Unboxing Spot The $75,000 Robot Dog

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[Music] so we received a product a gadget that is it seems more significant than usual it's the most futuristic thing it's not a smartphone this is a moving intelligent I mean it's a robot those early clips were very unpolished it seemed far off oh that's yeah they're working on that but people are gonna get these things the only videos prepared you for an eventual reality that you were certain this future would happen and it was on its way but you weren't certain of the timeline [Music] shall we gather around it's here it's happening it's it's a movie this is a movie now it's bigger it's bigger it occupies the whole case I can imagine it moving but it's big that's a it's a big let's do it yeah yeah this is one of the batteries it's got a handle on it it actually looks like it has a power indicator as well [Music] now I just noticed I almost missed this inside the package it's a pretty elaborate looking controller whoa it's like video game controller meets drone controller Android so this is running Android yeah it's a it's a full-out Android device like almost like an Android tablet and there's a spot application on here okay I am I ready I don't I feel like I need a crash course over here but the coolest mommy is going to be watching it come to life the moment at which the limp body is removed from its casket and the power switch is activated and the electricity flows from its battery that moment right there when it stiffens up [Music] that's the most exciting [Music] are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god oh my god yes that's this is the that's it it happened it's real DC it's not a joke it's not a joke it's here [Applause] it's everything I can imagine a disruption of almost every aspect of your life every aspect of the traditional ways in which we do things if you can create a creature that's ultimately like us moves like us things like us you imagine it's just a question of how far ahead you want to look it's anything a human does is where this goes the artificial human is the eventualities heart rates spiking how does that make you feel Jack scary I'm scared [Music] when that day comes I mean you have a good sense of like power that was all that was all within the unit it did the obstacle avoidance on its own it saw and smoothly transition it's so much more dexterous in person than even the videos that you have seen in the past you justice like when you're in control of it or even just physically in its presence you immediately recognize the significance this is not just another gadget this is one of those bigger moments this is gonna change a lot of things and we're just we're just at the door right now we only walk through the door we're at the door but I can already see it and feel it [Music] so this is a big one we've seen it March about it's obviously incredibly sophisticated I don't even need to see this next thing with you to know what this all means we're gonna attempt to scale these stairs that's a pretty significant set of stairs it's gonna require some calculation on behalf of the robot to be able to effectively manage that we can see that the robot sees the stairs right now and just like the other settings stairs is within there hop jog amble crawl stairs walk and select stairs I'll leave the speed at half and then what I just approached the stairs don't know what I expected I've seen the robot on videos do that but this is not test right there that does it for me oh it has no it has zero chill as well the speed at which it scaled those stairs was not scared you're downstairs right now controlling the robot upstairs how much confidence do you have Hans because of the obstacle avoidance so I just have a camera view so but where I might screw up and bump into something I have confidence in its own systems that it's gonna be able to navigate around them even here working strictly off of the video footage I'm still not super concerned that I'm gonna crash it for example I'll just bring it all the way around bring it right back to the stairs right now [Music] [Music] this is a video game if you can play a video game you can control this robot I can just envision I can imagine all of the applications for this kind of technology I can just see it these are just stairs what about a terrible treacherous terrain that a human would never want to enter I mean it can basically manage navigation in a similar way to a person developed to deal with the type of obstacles that a person would run into [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let me show you something right now on this over here we see it as a physical object if it sees it in terms of data that is us it can read the height imagine they made one that was like that was like unfriendly oh okay this is actually a good moment spot took a tumble because it was trying to navigate this lip on these stones while at the same time they some dirt on the other side now what you see in the screen is that the robot is faulted and the self right button becomes available and watch spot self right even in that weird look at this let's see if spot can get out of this terrible situation here tight [Music] yeah think about this for a second spot doesn't necessarily interpret this plant life as as soft as it is those could be major obstacles it has to do the computational stuff to figure out okay what can where can i push how can I get out of here and this is tight all these plants on here some of them high and so you saw spot just struggling and staying upright and eventually getting out of the situation impressive when spot takes a fall there is a moment of kind of the parenting s thank you hey spot a huge but same time it's so sophisticated that you kind of party you as confidence as spots gonna figure it out which is strange have that degree of confidence is something that's still so new but definitely you can't detach yourself completely it's a moving thing and therefore you almost want to nudge it you almost want to help it up a little bit but spot probably doesn't need it I don't know try it Oh Oh did you see the punch the push-up to get space I got nicked up what's weird is how at first spot gets nicked up and you think of it as a kind of piece of technology like you've got a scratch on your new phone but then you realize spot is an entirely different thing that's meant to be out and active and when you're out and active these scrapes in pumps are just daily life for spot spot is not a smartphone [Music] [Music] oh man the thing to remember here is yes I'm controlling spot with this remote I can see what spot sees and I'm sort of dictating the direction but the calculations are happening inside of spot all the sophisticated work is there when spot has to decide through looking at an obstacle sense and sensing an obstacle what's necessary to get over it or around it I'm kind of pointing spot in a direction but then it's doing the math to figure out okay this is a rock I'm going to approach it in this way it's not like an RC car I know there's kind of tempting to think of it that way but whether I had this remote or not if I asked spot to go from A to B spot would figure out the best course of action in order to get there Oh easy look at this Oh dance why it's important to look a spot as a platform it's fun to use the remote control but the real eventual application is some degree of autonomy this rail system here is capable of expanding spots functionality Spock a carry cargo could also carry a variety of sensors lidar scanner could carry a camera in order to in order to do some kind of surveillance or to map out an interior environment there's a variety of components that can be added to this section of spot or you can even go ahead and rig something up yourself because this is a relatively standardized rail system that's on the back the idea of the robot as the helper has been around since far before the potential existence that actually manufactured to create it or to execute it if this is a technology product and it's anything like all the other technology products we've seen the advancement that's gonna take place in the next decade is going to make the next version of it seem like a completely different thing well in the same way that the smartphone I'm carrying now is nothing like the house phone that I grew up with what happens when it gets up on two legs anything inhuman does is where this goes with a 10 year from now version of spot is unrecognizable isn't it
Channel: Unbox Therapy
Views: 5,364,522
Rating: 4.7914472 out of 5
Keywords: unbox therapy, unboxtherapy, tech, technology, gadgets, gadget, unboxing, review, unbox, therapy, new, youtube, spot, spot robot, boston dynamics, boston, dynamics, boston dynamics spot, robot, unboxing spot robot
Id: nkcKdfL7G3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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