ELECTRONICS MYSTERY BOX from a New Supplier | Unboxing | The Family Flips

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hey everybody what's up welcome to another unboxing today i'm actually quite excited because we have a liquidator that has never before been unboxed on our channel and it's this this brown box this brown inconspicuous box but this is from from bargain junction located in southern missouri super super excited about this so what this is this is an electronics mystery box because you don't know what you're gonna get but from what i was reading it's a mixture between shelf pools and customer return items we should expect to get anywhere from 50 to 100 items in this box depending upon the size and they'll be a link to their website down in the description also uh because they have lots of options that you can choose from online also in their one of two locations that you can go and visit uh but it's a great place that we plan on visiting here in the next month or two pretty stoked let's get into it hi there my name is joe and i'm jessica we are homeschooling natural living entrepreneurs this is a story of how we balance it all for the freedom to live our lives devoted to our family and faith thanks for stopping by subscribe and come on in [Music] all right let's jump in i'm gonna let you go first why you always start yourself yeah we've had some good luck since i've started off so i'll go first all right okay okay good game thank you i'm gonna pull the first thing out of the box here um it says playa it's a usbc wall charger what i like already about this is chargers are great um and this is completely sealed the plastic that goes over it the sticker part that goes over is completely sealed so i oh and here's another one is there more no just these two i think there's only these two but it's also completely sealed so that's a couple of really good really good things right there not exactly like those yeah they always sell type c charger wall charger like that they always sell so think the new macbooks don't they use the type c wall chargers the new macbooks the newer ones i don't think so i don't know i think there's like a new computer out there that uses the type c i could be wrong i had my my computer's a 2015 i think so anyways okay um we've got this is interesting um uber lyft there's like two opposing companies lyft wireless wireless psi uh led lights but it's opened it's definitely opened and you know i think it's supposed to be sign wireless sign typo is it a sign it is a sir something just fell out it is a sign it's a sign yeah i saw the sign okay but why does it only say uber i have no idea well it's a sign it's like a little sign i guess this attaches to like your window and then you can you can like oh it goes to you on your window thing and then you slide this on so that you can when you're on duty i guess it lights up we should just put it in the car then drive around no i'm trying to figure out why it doesn't say lift though maybe there's supposed to be two or something i don't know i don't see there's nothing else in there no i don't see anything is there anything else in the box no i don't know i have no idea so i'll have to look into why it says lift and there isn't a lift sign in here maybe you just choose one or the other or you know i don't know do people who they're i know there are some people out there who do this like can you work for both companies are they the same they're not the same company are they no they're different different companies okay well there you go i don't i'm not sure but we've got that so i'll look into it and see when i'm pricing it um this is a bark control collar oh we may not be able to oh no pain no that's no shock smart no shock smart no shotgun i want it to uh it's gonna take there we go oh i lost it again okay well i'll read it to you then smart no shock dog bark control collar effective and safe bark control for dogs with advanced technology how does that work if it's not shocked because i mean it's got like a well it doesn't it it goes against the skin it's got the little if it emits like a noise or something it's got like the little prongs on the end that obviously go up against the skin it says dual motor technology strong vibration oh so it must be like an undesirable vibration i think i don't think whitney will like that either i don't know to be honest all pet owners should wear a shock collar before they put it on their pet yeah test it out on you first see how you like it there we go though but we got that so we'll price it and we'll ask whitney what do you think about it so and then this is this is cool yeah this is really the box looks super neat i don't know what it is but it's rather large yeah um would you hold it so i could open it it almost looks like decorish or something dream of flowers or it could be something the box doesn't look electronic i was thinking kind of like spa oh that's possible like like maybe like incense or something but let's see it is piece of paper and more styrofoam let me see i don't know how um oh it's a flower and uh i like i guess it's electronic it lights up it's got some led lights in