Unboxing a $250 Electronics Mystery Box | Liquidation Unboxing | The Family Flips

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hey everybody welcome to another unboxing another magazine so this is our second unboxing from bargain hour if you remember that unboxing you probably do because it was memorable but we didn't feel like it would be a normal uh what somebody would normally get in liquidation graded sometimes liquidation you hit home runs you hit grand slams like that which is awesome but that's not the norm so we ordered two more boxes this is the first box that we are unboxing for you today we paid 275 dollars but then we also used a 10 coupon code which we also have to offer you which will be down in the description of the video so you can get 10 off so it was like 275 10 percent 27.50 i don't know is like a little under 250 yeah and it was free shipping now before they had they changed their website up their their website hasn't been open but maybe a couple months so they're working on some things are changing things but now it's free shipping which is more money for you and you don't even have to upload a reseller certificate to get tax free so all in liter 250 bucks our goal is to devil double our money let's do it hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] we haven't always done our unboxings this way uh with both of us in front unboxing together but we thought for a little while we would try a different format yeah uh let us know what you think about it if you like it if you don't like it we're all about hearing what it is that you guys like the best so i'm really excited about this joey what's your rock paper scissors so you can pull stuff first i win okay so let's do it i'm gonna pull something okay this is actually right on top so i'm just gonna pull the thing that's right on top um it says fit pulse i think it's one of those massage guns no way yeah i think it is that'd be cool if it was so i'm going to open this up what is it it is yep it's one of those massage guns yep oh yeah joe got one of these for his birthday from mike and i like it i loved it yeah and these are mix as we're getting into it this electronic slot this is a mix between new items and customer returns so this one here obviously it's a customer return it doesn't have the brand new stuff so we'll have to do some testing uh make sure it works and we'll kind of as we give you prices we'll let you know what we expect to make for it yep all right next i've got a true wireless earbuds i'm assuming steel they're sealed so but it does say red it's so hard to get this thing to focus there we go you might have to take my word for it but it says red on there so they're nice red that's just my elf kiss yeah i have an led mirror nice those are usually good 15 to 25 bucks yes hopefully we'll see um and then i've got cpap machine cleaner all right portable mini cpap sanitizer disinfector he knows that because so but this one also looks brand new yeah so that's good and that's four items for me do you want to pick some yes first up for me is gonna be this uh switch blade all in one uh real switchblade switchblade it's a trimmer but it's called a switchblade it's like for your ears your hair your eyebrows your little nose trimming and such a little everything's little except my belly all right i don't get my belly we have a blood blood yeah that's right yeah a blood pressure monitor right here and uh nothing high dollar this i always i want to make sure that it's it's been used it looks like it's definitely got some purple right there yeah on it and uh looking inside it looks it's got some scratches and different kinds of stuff some scuffing on yeah i i don't feel safe selling it when it looks used branded we would have to do some testing make sure it works but then we'd have to have another device to make sure that it's reading correctly because you don't want somebody depend on their blood pressure being taken accurately when it's not working right so uh this one it may be a loss i don't know sorry i can always help you put stuff away we have a solar powered i'm trying to get the best angle a solar powered animal repeller which that's kind of neat keeps outdoor pests like dogs are not pests or cats or deer well maybe if you don't if it's not your dog could be pesky mice skunks foxes martin's bat squirrels and more wow that's a lot of animals but i don't think they're all pissed [Laughter] and then we have another didn't you have a seat yeah this is heat cleaner another cpap cleaner and now we have a ninja battery it's a laptop battery replacement battery so it looks perfect yeah you got a shift camera yeah i'm trying i'm forgetting that we're doing it differently now so it looks to be sealed right here so that's good if it was not sealed i may not want to sell this because there's no way of actually testing to see if it works but since it's sealed i feel better about that all right so i just finished pricing my