Massad Ayoob - What to do if you get pulled over while carrying - Critical Mas Episode 11

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hey gang welcome back to the wilson combat channel before we do anything else i want to remind you to subscribe and ring the notification bell that'll make you the first on the block to know when the next knowledge bomb from one of our resident experts is is dropped for you i've been asked to talk to you about handling a traffic stop while you're legally carrying a gun i presume you're free americans being a free american most jurisdictions you can legally carry a gun one way or the other being a free american you probably spend a whole lot of time driving your automobile and when the two of those come together and you see those red or blue or red and blue lights flickering in your rear view mirror and you realize you're about to be pulled over there is a whole lot of potential for things to go south and the course of that encounter first you've got to go state by state laws vary and the best source that i've found for that is handgun slider and his group there stay in touch literally monthly with the state attorneys general around the country in all 50 states they'll inform you of any changes in the law and where that touches here some states actually require you to notify the police when you're carrying a gun michigan for example texas some states don't but the issuing authorities for the carry permits are tied in with the department of motor vehicles any competent police officer is going to run your driver's license excuse me your license tag over the radio before they make the stop they will be notified in those states that the vehicle they're about to stop is registered to an individual whose license to carry now here's the deal some states don't require you to notify but that officer now knows that you're very likely carrying a gun and when you approach and the the discussion begins if you don't let them know they're carrying the gun some of them will see that as a sin of omission deception by omission you haven't violated a law but at the same time thoughts of mercy and letting you off with a verbal warning instead of a ticket may be starting to fade we cross state lines all the time and sometimes if you live in a border town you may do so inadvertently so i've made it a habit wherever i am to keep the driver's license and the concealed carry permit right there together when i hand over the driver's license the registration and the proof of insurance i'll also hand over the concealed carry permit and virtually every jurisdiction but questionable in one michigan that constitutes notifying the officer in michigan or in any state where the officer said sir would you please step out of the vehicle if i have not notified i most certainly would notify by that point the verbal notification should not be i've got a gun it's a threatening statement the cop's going to go i have two now some some things you have to consider here i've actually seen cases where the officer said take out the gun and hand it to me if they said that to me i would keep my hands clutching the steering wheel and here's why if the stop has taken place at night even in the jurisdiction where the police normally travel one to a car there's always the possibility that there's a field training officer training a rookie that means two to a car and they're generally not going to come up shoulder to shoulder one will be on the driver's side the other will approach on the passenger side now you're at the side of the road and you know what road traffic sounds like particularly on a heavy traffic street you are able to hear that officer because you've rolled down your window you're sitting here he's here he hears you say i have a license to carry you hear him say take it out and hand it to me which i would tell any officer that's a stupid thing to do over on the other side of the car with that window is probably closed and there's all that traffic noise you have the young rookie officer who can't hear that conversation all he knows is he sees your hands starting to do this he perceives you as about to draw a gun on his alpha the field training officer and he's going to put a bullet behind your ear because he fears you can pull the trigger so i'd clutch the steering wheel and say certainly officer i the gun is in the holster i don't want it to look to anyone going by like i'm pulling a gun on a cop tell me what to do and you take the gun it's an open top holster on my right hip uh today it's a beretta 92 and let the officer take it from there now a bit of suggestion here if you're going to verbally notify the officer that you are armed it's not i've got a gun as we've said that's a threatening statement i would probably say officer i feel a duty to notify i'm licensed to carry and i do have it on tell me what you want me to do now certainly officer okay you're beginning with respect for authority and indication of obedience to his lawful authority i am licensed to carry notice that does not contain a scary one-syllable word that begins with a hard consonant and frightens young policemen remember there are police training academies and departments in this country where on the shooting range the command to draw and fire is when the instructor yells got i'm licensed to carry you'll know what you're talking about but license is the operative term certified car carrying good guy checked out by the criminal justice system and approved to carry a lethal weapon in public i do have it on you're being totally upfront and honest and now you end as you began with deference to authority tell me what you'd like me to do and calmly follow those commands never argue with a cop on the side of the road you'll never win if the cop did do something wrong make a complaint to the department you'll get a nice settlement from whatever government agency he serves and you will not get shot you will you will not get arrested for assault on a police officer if the stop is taking place at night