there there's uh there's some led lights in there you can see the little that little thing that's shaking right there um so i guess what you would do is you would just kind of put it in the way that you would want it to and you can line it up see this is really cool really pretty it's completely sealed in plastic so it hasn't been used we had something like this um at the flea market booth and it took forever to sell so i don't know it might take a minute to sell but knowing that it's in brand new condition is really relieving because i think they want the flea market though it was like gold plated yeah it was like actual gold leaves and it wasn't electronic uh but it did sell uh it just took a while just gotta find some beauty in the beast lovers because it was that is a really pretty set there we go all right i'm gonna put this over here you want to go ahead and get some out there all right it's like the first thing we have here is uh iphone charger looks like there's a two pack there nice we could always use those i may not sell them because i could use that we have a car mp3 player 60 watt by four what i don't know i mean it's a car something better than that the 60 watt by four threw me off oh okay it's a radio car radio oh is it like an installed one or just yeah you have to install it oh okay so it goes in the car it goes in the car the radio is in the car deck not in the car but in in the car and it looks to be brand new unused so that's awesome very cool vehicle i'd recognize this box some of you may also because your eyes be very tired you should check out one of our previous unboxings for the first experience with that it is pretty funny yeah that's hilarious so if you ever hear us in any other unboxing videos or you know referencing your eyes will be very tight you're totally in on the joke now all right so the next thing we've got is a little it's a fitness tracker and i say little because this is actually little uh but it's a fitness tracker looks to be brand new it still has the activate sticker on there so that's like a 10 or 15 item nice the last item i choose is pikachu oh no don't be picking at me it's a magnet cube blocks ages six and above it doesn't look to me it looks like it's all taped and so what is that like is it like building blocks like magnetic i guess that's what it looks like see here it's got like a little castle or something that they're building so it's like it's building blocks that are magnetic so you can stack them on top of each other that's interesting you know i think by looking at it you can tell i think it's more like a tetris style like they're not individual one by one unit one unit no they're like they're like tetris shaped 3d tetra shape so that's pretty cool yeah very cool all right let's see what it's all worth okay okay so priced my items here um these guys here just as joe suspected he was right these are each 15 we'll sell them for fifty dollars a piece online we'll get ten dollars so that's pretty good um then the no shock dog collar also had a few sold for around fifteen dollars so we should make ten dollars off this guy as well um this guy right here it only comes with one sign i'm not quite sure why it says uber and lyft but all the pieces that were here um they're supposed to be here so we'll just sell this for a couple of dollars at a yard sale um it's not worth very much and so we'll just go ahead and do that and then this guy this little um decor rose decor thing it was selling for 41.99 so after shipping and fees we should be able to make a good 25 jessica always wins these little rounds that we have uh my biggest winner was this car stereo and uh it's only selling for 17.99 so it's something that we will make probably eight dollars after shipping and fees we have this fitness tracker hr it's selling for 16.59 so we'll make about ten dollars after it's all said and done we got the magic cube blocks uh they're selling for like 14 to 15 dollars so we'll make around ten dollars after shipping and fees and then the enlarged mobile screen and chargers these will probably keep but if we were to sell them we could sell both of these for probably two bucks at a garage sale all right i'm looking in this box there's a lot of smaller items in here so let's just pull out some of these bigger items and then we can do like a massive small item something yeah i don't know feeling revealing yeah unboxing i guess um all right so there's some bigger boxes up here this is a rivet drill adapter oh riveting get it i get it how long have you been a dad i haven't i don't even know what that is the dad jokes hey that was a great dad joke yeah i don't even know what that is really so i'm sure it's for rivets yeah i mean i don't know exactly what it's used for it looks like it's been used previously it's got some wear and stuff on there and it's just the way that it looks it's got like some cosmetic blemishes and stuff on it there so we'll have to appraise it based off of used condition and uh but it goes on a drill and then i don't know dudes help me it rivets evidently it rivets all right sorry i've got a couple of uh baby fingerlings they're very popular with the