round of items okay so remember we just did the uh this dude right here so you'll see in that screenshot right there it is 99 brand new now remember ours is not brand new so and it looks like it's in great condition but i'm going to test it make sure i'm going to sell it as used and i should be able to make 50 potential profit for that these vizla vizsla i found another one in the box i went ahead and pulled it hope you guys don't mind um but they're selling for about 38 dollars a piece so we can tentatively make 30 a piece for these right right okay and then the cpap cleaner uh one joe found in his box and one that i found we can make probably 20 to 25 apiece on these they're selling for about 30 as well and then the led mirror right so this guy here is about joe is right actually uh selling for about 15 so we can make potentially 10 on this after shipping and fees so pretty stoked about everything we've got here that's what 50. so just with these items here we've got about 160 dollars worth of potential profit and i'm liking that yep what do you got so i have the zavinci solar powered uh animal repeller it's selling for 36.99 so after shipping fees it should be around 28 dollars for it we have the ninja battery it's for an hp um laptop computer it's selling for 29.99 so we're looking at 20 profit for it and then the switchblade all-in-one hair head-to-toe groomer 17.99 uh we'll probably make about ten dollars profit for all for it as as well and sometimes i know what i'm talking about and this blood pressure monitor i'm not going to sell it because i just don't feel right about it if it wasn't something that kept up with somebody's medical stuff that they needed to stay healthy i would sell it in used condition but these are only 15 to 20 dollars brand new anyways it's been used i don't know if it works we're gonna call it a zero and i'm gonna sleep better at night for it all right ready yep alrighty i'm gonna pull uh bt magic audio receiver those always sell we've sold a lot of those over the years uh it's a private label item but it still sells well yeah and it looks great uh the boxes look perfect and unused so that's great i just wanted to open it up and double check because you just never know you know what i mean you never know you never know and then i've got this uh uh angle 3 ultra i don't know what that is but it's a camera oh no it's a portable bluetooth wireless speaker they knew it before we did because they saw it before we were like what they knew i'm glad you all knew before sometimes y'all notice things that we don't yep all right this is a portable ultraviolet sterilizing lamp what would you need this for uh coved 19. during use keep surface of ultraviolet clean wipe it with alcohol gauze once a week yeah it looks to be sealed i'm seeing the tape up here at the top oh it's portable i guess you put in your car to like sanitize the whole car the car i don't know that sounds cool though here is a wireless sports headwear i guess you can create there's headphones in it okay okay like why would aren't all head wear look at this guy though he's got music notes he does coming off of his head are those beats look at that look at that music it's music to his ears i don't know about that all right we've got day better wi-fi led light strip and uh oh it's a night strip it is exactly a light strip so one thing you got to be careful with these is sometimes people will use them they'll cut the wires but this one looks to be brand new uh it still has you know it's got the foundational wire there and uh it's got the wiring which looks to be factory these aren't high dollar items but they definitely they do sell so we've got some headphones here and i have no idea what they are i mean i know what they are but as far as brand these are private label uh headphones they're sealed in the box hopefully we can use the google uh lens little camera thing to find it online there's two of those well this one's an i-12 no different oh okay yeah which these are good these right here from what i'm understanding is that these look just like the apple beets the air pods of the airpods right so ebay has been pulling all of these listings for counterfeits so we're not gonna be able to sell these on ebay because i don't want to get into some local though and then we have a light lightning hd tv cable looks like an hdmi to apple um cable so it's brand new sealed steel which is good easy peasy all right okay so the um uh selling for a little over thirty dollars so hopefully we'll make twenty dollars off of this guy here um the wireless sports headwear i actually couldn't find it i found one listing i'm thinking is probably a fellow reseller to be honest with you just by looking at the picture like oh yeah i can tell you know but uh this here um they had it listed for 32 i'll just go ahead and competitively price around that range as well hopefully we can make twenty dollars off this guy as well um after it's all said and