I had to draw my firearm! My story and my E.D.C tools.

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hey youtube and welcome back to my channel family protection usa thank you guys for watching you guys have been awesome really you have i really appreciate all the respect i've been getting from you guys keep it up you guys are awesome anyway this video i just kind of want to talk a little bit about um my edc carry and why i carry the things that i do carry so the cdc reports on average between 60 000 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year kind of want to tell you guys a story about what happened to me and my family stick with me for this [Music] so i want to start out by telling you guys a little story that had happened to me my wife and my two sons it's not too bad per se but you don't really know what the outcome was going to be and what this person's intentions were at the time so me and my wife and my my newborn son at the time he was only i think three months old and my oldest son which was four at the time we had went out to the next town over and any anybody that knows me knows i live in north carolina right now um the next town over was hickory north carolina it's about 30 minute drive from here and we had just finished up with a doctor's appointment for my youngest son when he was born he had torticollis and we had to go through some uh some physical therapy for that and we had just finished up with that but we stopped by a big box retailer i'm not going to talk about the store i'm not going to talk about the name of the store or anything like that it's really not that important what is important is what happened and how it happened so as we're pulling in the parking lot we're going down we're trying to find a place to park and i noticed this older gentleman you know i mean i'm 32 and you know he was older than me i would say he was probably in his mid 50s maybe early 60s he had on a gray button-up t-shirt he had on some cargo shorts and just just basic clothes you know but he was standing outside by the entrance door and he had a phone up to his ear and i noticed he kept looking at everybody and he was watching everybody coming in coming out so i didn't really pay any mind to it you know i just thought it was somebody standing there talking to their loved one or whatever you know on the phone so we find a place when we park we get out and as always i grabbed my concealed carry weapon which at the time was this springfield xd mod 2 i have widened up and changed my carry firearm from this to something different but anyway that's what i was carrying at the time in an appendix holster like this grabbed it out of the console put it on before we even got out of the car i always do that you know before we get out we'll stop i'll look around make sure nobody's watching me put my gun on and you know i make sure i have all my necessities my knife my spare mags you know whatever i need at the time and generally i carry i carry some type of mace with me or oc spray and this is just the saber spray from walmart it's kind of cheap i'm a minimalist so if i don't have to spend a lot of money for something i'm not going to uh i do recommend getting some palm oc spray though that's some pretty good stuff it's pretty potent and i can put a link in the description for pom for you but anyway i had everything except for my mace i left it in the car in a little storage space that's in the car because we had just got back from a doctor's appointment and i you know i took all this stuff off before i go in i try to comply with the law as much as i can so i forgot to grab that and put it back on my person anyway we all get out of the vehicle and we're walking into the store and as we're coming across the parking lot i noticed the guy and he's watching us come from like two rolls over three rolls over actually and he's watching us all the way across the parking lot so we cut through and then come back down and i kind of tell my wife you know i'm like hey this guy's kind of weird you know he just keeps watching us so she made a mental mental note of what this guy looked like and what he was doing and i did the same thing but i was trying to be i wasn't trying to be obvious about it because i have my son with me you know both of my kids and i don't want my oldest son just freaking out over random people you know so when it comes to this stuff out in public you have to have your situational awareness but you can't panic the people that's with you at the same time you can make them aware of the situations but when it comes to little ones you really don't want to talk about this stuff in front of them because you don't want them to panic and don't be mentally scarred for the rest of their life because of something that could possibly be nothing so i try to avoid that and um you know i just kind of whispered it to my wife you know and she knew what i was talking about she watched the guy she understood so as we're going in the guy's still standing there and he kind of turns and he just watches us as we're going through the front door and we go around to the other side and i put them on my left and this guy to my right so i made sure that i was in between him and my family and also my gun i'm right-handed so it was appendix carry it was directly below me if i had to push them out of the way and use that i could have so i try to strategically plan things like that when we're out in public but we get into the store and we're we get a cart get the kids set in the cart and as we're going down we come through and i think we go through two or three different aisles and then we come back out i see the guy standing at the end of the aisle still got his phone up to his ear and he's watching us again so