two loops for your hands if you want to grab on to somebody uh interesting thing about this cord it will cut plastic but also cut open flesh if you're into that it can also cut seat belts off so it's a self rescue tool this could cut through the steering column on some cars plastic if you want to gain access to something like the steering column of a you know 1990s honda you know if you want to turn cars on or pre-95 ford f-150 nice right um so also again we can put this over the uh the arm of an industrial door so it blocks it closed um you can use it as a modified restraint on somebody you can utilize this for a lot of things and if you have a you know if you have kids give them some of this and you know wrap their christmas toys and a bunch of zip ties and just just watch them learn a skill set that might you know save them later on in life and if you want i can demo the use of this i would uh absolutely take you up on that sure now we're gonna have to set that up we'll do that at the end sure that's another thing and uh interesting little object uh speaking of component-based objects or things that you can that you can build or create this is a uh home depot all the components that are here are bought at home depot you know the choco the famous chocos that's what we used to call nunchucks in mexico what is what it is are two base steel water pipe links two metal washers and a wire a garage like a tow line type wire cable cable wire um handles for jump rope that's what they are right that's how they that's how they're carried where you can carry the component spread out uh the way you put it together again all home depot parts the washers sustain its structure nice and when you're done with it you gone it's a component-based thing again why would you show that to somebody one it's cool to be able to arm yourself anywhere in the world two criminals know this they have weapons that they arm and they disarm they take apart and knowing what something like that looks like is an interesting training experience for law enforcement for the military for civilians that are actively trying to protect themselves and their families and to anybody that wants to have a better knowledge base and skill set as far as how to recognize some of this stuff it's not about emulating criminal activity it's about reflecting it and reflections are usually cast upside down and we want to reflect back uh the knowledge that we gain from that again not about emulation it's about reflection when you see what you're worried about what you're afraid about you recognize it you learn how to better react to it i think that's a better course of action where did you come up with that um that is something i saw the there's a friend of mine um it's a chief uh nsw chief uh tracker dan dan sanchfield uh he showed me that like something like that a while ago and i've been just slowly kind of constructing some elements like this and kind of modifying it a bit for my own use throughout my travels to the country and just showing it to people um and it's out there he learned it from somebody that you know yeah it's out there i mean the creativity and the critical thinking that you put into your edc is pretty [ __ ] amazing this is this is again this is an example not maybe something i carry every day but an example of how you can just if you don't have anything you can create something and you can create something that's momentary that could be gone in the next day because i don't know if the people understand what that could be for somebody if you don't have any options you know and usually these are the options of people that don't have options they're desperate you want to talk about somebody to worry about and worry about somebody that can arm themselves anywhere everywhere they go they don't have cash they'll make it in any three corner they don't have a weapon they are the weapon they can create the weapon they can make the pointed object they know where to staff they can make friends with the people around your your house and gain access to certain information about you you know they can go online with their multiple catfishing accounts and figure out some open source information about you and i have students do that all in a training environment so they can better be prepared to recognize it when they you know again takes one to no one i like the uh your cord that has the i'm sorry the emblems on them yeah because that if i heard you correctly you know um that's a mind [ __ ] to everybody correct it's basically don't that is that that was that was what it was just [ __ ] with me i mean people see a lot of the uh santa marta iconography that i utilize uh it's a cultural thing it's a it's it's it's also a cultural pride thing as well uh i come from a place where that uh you know it's it's it's there's a reason why death is a woman in mexico you know because what women is a woman the image of a woman is that somebody who gives life so death has to be somebody uh that's a female and the image uh was specifically for that we're fighting against a group that was scary and that this is what they believed in so we put that on ourselves it can confuse a certain population too so one thing that i used to do in the agency and uh in extracurricular activities uh is like like we were talking earlier you're not always going to be a great man you're not always going to blend in and so one thing i would do is if i'm going into an area where i just i'm not going to belong i'm not gonna look like a local panhandler if i go down to colombia you know as a as a white boy going into the worst neighborhoods no american goes to columbia to panhandle so what i would do uh in uh certain scenarios as i would overdress with confidence i would you