done and the uh audio receiver uh it's selling for 39.99 so we should make 30 off of this when it's in and this one was hard to find the portable sterilizing lamp uh i had to get joe to look for it and we've decided on 24.99 i'm hoping to make 15 for it all right so my big winner she had a lot more money in hers than i did but that's usually the way it goes this day better led light strip 19.99 we should make around 10 to 12 profit we have this lightning to hdtv cable this is just a basic cable 9.99 so shipping fees about five dollars profit and we know that these are ipod two counterfeit clone they're not technically counterfeits because they're not selling them as uh ipods or air pods too uh but we're not gonna sell them on ebay if we can get ten dollars for them locally or five dollars i don't even know uh we'll probably just call it zero because we really don't know and then these guys these i guess are replicas of the airpod threes so the same case with these i'm not gonna be trying to sell these on ebay risk getting in trouble uh that we're just not gonna bother selling selling them online if we get anything from them here locally to garage sale then it's a win for us but we're going to call them zero for this unboxing purposes okay feeling good guys feeling good this feels realistic and doable so let me just pull some stuff here i've got i don't imagine these are gonna cost very much but i do have some packs of just basic auxiliary headphones they plug in to an auxiliary port um i would say nice but i'm like is it nice like that i'm like i thought you were nice just to have it i thought i thought he was laughing because i was like you know auxiliary headphones that you plug into an auxiliary report i was kind of giggling at myself for that and then you were like and i was like i just realized every time she unboxing i'm like nice even if it's bad i'm like nice but every time we finish i'm always like let's see how much it's worth she does let's see how much it's worth yeah sorry y'all uh we're kind of annoying ourselves so we know that we've probably annoyed y'all at some point we're learning still this is like thanks for having us 26 like we've only done 26 unboxings and y'all think that's a lot but really like they say on youtube it's like the first 200 videos is really where you work some of that stuff out well thanks for loving us anyway yes so wireless speaker very cool uh it looks kind of digged up so i'm just going to look inside and see or you will uh definitely looks like it's been taken out of the box yeah oh it's got a silhouette a little sticky suction cup y'all that's cool you can like in the shower is it waterproof is it waterproof i doubt it that'd be crazy if it was shower speaker it's a shower speaker that's so cool wow you need that i love listening to music in the shower but i don't shower very long so what unless i've just come from a workout because i don't want to sweat well my long and her lung it's different okay so i shower and i do take a minute only when i come back from workouts because i'm still sweating so i'm using cool water to stop myself from sweating okay moving on i i'm moving on i did not know that um mole mold it just says mole mole something it's a beauty start i'm interested now mole removable pen pen pineapple pen don't get us coffee written there either might yeah hair removal pen hair remover i mean sometimes there's a hair in the mole so moly mole interesting well it's still got the protective yeah it's still got like a protective plastic on it so yeah uh it hasn't been well yeah it hasn't been used that's interesting i mean because it still has a little wire system yeah right there still and then underneath you can see where the little needle pin point is so that's interesting yeah pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool pretty cool and since we're on let me think let's see let me just pull one of these here uh true wireless earbuds earbuds come on cohen cohen oh it said that it wasn't um no it was upside down babe my brain y'all until you're in my brain you have no idea how it processes his brain is kind of weird it's like these have been used before no i thought that was those are just extras ah and it comes with a neat little character there's a hair in there though so those may be used i think they've been used it's just a hair but it's you know it's a curly hair but not like curly hair well hey you know that'd be weird though if it was y'all probably want to see do you want to see yeah there it goes i don't know if y'all can see in there right in there somewhere there's a little bitty hair where did it go [Laughter] i lost it all right my turn yep all right we have a portable wireless speaker nice is it we don't even know what condition it is we haven't graded it yet very nice it's a cool color it looks like it's been used before it's got some dust and stuff on it and uh it's a cool looking speaker though i will say so someone will