we do her shopping and then we had to go get something else we go back down the aisle to go grab something else about five or ten minutes later i look back around because at this point you know i've got my head on a swivel and i'm watching for this guy and i'm i keep watching you know left and right behind me making sure i've got the kids so i'm pushing the cart i have the kids my wife is with me she's doing the shopping getting the stuff putting it in there and i'm watching her but i noticed the guy again a couple miles up he's still got his phone up and he's still watching us so i tell my wife i'm like hey you know this guy's still watching us he's still in here he doesn't have anything in his hand right now just you watch my back i'll watch your back i don't know what this guy's intentions are if i have to confront him i will but you know i did not want to confront anybody just from watching us in front of my kids like i said so we keep going and then i noticed the guy again and he's he's finally got something in his hands he's got i don't know i think it was like some rice and beans or something and he still got his phone up but we're in the store for probably 40 minutes maybe 45 minutes and the guy is still almost every single place we are and if he's not you know he's probably watching us from somewhere else and i'm not sure why he was watching us versus other people but obviously he's seen something that we had that intrigued him so we keep going i'm like you know let's just go ahead and leave let's get our stuff let's go if we need to come back for anything else we'll just stop and get it somewhere else so as we get to the register i notice the the same guy he is one aisle over from us in another checkout line and he has his two items and you know he's a couple people back so as we're getting our stuff paid for he's next in line and um i asked the cashier if she'd ever seen that guy in here before and she said she hasn't she's never seen him in there before you know so i was just like okay you know he's kind of been following us through the whole store you know she didn't really say anything else about it but we went ahead and we checked out and as we were going out i noticed the guy coming back out the door with nothing so he left his stuff and he followed us back out the door so at this point i tell my wife i say hey grab your phone and get it ready to call 911 in case we have to um this guy is coming back out you know i don't know what his intentions are he may just have to go somewhere i don't know you know he left his stuff he didn't get it so we come up with a plan as we're walking across the parking lot and i tell her that i'm going to go around to the driver's side and i'm going to get my oldest son in and i'm going to watch her and watch for him while she's putting in my youngest son and he was just a few months old at the time so as she gets in there i push the cart up between her and the back side of the vehicle with all the groceries in it that way she is blocked in from the door and a cart so if this guy had snuck up onto her he wouldn't be able to grab her or my youngest son without having to move that stuff ahead of time so i go around i park the cart and i go around with my oldest son and she's getting my youngest son in and i tell my my oldest just go ahead and get in the vehicle and i'm trying to scan the parking lot and i lost sight of this guy as we were coming around the car i don't know where the guy went and that was a mistake for me i should have kept an eye directly on this guy the entire time but at the at the moment you know i'm thinking just get my family in the vehicle get them locked up as quick as possible and safe as possible so i lost sight of the guy while i was coming around the vehicle and you know my son my oldest he's he's saying daddy you know buckle me up you know i'm just saying just get in the car i'll get you buckled in a minute and i look back up and by the time i look back up from telling my son that and it was a split second from the time i looked back up my wife has my youngest son buckled and she's backing out of the vehicle you know so she's coming back out of the door and i look up and the guy is standing right at the cart looking at her so you know she just kind of panics and she just kind of like you know she's stunned she don't know what to do it at that time and really i didn't either because i lost sight of the guy and i was hoping he went the other way but he didn't he came all the way around like i said we were three rolls over so he come all the way back around in between vehicles to get to where we were so at that moment i initially i grabbed my firearm so i grabbed a hold of my firearm and i make myself known you know he sees me before i even say anything we have an suv with dark tendon windows in the back and i'm standing at the back so as he as he's coming up to the back of the cart you know before i even say anything i got my hand on my gun and he sees me and he starts backing up you know he takes about two steps back so i step out from the vehicle with my gun and i pull it out in a defensive display which is kind of like at a low ready so i pull it straight out of my holster and hold it straight down with my finger off the trigger and i step out and i ask the guy i keep the gun kind of hid but i do have it ready and you know i step out and i'm like can we help you so the guy's like oh i'm so sorry you know i thought this is my vehicle and i don't know i don't know where i'm at you know i thought this is my vehicle he said well i must have parked over there so i'm like okay well you just need to step back and you need to go so the guy he steps back again but then he takes another step back forward and at that moment you know