Unboxing Amazon Customer Returns | Liquidation Unboxing

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what's going on everybody today jessica if i get the camera over there we are at uh bargain brothers uh bin store here in conway to try and find some deals it's 15 day i still can't get over the fact that these items are all 15 but it is one o'clock they opened up at 12. so i don't know if we're going to find the normal good items that we do find uh but we'll have to go in and see if we can let's do it [Music] i've got the goods so i didn't think we were going to find anything there uh because it had been pretty well picked through i mean it was only open for an hour yeah they people were you know you've seen it before they're lined up right outside the door you got to get there early so we got there a little late didn't think we were going to make it and be able to get good stuff but we did find a few things if they work of course we can't open these in the bin store i tried and asked and we are not able to open them i guess maybe she said not on 15 day which makes me believe that maybe the other days i don't know you're able to open product which that wouldn't make sense because it's like they're trying to get you to buy it for fifteen dollars right uh which i don't know it's their business practices but we found five items five items no six six items one two three four five six yeah yep six items and uh so every time i go just one because of no six okay six items because i'm used to uh dealing with uh healthy beauty stuff um i did pick up a couple of health and beauty items here um i i like to look for the things that say anti-aging because that's usually quite a bit of money it does um and then things that like i recognize this brand little occutane we've sold stuff from there before so i just did a quick uh yeah this is not shampoo this is a skin oil but it's the same brand so i looked it up uh and so i decided to get these two here i think we'll be able to make about 20 25 profit on per each of those units i got them each of course for 15 but they're all they're both selling on ebay and have sold anywhere from like i think this one was like 37 at its lowest and then this one was 40 at its lowest so you know minimum we'd be able to make and they sell fast like if they were slow movers we probably wouldn't have paid 15 for it but they are selling you know a couple of each per day so as long as they have good pictures good prices good policies then it should sell quickly so we got those yeah and then today was the day of delta faucets and delta stuff a couple weeks ago it was moen items and uh but today was delta and one of these items is probably it's the most expensive bin item that we've ever gotten yeah and you know it's funny i saw it and i saw somebody looking at it yeah there was a guy that had it i was like uh he's probably gonna get that so i'm just gonna move on and then he didn't and he got it and i was like dang that could have been my i made a note because i've seen him let's stand there and where it was it was with a bunch of tools and i guess there was stuff that was stacked on top of it like i thought that maybe he was just carrying that box and then the other stuff but he did not get it and i swooped it up it's not this one it's this one but this one here is a uh it's like a shower head um faucet it's not the faucet that comes out it's the handle that you put on the wall um and i'm trying to remember how much this one was selling for remember we got everything for fifteen dollars so this is a delta striker diverter thermostatic shower control faucet trim matte black and there has been one sold for 199 brand new condition and then there is one that was sold in parts only for 149 grand they took an offer i don't know what the offer was but it was listed for 149.99 plus 10 shipping so but we haven't inspected it yet we need to check the condition because you know even if it's for parts that's great but if we could get you know a decent one um here you check that i'm gonna check to see if all the parts are in and this is not the matte black it is this uh silver silver and i don't see any scratches there's a couple of fingerprints on it from where it was handled which is not the hardware is still completely sealed so that means that it has not been installed uh and it's got the lever yeah i mean all this looks great i'm not seeing any water damage i'm not seeing like any like stripping so this has not been installed so awesome awesome so what's it worth like the matte black one the matte black one i'm gonna do a search on google real quick and uh get an idea let me see matt black this is chrome right okay this is from build.com right the strike 17t series valve trim 876-lp on build.com it is selling for 345.90 what four cents wow yeah i'm looking up on amazon because i'm trying to get an idea of where to start pricing this because the only one there's none listed on ebay uh the ones that were sold was a matte black one and then the chrome when the chrome was listed for parts it did sell and on amazon three hundred and forty five dollars and ninety four and ninety four cents so so with that being said maybe we'll price it for like 299 dollars uh and see how it goes we've got 15 in it so like to sell for that much i'm okay sitting on this for a while to see exactly how much we can get because that could potentially be uh like oh that's crazy that's crazy what are you doing over there my phone is magnetic is it i'm so sorry i just i just got so distracted because this is the phone that was blessed to me by one of our viewers because my phone messed up yeah and uh i set it down and it was like suctioning and our iphone's 12 supposed to be magnetic i have no idea like this thing is like maybe if you didn't have the case on there it would stay stay surely not anyways this is experiment time unboxing time has stopped but while she's doing that so if we were to sell this for 299 i mean i would take anything over the phone it's the case i would take anything over 200 for it so the case is magnetic that's cool and it's a small little thing maybe because the wireless charging i bet that's why that's exactly why so that one is that she's still liking all and i'm trying to keep this unboxing all right so this one throughout this one you wanna do that let's do this one first let's save that one for last okay all right so the next one is another delta faucet it's the shower handle same as the other one same as the other but it's a different style a different style that's right and uh again we paid 15 everything here 15 i think you already know that i'm just a little uh excited about the possible 300 sale item there and uh i was not expecting that all right so this one is let me go to solds because there's a few listed there hasn't been any sold which is okay it just means that maybe the others are priced too high there's an open box one that is priced for 99.95 the pitchers don't look very good there is an open box one price for a hundred and seventy one dollars two thirty four twenty nine two twenty nine sixty seven three sixty one twenty two and then one sixty six forty five so this could possibly another hundred dollar plus item but we have to inspect it and grade it all right first things that first thing i see is that this is a much lower quality and this is a bronze one not the matte black yeah and there's some this is it's not that it's been installed i think it's just been loose in this box but there is some scuffing on it but also it has a uh it's supposed to look like that babe it's that uh rustic look uh you can see like it's got all these little