definitely have to test before we we sell it we'll appraise it is used uh when we do the little price thingamabob i'll tell you how much we could sell it for use condition we have a solar solar motion sensor light sorry my brain was wanting to switch skip over the motion and just do sensor wow is it one or two uh-oh hey quit throwing it looks like two two solar motion lights and uh so yeah it still has the protective film over it so they haven't really it hasn't been installed from what i can tell and uh so yeah then we also have a three in one receiver transmitter looks like uh just plug it into a tv there yeah like we have some more of the uh fake ipod airpod threes even though they're not technically fake but they probably did counterfeit like because they stole apple's design so technically it is counterfeit and then a fingertip pulse oximeter it's a yumi i guess it tells like the blood oxygen saturation all kinds of stuff it looks to be new it's pretty yeah yeah but i don't see anybody's fingers ever been in there so wow so crazy yes that's me hey let's see how much it's worth let's see how much it's worth all right guys so not very high dollar items which we suspected i can sell them for three dollars a piece at a garage sale i'm sure somebody would love to have them this bowl removal pen was kind of an adventure uh because one sold for 9.99 but we've got one listed for 35 or 39 somewhere around there in the 30s and then we've got another one that's on auction for 15. so joe and i just kind of decided we'll do like a a 1799 deal right yeah and we'll do like a 17.99 deal and hope to get 10 bucks for it i think that's fair and then these are brand new selling for 40. now these are obviously used because we found the little hair in it you know i mean um so we're gonna clean these up we'll sell them used for 24.99 and get 20 bucks and get 20 bucks for it that's my wife so bring this blue little blue little little blue this green blue into me bluetooth speaker these are on ebay brand new there's a lot listed for like 60 dollars which i thought was crazy uh there has been one brand new that has sold for 40 bucks this one has been used we will test it but as long as it works we're going to list it for 29.99 and get 20 potential profit once it sells we have this solar motion light these are selling for 19.99 because of the weight and the size it's gonna have to ship priority mail so the most that we can profit off of this is ten dollars if we sell it for our full asking price this three-in-one wireless receiver transmitter is selling for like 17.99 sorry if my prices don't match the thumbnails right over here the little screenshots uh i forgot some of the prices so i apologize but i think it was like 17.99 so we'll get around 12 13 profit for it and then we have the fingertip pulse oximeter right here uh they're around 14 15 bucks so we should be able to get 10 profit once it does sell this is take two i thought she was gonna do a different way but she didn't anyways we're halfway through this box and we just did the math and remember we paid a little under 250 dollars like 240 750 or 48.50 i don't know exactly sorry precision people but we just did the math we're at 428 dollars in potential prof revenue meaning that our profit is potentially 178 dollars listen i'm just gonna be really honest with you guys for just a second just a little bit of transparency um we're trying to record a lot of videos all at once so that while we're on vacation here in a couple of weeks we have videos for you guys um so we've been recording all day yes um this is unboxing number three so whatever he just said we've got five more to do before we go on vacation not today it's probably it's probably true i just didn't hear a single word that he said so but grant a lot of these items are lower dollar items which is to be expected for these smaller lots like the last box it had a lot of good items in it uh but it just wasn't the norm and this is this is a normal box a lot of low dollar items some high dollar items all mixed in uh lots of work but it's some good money good money yep all right ready move on ready yeah i'm gonna pull something okay sat nav date night visor huh it's a satellite satellite navigation system uh it's like a clip that goes on the outside so like during the day and night you can like easier i'm following you now see that this is a box that says enjoy the moment but there's a giant sticker on the front of it i'm enjoying the moment and uh i don't know what it is but it is completely sealed so i can't open it oh no it's not it's not sealed it has been open so i can find out what it is yep so it's probably used or uh a new open box item and that looks to have been used what is it though there's two of them oh i think they're lights i think they're lights because there's a these sticky pet there was there was sticky adjusted pets but oh i see it's a chevy light so you put these probably underneath something and