kids little fingerlings you put them on your finger and they say cute things there's two of them yep two mias it says my name is mia i don't know if you can see that uh but yeah swing them pet them brought them to sleep lovable wearable companions hug them kiss them they're so sweet they are there we go very sweet looking um this is a neckband sport earphone it doesn't seem like a gummy fit jennifer i don't think it's gonna be worth very much yeah uh it's sealed so that's good um and then is this something yeah it's a camera camera lens it probably won't fit hours wouldn't that be cool if it did though it would i mean that's like one of those long distance that's a huge that's not a camera lens that's a thermos okay yeah because i'm like there's no way it comes with a spoon but it looks like a camera lens see there's no that is crazy i took your item from you i apologize i got so excited it is a thermos yeah but it's got like a it's a stabilizer yeah and it's got like the where you can like adjust the the thing you can't do anything to it but it looks like that's great wouldn't that be crazy if you're walking around with something like this yeah drinking out of it and people be like what are you doing the giveaway really for me was the spoon yeah like spoons don't come with camera lenses so there you go why don't you grab some all right so it looks like we have a limited edition music player i don't know why it would be limited edition uh music is limited edition i don't know model k7 and it looks to be sealed in its brand new packaging so that's good we've got a ammogram nose and ear hair trimmer immigrant ammogram or emma garm emma it's the name brand but this basic nose hair trimmer the box is damaged this can't be worth too terribly much and then we have a professional food grade thermometer that is it's sealed there still the bottom hasn't been open so i'm not going to open that because i don't want to get it out and then have to sanitize you know how it goes yes for sure all right and then we have a lcd writing lcd tablet writing tablet i mean the packaging isn't too expensive so i can't imagine but yeah what in the um i think it's just you write on it yeah but what is this the little pen where's the pen at oh i guess you gotta charge it that's neat it doesn't feel super high quality yeah but you charge it it can be worth more than ten dollars you can't even see it yes you can it says she is funnier than me one if you think that's true two uh if we're both equally as funny nope i'm the funniest i don't even know what you're saying i don't know how to erase it i don't know we're going to charge it because we have to arrange it but this is probably going to be a garage sale item yeah it's cool looking yep and then the last item i have here is a 10 in one steam cleaner hopefully it has not been used it look used no not so far no it's all in its plastic here i'll hold it up so you can and then with the cloth is for yeah i mean you can see it's got a bunch of little attachments all wrapped up in little baggies and uh looking at it and you know you have to put water in this to use it so you'd have some kind of water residue looking at the cool sorry i interrupted looking at the cord it doesn't look like it's ever been unwrapped from the factory you can just tell when extension cords or power cords have been wrapped at the factory it's different i don't know what they do but it's quite neat so it looks brand new so let's go ahead and find out what all this is worth all right so i priced my items this riveting rivet drill adapter was about eleven dollars so we'll get i don't know five or six dollars for this online uh pretty easy to ship i'm actually kind of surprised about this guy right here this is the the jammy fits johnny fit the headband uh in-ear headphones i checked it both on amazon and ebay averaging about 24.99 so we can make probably like 18 dollars somewhere around there for this after shipping and fees this interesting uh thermos that looks like a camera lens i don't know the more i look at it the more it intrigues me so i don't know maybe i can convince joe to let me keep it but if not uh it's selling for about fifteen dollars a little less than so we'll get a little less than ten dollars for this one and then these guys here i thought they sold for more but i was seeing them on ebay which is where we would list them anyway um and they weren't selling for very much uh so honestly i think my best bet would be to just sell it like at a garage sale for a couple of dollars but i think i might keep these for stocking stuffers from my girls so we're gonna go ahead and just count that zero all right so looking at the couple items this uh gorham may thermometer is only selling for like ten dollars it was kind of confusing uh when i looked at professional gourmet food thermometer i couldn't find this exact one but there was one that was like 70 i was like are you kidding me uh but then there was one that was like eight dollars so i'm like uh somebody just didn't pay attention or something uh but we'll price it for 14.99 and hope to make ten dollars from it this anagram nose and garm and a garm nose hair