highlights i was talking about like right here okay there is a scratch right there yeah yeah and then this like this is the hardware completely sealed so this has not been installed so minor cosmetic issues but nothing super serious that's going to impact the price too much yeah so that's great yeah so it's called a venetian bronze is what it's called so what do we price it at i don't know there's there's six listed for various prices the one that's 99 pitchers are not very good even the one that's 171 the pitchers aren't very good so if we can get some good pictures of this i mean i'll say price it for you know maybe 159.99 okay anything over a hundred dollars i'll take uh because that's crazy that's crazy all right this is actually i can't i'm just kind of in shock right now because it's like we came an hour late we were really not expecting to get anything but these two right here i mean yeah and there was resellers that had gone in there before us but i'm noticing every time that we maybe i'm giving away the secrets i don't know if i'll there's aspiring resellers that live here in conway i've noticed that this it's it's always faucets and sinks every time that we go it's it's faucets and handles i mean we've we've gotten some great ones every time that we've been so don't sell on my secrets and go take all of our items we'll just have to beat you there at noon all right so um this is something that joe picked up and i'm not even really sure what it was it's a hair dryer okay a panasonic uh eh it's a hair dryer i always i've kind of looked the name panasonic and the reason why it struck me is because i we sold a panasonic hairdryer a while back and it was worth a lot of money and i'm like panasonic they're not really known for hair dryers so if they make a hair dryer it's got to be good and it's got the diffuser in it everything's really nicely packaged almost as if it hasn't even been taken out um i'm sure i'm sure it has but it looks great it looks brand new open box sweet and it doesn't have an upc on it which is odd but it has a security little strip right right there it's a key like it's it was sold in a store um but it didn't have the little thing and it doesn't have a upc and now that we know that this one is brand new our new open box we'll go to solds so 125.92 there is two that sold on auctions for around 70 or 80 dollars and we're not going to do an auction because i don't feel like they got as much as they could have listed right now there is one listed for 231.52 on ebay and ebay they start a little great price thing on there and they've got it stated it's a great price and then pre-owned they have 93 15 88 51 plus three dollars not only is it a good hairdryer it's got a great resale value it does so with this one i'm gonna look on amazon some other places as when we list it to to gauge uh if amazon is around the 200. what was it in the face oh if amazon if the amazon price is around the 200 price the 231 52 i will price this for like 199.99 if it's not then we'll look at maybe 149.99 either way that's a great deal 15 investment and we're like quadrupling it no more than that like 10 to 10 i don't know we're just making up stuff because the excitement you see the excitement with all of these items here this though this dude right here though this is the one we were talking about uh this is the one that i should have gotten but joe ended up getting and i did kind of peek in the box a little bit because the the flaps were sticking up uh and it looked to be wrapped up like it had not been unwrapped before but looks can be deceiving yeah i'm gonna go ahead and cut this part here so we can open it all the way and do a full inspection i feel like i'm conducting surgery right now i'm making the incision all right opening it up and it looks like it's not ever really been taken out yeah um i got the instructions all of the pieces are here you can see all the little spots are happening this is cool this is the venetian bronze that is a really pretty color like if i had to build a house venetian bronze would be something this is the same the same style as the other one but it looks amazing i mean it's perfect amazing let's make sure there's no return front or anything let me look at the box and make sure yeah that's it all right so we're gold in there gonna carefully put this back in the book and not drop it it's worth that much y'all all right so you may be wondering now what is it worth i know i would be so listen this is listed they're currently four listed on ebay the most expensive one is crazy i have no idea what's priced for that much but it's the number one item on here it's 579.99 then there's two open box ones one's 359.99 349 plus 12.50 shipping and then the last one is 454.30 now i didn't look sold or anything because i'm like i did look at solds and there was some that had sold so let me see okay one sold on uh last month for 359.99 and that was brand new but there was an open box one that sold for the exact same amount yeah the exact same day so it's almost as if the resale value doesn't even really go down with open box so you know that's amazing that's absolutely amazing so i mean if we were to list it i mean we could probably get 359 yeah so we'll price it for 359.99 yeah and uh i mean anything over 300 bucks i'll take i mean if we sold it for full price uh shipping and fees and everything we'd probably get around three hundred dollars and that might be something upgraded that might be something that we have to sit on for a while yeah especially when you get higher priced items vintage items things like that you got to find the right buyer but the best part about selling on platforms like ebay is you've got millions of people who could be the potential right buyer you just have to be willing to sit on it and for something like this as small as it as it is it's easy as it is to store uh it's a no-brainer that we'll just sell it for that much and we'll wait for the right bike so this is really cool this is really really cool because we went out for about 20 30 minutes went to the bin store we spent 90 dollars which i still think is a little high considering we only bought but we're turning it into a potential profit and granted it is not profit until it's sold um and it might take a while for us to see some of these profits but we turn that into about 720 on the low end conservatively speaking for just these six items alone which is crazy that's a hundred dollars profit potentially per item um and i'm excited about it that's crazy that's crazy so bin stores there's lots of risk they also pay lots of reward uh if you have them near you it's a great way to to start reselling because you can pick the items check the prices right there um so yeah all right guys well that's what we have for you we thank you guys so much for joining in if you're interested to see how these items sell or how we run our business make sure you hit subscribe on our new youtube channel live with joe and jess there's a box there's a i got it like down below not below your tv but below in the description and until next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 4,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon customer returns, amazon returns, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale hunting, mystery box, thrift store shopping, sell on amazon, garage sale haul, garage sale finds, thrift store haul, flea market finds, thrift store flip, mystery box mrbeast, mystery box opening, garage sale flipping, mystery box unboxing
Id: NCojngQYc7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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