know go into those areas with a rolex on with a pair of two thousand dollar sunglasses a pair of uh you know whatever nice ass shoes dressed to the tee because it confuses them and they they don't know it's like i don't know if i should rob this dude or run away from them it's disruptive uh sometimes if you if you if you if you cause a stimulus that's completely outside of the baseline and some of these people are accustomed to it'll freak out you know things that i've you know i've done myself having somebody approach it with the first intent and all of a sudden start recognizing from recognizing him from some as somebody that you know for some reason and just stopping somebody because they were you know the intent was to rob you and the intent was to you're the victim almost like you turn to them like hey i know you just start bringing attention to them you start talking about that you know them for some reason that creates a momentary pause for some people yeah it can be enough for you to run the other way now these things take practice and if you if you if you didn't grow up in the places if you didn't go through the hood rat life if you had you know if you had a good you know childhood you know some of these things might not be second nature to some uh some people have this naturally you know they come to a class and it's about remembering more than learning whatever you are in that you know remember the first fight that most people never go through is to show up for training that's the first fight that most people will never go through and the second one is the actual flight and you know you don't want to learn any of these things when you need them it's probably a better idea to get comfortable in the uncomfortable before you get to the moment where the learning curve is going to be against you yeah you have to be able to you're also describing being able to adapt into certain environments and you know that necklace isn't going to work everywhere why you know overconfident dress isn't going to work everywhere i'm not that's not going to work yeah you know in in in a country club nobody gives a [ __ ] everybody's wearing a rolex you know so um so being able to adapt and understand the mindset behind what you're doing in a particular environment is extremely critical you dress for you dress for the party and if the party's going to be in mexico you dress for that party if you dress for this type of handcuffs they're going to be available in the environment you dress for the type of restraints that might be possible there you dress for the threat medical threats that might be available there you carry what you need in the environment you don't carry what you want the environment to need from you that's not how it goes and sometimes all that takes is a you know quick online search on facebook and going into an expat community of the environment you're going to be moving in so you not only develop a good workable knowledge of what it's like to move through there but you can have some contacts as far as what you're going to be doing there and you can see what's normal there what's what's outside of the norm there you can use geotag locations on social media to go specifically the place you plan to visit and actually see people there in videos and see people what are people wearing what to watch out for how to dress not locally but dress appropriately which is a pretty big deal in some places and people kind of miss that note and you don't have to spend you know years training this is a lot of this stuff is is is i mean it's something i put people through in two days and you come out with a good workable knowledge of some of the some of these things as far as being able to apply it and also be able to transfer it in small ways to your kids and to your loved ones because that's a lot a big part of it as well these skills are meant to be transferred a lot of these along for my mom and a lot of these i learned from kids and criminals and people that i was fighting against but i never made the mistake of dehumanizing they might be the enemy they might have done horrible [ __ ] to some of my friends and some of the people that i uh used to work with uh but they are still teachers yeah and you have to you have to you have to always keep that uh open mind with the other what the other half is doing and that's what i'm kind of putting mine to okay uh a few other elements that i want to show these are again extras and changing your pocket and then if you're a member of law enforcement you know watch out for these changing your pocket and also just hancocky uh this little thing is sneaky as hell and it's made it through multiple searches uh from several law enforcement professionals out there uh that when i do demos and um hiding things in your change like coin knives or like old school things again that that's kind of inspired by some of those old school coin knives that the oss used to make as well changing your pocket you know weaponized in your pocket again hard to detect hard to find hard to see specifically in your pocket another small item that i kind of recommend to people are these personal alarms you can clip one onto your bag and one onto your belt so if your bag gets separated from you in a restaurant nice you can set up a hide somewhere and put this behind you so somebody wants to sneak up on you can hear them you know door detector door alarm type thing you can give them to your kid when you're out there in the world put a monkey knot on it and tell them if they run into any trouble at any time at any point they can just pull it and you can tell it's pretty loud it won't shut off unless you put that back in so this little device on on one of your kids belt talk them through it don't