then it shines a chevy um light the logo onto something oh yeah that's what that is how do you know it's a chevy because it has a little logo there's a little logo there where's the other sticky thing it's down the box we go get it for me it is so far away i know that's why it needs to go get it it's just right here no it's gone it's so far i'm sure i'll find it when i move on we'll never find it again okay next is this is kind of cool it's a 3d printing pen uh not quite sure how it works but that shouldn't be in there so this one may have been a return what are those i don't know it goes on your finger are you sure it's not for like use hmm i don't know how to how to get it out of the box it's child proof babe how does it look on the tip does this go on the tip no but i was just saying that the tip has been used that's a different color than this so i don't even know if this goes to it i'm not really seeing any signs of use but the box has been open filament material usage notifications i don't know what that means it's got the charging cable in here right it hasn't been undone before it still has the package of the filament in here so this is i just took over your unboxing babe that's cool uh but it's brand new sealed so we can sell this as new open box that's cool do these go with it though i have no idea what those are we'll put it in there just in case maybe we'll find it with the picture with the listing i don't know next is a black box that says oh is that the black box missing from the hoop that i don't know sorry what from the airplane you know the black box i don't know [Laughter] i apologize it is a using oh audrey it's a using instruction and cautions it's not that's just the manual it just says using uh this is this is where we're at guys it is some kind of lighter oh is it a flame thingy oh it is a lighter it's a lighter but it's that's the broken yeah it's a piece of oh okay is it part of that inside yeah it looks to be the one side of it it's broken it's broken it's broken but it looks cool grab one more since it's broken you don't tell me how to live my life i'm a grown woman she's independent y'all how about this video baby monitor oh look at this baby oh it's a video survey lid system so you can spy on your kids yep yep i'm opening it oh i'm grabbing the top [Applause] um it looks like it's been taken out because it's got some some scratchy scratches some scratchy scratches on it a couple little i don't think you can see it but there's a couple little smudges on the screen i am looking for a charging cable or something that has not been yep yep so how you on main telltale sign are your main telltale sign is you see how this is like all unraveled like that somebody has done it because usually when it comes from the manufacturer it's got like those little bread ties around it and the tire rolls super tight yep so hopefully it still works and they used it and they just didn't like it or uh maybe they rented it uh for a couple of months when they had a baby and the baby grew and they know they no longer needed it uh but we'll test it and figure out but we'll appraise it and use condition let's do it all right so i've got a racing car it's a 2.4 gigahertz battery operated i'm trying to see it has been open definitely been opened it's cool looking though is it broken i think they've crashed no oh it's got a couple different skins that's cool yeah but it has uh it's okay so this right here it's like you can't really tell but like there are like tiny little scratches yeah all over it yeah so there's a bunch of little scratches on here so i don't know if how much this doesn't look like it's a very expensive car to begin with so this may be a garage sale item yeah what else you got we have uh a portable fan there's four ways to use it um it looks to have been used and i think i think we have reached the portion of the box where this is the returns portion of the box so fancy i'm not a fan of your jokes but babe you blow me away whenever i look at you [Applause] all right so we have a lapel microphone it looks to also have been i mean they didn't even bother to put it in the box properly they just like shoved it in there for dropping stuff yeah and uh all the wires are just shoved back in there which i'm fixing to do the same thing so used and uh one more we have a little a little scale it's a mini skill oh it's a baby skin it's a baby skill you definitely couldn't i guess it's up to 6.6 pounds uh so if you're selling small items like this you can use this as a scale to weigh your items or drugs i wasn't gonna say it uh leave it to jessica to uh so yeah hey i i don't care what you use it for as long as you don't involve me in it yep so let's figure out how much all of this is worth how much is it worth the drug scale so our sat nav day night visor suffer a couple bucks at a garage sale um and then remember this thing i don't even know uh what we're gonna do about it so we're gonna call that a zero