tremor is only selling for like seven dollars so we'll probably put at a garage sale for like two bucks the uh yapfied la fou i don't know the bluetooth headphone uh not headphones but bluetooth speaker the limited edition one i couldn't find this kind anywhere but bluetooth speakers like this they sell about 24 bucks so so we're going to price it at hopes to get 15 after shipping and fees and then this steam cleaner 10 in one they're selling for about 25 to 30 bucks online there's some that are lower there's some that are a lot higher but we'll end up pricing hours for probably 27.99 and after it's all said and done hope to make 10 profit once it does sell as a doula this came to me right i saw it right away it's a an automatic double breast pump i'm looking at it no i'm not trying it out don't get any ideas [Laughter] um it looks like it's never been used so that's great most it's got the hoses still sealed and they're right yeah these are all completely sealed so that's good that's good you know there's different kinds of breast pumps uh some of them are i do you can maintain resale value if you want to talk more about that just reach out to me if you do get a breast pump and you're not quite sure um it is perfectly fine to resell breast pumps it just depends on what kind it is and what all goes with it you may have to replace some parts but other than that like breast pumps perfectly resellable for the most part uh as long as all the parts that touch the human body get replaced if they're you know what i'm saying anyway so just message me if you need to know um i do have a couple pairs of headphones here um this one is a panasonic which i'm hoping that means that it's a little bit more yeah um and then these are not any kind of specific brand so they're probably not gonna be worth very much uh but i will check on it and then i have these oh but yeah but they're they sync to music oh so those will sell pretty soon yeah i mean like you know like christmas lights that's where like when the music plays like it'll sink to the music oh that's that's dent into doing that's not done that's ts so you're talking about transparency yeah but i was thinking like how did that go i don't know i was like dude that's not true no no i'm an 80s baby she's not i can hear it in my head but i can't make it come out of my mouth but looking at it it is perfectly boxed in like not touched at all so we could sell these like new yeah i'm pretty excited what do you got all right so i'm grabbing this little dude big dude little dude i don't know it's a dude uh it's a guy it's a vibrating fitness roller massager not only do you get to rub your muscles you want that don't you i don't know you know i have really tight it bands and it may help me and i don't know his shoulders right here always right they are so next thing we have is a it's not electric or electronic but it does plug into electric it's vintage edison bulbs um yes i'm very excited about this one but it'll all right we have a charging dock did you yeah i think it's just the same box no there you go yeah you can see the bright green in the box it's a charging dock for an iphone 5 or selling it which people still buy iphone 6s so we'll still put this on ebay and it will sell and it looks like we have what are those are those more of the barking boxes we've got three more of those look what i found also ah more of the headphones that were like fifty ten dollars a piece the type c uh the wall chargers yes the ten they're ten dollars a piece yeah and then uh yeah i think that's i'm looking around i'm just looking through hey babe we should do some uh small stuff pricing okay after this all right hold on let's price these first though yes all right guys not a lot of high dollar items i'm seeing so um i i did price these sync to music um lights they're about 24.99 for 50 feet which this is 50 feet um and so we'll make probably about 20 bucks on that maybe 15 it is a little heavy so we'll go ahead and say 15 just to be conservative um these two here are um headphones and they're not selling for anything more than ten dollars so we'll make three dollars a piece at some local garage sale um don't forget about the wall chargers that i found more of we priced these at the beginning of the video if you'll remember and we'll make ten dollars a piece and then this breast pump is a lower value item it's very um you know a general item so it's not selling for more than twenty dollars we'll make ten dollars after shipping and fees there so uh you know it's just not not a whole lot i have a lot of money here yet all right so looking at my items we have the little iphone 6 and they can be used for iphone sevens and eights also uh it's weird there's been one that has sold here in the united states for like nine dollars and then there's one that sold from the uk for like 27 plus shipping which i thought was crazy i don't understand how it can do that so we're gonna end up pricing these for 14.99 and hopes to get ten dollars profit out of these the dog no shock collars only strong vibrations uh we'll get 10 for these so that's 30 bucks right there we've got the edison glass bulbs um these