i'm thinking well maybe he's going to try to grab my wife so i step all the way out from behind the vehicle to where he can now see my firearm and i tell him again you need to leave get away from us so the guy he sees the firearm and he turns around he makes a beeline down in front of one of the other cars and he goes all the way back across the parking lot but as he's doing this he grabs his phone so he must have had it on the whole time because whenever he pulls it up to his ear he's just like come and get me you know i can hear him mumbling that across the parking lot and another vehicle pulls up to get him which looks absolutely nothing like our vehicle we drive a black ford edge suv and he got into a white pt cruiser in the passenger side so as they get in um they kind of speed off and i look for a tag on the vehicle but the vehicle pulled in about two rows over i think might have been three but as they're pulling out there's no visible license plate on the vehicle at all so i don't know what the guy's intentions were i don't know if he was trying to kidnap my son if he was trying to steal my wife's purse maybe if he wanted to borrow money or pan for money you know panhandling for money or something i don't know i don't know what the guy's intentions were but i do know one thing it was not good his intentions were not good whatever it was they were not good you can tell a lot by a person just by watching their eyes and their hands in the way that they're moving the way they're acting and this guy was definitely up to no good so we did call in a police report on this guy and they never found him never got any information since there wasn't nothing really done nobody was hurt there was no police report filed but i will tell you this about four months later it might not even been that long maybe three months later at this same retail store in hickory north carolina there were two incidents of reported child abduction okay this was just months after my incident now could it be related i don't know my guess is yes it was probably related it was probably the same person if it wasn't the same person he was probably in with another group of people and that's probably what they were doing so when you're out and about guys you have to keep your head on the swivel you know make sure you're paying attention to what people are saying around you what people are doing who's in the who's around you who's in your vicinity and even whenever i go out to eat i try to think you know as we go into a building you know i'm like okay i want to be facing the door the main entrance i want to see who's coming in who's going out and i always try to figure out where all the exits are as soon as we sit down that way if i have to get my kids out of the situation or my wife out of a situation like that i can tell them where to go they can get out and with me being the sole protector of my family this is all on me so i have to make sure that i'm well prepared to be able to handle any situation that comes at that moment am i paranoid i don't think i am but am i prepared yes i am prepared and i think we all should be we all should be thinking that way so let's break this down a little bit now one thing that i should have done better was as soon as i noticed this guy was following us through the store and something was off with him we should have immediately left then okay the best way to get yourself out of a defensive situation is to not be there okay so if you go stupid places at stupid times with stupid people you're gonna find yourself in a stupid situation okay always remember that now sometimes you can get away with breaking one of those three but if you break all if you break two or more two or all three then generally something bad's gonna happen all right now was this a stupid place stupid time with stupid people no not really i don't think so i feel pretty safe going there any other time always have but every now and then you just have some crazy person that's just wants to cause harm to somebody and that's the reason why i carry the things that i carry so another thing that i could have done to deter this a little bit instead of pulling my firearm if i would have had my mace on me that could have been a great option okay could have used this as a deterrent instead of my handgun the guy didn't look to be armed and he probably wasn't but you know between a harsh word and a gun this is about the best way to go that and verbal jiu-jitsu so if you know how to talk your way out of situation and de-escalate that's that's the way to go de-escalate the situation you know but if you have to if you have to step it up you know use some ace if the mace don't work then you feel your life is in immediate danger use a firearm but at that moment i did feel like my my wife and my child was in danger that's the reason i drew and displayed my firearm in a defensive manner now was i brandishing a firearm not in the state of north carolina that was not brandishing brandishing a firearm is completely different than using in a defensive display you know brandishing is pointing in a unruly manner when defensive display you pull it out and you're ready to go saying hey you know i'm not going to take your crap i have a firearm and i will use it if i have to use it keyword being have to okay you don't just shoot somebody for calling you a dummy or something you know you don't you don't just do that you don't just shoot somebody for them saying bad stuff to you or telling you you can't read or something you know i mean we're adults people use your verbal jiu-jitsu if you can de-escalate the situation with words and get yourself out of there do it the best defense is getting away from the situation okay but now if i would have had that that