let them play with it just if something happens pull it there's a lot of ways you can utilize this a small little personal alarm not just for jogging and it's a it's an interesting little device you can carry with you um added security this is uh it's a personal alarm uh there are several types of them out there online i'd recommend people get this one it's a generic brand alarm it's a boss it's an e-alarm basu pretty cheap online another thing i recommend people get is for travel specifically if you're seeing a lot of hotels out there it's something called a saber wedge it's basically a door wedge and alarm system at the same time and in the same package any tampering with the door will set it off and there's other things you can do with it which we can't talk about here but that's uh going to be for another show probably and uh and this little object it's a pen testing device it's a basically sends out wi-fi handshakes so it blocks out certain wi-fi networks out there not not all wi-fi networks are susceptible to this specific thing but a lot of a lot of this uh a lot of them are you know in mexico i encounter a lot of them there still are susceptible to this little device it basically you know drowns out wi-fi signals in the environment so you can shut up wi-fi in a specific place and why would that be important um wireless cameras and wi-fi enabled cameras are being utilized more and more by sex trafficking rings criminals people that hunt and look for the blackmail material on people out there in the world and it's just one of those things it's pretty good to know it's also it's pretty good to know about it's also pretty interesting to realize you can source most of the components and build most of these things yourself online and again old news it's a toy for certain people it's a pen testing device for other people but it could be a lifesaver for others if you know what you what you're looking at yeah you know i could have used one of those uh when i was working for the agency um especially traveling around 90 i can't remember the percentage but the majority of uh espionage happens at hotels around airports you know and and we will run into that in different airports different you know yeah people trying to conduct surveillance on that and if we happen to have had one of those the majority of those listening devices you know are transmitted yeah this is made by a by a guy that i work with a lot socal off grid uh and we made this to my specs you know it's bulletproof because i always break the [ __ ] and also pink with uh with some hello kitty stickers on there why uh psychology of colors you know black is cool and everything like that but carrying around a black device with a button yep probably not the best thing on the planet uh psychology of colors again same thing with the tourniquet you know again a lot of my a lot of the stuff that i carry makes sense across the board because i've had the experience of actually carrying it and buying it and if it doesn't work if it doesn't make sense i tend to not carry it anymore and tend to leave behind i'm on the road every week so what i carry is like this is legit what i carry with me this is not this is not a trend these are not uh mostly you're not training props or anything like that these are things that i carry with me internationally yeah um and again who would i be to talk about some of these things if i didn't apply them every day so that's what i try and do i love it you know um do you have anything else uh we're gonna demo some uh some uh restraint release with uh that cordage in a bit perfect um you know what what i love about your edc is you know what do we see all the time we see product shout outs and who has the coolest [ __ ] right and yours is all about mindset social skills being resourceful and and and it's perfect because everything here is a tool it doesn't have to be you know the pioneer woman knife it can be anything yeah and and it's it works software over hardware you know what what makes uh what makes somebody dangerous is intention if your intention is to always be prepared always be armed even if being armed is not permitted you know not being able to and not being allowed to or two completely different things yeah and most americans need to be aware of that fact uh uh in all in all regards um again the ability to protect yourself and have the means to do so and that of your fat and protect your family should be an internationally protected human right the places where the most human rights violations are the places where society is unarmed and made a victim did you hear that well ed i just want to say thanks for coming all the way out here and showing us all this stuff and it's awesome there's not been anything like this out there so not that i'm aware of uh just uh a lot of this stuff is a product of desperate people and conversations and uh never never miss an opportunity to have a conversation with people right on well let's go talk about uh the border let's go talk about the porter see you later
Channel: Shawn Ryan Show
Views: 651,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, ed calderon, edsmanifesto, edc pocket dump, everyday carry 2021, everyday carry, shawn ryan ed calderon, ed calderon shawn ryan, ed calderon everyday carry, edc, pocket dump, mindset, navy seal, cia, shawn ryan edc, ed calderon podcast, shawn ryan cia, shawn ryan navy seal, everyday carry gear, cartel, sicario, social skills, gray man, pioneer woman, knives, Ed Calderon's Everyday Carry (EDC) Pocket Dump with a Navy SEAL, weaponology
Id: d1MqucZyodc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 36sec (4356 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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