are a challenge to sell because it's a six pack they're only selling for like ten dollars online the 12 pack is going for like 20 so we'll end up having to sell these locally to garage sale for probably around three four bucks and the winner of that round in the biggest dollar amount item that we've had so far is the vibrating massage roller uh it's selling i couldn't find this exact model uh on ebay the prices they range from like 50 to 150 but pretty consistently on amazon this style right here goes for around 79.99 so that's what we're going to price it for uh in hopes to make 60 profit after it's all said what you doing back there um i pulled out all of the lower dollar what i thought would be lower dollar items um i'm thinking these would all all of this here would be like one to two dollars a piece um you know it's just little stuff that's like you know like these like data cables here um these are just basic headphones and cases i've got cute little cell phone cell phone case but you know it's just it's very it's not like really protective it's just a case cover um this is an i7 plus case that's clear yeah um then i've got more headphones more headphones this is a charger uh charger cable yeah this is one of those ethernet cables little data cables tempered glass here for a i don't know what kind of phone i know it's an iphone i just don't know which which one yeah um there's that one these are all this one looks like a this is a data cable these are what i believe to be just uh i don't know i can't okay apple yeah it's like a lot of the cables we used to get when we used to buy the amazon small box truckloads all these items under is that a type c charger yeah that's the type c charger there you go and this is trash that i have pulled out and with a flash drive um which you can actually connect to an iphone which is kind of cool that's neat um lightning cables here car charger for a lightning cable another car adapter got like three of them doesn't it yeah that's pretty cool that's neat we might have to take that all right um and then this is an another set of headphones so like all of this here we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen well you're keeping that 14 15 16 17 we'll just say this is 17 so thing to remember about a lot of these small lots and i don't know some of you may know if you've watched us for a while you hear me talk about numbers a lot and that's around numbers with the percentage of items that sell for under 30. i don't know if you knew that but 90 of all online sales are for items 30 or under that's a lot of a lot of low dollar items so of this lot of 50 to 100 items we're expecting 90 percent of this to be under 30 which it has been um and then of that ninety percent fifty percent of those items are items twelve dollars or less so i think you can see where we are getting what is normal uh but it becomes a challenge because sometimes it's about playing the odds the calculated gamble with buying liquidation especially small lots like this is that you're playing the odds that you are going to get more expensive items uh and not so many of the lower dollar items which we have got today but we've got some left so maybe there's a couple more items in there that are high dollar but we'll have to unbox it to see jumping right in um see and it's sealed and it's sealed and the thing on the back says e8 black i know you probably can't read that we're gonna have to open that up at some point may as well do it now yeah i'm curious well i mean like i hate to do it headphones yeah i'm thinking headphones probably headphones so when you go to resell a lot of these items it can be a bit of a challenge to finding out what exactly they are to find out descriptions we've learned to use google lens to take pictures of the items and it has helped us significantly find the items so that we can pull information to help build our listing so headphones earbud headphones your butt headphones you were right babe sometimes i know what i'm talking about yep sometimes yes all right um a blue box that says exceeding excellence but that box is damaged this box is not exceeding yes it is a there's two things in this it's a battery case for an iphone x and these are headphones so they must have gone come together like at some kind i gotcha and these we are not even gonna try and sell online these are uh they look like the apple air pods um that ebay's pulling listings like crazy because they're technically they look like air pods they've kind of been counterfeited yep so those will be like a local garage sale for a couple butt bucks a couple couple of butts just a couple of bucks we'll get you those please please don't leave your buttons wireless beanie i don't even know why so that you can listen to music and take calls without having to put the phone up to your hair i got you so you can even be in class with your beanie on listening to music and listen to music see they didn't have those things when i was in college yes right i just went to sleep like this i learned how to sleep sitting up my high school algebra teacher story time uh she was she said i don't care if you sleep in class but