would have been nice because whenever he stepped back towards my wife again that next time i would have blessed him with the hot sauce i'm telling you i would have but let me move you guys down here a little bit i'm going to show you some of the stuff that i carry on an everyday basis now everything on this table i don't carry every day um but i do kind of mix and match so i want to talk about that let me get you guys move down ah don't judge me right guys so here i have a few different things that i carry on a daily basis and this one like i said i have retired this as excuse me tacos like i said i have retired this one as my edc so i just use this one in the woods whenever i go out hunting or something you know i carry this with me and i mean it's not a bad gun i've actually never had any kind of malfunctions at all out of this and this is the springfield xd mod 2 with the grip zone right there so you know where you put your hand at but the reason i decided i'm not going to carry this one is because of that right there you know if it's not depressed all the way then the gun cannot fire and sometimes that will fail so i just threw that one out of my inventory for my edc and this would have been what i would have been carrying at the time of the situation i had a wing on this also um actually no it wasn't this it wasn't this holster it was one like this though this one i made this one right here i bought from a company and it's junk this thing is junk has no retention but anyway i made my own and it was great had a wing on it and that's what i carried and i carried it appendix style and this is the firearm that i used that day in my my little story so this is my everyday carry now this is what i carry every single day the only time i don't carry this is when i have to go to work unfortunately the place i work at they won't let me carry a firearm so if i accidentally forget it and i leave it in my vehicle i actually have to park off of the premises before i can even come in and punch in and i have done that once i forgot it was in there um and i had to park off of the property to come in that's been a while ago though so anyway unfortunately that's the way it is but this is the sig sauer p365 this is the first generation they have a couple newer ones that they've they have some that they don't have the sights on it's recessed and they have the 365 xl but this is just a six hour p365 and this one does not have the issues as the very first production ones did um i got this right after that so this one's this one's good to go and with this gun i love this because it's so small and compact but you still get pretty decent amount of rounds i mean it comes with two 10 round magazines this one has the pinky extension on it the other one doesn't have that and you can get a 12 round magazine for this as well but it's just super compact it is a bit snappy but it's really not that bad to handle at least not for me anyway now maybe for my wife she might have some issues with this but i love this gun so the holster that i use this is a custom holster that i built and i love this holster i made this one specifically for my needs and it works great for me along with that every day i also carry a backup magazine and this is my flush mount that i have here this is the 10 round also and i carry the 6 hour p365 ammo in these i have some other stuff over here but first let's just say this is what i carry every day so i carry my firearm back up mag i carry a flashlight carry some sort of a pocket knife and some mace or just some kind of oc spray now this one here this is the saber brand and you can pick this up just about anywhere this one i picked up at walmart um i think it was like 10 or 12 dollars don't really remember i think it was 10 no it was 12. this stuff is okay it's not the best in the world but it's not the worst by far the lock on it is very loose so if you're carrying this don't just stick it in your pocket put it in some kind of a pouch or something that way this can't get knocked around and you're accidentally spraying inside your pocket that wouldn't be good if you do get this brand i would recommend getting the gel there is one it's a gel top and it comes out a lot thicker it's not the aerosol so it's not going to spray all over the place and you're not going to get as much of it back in your face with the wind but i do carry some step over to the pocket knife this pocket knife here this is the kershaw hot wire it's just a cheap knife again from walmart this one here i actually got on clearance a few years back thinking i gave like three bucks for this thing i don't know why it was clearanced out they clearanced all of them out at that time but you can still get these so i'm not sure this has been a really good knife i've been carrying this one for a couple years and it stays razor sharp i haven't had any problems out of my clip or out of my my axle here or the spring assist the spring assist still works great on this thing you know love this little knife and it's compact you know it's big enough to to do what i needed to do and it doesn't take up a whole lot of room in my pocket now i've said it before i'm a minimalist so i like things that is cheap and going to do the job but i don't like junk i've said that too and again with that i have this little flashlight here this is the hyper tough 100 l it's 100 lumens it runs off two double a batteries again i got this one at walmart for 10 bucks i have probably six or seven of these all together i've been carrying this one for a few years and i haven't had any problems out of this it stays on when i need it on the button seems to work great it's not very big you know it's about the same size as my index finger and width and you get probably six to eight