i don't know i don't really know what we're gonna do about that 3d printing pen we're going to do a little more research on this thing we're pretty sure it's new um but we'll sell it for 17.99 make about 10 bucks off of that and then this baby monitor right here we're going to sell this for 29.99 and hope to profit 10 uh 20 bucks hope to profit 20 dollars for that i wasn't a fan of any of this stuff because all of it was very low dollar items which we expect and a lot of these were used so it's not worth us trying to sell it online so all of these items we are going to try and sell at our garage sale for two to three dollars a piece so the lapel microphone the digital scale here and the remote control car all will say two dollars profit not a lot alrighty last round each guys i'm excited i think i'm gonna have the higher dollar amount though i think she is i usually do i don't know why i just get lucky that way yeah it's because she's looking in the box no i'm not she's not really uh i was just trying to defect the blame that she's cheating to make myself feel better in my life okay so last round here we go day better uh the lighting yeah i don't know what color it is or if it's like a multiple color thing but it hasn't been used it's all still in its packaging it's got that um let's see there's the manufacturer's tape still on the end that is a good side so it's probably good 15 bucks right there yeah we'll price it and make sure but it's looking good so we've got that there i've got a multi-functional digital mp3 radio speaker yep so very nice it's just a little radio portable radio here is a i know we're not a fan of the fan i'm not a fan of the fans clip-on battery fan it's the wrong season for that it's the wrong season i don't know what this is it's open and uh i it's broken now it's a case of some sort oh it's a jawbone uh earpiece that's cool really see i'm trying to see if i can let you see exactly what's it's cool looking yeah not cool so there's that um i don't know what other pieces come with it okay so here we go it's got uh the ma the manual and it's got the charging cable and it's got extra ear pieces so we'll have to price that that's pretty neat pretty neat and uh another solar motion light sensor light four piece four piece yours was two mine was only two so this one's okay so there must be smaller though because that box seems smaller and then this is a pro wax oh lord 100 it's a cheapo wax thing for waxing your eyebrows and stuff i will not wax my own eyebrows i'm scared i'm not going to wax my eyebrows period i'm so screwed i like to get my eyebrows waxed but i like someone else to do it what about you so we got um or i got we we got um a couple of those lights that you had the little chevy light looks like we've got a lion i guess that would be a mustang and another mustang i don't know why i said lion and uh this one looks to be sealed in the package which is good okay cool there you go neat oh wait nice nice this one's also sealed in the package so both brand new nice yeah yeah we got a portable ultraviolet sterilizing lamp it looks to be sealed on both ends we said this is 24.99 earlier today yes we got a multi-functional pest repeller the last one said that deer and dogs were passed uh but i just don't see how that's the case this one looks more like rats and bugs yep it does it's got more spiders it's got little like rats and bugs maybe we put it out here in the garage and scare all the spiders away that's a good idea yeah but it looks to uh be unused looks to be a great new condition so that is awesome i wonder how it repels is it a smell is it a sound i doubt it's a smell babe is it a sound it plugs in so it's got to be like a frequency and now we have a oh this what is that this could be uh camera glass camera glasses yeah it's uh eyeglasses that have has a camera on the glasses they look to have been used before they feel cheap and [Laughter] just your style yep but if they work i just don't know the quality of these i just i was like well maybe we can use them to film some different stuff but judging by the how these feel i'm not really sure of the videos and then we have another message gun a message a massage gun oh that one looks nice okay so i don't know if it's been used or not i can't never tell because it's got like the box pairs and stuff it looks like it's definitely used it's been used oh y'all look can y'all see that it even smells kind of doggy yeah so uh that's real bad yeah i'm not sure what happened they tried to massage their dog i guess i mean they left the plastic in here still so uh this one may need a deep cleaning um and uh it might be worth it yeah because i mean the last one that we had it was 50 dollars used so i would clean it up for 50 bucks maybe not sell it with that utensil or um accessory uh but uh if it works we'll say you know 40 bucks for it since it's not as in pristine condition as the other one and then the last item is a smart battery