you can't sleep slouched over or with your head on your desk or with your head on your arms so i learned to sleep like this sitting like this and uh it paid dividends in college ridiculous this is a piggyback remote so i guess you put that on the back of your regular universal remote so that you can have fire tv voice control i got you uh on your remote that's kind of interesting that is very interesting genius really um and then i'll just do one more here this is a hair remover for all skin types body and legs nice like a razor i guess type thing i don't see that's crazy yeah it's like a little small it just goes in the palm of your hand yep cool yeah cool beans what do you got oh you would this is a electric fly swatter to kill mosquitoes zaps in one touch i used to have one of these and i left it at my mom's house and they confiscated it so mom if you're watching i got my replacement have black cases mysterious black case oh that's a really nice like heavy-duty battery charger uh like a portable battery charger it's got the outlet so you can plug it in it's on the bottom of that it's like a little oh it's got built-in charging cables also that's ours that is nice for as much traveling as we do now uh and with the kids in the car that's gonna come in handy but we'll see how much it sells for i don't even know it's got the brand on it because it's it's got one lightning cable for iphone and then it's got one yeah uh regular i wish i had a type c charger uh but it doesn't but it does have for the tablets and for the iphone so that's cool yeah but it also has this right here where you could just put your type c charger in there but it's not the same i'm sorry baby i know all right we have a uh dimmer switch for a lamp lamp dimmer and remotes i guess you can plug it into a lamp it's got the little outlet right there you can plug it in and then you can dim it with that so that's kind of cool hook it up to your phone we have a wd green solid state drive ssd there we go we have a brown box it's an automatic battery charger so says the label oh that looks kind of heavy duty let me see see oh yeah that's like a real hardcore oh it's for a uh like a battery like a yeah you could plug this into your what's that wait a minute wait do you charge this from your car and then it charges this and then you can then that can't be right maybe you charge your battery with this you plug it in and then uh i think that's what it is it's a battery charger is what it says so that's what it's got to be it's got two one for black one for red yeah and then you plug black and red in there appropriately and then you can charge your battery and then you can charge your battery that doesn't seem very heavy-duty at all it's not like any battery charger that i've ever seen um so that's interesting it's convenient and compact as long as it does it almost looks like it can be installed yeah because it's got the holes that's weird that is very weird we might do a little bit of research because we may not even know what we're talking about in this item i have a feeling we don't i mean that's really the case it wouldn't be the first time i always know what i'm not talking about i always know when i'm full of it big money big money money money money money all right levatic hair remover for all skin types volte and legs this is selling for 16.99 i should be able to get i don't think 10 dollars for that i've got the piggyback remote universal tv remote and add on like two of these they're selling for about fifteen dollars so i should be able to get ten dollars a piece for these guys as well and everything else not very much so i've got the wireless beanie um not i think it's selling for like nine dollars online so i could make a couple of dollars on ebay or i could you know not use so much labor and just go ahead and put it in a garage sale which i will probably do for about two dollars the same thing with these headphones they are about ten dollars plus ship including shipping uh on ebay so i'll just go ahead and put those for a couple of dollars and then of course because of the counterfeit claims on this this will be a set for about three dollars on um what's that thing called garage sale i know i said it like five times but i forgot at that time so i fared out better fared out better i fared better i fared better i fared better than jessica this round so we've got the wd green uh i don't know something to do with the computer it's selling online for like 35 to 40 bucks so we're going to price it for 37.99 get 30 profit when it's all said and done and then we have the light dimmer switch it's selling for 35 to 40 also uh so we're going to price it for 34.99 get around 30 after it's all said and done as well and then the battery charger thing you remember super cool these are selling for around 30 to 35 so we'll price it 34.99 and hopes to make dollars uh potential profit and then if we were to sell the uh battery charger pack these are selling for about 20 bucks but we we really like it uh and we need it uh so we're gonna keep it but we could sell it for 20 bucks let's do this we got a few things left in this box i think we can just try and