hours of battery life out of one of these but it just fits really well in my pocket and at 30 yards i can light up anything i want and be able to see what i need to see with this also i have a surefire flashlight that i carry and i don't carry this one all the time this one mostly stays on my nightstand but every now and then i will carry this light and i did make me a kydex holster for this to just clip on my belt and this light works great also um you get a lot of life out of the batteries on these they're pretty bright i think this one is 300 lumens it's just been a good lot all around it's just been a good luck so next up i have this little k bar knife here and i'll just run my belt through here and i usually carry this appendix on my left side and i got this one from a north carolina state police officer out of caldwell county he's a pretty good buddy of mine he actually done my concealed carry classes for me and that's how i met him and you know we keep in touch pretty regular but this has been a great little knife also razor sharp very durable k-bar makes some good stuff another thing that i keep i keep these in my vehicle i have one of my wives and one in mine i also have one of these in my edc bag and you can buy these it comes in a two pack i got this off amazon i'm thinking for right around about fourteen dollars i'm not 100 sure on that but this is the rescue me it's spelt r-e-s-q-m-e made in usa and what this is you just pull that off it's got a little razor blade in there to cut a belt with you know like a seat belt or something to get out of the vehicle also you can take this and it's spring loaded so you push up against the window on that and it'll pop and there's a little metal piece that'll pop out of there and it'll shatter the window within seconds so that's good to have in my vehicle in case we get into an accident we're trapped in the vehicle and can't get out i can use that to get out or if i see some kid sitting in the vehicle on a hot day and it's 120 degrees out the windows rolled up nobody around i can use that to bust that window and possibly save that child's life so that's a good thing to to look into i will try to put a link in the description for this for you guys that way if you want to check them out you can get on there and check them out also back to the oc spray i don't really recommend the saber brand but what i do recommend is the palm oc spray it's pom that stuff is great it's it's pretty pretty potent stuff and you pick it up pretty cheap i'll also put a link in the description for that for you guys as well it's some pretty good stuff i don't have one of those on me right now but i do have this one so i'm showing you that now another thing that i like to keep i have a first aid kit here's just a a little ouchy boo boo kit that i have this one if i'm not mistaken i also got from walmart now if we open this up it's got you know it's got some gauze in it a couple pieces of gauze as an emergency blanket if you need that it's got some bigger pieces of gauze in here um has a abd pad right there also comes with this little ice pack now you can break that inside of this zipper i have some copper tone water babies rub on sunscreen for my kids and then it has some sun sun cream in here there's some burn cream some mosquito uh insect repellent has some poison ivy and poison oak and sumac cream got plenty of band-aids several different varieties some aspirin tylenol stuff like that and then getting over to the other side there's some gloves a couple more bandages some q-tips has a little plastic pair of tweezers here you know might come in handy for something a couple pieces of wood there for some finger splints or whatnot whatever you need it for some safety pins got some tape in there and there's tons of these quick clean antiseptic hand wipes and then some alcohol prep pads a bunch of those so this comes in handy now in my vehicle i do have a larger one with different things and i also have one in my adc bag with different things one thing this didn't have in it that i just realized is some quick clot now that stuff's pretty good if you don't know what that is it's exactly what it says it is it's quick clot so if you got a cut and you're having problems getting it stop bleeding you can open up a package of that sprinkle it on there and it starts clotting the blood up real quick and you don't have to worry about bleeding to death too soon so anyway guys i think that does it for this video i just want to say again thank you guys so much for all the support and respect you've been showing to my channel i really appreciate it keep it coming guys if you have any questions on anything that i have here as my edc stuff or any questions or comments about my little story that i had told you guys um feel free to leave them down in the comments below i always appreciate some some feedback on stuff like that so thank you guys again for watching and be sure to hit that like comment and subscribe guys i can't get anywhere without the the comments and you know it gives me ideas for everything and i really appreciate whenever you guys subscribe that way you're getting my newest content like this video you're watching here i do have a few more videos coming out that i've already started on and hopefully i can have those out sometime within the week or within the week after but thank you guys for watching and have a good night [Music]
Channel: Family Protection USA
Views: 15,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self defense, defensive display, Hickory NC, NC, EDC, OC spray, Resqme, Kershaw, hyper tough pen light, situational awaerness, defensive display of firearm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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