World's Most Expensive vs Cheapest Toaster

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you know they say waiting for paint to dry it never drives is that right the general electric toaster oven that toasts both sides at once evenly perfectly and delivers the toast right into your hand automatic all right we've got we got a really fun a really fun concept I feel like a you say type of bakery you running over here Lou it is not a bakery however those are baked goods and they're here for good reason that thing right I ordered this all right once upon a time maybe the world's most expensive most premium toaster it's a whole different concept for how to toast bread treat bread and then I said you know the only way to really analyze this thing what could be the world's most expensive toaster is to put it up against the standard inexpensive toaster this is a proctor selects traditions I just bought this at the Canadian Tire for $13 up against this one which on Amazon currently is three hundred and seventy three dollars and in Canadian dollars it's over five hundred bucks it only toasts one slice at a time because that's how special it is so it's the t o - st one - tea from Mitsubishi we're going to do a taste test myself and Willie do we have some premium bread from Cobbs bakery and we have some supermarket bread from the locals so B's that's Dempster's you see that as Dempster's white official with the canadian flag first off we're gonna try to figure out if we can tell the difference between the toasters tell the difference between the breads and then tell you if there's any mean at all for you as a human being to consider the idea of owning spending or placing a $400 toaster on your countertop in 2020 and isn't it a beauty it looks like Christmas doesn't it this is the Mitsubishi Premium toaster and you know it's premium right away because you crack it open and check the rest P booklet look at this is cinnamon apples the key to this expensive toasting tech is that everything is sealed in the idea being that it keeps the moisture inside whereas your typical cheapo toaster is drying out the bread because it's open on the top it comes with this little tray people are saying man you throw the butter on before you put it in that's something you could do people are saying you throw french toast straight into this guy so we have the little spatula this looks like some warranty information it's all very serious I feel like I've purchased an expensive appliance this is the toaster at the nice wood grain on the top Jack's a big fan of the wood grain right there I will go at your decor quite a large item for the counter for a toaster for one slice okay we remove the protective covering that's where the bread goes it goes on to this tray the whole thing seals up there's a tremendous number of settings on the front regular toast defrost I don't know and french toast that looks like maybe for stale toast and then there's different levels for how toasted you want it four five six eight now they claim to have taken some of their tech from the rice cookers that they obviously manufacture those as well and those things are all about keeping the moisture inside you know when you're talking about food it often comes back to the moisture the juiciness they say that you cook a a succulent meal now you may be wondering Lou where are the toppings all you have here is the bread and that's because we want the real analysis we want to examine the bread and only the bread the the crunch and the softness we want to put our sensory systems on high alert now let's compare that to the budget unboxing experience the traditions by procter selects it's actually not that complicated this device is nothing in the package it really doesn't need to be very lightweight it's a bit marked up over here [Music] you would see this in a I don't know a dormitory you would maybe you got a really cheap air B&B this is what will be in the house if you can get it get the job done for 10 bucks more power to you but it's not the most satisfying interaction if you're constantly making toast and of course there's not many settings it's just that's it first things first let's start with the standard toaster just to refresh what a simple piece of toast can be or is very short cable on the cheap toaster first it's going to be the supermarket bread in the ten dollar toaster now the beauty is we can do two slices at a time on this one is that wait a second wait a minute the bread is too large for the actual yeah the top of it it's not gonna get an even post on there this is a type of toaster you just need that bread heat it up a bit man you just need something other than the bread itself yeah you got like five minutes and then you're out the door yeah that's it you're gonna take that toast you're gonna move on and you're not gonna think about it too much its sustenance you're just trying to live level six this - I would eat this toast this is not too toasted for me really okay yours is it yours is dead alright we're gonna have to do that again I guess see this is the issue as well with your typical toaster consistent toast and there's bagels it's different you know it's hard man yeah okay are you wanting crab yours okay so definitely what we thought it's not it's not gonna get the top portion very well are you ready yeah here we go [Music] hmm it tastes like childhood it's not bad but it's not special some would say it's a bit dry we're gonna shift now to the premium bread in the ten dollar toaster now what's weird is that this bread costs almost as much as a toaster [Music] you're talking about a premium bread from cobs shout out to cobs bread I suppose the other thing we're gonna get to the bottom of with this experiment is not just the difference from the premium toaster to the cheap toaster but also the premium bread to the cheap bread and whether or not it's worthwhile to bother upgrading your bread if you're not prepared to upgrade your toaster or or save your money on the toaster and just buy better bread right that's strange look at that it's a much less toasted than the supermarket bread okay let's give it a go [Music] it brushes way better it's crispier mm-hmm the bread is a massive impact if you just go with a slightly more premium bread even on a $10 toaster it's a huge upgrade now that brings us of course to the elephant in the room the Mitsubishi and first we're gonna hit it with the supermarket white bread seal chamber that's created in there it's amazing okay you close it down then we're gonna give it a start makes a chime I like the red light and I like the dedicated start/stop button this was a bit nerve-wracking on the $10 item it definitely can't make good bread bad I mean good bread is good good good bread is good bread yeah 20 20 oh yeah get it checked whoa a little steam outlet on the back where's all that moisture coming from okay oh my god [Music] oh my god it's so even it's fluffy there's a fluff to it that a typical toaster can't achieve the air of the bread is protected okay now obviously the last thing to do is for us to take the premium bread with the premium toaster yes it's the $400 toaster and a $4 bakery bread now we know what happened on the cheapo toaster this was a big improvement and we hope that the same thing happens over here how is the bread turning brown then there is a heating element on the one side but how's the top of the bread brown where's that water coming from probably the bread the bread it uses the breads own water [Music] science that is incredible amount of steam [Music] [Music] unreal so good this toaster enhanced the difference between the premium bread and the cheap bread it increased the gap in quality when we put the cheap bread in the nice toaster it was like okay it's a bit fluffier we put the premium bread in there is what it was meant to be if you get this toaster you can't be putting regular bread in it you've got to be getting the bakery it's got to be baked that day that's I would say that yeah yeah it's real I'm into it what is that difference worth it's a difference worth four hundred dollars and for who I want to know who can justify it let's say even over the course of the year it's less than a dollar a day that premium post experience yes then you leave your house your urine up in an uplifted mood a real value move it's just upgrade your bread this is only for the true aficionados it's only for the true enthusiasts you go with the premium bread and the premium toaster and you feel like you're bit you feel like you're baking your own bread in there so for the average person that wants to improve their toast experience they should look at better bread if you're a weirdo or bread enthusiast or someone like us that wants to have a strange toast experience I guarantee you you will have that you will have the optimal extreme the ultimate toast experience with that right there the Mitsubishi Electric $400 toaster one slice at a time because that's how special each piece of toast is to you you
Channel: Unbox Therapy
Views: 4,895,221
Rating: 4.8391371 out of 5
Keywords: toaster, expensive toaster, japanese toaster, most expensive toaster, most expensive, vs, mitsubishi toaster, mitsubishi, toast, cheap toaster, unbox therapy, lew later, to-st1, bread, gadgets, gadget, tech, technology, unboxing, review, best toaster, 2020, best toaster 2020, kitchen, kitchen gadgets, best toaster oven, toaster tips, toaster review, new inventions, inventions, cool inventions, cool gadgets, cool, kitchen appliance, kitchen appliances, toaster oven, oven
Id: wlIdXjlnwbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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