get through it here i've got another breast another one yep so that's great because it makes it easy because we can make you know one listing put a quantity of two out there yeah makes it so much easier saves us a couple bucks in labor yeah for sure um i've got a box she's got a box it's a really great box it's a great box uh and it's got it's got an imac macbook charger it's weird that it doesn't have the uh oh here it is yeah okay cool yeah so we're probably gonna keep this we always need extra charging cables for those for everything because uh you know some people just don't put things back where they find them i put everything back where it goes y'all seen my garage and rearranging and we love him for story time i'm always asking like whitney like she knows where everything is i'm like whitney have you seen where i put my hammer three weeks ago and she's like oh yeah it's on that shelf over there third shelf down from the bottom i'm like what are you kidding me and then i'll go over there and it's right there i don't know how she does that i don't know it's magical yeah everybody needs it whitney in their life though i i don't think i think we would lose the heads attached to our shoulders if it wasn't for you yeah yeah all right ultrasonic dog chaser i have no idea better than super sonic super stunning sonic boom it's a training aid bark stopper harmless to dogs i don't know it's gotta be a noise frequency thing it has to be i don't want to test it on desi though no wouldn't you be mad yes um this is open but it's a wireless charge dock for the iphone 8 or higher or the i will any of the i watched it's like a 15 item roughly it's got to be i'm guessing i mean that sounds about right so there's that let me just grab a couple more you're on a roll yeah i'm on a roll uh wall charger premium premium wall headphones in a bag that's it though why they couldn't make a box with it i have no idea it's just in a bag yeah um i want to just do like i get these three you get the rest of this yeah that's fine um i've got three let's see let's see this is a magnetic charging cable yeah it's like another 15 bucks yep these are some phillips uh uh shaving heads is what they are um i don't know like replacement parts for razors like that can be pretty good money so i wanted to check that and then this is an electronic pest repeller i guess it's like a plug-in i don't really exactly know how it repels pests i have no idea uh it says ultrasonic so it may be sound yeah and there's six units in there so wow i don't want to keep all the spiders away or all the bugs away yeah so i don't know if y'all know how the technology works put that down in the comments section we're always been learning new things so all right once you grab the rest of the stuff in the box the first item i have is this electronics explorer 50 bluetooth head set i guess it's not yeah it's that earpiece i would call it we have a pelican battery in that case but a pelican phone case from samsung galaxy s8 we have a blood like a blood pressure monitor for your wrist thing so it looks to be new i know we had one in a recent unboxing where it had been used and as long as it's new i feel comfortable selling yeah but i want to check it yeah now it looks to be all sealed a consumer would not care to put it back in that not seeing everyone because there's that one person that would but most people they would just shove it back in the box yeah what's that it's like a cleaner like you know it looks dirty yeah i don't know if it's been used but it's like a face scrubber it's got some different accessories i think it's been used before i think it's nothing yeah oh here it is okay yeah it's got some smudges on it these aren't very expensive to begin with and i wouldn't sell it because some of the accessories just are just not very yeah so this would be a zero we have another uh wireless magnetic charger all right we have an iphone 6 power case it's a battery case so extend your battery life a box an open box with a seat belt yep two pack extension seat belts oh seat belt extender okay that makes sense so that's not electronic no but i bet that would sell yeah all right you got three more items in there babe we're almost through so we have a dual usb charger i think we put this in a garage sale box earlier we had one like this a three foot lightning cable just a basic charger we've got a something it's like a microphone or speaker no really well i mean on here it says uh it feels like a speaker but it's so lit oh it plugs in yeah it says on here uh conference microphone skype recording gaming so it is a little microphone so it's a profile when it's pretty cool can't be too much but it's still neat i've never seen one this small before and that's the seat belts okay and then this little guy is just another set of seat belts and that my friends is the bottom of the box so let's go ahead and price these last few items and see what we end up all right all right last round here and i've got quite a bit of stuff here so these these guys here the magnetic charging cables they're selling for like ten dollars on um ebay um i think i'm just gonna you know save labor and