as soon as you pull over turn on the interior lights that does a lot of good things it's going to illuminate the the inside of the car obviously but the first thing it tells the officer is the people on that car have nothing to hide by illuminating the vehicle you've reduced the chances of a reach for a uh a wallet or a reach for a registration form being seen as a furtive movement that is being seen as someone reaching for a gun i would also suggest turn off the engine as a young cop like most young cops they started me on midnight shift and on cold nights when i saw that steam stop coming out of the exhaust pipe of the car i pulled over i always breathed a little bit easier every year a few cops get injured badly when someone puts the car in reverse as the officer is approaching during the traffic stop sometimes it happens by accident the r is next to the p on the transmission quadrant sometimes it happens deliberately when you've turned off the engine might open the windows of course and and have illuminated the interior you've done a lot of good things for everyone involved now one thing i'd suggest all of us whenever we've had a traffic stop very often one of the first things the officer says is do you know why i stopped you it's not a question it's an attitude test if your answer is well if you didn't know what you thought before what'd you stop me for da you have flunked think back to the last time you got pulled over you saw those twinkling lights in the rearview mirror where did the eyes go next right to the speedometer how many of us knew right then oh oh i know why i'm being pulled over so when you get that litmus test question my advice to you is anna's answer it with a refreshing honesty that the officer probably hasn't seen in a long time officer i was looking in the rearview mirror i saw your lights i looked at my speedometer and i didn't realize i was going that fast you got me ask any cop you know nine times out of ten they'll be so refreshed by you're being honest with them that they will feel an urge to give you a verbal warning instead of a ticket and if you get the ticket you were the one who went over the speed limit there is that little cruise control thing on your car when you're carrying a loaded gun it's a good idea to make use of it my wife calls that device ticket control you might want to act accordingly now if the officer demands the gun allow them to take the gun even in the unlikely event which is still possible that you get prone down on the sidewalk or something simply allow the officer to take the gun uh if you carry left-handed your pistol is here your wallet is here and the policeman's going to be right here when you reach for that wallet to take out the driver's license let the officer know beforehand officer i'm licensed to carry i do have it on it's on my left hip etc as they say at holiday inn the best surprise is no surprise it would be a real good idea to have the gun where it doesn't uh reflexively become visible when you have to reach for your wallet now if your situation is such that you have to unbuckle your seat belt before you can access your wallet and the pistol is on the right hip remember there might be an unseen brother officer right over here at your three o'clock or your four o'clock and as they if they see that there's a gun right where the hand is going to release the safety belt we're back to the potentially deadly issue we had discussed earlier so i would advise the officer i'm licensed to carry i do have it on it's on my right hip i will have to unbuckle my seatbelt if that's all right i'll just use my fingertips to pop the safety button do everything slowly retrieve the wallet retrieve whatever needs to be retrieved if you keep your registration and your proof of insurance in your glove boxes so many people do i know you're smart enough you're not going to leave you're 45 on top of your driver's license so that's the registration so that's the first thing anybody sees when you pop the door to the glove box if you've done that that might be the last thing you ever see now i know none of you are stupid enough to do that but tell your friends make sure they're not stupid enough to do that the bottom line is any police citizen contact can be potentially dangerous through misunderstanding do not be the one who creates that misunderstanding there are countless millions of police citizen contacts that take place in this country every year only a very few of them go bad through that kind of misunderstanding but one is too many and it's something all of us want to avoid put yourself in the position of the officer who is making that traffic stop and basically treat them the way you'd want to be treated or the way you'd want your 25 year old son or daughter to be treated if they had chosen law enforcement as their profession having been both an armed citizen and a police officer that's the best advice i can offer you but i know we have a lot of people who've undergone traffic stops in this in our audience here at wilson combat youtube channel and i know we have a lot of past and present law enforcement your comments and your experiences are welcome here in our comments section looking forward to seeing you back at wilson combat hope you find it useful stay safe you
Channel: Wilson Combat
Views: 783,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wilson Combat, EDC, X9, SFX9, AR15, Gun, WilsonCombat, Wilscon, Massad, Ayoob, Mas, Mass, MA, Massod, Mossod, Mossad, Bill Wilson, Seeklander, 1911, Supergrade, Custom, Combat, Handgun, slide, barrell, weapon, Ar-9, Grip, Module, LightRail, Optics, Machined, quality, service, 1977, classic, safety, serrated, model, premium, wc, retro, fudd, fudds, holster, hammer, commander, bullet, lehigh, lehigh defense, nula, armor-tuff, finish, cosmetics, pistol, revolver, technology, assad, police, cops, driving, car, pulled over, officer, liscense, ccw, carry
Id: k6tANLJEmRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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