Adam Savage's Spot Robot Rickshaw Carriage!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 2,978,403
Rating: 4.8759222 out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, adam savage, boston dynamics, robot dog, boston dynamics spot, spot mini, boston dynamics robot, artificial intelligence, walking robot, black mirror, boston dynamics dog, machine learning projects, adam savage's tested, spotmini robot, rough-terrain vehicle, robot dog boston dynamics, black mirror metalhead dog, adam savage robot dog, adam savage boston dynamics, adam savage tested, adam savage mythbusters, adam savage rickshaw, adam savage rickshaw robot
Id: zyaocKS3sfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
That is cool that they didn't hide the reality of what was featured at the end. It gives a good balance to the story.
Does nobody have a sense of humor in here... practical is clearly a joke. He is wearing a fucking top hat....
Skip to 22:15 to watch it pull
Well, I liked it.
Slap a coat of black and some brass filigree on spot for the final version though.. if you don't want to make it permanent, some light weight 3D printed "armour" you could snap on might work. It'd be tight.
What is my purpose?
You pull Adam Savage
Oh my God.
They are going to get so much good data out of Adam just playing with it like a toy
Who else wants to see Adam incorporating this into his next cosplay at Comic-Con? ⬇
i can handle your payload, adam! come ride me
Erase this video before AI finds it and remembers it during the take over. Adam Savage has doomed us all.