just go ahead and just sell those locally for a few dollars same with this ultrasonic dog charger i couldn't find this exact brand but there was a lot of varieties of brands out there and none of them were more than nine dollars so that being said these are garage sale items i've got um this phillips i can't ever remember shaving heads replacements that i could ever remember what that is um but these right here they're selling for about 13 so we'll make we can make a little less than ten dollars on that and we're probably going to keep this um if you remember it is a macbook charger cable but if you were to sell it they're selling for about dollars on ebay so after shipping and fees you should be able to make a good ten dollars in potential profits um this is this is a blue gaming headset um i looked this up i found a red one for 24.99 so if we were to ship this we could sell it for the same and maybe make a little less than 20 for that maybe 18 18 or so and then uh this guy selling for 20 so we can make 15 off of that that's not bad i actually thought it would be less but joe's nodding his head over there like he's like oh yeah i knew that oh i was impressed oh okay yeah yeah that was like i thought i thought it would be less but yeah and then if you remember this is about twenty dollars um on ebay so we'll make a good a little less than 15. um off this guy um we'll make about 18 off him um he's selling a little like about 22 23 on ebay and then believe it or not 25.99 for these so if we sell these online we should be able to make a good 20 for that and uh that's it for my stuff so alrighty so the planetronix bluetooth earpiece nut headset uh it's selling for like 35 to 40 bucks uh there's been a couple that have sold for varying prices so we'll price it for 37.99 and make 30 profit the seat belts remember the two pack seat belts they're actually selling for more than i thought they would they're selling anywhere from 20 to 24 dollars so we've got two of them we'll end up pricing them for 19.99 make around 14 profit after they sell the you know you know the little microphone it had that real slim sleek looking look uh these are selling for like 25 to 35 bucks so we'll price it for 27.99 and make 20 profit once it does sell and then we have the alpha med blood pressure monitor it's selling for around 15 so that's what we'll price it at 14.99 make about 10 and then these three little guys as jessica would say these guys uh are all local sell items uh we'll sell them a garage sale for like a dollar or two so we'll call three dollars for all of these if we get any more out of it then that's awesome all right everybody so that is a wrap that's a wrap and our camera's all crooked so i apologize my camera's cooking um i feel a little crooked after this feeling crooked not really so not really you just gonna repeat everything i say everything he says all right so we just did the math and uh remember we paid 399 and like 33 shipping for this lot so we were all in for like 432 dollars and we did the math we're looking at 653 in potential profit after shipping and fees which is not doubling our money no not doubling our money at all so we're like a good 200 short of being able to double our money and then when you throw in labor because remember we don't list this stuff we have a list where we have whitney and wally that list and do prices for us so we're looking at about 150 dollars in labor to get all this stuff listed so we're really only looking at for us like 70 something dollars profit potentially for us so granted we did keep some of these items for ourselves so if we weren't to keep those we would probably add another 50 or 60 dollars to that but it's stuff that we need and plus we bought it it's ours if we want to keep it we can yeah but we're going to give them another shot because we know with liquidation it is hit and miss sometimes you get a great box sometimes you get an amazing box sometimes you get a box that's like okay that's just okay but it's the whole ball game that you want to play it's not just one at-bat it's not just one inning so anyways we will give them another shot we will be buying from them again in the future and we do plan on visiting them when we do go to missouri again to buy more pallets so i hope you enjoyed this unboxing just keep in mind we do unboxings every week so stay tuned and until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 14,869
Rating: 4.9351354 out of 5
Keywords: flipping pallets, buying liquidation, return pallets, amazon return pallets, liquidation unboxing, liquidation review, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon returns pallet how to buy, bargain hour unboxing, bargainhour unboxing, bargain hour, mystery box show, returns pallet unboxing, amazon pallet flipping, liquidation pallets, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon liquidation pallets, amazon shelf pulls, pallet unboxing, mystery box, electronics unboxing, mystery electronics box
Id: khGibOVTiCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 35sec (3035 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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