case it's for an iphone 6 which uh it's not good because that's an iphone 6 it's an older model but it looks just like it looks nice yeah it's a case phone case goes in here and then you charge this right here so it's like an extra battery it's very cool yeah oh let's see how much this last round was worth all right so this is a lot of stuff for the last load of the last unboxing of the day so we're going to do this uh pro wax 100 i checked to make sure that it had all the stuff in there it's got like four different wax bead things um it doesn't come with strips because this is made to be stripless and it's got the little popsicle stick applicator so 33 dollars so because it's so big we'll probably make 20 off of this one um and then we've got the uh litcom lit tom le tom lit tom lit lit lit tom uh solar motion sensor light these are also for 30 also 33 dollars maybe 32 and some change we should make 20 on this as well just because of size for shipping purposes um this fan um 18.99 so 10 for this um we've got the radio speaker i found one uh selling for about 20 bucks is that what i said like 21.99 yeah i found one of these selling for like 21.99 something around there so we can make 15 off of this just because it's smaller in size we've also got the day better light kit i think it was selling for like 17 or 18 dollars so we should be able to make 10 after shipping and fees for that one this one was really confusing i actually had joe looked this one up because it was a little confusing now remember this is the uh the headset the uh what is it called would you call it jawbone jawbone the jawbone headset and it was really confusing it was like selling for like 34 35 and there was one that sold for like 80 from canada so what we've just decided to do is we're just going to sell it for 34.99 and make 25 and uh if i'm good with that and the buyer is good with that then we're good all righty so the little ford mustang led lights they're selling for like 12 to 15 so we'll price ours at like 13.99 in the middle uh make eight dollars a piece for these we already we already said on the portable ultraviolet sterilizing lamp we'll price it for 24.99 we'll make about 18 profit after it's all sold we have the pest repeller here it's selling for around 15 we'll price it for 14.99 and make eight to nine dollars depending upon exactly how much we sell it for so the glasses they don't look to be they're not like cosmetically but like they've got some wear on them that i just don't know the functionality of them but they're only selling for like 11 brand new uh so we're not even going to try we'll probably put about a garage sale as is for like two dollars the same thing with the iphone 6 battery case they're only selling for about 12 brand new this one's used it's not worth selling online so we'll try and get a dollar to at the ground the garage sale and this massage gun here remember it's got the one that has all the hair on it uh there has been a few that have sold on ebay in brand new condition for like 35 to 40 bucks for this massage gun so with that being said we thought that we would be able to get like 40 dollars used and we would take the time to get it cleaned up i just don't know if that's the case we'll test it if it works we'll clean it up this may be like an item that we sell locally for like 25 bucks and if it sells then awesome so looking at the numbers our revenue potential for all of this is 632 dollars which is awesome so potentially profit after grant we have to sell the stuff first some of this it'll probably take a little while to sell but it's small it's going to be okay right right so potential profit is going to be 382 dollars right but for us we have listeners we have somebody that lists for us we have someone that prices all the items for us so we need to account that into uh you know our fees our our expenses so we estimated probably about a hundred dollars of that which means that we've got 282 dollars in our profit from this which is even more than we pay so we doubled our money so that's a win for us that's always our goal with liquidation um i enjoyed it yeah so we hope you enjoyed this video please stay tuned and keep watching we we post unboxing videos every week until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 15,724
Rating: 4.917469 out of 5
Keywords: flipping pallets, buying liquidation, return pallets, amazon return pallets, liquidation unboxing, liquidation review, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon returns pallet how to buy, bargain hour unboxing, bargainhour unboxing, bargain hour, mystery box show, returns pallet unboxing, amazon pallet flipping, liquidation pallets, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon liquidation pallets, amazon shelf pulls, pallet unboxing, mystery box, electronics unboxing, mystery electronics box
Id: 2TI7D_x0aB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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